Anatomy and Physiology Questions

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O evidence based O traditional O alternative O whimsical O holistic Pregunta 8 A placebo is O a nutritive and respiratory organ in fetal development a drug or treatment that is expected to have no pharmacological effect O any drug being tested in a clinical trial 0 1 p
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
O evidence based O traditional O alternative O whimsical O holistic Pregunta 8 A placebo is O a nutritive and respiratory organ in fetal development a drug or treatment that is expected to have no pharmacological effect O any drug being tested in a clinical trial 0 1 p
white wine pH 3 O lemon juice pH 2 O urine pH 6 stomach secretions pH 1 O tomato juice pH 4 Pregunta 42 If a solution has a pH that is less than 7 it is O a buffer Oneutral O acidic O a salt
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
white wine pH 3 O lemon juice pH 2 O urine pH 6 stomach secretions pH 1 O tomato juice pH 4 Pregunta 42 If a solution has a pH that is less than 7 it is O a buffer Oneutral O acidic O a salt
O More than one answer is correct O sex of subjects O intensity of exercise O heart rate O age of subjects Pregunta 14 0 1 pts You conduct an experiment on twenty 18 year old male subjects to see how various intensities of exercise influence heart rate Which is are a dependent variable O More than one of the answers is correct O intensity of exercise O sex of subjects
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
O More than one answer is correct O sex of subjects O intensity of exercise O heart rate O age of subjects Pregunta 14 0 1 pts You conduct an experiment on twenty 18 year old male subjects to see how various intensities of exercise influence heart rate Which is are a dependent variable O More than one of the answers is correct O intensity of exercise O sex of subjects
Which civil rights group began in Oakland California in 1966 with the aim of closely monitoring law enforcement but later engaged in shootouts with the police a the Black Panther Party BPP b the Nation of Islam NOI c the Southern Christian Leadership Conference SCLC
Anatomy and Physiology
Head and Neck
Which civil rights group began in Oakland California in 1966 with the aim of closely monitoring law enforcement but later engaged in shootouts with the police a the Black Panther Party BPP b the Nation of Islam NOI c the Southern Christian Leadership Conference SCLC
fats such as butter and lard which come from animal sources O glycerol which acts as an anchor for joined fatty acids O the absence of double bonds between adjacent carbon atoms in a fatty acid O the presence of double bonds between adjacent carbon atoms in a fatty acid O the ring structure of steroids Pregunta 32 Each amino acid differs from others in the O size of the amino group O number of carboxyl groups O number of peptide bonds in the molecule O chemical structure of the R group 0
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
fats such as butter and lard which come from animal sources O glycerol which acts as an anchor for joined fatty acids O the absence of double bonds between adjacent carbon atoms in a fatty acid O the presence of double bonds between adjacent carbon atoms in a fatty acid O the ring structure of steroids Pregunta 32 Each amino acid differs from others in the O size of the amino group O number of carboxyl groups O number of peptide bonds in the molecule O chemical structure of the R group 0
In the wake of the Brown decision many middle class southerners joined the White Citizens Councils which a strongly opposed Harry Byrd s call for massive resistance b grudgingly accepted desegregated education C warmly welcomed integrated schools O d used economic retaliation against African Americans seeking integrated public education
Anatomy and Physiology
Head and Neck
In the wake of the Brown decision many middle class southerners joined the White Citizens Councils which a strongly opposed Harry Byrd s call for massive resistance b grudgingly accepted desegregated education C warmly welcomed integrated schools O d used economic retaliation against African Americans seeking integrated public education
Which is false about President Lyndon Johnson s Great Society legislation a the Economic Opportunity Act 1964 was the cornerstone of LBJ s War on Poverty b Medicare greatly reduced patients medical costs and hospital bills c the 1964 Civil Rights Act banned segregation and discrimination in employment and public accommodations d the 1965 Voting Rights Act sent federal registrars to southern districts where most African Americans had been disenfranchised
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Which is false about President Lyndon Johnson s Great Society legislation a the Economic Opportunity Act 1964 was the cornerstone of LBJ s War on Poverty b Medicare greatly reduced patients medical costs and hospital bills c the 1964 Civil Rights Act banned segregation and discrimination in employment and public accommodations d the 1965 Voting Rights Act sent federal registrars to southern districts where most African Americans had been disenfranchised
The U 2 incident of 1960 involved O O b an American spy plane O c a Chinese submarine O d an Irish rock band a a Soviet satellite
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
The U 2 incident of 1960 involved O O b an American spy plane O c a Chinese submarine O d an Irish rock band a a Soviet satellite
The 1965 Immigration Act O a was largely designed to satisfy American corporate demand for plentiful and cheap labor b removed all annual limits on immigration C eliminated quotas based on national origijn O d greatly expanded European immigration
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
The 1965 Immigration Act O a was largely designed to satisfy American corporate demand for plentiful and cheap labor b removed all annual limits on immigration C eliminated quotas based on national origijn O d greatly expanded European immigration
The US war effort in Vietnam was hampered by a the superior weaponry of the communist foe b the failure to use airpower O c the Vietcong s ability to easily blend into the civilian population of South Vietnam d the sympathy American troops naturally felt for the nationalist aspirations of an independent Vietnam
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
The US war effort in Vietnam was hampered by a the superior weaponry of the communist foe b the failure to use airpower O c the Vietcong s ability to easily blend into the civilian population of South Vietnam d the sympathy American troops naturally felt for the nationalist aspirations of an independent Vietnam
The most controversial aspect of Obamacare was its a denial of insurance to people with pre existing conditions b lack of federal subsidies for low income households O c requirement for the uninsured to buy health insurance or pay a tax penalty d creation of a website to expedite the purchase of health insurance
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
The most controversial aspect of Obamacare was its a denial of insurance to people with pre existing conditions b lack of federal subsidies for low income households O c requirement for the uninsured to buy health insurance or pay a tax penalty d creation of a website to expedite the purchase of health insurance
a was provoked by the Soviets who secretly sent about forty nuclear missiles capable of hitting much of the US to Cuba b saw Kennedy reject a military response of air strike or invasion and opt for a naval blockade of Cuba O c was resolved by Kennedy publicly pledging not to invade Cuba and privately reassuring Khrushchev that he would remove US missiles from Turkey d all of the above
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
a was provoked by the Soviets who secretly sent about forty nuclear missiles capable of hitting much of the US to Cuba b saw Kennedy reject a military response of air strike or invasion and opt for a naval blockade of Cuba O c was resolved by Kennedy publicly pledging not to invade Cuba and privately reassuring Khrushchev that he would remove US missiles from Turkey d all of the above
President Eisenhower sent federal paratroopers to Little Rock Arkansas 1957 because a he wholeheartedly applauded the Brown decision b he believed that federal coercion of southern states was the best way to achieve racial equality and harmony c he wanted to overcome Arkansas Governor Orval Faubus outright defiance of the Supreme Court and assist the Little Rock mayor in upholding the law d all of the above
Anatomy and Physiology
President Eisenhower sent federal paratroopers to Little Rock Arkansas 1957 because a he wholeheartedly applauded the Brown decision b he believed that federal coercion of southern states was the best way to achieve racial equality and harmony c he wanted to overcome Arkansas Governor Orval Faubus outright defiance of the Supreme Court and assist the Little Rock mayor in upholding the law d all of the above
The TEI offensive January 1968 a was a surprise simultaneous attack by the Vietcong on many cities in South Vietnam b was soundly repulsed by US forces over a period of hours or weeks in the various locales O c led many Americans to question their government s honesty about the Vietnam War d all of the above
Anatomy and Physiology
Head and Neck
The TEI offensive January 1968 a was a surprise simultaneous attack by the Vietcong on many cities in South Vietnam b was soundly repulsed by US forces over a period of hours or weeks in the various locales O c led many Americans to question their government s honesty about the Vietnam War d all of the above
The Black Power movement helped propel Dr Martin Luther King Jr to a endorse militant rhetoric and violent tactics b concentrate more on ameliorating the economic plight of poor urban blacks C focus his efforts on ending the Vietnam War d yield the leadership of the civil rights movement to young activists
Anatomy and Physiology
Head and Neck
The Black Power movement helped propel Dr Martin Luther King Jr to a endorse militant rhetoric and violent tactics b concentrate more on ameliorating the economic plight of poor urban blacks C focus his efforts on ending the Vietnam War d yield the leadership of the civil rights movement to young activists
JFK s domestic program became known as O a The Best Deal O b The New Frontier O c Dynamic Liberalism O d Camelot
Anatomy and Physiology
Head and Neck
JFK s domestic program became known as O a The Best Deal O b The New Frontier O c Dynamic Liberalism O d Camelot
A Melatonin B Aldosterone Glucagon D Cortisol Question 18 1 Point In a healthy patient a decrease in production of Thyroid Hormone T3 and T4 will cause an increase Thyroid stimulating Hormone released from the pituitary gland False
Anatomy and Physiology
A Melatonin B Aldosterone Glucagon D Cortisol Question 18 1 Point In a healthy patient a decrease in production of Thyroid Hormone T3 and T4 will cause an increase Thyroid stimulating Hormone released from the pituitary gland False
A Question 1 1 point Retake question Saved What legislation protects a patient s right to medical privacy O the Hippocratic Oath Act the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act the Occupational Health and Safety Act the Client Confidentiality Act Next incorrect question A Question 2 1 point Retake question What kind of document is used as a secondary data source to determine the reason a patient is seeking care Ointake questionnaire referral document
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
A Question 1 1 point Retake question Saved What legislation protects a patient s right to medical privacy O the Hippocratic Oath Act the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act the Occupational Health and Safety Act the Client Confidentiality Act Next incorrect question A Question 2 1 point Retake question What kind of document is used as a secondary data source to determine the reason a patient is seeking care Ointake questionnaire referral document
The Bay of Pigs 1961 invasion a was a CIA plan to topple Castro by shipping about 1 500 armed and trained Cuban exiles to the coast of Cuba b sparked a massive uprising of the Cuban people against Castro O c led Kennedy to dispatch thousands of US marines to ensure the success of the invasion d all of the above
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
The Bay of Pigs 1961 invasion a was a CIA plan to topple Castro by shipping about 1 500 armed and trained Cuban exiles to the coast of Cuba b sparked a massive uprising of the Cuban people against Castro O c led Kennedy to dispatch thousands of US marines to ensure the success of the invasion d all of the above
The Supreme Court s Brown v Board decision in May 1954 a overturned the Plessy v Ferguson 1896 separate but equal ruling because separate schools made black children feel inferior b called for the instant integration of all schools in the South and the gradual desgregation of all schools in the North c applied to all elementary schools both public and private d all of the above
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
The Supreme Court s Brown v Board decision in May 1954 a overturned the Plessy v Ferguson 1896 separate but equal ruling because separate schools made black children feel inferior b called for the instant integration of all schools in the South and the gradual desgregation of all schools in the North c applied to all elementary schools both public and private d all of the above
All of the following occur during pregnancy EXCEPT A The stomach enlarges allowing for more digestion to occur Cardiac output increases Respiration rate increases The glomerular filtration rate increases
Anatomy and Physiology
All of the following occur during pregnancy EXCEPT A The stomach enlarges allowing for more digestion to occur Cardiac output increases Respiration rate increases The glomerular filtration rate increases
Eisenhower supported a the overthrow of legitimate governments in Iran and Guatemala because of their supposed resemblance to communism b using nuclear weapons to help the French army surrounded by the Vietminh at Dien Bien Phu O c the invasion of Egypt by Israel Britain and France in order to regain control of the Suez Canal which Nasser had seized d the Hungarian freedom fighters with American military hardware and soldiers in their valiant endeavor to overthrow Soviet communist rule
Anatomy and Physiology
Eisenhower supported a the overthrow of legitimate governments in Iran and Guatemala because of their supposed resemblance to communism b using nuclear weapons to help the French army surrounded by the Vietminh at Dien Bien Phu O c the invasion of Egypt by Israel Britain and France in order to regain control of the Suez Canal which Nasser had seized d the Hungarian freedom fighters with American military hardware and soldiers in their valiant endeavor to overthrow Soviet communist rule
What 2 features of the glucose molecule prevent it from crossing the cell membrane
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
What 2 features of the glucose molecule prevent it from crossing the cell membrane
What is the function of atrial natriuretic peptide ANP When would it be secreted How would it help maintain homeostasis
Anatomy and Physiology
Kidney and Urinary Tract
What is the function of atrial natriuretic peptide ANP When would it be secreted How would it help maintain homeostasis
Eisenhower s Secretary of State John Foster Dulles denounced this as a negative futile and immoral policy a containment b liberation of captive peoples O c massive retaliation d brinkmanship
Anatomy and Physiology
Head and Neck
Eisenhower s Secretary of State John Foster Dulles denounced this as a negative futile and immoral policy a containment b liberation of captive peoples O c massive retaliation d brinkmanship
How about glucose Cells desperately need glucose to produce ATP energy Based on your DATA can glucose cross the cell membrane and enter the cell on its own op
Anatomy and Physiology
How about glucose Cells desperately need glucose to produce ATP energy Based on your DATA can glucose cross the cell membrane and enter the cell on its own op
The number on the slide of the objective lens indicates how many times larger it will make the image O True O False
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
The number on the slide of the objective lens indicates how many times larger it will make the image O True O False
The Montgomery bus boycott a was organized by Jo Ann Robinson and the Women s Political Council with the assistance of the churches and the Montgomery Improvement Association b initially demanded the immediate integration of the Montgomery City Line buses O c led the bus company to expand its services to the white community by increasing routes hiring more drivers and reducing fares d united all Montgomery whites but divided the black community
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
The Montgomery bus boycott a was organized by Jo Ann Robinson and the Women s Political Council with the assistance of the churches and the Montgomery Improvement Association b initially demanded the immediate integration of the Montgomery City Line buses O c led the bus company to expand its services to the white community by increasing routes hiring more drivers and reducing fares d united all Montgomery whites but divided the black community
Freedom Summer 1964 Mississippi saw O a Bob Moses recruit hundreds of young volunteers from across the nation to trek down to Mississippi to help register blacks to vote b the opening of over forty freedom schools in Mississippi to educate black children and guide blacks adults through the voter registration process O c fierce resistance by white bigots who arrested assaulted and murdered volunteers d all of the above
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Freedom Summer 1964 Mississippi saw O a Bob Moses recruit hundreds of young volunteers from across the nation to trek down to Mississippi to help register blacks to vote b the opening of over forty freedom schools in Mississippi to educate black children and guide blacks adults through the voter registration process O c fierce resistance by white bigots who arrested assaulted and murdered volunteers d all of the above
How does the permeability of the ascending limb of the nephron loop affect the concentration of the ltrate as it flows up the loop
Anatomy and Physiology
Kidney and Urinary Tract
How does the permeability of the ascending limb of the nephron loop affect the concentration of the ltrate as it flows up the loop
What type of lens is the 100x objective O Air O Oil O Water Grease
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
What type of lens is the 100x objective O Air O Oil O Water Grease
The 100x objective lens is the highest power on the microscope and requires water to light distortion and to make the image clearer O True False
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
The 100x objective lens is the highest power on the microscope and requires water to light distortion and to make the image clearer O True False
Objective Stage clip Stage Fine focus adjustment know Diaphragm Light source Arm These lenses have dif Holds the slide in pla Slide is placed on it fr Moves the stage sligh Rotates to change ma Projects up through tl v Supports the microsc
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Objective Stage clip Stage Fine focus adjustment know Diaphragm Light source Arm These lenses have dif Holds the slide in pla Slide is placed on it fr Moves the stage sligh Rotates to change ma Projects up through tl v Supports the microsc
Put the clean up steps in order 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Choose Choose Wash the slide with running water Turn off light source Remove slide Autoclave sterilize slide with high pressure steam Cover microscope and put it back to shelf Unplug microscope Wipe the lens with lens paper Choose Choose
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Put the clean up steps in order 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Choose Choose Wash the slide with running water Turn off light source Remove slide Autoclave sterilize slide with high pressure steam Cover microscope and put it back to shelf Unplug microscope Wipe the lens with lens paper Choose Choose
NH4Cl in solution ionizes into and both of which are charged ions So HOW could it cause hemolysis HINT How would the NH4 react with the OH in a basic solution see below for 2nd hint What 2 features of ammonia probably contributed to its ability to cross the rbc membranes
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
NH4Cl in solution ionizes into and both of which are charged ions So HOW could it cause hemolysis HINT How would the NH4 react with the OH in a basic solution see below for 2nd hint What 2 features of ammonia probably contributed to its ability to cross the rbc membranes
When focusing you always start with the fine focus adjustment knob O True O False
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
When focusing you always start with the fine focus adjustment knob O True O False
Put the clean up steps in order 2 3 4 5 6 r Choose Choose Unplug microscope Remove slide Wash the slide with running water Wipe the lens with lens paper Autoclave sterilize slide with high pressure steam Cover microscope and put it back to shelf Turn off light source Choose Choose
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Put the clean up steps in order 2 3 4 5 6 r Choose Choose Unplug microscope Remove slide Wash the slide with running water Wipe the lens with lens paper Autoclave sterilize slide with high pressure steam Cover microscope and put it back to shelf Turn off light source Choose Choose
Ammonia and urea are waste products that the kidneys struggle to control Based on your DATA why
Anatomy and Physiology
Kidney and Urinary Tract
Ammonia and urea are waste products that the kidneys struggle to control Based on your DATA why
to the function description eyepiece Nosepiece Objective Stage clip Stage Fine focus adjustment know Diaphragm Light source Arm Course focus adjustment know Choose Choose Slide is placed on it for viewing These lenses have different magnifications for example 40x Adjust the amount of light on the slide Moves the stage up and down for focusing Supports the microscope when carried Rotates to change magnification This lens magnifies the images 10x Holds the slide in place Projects up through the slide to illuminate the sample Moves the stage slightly to sharpen the focus Choose Choose Choose
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
to the function description eyepiece Nosepiece Objective Stage clip Stage Fine focus adjustment know Diaphragm Light source Arm Course focus adjustment know Choose Choose Slide is placed on it for viewing These lenses have different magnifications for example 40x Adjust the amount of light on the slide Moves the stage up and down for focusing Supports the microscope when carried Rotates to change magnification This lens magnifies the images 10x Holds the slide in place Projects up through the slide to illuminate the sample Moves the stage slightly to sharpen the focus Choose Choose Choose
A Question 11 1 point Retake question All of the following institutions are required to comply with HIPAA except for O government programs O employer health plans O insurance companies Olife insurance companies A Question 13 1 point Retake question Which assessment category takes place in both the general assessment and the musculoskeletal assessment symmetry mobility Ovital signs
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
A Question 11 1 point Retake question All of the following institutions are required to comply with HIPAA except for O government programs O employer health plans O insurance companies Olife insurance companies A Question 13 1 point Retake question Which assessment category takes place in both the general assessment and the musculoskeletal assessment symmetry mobility Ovital signs
According to the length tension relationship when can a skeletal muscle generate maximal tension O when the thick and thin filaments slightly overlap resting length O when the thick and thin filaments do not overlap stretched when the thick and thin filaments greatly overlap compressed O the amount of overlap is unimportant in determining maximal tension O muscles do not generate maximal tension
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
According to the length tension relationship when can a skeletal muscle generate maximal tension O when the thick and thin filaments slightly overlap resting length O when the thick and thin filaments do not overlap stretched when the thick and thin filaments greatly overlap compressed O the amount of overlap is unimportant in determining maximal tension O muscles do not generate maximal tension
When listening to heart sounds you can best hear S2 in which area A Apex of the heart B Aortic area Second intercostal space to the right of the sternum D Base of the heart Question 10 What is important to remember when palpating the carotid arteries A This pulse is often irregular B C The carotids should be palpated separately Use firm pressure when palpating these arteries
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
When listening to heart sounds you can best hear S2 in which area A Apex of the heart B Aortic area Second intercostal space to the right of the sternum D Base of the heart Question 10 What is important to remember when palpating the carotid arteries A This pulse is often irregular B C The carotids should be palpated separately Use firm pressure when palpating these arteries
Can you label the structures of an animal cell To review the structure of an animal cell watch this BioFlix animation Tour of an Animal Cell Part A Animal cell structure Drag the labels onto the diagram to identify the structures of an animal cell Cytocol Cytoskeleton Golgi Apparatus Mitochondrion Nucleus Ribosomes Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum ER Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum ER O E E Centriole lysosome Hagellum Not in most plant cells G Reset O He
Anatomy and Physiology
Can you label the structures of an animal cell To review the structure of an animal cell watch this BioFlix animation Tour of an Animal Cell Part A Animal cell structure Drag the labels onto the diagram to identify the structures of an animal cell Cytocol Cytoskeleton Golgi Apparatus Mitochondrion Nucleus Ribosomes Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum ER Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum ER O E E Centriole lysosome Hagellum Not in most plant cells G Reset O He
b Human cells are much smaller How long would it take for KMnO4 to diffuse 0 1 mm it would take c Based on your answer for b is diffusion a fast or slow process at the cellular level exis 953101 pal
Anatomy and Physiology
b Human cells are much smaller How long would it take for KMnO4 to diffuse 0 1 mm it would take c Based on your answer for b is diffusion a fast or slow process at the cellular level exis 953101 pal
Microscope parts D B A C E VE H 1 J Match the labeled parts of the microscope with their names please use the letters next to the names to avoid confusion
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Microscope parts D B A C E VE H 1 J Match the labeled parts of the microscope with their names please use the letters next to the names to avoid confusion
Rods are sensitive to low levels of light due to their pigment rhodopsin What happens to rhodopsin in the dark O Rhodopsin dissociates during periods of dark Rhodopsin will detect blue wavelengths Retinal adopts the trans conformation and dissociates from opsin Vitamin A causes rhodopsin to desensitize Rhodopsin adopts the cis conformation and associates with opsin
Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous System
Rods are sensitive to low levels of light due to their pigment rhodopsin What happens to rhodopsin in the dark O Rhodopsin dissociates during periods of dark Rhodopsin will detect blue wavelengths Retinal adopts the trans conformation and dissociates from opsin Vitamin A causes rhodopsin to desensitize Rhodopsin adopts the cis conformation and associates with opsin
City State Local Time Time in Fiji estion 2 Data Table 2 Chemical Formulas Chemical Name Water Hydrogen Peroxide suva Ba 10 26 10 22 Formula
Anatomy and Physiology
Kidney and Urinary Tract
City State Local Time Time in Fiji estion 2 Data Table 2 Chemical Formulas Chemical Name Water Hydrogen Peroxide suva Ba 10 26 10 22 Formula
Damage to a blood vessel exposes collagen and stimulates which of the following O leukocytosis O erythrocythemia O hematopoiesis O erythropoiesis hemostasis
Anatomy and Physiology
Damage to a blood vessel exposes collagen and stimulates which of the following O leukocytosis O erythrocythemia O hematopoiesis O erythropoiesis hemostasis
Which of the following is incorrect about the monosynaptic stretch reflex O the reflex arc contains one sensory neuron and one motor neuron O it helps maintain the optimal resting length of skeletal muscles O it contains a single synapse the reflex requires activation of spindle fibers and alpha motor neurons all of the above are correct
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Which of the following is incorrect about the monosynaptic stretch reflex O the reflex arc contains one sensory neuron and one motor neuron O it helps maintain the optimal resting length of skeletal muscles O it contains a single synapse the reflex requires activation of spindle fibers and alpha motor neurons all of the above are correct
Creatine phosphate contains a reserve of high energy phosphate O is the first source for the rapid generation of ATP O is stored in muscle cells O functions to rapidly regenerate ATP from ADP O all of the above
Anatomy and Physiology
Creatine phosphate contains a reserve of high energy phosphate O is the first source for the rapid generation of ATP O is stored in muscle cells O functions to rapidly regenerate ATP from ADP O all of the above