Anatomy and Physiology Questions

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4 Define mindfulness and its usefulness in leadership
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
4 Define mindfulness and its usefulness in leadership
2 Explain at least 2 different ways to motivate people
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
2 Explain at least 2 different ways to motivate people
Experiment 2 Left Forefinger Left Middle Finger Left Ring Finger Left Little Finger B
Anatomy and Physiology
Experiment 2 Left Forefinger Left Middle Finger Left Ring Finger Left Little Finger B
6 Describe the appearance of each the atrioventricular and semilunar valves How can you tell them apart How are the left and right AV valves different from one another What other names do they have
Anatomy and Physiology
6 Describe the appearance of each the atrioventricular and semilunar valves How can you tell them apart How are the left and right AV valves different from one another What other names do they have
Describe some of the structures you would expect to be present in the skin that were not visible on the prepared slide and explain why they may not have been visible on your prepared specimen o Word s
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Describe some of the structures you would expect to be present in the skin that were not visible on the prepared slide and explain why they may not have been visible on your prepared specimen o Word s
5 How can you distinguish between the right ventricle and left ventricle What s the reason for the difference
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
5 How can you distinguish between the right ventricle and left ventricle What s the reason for the difference
Put the right word in each blank values discovered dessert snack favorite ancient 1 Mrs Mendez said Pavarotti was her daughter chose Madonna 2 The people who in Europe 3 The coffee was so ingredient wealthy solid 9 The family lived here are now that nobody wanted to drink it some dinosaur bones on their farm some hot water into the cup but we can have 7 4 The Smiths 5 Would you please 6 I don t have anything sweet for some fruit 7 Most civilizations had some kind of writing system 8 He wasn t happy when he was poor and he s not happy now that he is the chair because it belonged to their grandfather 10 I m so hungry And I didn t even bring a 11 The main 12 The pond is frozen go skating in that cake is chocolate once bitter pour singer Her so we can with me
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Put the right word in each blank values discovered dessert snack favorite ancient 1 Mrs Mendez said Pavarotti was her daughter chose Madonna 2 The people who in Europe 3 The coffee was so ingredient wealthy solid 9 The family lived here are now that nobody wanted to drink it some dinosaur bones on their farm some hot water into the cup but we can have 7 4 The Smiths 5 Would you please 6 I don t have anything sweet for some fruit 7 Most civilizations had some kind of writing system 8 He wasn t happy when he was poor and he s not happy now that he is the chair because it belonged to their grandfather 10 I m so hungry And I didn t even bring a 11 The main 12 The pond is frozen go skating in that cake is chocolate once bitter pour singer Her so we can with me
1 What s another name for visceral pericardium 2 In the space below sketch the pericardium as simply as you can Which part is attached to the myocardium 3 Describe the function s of the pericardium For each function explain how the structure of the pericardium allows it to perform this function 4 What characteristics define cardiac muscle when compared to other types of muscle You may need to go back to the chapter on muscle tissue for a refresher think in terr arrangement appearance 5 How can you distinguish between the right ventricle and left ventricle What s the reason for the difference 5 Describe the appearance of each the atrioventricular and semilunar valves How can you tell them apart How are the left and right AV valves different from one another V names do they have What is the importance of valves What do they do textiCh 10 powerpoint set Explain why systemic arteries are red and systemic veins are blue while the opposite is true for the
Anatomy and Physiology
1 What s another name for visceral pericardium 2 In the space below sketch the pericardium as simply as you can Which part is attached to the myocardium 3 Describe the function s of the pericardium For each function explain how the structure of the pericardium allows it to perform this function 4 What characteristics define cardiac muscle when compared to other types of muscle You may need to go back to the chapter on muscle tissue for a refresher think in terr arrangement appearance 5 How can you distinguish between the right ventricle and left ventricle What s the reason for the difference 5 Describe the appearance of each the atrioventricular and semilunar valves How can you tell them apart How are the left and right AV valves different from one another V names do they have What is the importance of valves What do they do textiCh 10 powerpoint set Explain why systemic arteries are red and systemic veins are blue while the opposite is true for the
Ventricular repolarization is represented by the OP wave O QRS wave OT wave ST seqment wave of the EKG
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Ventricular repolarization is represented by the OP wave O QRS wave OT wave ST seqment wave of the EKG
2 In the space below sketch the pericardium as simply as you can Which part is attached to the myocardium
Anatomy and Physiology
2 In the space below sketch the pericardium as simply as you can Which part is attached to the myocardium
4 What characteristics define cardiac muscle when compared to other types of muscle You may need to go back to the chapter on muscle tissue for a think in terms of size arran angement appearance
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
4 What characteristics define cardiac muscle when compared to other types of muscle You may need to go back to the chapter on muscle tissue for a think in terms of size arran angement appearance
Nystagmus occurs because of the movement of endolymph in the circular labyrinth cochlea olfactory epithelium semicircular canals
Anatomy and Physiology
Nystagmus occurs because of the movement of endolymph in the circular labyrinth cochlea olfactory epithelium semicircular canals
Were the fingerprints for each finger different or the same
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Were the fingerprints for each finger different or the same
11 In the table below trace the path that a red blood cell would follow from the right ventricle back to the right ventricle Make sure that you list every structure heart chamber valve vessel that the red blood cell would pass through and describe the blood as oxygen rich or oxygen poor STRUCTURE STRUCTURE TYPE 1 RIGHT VENTRICLE 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 CHAMBER VALVE VESSEL ORGAN VESSEL CHAMBER VALVE CHAMBER VALVE VESSEL ORGAN VESSEL CHAMBER VALVE GAS COMPOSITION OF BLOOD OXYGEN POOR
Anatomy and Physiology
11 In the table below trace the path that a red blood cell would follow from the right ventricle back to the right ventricle Make sure that you list every structure heart chamber valve vessel that the red blood cell would pass through and describe the blood as oxygen rich or oxygen poor STRUCTURE STRUCTURE TYPE 1 RIGHT VENTRICLE 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 CHAMBER VALVE VESSEL ORGAN VESSEL CHAMBER VALVE CHAMBER VALVE VESSEL ORGAN VESSEL CHAMBER VALVE GAS COMPOSITION OF BLOOD OXYGEN POOR
Acetylcholine acts via muscarinic acetylcholine receptors to delay potassium channel closure and thus decrease heart rate this effect by competitively binding to these receptors and blocking their action O histamine O norepinephrine Oepinephrine atropine can rev
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Acetylcholine acts via muscarinic acetylcholine receptors to delay potassium channel closure and thus decrease heart rate this effect by competitively binding to these receptors and blocking their action O histamine O norepinephrine Oepinephrine atropine can rev
The law of specific energies states that the perception of any sensory stimulus is dependent on the neural innervation of the brain rather than the nature of the receptor This means that any form of stimulation of a nerve for the skin will produce a perception appropriate for the skin If you stimulate the optic nerve you will see and if you stimulate the olfactory nerve you will smell even if you are in total darkness with no odorant chemicals When you tap the ulnar nerve at the elbow you feel tingling in the fingers of that hand This is caused by O the physical stimulation of the nerve initiated action potentials which are propagated to the fingers so you feel the tingling in the fingers O the physical stimulation of the nerve initiated action potentials will are propagated to the cells in the primary optic cortex of the brain so you can see our fingers O the physical stimulation of the nerve initiated action potentials which are propagated to the cells in the primary sensory cortex which are responsible for feeling in the fingers
Anatomy and Physiology
The law of specific energies states that the perception of any sensory stimulus is dependent on the neural innervation of the brain rather than the nature of the receptor This means that any form of stimulation of a nerve for the skin will produce a perception appropriate for the skin If you stimulate the optic nerve you will see and if you stimulate the olfactory nerve you will smell even if you are in total darkness with no odorant chemicals When you tap the ulnar nerve at the elbow you feel tingling in the fingers of that hand This is caused by O the physical stimulation of the nerve initiated action potentials which are propagated to the fingers so you feel the tingling in the fingers O the physical stimulation of the nerve initiated action potentials will are propagated to the cells in the primary optic cortex of the brain so you can see our fingers O the physical stimulation of the nerve initiated action potentials which are propagated to the cells in the primary sensory cortex which are responsible for feeling in the fingers
Describe the five layers of the epidermis and each of their functions
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Describe the five layers of the epidermis and each of their functions
Prothrombin O intrinsic pathway extrinsic pathway common pathway formation of the platelet plug is converted to thrombin during the
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Prothrombin O intrinsic pathway extrinsic pathway common pathway formation of the platelet plug is converted to thrombin during the
Heart sounds and murmurs are caused by O laminar flow O a brass band O turbulence opening valves in the heart and great vessels
Anatomy and Physiology
Heart sounds and murmurs are caused by O laminar flow O a brass band O turbulence opening valves in the heart and great vessels
3 Describe the function s of the pericardium For each function explain how the structure of the pericardium allows it to perform this function
Anatomy and Physiology
3 Describe the function s of the pericardium For each function explain how the structure of the pericardium allows it to perform this function
10 Fill out the table below Vessel Pulmonary artery Pulmonary vein Aorta Vena Cavae Carries Blood From Carries Blood To Blood is oxygen rich or oxygen poor Connects to which heart chamber
Anatomy and Physiology
10 Fill out the table below Vessel Pulmonary artery Pulmonary vein Aorta Vena Cavae Carries Blood From Carries Blood To Blood is oxygen rich or oxygen poor Connects to which heart chamber
The detection of temperature pain or pressure on the skin is possible because of O photoreceptors O chemoreceptors cutaneous receptors propriocepters
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
The detection of temperature pain or pressure on the skin is possible because of O photoreceptors O chemoreceptors cutaneous receptors propriocepters
Which of the following describes a neutrophil O abundant agranular especially effective against cancer cells O abundant granular especially effective against bacteria rare agranular releases antimicrobial defensins Orare granular contains multiple granules packed with histamine
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Which of the following describes a neutrophil O abundant agranular especially effective against cancer cells O abundant granular especially effective against bacteria rare agranular releases antimicrobial defensins Orare granular contains multiple granules packed with histamine
This segment of the EKG represents the time it takes for action potentials to move from the SA node into the bundle of His O QRS wave O PR interval OST segment TS interval
Anatomy and Physiology
This segment of the EKG represents the time it takes for action potentials to move from the SA node into the bundle of His O QRS wave O PR interval OST segment TS interval
A major Renaissance work by Machiavelli was
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
A major Renaissance work by Machiavelli was
12 Which valve does blood pass through on its way to the right ventricle 13 Which vessel carries oxygenated blood in the pulmonary circuit 14 Which chamber of the heart receives blood returning from the body 15 Which chamber of the heart sends blood to the lungs 16 Which valve prevents backflow of blood into the left ventricle 17 Which vessels carry oxygen rich blood 18 Which vessels carry oxygen poor blood 19 Which vessels carry blood away from the heart 20 Which vaccols carry blood back to the heart
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
12 Which valve does blood pass through on its way to the right ventricle 13 Which vessel carries oxygenated blood in the pulmonary circuit 14 Which chamber of the heart receives blood returning from the body 15 Which chamber of the heart sends blood to the lungs 16 Which valve prevents backflow of blood into the left ventricle 17 Which vessels carry oxygen rich blood 18 Which vessels carry oxygen poor blood 19 Which vessels carry blood away from the heart 20 Which vaccols carry blood back to the heart
5 reflex i Afferent ii Efferent ure Ankle Jerk With your partner sitting place one hand underneath the sole and dorsiflex the foot s Tap the Achilles Calcaneal tendon just above its insertion on the calcaneus Record bservations in the space below movement
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
5 reflex i Afferent ii Efferent ure Ankle Jerk With your partner sitting place one hand underneath the sole and dorsiflex the foot s Tap the Achilles Calcaneal tendon just above its insertion on the calcaneus Record bservations in the space below movement
14 The following reaction releases 2800 kJ of heat for each mole of C6H12O6 that reacts C6H12O6 s 6 O2 g 6 CO g 6 H O l This reaction is E not enough information given OB exothermic and endothermic A exothermic C endothermic OD Not endothermic and not exothermic
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
14 The following reaction releases 2800 kJ of heat for each mole of C6H12O6 that reacts C6H12O6 s 6 O2 g 6 CO g 6 H O l This reaction is E not enough information given OB exothermic and endothermic A exothermic C endothermic OD Not endothermic and not exothermic
List the function s of lymph nodes Check all that apply Check All That Apply Filter lymph Immune surveillance Produce macrophages Filter blood
Anatomy and Physiology
List the function s of lymph nodes Check all that apply Check All That Apply Filter lymph Immune surveillance Produce macrophages Filter blood
To maintain calcium balance dietary intake should equal Ca loss in the urine and feces Dietary calcium Bone 99 Ca Calcitriol PTH prolactin Calcitonin PTH Calcitriol Cortisol Small intestine Ca ECF 0 1 Ca 2 5 mM second mor Some calcium is secreted into the small intestine Electrochemical Active gradient transport free Ca 0 001 mM Cells 0 9 Passive filtration PTH Calcitonin Calcium in feces Kidney Ca in urine Ca in kidney tubules KEY PTH parathyroid hormone Functions of Calcium in the Body Location Function Calcified matrix of bone and teeth Extracellular matrix Ca 99 Extracellular fluid Ca 0 1 Intracellular Ca 0 9 Which is NOT a physiological functions of calcium Neurotransmitter release at synapse Role in myocardial and smooth muscle contraction Cofactor in coagulation cascade Cement for tight junctions Influences excitability of neurons Muscle contraction Signal in second messenger pathways O plays role is maintaining of the resting membrane potential O affects the excitability of neurons O part of intercellular cement that holds cells together at tight junction O cofactor in the coagulation cascade
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
To maintain calcium balance dietary intake should equal Ca loss in the urine and feces Dietary calcium Bone 99 Ca Calcitriol PTH prolactin Calcitonin PTH Calcitriol Cortisol Small intestine Ca ECF 0 1 Ca 2 5 mM second mor Some calcium is secreted into the small intestine Electrochemical Active gradient transport free Ca 0 001 mM Cells 0 9 Passive filtration PTH Calcitonin Calcium in feces Kidney Ca in urine Ca in kidney tubules KEY PTH parathyroid hormone Functions of Calcium in the Body Location Function Calcified matrix of bone and teeth Extracellular matrix Ca 99 Extracellular fluid Ca 0 1 Intracellular Ca 0 9 Which is NOT a physiological functions of calcium Neurotransmitter release at synapse Role in myocardial and smooth muscle contraction Cofactor in coagulation cascade Cement for tight junctions Influences excitability of neurons Muscle contraction Signal in second messenger pathways O plays role is maintaining of the resting membrane potential O affects the excitability of neurons O part of intercellular cement that holds cells together at tight junction O cofactor in the coagulation cascade
Extra credit Allosteric Inhibition Enzyme 1 Active site Substrate Altered active site Allosteric site Inhibitor Allosteric Activation Altered active site Substrate Active site In allosteric regulation of enzyme activity Enzyme 2 Activator an allosteric modulator binds outside of an ezyme s active site resulting in a change of an enzyme s affinity toward its substrate the rate of the reaction will increase linearly with increasing substrate concentration an enzyme called a protein kinase is required the modulator binds covalently to the enzyme
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Extra credit Allosteric Inhibition Enzyme 1 Active site Substrate Altered active site Allosteric site Inhibitor Allosteric Activation Altered active site Substrate Active site In allosteric regulation of enzyme activity Enzyme 2 Activator an allosteric modulator binds outside of an ezyme s active site resulting in a change of an enzyme s affinity toward its substrate the rate of the reaction will increase linearly with increasing substrate concentration an enzyme called a protein kinase is required the modulator binds covalently to the enzyme
Extra credit Under what condition would there be NO net movement of K through leak channels Check all that apply O when the K electrical gradient is equal in magnitude but opposite in direction to the K concentration gradient chemical gradient O when the leak channel is closed when the K electrochemical gradient is zero A and B
Anatomy and Physiology
Extra credit Under what condition would there be NO net movement of K through leak channels Check all that apply O when the K electrical gradient is equal in magnitude but opposite in direction to the K concentration gradient chemical gradient O when the leak channel is closed when the K electrochemical gradient is zero A and B
Free energy G relative to 0 kcal mol 40 20 10 0 FMN water CO2 NADH Fe S O oxygen FAD Fe Sll Cyt b Acetyl Coenzyme A FAD Fe S Multiprotein complexes 111 Cyt C Figure shows the electron transport chain Which of the following compounds has highest free energy and serves as an initial source of protons and electrons in the chain Cyt c Cyta IV Cyta
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Free energy G relative to 0 kcal mol 40 20 10 0 FMN water CO2 NADH Fe S O oxygen FAD Fe Sll Cyt b Acetyl Coenzyme A FAD Fe S Multiprotein complexes 111 Cyt C Figure shows the electron transport chain Which of the following compounds has highest free energy and serves as an initial source of protons and electrons in the chain Cyt c Cyta IV Cyta
Vout Vserca Vrel O All answers are correct cytosol proteins O Binding to cytosolic proteins Cacyt O sequestration in the endoplasmic reticulum Osequestration in mitochondria Vmi VIJ Active transport across the cell membrane Caext Intracellular calcium levels are kept in the submicromolar range 10 6 molar by which of the following mechanisms Via Vino Can mitochondria
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Vout Vserca Vrel O All answers are correct cytosol proteins O Binding to cytosolic proteins Cacyt O sequestration in the endoplasmic reticulum Osequestration in mitochondria Vmi VIJ Active transport across the cell membrane Caext Intracellular calcium levels are kept in the submicromolar range 10 6 molar by which of the following mechanisms Via Vino Can mitochondria
bases CGU O CGU mRNA noncoding DNA strand tRNA Polypeptide The strand of DNA that is transcribed is called a template strand If a template strand s triplet is CGT the corresponding anticodon on tRNA is O GCA DNA template strand 1 GGG CTCCA ACTAAACAGA AUGC CCGAGGUU 3 UUGUCU UAC GGG 2 CAA CUA AAC AGA 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
bases CGU O CGU mRNA noncoding DNA strand tRNA Polypeptide The strand of DNA that is transcribed is called a template strand If a template strand s triplet is CGT the corresponding anticodon on tRNA is O GCA DNA template strand 1 GGG CTCCA ACTAAACAGA AUGC CCGAGGUU 3 UUGUCU UAC GGG 2 CAA CUA AAC AGA 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Metabolic pathways are sequences of enzymatically catalyzed chemical reactions in a cell Metabolic pathways are determined by enzymes Substrates Enzyme 1 Intermediate Substrates HO NH Enzyme 2 D NH Enzyme 3 O HO HO H N H 5 DeMain COOH COOH
Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous System
Metabolic pathways are sequences of enzymatically catalyzed chemical reactions in a cell Metabolic pathways are determined by enzymes Substrates Enzyme 1 Intermediate Substrates HO NH Enzyme 2 D NH Enzyme 3 O HO HO H N H 5 DeMain COOH COOH
Extensor carpi radialis longus Triceps brachii Extensor digitorum Brachialis Brachioradialis Flexor carpi ulnaris Extensor carpi ulnaris 0000 0
Anatomy and Physiology
Extensor carpi radialis longus Triceps brachii Extensor digitorum Brachialis Brachioradialis Flexor carpi ulnaris Extensor carpi ulnaris 0000 0
Vertebral foramen Lamina Spinous process Superior articular process Transverse process Pedicle Vertebral arch Body centrum 100 2013 Pearson E 0 0
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Vertebral foramen Lamina Spinous process Superior articular process Transverse process Pedicle Vertebral arch Body centrum 100 2013 Pearson E 0 0
Sphenoid bone Maxilla Temporal bone Parietal bone 100 Ethmoid bone t Frontal bone Nasal bone Mandible
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Sphenoid bone Maxilla Temporal bone Parietal bone 100 Ethmoid bone t Frontal bone Nasal bone Mandible
Radial tuberosity Head Radial notch of the ulna Radial styloid process Neck Trochlear notch Olecranon Coronoid process BE
Anatomy and Physiology
Radial tuberosity Head Radial notch of the ulna Radial styloid process Neck Trochlear notch Olecranon Coronoid process BE
Soleus Gastrocnemius Biceps femoris Calcaneal tendon Semitendinosus Fibularis longus Semimembranosus 0010 0100
Anatomy and Physiology
Soleus Gastrocnemius Biceps femoris Calcaneal tendon Semitendinosus Fibularis longus Semimembranosus 0010 0100
Mucous membranes Serous membranes Cutaneous membrane
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Mucous membranes Serous membranes Cutaneous membrane
Glenoid cavity Suprascapular notch Subscapular fossa Superior angle Coracoid process Superior border Acromion Inferior angle 00 RESU 72 00 00
Anatomy and Physiology
Glenoid cavity Suprascapular notch Subscapular fossa Superior angle Coracoid process Superior border Acromion Inferior angle 00 RESU 72 00 00
Amazon Alexa Google Assistant Siri and Watson Assistant are all use cases of which branch of artificial intelligence Deep Learning Natural Language Processing
Anatomy and Physiology
Amazon Alexa Google Assistant Siri and Watson Assistant are all use cases of which branch of artificial intelligence Deep Learning Natural Language Processing
True or False Policy advocacy is mostly about raising awareness of an issue True False
Anatomy and Physiology
True or False Policy advocacy is mostly about raising awareness of an issue True False
China has the largest older population in the world with more than 143 million people aged 65 and older
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
China has the largest older population in the world with more than 143 million people aged 65 and older
Hearst True False Question 5 Citizen Kane had wide distribution was very popular and successful at the Box Office and it won 8 Academy Awards True False Question 6 1 pts In Citizen Kane Orson Welles ages from a young man up to a middle aged man 1 pts
Anatomy and Physiology
Hearst True False Question 5 Citizen Kane had wide distribution was very popular and successful at the Box Office and it won 8 Academy Awards True False Question 6 1 pts In Citizen Kane Orson Welles ages from a young man up to a middle aged man 1 pts
Match the Citizen Kane role character descriptors to the actors who portrayed them She played Emily the first Mrs Kane and mother of his son He played Bernstein loyal associate to the end She played the mother to Charles Foster Kane She played the second Mrs Kane opera singer Susan Alexander He played the banker Thatcher guardian of the young Charles Foster Kane Choose Choose Everett Sloan Ruth Warrick Agnes Moorehead George Coulouris Dorothy Comingore
Anatomy and Physiology
Match the Citizen Kane role character descriptors to the actors who portrayed them She played Emily the first Mrs Kane and mother of his son He played Bernstein loyal associate to the end She played the mother to Charles Foster Kane She played the second Mrs Kane opera singer Susan Alexander He played the banker Thatcher guardian of the young Charles Foster Kane Choose Choose Everett Sloan Ruth Warrick Agnes Moorehead George Coulouris Dorothy Comingore
special lenses True O False Question 12 Citizen Kane has often been voted the 1 American film of the 20th century True 1 pts
Anatomy and Physiology
special lenses True O False Question 12 Citizen Kane has often been voted the 1 American film of the 20th century True 1 pts
True False Question 10 Citizen Kane s strong supporting cast had extensive experience making films True False Question 11 1 pts 1 pts Citizen Kane highlights ceilings extended depth of focus for a 3 dimensional feel as did special lenses
Anatomy and Physiology
True False Question 10 Citizen Kane s strong supporting cast had extensive experience making films True False Question 11 1 pts 1 pts Citizen Kane highlights ceilings extended depth of focus for a 3 dimensional feel as did special lenses