Introduction to Physiology Questions and Answers

The epicardium O a is the pacemaker of the heart O b lines the heart chambers O c is also known as the parietal pericardium O d is the visceral pericardium O e is a layer of cardiac muscle
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
The epicardium O a is the pacemaker of the heart O b lines the heart chambers O c is also known as the parietal pericardium O d is the visceral pericardium O e is a layer of cardiac muscle
The principal respiratory centers that directly control breathing are located in the O a lung and medulla oblongata O b cerebrum and hypothalamus O c medulla oblongata and pons O d hypothalamus and cerebrum
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
The principal respiratory centers that directly control breathing are located in the O a lung and medulla oblongata O b cerebrum and hypothalamus O c medulla oblongata and pons O d hypothalamus and cerebrum
Choose the correct sequence of current flow electrical signal through the heart wall O a SA node Purkinje fibers AV node AV bundle of His right and left bundle branches O b AV node Purkinje fibers AV node AV bundle of His right and left bundle branches O c SA node AV node AV bundle of His right and left bundle branches Purkinje fibers O d AV node SA node Purkinje fibers AV bundle of His right and left bundle branches
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Choose the correct sequence of current flow electrical signal through the heart wall O a SA node Purkinje fibers AV node AV bundle of His right and left bundle branches O b AV node Purkinje fibers AV node AV bundle of His right and left bundle branches O c SA node AV node AV bundle of His right and left bundle branches Purkinje fibers O d AV node SA node Purkinje fibers AV bundle of His right and left bundle branches
The term vasoconstriction refers to O a delivering oxygen and nutrients to the body tissues O b increasing the size of the lumen of the blood vessel O c decreasing the size of the lumen of the blood vessel delivering waste products to the kidney for excretion O d
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
The term vasoconstriction refers to O a delivering oxygen and nutrients to the body tissues O b increasing the size of the lumen of the blood vessel O c decreasing the size of the lumen of the blood vessel delivering waste products to the kidney for excretion O d
What separates the lungs from the thoracic cavity O a skeletal muscle O b pleura O c bone O d alveoli
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
What separates the lungs from the thoracic cavity O a skeletal muscle O b pleura O c bone O d alveoli
A blockage in the external iliac artery will reduce blood flow to the O a external iliac artery O b common iliac artery O c abdominal aorta O d femoral artery
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
A blockage in the external iliac artery will reduce blood flow to the O a external iliac artery O b common iliac artery O c abdominal aorta O d femoral artery
Which of the following opposes the flow of blood back to the heart O a blood pressure O b muscular pumps squeeze veins and move blood toward the heart O c peripheral veins have valves to prevent backflow of blood O d vascular resistance O e blood pressure gradient from arteries to veins
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Which of the following opposes the flow of blood back to the heart O a blood pressure O b muscular pumps squeeze veins and move blood toward the heart O c peripheral veins have valves to prevent backflow of blood O d vascular resistance O e blood pressure gradient from arteries to veins
The following appear on a physician s intake form Identify the level of measurement of the data a Time since last visit c Year of birth Interval Ordinal O Ratio O Nominal b Allergies d Pain level scale of 0 to 10 C What is the level of measurement for Year of birth O Nominal O Ordinal d What is the level of measurement for Pain level scale of 0 to 10
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
The following appear on a physician s intake form Identify the level of measurement of the data a Time since last visit c Year of birth Interval Ordinal O Ratio O Nominal b Allergies d Pain level scale of 0 to 10 C What is the level of measurement for Year of birth O Nominal O Ordinal d What is the level of measurement for Pain level scale of 0 to 10
O prematurity O preterm is measured in terms of gestational age O the Apgar test low birth rate
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
O prematurity O preterm is measured in terms of gestational age O the Apgar test low birth rate
The most common drug used by pregnant women is O alcohol O tobacco O marijuana O caffeine
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
The most common drug used by pregnant women is O alcohol O tobacco O marijuana O caffeine
The highest international percentage of c sections performed annually at 58 percent occurs in Japan the United States O the Dominican Republic Brazil
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
The highest international percentage of c sections performed annually at 58 percent occurs in Japan the United States O the Dominican Republic Brazil
In a first birth the average length of active labor is O4 hours 7 hours 14 hours 24 hours
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
In a first birth the average length of active labor is O4 hours 7 hours 14 hours 24 hours
Based on these agglutination results what is the blood type Anti A Anti B Anti D
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Based on these agglutination results what is the blood type Anti A Anti B Anti D
Which of the statements is incorrect 1 Patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy usually die in their 60s II Sleep is not affected in patients with fibromyalgia III Cerebral palsy is caused by lesions on or damage to the brain O Only I Only II Only III OI II and III
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Which of the statements is incorrect 1 Patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy usually die in their 60s II Sleep is not affected in patients with fibromyalgia III Cerebral palsy is caused by lesions on or damage to the brain O Only I Only II Only III OI II and III
Spending time in the sun each day can improve humans health Sunlight helps fight certain conditions from osteoporosis weak bones and cancer to depression and heart attacks Strong Source Information and a Strong Reporting Verb Weak Source Information A Weak Reporting Verb No Source Information or Reporting Verb
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Spending time in the sun each day can improve humans health Sunlight helps fight certain conditions from osteoporosis weak bones and cancer to depression and heart attacks Strong Source Information and a Strong Reporting Verb Weak Source Information A Weak Reporting Verb No Source Information or Reporting Verb
What was the War Production Board s purpose all of these to enforce trade agreements with non warring nations to ensure that all countries followed the rules of engagement and that civilians were not harmed during the to oversee and control the US total war effort during WWII
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
What was the War Production Board s purpose all of these to enforce trade agreements with non warring nations to ensure that all countries followed the rules of engagement and that civilians were not harmed during the to oversee and control the US total war effort during WWII
Why did the US ultimately decide to drop atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki the US was concerned that they would not get to use the bombs in the future if they did not use them during WW2 the US thought that using atomic bombs would encourage Germany to surrender more quickly avoiding a land invasion of Japan would save numerous Allied forces lives the US did not have enough air power to attack Japan successfully
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Why did the US ultimately decide to drop atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki the US was concerned that they would not get to use the bombs in the future if they did not use them during WW2 the US thought that using atomic bombs would encourage Germany to surrender more quickly avoiding a land invasion of Japan would save numerous Allied forces lives the US did not have enough air power to attack Japan successfully
Which example highlights the impact of the Lend Lease Act it allowed the Germans to transfer money to secret accounts in the US to avoid paying penalties for World War 1 it encouraged wealthy landowners in the west to lease their land to the poor so that they could have employment in agricultu it overruled cash and carry enabling the US to loan weapons and supplies to countries vital to the defense of the US it was the first formal step in declaring war on Japan after the attack at Pearl Harbor
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Which example highlights the impact of the Lend Lease Act it allowed the Germans to transfer money to secret accounts in the US to avoid paying penalties for World War 1 it encouraged wealthy landowners in the west to lease their land to the poor so that they could have employment in agricultu it overruled cash and carry enabling the US to loan weapons and supplies to countries vital to the defense of the US it was the first formal step in declaring war on Japan after the attack at Pearl Harbor
Which example displays a challenge the US faced on the Pacific front of WWII all of these difficulty transporting weapons to troops due to limited infrastructure in Pacific difficulty preserving food for troops due to harsh climate leading to spoiled food difficulty getting medical supplies to troops because distance to Pacific was 3 times distance from New York to Great B
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Which example displays a challenge the US faced on the Pacific front of WWII all of these difficulty transporting weapons to troops due to limited infrastructure in Pacific difficulty preserving food for troops due to harsh climate leading to spoiled food difficulty getting medical supplies to troops because distance to Pacific was 3 times distance from New York to Great B
events which theorist Karl Marx or Max Weber offered the most realistic interpretation of capitalism In other words whose ideas about capitalism were the most correct Karl Marx or Max Weber What do these theorists say about capitalism In your opinion what do these two theorists get right In your opinion what do these two theorists get wrong Correctly discuss Karl Marx s and Max Weber s ideas about capitalism and bureaucracy Your paper should discuss and correctly summarize the ideas of Marx and Weber The argument of the paper should discuss whose perspective you see as offering the most correct ideas about capitalism Do not include quotes in the paper Instead
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
events which theorist Karl Marx or Max Weber offered the most realistic interpretation of capitalism In other words whose ideas about capitalism were the most correct Karl Marx or Max Weber What do these theorists say about capitalism In your opinion what do these two theorists get right In your opinion what do these two theorists get wrong Correctly discuss Karl Marx s and Max Weber s ideas about capitalism and bureaucracy Your paper should discuss and correctly summarize the ideas of Marx and Weber The argument of the paper should discuss whose perspective you see as offering the most correct ideas about capitalism Do not include quotes in the paper Instead
Which of the following is closest to Ackerman s overall argument O Physicians should prioritize nonmaleficence over patient autonomy O Physician noninterference does not always respect patient autonomy because of how illness changes patients O Respecting patient autonomy generally requires noninterference because patients need to be left alone to make their own decisions
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Which of the following is closest to Ackerman s overall argument O Physicians should prioritize nonmaleficence over patient autonomy O Physician noninterference does not always respect patient autonomy because of how illness changes patients O Respecting patient autonomy generally requires noninterference because patients need to be left alone to make their own decisions
Which of the following arguments does NOT appeal to autonomy O Even if it would cause upset the patient ought to be told if their illness is terminal After all each patient has the right to know the truth so they can determine how they want to handle their impending death O Making a trans patient wait years to access transition related care will cause that patient to suffer ongoing serious distress It is wrong to let that happen O Simply giving a patient a form to sign is not sufficient for truly informed consent Informed consent requires medical providers to make sure that patients are in a good position to guide their treatment rather than simply handing over real control to others
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Which of the following arguments does NOT appeal to autonomy O Even if it would cause upset the patient ought to be told if their illness is terminal After all each patient has the right to know the truth so they can determine how they want to handle their impending death O Making a trans patient wait years to access transition related care will cause that patient to suffer ongoing serious distress It is wrong to let that happen O Simply giving a patient a form to sign is not sufficient for truly informed consent Informed consent requires medical providers to make sure that patients are in a good position to guide their treatment rather than simply handing over real control to others
23 Explain what happens to erythrocytes after they become old and break hint what happens to hemoglobin after erythrocytes are broken down
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
23 Explain what happens to erythrocytes after they become old and break hint what happens to hemoglobin after erythrocytes are broken down
17 Type B blood carries B antibodies and B antigens A antibodies and B antigens B antibodies and A antigens d None of the above a b c 18 Type AB blood carries a A antibodies B antibodies no antigens b A antigens B antigens no antibodies c A antibodies B antibodies A antigens B antigens d None of the above 19 Type O blood carries a A antibodies b antibodies no antigens b No antibodies A antigens B antigens c No antibodies no antigens d None of the above
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
17 Type B blood carries B antibodies and B antigens A antibodies and B antigens B antibodies and A antigens d None of the above a b c 18 Type AB blood carries a A antibodies B antibodies no antigens b A antigens B antigens no antibodies c A antibodies B antibodies A antigens B antigens d None of the above 19 Type O blood carries a A antibodies b antibodies no antigens b No antibodies A antigens B antigens c No antibodies no antigens d None of the above
16 Type A blood carries b a A antibodies and A antigens A antibodies and B antigens B antibodies and A antigens d None of the above C
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
16 Type A blood carries b a A antibodies and A antigens A antibodies and B antigens B antibodies and A antigens d None of the above C
Permitting the exchange of nutrients and gases between the blood and tissue cells is the primary function of O a Veins Ob Arteries O c Capillaries O d Arterioles
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Permitting the exchange of nutrients and gases between the blood and tissue cells is the primary function of O a Veins Ob Arteries O c Capillaries O d Arterioles
Which of the following receives only sympathetic innervation O a Kidney O b O c Heart O d Liver Intestines
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Which of the following receives only sympathetic innervation O a Kidney O b O c Heart O d Liver Intestines
All of the following can affect pulmonary ventilation except O a Airway Resistance b The oxygen hemoglobin dissociation curve Oc Compliance of the Lungs Od Surface Tension of Alveolar Fluid
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
All of the following can affect pulmonary ventilation except O a Airway Resistance b The oxygen hemoglobin dissociation curve Oc Compliance of the Lungs Od Surface Tension of Alveolar Fluid
Polycythemia decreases the viscosity of blood thus increasing blood pressure O a True Ob False
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Polycythemia decreases the viscosity of blood thus increasing blood pressure O a True Ob False
Branching is found in O a Cardiac muscle O b Skeletal muscle O c None of the answers is correct Od Smooth muscle
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Branching is found in O a Cardiac muscle O b Skeletal muscle O c None of the answers is correct Od Smooth muscle
Considering action potential which of the following is correct Threshold stimulus is required O b K goes from ECF to ICF Does not obey all or none phenomenon d It is a gradual phenomenon
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Considering action potential which of the following is correct Threshold stimulus is required O b K goes from ECF to ICF Does not obey all or none phenomenon d It is a gradual phenomenon
Which of the following depolarizes next after the AV node O a Bundle of His O b SA node O c Right and left bundle branches O d Purkinje fibers
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Which of the following depolarizes next after the AV node O a Bundle of His O b SA node O c Right and left bundle branches O d Purkinje fibers
Blood is slowest in the capillaries as results of Smallest total cross sectional area Ob Largest total cross sectional area Smallest blood vessels diameter C Od Largest blood vessels diameter
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Blood is slowest in the capillaries as results of Smallest total cross sectional area Ob Largest total cross sectional area Smallest blood vessels diameter C Od Largest blood vessels diameter
Not yet answered Marked out of 1 00 The heart s natural pacemaker is termed the a Atrioventricular node b Bundle of His atrioventricular bundle c Purkinje fibers d Sinoatrial node
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Not yet answered Marked out of 1 00 The heart s natural pacemaker is termed the a Atrioventricular node b Bundle of His atrioventricular bundle c Purkinje fibers d Sinoatrial node
Located between the right atrium and right ventricle is the O a Aortic semilunar valve O b Bicuspid mitral atrioventricular valve O c Pulmonary semilunar valve Od Tricuspid atrioventricular valve
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Located between the right atrium and right ventricle is the O a Aortic semilunar valve O b Bicuspid mitral atrioventricular valve O c Pulmonary semilunar valve Od Tricuspid atrioventricular valve
Which law discusses the statement The total pressure of a mixture of gases is the sum of the individual partial pressures of gases in that mixture O a Boyle s law O b Henry s law O C Charles law O d Dalton s law
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Which law discusses the statement The total pressure of a mixture of gases is the sum of the individual partial pressures of gases in that mixture O a Boyle s law O b Henry s law O C Charles law O d Dalton s law
Highest blood vessels resistance can be detected in O a Arteries O b Vena cava c Veins d Arterioles OC
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Highest blood vessels resistance can be detected in O a Arteries O b Vena cava c Veins d Arterioles OC
Multinucleated and periphrelly located nuclei are O a Skeletal muscle O b Smooth muscle None of the answers is correct O d Cardiac muscle
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Multinucleated and periphrelly located nuclei are O a Skeletal muscle O b Smooth muscle None of the answers is correct O d Cardiac muscle
Obese people often have hypertension because of O a All answers are correct O b Adipose tissue increases pressure on blood vessels Oc Additional blood vessels in adipose tissue O d Adipose tissue increases heart rate and cardiac output
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Obese people often have hypertension because of O a All answers are correct O b Adipose tissue increases pressure on blood vessels Oc Additional blood vessels in adipose tissue O d Adipose tissue increases heart rate and cardiac output
If systolic pressure was 150 mmHg and diastolic pressure was 90 mmHg mean arterial pressure will be equal to O a 110 mmHg O b 120 mmHg O c 100 mmHg O d 90 mmHg
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
If systolic pressure was 150 mmHg and diastolic pressure was 90 mmHg mean arterial pressure will be equal to O a 110 mmHg O b 120 mmHg O c 100 mmHg O d 90 mmHg
The period of time during which a second action potential can be initiated but only by a larger than normal stimulus is O a Relative refractory period O b Inhibitory postsynaptic period O c Absolute refractory period Od Excitatory postsynaptic period
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
The period of time during which a second action potential can be initiated but only by a larger than normal stimulus is O a Relative refractory period O b Inhibitory postsynaptic period O c Absolute refractory period Od Excitatory postsynaptic period
High lung compliance means O b O a Lung is filled with blood and resist expansion Lungs and chest wall resist expansion O c Lungs and chest wall expand easily Od Lung is filled with fluid and expand easily
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
High lung compliance means O b O a Lung is filled with blood and resist expansion Lungs and chest wall resist expansion O c Lungs and chest wall expand easily Od Lung is filled with fluid and expand easily
Anticholinesterase is used to treat O a None of the answers is correct O b Muscle spasm O c Extend the effects of curare like drugs after surger Od Myasthenia gravis
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Anticholinesterase is used to treat O a None of the answers is correct O b Muscle spasm O c Extend the effects of curare like drugs after surger Od Myasthenia gravis
Surfactants is a mixture of a Phosphoproteins glycoproteins b Phospholipids lipoprotein OC Cardiolipin mucopolysaccharides Od Cholesterol triglycerides
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Surfactants is a mixture of a Phosphoproteins glycoproteins b Phospholipids lipoprotein OC Cardiolipin mucopolysaccharides Od Cholesterol triglycerides
A farmer weighs a dozen chicken eggs The heaviest egg is 48 grams If e represents how much an egg weighs which inequality represents this situation Oe 48 Oe 48 Oes 48
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
A farmer weighs a dozen chicken eggs The heaviest egg is 48 grams If e represents how much an egg weighs which inequality represents this situation Oe 48 Oe 48 Oes 48
If a tower has a height of 240 ft could it be in the town described in Question 1 Explain why or why not HINT Could 240 be a solution to the inequality in Question 1 Explain why or why not
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
If a tower has a height of 240 ft could it be in the town described in Question 1 Explain why or why not HINT Could 240 be a solution to the inequality in Question 1 Explain why or why not
Write an inequality to match the situation An architect is measuring the height of every tower in her hometown The measurements show that each tower is taller than 280 ft h Select Select 280
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Write an inequality to match the situation An architect is measuring the height of every tower in her hometown The measurements show that each tower is taller than 280 ft h Select Select 280
Each color in the pie chart represents one party s percentage of votes in a parliament Which of the following coalitions could take control O Green Purple Yellow O Purple Green Red O Blue Red Green O Blue Orange
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Each color in the pie chart represents one party s percentage of votes in a parliament Which of the following coalitions could take control O Green Purple Yellow O Purple Green Red O Blue Red Green O Blue Orange
A prime minister is most likely to call for an early election when O A key piece of legislation is being blocked by gridlock O The economy has crashed and she is being blamed O Her party is gaining more and more national support O The coalition she led has splintered due to infighting
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
A prime minister is most likely to call for an early election when O A key piece of legislation is being blocked by gridlock O The economy has crashed and she is being blamed O Her party is gaining more and more national support O The coalition she led has splintered due to infighting
What element is common to the parliamentary and U S forms of government O Parties drive the political process O The people vote directly for chief executives O Presidents share roles and responsibilities with legislatures O They both have two leaders of the executive branch
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
What element is common to the parliamentary and U S forms of government O Parties drive the political process O The people vote directly for chief executives O Presidents share roles and responsibilities with legislatures O They both have two leaders of the executive branch