General Anatomy Questions and Answers

A symptom is a(n)
 Objective indication of disease
 Subjective indication of disease
 Measurable by health care personnel
None of the choices are correct
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
A symptom is a(n) Objective indication of disease Subjective indication of disease Measurable by health care personnel Temperature None of the choices are correct
The immunoglobulin class that is the only one capable of crossing the placenta is
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
The immunoglobulin class that is the only one capable of crossing the placenta is IgA lgD IgE IgG IgM
Nail cells are produced by the
nail groove.
nail body.
nail matrix.
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Nail cells are produced by the cuticle. nail groove. nail body. nail matrix. lunula.
The significance of the crossed extensor reflex when a person steps on pieces of glass is to
slow the rate of removal of the foot from the tack.
remove the foot from the tack.
reduce the pain sensations.
increase the rate at which withdrawal of the limb occurs.
Oprevent the person from falling down.
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
The significance of the crossed extensor reflex when a person steps on pieces of glass is to slow the rate of removal of the foot from the tack. remove the foot from the tack. reduce the pain sensations. increase the rate at which withdrawal of the limb occurs. Oprevent the person from falling down.
Which list describes the aspects of health that should be in balance to achieve total wellness?
Anutritional, physical, and mental
B.physical, social, and emotional
C.intellectual, short-term, and long-term
D. cultural, technological, and analytical
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Which list describes the aspects of health that should be in balance to achieve total wellness? Anutritional, physical, and mental B.physical, social, and emotional C.intellectual, short-term, and long-term D. cultural, technological, and analytical
Ron has a family history of high blood pressure. He has studied the causes, signs, and possible outcomes of the disease. What kind of strategy has he used to improve his health?
A. He has found immediate and cumulative risks.
B. He has set long-term and short-term goals.
C.He has incorporated risk reduction into his life.
D. He has increased his knowledge.
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Ron has a family history of high blood pressure. He has studied the causes, signs, and possible outcomes of the disease. What kind of strategy has he used to improve his health? A. He has found immediate and cumulative risks. B. He has set long-term and short-term goals. C.He has incorporated risk reduction into his life. D. He has increased his knowledge.
Which list includes only lifestyle factors that people can change to improve their health?
A. having many friends, parents with heart diseases, sleeping 8 to 10 hours a night
B. a family history of diabetes, lack of energy, thinking critically about health risks
C. knowledge of common risk factors, level of physical activity, ways of reacting to conflict
D. ways of interacting with others, changing the images in the media, resisting pressure from peers
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Which list includes only lifestyle factors that people can change to improve their health? A. having many friends, parents with heart diseases, sleeping 8 to 10 hours a night B. a family history of diabetes, lack of energy, thinking critically about health risks C. knowledge of common risk factors, level of physical activity, ways of reacting to conflict D. ways of interacting with others, changing the images in the media, resisting pressure from peers
Medication Aide may NOT do which of the following:
a. Transcribe orders onto the MAR
b. Call the physician to question an order
c. Transmit orders for new prescription drugs to the pharmacy
d. Destroy expired medications
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Medication Aide may NOT do which of the following: a. Transcribe orders onto the MAR b. Call the physician to question an order c. Transmit orders for new prescription drugs to the pharmacy d. Destroy expired medications
Why would a person's self-esteem affect his or her health?
because if you don't think highly of yourself, you won't have many friends, and your social health will be poor
because low self-esteem can lead to depression and make it hard for a person to have healthy relationships with others
because low self-esteem comes from a bad diet, which is bad for a person's physical and mental/emotional health
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Why would a person's self-esteem affect his or her health? because if you don't think highly of yourself, you won't have many friends, and your social health will be poor because low self-esteem can lead to depression and make it hard for a person to have healthy relationships with others because low self-esteem comes from a bad diet, which is bad for a person's physical and mental/emotional health
Which of these problems can be best solved through community action?
A. Conner is thinking about joining the high school basketball team, but he is not very tall and he feels inferior to other boys his age.
B. Rebecca, who lives in a town with inadequate medical facilities, needs to see a doctor regularly to monitor her diabetes.
C. Thierry often leaves his bike by the back stairs, making it difficult for others to pass without tripping or scraping themselves on It.
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Which of these problems can be best solved through community action? A. Conner is thinking about joining the high school basketball team, but he is not very tall and he feels inferior to other boys his age. B. Rebecca, who lives in a town with inadequate medical facilities, needs to see a doctor regularly to monitor her diabetes. C. Thierry often leaves his bike by the back stairs, making it difficult for others to pass without tripping or scraping themselves on It.
What are the five food groups recommended by the USDA's MyPlate Food Guidance System?
A. fruits, grains, oil, salt, vegetables
B. fruits, grains, dairy, salt, vegetables
C. fruits, grains, protein, dairy, vegetables
D. grains, protein, dairy, oil, vegetables
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
What are the five food groups recommended by the USDA's MyPlate Food Guidance System? A. fruits, grains, oil, salt, vegetables B. fruits, grains, dairy, salt, vegetables C. fruits, grains, protein, dairy, vegetables D. grains, protein, dairy, oil, vegetables
Which type of exercise contributes most to building strong bones?
A. swimming
B. lifting weights
C. walking briskly
D. Jumping rope
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Which type of exercise contributes most to building strong bones? A. swimming B. lifting weights C. walking briskly D. Jumping rope
What are malignant tumors?
A. tumors that grow slowly and do not spread from their original site
B. tumors that grow fast and spread to neighboring tissues
C.tumors that start in blood-forming tissue and produce abnormal blood cells
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
What are malignant tumors? A. tumors that grow slowly and do not spread from their original site B. tumors that grow fast and spread to neighboring tissues C.tumors that start in blood-forming tissue and produce abnormal blood cells
In what type of Immunity will the defenses be triggered and react in the same manner, regardless of the organism invading?
A adaptive
B. Innate
C. primary
D. mechanical barrier
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
In what type of Immunity will the defenses be triggered and react in the same manner, regardless of the organism invading? A adaptive B. Innate C. primary D. mechanical barrier
You're sitting with your friend in the lunchroom and she chokes on a plece of candy. What is the best way to help her?
A Perform the Heimlich maneuver.
B. Give her a dose of Ipecac syrup.
C. Perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
You're sitting with your friend in the lunchroom and she chokes on a plece of candy. What is the best way to help her? A Perform the Heimlich maneuver. B. Give her a dose of Ipecac syrup. C. Perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
Sue's friend inhales poisonous fumes. In which order should Sue administer the first aid steps on her friend?
A. check, call, care
B. check, care, call
C. call, check, care
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Sue's friend inhales poisonous fumes. In which order should Sue administer the first aid steps on her friend? A. check, call, care B. check, care, call C. call, check, care
Isabel wants to sign up with the online social network TeenBook, which she heard about from her friends at school. The TeenBook site asked Isabel for some personal Information to complete her registration. In addition to her full name, TeenBook asked for the name of her school, the city where she lives, her age, and her favorite foods. What is the only information that Isabel should give to best ensure her safety?  
her first name, last initial, school, city, and an age older than she is 
her first name or nickname only and her favorite foods 
her first name, real age, city, favorite foods, and school
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Isabel wants to sign up with the online social network TeenBook, which she heard about from her friends at school. The TeenBook site asked Isabel for some personal Information to complete her registration. In addition to her full name, TeenBook asked for the name of her school, the city where she lives, her age, and her favorite foods. What is the only information that Isabel should give to best ensure her safety? her first name, last initial, school, city, and an age older than she is her first name or nickname only and her favorite foods her first name, real age, city, favorite foods, and school
Which is the best action to take if you are at home and hear a tornado warning?
A. Go outdoors and run at right angles from the tornado.
B. Board your windows, stay indoors, and let the tornado pass.
C. Go to the lowest floor or an interior room of the home and cover yourself.
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Which is the best action to take if you are at home and hear a tornado warning? A. Go outdoors and run at right angles from the tornado. B. Board your windows, stay indoors, and let the tornado pass. C. Go to the lowest floor or an interior room of the home and cover yourself.
While attempting to score a goal, a player from the opposing team accidentally kicked Vance in the shin, causing an injury.
What is one way that Vance might have been able to prevent this injury?
A. act more aggressively
B. wear safety equipment
C. stretch before the game
D. rest between plays
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
While attempting to score a goal, a player from the opposing team accidentally kicked Vance in the shin, causing an injury. What is one way that Vance might have been able to prevent this injury? A. act more aggressively B. wear safety equipment C. stretch before the game D. rest between plays
What is the first thing one should do if polson enters the eye?
Ask the person to blink his or her eyes.
Cover the eye with a cool, moist towel.
Flush the eye with lukewarm water immediately.
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
What is the first thing one should do if polson enters the eye? Ask the person to blink his or her eyes. Cover the eye with a cool, moist towel. Flush the eye with lukewarm water immediately.
While ice skating, Alice slipped and injured her knee. Which is the best way this injury could have been prevented?
A. by resting periodically to maintain her strength
B. by taking skating lessons to better her technique
C. by wearing safety equipment appropriate to the activity
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
While ice skating, Alice slipped and injured her knee. Which is the best way this injury could have been prevented? A. by resting periodically to maintain her strength B. by taking skating lessons to better her technique C. by wearing safety equipment appropriate to the activity
Which is an example of risky behavior that could lead to injury?
A allowing young children to play with small toys
B. pulling over while driving to send a text message
C. meeting a friend from school at a restaurant
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Which is an example of risky behavior that could lead to injury? A allowing young children to play with small toys B. pulling over while driving to send a text message C. meeting a friend from school at a restaurant
Michelle felt an electrical shock when she was ironing her clothes. What might have caused this to happen?
A. lack of safety covers on the electrical outlets
B. the iron having a faulty cord
C. not wearing shoes with rubber soles
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Michelle felt an electrical shock when she was ironing her clothes. What might have caused this to happen? A. lack of safety covers on the electrical outlets B. the iron having a faulty cord C. not wearing shoes with rubber soles
The spinal cord ends at the
5th lumbar vertebrae.
2nd lumbar vertebrae.
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
The spinal cord ends at the Coccyx. 5th lumbar vertebrae. 2nd lumbar vertebrae. sacrum.
Place the following parts of a reflex arc in the correct order beginning with the sensory receptor.
(1) motor neuron
(2) interneuron
(3) effector
(4) sensory neuron
(5) sensory receptor
5, 2, 3, 4, 1
5, 3, 2, 4, 1
5, 4, 2, 1, 3
5, 4, 3, 2, 1
5, 1, 2, 3, 4
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Place the following parts of a reflex arc in the correct order beginning with the sensory receptor. (1) motor neuron (2) interneuron (3) effector (4) sensory neuron (5) sensory receptor 5, 2, 3, 4, 1 5, 3, 2, 4, 1 5, 4, 2, 1, 3 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 5, 1, 2, 3, 4
Which type of skin cancer is the most deadly?
Kaposi's sarcoma
basal cell carcinoma
squamous cell carcinoma
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Which type of skin cancer is the most deadly? psoriasis Kaposi's sarcoma basal cell carcinoma squamous cell carcinoma melanoma
Which of the following is NOT a symptom of Cushing's syndrome?
Muscular weakness
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Which of the following is NOT a symptom of Cushing's syndrome? Muscular weakness Osteoporosis Hypertension Cataracts
The atrioventricular (AV) valves are closed
when the ventricles are in diastole
when the ventricles are in systole
by the movement of blood from atria to ventricles
while the atria are contracting
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
The atrioventricular (AV) valves are closed when the ventricles are in diastole when the ventricles are in systole by the movement of blood from atria to ventricles while the atria are contracting
The Nutrition Facts label on a food package lists the following: iron 50%. What does this figure indicate?
The total content of this package fulfills 50 percent of the required daily amount of iron.
One serving from this package fulfills 50 percent of the required daily amount of iron.
Half of this package fulfills 50 percent of the required daily amount of iron.
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
The Nutrition Facts label on a food package lists the following: iron 50%. What does this figure indicate? The total content of this package fulfills 50 percent of the required daily amount of iron. One serving from this package fulfills 50 percent of the required daily amount of iron. Half of this package fulfills 50 percent of the required daily amount of iron.
According to the food plate, grains should make up the largest portion of our diet. Grains are rich in which nutrient?
A. carbohydrates
B. fats
C. proteins
D. vitamins
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
According to the food plate, grains should make up the largest portion of our diet. Grains are rich in which nutrient? A. carbohydrates B. fats C. proteins D. vitamins
Rick recently discovered that he has hypertension. What lifestyle changes should Rick probably make?
A switch to a diet low in unsaturated fats and exercise reguarly
B. switch to a diet high in protein and grains and exercise regularly
C. switch to a diet low in saturated fats and exercise regularly
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Rick recently discovered that he has hypertension. What lifestyle changes should Rick probably make? A switch to a diet low in unsaturated fats and exercise reguarly B. switch to a diet high in protein and grains and exercise regularly C. switch to a diet low in saturated fats and exercise regularly
How does diet affect diabetes?
A. Calcium helps maintain blood sugar level, and a diet low in calcium contributes to diabetes.
B.. A diet high in sugar and fat can lead to obesity, and obesity contributes to diabetes.
C. Cholesterol prevents maintenance of blood sugar level, and a diet high in cholesterol contributes to diabetes.
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
How does diet affect diabetes? A. Calcium helps maintain blood sugar level, and a diet low in calcium contributes to diabetes. B.. A diet high in sugar and fat can lead to obesity, and obesity contributes to diabetes. C. Cholesterol prevents maintenance of blood sugar level, and a diet high in cholesterol contributes to diabetes.
Which is the best strategy for avoiding chronic diseases caused by a high-calorie diet?
Remove all fats and sugars from your diet and exercise daily for an hour.
Eat as much sugar and fats as you want but work out to burn them off.
Limit your fat and sugar intake and eat more fruit and vegetables.
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Which is the best strategy for avoiding chronic diseases caused by a high-calorie diet? Remove all fats and sugars from your diet and exercise daily for an hour. Eat as much sugar and fats as you want but work out to burn them off. Limit your fat and sugar intake and eat more fruit and vegetables.
Which kind of diet helps prevent cancer?
a diet high in protein and low in carbohydrates
a diet high in fiber and low in saturated fats
a diet high in calcium and low in sugar
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Which kind of diet helps prevent cancer? a diet high in protein and low in carbohydrates a diet high in fiber and low in saturated fats a diet high in calcium and low in sugar
We seamlessly integrate the sounds coming in from both ears into one auditory image (gestalt). Why is this process of binaural fusion important for speech understanding?
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
We seamlessly integrate the sounds coming in from both ears into one auditory image (gestalt). Why is this process of binaural fusion important for speech understanding?
Kin selection in prairie dog colonies, where individuals give warning calls to alert the colony of predators, results in:
Prairie dogs calling more often with offspring than with siblings
Prairie dogs calling with equal frequency in colonies with siblings or offspring
Prairie dogs calling with equal frequency in colonies with related and unrelated individuals.
Prairie dogs calling more often with siblings than with offspring
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Kin selection in prairie dog colonies, where individuals give warning calls to alert the colony of predators, results in: Prairie dogs calling more often with offspring than with siblings Prairie dogs calling with equal frequency in colonies with siblings or offspring Prairie dogs calling with equal frequency in colonies with related and unrelated individuals. Prairie dogs calling more often with siblings than with offspring
While the primary role of health professionals and health systems is to address the preventative and curative needs of the patients they serve, also, at their core, hospitals and health care systems are businesses. And when they can't cover their costs, they will close. Having a diverse workforce and training a team to deliver cultural competent care is an important part of the business case for health care organizations. In this week's forum, discuss how not putting in the effort and resources to establish a diverse and cultural competent environment, can be costly to health organizations. Consider the impact to patient satisfaction, staff retention, lawsuits, hospital ratings and ranking and community perception.
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
While the primary role of health professionals and health systems is to address the preventative and curative needs of the patients they serve, also, at their core, hospitals and health care systems are businesses. And when they can't cover their costs, they will close. Having a diverse workforce and training a team to deliver cultural competent care is an important part of the business case for health care organizations. In this week's forum, discuss how not putting in the effort and resources to establish a diverse and cultural competent environment, can be costly to health organizations. Consider the impact to patient satisfaction, staff retention, lawsuits, hospital ratings and ranking and community perception.
Bronchodilators are used to
close the airways
constrict the airways
open the airways
thicken the airways' walls
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Bronchodilators are used to close the airways constrict the airways open the airways thicken the airways' walls
The nasal cavity has    that cleans dirty air.
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
The nasal cavity has that cleans dirty air. cilia hair flagella cells
is not a symptom of chronic bronchitis.
Yellow or green phlegm
Shortness of breath
A cough
A convulsion
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
is not a symptom of chronic bronchitis. Yellow or green phlegm Shortness of breath A cough A convulsion
Which of the following (is a)/(are) symptom(s) of cystic fibrosis? 
Skin that tastes very salty
Persistent coughing
All of the choices
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Which of the following (is a)/(are) symptom(s) of cystic fibrosis? Skin that tastes very salty Wheezing Persistent coughing All of the choices
Which is not a component of the pathophysiology of asthma?
Airway inflammation
Bronchial hyper responsiveness
Constriction of the chest wall
Intermittent airflow obstruction
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Which is not a component of the pathophysiology of asthma? Airway inflammation Bronchial hyper responsiveness Constriction of the chest wall Intermittent airflow obstruction
is a condition characterized by the inflammation of the appendix.

Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
is a condition characterized by the inflammation of the appendix. Appendicitis Gastritis Esophagitis Enteritis
Which of the following is a fingerlike structures that absorb nutrients in the small intestine?
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Which of the following is a fingerlike structures that absorb nutrients in the small intestine? Dendrites Veins Cilia Villi
Air can enter the body and travel to the lungs
through the mouth and the nose
through the esophagus and the wind pipe
through the windpipe and the pores
through the nose and the pores
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Air can enter the body and travel to the lungs through the mouth and the nose through the esophagus and the wind pipe through the windpipe and the pores through the nose and the pores
The speed of muscle contraction is called the
twitch velocity
contraction velocity
shortening velocity
isometric velocity
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
The speed of muscle contraction is called the twitch velocity contraction velocity shortening velocity isometric velocity
The rate with which an action potential travels along an axon
is measured in volts/sec
is called the conduction velocity and is measured in meters/sec
is called the conduction velocity
is measured in meters/sec
is called the conduction velocity and is measured in volts/sec
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
The rate with which an action potential travels along an axon is measured in volts/sec is called the conduction velocity and is measured in meters/sec is called the conduction velocity is measured in meters/sec is called the conduction velocity and is measured in volts/sec
A suprathreshold stimulus results in
the disappearance of action potentials
fewer action potentials
larger action potentials
more action potentials
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
A suprathreshold stimulus results in the disappearance of action potentials fewer action potentials larger action potentials more action potentials
In the presence of lidocaine, the action potential was NOT affected at R1 because
lidocaine was applied upstream of R1
lidocaine doesn't have an effect on the generation of action potentials
action potential propagation is in one direction
there are no voltage-gated sodium channels to be affected
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
In the presence of lidocaine, the action potential was NOT affected at R1 because lidocaine was applied upstream of R1 lidocaine doesn't have an effect on the generation of action potentials action potential propagation is in one direction there are no voltage-gated sodium channels to be affected
The stimulus for graded potentials includes
sensory stimuli
sensory stimuli and neurotransmitter
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
The stimulus for graded potentials includes neurotransmitter sensory stimuli sensory stimuli and neurotransmitter voltage