Infex Questions and Answers

simultaneously function as a side show for white people who look on with delight at all the differences that surround them We may be on our way to genuine hybridity multiplicity without white hegemony and it may be where we want to get to but we aren t there yet and we won t get there until we see whiteness see its power its particularity and limitedness put it in its place and end its rule This is why studying whiteness matters It is studying whiteness qua whiteness Attention is sometimes paid to white ethnicity e g Alba 1990 but this always means an identity based on cultural origins such as British Italian or Polish or Catholic or Jewish or Polish American Irish American Catholic American and so on These however are variations on white ethnicity though some are more securely white than others and the examination of them tends to lead away from a consideration of whiteness itself John Ibson 1981 in a discussion of research on white US ethnicity concludes that being say Polish Catholic or Irish may not be as important to white Americans as some might wish But being white is This then is why it is important to come to see whiteness For those in power in the West as long as whiteness is felt to be the human condition then it alone both defines normality and fully inhabits it As I suggested in my opening paragraphs the equation of being white with being human secures a position of power White people have power and believe that they think feel and act like and for all people white people unable to see their particularity cannot take account of other people s white people create the dominant images of the world and don t quite see that they thus construct the world in their own image white people set standards of humanity by which they are bound to succeed and others bound to fail Most of this is not done deliberately and maliciously there are enormous variations of power amongst white people to do with class gender and other factors goodwill is not unheard of in white people s engagement with others White power nonetheless reproduces itself regardless of in tention power differences and goodwill and overwhelmingly because it is not seen as whiteness but as normal White people need to learn to see themselves as white to see their particularity In other words whiteness needs to be made strange NOTES 1 I use the terms race and racial in this opening section in the most com mon though problematic sense referring to supposedly visibly differentiable sup posedly discrete social groupings 2 In their discussion of the extraordinarily successful TV sitcom about a mid dle class African American family The Cosby Show Sut Jhally and Justin Lewis note eople who look on with We may be on our way egemony and it may be and we won t get there ity and limitedness put whiteness matters on is sometimes paid to means an identity based h or Catholic or Jewish rican and so on These some are more securely tends to lead away from 981 in a discussion of ing say Polish Catholic ans as some might wish whiteness For those in e the human condition abits it As I suggested in white with being human power and believe that te people unable to see people s white people on t quite see that they people set standards of id others bound to fail sly there are enormous with class gender and e people s engagement i itself regardless of in vhelmingly because it is le need to learn to see other words whiteness section in the most com visibly differentiable sup ITV sitcom about a mid illy and Justin Lewis note the way that viewers repeatedly recognise the characters blackness but also feel that you just think of them as people in other words that they don t only speak for their race Jhally and Lewis argue that this is achieved by the way the family conforms to the everyday generic world of white television 1992 100 an essen tially middle class world The family is ordinary despite being black because it is upwardly mobile it can be accepted as ordinary in a way that marginalises most actual African Americans If the realities of African American experience were in cluded then the characters would not be perceived as just people 3 See for instance Bogle 1973 Hartmann and Husband 1974 Troyna 1981 MacDonald 1983 Wilson and Guti rez 1985 van Dijk 1987 Jhally and Lewis 1992 58ff Ross 1995 The research findings are generally cast the other way round in terms of non white under representation textual marginalisation and positioning as deviant or a problem Recent research in the US does suggest that African Americans but not other racially marginalised groups have become more repre sented in the media even in excess of their proportion of the population However this number still falls off if one focuses on central characters 4 The Crying Game GB 1992 seems to me to be an example of this It ex plores with fascination and generosity the hybrid and fluid nature of identity gender race national belonging sexuality Yet all of this revolves around a be mused but ultimately unchallenged straight white man it reinscribes the post tion of those at the intersection of heterosexuality maleness and whiteness as that of the one group which does not need to be hybrid and fluid REFERENCES Alba Richard D 1990 Ethnic Identity The Transformation of White America New Haven Yale University Press Bogle Donald 1973 Toms Coons Mulattoes Mammies and Bucks An Interpretive History of Blacks in American Films New York Viking Press Carby Hazel V 1992 The Multicultural Wars in Dent Gina ed Black Popra lar Culture Seattle Bay Press 187 99 Dyer Richard 1993 Seen To Be Believed Problems in the Representation of Gay People as Typical in Dyer The Matter of Images Essays on Representations Lon don Routledge 19 51 Hartmann Paul and Husband Charles 1974 Racism and the Mass Media Lon don Davis Poynter hooks bell 1992 Madonna Plantation Mistress or Soul Sister and Repre sentations of Whiteness in the Black Imagination in Black Looks Race and Represen tation Boston South End Press 157 64 165 78 Ibson John 1981 Virgin Land or Virgin Mary Studying the Ethnicity of White Americans American Quarterly 33 3 284 308 Jhally Sut and Lewis Justin 1992 Enlightened Racism The Cosby Show Audi ences and the Myth of the American Dream Boulder Westview Press MacDonald J F 1983 Blacks and White TV Afro Americans in Television since 1948 Chicago Nelson Hall
Anatomy and Physiology
simultaneously function as a side show for white people who look on with delight at all the differences that surround them We may be on our way to genuine hybridity multiplicity without white hegemony and it may be where we want to get to but we aren t there yet and we won t get there until we see whiteness see its power its particularity and limitedness put it in its place and end its rule This is why studying whiteness matters It is studying whiteness qua whiteness Attention is sometimes paid to white ethnicity e g Alba 1990 but this always means an identity based on cultural origins such as British Italian or Polish or Catholic or Jewish or Polish American Irish American Catholic American and so on These however are variations on white ethnicity though some are more securely white than others and the examination of them tends to lead away from a consideration of whiteness itself John Ibson 1981 in a discussion of research on white US ethnicity concludes that being say Polish Catholic or Irish may not be as important to white Americans as some might wish But being white is This then is why it is important to come to see whiteness For those in power in the West as long as whiteness is felt to be the human condition then it alone both defines normality and fully inhabits it As I suggested in my opening paragraphs the equation of being white with being human secures a position of power White people have power and believe that they think feel and act like and for all people white people unable to see their particularity cannot take account of other people s white people create the dominant images of the world and don t quite see that they thus construct the world in their own image white people set standards of humanity by which they are bound to succeed and others bound to fail Most of this is not done deliberately and maliciously there are enormous variations of power amongst white people to do with class gender and other factors goodwill is not unheard of in white people s engagement with others White power nonetheless reproduces itself regardless of in tention power differences and goodwill and overwhelmingly because it is not seen as whiteness but as normal White people need to learn to see themselves as white to see their particularity In other words whiteness needs to be made strange NOTES 1 I use the terms race and racial in this opening section in the most com mon though problematic sense referring to supposedly visibly differentiable sup posedly discrete social groupings 2 In their discussion of the extraordinarily successful TV sitcom about a mid dle class African American family The Cosby Show Sut Jhally and Justin Lewis note eople who look on with We may be on our way egemony and it may be and we won t get there ity and limitedness put whiteness matters on is sometimes paid to means an identity based h or Catholic or Jewish rican and so on These some are more securely tends to lead away from 981 in a discussion of ing say Polish Catholic ans as some might wish whiteness For those in e the human condition abits it As I suggested in white with being human power and believe that te people unable to see people s white people on t quite see that they people set standards of id others bound to fail sly there are enormous with class gender and e people s engagement i itself regardless of in vhelmingly because it is le need to learn to see other words whiteness section in the most com visibly differentiable sup ITV sitcom about a mid illy and Justin Lewis note the way that viewers repeatedly recognise the characters blackness but also feel that you just think of them as people in other words that they don t only speak for their race Jhally and Lewis argue that this is achieved by the way the family conforms to the everyday generic world of white television 1992 100 an essen tially middle class world The family is ordinary despite being black because it is upwardly mobile it can be accepted as ordinary in a way that marginalises most actual African Americans If the realities of African American experience were in cluded then the characters would not be perceived as just people 3 See for instance Bogle 1973 Hartmann and Husband 1974 Troyna 1981 MacDonald 1983 Wilson and Guti rez 1985 van Dijk 1987 Jhally and Lewis 1992 58ff Ross 1995 The research findings are generally cast the other way round in terms of non white under representation textual marginalisation and positioning as deviant or a problem Recent research in the US does suggest that African Americans but not other racially marginalised groups have become more repre sented in the media even in excess of their proportion of the population However this number still falls off if one focuses on central characters 4 The Crying Game GB 1992 seems to me to be an example of this It ex plores with fascination and generosity the hybrid and fluid nature of identity gender race national belonging sexuality Yet all of this revolves around a be mused but ultimately unchallenged straight white man it reinscribes the post tion of those at the intersection of heterosexuality maleness and whiteness as that of the one group which does not need to be hybrid and fluid REFERENCES Alba Richard D 1990 Ethnic Identity The Transformation of White America New Haven Yale University Press Bogle Donald 1973 Toms Coons Mulattoes Mammies and Bucks An Interpretive History of Blacks in American Films New York Viking Press Carby Hazel V 1992 The Multicultural Wars in Dent Gina ed Black Popra lar Culture Seattle Bay Press 187 99 Dyer Richard 1993 Seen To Be Believed Problems in the Representation of Gay People as Typical in Dyer The Matter of Images Essays on Representations Lon don Routledge 19 51 Hartmann Paul and Husband Charles 1974 Racism and the Mass Media Lon don Davis Poynter hooks bell 1992 Madonna Plantation Mistress or Soul Sister and Repre sentations of Whiteness in the Black Imagination in Black Looks Race and Represen tation Boston South End Press 157 64 165 78 Ibson John 1981 Virgin Land or Virgin Mary Studying the Ethnicity of White Americans American Quarterly 33 3 284 308 Jhally Sut and Lewis Justin 1992 Enlightened Racism The Cosby Show Audi ences and the Myth of the American Dream Boulder Westview Press MacDonald J F 1983 Blacks and White TV Afro Americans in Television since 1948 Chicago Nelson Hall
what did we learn about race socially constructed identity largely on someone s physical appearance Cphenotype Not genetic geography is Created to oppress people instead the western Concept of teac be understood a based 1 must a classification system the Spanish Colonial context 1493 1898 Enslavement of indigenous and African Origin people occurs accepting spanish rule meant that Indians because subordinate workers or slaves and probably lost their indigenous identities Valerio Jimenez 2012 18 Caste Sustem emerges racial mixing prevalent The British Anglo Colonial Context 1601 1997
Anatomy and Physiology
what did we learn about race socially constructed identity largely on someone s physical appearance Cphenotype Not genetic geography is Created to oppress people instead the western Concept of teac be understood a based 1 must a classification system the Spanish Colonial context 1493 1898 Enslavement of indigenous and African Origin people occurs accepting spanish rule meant that Indians because subordinate workers or slaves and probably lost their indigenous identities Valerio Jimenez 2012 18 Caste Sustem emerges racial mixing prevalent The British Anglo Colonial Context 1601 1997
Racism imagery representation of people along racial lines Normativity Hegemony or cultural hegemony both terms refer to the norm that which is considered the standard version of something in a given cultural context Hegemony is prevalent because it helps human beings make sense of the world Hegemonic norms examples gender male sexuality race religion christianity According to Dyer whiteness is the racial norm in the West As long as race is something only applied to non white peoples as long as white people are not racially seen and names they we function as a human norm Other people are raced we are just people p 10 Only those in the position of the norm that get to speak for the rest and for humanity The claim to power is the claim to speak for the commonality of humanity Raced people can t do that they can only speak for they race p 10 Example Hunger Game fans upset that character of Rue is black Little Mermaid Director on Racist Backlash It Feels So Small Minded A Call to White People It s important to study whiteness Name whiteness be okay talking about your own race His use of They we in writing does this It is part of the goal of ending racism We may be on our way to genuine hybridity multiplicity without white hegemony and it maybe pron t there yot and we won t get there until we see whiteness
Anatomy and Physiology
Racism imagery representation of people along racial lines Normativity Hegemony or cultural hegemony both terms refer to the norm that which is considered the standard version of something in a given cultural context Hegemony is prevalent because it helps human beings make sense of the world Hegemonic norms examples gender male sexuality race religion christianity According to Dyer whiteness is the racial norm in the West As long as race is something only applied to non white peoples as long as white people are not racially seen and names they we function as a human norm Other people are raced we are just people p 10 Only those in the position of the norm that get to speak for the rest and for humanity The claim to power is the claim to speak for the commonality of humanity Raced people can t do that they can only speak for they race p 10 Example Hunger Game fans upset that character of Rue is black Little Mermaid Director on Racist Backlash It Feels So Small Minded A Call to White People It s important to study whiteness Name whiteness be okay talking about your own race His use of They we in writing does this It is part of the goal of ending racism We may be on our way to genuine hybridity multiplicity without white hegemony and it maybe pron t there yot and we won t get there until we see whiteness
D Whiteness The Power of Invisibility ontinuing to ignore white racial imagery As long as race is something nly applied to non white peoples as long as white people are not racially en and named they we function as a human norm Other people are ced we are just people There is no more powerful position than that of being just human he claim to power is the claim to speak for the commonality of humanity aced people can t do that they can only speak for their race But non ced people can for they do not represent the interests of a race The bint of seeing the racing of whites is to dislodge them us from the posi on of power with all the in quities oppression privileges and sufferings its train dislodging them us by undercutting the authority with which ey we speak and act in and on the world The sense of whites as non raced is most evident in the absence of ref ence to whiteness in the habitual speech and writing of white people in e West We whites will speak of say the blackness or Chineseness of ends neighbours colleagues customers or clients and it may be in the ost genuinely friendly and accepting manner but we don t mention the miteness of the white people we know An old style white comedian will ten start a joke There s this bloke walking down the street and he rets this black geezer never thinking to race the bloke as well as the ezer Synopses in listings of films on TV where wordage is tight e less squander words with things like Comedy in which a cop and his ack sidekick investigate a robbery Skinhead Johnny and his Asian lover mar set up a laundrette Feature film from a promising Native Ameri n director and so on Since all white people in the West do this all the me it would be invidious to quote actual examples and so I shall con e myself to one from my own writing In an article on lesbian and gay reotypes Dyer 1993 I discuss the fact that there can be variations on a De such as the queen or dyke In the illustrations which accompany this int I compare a fashion queen from the film Irene with a black queen m Car Wash the former white image is not raced whereas all the vari on of the latter is reduced to his race Moreover this is the only non ite image referred to in the article which does not however point out at all the other images discussed are white In this as in the other white amples in this paragraph the fashion queen is racially speaking taken being just human This assumption that white people are just people which is not far off ing that whites are people whereas other colours are something else is demic to white culture Some of the sharpest criticism of it has been med at those who would think themselves the least racist or white su emacist bell hooks for instance has noted how amazed and angry ite liberals become when attention is drawn to their whiteness when y are seen by non white people as white Often their rage erupts because they believe that all ways of looking that highlight difference subvert the liberal belief in a universal as race is something people are not racially rm Other people are of being just human monality of humanity r their race But non terests of a race The iem us from the posi ivileges and sufferings authority with which in the absence of ref ing of white people in ess or Chineseness of 3 and it may be in the we don t mention the e white comedian will Iwn the street and he e bloke as well as the vordage is tight none In which a cop and his iny and his Asian lover omising Native Ameri he West do this all the es and so I shall con le on lesbian and gay can be variations on a which accompany this te with a black queen 1 whereas all the vari this is the only non ot however point out as in the other white cially speaking taken which is not far off are something else is ticism of it has been st racist or white su amazed and angry heir whiteness when I ways of looking f in a universal Dyer The Matter of Whiteness 11 subjectivity we are all just people that they think will make racism disappear They have a deep emotional investment in the myth of sameness even as their actions reflect the primacy of whiteness as a sign informing who they are and how they think hooks 1992 167 Similarly Hazel Carby discusses the use of black texts in white class rooms under the sign of multiculturalism in a way that winds up focusing on the complexity of response in the white reader student s construc tion of self in relation to a black perceived other We should she ar gues recognise that everyone in this social order has been constructed in our political imagination as a racialised subject and thus that we should consider whiteness as well as blackness in order to make visible what is rendered invisible when viewed as the normative state of existence the white point in space from which we tend to identify difference Carby 1992 193 The invisibility of whiteness as a racial position in white which is to say dominant discourse is of a piece with its ubiquity When I said above that I wasn t merely seeking to fill a gap in the analysis of racial imagery I re produced the idea that there is no discussion of white people In fact for most of the time white people speak about nothing but white people it s just that we couch it in terms of people in general Research into books museums the press advertising films television software repeatedly shows that in Western representation whites are overwhelm ingly and disproportionately predominant have the central and elabo rated roles and above all are placed as the norm the ordinary the standard Whites are everywhere in representation Yet precisely because of this and their placing as norm they seem not to be represented to themselves as whites but as people who are variously gendered classed sexualised and abled At the level of racial representation in other words whites are not of a certain race they re just the human race We are often told that we are living now in a world of multiple identi ties of hybridity of decentredness and fragmentation The old illusory unified identities of class gender race sexuality are breaking up some one may be black and gay and middle class and female we may be bi poly or non sexual of mixed race indeterminate gender and heaven knows what class Yet we have not yet reached a situation in which white people and white cultural agendas are no longer in the ascendant The media politics education are still in the hands of white people still speak for whites while claiming and sometimes sincerely aiming to speak for humanity Against the flowering of a myriad postmodern voices we must also see the countervailing tendency towards a homogenisation of world culture in the continued dominance of US news dissemination popular TV programmes and Hollywood movies Postmodern multiculturalism may have genuinely opened up a space for the voices of the other chal lenging the authority of the white West cf Owens 1983 but it may also
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D Whiteness The Power of Invisibility ontinuing to ignore white racial imagery As long as race is something nly applied to non white peoples as long as white people are not racially en and named they we function as a human norm Other people are ced we are just people There is no more powerful position than that of being just human he claim to power is the claim to speak for the commonality of humanity aced people can t do that they can only speak for their race But non ced people can for they do not represent the interests of a race The bint of seeing the racing of whites is to dislodge them us from the posi on of power with all the in quities oppression privileges and sufferings its train dislodging them us by undercutting the authority with which ey we speak and act in and on the world The sense of whites as non raced is most evident in the absence of ref ence to whiteness in the habitual speech and writing of white people in e West We whites will speak of say the blackness or Chineseness of ends neighbours colleagues customers or clients and it may be in the ost genuinely friendly and accepting manner but we don t mention the miteness of the white people we know An old style white comedian will ten start a joke There s this bloke walking down the street and he rets this black geezer never thinking to race the bloke as well as the ezer Synopses in listings of films on TV where wordage is tight e less squander words with things like Comedy in which a cop and his ack sidekick investigate a robbery Skinhead Johnny and his Asian lover mar set up a laundrette Feature film from a promising Native Ameri n director and so on Since all white people in the West do this all the me it would be invidious to quote actual examples and so I shall con e myself to one from my own writing In an article on lesbian and gay reotypes Dyer 1993 I discuss the fact that there can be variations on a De such as the queen or dyke In the illustrations which accompany this int I compare a fashion queen from the film Irene with a black queen m Car Wash the former white image is not raced whereas all the vari on of the latter is reduced to his race Moreover this is the only non ite image referred to in the article which does not however point out at all the other images discussed are white In this as in the other white amples in this paragraph the fashion queen is racially speaking taken being just human This assumption that white people are just people which is not far off ing that whites are people whereas other colours are something else is demic to white culture Some of the sharpest criticism of it has been med at those who would think themselves the least racist or white su emacist bell hooks for instance has noted how amazed and angry ite liberals become when attention is drawn to their whiteness when y are seen by non white people as white Often their rage erupts because they believe that all ways of looking that highlight difference subvert the liberal belief in a universal as race is something people are not racially rm Other people are of being just human monality of humanity r their race But non terests of a race The iem us from the posi ivileges and sufferings authority with which in the absence of ref ing of white people in ess or Chineseness of 3 and it may be in the we don t mention the e white comedian will Iwn the street and he e bloke as well as the vordage is tight none In which a cop and his iny and his Asian lover omising Native Ameri he West do this all the es and so I shall con le on lesbian and gay can be variations on a which accompany this te with a black queen 1 whereas all the vari this is the only non ot however point out as in the other white cially speaking taken which is not far off are something else is ticism of it has been st racist or white su amazed and angry heir whiteness when I ways of looking f in a universal Dyer The Matter of Whiteness 11 subjectivity we are all just people that they think will make racism disappear They have a deep emotional investment in the myth of sameness even as their actions reflect the primacy of whiteness as a sign informing who they are and how they think hooks 1992 167 Similarly Hazel Carby discusses the use of black texts in white class rooms under the sign of multiculturalism in a way that winds up focusing on the complexity of response in the white reader student s construc tion of self in relation to a black perceived other We should she ar gues recognise that everyone in this social order has been constructed in our political imagination as a racialised subject and thus that we should consider whiteness as well as blackness in order to make visible what is rendered invisible when viewed as the normative state of existence the white point in space from which we tend to identify difference Carby 1992 193 The invisibility of whiteness as a racial position in white which is to say dominant discourse is of a piece with its ubiquity When I said above that I wasn t merely seeking to fill a gap in the analysis of racial imagery I re produced the idea that there is no discussion of white people In fact for most of the time white people speak about nothing but white people it s just that we couch it in terms of people in general Research into books museums the press advertising films television software repeatedly shows that in Western representation whites are overwhelm ingly and disproportionately predominant have the central and elabo rated roles and above all are placed as the norm the ordinary the standard Whites are everywhere in representation Yet precisely because of this and their placing as norm they seem not to be represented to themselves as whites but as people who are variously gendered classed sexualised and abled At the level of racial representation in other words whites are not of a certain race they re just the human race We are often told that we are living now in a world of multiple identi ties of hybridity of decentredness and fragmentation The old illusory unified identities of class gender race sexuality are breaking up some one may be black and gay and middle class and female we may be bi poly or non sexual of mixed race indeterminate gender and heaven knows what class Yet we have not yet reached a situation in which white people and white cultural agendas are no longer in the ascendant The media politics education are still in the hands of white people still speak for whites while claiming and sometimes sincerely aiming to speak for humanity Against the flowering of a myriad postmodern voices we must also see the countervailing tendency towards a homogenisation of world culture in the continued dominance of US news dissemination popular TV programmes and Hollywood movies Postmodern multiculturalism may have genuinely opened up a space for the voices of the other chal lenging the authority of the white West cf Owens 1983 but it may also
Racial imagery is central to the organisation of the modern world At what cost regions and countries export their goods whose voices are lis tened to at international gatherings who bombs and who is bombed who gets what jobs housing access to health care and education what cultural activities are subsidised and sold in what terms they are validated these are all largely inextricable from racial imagery The myriad minute deci sions that constitute the practices of the world are at every point informed by judgments about people s capacities and worth judgements based on what they look like where they come from how they speak even what they eat that is racial judgements Race is not the only factor governing these things and people of goodwill everywhere struggle to overcome the prejudices and barriers of race but it is never not a factor never not in play And since race in itself insofar as it is anything in itself refers to some intrinsically insignificant geographical physical differences between people it is the imagery of race that is in play There has been an enormous amount of analysis of racial imagery in the past decades ranging from studies of images of say blacks or Ameri can Indians in the media to the deconstruction of the fetish of the racial Other in the texts of colonialism and post colonialism Yet until recently a notable absence from such work has been the study of images of white people Indeed to say that one is interested in race has come to men that one is interested in any racial imagery other than that of white people Yet race is not only attributable to people who are not white nor is imagery of mon white people the only racial imagery This essay is about the racial imagery of white people not the images of other races in white cultural production but the latter s imagery of white people themselves This is not done merely to fill a gap in the ana tic literature but because there is something at stake in looking at or 9
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Racial imagery is central to the organisation of the modern world At what cost regions and countries export their goods whose voices are lis tened to at international gatherings who bombs and who is bombed who gets what jobs housing access to health care and education what cultural activities are subsidised and sold in what terms they are validated these are all largely inextricable from racial imagery The myriad minute deci sions that constitute the practices of the world are at every point informed by judgments about people s capacities and worth judgements based on what they look like where they come from how they speak even what they eat that is racial judgements Race is not the only factor governing these things and people of goodwill everywhere struggle to overcome the prejudices and barriers of race but it is never not a factor never not in play And since race in itself insofar as it is anything in itself refers to some intrinsically insignificant geographical physical differences between people it is the imagery of race that is in play There has been an enormous amount of analysis of racial imagery in the past decades ranging from studies of images of say blacks or Ameri can Indians in the media to the deconstruction of the fetish of the racial Other in the texts of colonialism and post colonialism Yet until recently a notable absence from such work has been the study of images of white people Indeed to say that one is interested in race has come to men that one is interested in any racial imagery other than that of white people Yet race is not only attributable to people who are not white nor is imagery of mon white people the only racial imagery This essay is about the racial imagery of white people not the images of other races in white cultural production but the latter s imagery of white people themselves This is not done merely to fill a gap in the ana tic literature but because there is something at stake in looking at or 9
In the story of Tia Fuller she faced negative feedback when she received a D in the yearlong course on the African diaspora at Spelman College This grade devastated her and made her feel defeated However instead of letting this setback define her or discourage her Tia took the feedback as an opportunity for growth and improvement She didn t blame external factors or make excuses for her grade Instead she took responsibility for her learning and sought help from her professor Tia actively worked on improving her writing skills seeking feedback from friends and constantly questioning and refining her thinking She embraced the challenge of improving her writing and used it as motivation to become a better student Tia s response to the negative feedback
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In the story of Tia Fuller she faced negative feedback when she received a D in the yearlong course on the African diaspora at Spelman College This grade devastated her and made her feel defeated However instead of letting this setback define her or discourage her Tia took the feedback as an opportunity for growth and improvement She didn t blame external factors or make excuses for her grade Instead she took responsibility for her learning and sought help from her professor Tia actively worked on improving her writing skills seeking feedback from friends and constantly questioning and refining her thinking She embraced the challenge of improving her writing and used it as motivation to become a better student Tia s response to the negative feedback
Chapter 18 of the book is laden meaning filled with many outside texts places The purpose of including so many of these references is to the connections of what is happening in the story references to What is are the potential meaning s of this poem and what evidence supports that idea How do you think the poem s title connects with Holden Caulfield In what ways does Holden connect with or seem similar to the main character in the war movie
Anatomy and Physiology
Chapter 18 of the book is laden meaning filled with many outside texts places The purpose of including so many of these references is to the connections of what is happening in the story references to What is are the potential meaning s of this poem and what evidence supports that idea How do you think the poem s title connects with Holden Caulfield In what ways does Holden connect with or seem similar to the main character in the war movie
Her soru i in size 15 dakikal k s re verilecek Bu s re i erisinde z m n foto raf n y klemeli ve gerekli alanlar doldurmal s n z Bir soruyu tamamlad ktan sonra kar s n za kan b Soru Bekleme Ekran nda b b ptal Butonuna b basarak di er soruya ge i yapmadan teste ara verebilirsiniz Haz r oldu unuzda teste kald n z yerden devam edebilirsiniz Testi en iyi ekilde tamamlayabilmeniz i in l tfen kendinize dikkatinizin da lmayaca olabildi ince sessiz bir ortam yarat n
Anatomy and Physiology
Her soru i in size 15 dakikal k s re verilecek Bu s re i erisinde z m n foto raf n y klemeli ve gerekli alanlar doldurmal s n z Bir soruyu tamamlad ktan sonra kar s n za kan b Soru Bekleme Ekran nda b b ptal Butonuna b basarak di er soruya ge i yapmadan teste ara verebilirsiniz Haz r oldu unuzda teste kald n z yerden devam edebilirsiniz Testi en iyi ekilde tamamlayabilmeniz i in l tfen kendinize dikkatinizin da lmayaca olabildi ince sessiz bir ortam yarat n
Use the following poster to answer question THE RED MENACE IS REAL Which of the following best summarizes the poster a The Red Scare b American Expansionism c Ku Klux Klan d Patriot Act
Anatomy and Physiology
Use the following poster to answer question THE RED MENACE IS REAL Which of the following best summarizes the poster a The Red Scare b American Expansionism c Ku Klux Klan d Patriot Act
4 Which action by the United States government best reflects the philosophy expressed in this cartoon a Enactment of the Lend Lease Act b Rejection of the Fourteen Points by Congress c Approval of the Treaty of Versailles d Passage of legislation restricting immigration
Anatomy and Physiology
4 Which action by the United States government best reflects the philosophy expressed in this cartoon a Enactment of the Lend Lease Act b Rejection of the Fourteen Points by Congress c Approval of the Treaty of Versailles d Passage of legislation restricting immigration
2 Which of the following best summarizes the map a Great Migration Dustbowl b c Battle of Yorktown Manifest Destiny d
Anatomy and Physiology
2 Which of the following best summarizes the map a Great Migration Dustbowl b c Battle of Yorktown Manifest Destiny d
the excerpt to answer the question s that follow The people of the United States are drawn from many nations and chiefly from the nations now at war It is natural and inevitable that there should be utmost variety of sympathy and desire among them with regard to the issues and circumstances of the conflict Some will wish one nation others another to succeed in the momentous struggle The United States must be neutral in fact as well as in name during these days that are to try men s souls President Woodrow Wilson 1914 1 Which development caused the United States to change the foreign policy supported by President Wilson in the quotation a Russia and China withdrew its military forces from the conflict b The Central Powers began to use poison gas on the battlefield c German submarines attacked U S merchant ships and the Zimmerman Telegram d Hitler s use of mass production to kill off the Jewish population
Anatomy and Physiology
the excerpt to answer the question s that follow The people of the United States are drawn from many nations and chiefly from the nations now at war It is natural and inevitable that there should be utmost variety of sympathy and desire among them with regard to the issues and circumstances of the conflict Some will wish one nation others another to succeed in the momentous struggle The United States must be neutral in fact as well as in name during these days that are to try men s souls President Woodrow Wilson 1914 1 Which development caused the United States to change the foreign policy supported by President Wilson in the quotation a Russia and China withdrew its military forces from the conflict b The Central Powers began to use poison gas on the battlefield c German submarines attacked U S merchant ships and the Zimmerman Telegram d Hitler s use of mass production to kill off the Jewish population
Topographic Map Figure 17 shows the topographic map we used in Example 8 of this section Recall that Stacey is at position S and Amy is at position A In Figure 19 Travis a third hiker is at position T 17 If the distance between A and T on the map in Figure 19 is 0 5 inch find each of the following a The horizontal distance between Amy and Travis b The difference in elevation between Amy and Travis c The angle of elevation from Travis to Amy 0001 1546 Bishop Peak 1 in 1600 ft 1200 1600 O Contour interval 40 ft FIGURE 17
Anatomy and Physiology
Topographic Map Figure 17 shows the topographic map we used in Example 8 of this section Recall that Stacey is at position S and Amy is at position A In Figure 19 Travis a third hiker is at position T 17 If the distance between A and T on the map in Figure 19 is 0 5 inch find each of the following a The horizontal distance between Amy and Travis b The difference in elevation between Amy and Travis c The angle of elevation from Travis to Amy 0001 1546 Bishop Peak 1 in 1600 ft 1200 1600 O Contour interval 40 ft FIGURE 17
3 Identify organs of the Lymphatic System mentioned below Torso model Spleen 24 Upper Head Model Palatine tonsil ball below soft palate y Pharyngeal tonsil adenoids x Lingual tonsil yellow at base of tongue z Thymus on heart model Lymphatic System Model initel lymph nodes
Anatomy and Physiology
3 Identify organs of the Lymphatic System mentioned below Torso model Spleen 24 Upper Head Model Palatine tonsil ball below soft palate y Pharyngeal tonsil adenoids x Lingual tonsil yellow at base of tongue z Thymus on heart model Lymphatic System Model initel lymph nodes
If the host cell remains alive then a bacteriophage is replicating via the lysogenic cycle O either the lytic or the lysogenic cycle the lytic cyle neither lytic por lysogenic cycles is correct
Anatomy and Physiology
If the host cell remains alive then a bacteriophage is replicating via the lysogenic cycle O either the lytic or the lysogenic cycle the lytic cyle neither lytic por lysogenic cycles is correct
Overproduction Franklin D Roosevelt The Dust Bowl Bull Market The Great Depression Vocabulary Categories Directions Drag Drop the terms on the side to the category you think it belongs in Events People Places Action Legislation Speculation Herbert Hoo Great Depres Bread Line Hooverville
Anatomy and Physiology
Overproduction Franklin D Roosevelt The Dust Bowl Bull Market The Great Depression Vocabulary Categories Directions Drag Drop the terms on the side to the category you think it belongs in Events People Places Action Legislation Speculation Herbert Hoo Great Depres Bread Line Hooverville
Because the Lord knows his own as he said My sheep hear my voice and I know them and I call them by name and they follow me and I will give them eternal life He also did this to our family when he raised up this teacher wholenlightened the nation ours stunned by weakness or rather by the devil s trick on the mind did not want to walk in the light of God s commandments His life even if only briefly told shows what he was like so that those who hear him if they want to become like him accept wisdom and reject laziness as the apostle said Be like me as I am like Christ In the city of Sol ne there was a certain man born and rich named Leo He was pious and kept all the commandments of God truthfully like Job once was During the time he lived with his wife he fathered seven children The youngest of them the seventh was Konstantin Philosopher our educator and teacher When the mother gave birth to him she put him to the breast for weaning but the child did not want to latch on to anyone else s breast only the mother s until it was weaned It happened by God s providence that a good branch from a good root was weaned with undefiled milk Then the good parents agreed not to associate to please each other but so they lived in the Lord as brother and sister for fourteen years until death did them part When the child was seven years old he had a dream When told him to his father and mother said Strategist he assembled all the maidens of our city and said to me Choose from among them whom you want as a wife and a helper equal to yourself I when I examined and inspected them all saw one of the most beautiful of all with a radiant face very adorned with gold chains and pearls and all beauty Her name was Sofia that is Wisdom When they put him to study he excelled in learning nad by all the students with a very sharp memory that everyone was surprised One day as is the custom of the rich to amuse themselves by hunting you went out with them into the field and he took his son And as soon as he let go of it the wind rose by God s direction took it from him and carried it away The boy was therefore sad and angry and did not eat for two days Because the gracious God in his love for man did not want him to get used to worldly things Contemplating the futility of this life he envied him and said Is this life such that instead of joy comes sorrow From this day I will go another way And being instructed by this he sat in his house and studied by heart the books of Gregor the Theologian And again the bishops and all the people gathered to see him off with honors and spoke Let s open the coffin and see nobody took anything from him Even with great effort they could not unnail the coffin by God s guidance And so they put him with the coffin in the grave on the right side of the altar in the Church of St Clement where many miracles began to happen And when the Romans seeing this they clung still more to his sanctity and dignity and painted a picture over his tomb and kindled a light over it day and night praising God who so he glorifies those who glorify him probably Kliment transl E Paulina Life Method After all this God is merciful who wants everyone man achieved salvation and came to the knowledge of the truth in our time for our nation which no one ever cared about he awakened our teacher blessed Methodius to a good work and when we compare all his virtues and endeavors one by one with those godly men we shall not be ashamed For he equaled one was somewhat smaller than the others and surpassed some he surpassed the eloquent in zeal and the zealous in eloquence Because he became similar to all he showed the image of all in himself fear of God observance of the commandments bodily cleanliness unceasing prayers and holiness speaking strong and sweet And he came from a family of both parents who were not poor but very good and honest known above all to God and the emperor and the whole region of Thessaloniki and he also excelled in physical appearance That is why even his opponents the Greeks loved him from childhood spoke respectfully of him until the emperor knowing his intelligence gave him the administration of the principality of Slovenia and so to speak as if he had foreseen that he would send him to Slovenia as a teacher and the first archbishop to learn all Slovak customs and slowly got used to them He also had a prophetic grace because many of his predictions came true one or two of which we will tell The pagan prince very powerful resided on the Vistula blasphemed the Christians and troubled them But he sent to him and said It will be good for you son to be baptized of your own free will in your own country so that you a captive will not be baptized by force in a foreign country and you will remember me which happened When his disciples took care of him they paid him dignified honors performed the church service in Latin Greek and Slovene and laid him in the main temple And he was assigned to his fathers and patriarchs and prophets apostles teachers martyrs But the people an innumerable nation that came down accompanied him with candles mourned the good teacher and shepherd mourned men and women the poor and the great the rich and the poor the free and the serf the widow and the orphan the foreigner and the native the sick and the healthy all for he was all things to all that he might win all about Gorazd transl E Paulina
Anatomy and Physiology
Because the Lord knows his own as he said My sheep hear my voice and I know them and I call them by name and they follow me and I will give them eternal life He also did this to our family when he raised up this teacher wholenlightened the nation ours stunned by weakness or rather by the devil s trick on the mind did not want to walk in the light of God s commandments His life even if only briefly told shows what he was like so that those who hear him if they want to become like him accept wisdom and reject laziness as the apostle said Be like me as I am like Christ In the city of Sol ne there was a certain man born and rich named Leo He was pious and kept all the commandments of God truthfully like Job once was During the time he lived with his wife he fathered seven children The youngest of them the seventh was Konstantin Philosopher our educator and teacher When the mother gave birth to him she put him to the breast for weaning but the child did not want to latch on to anyone else s breast only the mother s until it was weaned It happened by God s providence that a good branch from a good root was weaned with undefiled milk Then the good parents agreed not to associate to please each other but so they lived in the Lord as brother and sister for fourteen years until death did them part When the child was seven years old he had a dream When told him to his father and mother said Strategist he assembled all the maidens of our city and said to me Choose from among them whom you want as a wife and a helper equal to yourself I when I examined and inspected them all saw one of the most beautiful of all with a radiant face very adorned with gold chains and pearls and all beauty Her name was Sofia that is Wisdom When they put him to study he excelled in learning nad by all the students with a very sharp memory that everyone was surprised One day as is the custom of the rich to amuse themselves by hunting you went out with them into the field and he took his son And as soon as he let go of it the wind rose by God s direction took it from him and carried it away The boy was therefore sad and angry and did not eat for two days Because the gracious God in his love for man did not want him to get used to worldly things Contemplating the futility of this life he envied him and said Is this life such that instead of joy comes sorrow From this day I will go another way And being instructed by this he sat in his house and studied by heart the books of Gregor the Theologian And again the bishops and all the people gathered to see him off with honors and spoke Let s open the coffin and see nobody took anything from him Even with great effort they could not unnail the coffin by God s guidance And so they put him with the coffin in the grave on the right side of the altar in the Church of St Clement where many miracles began to happen And when the Romans seeing this they clung still more to his sanctity and dignity and painted a picture over his tomb and kindled a light over it day and night praising God who so he glorifies those who glorify him probably Kliment transl E Paulina Life Method After all this God is merciful who wants everyone man achieved salvation and came to the knowledge of the truth in our time for our nation which no one ever cared about he awakened our teacher blessed Methodius to a good work and when we compare all his virtues and endeavors one by one with those godly men we shall not be ashamed For he equaled one was somewhat smaller than the others and surpassed some he surpassed the eloquent in zeal and the zealous in eloquence Because he became similar to all he showed the image of all in himself fear of God observance of the commandments bodily cleanliness unceasing prayers and holiness speaking strong and sweet And he came from a family of both parents who were not poor but very good and honest known above all to God and the emperor and the whole region of Thessaloniki and he also excelled in physical appearance That is why even his opponents the Greeks loved him from childhood spoke respectfully of him until the emperor knowing his intelligence gave him the administration of the principality of Slovenia and so to speak as if he had foreseen that he would send him to Slovenia as a teacher and the first archbishop to learn all Slovak customs and slowly got used to them He also had a prophetic grace because many of his predictions came true one or two of which we will tell The pagan prince very powerful resided on the Vistula blasphemed the Christians and troubled them But he sent to him and said It will be good for you son to be baptized of your own free will in your own country so that you a captive will not be baptized by force in a foreign country and you will remember me which happened When his disciples took care of him they paid him dignified honors performed the church service in Latin Greek and Slovene and laid him in the main temple And he was assigned to his fathers and patriarchs and prophets apostles teachers martyrs But the people an innumerable nation that came down accompanied him with candles mourned the good teacher and shepherd mourned men and women the poor and the great the rich and the poor the free and the serf the widow and the orphan the foreigner and the native the sick and the healthy all for he was all things to all that he might win all about Gorazd transl E Paulina
SensorTech Stern Solutions Ltd is a subsidiary of SensorTech Stern ple result of globalization You are not sure what globalization is so you look for some information online BEFORE YOU READ A Look at the four pictures about globalization and write one or two sentences about each one The letters in picture A stand for The illustration shows how Picture 8 has a map of and there is also B Compare your notes with a partner C Skim the text quickly and match the pictures A D with the four stages of globalization A D www B MADE IN CHINA www The four stages of globalization Stage 1 For many centuries international trade was a slow process European trade with Asia was overland along the Silk Road and with the Americas Africa India Australia and New Zealand it was mainly by sailing ship Only small quantities of goods could be imported and it took centuries for explorers and colonizers to establish the sea routes that were later used by trading companies such as s the East India Company 1600 and the Hudson s Bay Company 1670 Stage 2 In the 1950s when peace came after the Second World War international transport and communications were no longer restricted and soon far larger quantities of goods were traded internationally mainly from east to west Western brands e g fast food or coffee chains and culture e g Hollywood movies or western music also established themselves all over the world Stage 3 As early as the 1970s large western manufacturing companies started moving some of their operations to low wage countries to save on labour costs By the 1990s it was standard practice for companies to manufacture goods cheaply in Asia and sell them at a much higher price on the western market Western countries therefore concentrated on services and millions of manufacturing jobs were lost Stage 4 In the 1990s scientists connected computer networks and produced a huge interconnected metwork the internet covering the whole world Massive advances were also made in computing and ommunications technology resulting in smartphones and tablets with internet access Now in the st century new inventions are changing cogitu
Anatomy and Physiology
SensorTech Stern Solutions Ltd is a subsidiary of SensorTech Stern ple result of globalization You are not sure what globalization is so you look for some information online BEFORE YOU READ A Look at the four pictures about globalization and write one or two sentences about each one The letters in picture A stand for The illustration shows how Picture 8 has a map of and there is also B Compare your notes with a partner C Skim the text quickly and match the pictures A D with the four stages of globalization A D www B MADE IN CHINA www The four stages of globalization Stage 1 For many centuries international trade was a slow process European trade with Asia was overland along the Silk Road and with the Americas Africa India Australia and New Zealand it was mainly by sailing ship Only small quantities of goods could be imported and it took centuries for explorers and colonizers to establish the sea routes that were later used by trading companies such as s the East India Company 1600 and the Hudson s Bay Company 1670 Stage 2 In the 1950s when peace came after the Second World War international transport and communications were no longer restricted and soon far larger quantities of goods were traded internationally mainly from east to west Western brands e g fast food or coffee chains and culture e g Hollywood movies or western music also established themselves all over the world Stage 3 As early as the 1970s large western manufacturing companies started moving some of their operations to low wage countries to save on labour costs By the 1990s it was standard practice for companies to manufacture goods cheaply in Asia and sell them at a much higher price on the western market Western countries therefore concentrated on services and millions of manufacturing jobs were lost Stage 4 In the 1990s scientists connected computer networks and produced a huge interconnected metwork the internet covering the whole world Massive advances were also made in computing and ommunications technology resulting in smartphones and tablets with internet access Now in the st century new inventions are changing cogitu
that will not be used Fill in gaps 41 47 with the correct sentence LA JJ There are three extra sentences The Gaelic Athletic Association GAA is a sports organisation founded in 1884 with the aim of supporting Irish sports As a symbol of national unity and fight for freedom Rule 42 was accepted banning the playing of non Gaelic games such as football and rugby at GAA s sports grounds In 2005 however GAA allowed international football and rugby games to be played in its Dublin stadium because Dublin s other stadium was being rebuilt 41 Gaelic football is played on a square grass pitch twice the size of a football pitch with H shaped goalposts Each team has 15 players The ball is round and can be played with both hands and feet 42 Points are scored by kicking or punching the ball over the bar which is one point or under the bar into the goalpost which is one goal or three points Hurling is played on the same pitch as Gaelic football with a team of 15 players A wooden hurley a stick used to play is used with a special ball called sliothar which has a cork core covered in leather Safety helmets are worn Hands can be used to catch the sliothar and players can run up to four steps with it or catch it while it s in the air or bouncing 43 The goalposts and scoring are the same as in Gaelic football A The batter must bat it towards the centre of the pitch B That means the game is lost T6 The ball cannot touch the ground D A point is scored if it s not returned but only if the player is serving E The other team then bats F The four GAA s officially recognised games are Gaelic football hurling handball and rounders G Then a new game starts H They can t be used to pick it up or throw it It can be carried bounced kicked thrown and dropped kicked Ball games have been played in Ireland for centuries and they are more than sports Gaelic football www GARHANDP Gaelic handball Hurling Gaelic rounder Gaelic handball previously played in outdoor handball alleys is played like squash in an indoor court with a 6 metre or 8 metre high front wall Two singles or four doubles players play three sets Each set is two games to 21 points and a third tie breaker to 11 points if needed The ball is hit with the hand against the front wall without hitting the floor The opponent returns it after a maximum of one bounce 44 If not the right to serve is won Gaelic rounders is played using a bat and a sliothar An innings a playing period is completed when all team members have batted 45 A 25 metre box is marked on the bottom left hand corner of the 70x70 metre pitch The batter stands at the bottom left hand corner of the box called the home base The other corners of the box in an anti clockwise direction are the first second and third bases The pitcher pitches the sliothar The batter to the batter from the centre of the box 46 then runs around the bases to score runs All four Gaelic games The element of competition are group ball games 47 balanced by the need to cooperate which makes them are as cle to a game as they are to a physical activity and competition BRIDGE 2026
Anatomy and Physiology
that will not be used Fill in gaps 41 47 with the correct sentence LA JJ There are three extra sentences The Gaelic Athletic Association GAA is a sports organisation founded in 1884 with the aim of supporting Irish sports As a symbol of national unity and fight for freedom Rule 42 was accepted banning the playing of non Gaelic games such as football and rugby at GAA s sports grounds In 2005 however GAA allowed international football and rugby games to be played in its Dublin stadium because Dublin s other stadium was being rebuilt 41 Gaelic football is played on a square grass pitch twice the size of a football pitch with H shaped goalposts Each team has 15 players The ball is round and can be played with both hands and feet 42 Points are scored by kicking or punching the ball over the bar which is one point or under the bar into the goalpost which is one goal or three points Hurling is played on the same pitch as Gaelic football with a team of 15 players A wooden hurley a stick used to play is used with a special ball called sliothar which has a cork core covered in leather Safety helmets are worn Hands can be used to catch the sliothar and players can run up to four steps with it or catch it while it s in the air or bouncing 43 The goalposts and scoring are the same as in Gaelic football A The batter must bat it towards the centre of the pitch B That means the game is lost T6 The ball cannot touch the ground D A point is scored if it s not returned but only if the player is serving E The other team then bats F The four GAA s officially recognised games are Gaelic football hurling handball and rounders G Then a new game starts H They can t be used to pick it up or throw it It can be carried bounced kicked thrown and dropped kicked Ball games have been played in Ireland for centuries and they are more than sports Gaelic football www GARHANDP Gaelic handball Hurling Gaelic rounder Gaelic handball previously played in outdoor handball alleys is played like squash in an indoor court with a 6 metre or 8 metre high front wall Two singles or four doubles players play three sets Each set is two games to 21 points and a third tie breaker to 11 points if needed The ball is hit with the hand against the front wall without hitting the floor The opponent returns it after a maximum of one bounce 44 If not the right to serve is won Gaelic rounders is played using a bat and a sliothar An innings a playing period is completed when all team members have batted 45 A 25 metre box is marked on the bottom left hand corner of the 70x70 metre pitch The batter stands at the bottom left hand corner of the box called the home base The other corners of the box in an anti clockwise direction are the first second and third bases The pitcher pitches the sliothar The batter to the batter from the centre of the box 46 then runs around the bases to score runs All four Gaelic games The element of competition are group ball games 47 balanced by the need to cooperate which makes them are as cle to a game as they are to a physical activity and competition BRIDGE 2026
Answer these questions before moving on to the Analyze the Text section on the following page 1 Read the excerpt from the story What does the word barren suggest in this excerpt A B D The boy wanted to say something else other than Thank you m am to Mrs Luella Bates Washington Jones but he couldn t do so as he turned at the barren stoop and looked back at the large woman in the door Mrs Jones does not have a lot of money to give out Mrs Jones is careful to keep a clean and tidy house Roger is reluctant to leave Mrs Jones s house Roger is grateful to Mrs Jones for sharing her food 2 Which two sentences show that Roger wants Mrs Jones s trust B A I wanted a pair of blue suede shoes said the boy paragraph 31 After he had dried his face and not knowing what else to do dried it again the boy turned around wondering what next paragraph 34 He could make a dash for it down the hall paragraph 34 But the boy took care to sit on the far side of the room where he thought she could easily see him out of the corner of her eye if she wanted to paragraph 38 Do you need somebody to go to the store asked the boy maybe to get some milk or something paragraph 39 Ed Test Taking
Anatomy and Physiology
Answer these questions before moving on to the Analyze the Text section on the following page 1 Read the excerpt from the story What does the word barren suggest in this excerpt A B D The boy wanted to say something else other than Thank you m am to Mrs Luella Bates Washington Jones but he couldn t do so as he turned at the barren stoop and looked back at the large woman in the door Mrs Jones does not have a lot of money to give out Mrs Jones is careful to keep a clean and tidy house Roger is reluctant to leave Mrs Jones s house Roger is grateful to Mrs Jones for sharing her food 2 Which two sentences show that Roger wants Mrs Jones s trust B A I wanted a pair of blue suede shoes said the boy paragraph 31 After he had dried his face and not knowing what else to do dried it again the boy turned around wondering what next paragraph 34 He could make a dash for it down the hall paragraph 34 But the boy took care to sit on the far side of the room where he thought she could easily see him out of the corner of her eye if she wanted to paragraph 38 Do you need somebody to go to the store asked the boy maybe to get some milk or something paragraph 39 Ed Test Taking
xplain what an argument is and how it differs from an opinion
Anatomy and Physiology
xplain what an argument is and how it differs from an opinion
Is the type of evidence appropriate to support the claim scientific Is there sufficient scientific evidence Are the data accurate OR Is the information valid Reasoning Is the reasoning clear to the reader listener Does the reasoning link the evidence to the claim Is a scientific principle concept or knowledge of scientific ideas used to describe why the evidence supports the claim Overall Explanation Does the explanation include all three parts CER Not At All Partially Yes
Anatomy and Physiology
Is the type of evidence appropriate to support the claim scientific Is there sufficient scientific evidence Are the data accurate OR Is the information valid Reasoning Is the reasoning clear to the reader listener Does the reasoning link the evidence to the claim Is a scientific principle concept or knowledge of scientific ideas used to describe why the evidence supports the claim Overall Explanation Does the explanation include all three parts CER Not At All Partially Yes
When WWI began the official US policy was to support the Central Powers by providing war materiall to enter on the side of the Central Powers to remain militarily and politically neutral to enter on the side of the Allied Powers
Anatomy and Physiology
When WWI began the official US policy was to support the Central Powers by providing war materiall to enter on the side of the Central Powers to remain militarily and politically neutral to enter on the side of the Allied Powers
What treaty ended WWI Oslo Accords 0000 Treaty of Guadeloupe Hidalga Treaty of Versailles Treaty of Paris
Anatomy and Physiology
What treaty ended WWI Oslo Accords 0000 Treaty of Guadeloupe Hidalga Treaty of Versailles Treaty of Paris
3 4 cos3x 5 1 denkleminin 0 360 aral ndaki en b y k ka k a a dakilerden hangisidir A 260 B 300 C 320 D 340 E 350
Anatomy and Physiology
3 4 cos3x 5 1 denkleminin 0 360 aral ndaki en b y k ka k a a dakilerden hangisidir A 260 B 300 C 320 D 340 E 350
Read the essay Growing Up Asian in America by Kesaya E Noda Review the background on the autho in Collections After reading the background on the author read the paragraphs at the bottom of page 18 paragraph ends on page 188 Answer the following questions as you reread the first two paragraphs What is the author s purpose Which line from paragraph one or two best illustrates this purpose What is the main idea of the essay Which line articulates the main idea Note how author Kesaya E Noda wrote Growing Up Asian in America into 3 parts PART 1 I am racially Japanese PART 2 I am a Japanese American PART 3 I am a Japanese American woman With your partners or independently answer the following questions 1 Why would Noda structure her essay in this way 2 In what ways does each section clarify her purpose for writing 3 In what way does the author s choice of structure make her essay more aesthetically impactful An version of this question What makes this writing appealing to the reader and what emotions does it 4 In her essay how does Noda challenge the harmful views of others repercussions of racist events in and stereotypes imposed upon her by society For each question you should be sure to include textual evidence to support your responses Finally You should answer each of the following questions using details from the text 1 Overall what is Noda s purpose for writing 2 What is she portraying about her experience of growing up Asian in America 3 How does the structure of Noda s essay contribute to its overall meaning 4 How does the aesthetic impact influence the author s purpose s text
Anatomy and Physiology
Read the essay Growing Up Asian in America by Kesaya E Noda Review the background on the autho in Collections After reading the background on the author read the paragraphs at the bottom of page 18 paragraph ends on page 188 Answer the following questions as you reread the first two paragraphs What is the author s purpose Which line from paragraph one or two best illustrates this purpose What is the main idea of the essay Which line articulates the main idea Note how author Kesaya E Noda wrote Growing Up Asian in America into 3 parts PART 1 I am racially Japanese PART 2 I am a Japanese American PART 3 I am a Japanese American woman With your partners or independently answer the following questions 1 Why would Noda structure her essay in this way 2 In what ways does each section clarify her purpose for writing 3 In what way does the author s choice of structure make her essay more aesthetically impactful An version of this question What makes this writing appealing to the reader and what emotions does it 4 In her essay how does Noda challenge the harmful views of others repercussions of racist events in and stereotypes imposed upon her by society For each question you should be sure to include textual evidence to support your responses Finally You should answer each of the following questions using details from the text 1 Overall what is Noda s purpose for writing 2 What is she portraying about her experience of growing up Asian in America 3 How does the structure of Noda s essay contribute to its overall meaning 4 How does the aesthetic impact influence the author s purpose s text
Today s post comes from Sonia Kahn in the National Archives History Office It is part five of a series on the history of some of the seized foreign records housed at the National Archives Unlike the very systematic seizure and filming of German records the acquisition of many of the Italian records that made their way to the National Archives was purely by chance The personal papers of Benito Mussolini also sometimes called the Handbag Files are a prime example Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini in Munich Germany June 1941 National Archives Identifier 540151 Known as Il Duce Mussolini was the head of the Italian National Fascist Party He served as Prime Minister from 1922 until July 1943 when his extreme unpopularity led King Victor Emmanuel III of Italy to dismiss and arrest him Just months later on October 13 the Italian state switched its alliance and formally declared war on Germany Mussolini s reign however was not finished and in September 1943 he was rescued from prison by a German paratrooper unit At Hitler s suggestion
Anatomy and Physiology
Today s post comes from Sonia Kahn in the National Archives History Office It is part five of a series on the history of some of the seized foreign records housed at the National Archives Unlike the very systematic seizure and filming of German records the acquisition of many of the Italian records that made their way to the National Archives was purely by chance The personal papers of Benito Mussolini also sometimes called the Handbag Files are a prime example Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini in Munich Germany June 1941 National Archives Identifier 540151 Known as Il Duce Mussolini was the head of the Italian National Fascist Party He served as Prime Minister from 1922 until July 1943 when his extreme unpopularity led King Victor Emmanuel III of Italy to dismiss and arrest him Just months later on October 13 the Italian state switched its alliance and formally declared war on Germany Mussolini s reign however was not finished and in September 1943 he was rescued from prison by a German paratrooper unit At Hitler s suggestion
How did it affect Trevor Noah about the case of racism explain why
Anatomy and Physiology
How did it affect Trevor Noah about the case of racism explain why
10 20 30 35 50 60 Amount of ethylene in Age of the tree in years 10 15 20 30 35 Wine sap Apples Days to Maturity 14 12 11 10 8 8 A Ethylene is a plant hormone that causes fruit to mature The data above concerns the amount of time it takes for fruit to mature from the time of the first application of ethylene by spraying a field of trees B Make a line graph of the data Problem 3 Golden Apples Days to Maturity Average thickness of the annual rings in cm Forest A 2 0 2 2 3 5 3 0 4 5 4 3 14 12 9 7 7 7 Gala Apples Days to Maturity 15 13 10 9 8 7 Average thickness of the annual rings in cm Forest B 2 2 2 5 3 6 3 8 4 0 4 5 A The thickness of the annual rings indicate what type of environmental situation was occurring at the time of its development A thin ring usually indicates a rough period of development Lack of water forest fires or a major insect infestation On the other hand a thick ring indicates just the opposite Make a line graph of the data What was the average thickness of the annual rings of 40 year old trees in Forest A Based on this data what can you conclude about Forest A and Forest Title
Anatomy and Physiology
10 20 30 35 50 60 Amount of ethylene in Age of the tree in years 10 15 20 30 35 Wine sap Apples Days to Maturity 14 12 11 10 8 8 A Ethylene is a plant hormone that causes fruit to mature The data above concerns the amount of time it takes for fruit to mature from the time of the first application of ethylene by spraying a field of trees B Make a line graph of the data Problem 3 Golden Apples Days to Maturity Average thickness of the annual rings in cm Forest A 2 0 2 2 3 5 3 0 4 5 4 3 14 12 9 7 7 7 Gala Apples Days to Maturity 15 13 10 9 8 7 Average thickness of the annual rings in cm Forest B 2 2 2 5 3 6 3 8 4 0 4 5 A The thickness of the annual rings indicate what type of environmental situation was occurring at the time of its development A thin ring usually indicates a rough period of development Lack of water forest fires or a major insect infestation On the other hand a thick ring indicates just the opposite Make a line graph of the data What was the average thickness of the annual rings of 40 year old trees in Forest A Based on this data what can you conclude about Forest A and Forest Title
What motivates you Why
Anatomy and Physiology
What motivates you Why
What is plagiarism
Anatomy and Physiology
What is plagiarism
Anatomy and Physiology
Judy adds s to every noun to make it plural whether she should or not e g tooths instead of teeth What aspect of preschoolers language development best applies to this situation O referential communication skills O leaving out articles O leaving out grammatical markers
Anatomy and Physiology
Judy adds s to every noun to make it plural whether she should or not e g tooths instead of teeth What aspect of preschoolers language development best applies to this situation O referential communication skills O leaving out articles O leaving out grammatical markers
When Tucker is at the playground with his mom and she walks from the sandbox to the water fountain to get a drink he barely notices that she s left and he doesn t get upset about it When she comes back he keeps going about his business in the sandbox even going as far as playing with Toby s mom whom Tucker doesn t really know What attachment style best applies to Tucker O insecure disorganized disoriented attachment O secure attachment O insecure avoidant attachment
Anatomy and Physiology
When Tucker is at the playground with his mom and she walks from the sandbox to the water fountain to get a drink he barely notices that she s left and he doesn t get upset about it When she comes back he keeps going about his business in the sandbox even going as far as playing with Toby s mom whom Tucker doesn t really know What attachment style best applies to Tucker O insecure disorganized disoriented attachment O secure attachment O insecure avoidant attachment
Dr Henry wants to study the development of spatial reasoning in early childhood She decides to test one set of 2 year olds one set of 3 year olds and one set of 4 year olds in Spring Semester 2016 by giving them a task where they have to guess the final location of a ball that moved through an opaque diagonal tube What developmental research design is this O sequential O cross sectional O longitudinal O microgenetic
Anatomy and Physiology
Dr Henry wants to study the development of spatial reasoning in early childhood She decides to test one set of 2 year olds one set of 3 year olds and one set of 4 year olds in Spring Semester 2016 by giving them a task where they have to guess the final location of a ball that moved through an opaque diagonal tube What developmental research design is this O sequential O cross sectional O longitudinal O microgenetic
Helen just moved into an assisted living facility and she s hoping to make a few friends with some of the ladies who already live there Based on socioemotional selectivity theory which of the following is most likely the reason why Helen would seek out new friends O developing self concept emotional regulation informational gain financial assistance
Anatomy and Physiology
Helen just moved into an assisted living facility and she s hoping to make a few friends with some of the ladies who already live there Based on socioemotional selectivity theory which of the following is most likely the reason why Helen would seek out new friends O developing self concept emotional regulation informational gain financial assistance
Human blood types are in part determined by the ABO system The allele frequency for blood type l is 0 3 and IB is 0 1 What is the frequency of B type individuals in a population 13 34 27 O 18
Anatomy and Physiology
Human blood types are in part determined by the ABO system The allele frequency for blood type l is 0 3 and IB is 0 1 What is the frequency of B type individuals in a population 13 34 27 O 18
In the previous question you calculated the frequency of the deleterious allele in the population How many individuals in the population is expected to be carriers for this disease 50 32 20
Anatomy and Physiology
In the previous question you calculated the frequency of the deleterious allele in the population How many individuals in the population is expected to be carriers for this disease 50 32 20
Write one or two paragraphs addressing this question In your opinion what are the main differences between politics in the Era of Good Feelings and politics in the United States today There is a rubric provided below FINAL Draft
Anatomy and Physiology
Write one or two paragraphs addressing this question In your opinion what are the main differences between politics in the Era of Good Feelings and politics in the United States today There is a rubric provided below FINAL Draft
What is Clifton strength and what does the Clifton assessment provide you
Anatomy and Physiology
What is Clifton strength and what does the Clifton assessment provide you
What is Clifton strength and what does the Clifton assessment provide you
Anatomy and Physiology
What is Clifton strength and what does the Clifton assessment provide you
Can you please talk about how your emotional intelligence is
Anatomy and Physiology
Can you please talk about how your emotional intelligence is
All of the following sentences from the text support the author s point that black soldiers faced discrimination EXCEPT Black soldiers served in artillery and infantry and performed all noncombat support functions that sustain an army as well Because of prejudice against them black units were not used in combat as extensively as they might have been Black soldiers were initially paid 10 per month from which 3 was automatically deducted for clothing In contrast white soldiers received 13 per month from w no clothing allowance was drawn Although the threat generally restrained the Confederates black captives were typically treated more harshly than whites
Anatomy and Physiology
All of the following sentences from the text support the author s point that black soldiers faced discrimination EXCEPT Black soldiers served in artillery and infantry and performed all noncombat support functions that sustain an army as well Because of prejudice against them black units were not used in combat as extensively as they might have been Black soldiers were initially paid 10 per month from which 3 was automatically deducted for clothing In contrast white soldiers received 13 per month from w no clothing allowance was drawn Although the threat generally restrained the Confederates black captives were typically treated more harshly than whites
Over the course of the text what do readers learn about black troops during the Civil War Black soldiers were an important part of the Union Army during the war but they were forced to return to slavery when the war ended Black soldiers had very little impact on the outcome of the Civil War but they were celebrated as heroes The positive impact of black soldiers led Congress to change the unfair pay and compensation policies giving black soldiers equal compensation Black soldiers were granted full citizenship for fighting in the Union Army
Anatomy and Physiology
Over the course of the text what do readers learn about black troops during the Civil War Black soldiers were an important part of the Union Army during the war but they were forced to return to slavery when the war ended Black soldiers had very little impact on the outcome of the Civil War but they were celebrated as heroes The positive impact of black soldiers led Congress to change the unfair pay and compensation policies giving black soldiers equal compensation Black soldiers were granted full citizenship for fighting in the Union Army
What is the author s MAIN purpose in this text To inform readers about the significant disparity in the way black soldiers were treated compared to white soldie To show how black soldiers in the Union Army brought about freedom for all black slaves To highlight Frederick Douglass impact on freedom for all black slaves To highlight Lincoln s influence in changing policies regarding black soldiers in the Union Army
Anatomy and Physiology
What is the author s MAIN purpose in this text To inform readers about the significant disparity in the way black soldiers were treated compared to white soldie To show how black soldiers in the Union Army brought about freedom for all black slaves To highlight Frederick Douglass impact on freedom for all black slaves To highlight Lincoln s influence in changing policies regarding black soldiers in the Union Army
PART B Which detail from the text best supports the answer to Part A By the end of the Civil War roughly 179 000 black men 10 of the Union Army served as soldiers in the U S Army and another 19 000 served in the Navy Paragraph 4 The Lincoln administration wrestled with the idea of authorizing the recruitment of black troops concerned that such a move would prompt the border states to secede Paragraph 2 Racial discrimination was prevalent even in the North and discriminatory practices permeated the U S Military Paragraph 6 The July 1863 assault on Fort Wagner SC in which the 54th Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteers lost two thirds of their officers and half of their troops was memoriably dramatized in the film Glory Paragraph 5
Anatomy and Physiology
PART B Which detail from the text best supports the answer to Part A By the end of the Civil War roughly 179 000 black men 10 of the Union Army served as soldiers in the U S Army and another 19 000 served in the Navy Paragraph 4 The Lincoln administration wrestled with the idea of authorizing the recruitment of black troops concerned that such a move would prompt the border states to secede Paragraph 2 Racial discrimination was prevalent even in the North and discriminatory practices permeated the U S Military Paragraph 6 The July 1863 assault on Fort Wagner SC in which the 54th Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteers lost two thirds of their officers and half of their troops was memoriably dramatized in the film Glory Paragraph 5
Review the two examples of physical agility standards for different police departments below Physical Agility Standards 1 Physical Agility Standards 2 For this discussion you will need to write a 300 word response to the disparities in physical agility standards How do you feel about having different physical standards for male and female applicants You can also incorporate other related resources
Anatomy and Physiology
Review the two examples of physical agility standards for different police departments below Physical Agility Standards 1 Physical Agility Standards 2 For this discussion you will need to write a 300 word response to the disparities in physical agility standards How do you feel about having different physical standards for male and female applicants You can also incorporate other related resources
Questions 36 to 45 are matching Match the enzyme with its function You can use letters more than once A Lactase B Sucrase C Pepsin D Secretin E Trypsin F Hydrochloric acid G Carboxypeptidase H Aminopeptidase I Cholecystokinin J Gastrin K Chymotrypsin 36 Secreted from parietal cells and assists in the conversion of pepsinogen to pepsin 37 The deficiency results in individuals having intestinal gas after eating cheese and drinking milk 38 Causes an increase in stomach motility and assists in causing secretion from parietal cells 39 A proteolytic enzyme released from the pancreas that cleaves peptide bonds from the carboxyl side of the amino acid lysine or arginine 40 A proteolytic enzyme released from the pancreas that cleaves peptide bonds when the carboxyl side of the amide bond is a tyrosine tryptophan or phenylalanine 41 An enzyme that breaks the glycosidic bond between glucose and fructose 42 An exopeptidase that acts on the amino end of a protein or polypeptide 43 An exopeptidase that acts on the carboxyl end of a protein or polypeptide 44 Can cause contraction of the gallbladder to release bile 45 Causes secretion of bicarbonate and other electrolytes from the pancreatic ducts
Anatomy and Physiology
Questions 36 to 45 are matching Match the enzyme with its function You can use letters more than once A Lactase B Sucrase C Pepsin D Secretin E Trypsin F Hydrochloric acid G Carboxypeptidase H Aminopeptidase I Cholecystokinin J Gastrin K Chymotrypsin 36 Secreted from parietal cells and assists in the conversion of pepsinogen to pepsin 37 The deficiency results in individuals having intestinal gas after eating cheese and drinking milk 38 Causes an increase in stomach motility and assists in causing secretion from parietal cells 39 A proteolytic enzyme released from the pancreas that cleaves peptide bonds from the carboxyl side of the amino acid lysine or arginine 40 A proteolytic enzyme released from the pancreas that cleaves peptide bonds when the carboxyl side of the amide bond is a tyrosine tryptophan or phenylalanine 41 An enzyme that breaks the glycosidic bond between glucose and fructose 42 An exopeptidase that acts on the amino end of a protein or polypeptide 43 An exopeptidase that acts on the carboxyl end of a protein or polypeptide 44 Can cause contraction of the gallbladder to release bile 45 Causes secretion of bicarbonate and other electrolytes from the pancreatic ducts
A Colon propulsion of feces towards the small intestine water absorption B Colon propulsion of feces towards the anus water absorption C Colon propulsion of feces towards the anus food absorption D Colon propulsion of feces towards the anus protein digestion E None of the above Questions 26 to 35 are matching Match the enzyme with its secretion organ source You can use letter more than once A Mouth B Esophagus C Stomach D Small Intestine E Large Intestine F Liver G Pancreas 26 Lactase 27 Sucrase 28 Pepsinogen 29 Secretin 30 Trypsinogen 31 Hydrochloric Acid 32 Procarboxypeptidase 33 Aminopeptidase 34 Cholecystokinin 35 Gastrin
Anatomy and Physiology
A Colon propulsion of feces towards the small intestine water absorption B Colon propulsion of feces towards the anus water absorption C Colon propulsion of feces towards the anus food absorption D Colon propulsion of feces towards the anus protein digestion E None of the above Questions 26 to 35 are matching Match the enzyme with its secretion organ source You can use letter more than once A Mouth B Esophagus C Stomach D Small Intestine E Large Intestine F Liver G Pancreas 26 Lactase 27 Sucrase 28 Pepsinogen 29 Secretin 30 Trypsinogen 31 Hydrochloric Acid 32 Procarboxypeptidase 33 Aminopeptidase 34 Cholecystokinin 35 Gastrin
B 3 gastric cephalic intestinal C 3 cephalic intestinal gastric D 3 cephalic gastric intestinal E None of the above Digestive System Test Dr Clark Student Name Each of the first 45 questions are worth 2 points Each of the 5 short answer questions are worth 4 points The total test is worth 110 points 24 The small intestine is where A 4 All digestion occurs all secretion occurs and occur
Anatomy and Physiology
B 3 gastric cephalic intestinal C 3 cephalic intestinal gastric D 3 cephalic gastric intestinal E None of the above Digestive System Test Dr Clark Student Name Each of the first 45 questions are worth 2 points Each of the 5 short answer questions are worth 4 points The total test is worth 110 points 24 The small intestine is where A 4 All digestion occurs all secretion occurs and occur