Anatomy and Physiology Questions

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Which of the following best describes the relationship between ethnic identity and self esteem in adolescents a Self esteem is only related to ethnic identity in adulthood not adolescence b Self esteem is highest in teens that identify with multiple ethic groups c Self esteem is worse in Hispanic teens that identify with their ethnic group Od Self esteem is improved in African American teens that identify with their ethnic group
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Which of the following best describes the relationship between ethnic identity and self esteem in adolescents a Self esteem is only related to ethnic identity in adulthood not adolescence b Self esteem is highest in teens that identify with multiple ethic groups c Self esteem is worse in Hispanic teens that identify with their ethnic group Od Self esteem is improved in African American teens that identify with their ethnic group
5 points Raj is a cognitive psychologist who conducted a large federally funded experiment to test an intervention designed to improve memory in adults with dementia Results from his experiment were negative however and his intervention actually appeared to worsen dementia symptoms Which of the following responses most consistent with post formal thinking is likely to help his career progress despite this setback a Determining if some aspects of the intervention were successful and then considering creative ways to integrate these into a new intervention b Insisting that his intervention is the right way to combat dementia and it is likely that his assistants delivered the intervention incorrectly c Deciding that it is best to just repeat prior experiments by other researchers in the field rather than trying to generate new hypotheses on his own d Abandoning his idea completely and starting over because the results were not conclusive so the intervention is definitely the wrong approach Save Answer
Anatomy and Physiology
5 points Raj is a cognitive psychologist who conducted a large federally funded experiment to test an intervention designed to improve memory in adults with dementia Results from his experiment were negative however and his intervention actually appeared to worsen dementia symptoms Which of the following responses most consistent with post formal thinking is likely to help his career progress despite this setback a Determining if some aspects of the intervention were successful and then considering creative ways to integrate these into a new intervention b Insisting that his intervention is the right way to combat dementia and it is likely that his assistants delivered the intervention incorrectly c Deciding that it is best to just repeat prior experiments by other researchers in the field rather than trying to generate new hypotheses on his own d Abandoning his idea completely and starting over because the results were not conclusive so the intervention is definitely the wrong approach Save Answer
Which of the following will teens who regularly eat dinner with their family show a an increased risk of disordered eating b an increased risk of substance abuse O c stronger romantic relationships O d better academic performance
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Which of the following will teens who regularly eat dinner with their family show a an increased risk of disordered eating b an increased risk of substance abuse O c stronger romantic relationships O d better academic performance
Colby was born with androgen insensitivity syndrome AIS The presence of this condition suggests which of the following is likely to occur a Colby is more likely to identify as a male b Colby will be more fertile than individuals without the condition c Colby is more likely to have male appearing external genitalia d Colby is genetically male with XY chromosomes
Anatomy and Physiology
Colby was born with androgen insensitivity syndrome AIS The presence of this condition suggests which of the following is likely to occur a Colby is more likely to identify as a male b Colby will be more fertile than individuals without the condition c Colby is more likely to have male appearing external genitalia d Colby is genetically male with XY chromosomes
5 points Save A Juan places great value on the environment and believes that humans should protect it at all cost If Juan is in Kohlberg s post conventional stage of moral development how is he likely to respond after learning that his company is dumping hazardous waste into a nearby river a He will stage a protest because this practice conflicts with his own personal values b He will go along with the practice after learning that his coworkers all find it acceptable c He will accept the practice after his boss assures him that it is legal d He will demand they change the process before the local news finds out and they lose customers
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
5 points Save A Juan places great value on the environment and believes that humans should protect it at all cost If Juan is in Kohlberg s post conventional stage of moral development how is he likely to respond after learning that his company is dumping hazardous waste into a nearby river a He will stage a protest because this practice conflicts with his own personal values b He will go along with the practice after learning that his coworkers all find it acceptable c He will accept the practice after his boss assures him that it is legal d He will demand they change the process before the local news finds out and they lose customers
5 points Save Answe Samantha is the editor of a newspaper and needs to hire a new reporter Among the applicants is a 68 year old journalist that won the Pulitzer Prize 20 years earlier Samantha is impressed by his credentials but passes on him for the job out of concern that he is too old to keep up with the pace of a busy newsroom Should she have been concerned about his age a No because his age means that he likely has more fluid intelligence than younger applicants b No because productivity and output is likely to remain consistent throughout adulthood c Yes because even the most productive people experience sharp declines in output in late adulthood d Yes because he will likely have little motivation to continue working past age 70
Anatomy and Physiology
5 points Save Answe Samantha is the editor of a newspaper and needs to hire a new reporter Among the applicants is a 68 year old journalist that won the Pulitzer Prize 20 years earlier Samantha is impressed by his credentials but passes on him for the job out of concern that he is too old to keep up with the pace of a busy newsroom Should she have been concerned about his age a No because his age means that he likely has more fluid intelligence than younger applicants b No because productivity and output is likely to remain consistent throughout adulthood c Yes because even the most productive people experience sharp declines in output in late adulthood d Yes because he will likely have little motivation to continue working past age 70
Over the last century which of the following puberty related trends have been observed in the United States a Fewer adolescents are experiencing puberty before entering adulthood b The average age of puberty onset is later c More adolescents are experiencing puberty before entering adulthood Od Th
Anatomy and Physiology
Over the last century which of the following puberty related trends have been observed in the United States a Fewer adolescents are experiencing puberty before entering adulthood b The average age of puberty onset is later c More adolescents are experiencing puberty before entering adulthood Od Th
5 points Save Ans Alton became fearful while trick or treating with his parents on Halloween after seeing an adult dressed as the villain from a popular movie He cried because he thought this was the actual villain from the movie and did not understand that it was a costume This type of error best characterizes which of Piaget s stages of cognitive development a preoperational b sensorimotor c formal operational d concrete operational
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
5 points Save Ans Alton became fearful while trick or treating with his parents on Halloween after seeing an adult dressed as the villain from a popular movie He cried because he thought this was the actual villain from the movie and did not understand that it was a costume This type of error best characterizes which of Piaget s stages of cognitive development a preoperational b sensorimotor c formal operational d concrete operational
5 points Save A Teddy is a two year old boy with a secure attachment style One evening his mother invites her new boss to join their family for dinner Given his attachment style how will Teddy likely react to meeting this new stranger a He will immediately hug him b He will kick him and run away c He will be initially apprehensive of him d He will ignore him
Anatomy and Physiology
5 points Save A Teddy is a two year old boy with a secure attachment style One evening his mother invites her new boss to join their family for dinner Given his attachment style how will Teddy likely react to meeting this new stranger a He will immediately hug him b He will kick him and run away c He will be initially apprehensive of him d He will ignore him
5 points Save Answ Erin age 17 and her mother would like to lose weight They join a weight management program that involves following a strict diet and daily exercise regimen Both women initially find the program difficult but Erin finds that she is having a harder time resisting other enjoyable foods compared to her mother Which of the following offers the best explanation for Erin s increased difficulty a As a teenager her metabolism is slower and causes her to have more intense cravings for fat and sugar b As a teenager it is harder for her to resist the immediate gratification that comes from eating an enjoyable food c As a teenager her frontal lobe is more active and prevents her from delaying gratification d As a teenager she is focused more on long term goals and doesn t view short term goals as important
Anatomy and Physiology
5 points Save Answ Erin age 17 and her mother would like to lose weight They join a weight management program that involves following a strict diet and daily exercise regimen Both women initially find the program difficult but Erin finds that she is having a harder time resisting other enjoyable foods compared to her mother Which of the following offers the best explanation for Erin s increased difficulty a As a teenager her metabolism is slower and causes her to have more intense cravings for fat and sugar b As a teenager it is harder for her to resist the immediate gratification that comes from eating an enjoyable food c As a teenager her frontal lobe is more active and prevents her from delaying gratification d As a teenager she is focused more on long term goals and doesn t view short term goals as important
Question 11 An area of the body which would contain cardiac muscle would be
Anatomy and Physiology
Question 11 An area of the body which would contain cardiac muscle would be
5 points Save Ar Anya has been diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder NPD She often feels helpless and anxious when her talents aren t being praised Assuming her diagnosis is accurate she is most clearly demonstrating which subtype of narcissism a borderline b avoidant c vulnerable d grandiose
Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous System
5 points Save Ar Anya has been diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder NPD She often feels helpless and anxious when her talents aren t being praised Assuming her diagnosis is accurate she is most clearly demonstrating which subtype of narcissism a borderline b avoidant c vulnerable d grandiose
5 points Consider a common behavior by people with ADHD interrupting others in conversation to an unusual degree What is the most plausible reason that interruption those with ADHD might serve to reduce their anxiety a They have a highly specific factoid they think it s important you know and telling you immediately reduces their anxiety that you won t learn it b They want to make sure you realize the value of their contributions so when they have an especially good idea they blurt it out c They have something interesting to tell you and are worried they ll forget it if they don t say it immediately d They lost track of time and worry they haven t been involved enough in the conversation so they start talking to make up for lost time
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
5 points Consider a common behavior by people with ADHD interrupting others in conversation to an unusual degree What is the most plausible reason that interruption those with ADHD might serve to reduce their anxiety a They have a highly specific factoid they think it s important you know and telling you immediately reduces their anxiety that you won t learn it b They want to make sure you realize the value of their contributions so when they have an especially good idea they blurt it out c They have something interesting to tell you and are worried they ll forget it if they don t say it immediately d They lost track of time and worry they haven t been involved enough in the conversation so they start talking to make up for lost time
5 points Which of the following strategies to block or reduce the severity of an impending panic attack would be consistent with cognitive explanations of panic disorders a taking tranquilizers when a panic attack seems imminent b learning about the various theories of what causes panic disorders c pre emptively moving to a different country that has lower rates of panic disorders O d reassuring yourself that a feeling of discomfort is just a normal reaction
Anatomy and Physiology
5 points Which of the following strategies to block or reduce the severity of an impending panic attack would be consistent with cognitive explanations of panic disorders a taking tranquilizers when a panic attack seems imminent b learning about the various theories of what causes panic disorders c pre emptively moving to a different country that has lower rates of panic disorders O d reassuring yourself that a feeling of discomfort is just a normal reaction
5 points Save Answe Cori who has been diagnosed with major depressive disorder often stays awake late into the night and sleeps during the day Cori is best demonstrating which symptom of depression O a disruption of circadian rhythms b feeling badly about the state of relationships with others c disinterest in previously pleasurable activities Od feelings of overwhelming sadness
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
5 points Save Answe Cori who has been diagnosed with major depressive disorder often stays awake late into the night and sleeps during the day Cori is best demonstrating which symptom of depression O a disruption of circadian rhythms b feeling badly about the state of relationships with others c disinterest in previously pleasurable activities Od feelings of overwhelming sadness
5 points Save A congressperson asks you as an expert on psychological disorders how she might reduce the prevalence of schizophrenia among people in her district You advise he that the best option would be to allocate resources toward a encouraging young children to play games that develop and strengthen their theory of mind b encouraging accurate diagnosis and proper medication if needed for kids with ADHD c removing excess sugar and unneeded additives from food especially from the school lunches of young people d reducing the rates of childhood poverty and making poor peoples environments less stressful
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
5 points Save A congressperson asks you as an expert on psychological disorders how she might reduce the prevalence of schizophrenia among people in her district You advise he that the best option would be to allocate resources toward a encouraging young children to play games that develop and strengthen their theory of mind b encouraging accurate diagnosis and proper medication if needed for kids with ADHD c removing excess sugar and unneeded additives from food especially from the school lunches of young people d reducing the rates of childhood poverty and making poor peoples environments less stressful
What separates anxiety from the closely related emotion of fear a the intensity of the feeling O b the anticipation of danger c whether it is caused by something specific or something general d whether it is genetic or learned
Anatomy and Physiology
What separates anxiety from the closely related emotion of fear a the intensity of the feeling O b the anticipation of danger c whether it is caused by something specific or something general d whether it is genetic or learned
A person with generalized anxiety disorder could apply a cognitive approach to treatment by a reframing situations as positive or pleasant instead of worrying b trying to switch to a career that is less stressful and pays more c avoiding behaviors that reinforce their anxieties d investigating medications that reduce amygdala activity
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
A person with generalized anxiety disorder could apply a cognitive approach to treatment by a reframing situations as positive or pleasant instead of worrying b trying to switch to a career that is less stressful and pays more c avoiding behaviors that reinforce their anxieties d investigating medications that reduce amygdala activity
5 points Save An Terrence rarely goes on dates and worries this is because he s not interesting enough If he wants to engage in healthier cognition and reduce his depressive symptoms he could instead make the attribution that a dating will always be difficult so he should learn to get used to it b there are plenty of other people even less interesting than him c however interesting he is that s how he will likely stay d he s going through a busy time at work and when that passes it will be easier to be social
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
5 points Save An Terrence rarely goes on dates and worries this is because he s not interesting enough If he wants to engage in healthier cognition and reduce his depressive symptoms he could instead make the attribution that a dating will always be difficult so he should learn to get used to it b there are plenty of other people even less interesting than him c however interesting he is that s how he will likely stay d he s going through a busy time at work and when that passes it will be easier to be social
Julian is a pretty good software engineer according to his managers and coworkers However he occasionally tells friends that he has revolutionized how his com does business and that they wouldn t be profitable without him In terms of bipolar disorder Julian is most clearly demonstrating a hallucinations b mania c depression d grandiosity
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Julian is a pretty good software engineer according to his managers and coworkers However he occasionally tells friends that he has revolutionized how his com does business and that they wouldn t be profitable without him In terms of bipolar disorder Julian is most clearly demonstrating a hallucinations b mania c depression d grandiosity
5 points Research shows that people with antisocial personality disorder ASPD have a tendency toward risk taking Based on your understanding of ASPD which of the following is the most likely motivation for these individuals risk taking behavior a They are acting out suicidal thoughts b They are concerned for other people in danger c They want to prove to others how great they are d They are trying to counteract their baseline level of low arousal
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
5 points Research shows that people with antisocial personality disorder ASPD have a tendency toward risk taking Based on your understanding of ASPD which of the following is the most likely motivation for these individuals risk taking behavior a They are acting out suicidal thoughts b They are concerned for other people in danger c They want to prove to others how great they are d They are trying to counteract their baseline level of low arousal
Raul is a person with schizophrenia He has recently stopped caring for his personal hygiene This is an example of a flattened affect b avolition O c depression Od catatonia
Anatomy and Physiology
Raul is a person with schizophrenia He has recently stopped caring for his personal hygiene This is an example of a flattened affect b avolition O c depression Od catatonia
5 points Save An Starting from a young age Gervase had trouble making eye contact with others He also never enjoyed games like hide and seek which depend on taking the perspective of others Gervase may be a person with a schizophrenia b attention deficit hyperactivity disorder c autism spectrum disorder d bipolar disorder
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
5 points Save An Starting from a young age Gervase had trouble making eye contact with others He also never enjoyed games like hide and seek which depend on taking the perspective of others Gervase may be a person with a schizophrenia b attention deficit hyperactivity disorder c autism spectrum disorder d bipolar disorder
5 points Which of the following research findings about PTSD most clearly demonstrates the fact that children are more vulnerable than adults to the disorder a Following automobile accidents in which they were injured 25 of children developed PTSD compared to 15 of their parents b After large scale traumatic events health workers typically expect about 10 of the population to develop PTSD c Between 8 5 and 14 of combat soldiers serving in Iraq and Afghanistan experienced severe impairment after returning home due to symptoms of PTSD d PTSD can be produced by other types of trauma besides combat including automobile accidents assaults abuse and natural disasters Save
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
5 points Which of the following research findings about PTSD most clearly demonstrates the fact that children are more vulnerable than adults to the disorder a Following automobile accidents in which they were injured 25 of children developed PTSD compared to 15 of their parents b After large scale traumatic events health workers typically expect about 10 of the population to develop PTSD c Between 8 5 and 14 of combat soldiers serving in Iraq and Afghanistan experienced severe impairment after returning home due to symptoms of PTSD d PTSD can be produced by other types of trauma besides combat including automobile accidents assaults abuse and natural disasters Save
5 points Janelle is attending a party with a friend While chatting she feels her phone vibrate and excuses herself to check her texts She returns a minute later looking upset and tells her friend I just got really bad news My cousin was in a car accident I m sorry I ve got to leave early tonight If Janelle s friend is a person with untreated BPD what prediction could you make about their reaction in this situation a They may assume she is making up an excuse to leave the party and possibly try to peek at the texts on her phone b They may say something like OK and seem confused about why she s acting strangely c They may react to the news in a calculated manner as if they are trying to figure out how it could help them d They may feel an inappropriate impulse to say something like good riddance Save Answ
Anatomy and Physiology
5 points Janelle is attending a party with a friend While chatting she feels her phone vibrate and excuses herself to check her texts She returns a minute later looking upset and tells her friend I just got really bad news My cousin was in a car accident I m sorry I ve got to leave early tonight If Janelle s friend is a person with untreated BPD what prediction could you make about their reaction in this situation a They may assume she is making up an excuse to leave the party and possibly try to peek at the texts on her phone b They may say something like OK and seem confused about why she s acting strangely c They may react to the news in a calculated manner as if they are trying to figure out how it could help them d They may feel an inappropriate impulse to say something like good riddance Save Answ
Schizophrenia has been linked to a much higher rate of gray matter loss during which stage of life a infancy b adolescence c early childhood d young adulthood
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Schizophrenia has been linked to a much higher rate of gray matter loss during which stage of life a infancy b adolescence c early childhood d young adulthood
5 poin For a person with schizophrenia which of the following behaviors is most plausible after being asked Did you deposit the check at the bank yesterday a believing that all banks are staffed by the same employees b suddenly believing that they are in a bank making a transaction c rapidly switching between talking about banks for holding money and riverbanks d accurately recalling in great detail a very old memory of being in a bank
Anatomy and Physiology
5 poin For a person with schizophrenia which of the following behaviors is most plausible after being asked Did you deposit the check at the bank yesterday a believing that all banks are staffed by the same employees b suddenly believing that they are in a bank making a transaction c rapidly switching between talking about banks for holding money and riverbanks d accurately recalling in great detail a very old memory of being in a bank
5 points Save Answ A schoolteacher voices several negative stereotypes about fans of professional rugby Some students overhear the comments and end up sharing these beliefs despite not knowing anyone who enjoys rugby This example best illustrates that a prejudice can be indirectly absorbed rather than formed as a result of direct experience b people sometimes treat an individual well despite holding dramatically prejudiced opinions about the individual s group c people tend to misjudge correlations between groups and their stereotypical behaviors d prejudiced attitudes and tendencies can be measured with implicit association tests
Anatomy and Physiology
5 points Save Answ A schoolteacher voices several negative stereotypes about fans of professional rugby Some students overhear the comments and end up sharing these beliefs despite not knowing anyone who enjoys rugby This example best illustrates that a prejudice can be indirectly absorbed rather than formed as a result of direct experience b people sometimes treat an individual well despite holding dramatically prejudiced opinions about the individual s group c people tend to misjudge correlations between groups and their stereotypical behaviors d prejudiced attitudes and tendencies can be measured with implicit association tests
5 points Sav Salma is participating in a psychology experiment that assesses how easily she can associate positive words like smile and celebrate with either African American o European American faces Salma is most likely being assessed with the a Group Cooperation Test b Just world Belief scale c World is Dangerous scale d Implicit Association Test
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
5 points Sav Salma is participating in a psychology experiment that assesses how easily she can associate positive words like smile and celebrate with either African American o European American faces Salma is most likely being assessed with the a Group Cooperation Test b Just world Belief scale c World is Dangerous scale d Implicit Association Test
An area of the body which would contain skeletal muscle would be shoulder hamstring abdominal muscles
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
An area of the body which would contain skeletal muscle would be shoulder hamstring abdominal muscles
5 points Sav Kitty Genovese was murdered in New York City The news reports indicated that many people heard her cry for help but no one came to help her Though these news reports were inaccurate this case perpetuated research into a competition and cooperation systems b stereotyping c prejudice d bystander intervention 0000
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
5 points Sav Kitty Genovese was murdered in New York City The news reports indicated that many people heard her cry for help but no one came to help her Though these news reports were inaccurate this case perpetuated research into a competition and cooperation systems b stereotyping c prejudice d bystander intervention 0000
5 points As you focus on navigating your bike through a busy intersection you lack the cognitive resources to carefully evaluate the ads printed on the sides of buses and taxis Because you are so distracted which of the following pathways of persuasion would you be most likely to use a heuristic b central c peripheral d credible Save
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
5 points As you focus on navigating your bike through a busy intersection you lack the cognitive resources to carefully evaluate the ads printed on the sides of buses and taxis Because you are so distracted which of the following pathways of persuasion would you be most likely to use a heuristic b central c peripheral d credible Save
5 points Save An An audience of lawyers is seated in an auditorium waiting for a conference presentation to start The uniformed tech support employee arrives on stage and asks them to quiet down for a moment so he can test the microphone Unfortunately they ignore his request and keep chatting According to the Milgram obedience study the most likely problem is that a the audience is made entirely of older adults who are less likely to comply with requests b the tech support employee is not viewed as an authority figure c some professions like lawyers are especially resistant to requests from authority figures d the tech support employee failed to mention that they have a choice whether to comply
Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous System
5 points Save An An audience of lawyers is seated in an auditorium waiting for a conference presentation to start The uniformed tech support employee arrives on stage and asks them to quiet down for a moment so he can test the microphone Unfortunately they ignore his request and keep chatting According to the Milgram obedience study the most likely problem is that a the audience is made entirely of older adults who are less likely to comply with requests b the tech support employee is not viewed as an authority figure c some professions like lawyers are especially resistant to requests from authority figures d the tech support employee failed to mention that they have a choice whether to comply
5 points Save Answer Theories about the genetic origins of altruism suggest that evolution should only favor altruism when it is directed toward family members Assuming such theories are correct which of the following choices best explains the fact that people nonetheless do behave altruistically sometimes astonishingly so toward strangers a When you see an opportunity for altruism in a public setting you might consciously view this as a chance to impress your peers and social group or even potential mates with your generosity b When you perform a major act of altruism e g donating a kidney for a stranger you do so knowing that if you ever need help e g you encounter a medical problem of your own that person is likely to return the favor later c When an opportunity to help someone presents itself you might see them not as a stranger but as another in group member e g a fellow American making generosity more likely Od When you see a stranger in trouble in a public setting you might believe that if you are the first bystander to take action and offer help it may inspire others to follow your example
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
5 points Save Answer Theories about the genetic origins of altruism suggest that evolution should only favor altruism when it is directed toward family members Assuming such theories are correct which of the following choices best explains the fact that people nonetheless do behave altruistically sometimes astonishingly so toward strangers a When you see an opportunity for altruism in a public setting you might consciously view this as a chance to impress your peers and social group or even potential mates with your generosity b When you perform a major act of altruism e g donating a kidney for a stranger you do so knowing that if you ever need help e g you encounter a medical problem of your own that person is likely to return the favor later c When an opportunity to help someone presents itself you might see them not as a stranger but as another in group member e g a fellow American making generosity more likely Od When you see a stranger in trouble in a public setting you might believe that if you are the first bystander to take action and offer help it may inspire others to follow your example
5 points Flavia is upset because she was unfairly criticized by her boss at work today She considers stopping by a martial arts dojo to get some of her aggression out by fightin In this case research predicts that a fighting at the dojo will reduce future aggression quite effectively b fighting at the dojo will actually increase future aggression c fighting at the dojo will reduce future aggression but in a far less effective manner than therapy or meditation d fighting at the dojo will have no effect on aggression but instead would be purely recreational Save F
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
5 points Flavia is upset because she was unfairly criticized by her boss at work today She considers stopping by a martial arts dojo to get some of her aggression out by fightin In this case research predicts that a fighting at the dojo will reduce future aggression quite effectively b fighting at the dojo will actually increase future aggression c fighting at the dojo will reduce future aggression but in a far less effective manner than therapy or meditation d fighting at the dojo will have no effect on aggression but instead would be purely recreational Save F
If a group of soldiers is given orders who of the following is most likely to follow them a Tom who is standing far away from the officer giving orders b Talia who has teammates with nonunanimous opinions about the orders c Desmond who believes the war is wrong and should have never been started d Lucia who has followed smaller orders in the past E
Anatomy and Physiology
If a group of soldiers is given orders who of the following is most likely to follow them a Tom who is standing far away from the officer giving orders b Talia who has teammates with nonunanimous opinions about the orders c Desmond who believes the war is wrong and should have never been started d Lucia who has followed smaller orders in the past E
5 points Jocelyn is a kickboxing instructor who believes that physical aggression is best reduced via catharsis Which action will contradict Jocelyn s theory and make a aggress worse a Explain to students the real life consequences of violence b Have students attack dolls wearing the faces of people that angered them earlier c Have students watch a TV show where a character gets physical revenge d Have students imagine they are punching someone that angered them earlier Sa
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
5 points Jocelyn is a kickboxing instructor who believes that physical aggression is best reduced via catharsis Which action will contradict Jocelyn s theory and make a aggress worse a Explain to students the real life consequences of violence b Have students attack dolls wearing the faces of people that angered them earlier c Have students watch a TV show where a character gets physical revenge d Have students imagine they are punching someone that angered them earlier Sa
Which type of attribution in response to an unusual exemplar most leads to continued stereotyping a situational Ob collectivist O c dispositional Od just world
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Which type of attribution in response to an unusual exemplar most leads to continued stereotyping a situational Ob collectivist O c dispositional Od just world
5 points A famous basketball star is being paid a large amount of money to endorse a new product How would his fan base respond to this if they learn how much money he will be making a The less a celebrity is paid the less likely we care about the product b The more a celebrity is paid the more likely we are to discount their opinion of the product c The more a celebrity is paid for an endorsement the more credible they are because it shows how valuable his or her opinion is d with celebrity endorsements people don t take the amount of payment into account because they use the central route of persuasion Save Ansv
Anatomy and Physiology
5 points A famous basketball star is being paid a large amount of money to endorse a new product How would his fan base respond to this if they learn how much money he will be making a The less a celebrity is paid the less likely we care about the product b The more a celebrity is paid the more likely we are to discount their opinion of the product c The more a celebrity is paid for an endorsement the more credible they are because it shows how valuable his or her opinion is d with celebrity endorsements people don t take the amount of payment into account because they use the central route of persuasion Save Ansv
5 points Farroukh is a university tennis coach who wants to minimize out group bias between his diverse student athletes Drawing on prejudice research he decides to enga them in a cooperative group activity This approach is most likely to succeed if a everything goes smoothly so that the athletes achieve success easily and with little stress b the athletes are explicitly told that the point of the activity is to reduce out group bias c the athletes are just meeting each other for the first time d the activity requires interdependence among the athletes for a successful outcome
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
5 points Farroukh is a university tennis coach who wants to minimize out group bias between his diverse student athletes Drawing on prejudice research he decides to enga them in a cooperative group activity This approach is most likely to succeed if a everything goes smoothly so that the athletes achieve success easily and with little stress b the athletes are explicitly told that the point of the activity is to reduce out group bias c the athletes are just meeting each other for the first time d the activity requires interdependence among the athletes for a successful outcome
Research has shown that brain activity mediates and predicts aggression Aggressive behavior has been linked to brain regions that a disgust b threats c anxiety about the future d ambiguous stimuli process
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Research has shown that brain activity mediates and predicts aggression Aggressive behavior has been linked to brain regions that a disgust b threats c anxiety about the future d ambiguous stimuli process
Which of the following is best classified as a defensive attribution O a correspondence bias b fundamental attribution error c individualism effect O d just world belief
Anatomy and Physiology
Which of the following is best classified as a defensive attribution O a correspondence bias b fundamental attribution error c individualism effect O d just world belief
sits on the back of the thyroid called the master gland regulates other glands produce ova and sex hormones produce sperm and sex hormones produces insulin and glucagon stimulates uterine contractions during labor regulates growth development metabolism controls stress regulates electrolytes develops and regulates immune system located in the scrotum stimulates pituitary function contains islets of Langerhans
Anatomy and Physiology
sits on the back of the thyroid called the master gland regulates other glands produce ova and sex hormones produce sperm and sex hormones produces insulin and glucagon stimulates uterine contractions during labor regulates growth development metabolism controls stress regulates electrolytes develops and regulates immune system located in the scrotum stimulates pituitary function contains islets of Langerhans
The statement If all of your friends jump off of a bridge would you too best addresses which of the following concepts a engaged followership b reciprocation c low balling d conformity
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
The statement If all of your friends jump off of a bridge would you too best addresses which of the following concepts a engaged followership b reciprocation c low balling d conformity
Actor observer bias affects whether behavior is explained by a situational or dispositional factors Ob physical or psychological factors Oc positive or negative factors d society wide or local factors
Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous System
Actor observer bias affects whether behavior is explained by a situational or dispositional factors Ob physical or psychological factors Oc positive or negative factors d society wide or local factors
5 points Consider the experiment on young campers who were separated into two groups What happened during the study that encouraged the campers to set aside their biases toward each other O a The campers competed against each other in a game of tug of war b The campers put on a talent show and judged each other s abilities c The campers interviewed each other about their likes and dislikes d The campers had to cooperate together to take care of an emergency Save
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
5 points Consider the experiment on young campers who were separated into two groups What happened during the study that encouraged the campers to set aside their biases toward each other O a The campers competed against each other in a game of tug of war b The campers put on a talent show and judged each other s abilities c The campers interviewed each other about their likes and dislikes d The campers had to cooperate together to take care of an emergency Save
5 ppints Vytas comes across an article on an unfamiliar news site and is unsure if the information is true or not Which of the following is something that Vytas can do to determin the credibility of the news site Oa Research the author s name to find out their professional history b Ask his friends what they think c Find another article on the same website and compare the two articles Od See if the website has posted any advertisements on social media Save Ar
Anatomy and Physiology
5 ppints Vytas comes across an article on an unfamiliar news site and is unsure if the information is true or not Which of the following is something that Vytas can do to determin the credibility of the news site Oa Research the author s name to find out their professional history b Ask his friends what they think c Find another article on the same website and compare the two articles Od See if the website has posted any advertisements on social media Save Ar
5 points One potential explanation for why we typically agree to requests by authority figures is that we respond to their legitimacy as authority figures in a general sense regardless of the specific request and its context Which of the following hypothetical findings if confirmed by research would most conflict with this explanation a Participants rarely ask authority figures for explanations as to the purpose of the request b Participants seem to comply more readily to authoritative body language than to official uniforms c Participants assume that requests made by an authority figure are somehow relevant to their job d Some kinds of authority figures promote more obedience in participants than others
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
5 points One potential explanation for why we typically agree to requests by authority figures is that we respond to their legitimacy as authority figures in a general sense regardless of the specific request and its context Which of the following hypothetical findings if confirmed by research would most conflict with this explanation a Participants rarely ask authority figures for explanations as to the purpose of the request b Participants seem to comply more readily to authoritative body language than to official uniforms c Participants assume that requests made by an authority figure are somehow relevant to their job d Some kinds of authority figures promote more obedience in participants than others
Match each of the following statements with its appropriate gland NOTE The names of the glands appear more than once but there are the correct number of choices for you to complete the exercise sits on top of each kidney located behind the sternum located in the female pelvis located near the pituitary gland sits behind the stomach located in the neck beneath the larynx regulates the calcium level in the body found at the base of the brain sits on the back of the thyroid called the master gland regulates other glands produce ova and sex hormones
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Match each of the following statements with its appropriate gland NOTE The names of the glands appear more than once but there are the correct number of choices for you to complete the exercise sits on top of each kidney located behind the sternum located in the female pelvis located near the pituitary gland sits behind the stomach located in the neck beneath the larynx regulates the calcium level in the body found at the base of the brain sits on the back of the thyroid called the master gland regulates other glands produce ova and sex hormones
Please define the following Medical Term Otorhinolaryngology using the following format 1 Divide the word into word parts and label each word part 1 Point 2 Define each word part separately 1 Point 3 Then put the definitions of your word parts together to form a complete and logical definition of the term 1 Point Example on how to define the word Oncology using the above format 1 onc o logy onc word root o combining vowel logy suffix 2 onc o tumor mass logy study of 3 The study of tumors The definition must be in your own words based on what you have learned thus far in the course A dictionary textbook Internet or other outside definition will not count for credit
Anatomy and Physiology
Head and Neck
Please define the following Medical Term Otorhinolaryngology using the following format 1 Divide the word into word parts and label each word part 1 Point 2 Define each word part separately 1 Point 3 Then put the definitions of your word parts together to form a complete and logical definition of the term 1 Point Example on how to define the word Oncology using the above format 1 onc o logy onc word root o combining vowel logy suffix 2 onc o tumor mass logy study of 3 The study of tumors The definition must be in your own words based on what you have learned thus far in the course A dictionary textbook Internet or other outside definition will not count for credit