Anatomy and Physiology Questions

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b C d e f 9 21 Which labeled muscle is part of the hamstrings 21 A c deltoid C q biceps femoris B b sternocleidomastoid D 1 infraspinatus 22 On the diagram this superficial muscle has parallel fascicle arrangement and is commonly called the 22 six pack which is it A f B h C b 23 The muscle labeled n is the A gluteus maximus C trapezius D d 23 B gastrocnemius D latissimus dorsi
Anatomy and Physiology
b C d e f 9 21 Which labeled muscle is part of the hamstrings 21 A c deltoid C q biceps femoris B b sternocleidomastoid D 1 infraspinatus 22 On the diagram this superficial muscle has parallel fascicle arrangement and is commonly called the 22 six pack which is it A f B h C b 23 The muscle labeled n is the A gluteus maximus C trapezius D d 23 B gastrocnemius D latissimus dorsi
10 A internode C axon hillock Cytoplasm 16 2009 John Wiley Sons Inc All rights reserved The structure 2 is which of the following 16 B node D collateral Nucleus Nucleolus
Anatomy and Physiology
10 A internode C axon hillock Cytoplasm 16 2009 John Wiley Sons Inc All rights reserved The structure 2 is which of the following 16 B node D collateral Nucleus Nucleolus
15 In a single contraction of muscle the three phases include the following EXCEPT the period 15 B latent D contraction A refractory C relaxation
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
15 In a single contraction of muscle the three phases include the following EXCEPT the period 15 B latent D contraction A refractory C relaxation
14 Which of the following statements is true 14 A Smooth muscle cells have many nuclei and are striated B Skeletal muscle cells are long and cylindrical with many nuclei C Cardiac muscle cells have many nuclei and are fusiform in shape
Anatomy and Physiology
14 Which of the following statements is true 14 A Smooth muscle cells have many nuclei and are striated B Skeletal muscle cells are long and cylindrical with many nuclei C Cardiac muscle cells have many nuclei and are fusiform in shape
19 Which neurotransmitter neuromuscular junctions A dopamine C acetylcholine operates at skeletal m 19 B epinephrine D glutamate
Anatomy and Physiology
19 Which neurotransmitter neuromuscular junctions A dopamine C acetylcholine operates at skeletal m 19 B epinephrine D glutamate
18 Which branch of the Peripheral Nervous System carries information from receptors to the CNS 18 A afferent somatic sensory B efferent somatic motor C efferent visceral motor
Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous System
18 Which branch of the Peripheral Nervous System carries information from receptors to the CNS 18 A afferent somatic sensory B efferent somatic motor C efferent visceral motor
20 What is the smallest functional unit of a skeletal muscle contraction 20 A T tubule C myofibril B sarcomere D myofilament
Anatomy and Physiology
20 What is the smallest functional unit of a skeletal muscle contraction 20 A T tubule C myofibril B sarcomere D myofilament
17 The axon type in the above diagram is 17 A unmyelinated characterized by saltatory propagation B myelinated characterized by saltatory propagation C unmyelinated characterized by continuous propagation
Anatomy and Physiology
17 The axon type in the above diagram is 17 A unmyelinated characterized by saltatory propagation B myelinated characterized by saltatory propagation C unmyelinated characterized by continuous propagation
13 What structure forms the boundary of the sarcomere 13 A thick filament B thin filament C triad D Z disc
Anatomy and Physiology
13 What structure forms the boundary of the sarcomere 13 A thick filament B thin filament C triad D Z disc
27 During extension of the arm which muscle is the 27 agonist and which is the antagonist A rectus femoris biceps brachii B deltoid trapezius C biceps brachii triceps brachii D triceps brachii biceps brachii
Anatomy and Physiology
27 During extension of the arm which muscle is the 27 agonist and which is the antagonist A rectus femoris biceps brachii B deltoid trapezius C biceps brachii triceps brachii D triceps brachii biceps brachii
a b 28 Which actions movements would you expect the labeled muscles a and b to carry out when they contract and when a is the prime mover what movement would it carry out 28
Anatomy and Physiology
a b 28 Which actions movements would you expect the labeled muscles a and b to carry out when they contract and when a is the prime mover what movement would it carry out 28
12 The neuromuscular junction is found between the and the 12 A dendrite sarcoplasm B neuron sarcomere C sensory axon T tubule D motor axon sarcolemma
Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous System
12 The neuromuscular junction is found between the and the 12 A dendrite sarcoplasm B neuron sarcomere C sensory axon T tubule D motor axon sarcolemma
C P g 26 Identify the muscle labeled m A orbicularis oculi B frontalis C masseter e 26 k m
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
C P g 26 Identify the muscle labeled m A orbicularis oculi B frontalis C masseter e 26 k m
29 A 29 Which neuron is associated with the special sense organs such as the eye and ear A 1 2 B 2 C 3 30 Examine the neurons in the above diagram carefully on what basis would you classify them 30 A structure B function
Anatomy and Physiology
29 A 29 Which neuron is associated with the special sense organs such as the eye and ear A 1 2 B 2 C 3 30 Examine the neurons in the above diagram carefully on what basis would you classify them 30 A structure B function
11 The active sites on the actin filaments are exposed by 11 A acetylcholine C calcium B potassium D sodium
Anatomy and Physiology
11 The active sites on the actin filaments are exposed by 11 A acetylcholine C calcium B potassium D sodium
25 Which term describes the site of a muscle attaching to a moveable bone 25 A insertion B fixator C origin D synergist
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
25 Which term describes the site of a muscle attaching to a moveable bone 25 A insertion B fixator C origin D synergist
24 The muscle term deltoid refers to what shape of the muscle 24 A triangular B flat C trapezoid D circular
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
24 The muscle term deltoid refers to what shape of the muscle 24 A triangular B flat C trapezoid D circular
After reviewing meaningful use what it is why it was put into place discuss how the criteria for meaningful use ties back to healthcare system goals give examples
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
After reviewing meaningful use what it is why it was put into place discuss how the criteria for meaningful use ties back to healthcare system goals give examples
Cell body Dendrites A B C Dendrite Peripheral process Figure 11 1 OO Cell body Receptive endings Cell body neuron A Axon neuron B Using Figure 11 1 answer the following questions 34 and 35 neuron C Which neuron will be found in the retina of the eye Axon all three neurons Axon Central process
Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous System
Cell body Dendrites A B C Dendrite Peripheral process Figure 11 1 OO Cell body Receptive endings Cell body neuron A Axon neuron B Using Figure 11 1 answer the following questions 34 and 35 neuron C Which neuron will be found in the retina of the eye Axon all three neurons Axon Central process
3 Figure 12 1 The Neuron Use Figure 12 1 to answer the following questions The structures labeled 1 are dendrites Their membranes contain numerous chemically gated ion channels The first statement is true but the second statement is false Both statements are true Both statements are false The first statement is false but the second statement is true
Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous System
3 Figure 12 1 The Neuron Use Figure 12 1 to answer the following questions The structures labeled 1 are dendrites Their membranes contain numerous chemically gated ion channels The first statement is true but the second statement is false Both statements are true Both statements are false The first statement is false but the second statement is true
Damage to ependymal cells would most likely affect the O repair of axons transport of neurotransmitters within axons O formation of ganglia formation of cerebrospinal fluid O formation of myelin sheaths
Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous System
Damage to ependymal cells would most likely affect the O repair of axons transport of neurotransmitters within axons O formation of ganglia formation of cerebrospinal fluid O formation of myelin sheaths
These support cells are found in the central nervous system O astrocytes and ependymal cells astrocytes and satellite cells oligodendrocytes and Schwann cells O Schwann cells and satellite cells
Anatomy and Physiology
These support cells are found in the central nervous system O astrocytes and ependymal cells astrocytes and satellite cells oligodendrocytes and Schwann cells O Schwann cells and satellite cells
Nerve impulse E A The structure labeled E is which of the following synaptic vesicles calcium ions synaptic cleft ligand gated channel B
Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous System
Nerve impulse E A The structure labeled E is which of the following synaptic vesicles calcium ions synaptic cleft ligand gated channel B
The space between the axon terminal and the sarcolemma of a muscle fiber is called the O synaptic cleft muscle gap O O nerve gap aponeurosis cleft
Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous System
The space between the axon terminal and the sarcolemma of a muscle fiber is called the O synaptic cleft muscle gap O O nerve gap aponeurosis cleft
These nervous system cells are highly specialized to transmit messages throughout the body O microglial cells astrocytes oligodendrocytes neurons
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
These nervous system cells are highly specialized to transmit messages throughout the body O microglial cells astrocytes oligodendrocytes neurons
Myelin is important in O maintaining the ionic balance in the environment surrounding the axon O allowing electrical signals to be transferred from one axon to another adjacent axon insulating axons and increasing the conduction velocity of action potentials absorbing damaged tissue or invading organisms O O
Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous System
Myelin is important in O maintaining the ionic balance in the environment surrounding the axon O allowing electrical signals to be transferred from one axon to another adjacent axon insulating axons and increasing the conduction velocity of action potentials absorbing damaged tissue or invading organisms O O
The forms synapses or junctions with other neurons or effector cells O synaptic cleft axon hillock Oaxon terminal initial segment COO
Anatomy and Physiology
The forms synapses or junctions with other neurons or effector cells O synaptic cleft axon hillock Oaxon terminal initial segment COO
Functional classification of neurons is based on O whether the signal carried is traveling toward or away from the CNS the length of the axon the shape of the neuron O the number of processes coming off the cell body
Anatomy and Physiology
Functional classification of neurons is based on O whether the signal carried is traveling toward or away from the CNS the length of the axon the shape of the neuron O the number of processes coming off the cell body
32 klnich of the follokling are produced through meosig 33 which organs is responsible for the reduction of bile 346 which structure is responsible for the reabsorption of eXGS5 tater klater 35 The tube that currys akys cering out of the body is Called the 36 which part Chromosomes tacoubl a malez result in the birth of 37 The Job of the urinary System is to make urine thereby Controling the body is
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
32 klnich of the follokling are produced through meosig 33 which organs is responsible for the reduction of bile 346 which structure is responsible for the reabsorption of eXGS5 tater klater 35 The tube that currys akys cering out of the body is Called the 36 which part Chromosomes tacoubl a malez result in the birth of 37 The Job of the urinary System is to make urine thereby Controling the body is
13 Urinary Tract infections by are often Caused bacteria in the urinary Tract 14 The innermost region The Kidney is called that 45 your patient has deveto pod Skin and eyes The most lik Yellowish trift to the Cacuse IS 46 which region of the stro stomach is located obsun dosen closest to the small intestine 4 Which of the fol lovaling hormones is most responsible for stimulating I m mature Ovari folders to start on
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
13 Urinary Tract infections by are often Caused bacteria in the urinary Tract 14 The innermost region The Kidney is called that 45 your patient has deveto pod Skin and eyes The most lik Yellowish trift to the Cacuse IS 46 which region of the stro stomach is located obsun dosen closest to the small intestine 4 Which of the fol lovaling hormones is most responsible for stimulating I m mature Ovari folders to start on
38 in is a disorder in velmich the penis can not attain fiell erection or maintain an erectio 39 which of the followling statements about Zygoters True 2 La 410 is an impla inflammation of of only the small NOJAD 40 The renal pelxes is a furrel divided into tylo or three large collecting cups called major 12 occurs several days prior to 10
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
38 in is a disorder in velmich the penis can not attain fiell erection or maintain an erectio 39 which of the followling statements about Zygoters True 2 La 410 is an impla inflammation of of only the small NOJAD 40 The renal pelxes is a furrel divided into tylo or three large collecting cups called major 12 occurs several days prior to 10
29 The Kidneys are reteperib retroperitoneally meaning they they are situated the Peritoneum that By The most important mole Sex hormone is T 31 which of the followling structures drains into the Collecting date ducts
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
29 The Kidneys are reteperib retroperitoneally meaning they they are situated the Peritoneum that By The most important mole Sex hormone is T 31 which of the followling structures drains into the Collecting date ducts
48 kinat is the last o Se Chon of the small Intestine before it empties into the lorge intestine colled 419 The tongue pushes the food Caldey to a ball like moss passed a n go it can be to the 50 The Smooth muscle layer of the uterus is called the
Anatomy and Physiology
48 kinat is the last o Se Chon of the small Intestine before it empties into the lorge intestine colled 419 The tongue pushes the food Caldey to a ball like moss passed a n go it can be to the 50 The Smooth muscle layer of the uterus is called the
an extra chromo 21 in a person s cell ante cu ber 71 The only cure for Rs Polycusto Kidney disease is D 12 which kessels lead to the glo Merul D 13 is are more common on Bronthly 10
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
an extra chromo 21 in a person s cell ante cu ber 71 The only cure for Rs Polycusto Kidney disease is D 12 which kessels lead to the glo Merul D 13 is are more common on Bronthly 10
Owhat called turp forms a comma shape Structure on the posterior and lateral part of the tests Epidemus 2 Which of the following is not considerred Port of the mouth according to our nobe sy 3 you suspect your Palient s B defi to poor funct cuncy is relist intestine which of following Might explan the soura of the problem CI 4 klhich substance is completely Habsorbed in the blood 2 glucose 18 The outermost region of the kidney is renal cortex 6 The Process by kihich cirine is passed out of the body is Called Micturition
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Owhat called turp forms a comma shape Structure on the posterior and lateral part of the tests Epidemus 2 Which of the following is not considerred Port of the mouth according to our nobe sy 3 you suspect your Palient s B defi to poor funct cuncy is relist intestine which of following Might explan the soura of the problem CI 4 klhich substance is completely Habsorbed in the blood 2 glucose 18 The outermost region of the kidney is renal cortex 6 The Process by kihich cirine is passed out of the body is Called Micturition
pressure flow to protect the minor charges in blo Renal blood 8 kinat are the three processes necessary for the formation 9 which of the folloncing represents the correct order of the segments of the small intestine from the stot o stomach to the large Antestine 110 is caused by the Presone an extra Chromosome trisomy 21 in a person s Cell 0 hady The only cure for Rs Polycurtis Kidney disease is 12 unich kessels Lead to the glo meru
Anatomy and Physiology
pressure flow to protect the minor charges in blo Renal blood 8 kinat are the three processes necessary for the formation 9 which of the folloncing represents the correct order of the segments of the small intestine from the stot o stomach to the large Antestine 110 is caused by the Presone an extra Chromosome trisomy 21 in a person s Cell 0 hady The only cure for Rs Polycurtis Kidney disease is 12 unich kessels Lead to the glo meru
21 IV de are D the rectum 22 The Kidneys are covered by yer of connective ti fibrous called the 23 The process by which some Components of filtrate move back into the blood 13 called 24 which of the following is the end Product of Probinse digestion 201 25 the muscles of the esophan more food through a rhytmic Muscular contraction Knokin a 56 whhich of the following beton Intto
Anatomy and Physiology
G.I Tract
21 IV de are D the rectum 22 The Kidneys are covered by yer of connective ti fibrous called the 23 The process by which some Components of filtrate move back into the blood 13 called 24 which of the following is the end Product of Probinse digestion 201 25 the muscles of the esophan more food through a rhytmic Muscular contraction Knokin a 56 whhich of the following beton Intto
than men s 14 The order in klhich material Passes through the targe intestine is 13 an B Stomach and oniall Labstine inflammation of the To The process of producces games D The outermost layer of the 18 the punching buy shaped Structure hanging dokin from the soft palale is called the 19 the tube that carries urine out of the kidney is called the 20 which of to the following is end
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
than men s 14 The order in klhich material Passes through the targe intestine is 13 an B Stomach and oniall Labstine inflammation of the To The process of producces games D The outermost layer of the 18 the punching buy shaped Structure hanging dokin from the soft palale is called the 19 the tube that carries urine out of the kidney is called the 20 which of to the following is end
SOC RAL CONTEXTS and Section 6 3 AESTHETICS Use this Discussion Forum to post 2 paragraphs in response to the following topic How do we find meaning in art Paragraph 1 From Chapter 5 Sections 3 1 3 5 pages 129 140 Discuss how one of the artists from these sections expresses their personal identity through their art Paragraph 2 From Chapter 6 Section 6 3 pages 158 160 What is aesthetics and how would you describe your own personal sense of aesthetics In your view what makes something beautiful Have your life experiences changed your perception of art and beauty Part 2 50 Points Read some of the responses posted by other students Reply to at least two of the posts Each response should be one paragraph Paragraphs are graded according to the criteria listed in the grading rubric for paragraph writing This assignment has multiple parts your initial post and two responses You will
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
SOC RAL CONTEXTS and Section 6 3 AESTHETICS Use this Discussion Forum to post 2 paragraphs in response to the following topic How do we find meaning in art Paragraph 1 From Chapter 5 Sections 3 1 3 5 pages 129 140 Discuss how one of the artists from these sections expresses their personal identity through their art Paragraph 2 From Chapter 6 Section 6 3 pages 158 160 What is aesthetics and how would you describe your own personal sense of aesthetics In your view what makes something beautiful Have your life experiences changed your perception of art and beauty Part 2 50 Points Read some of the responses posted by other students Reply to at least two of the posts Each response should be one paragraph Paragraphs are graded according to the criteria listed in the grading rubric for paragraph writing This assignment has multiple parts your initial post and two responses You will
1 Who was the first American poet to write in free verse O Walt Whitman O Emily Dickinson O Langston Hughes OE E Cummings
Anatomy and Physiology
Head and Neck
1 Who was the first American poet to write in free verse O Walt Whitman O Emily Dickinson O Langston Hughes OE E Cummings
3 Read the excerpt from Walt Whitman s poem Song of Myself I celebrate myself and sing myself And what I assume you shall assume For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you I loaf and invite my soul I lean and loafe at my ease observing a spear of summer grass Which of the following is Whitman not celebrating Works Cited Whitman Walt Song of Myself Leaves of Grass Walt Whitman 1855 O individuality O depression O nature life
Anatomy and Physiology
3 Read the excerpt from Walt Whitman s poem Song of Myself I celebrate myself and sing myself And what I assume you shall assume For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you I loaf and invite my soul I lean and loafe at my ease observing a spear of summer grass Which of the following is Whitman not celebrating Works Cited Whitman Walt Song of Myself Leaves of Grass Walt Whitman 1855 O individuality O depression O nature life
b Write 3 thoughtful paragraphs answering the following questions What is pornography Share your reaction to the presentation Growing up in a Pornified Culture by Gail Dines Growing Up in a Pornified Culture Gail Dines TEDxNavesink Is the wide availability of pornography good or harmful for society Each paragraph must answer one of the questions Your answers to the questions must be of substantial quality in order to get points Substantial quality includes a demonstration that you have completed the required readings and videos and thought critically about them Your answers must be original use your own ideas and words Grading criteria Student can gain up to 5 points per paragraph written and 5 points for the bibliography list of sources consulted Each paragraph must demonstrate that the student completed the required readings and videos Each paragraph must contain a direct reference or quotation to some of the required readings Each paragraph must be original using student s own work or ideas A complete list of used sources must be included after the 3 paragraphs Sources must be listed using APA orASA format A plagiarism check software will be used Plagiarism will result in a grade of 0 need to watch the video the link is https www youtube com watch v YpHNImNsx8 If you
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
b Write 3 thoughtful paragraphs answering the following questions What is pornography Share your reaction to the presentation Growing up in a Pornified Culture by Gail Dines Growing Up in a Pornified Culture Gail Dines TEDxNavesink Is the wide availability of pornography good or harmful for society Each paragraph must answer one of the questions Your answers to the questions must be of substantial quality in order to get points Substantial quality includes a demonstration that you have completed the required readings and videos and thought critically about them Your answers must be original use your own ideas and words Grading criteria Student can gain up to 5 points per paragraph written and 5 points for the bibliography list of sources consulted Each paragraph must demonstrate that the student completed the required readings and videos Each paragraph must contain a direct reference or quotation to some of the required readings Each paragraph must be original using student s own work or ideas A complete list of used sources must be included after the 3 paragraphs Sources must be listed using APA orASA format A plagiarism check software will be used Plagiarism will result in a grade of 0 need to watch the video the link is https www youtube com watch v YpHNImNsx8 If you
Which of the descriptions below describes a Ringer the best O target where shoe is pitched O rest vertically touching the stake encircles the stake at rest O rectangular area around the stake
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Which of the descriptions below describes a Ringer the best O target where shoe is pitched O rest vertically touching the stake encircles the stake at rest O rectangular area around the stake
This muscle surrounding the mouth would best be named as because of its shape and location Oorbicularis mentum platysma oris Oorbicularis oris
Anatomy and Physiology
This muscle surrounding the mouth would best be named as because of its shape and location Oorbicularis mentum platysma oris Oorbicularis oris
Which of the below structures is found in cardiac muscle tissue but not skeletal muscle tissue O Myosin Tropomysoin Sarcomeres Intercalated discs O Striations
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Which of the below structures is found in cardiac muscle tissue but not skeletal muscle tissue O Myosin Tropomysoin Sarcomeres Intercalated discs O Striations
Reference Ref 10 1 In the diagram where is the muscle fiber located E F G H
Anatomy and Physiology
Reference Ref 10 1 In the diagram where is the muscle fiber located E F G H
The different types of muscle tissue differ from each other by A Microscopic anatomy OB Location C Type of Control Both a and b All of the above
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
The different types of muscle tissue differ from each other by A Microscopic anatomy OB Location C Type of Control Both a and b All of the above
In the sliding filament mechanism the thin filament is being pulled towards the O z disc Z O Sarcolemma M line O A band O I band
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
In the sliding filament mechanism the thin filament is being pulled towards the O z disc Z O Sarcolemma M line O A band O I band
What is the correct order of structures as you move from outsid a muscle cell to deep inside it O fiber myofibril myofilament myofilament fiber myofibril myofibril myofilament fiber O myofilament myofibril fiber
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
What is the correct order of structures as you move from outsid a muscle cell to deep inside it O fiber myofibril myofilament myofilament fiber myofibril myofibril myofilament fiber O myofilament myofibril fiber
Muscles are named based on all the criteria below excep number of origins action of the muscle direction of muscle fibers O color of the muscle
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Muscles are named based on all the criteria below excep number of origins action of the muscle direction of muscle fibers O color of the muscle