Anatomy and Physiology Questions

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G H Reference Ref 10 4 D H J B Both a and b F None of the above D H E stendend 0000000000 In the diagram which parts move to the center of the sarcomere closer together when the fiber contracts A GROGOROD cocon G A
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
G H Reference Ref 10 4 D H J B Both a and b F None of the above D H E stendend 0000000000 In the diagram which parts move to the center of the sarcomere closer together when the fiber contracts A GROGOROD cocon G A
This is a band of connective tissue that surrounds muscles O Tendon O Ligament O Endomysium O Epimysium Perimysium
Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous System
This is a band of connective tissue that surrounds muscles O Tendon O Ligament O Endomysium O Epimysium Perimysium
Front view On the diagram above D is which of the following biceps brachii triceps brachii gluteus maximus Back view quadriceps femoris
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Front view On the diagram above D is which of the following biceps brachii triceps brachii gluteus maximus Back view quadriceps femoris
5 points Save Answer Mark is excited to share the details of his new surprisingly successful diet He forwards some supportive articles about the diet to a group of fitness minded friends who are skeptical of fad diets Later on Mark is distressed to learn that his friends are even more skeptical than before Based on your understanding of group decision making what is the most likely explanation a The articles Mark sent were actually credible in support of the diet however they also contained information that could contradict the diet which was likely the main source of the group s position b The group had likely already reached a decision about this diet before Mark sent the articles and conformity kept them from re evaluating this decision c The group correctly assessed the diet as a fad by synthesizing their individual knowledge whereas Mark had no one to help him make his decision d The articles Mark sent were inflammatory or insulting toward the other side of the argument making the group dig their heels in and strengthen their position
Anatomy and Physiology
5 points Save Answer Mark is excited to share the details of his new surprisingly successful diet He forwards some supportive articles about the diet to a group of fitness minded friends who are skeptical of fad diets Later on Mark is distressed to learn that his friends are even more skeptical than before Based on your understanding of group decision making what is the most likely explanation a The articles Mark sent were actually credible in support of the diet however they also contained information that could contradict the diet which was likely the main source of the group s position b The group had likely already reached a decision about this diet before Mark sent the articles and conformity kept them from re evaluating this decision c The group correctly assessed the diet as a fad by synthesizing their individual knowledge whereas Mark had no one to help him make his decision d The articles Mark sent were inflammatory or insulting toward the other side of the argument making the group dig their heels in and strengthen their position
According to the textbook human male faces are perceived as dominant when they appear O a ready and responsive Ob thoughtful and intelligent c handsome and muscular d confident and relaxed
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
According to the textbook human male faces are perceived as dominant when they appear O a ready and responsive Ob thoughtful and intelligent c handsome and muscular d confident and relaxed
Johnny feels threatened The part of his brain that will show the strongest activation is the a brainstem b amygdala Oc parietal lobe d entorhinal cortex
Anatomy and Physiology
Head and Neck
Johnny feels threatened The part of his brain that will show the strongest activation is the a brainstem b amygdala Oc parietal lobe d entorhinal cortex
5 points Save Ar Aras works at a tech company that is having discussions about starting a new hiring process The members of the committee are trying to decide which position is most needed Though Aras believes that the company should hire a new accountant the majority of the group express they think a new software engineer is needed Aras follows along with the other members of the committee Aras has fallen victim to a groupthink b social loafing c deindividuation d obedience
Anatomy and Physiology
5 points Save Ar Aras works at a tech company that is having discussions about starting a new hiring process The members of the committee are trying to decide which position is most needed Though Aras believes that the company should hire a new accountant the majority of the group express they think a new software engineer is needed Aras follows along with the other members of the committee Aras has fallen victim to a groupthink b social loafing c deindividuation d obedience
According to research on cultural differences in attribution what explanation for a crime is more likely to be used in the United States than in China a context b relationships c history d personality
Anatomy and Physiology
According to research on cultural differences in attribution what explanation for a crime is more likely to be used in the United States than in China a context b relationships c history d personality
In models of within group cooperation the tit for tat TFT strategy is best described as O a always competing and relying on dominance or social popularity to avoid consequences b cooperating initially and only switching to compete if the other person does so first c using dominance or threats to coerce the other person into cooperating d offering to cooperate but only if the other person gives you something of value
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
In models of within group cooperation the tit for tat TFT strategy is best described as O a always competing and relying on dominance or social popularity to avoid consequences b cooperating initially and only switching to compete if the other person does so first c using dominance or threats to coerce the other person into cooperating d offering to cooperate but only if the other person gives you something of value
First impressions are formed rapidly often within a days b minutes c seconds d hours
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
First impressions are formed rapidly often within a days b minutes c seconds d hours
5 points Save Answer In recent years the Internet has been recognized as a serious potential source of poor group decision making In particular social media services have been criticized for creating echo chambers In other words people in group discussions may have their own views echoed back to them leading to further reinforcement of their original beliefs Which finding in group psychology research most clearly supports this criticism a Like minded people tend to affiliate with one another which can provide support for existing opinions and reduce exposure to conflicting ideas b While working in groups individual group members often display reduced motivation or effort with the size of the effect dependent on how large the group becomes c You do not necessarily lose yourself in a group but your attention may shift from a personal identity to the identity of the surrounding group d When performing well practiced skills like riding a bicycle the group s presence helps performance but the group s presence hurts performance of newly learned skills
Anatomy and Physiology
5 points Save Answer In recent years the Internet has been recognized as a serious potential source of poor group decision making In particular social media services have been criticized for creating echo chambers In other words people in group discussions may have their own views echoed back to them leading to further reinforcement of their original beliefs Which finding in group psychology research most clearly supports this criticism a Like minded people tend to affiliate with one another which can provide support for existing opinions and reduce exposure to conflicting ideas b While working in groups individual group members often display reduced motivation or effort with the size of the effect dependent on how large the group becomes c You do not necessarily lose yourself in a group but your attention may shift from a personal identity to the identity of the surrounding group d When performing well practiced skills like riding a bicycle the group s presence helps performance but the group s presence hurts performance of newly learned skills
5 points A group of friends go out to the movies each week They often have group discussions afterward about what they liked and disliked about the movie If one friend always goes with the flow agreeing with the group s consensus each week research on conformity suggests she is more likely to a be well liked by the other group members b be excluded from group activities in the future c be suspected of lying by the other group members d be respected by the other group members Save Ansv
Anatomy and Physiology
5 points A group of friends go out to the movies each week They often have group discussions afterward about what they liked and disliked about the movie If one friend always goes with the flow agreeing with the group s consensus each week research on conformity suggests she is more likely to a be well liked by the other group members b be excluded from group activities in the future c be suspected of lying by the other group members d be respected by the other group members Save Ansv
When delivering a persuasive message arousing negative emotions is risky mostly because a it may cause the listener to associate negative emotions with the speaker rather than with the topic at hand b if the message is being assessed with the peripheral route emotional appeals are ineffective c it may cause the opposite result in which the listener refuses to accept the possibility of negative consequences d it is unlikely to cause the cognitive dissonance needed for attitude change
Anatomy and Physiology
When delivering a persuasive message arousing negative emotions is risky mostly because a it may cause the listener to associate negative emotions with the speaker rather than with the topic at hand b if the message is being assessed with the peripheral route emotional appeals are ineffective c it may cause the opposite result in which the listener refuses to accept the possibility of negative consequences d it is unlikely to cause the cognitive dissonance needed for attitude change
When group members suppress opposing opinions in order to foster group cohesion they are being influenced by a thought drift b opinion cohesion Oc groupthink d group stickiness
Anatomy and Physiology
When group members suppress opposing opinions in order to foster group cohesion they are being influenced by a thought drift b opinion cohesion Oc groupthink d group stickiness
5 points Research on bystander intervention suggests several likely motives for a person s decision to not help others Based on this research which of the following strateg most likely to facilitate bystander intervention a Convince people they will appear brave and confident if they try to help even if the situation turns out to be a false alarm b Remind people of the times in their life when they overcame serious difficulties thanks to the help of kind strangers c Emphasize to people how many others are counting on them and how important their actions are in an emergency d Give people basic first aid and CPR training so they know that among members of a crowd they might be more qualified than average
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
5 points Research on bystander intervention suggests several likely motives for a person s decision to not help others Based on this research which of the following strateg most likely to facilitate bystander intervention a Convince people they will appear brave and confident if they try to help even if the situation turns out to be a false alarm b Remind people of the times in their life when they overcame serious difficulties thanks to the help of kind strangers c Emphasize to people how many others are counting on them and how important their actions are in an emergency d Give people basic first aid and CPR training so they know that among members of a crowd they might be more qualified than average
5 points You want to reduce your grandfather s prejudiced beliefs about a particular group of people One solution is to make sure he has contact with group members who a are from a similar region or hometown b have the same name as him c have similar hobbies d are from similar socioeconomic groups S
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
5 points You want to reduce your grandfather s prejudiced beliefs about a particular group of people One solution is to make sure he has contact with group members who a are from a similar region or hometown b have the same name as him c have similar hobbies d are from similar socioeconomic groups S
5 points Sa Two siblings are in trouble with their parents for a broken vase They both refuse to betray the other or say who was responsible Given the fMRI research on group cooperation when the siblings next see each other we might predict activation in brain areas normally linked to a comfort b surprise c reward d anger
Anatomy and Physiology
5 points Sa Two siblings are in trouble with their parents for a broken vase They both refuse to betray the other or say who was responsible Given the fMRI research on group cooperation when the siblings next see each other we might predict activation in brain areas normally linked to a comfort b surprise c reward d anger
5 points Sav One potential explanation for why we typically agree to requests by authority figures is that we respond to their legitimacy as authority figures in a general sense regardless of the specific request and its context Which of the following hypothetical findings if confirmed by research would most conflict with this explanation a Participants assume that requests made by an authority figure are somehow relevant to their job b Participants rarely ask authority figures for explanations as to the purpose of the request c Participants seem to comply more readily to authoritative body language than to official uniforms d Some kinds of authority figures promote more obedience in participants than others
Anatomy and Physiology
5 points Sav One potential explanation for why we typically agree to requests by authority figures is that we respond to their legitimacy as authority figures in a general sense regardless of the specific request and its context Which of the following hypothetical findings if confirmed by research would most conflict with this explanation a Participants assume that requests made by an authority figure are somehow relevant to their job b Participants rarely ask authority figures for explanations as to the purpose of the request c Participants seem to comply more readily to authoritative body language than to official uniforms d Some kinds of authority figures promote more obedience in participants than others
Regarding the role of physical attractiveness on the persuasiveness of college professors research has shown that a attractiveness matters much less for college professors than for other professions b attractive professors tend to be more knowledgeable c attractive professors are less likely to be hired by administrators d attractive professors are rated as more knowledgeable by students
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Regarding the role of physical attractiveness on the persuasiveness of college professors research has shown that a attractiveness matters much less for college professors than for other professions b attractive professors tend to be more knowledgeable c attractive professors are less likely to be hired by administrators d attractive professors are rated as more knowledgeable by students
5 points Patrice is waiting in line to get his passport renewed When he reaches the counter the employee frowns at him and repeatedly interrupts him Patrice assumes the employee must be a rude unhappy person Which fact about the correspondence bias most clearly shows that this is not necessarily true a Personal needs and motives can cause defensive attributions b People view their successes differently than their failures c There isn t enough information about people s circumstances to understand their behavior d People assume that good things happen to good people and bad things happen to bad people Sa
Anatomy and Physiology
5 points Patrice is waiting in line to get his passport renewed When he reaches the counter the employee frowns at him and repeatedly interrupts him Patrice assumes the employee must be a rude unhappy person Which fact about the correspondence bias most clearly shows that this is not necessarily true a Personal needs and motives can cause defensive attributions b People view their successes differently than their failures c There isn t enough information about people s circumstances to understand their behavior d People assume that good things happen to good people and bad things happen to bad people Sa
8 A patient asked the nurse for some advice on how to prevent constipation that was bothering them lately Which response by the nurse would be appropriate Select all that apply 551 1 Do you have any history of diseases of the stomach 2 3 What type of diet do you follow One with plenty of fruits and vegetables should help Tell me about your daily activity level Being physically active helps eliminate problems Have you ever been told you have anemia or hypothyroidism These conditions predispose you to constipation 4 5 Tell me about the medications you are taking Certain types of drugs can cause constipation
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
8 A patient asked the nurse for some advice on how to prevent constipation that was bothering them lately Which response by the nurse would be appropriate Select all that apply 551 1 Do you have any history of diseases of the stomach 2 3 What type of diet do you follow One with plenty of fruits and vegetables should help Tell me about your daily activity level Being physically active helps eliminate problems Have you ever been told you have anemia or hypothyroidism These conditions predispose you to constipation 4 5 Tell me about the medications you are taking Certain types of drugs can cause constipation
NCLEX item type mu Cognitive skill application 17 The nurse explained to the patient who recently un derwent radiation therapy about which factors that influence RINV Select all that apply 534 The treatment site The total dose delivered The dose of radiation delivered The number of cancer cells radiated 5 The previous development of nausea and 4 vomiting 1 2 1 Objective Compare the therapeutic classes of antiemetics with their uses NCLEX item type multiple choice Cognitive skill explain The nurse was talking with a patient who men tioned they heard that marijuana is used for nausea now and would like some for their symptoms What would be the best response by the nurse 547 You cannot have any marijuana It is illegal I will have to ask your doctor if it would be okay for you to have any 3 I heard it does not really help patients who are nauseated I would not recommend it 4 2 3 The active ingredient in marijuana has been made into a medication that your doctor may prescribe for you NCLEX item type multiple choice Cognitive skill compare 19 The nurse explains to the patient that most antiemet ic agents used to reduce nausea and vomiting from motion sickness are chemically related to what drug class 534 1 2 Analgesics 3 131 Antiepileptics Antihistamines 4 Anticoagulants NCLEX item type multiple response Cognitive skill classify 20 The nurse was considering the antiemetic medica tions available and understands that certain ones would be of benefit to give to the patient in scenario 2 Which options are available for control of nausea and vomiting with chemotherapy Select all that apply 535 1 2 3 4 Benzodiazepines e g lorazepam diazepam Corticosteroids e g dexamethasone Antihistamines e g diphenhydramine meclizine Neurokinin 1 antagonists e g aprepitant fosaprepitant 5 Serotonin antagonists e g ondansetron
Anatomy and Physiology
NCLEX item type mu Cognitive skill application 17 The nurse explained to the patient who recently un derwent radiation therapy about which factors that influence RINV Select all that apply 534 The treatment site The total dose delivered The dose of radiation delivered The number of cancer cells radiated 5 The previous development of nausea and 4 vomiting 1 2 1 Objective Compare the therapeutic classes of antiemetics with their uses NCLEX item type multiple choice Cognitive skill explain The nurse was talking with a patient who men tioned they heard that marijuana is used for nausea now and would like some for their symptoms What would be the best response by the nurse 547 You cannot have any marijuana It is illegal I will have to ask your doctor if it would be okay for you to have any 3 I heard it does not really help patients who are nauseated I would not recommend it 4 2 3 The active ingredient in marijuana has been made into a medication that your doctor may prescribe for you NCLEX item type multiple choice Cognitive skill compare 19 The nurse explains to the patient that most antiemet ic agents used to reduce nausea and vomiting from motion sickness are chemically related to what drug class 534 1 2 Analgesics 3 131 Antiepileptics Antihistamines 4 Anticoagulants NCLEX item type multiple response Cognitive skill classify 20 The nurse was considering the antiemetic medica tions available and understands that certain ones would be of benefit to give to the patient in scenario 2 Which options are available for control of nausea and vomiting with chemotherapy Select all that apply 535 1 2 3 4 Benzodiazepines e g lorazepam diazepam Corticosteroids e g dexamethasone Antihistamines e g diphenhydramine meclizine Neurokinin 1 antagonists e g aprepitant fosaprepitant 5 Serotonin antagonists e g ondansetron
5 Nurses need to perform an oral assessment in patients susceptible to mouth disorders to detect any abnormal findings such as what Select all that apply 511 1 1 Well fitting dentures 2 Red swollen gum line 3 4 Pink moist mucous membranes White patches over the tongue ith food particles
Anatomy and Physiology
5 Nurses need to perform an oral assessment in patients susceptible to mouth disorders to detect any abnormal findings such as what Select all that apply 511 1 1 Well fitting dentures 2 Red swollen gum line 3 4 Pink moist mucous membranes White patches over the tongue ith food particles
1 2 R 2 3 classiry 10 The patient in scenario 1 has which condition in which starvation dehydration and acidosis are superimposed on the vomiting requiring hospital ization 533 1 Drug toxicity 2 Regurgitation 3 Delayed emesis 4 Hyperemesis gravidarum NCLEX item type multiple response Cognitive skill application 11 Patients who have cancer and are undergoing treat ment with gamma rays and chemotherapy may develop the adverse effect of nausea and vomiting which is called what Select all that apply 533 534 Delayed emesis Psychogenic vomiting 4 1 2 NCLEX item type multiple choice Cognitive skill interpret 12 The nurse is educating a patient prescribed diphen hydramine Benadryl for motion sickness and knows the patient needs more teaching after hearing which response 539 1 I understand that I should not drive a car after taking this This drug has fewer side effects than prometh azine 3 CINV PONV 5 RINV I will call my provider if I notice that I am starting to have trouble urinating I have taken this before so I know that my mouth gets really dry and for that I have some candy to suck on ELEX item type multiple choice gnitive skill comprehension The nurse understands that antiemetic agents be administered to be considered most effective when given at what time 534 It does not matter Before the onset of nausea After nausea has occurred After vomiting has occurred rio 2 A patient undergoing chemotherapy for ent of lung cancer came into the outpatient depart or treatment after having a long term catheter for this purpose NCLEX item type cloze Cognitive skill recognize cues missing from the statements below by selecting from Choose the most likely options for the information the list of options provided 14 The nurse explains to the patient in scenario 2 and that are therapies used for cancer treatment Adverse effects from these treatments can cause nausea and vomiting and the three type associated with chemotherapy 2 2 and are 533 534 1 NCLEX item type multiple response Cognitive skill application 15 What are the various ways that the nurse can teach the patient in scenario 2 about the treatment of chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting with antiemetics Select all that apply 535 Patients are given a combination of antiemetic 2 3 Hyperbaric chamber Radiation therapy Relaxation therapy 4 Option 1 Chemotherapy Medication therapy 5 Option 2 Hyperemesis gravidarum Anticipatory nausea and vomiting Delayed emesis Regurgitation Acute nausea and vomiting agents Patients are given emetogenic agents to prevent delayed emesis Patients are administered antiemetics prior to chemotherapy Patients are encouraged to use over the counter herbal supplements for treatment Patients are to continue antiemetic therapy for several weeks following chemotherapy NCLEX item type multiple response Cognitive skill contrast 16 The nurse can expect that the patient in scenario 2 starting on the antineoplastic agent cisplatin will need to take a combination of antiemetics Which two agents work best for highly emetogenic antican cer agents Select all that apply 535 1 metoclopramide 2 dexamethasone
Anatomy and Physiology
1 2 R 2 3 classiry 10 The patient in scenario 1 has which condition in which starvation dehydration and acidosis are superimposed on the vomiting requiring hospital ization 533 1 Drug toxicity 2 Regurgitation 3 Delayed emesis 4 Hyperemesis gravidarum NCLEX item type multiple response Cognitive skill application 11 Patients who have cancer and are undergoing treat ment with gamma rays and chemotherapy may develop the adverse effect of nausea and vomiting which is called what Select all that apply 533 534 Delayed emesis Psychogenic vomiting 4 1 2 NCLEX item type multiple choice Cognitive skill interpret 12 The nurse is educating a patient prescribed diphen hydramine Benadryl for motion sickness and knows the patient needs more teaching after hearing which response 539 1 I understand that I should not drive a car after taking this This drug has fewer side effects than prometh azine 3 CINV PONV 5 RINV I will call my provider if I notice that I am starting to have trouble urinating I have taken this before so I know that my mouth gets really dry and for that I have some candy to suck on ELEX item type multiple choice gnitive skill comprehension The nurse understands that antiemetic agents be administered to be considered most effective when given at what time 534 It does not matter Before the onset of nausea After nausea has occurred After vomiting has occurred rio 2 A patient undergoing chemotherapy for ent of lung cancer came into the outpatient depart or treatment after having a long term catheter for this purpose NCLEX item type cloze Cognitive skill recognize cues missing from the statements below by selecting from Choose the most likely options for the information the list of options provided 14 The nurse explains to the patient in scenario 2 and that are therapies used for cancer treatment Adverse effects from these treatments can cause nausea and vomiting and the three type associated with chemotherapy 2 2 and are 533 534 1 NCLEX item type multiple response Cognitive skill application 15 What are the various ways that the nurse can teach the patient in scenario 2 about the treatment of chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting with antiemetics Select all that apply 535 Patients are given a combination of antiemetic 2 3 Hyperbaric chamber Radiation therapy Relaxation therapy 4 Option 1 Chemotherapy Medication therapy 5 Option 2 Hyperemesis gravidarum Anticipatory nausea and vomiting Delayed emesis Regurgitation Acute nausea and vomiting agents Patients are given emetogenic agents to prevent delayed emesis Patients are administered antiemetics prior to chemotherapy Patients are encouraged to use over the counter herbal supplements for treatment Patients are to continue antiemetic therapy for several weeks following chemotherapy NCLEX item type multiple response Cognitive skill contrast 16 The nurse can expect that the patient in scenario 2 starting on the antineoplastic agent cisplatin will need to take a combination of antiemetics Which two agents work best for highly emetogenic antican cer agents Select all that apply 535 1 metoclopramide 2 dexamethasone
ting fo sible to keep anything down and now she is get reak ive Describe the common causes of nausea miting and the interventions that apply item type multiple choice e skill knowledge nurse recognized that nausea and vomiting otoms associated with motion sickness are ght to result from stimulation of what 532 The diaphragm The cerebral cortex he labyrinth system of the ear knows there are six common causes of nausea and vomiting Which ones will the nurse recognize Select all that apply 532 534 1 motion sickness nausea and vomiting in pregnancy delayed emesis 4 chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting 5 anticipatory nausea and vomiting 6 radiation induced nausea and vomiting 7 psychogenic vomiting 8 postoperative nausea and vomiting 2 3
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
ting fo sible to keep anything down and now she is get reak ive Describe the common causes of nausea miting and the interventions that apply item type multiple choice e skill knowledge nurse recognized that nausea and vomiting otoms associated with motion sickness are ght to result from stimulation of what 532 The diaphragm The cerebral cortex he labyrinth system of the ear knows there are six common causes of nausea and vomiting Which ones will the nurse recognize Select all that apply 532 534 1 motion sickness nausea and vomiting in pregnancy delayed emesis 4 chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting 5 anticipatory nausea and vomiting 6 radiation induced nausea and vomiting 7 psychogenic vomiting 8 postoperative nausea and vomiting 2 3
petite Inelastic skin turgor Poor urine output 5 Sticky mucous membranes NCLEX item type multiple choice Cognitive skill compare 21 The patient in the scenario experiencing increased ileostomy output would likely receive which drug to inhibit peristalsis and reduce the volume from the ileostomy 558 3 1 lactulose Constulose 2 diphenoxylate with atropine Lomotil 3 bisacodyl Dulcolax 4 naldemedine Symproic NCLEX item type grid matrix Cognitive skill analyze cues 22 The nurse reviewed the conditions that cause consti pation and diarrhea Indicate with an X which pa tient condition causes which GI symptom 551 552 Constipation Anemia paraplegic Tumors of the bowel Colitis Crohn disease Small bowel obstruction GI surgery La bowel Diarrhea
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
petite Inelastic skin turgor Poor urine output 5 Sticky mucous membranes NCLEX item type multiple choice Cognitive skill compare 21 The patient in the scenario experiencing increased ileostomy output would likely receive which drug to inhibit peristalsis and reduce the volume from the ileostomy 558 3 1 lactulose Constulose 2 diphenoxylate with atropine Lomotil 3 bisacodyl Dulcolax 4 naldemedine Symproic NCLEX item type grid matrix Cognitive skill analyze cues 22 The nurse reviewed the conditions that cause consti pation and diarrhea Indicate with an X which pa tient condition causes which GI symptom 551 552 Constipation Anemia paraplegic Tumors of the bowel Colitis Crohn disease Small bowel obstruction GI surgery La bowel Diarrhea
missing from the statements below by selecting from Choose the most likely options for the information the list of options provided administering 18 The nurse was locally acting antidiarrheal agent and knows it works by the mechanism of actions that and Option 1 bismuth subsalicylate Pepto Bismol diphenoxylate with atropine Lomotil lubiprostone Amitiza docusate sodium Colace Option 2 Slow the motility of the GI tract Absorbs excess water to cause a formed stool Irritate the lining of the GI tract Absorbs irritants or bacteria that are causing diarrhea Objective Describe nursing assessments needed to evaluate the patient s state of hydration when suffering from either constipation or dehydration and identify electrolytes that should be monitored whenever prolonged or severe diarrhea is present NCLEX item type multiple response Cognitive skill application 19 The nurse will need to monitor which laboratory values that may indicate a problem with malabsor tion or dehydration for the patient in scenario 2 Select all that apply 553 1 Chloride 2 Potassium 3 Bicarbonate 4 Blood sugar 5 Alkaline phosphate
Anatomy and Physiology
missing from the statements below by selecting from Choose the most likely options for the information the list of options provided administering 18 The nurse was locally acting antidiarrheal agent and knows it works by the mechanism of actions that and Option 1 bismuth subsalicylate Pepto Bismol diphenoxylate with atropine Lomotil lubiprostone Amitiza docusate sodium Colace Option 2 Slow the motility of the GI tract Absorbs excess water to cause a formed stool Irritate the lining of the GI tract Absorbs irritants or bacteria that are causing diarrhea Objective Describe nursing assessments needed to evaluate the patient s state of hydration when suffering from either constipation or dehydration and identify electrolytes that should be monitored whenever prolonged or severe diarrhea is present NCLEX item type multiple response Cognitive skill application 19 The nurse will need to monitor which laboratory values that may indicate a problem with malabsor tion or dehydration for the patient in scenario 2 Select all that apply 553 1 Chloride 2 Potassium 3 Bicarbonate 4 Blood sugar 5 Alkaline phosphate
14 The pose patients to developing diarrhea Which condi tions would apply to this development Select all that apply 552 1 Anemia Hypothyroidism Crohn disease Hyperthyroidism Enzyme deficiencies NCLEX item type multiple response Cognitive skill illustrate 15 Diet is an important consideration for patients who have developed diarrhea The nurse educates the patient on which food items to avoid to prevent diarrhea Select all that apply 552 1 Spicy foods 2 Fresh oysters 2 3 4 3 Deep fat fried foods Cheese and yogurt 5 Drinking tap water when on vacation in an other country NCLEX item type multiple choice Cognitive skill knowledge 16 The nurse recognized the condition that the patient in scenario 2 has that is an example of a common cause of diarrhea Which condition is likely respon sible for the diarrhea 552 GERD Crohn disease Mental status changes Gastric outlet obstruction 1 2 3 Objective Differentiate between locally acting and systemically acting antidiarrheal agents and the conditions that respond favorably to antidiarrheal agents NCLEX item type multiple response Cognitive skill application 17 The nurse recognized the mechanism of action of loperamide Imodium a systemically acting antidi arrheal agent Which action does this drug have on the patient Select all that apply 558 1 Imodium will promote the expulsion of formed stool Imodium will absorb nutrients water and elec trolytes and leave a formed stool 3 Imodium increases peristalsis and GI motility via the autonomic nervous system Imodium decreases peristalsis and GI motility via the autonomic nervous system 4 tor from the surrounding 2
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
14 The pose patients to developing diarrhea Which condi tions would apply to this development Select all that apply 552 1 Anemia Hypothyroidism Crohn disease Hyperthyroidism Enzyme deficiencies NCLEX item type multiple response Cognitive skill illustrate 15 Diet is an important consideration for patients who have developed diarrhea The nurse educates the patient on which food items to avoid to prevent diarrhea Select all that apply 552 1 Spicy foods 2 Fresh oysters 2 3 4 3 Deep fat fried foods Cheese and yogurt 5 Drinking tap water when on vacation in an other country NCLEX item type multiple choice Cognitive skill knowledge 16 The nurse recognized the condition that the patient in scenario 2 has that is an example of a common cause of diarrhea Which condition is likely respon sible for the diarrhea 552 GERD Crohn disease Mental status changes Gastric outlet obstruction 1 2 3 Objective Differentiate between locally acting and systemically acting antidiarrheal agents and the conditions that respond favorably to antidiarrheal agents NCLEX item type multiple response Cognitive skill application 17 The nurse recognized the mechanism of action of loperamide Imodium a systemically acting antidi arrheal agent Which action does this drug have on the patient Select all that apply 558 1 Imodium will promote the expulsion of formed stool Imodium will absorb nutrients water and elec trolytes and leave a formed stool 3 Imodium increases peristalsis and GI motility via the autonomic nervous system Imodium decreases peristalsis and GI motility via the autonomic nervous system 4 tor from the surrounding 2
Cognitive skill ill 11 The patient asks the nurse how mineral oil works as a laxative What statement by the nurse explains the mechanism of action of lubricant laxatives 555 The lubricant laxatives are used because they increase peristalsis Mineral oil will work by drawing more water into the stool 1 2 3 5 4 Lubricant laxatives work by increasing bulk in the stool to stimulate peristalsis Mineral oil will lubricate the intestinal wall and soften the stool to allow a smooth passage of fecal contents NCLEX item type multiple choice Cognitive skill application 12 The nurse was explaining how bulk forming laxa tives work to the patient who had a recent order for psyllium Which statement by the nurse need to be corrected Select all that apply 555 1 Bulk forming laxatives are used to relieve acute constipation 2 Bulk forming laxatives are used to treat certain types of diarrhea 3 Adequate volumes of water must be taken with bulk forming laxatives such as psyllium 4 Bulk forming laxatives may be used in the treatment of patients with irritable bowel syn drome The drug of choice for people who are inca pacitated and need a laxative regularly are the bulk forming laxatives NCLEX item type multiple choice Cognitive skill knowledge 13 The nurse was teaching the patient in scenario 1 that a stool softener helps to prevent constipation from pain medications What is the mechanism of action of stool softeners that the nurse taught the patient 555 1 Stool softeners lubricate the intestines 2 Stool softeners stimulate peristalsis 3 Stool softeners add bulk to the stool 4 Stool softeners draw water into the stool caus ing it to soften Scenario 2 A 72 year old patient admitted to the hospi tal with recent mental status changes gastroesophageal reflux disease GERD and symptoms of gastric outlet obstruction was being managed with a nasogastric NG ube The patient has a history of Crohn disease with a owel resection resulting in an ileostomy and was expe encing high output from the ileostomy
Anatomy and Physiology
Cognitive skill ill 11 The patient asks the nurse how mineral oil works as a laxative What statement by the nurse explains the mechanism of action of lubricant laxatives 555 The lubricant laxatives are used because they increase peristalsis Mineral oil will work by drawing more water into the stool 1 2 3 5 4 Lubricant laxatives work by increasing bulk in the stool to stimulate peristalsis Mineral oil will lubricate the intestinal wall and soften the stool to allow a smooth passage of fecal contents NCLEX item type multiple choice Cognitive skill application 12 The nurse was explaining how bulk forming laxa tives work to the patient who had a recent order for psyllium Which statement by the nurse need to be corrected Select all that apply 555 1 Bulk forming laxatives are used to relieve acute constipation 2 Bulk forming laxatives are used to treat certain types of diarrhea 3 Adequate volumes of water must be taken with bulk forming laxatives such as psyllium 4 Bulk forming laxatives may be used in the treatment of patients with irritable bowel syn drome The drug of choice for people who are inca pacitated and need a laxative regularly are the bulk forming laxatives NCLEX item type multiple choice Cognitive skill knowledge 13 The nurse was teaching the patient in scenario 1 that a stool softener helps to prevent constipation from pain medications What is the mechanism of action of stool softeners that the nurse taught the patient 555 1 Stool softeners lubricate the intestines 2 Stool softeners stimulate peristalsis 3 Stool softeners add bulk to the stool 4 Stool softeners draw water into the stool caus ing it to soften Scenario 2 A 72 year old patient admitted to the hospi tal with recent mental status changes gastroesophageal reflux disease GERD and symptoms of gastric outlet obstruction was being managed with a nasogastric NG ube The patient has a history of Crohn disease with a owel resection resulting in an ileostomy and was expe encing high output from the ileostomy
Cognitive skill compare item type multiple choice 9 1 2 often The nurse reviewed the mechanism of action of stimulant laxatives Which action do these laxative have 554 3 1 They draw water into the stool causing it to soften They add lubrication to the intestinal wall and soften the stool 2 4 They act directly on the intestine causing irrita tion that promotes peristalsis and evacuation NCLEX item type multiple choice Cognitive skill explain 3 They draw water into the intestine from sur rounding tissues by means of hypertonic com pounds D Which statement does the nurse include when teach ing a patient about the use of osmotic laxatives 554 These agents usually work within 8 12 hours Osmotic laxatives restore normal intestinal flora Osmotic laxatives work by making the stool softer 4 Glycerin suppositories usually act within 15 to 30 minutes
Anatomy and Physiology
Cognitive skill compare item type multiple choice 9 1 2 often The nurse reviewed the mechanism of action of stimulant laxatives Which action do these laxative have 554 3 1 They draw water into the stool causing it to soften They add lubrication to the intestinal wall and soften the stool 2 4 They act directly on the intestine causing irrita tion that promotes peristalsis and evacuation NCLEX item type multiple choice Cognitive skill explain 3 They draw water into the intestine from sur rounding tissues by means of hypertonic com pounds D Which statement does the nurse include when teach ing a patient about the use of osmotic laxatives 554 These agents usually work within 8 12 hours Osmotic laxatives restore normal intestinal flora Osmotic laxatives work by making the stool softer 4 Glycerin suppositories usually act within 15 to 30 minutes
that a class of medication used in the treatment of peptic ulcer w inhibit gastric secretion of hydrochloric acid by in hibiting the hydrogen ion pump of the cells 522 Option 1 Proton pump inhibitors Histamine receptor antagonists Coating agents Antacids Option 2 Chief Mucous Parietal
Anatomy and Physiology
G.I Tract
that a class of medication used in the treatment of peptic ulcer w inhibit gastric secretion of hydrochloric acid by in hibiting the hydrogen ion pump of the cells 522 Option 1 Proton pump inhibitors Histamine receptor antagonists Coating agents Antacids Option 2 Chief Mucous Parietal
NCLEX item ty Cognitive skill evaluat 20 The nurse reviewed the uses for classes used to treat common gastric disorders 520 524 526 527 Mark with an arrow the drug class used for the gastric disorder Mark each drug class only once indicating the most common use Drug Class Prokinetic agents Antacids Proton pump inhibitors Coating agents Gastric disorder Gastric ulcers GERD Indigestion Gastroparesis
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
NCLEX item ty Cognitive skill evaluat 20 The nurse reviewed the uses for classes used to treat common gastric disorders 520 524 526 527 Mark with an arrow the drug class used for the gastric disorder Mark each drug class only once indicating the most common use Drug Class Prokinetic agents Antacids Proton pump inhibitors Coating agents Gastric disorder Gastric ulcers GERD Indigestion Gastroparesis
9 The nurse was teaching the patient in scenario 1 about the use of antacids as part of the treatment for GERD Which statements by the nurse will be in cluded in the discussion Select all that apply 521 1 Maalox is an example of a low sodium ant acid mag Use of an antacid with large amounts of nesium usually results in constipation Calcium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate may cause rebound hyperacidity 2 3 5 4 Patients with renal failure should not use large quantities of antacids containing magnesium Antacid tablets should be used only for patients with occasional indigestion or heart burn
Anatomy and Physiology
9 The nurse was teaching the patient in scenario 1 about the use of antacids as part of the treatment for GERD Which statements by the nurse will be in cluded in the discussion Select all that apply 521 1 Maalox is an example of a low sodium ant acid mag Use of an antacid with large amounts of nesium usually results in constipation Calcium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate may cause rebound hyperacidity 2 3 5 4 Patients with renal failure should not use large quantities of antacids containing magnesium Antacid tablets should be used only for patients with occasional indigestion or heart burn
2 NCLEX item type multiple choice Cognitive skill analyze 17 Which statement does the nurse include when teac ing the patient in scenario 2 about antacid therapy for the treatment of peptic ulcer disease 521 1 Antacids take at least 6 weeks to become effec tive 3 4 nach disorders eatments Excessive use of magnesium antacids results in constipation Quantition Antacid tablets do not contain enough antacid to be effective in treating this disease A common complaint of patients using large
Anatomy and Physiology
2 NCLEX item type multiple choice Cognitive skill analyze 17 Which statement does the nurse include when teac ing the patient in scenario 2 about antacid therapy for the treatment of peptic ulcer disease 521 1 Antacids take at least 6 weeks to become effec tive 3 4 nach disorders eatments Excessive use of magnesium antacids results in constipation Quantition Antacid tablets do not contain enough antacid to be effective in treating this disease A common complaint of patients using large
13 The nurse understands that patients older than 65 years with ulcer disease usually present with which symptoms Select all that apply 521 1 Weight loss 2 Anorexia Dizziness 3 4 Vague abdominal discomfort 5 Burning in the epigastric region
Anatomy and Physiology
13 The nurse understands that patients older than 65 years with ulcer disease usually present with which symptoms Select all that apply 521 1 Weight loss 2 Anorexia Dizziness 3 4 Vague abdominal discomfort 5 Burning in the epigastric region
Hurse recognized the agents used in the treat ment of GERD and PUD and for preventing gastric ulcers in critically ill patients by causing the pH of the stomach to rise are which class 520 1 Antacids 2 Coating agents 3 Gastrointestinal prostaglandin 4 Histamine 2 receptor antagonisti
Anatomy and Physiology
Hurse recognized the agents used in the treat ment of GERD and PUD and for preventing gastric ulcers in critically ill patients by causing the pH of the stomach to rise are which class 520 1 Antacids 2 Coating agents 3 Gastrointestinal prostaglandin 4 Histamine 2 receptor antagonisti
4 The nurse discussed the risk factors that increase the likelihood of developing peptic ulcer disease with the patient in scenario 2 Which factors did the nurse discuss Select all that apply 518 1 2 3 Cigarette smoking Spicy foods and alcohol An infection in the stomach lining An increase in stress level 4 5 Injury to the mucosal lining of the stomach by NSAIDs
Anatomy and Physiology
4 The nurse discussed the risk factors that increase the likelihood of developing peptic ulcer disease with the patient in scenario 2 Which factors did the nurse discuss Select all that apply 518 1 2 3 Cigarette smoking Spicy foods and alcohol An infection in the stomach lining An increase in stress level 4 5 Injury to the mucosal lining of the stomach by NSAIDs
NCLEX item type Cognitive skill classify 12 The nurse explained to the patient in scenario 2 that one of the known causes of peptic ulcer disease is an infection in the mucosal wall of the stomach caused by an organism Which organism will the nurse discuss 518 1 Escherichia coli 2 Helicobacter pylori Streptococcus viridans Staphylococcus aureus 3 4
Anatomy and Physiology
NCLEX item type Cognitive skill classify 12 The nurse explained to the patient in scenario 2 that one of the known causes of peptic ulcer disease is an infection in the mucosal wall of the stomach caused by an organism Which organism will the nurse discuss 518 1 Escherichia coli 2 Helicobacter pylori Streptococcus viridans Staphylococcus aureus 3 4
11 The nurse reviewed the drug used for patients with gastroparesis which stimulate gastric emptying and increases intestinal transit Which drug is a gastric stimulant as well as an antiemetic 527 1 cimetidine 2 omeprazole 3 sucralfate
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
11 The nurse reviewed the drug used for patients with gastroparesis which stimulate gastric emptying and increases intestinal transit Which drug is a gastric stimulant as well as an antiemetic 527 1 cimetidine 2 omeprazole 3 sucralfate
Cognitive 0 Which of these stomach disor proton pump inhibitors Select all that apply 525 1 GERD 2 Severe esophagitis Zollinger Ellison syndrome 3 4 Hiatal hernia 5 Peptic ulcer disease multiple choice
Anatomy and Physiology
Cognitive 0 Which of these stomach disor proton pump inhibitors Select all that apply 525 1 GERD 2 Severe esophagitis Zollinger Ellison syndrome 3 4 Hiatal hernia 5 Peptic ulcer disease multiple choice
Cognitive 13 The nurse discusses the proper oral hy brushing twice a day to patients in order to prevent what oral disorder 509 1 Sinusitis 2 Xerostomia 3 Plaque 4 Canker sores
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Cognitive 13 The nurse discusses the proper oral hy brushing twice a day to patients in order to prevent what oral disorder 509 1 Sinusitis 2 Xerostomia 3 Plaque 4 Canker sores
The nurse assured they had been prescribed an appropriate treatment for their GERD in addition they could have been prescribed agents from which class of drugs Select all that apply 519 1 Coating agents 2 Proton pump inhibitors 3 Prokinetic agents 4 Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs 5 Beta adrenergic blocking agents
Anatomy and Physiology
The nurse assured they had been prescribed an appropriate treatment for their GERD in addition they could have been prescribed agents from which class of drugs Select all that apply 519 1 Coating agents 2 Proton pump inhibitors 3 Prokinetic agents 4 Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs 5 Beta adrenergic blocking agents
5 points Save Ernest Hemingway who many consider one of the 20th century s greatest authors famously suggested that one should Write drunk edit sober In other words he believed he was more creative while intoxicated Which finding regarding psychological disorders is most consistent with Hemingway s advice a Frontotemporal dementia results in both lower inhibition and heightened creativity b Bipolar disorder shares some of the same abnormalities in brain structure and function as schizophrenia c Periods of depression share some physiological similarities with being drunk d Bipolar disorder is overrepresented in creative people compared to others
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
5 points Save Ernest Hemingway who many consider one of the 20th century s greatest authors famously suggested that one should Write drunk edit sober In other words he believed he was more creative while intoxicated Which finding regarding psychological disorders is most consistent with Hemingway s advice a Frontotemporal dementia results in both lower inhibition and heightened creativity b Bipolar disorder shares some of the same abnormalities in brain structure and function as schizophrenia c Periods of depression share some physiological similarities with being drunk d Bipolar disorder is overrepresented in creative people compared to others
Which brain circuits do not seem to respond properly for people with generalized anxiety disorder a the motor cortices and cerebellum b the amygdala and prefrontal lobes c the sensory cortices and hippocampus d the midbrain and ventral striatum
Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous System
Which brain circuits do not seem to respond properly for people with generalized anxiety disorder a the motor cortices and cerebellum b the amygdala and prefrontal lobes c the sensory cortices and hippocampus d the midbrain and ventral striatum
Question 3 Autism represents a spectrum because individuals vary wildly in a language abilities from nonverbal to completely fluent b ages of onset from infancy to early adulthood c observed deficits from mild to severe d sensory sensitivity from extremely low to extremely high
Anatomy and Physiology
Question 3 Autism represents a spectrum because individuals vary wildly in a language abilities from nonverbal to completely fluent b ages of onset from infancy to early adulthood c observed deficits from mild to severe d sensory sensitivity from extremely low to extremely high
Which personality disorder is most characterized by an unusual lack of remorse or empathy a dorderline personality disorder BPD b antisocial personality disorder ASPD c narcissistic personality disorder NPD d dissociative identity disorder DID
Anatomy and Physiology
Which personality disorder is most characterized by an unusual lack of remorse or empathy a dorderline personality disorder BPD b antisocial personality disorder ASPD c narcissistic personality disorder NPD d dissociative identity disorder DID
Mania is best described as a period of a unusually low energy b contentment and self confidence c lack of motivation Od unrealistically elevated mood
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Mania is best described as a period of a unusually low energy b contentment and self confidence c lack of motivation Od unrealistically elevated mood
5 points One process that contributes to the development and maintenance of depression is repetitively focusing on one s own depression This cognitive process has been termed a introspection b rumination c morbidity Od spiraling Save Ar
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
5 points One process that contributes to the development and maintenance of depression is repetitively focusing on one s own depression This cognitive process has been termed a introspection b rumination c morbidity Od spiraling Save Ar
Which of the following characteristics is at the core of an autism spectrum disorder diagnosis a problems in social communication and interaction b procrastination and other task avoidance behavior Oc disorganized patterns of speech d the inability to maintain sustained attention
Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous System
Which of the following characteristics is at the core of an autism spectrum disorder diagnosis a problems in social communication and interaction b procrastination and other task avoidance behavior Oc disorganized patterns of speech d the inability to maintain sustained attention
How do PTSD and schizophrenia differ in terms of their risk factors a Schizophrenia is associated with sensory cortex dysfunction while PTSD is associated with temporal lobe dysfunction Ob PTSD is more likely in men while schizophrenia is more likely in women Oc PTSD includes a greater role for genetic vulnerabilities than schizophrenia Od Schizophrenia is more likely after a history of ongoing environmental stressors while PTSD is more likely after a single major stressor
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
How do PTSD and schizophrenia differ in terms of their risk factors a Schizophrenia is associated with sensory cortex dysfunction while PTSD is associated with temporal lobe dysfunction Ob PTSD is more likely in men while schizophrenia is more likely in women Oc PTSD includes a greater role for genetic vulnerabilities than schizophrenia Od Schizophrenia is more likely after a history of ongoing environmental stressors while PTSD is more likely after a single major stressor