Anatomy and Physiology Questions

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9 Explain the value of the OASIS credit What is it comparable to today 10 What is the origin of Wade s avatar s name
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
9 Explain the value of the OASIS credit What is it comparable to today 10 What is the origin of Wade s avatar s name
2 Below is a section of DNA in a cell s nucleus which is similar to the one from Question 1 but now contains a mutation Repeat the process of determining the mRNA and the protein that will be produced from expression of this DNA sequence and then analyze what if any difference there is between the protein products and what specific mutation occurred that caused this difference if any difference is present 7 5 points Template strand mRNA 2 point TACGGAATCAGTACT GAAT Identify the Amino Acids This is your protein product 2 points a Did you get the same protein after the DNA mutation occurred 1 point
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
2 Below is a section of DNA in a cell s nucleus which is similar to the one from Question 1 but now contains a mutation Repeat the process of determining the mRNA and the protein that will be produced from expression of this DNA sequence and then analyze what if any difference there is between the protein products and what specific mutation occurred that caused this difference if any difference is present 7 5 points Template strand mRNA 2 point TACGGAATCAGTACT GAAT Identify the Amino Acids This is your protein product 2 points a Did you get the same protein after the DNA mutation occurred 1 point
1 Below is a section of DNA in a cell s nucleus Using what you learned in lecture your text book and the information provided determine the mRNA and the protein that will be produced from expression of this DNA sequence Use the Word Bank below to help fill in the blanks indicating what the names of the steps are where they take place and what molecules are involved in the process The codon table below will be helpful in determining the sequences of amino acids produced 7 5 points Word Bank mRNA rRNA nucleus translation cytoplasm ribosome tRNA RNA polymerase transcription DNA polymerase splicing lysosome DNA ATGCCTCAGTCATGA Template strand TACGGAGTCAGTACT mRNA 2 point Identify the Amino Acids This is your protein product First letter 2 point A G U CUU CUC UUU UUC J UUGLeu UCG CUA CUG Phe GUU GUC GUA GUG Leu AUU AUC lle AUA AUG Met a The process you just diagrammed is called Val Second letter A UAUT UGU UACJ Tyr UGC Cys UAA Stop UGA Stop UAG Stop UGG Trp CGU CGC CGA Arg CGGJ C UCU UCC CCU CCC CCA CCG ACU ACC ACA ACG GCU GCC GCA GCG Ser Pro Thr Ala CAU His CAC J CAA CAG Gin AAU Asn J AAA AAG Lys GAU ASP GACJ GAA GAG Glu which is located in the G AGU Ser AGC AGA AGG Arg GGU GGC GGA GGG Gly and performed by the enzyme 1 5 points DUA DUAU DUAU DUAU Third letter
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
1 Below is a section of DNA in a cell s nucleus Using what you learned in lecture your text book and the information provided determine the mRNA and the protein that will be produced from expression of this DNA sequence Use the Word Bank below to help fill in the blanks indicating what the names of the steps are where they take place and what molecules are involved in the process The codon table below will be helpful in determining the sequences of amino acids produced 7 5 points Word Bank mRNA rRNA nucleus translation cytoplasm ribosome tRNA RNA polymerase transcription DNA polymerase splicing lysosome DNA ATGCCTCAGTCATGA Template strand TACGGAGTCAGTACT mRNA 2 point Identify the Amino Acids This is your protein product First letter 2 point A G U CUU CUC UUU UUC J UUGLeu UCG CUA CUG Phe GUU GUC GUA GUG Leu AUU AUC lle AUA AUG Met a The process you just diagrammed is called Val Second letter A UAUT UGU UACJ Tyr UGC Cys UAA Stop UGA Stop UAG Stop UGG Trp CGU CGC CGA Arg CGGJ C UCU UCC CCU CCC CCA CCG ACU ACC ACA ACG GCU GCC GCA GCG Ser Pro Thr Ala CAU His CAC J CAA CAG Gin AAU Asn J AAA AAG Lys GAU ASP GACJ GAA GAG Glu which is located in the G AGU Ser AGC AGA AGG Arg GGU GGC GGA GGG Gly and performed by the enzyme 1 5 points DUA DUAU DUAU DUAU Third letter
s the key difference between a positi positive tropism towards the stim
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
s the key difference between a positi positive tropism towards the stim
lab 13 assignments Nervous tissue And anatomy of the brain Lab Assignment 11A Questions 1 8 Myelin sheath Cell body Node of Ranvier
Anatomy and Physiology
lab 13 assignments Nervous tissue And anatomy of the brain Lab Assignment 11A Questions 1 8 Myelin sheath Cell body Node of Ranvier
25 Place an X on the pressure points for each position A B C D 1650 les selo cant A om one d 12 Jeg 11dw
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
25 Place an X on the pressure points for each position A B C D 1650 les selo cant A om one d 12 Jeg 11dw
Course Home Pre lab 13 assignments Nervous tissue And anatomy of the Exercise 12A Test Bank Question 6 B
Anatomy and Physiology
Course Home Pre lab 13 assignments Nervous tissue And anatomy of the Exercise 12A Test Bank Question 6 B
tem 11 Which structure is highlighted papillary duct loop of Henle collecting duct distal convoluted tubule Submit Request Answer F
Anatomy and Physiology
Kidney and Urinary Tract
tem 11 Which structure is highlighted papillary duct loop of Henle collecting duct distal convoluted tubule Submit Request Answer F
em 7 Which structure is highlighted distal convoluted tubule renal corpuscle glomerulus O proximal convoluted tubule Submit Request Answer 8 9 A first convoluted par nephron after the Bo
Anatomy and Physiology
Kidney and Urinary Tract
em 7 Which structure is highlighted distal convoluted tubule renal corpuscle glomerulus O proximal convoluted tubule Submit Request Answer 8 9 A first convoluted par nephron after the Bo
Mutated DNA sequence 3 mRNA transcript Circle any changes amino acids Type of mutation Circle one How did the mutation affect the amino acid sequence protein Circle one Point TAC ACC TTA GCG ACG ACT No change Substitution 1 amino acid changed Premature stop signal Frameshift No stop signal Insertion 1 amino acid added deleted or Deletion All the amino aci changed after th point of mutatio
Anatomy and Physiology
Mutated DNA sequence 3 mRNA transcript Circle any changes amino acids Type of mutation Circle one How did the mutation affect the amino acid sequence protein Circle one Point TAC ACC TTA GCG ACG ACT No change Substitution 1 amino acid changed Premature stop signal Frameshift No stop signal Insertion 1 amino acid added deleted or Deletion All the amino aci changed after th point of mutatio
A mutation occasionally arises that converts a codon specifying an amino acid to a stop or nonsense codon When this occurs in the middle of a gene the resulting protein is truncated and often inactive If the protein is essential cell death can result Which of these secondary mutations might restore some or all of the protein function so that the cell can survive a mutation changing the nonsense codon to one encoding a different but similar amino acid a mutation in the anticodon of a tRNA such that the tRNA now recognizes the nonsense codon a mutation restoring the codon to the one encoding the original amino acid a mutation in which an additional nucleotide inserts just upstream of the nonsense codon changing the reading frame so the nonsense codon is no longer read as stop
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
A mutation occasionally arises that converts a codon specifying an amino acid to a stop or nonsense codon When this occurs in the middle of a gene the resulting protein is truncated and often inactive If the protein is essential cell death can result Which of these secondary mutations might restore some or all of the protein function so that the cell can survive a mutation changing the nonsense codon to one encoding a different but similar amino acid a mutation in the anticodon of a tRNA such that the tRNA now recognizes the nonsense codon a mutation restoring the codon to the one encoding the original amino acid a mutation in which an additional nucleotide inserts just upstream of the nonsense codon changing the reading frame so the nonsense codon is no longer read as stop
A breeding experiment which produces the same outcome regardless of which gender contributed the trait being observed is referred to as a an autosomal trait Acceptable Formats Card or Cards or CARD X
Anatomy and Physiology
A breeding experiment which produces the same outcome regardless of which gender contributed the trait being observed is referred to as a an autosomal trait Acceptable Formats Card or Cards or CARD X
Structures 8 and 10 are part of which brain division brainstem O diencephalon cerebellum cerebrum 9 0 11 12
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Structures 8 and 10 are part of which brain division brainstem O diencephalon cerebellum cerebrum 9 0 11 12
Moving to another ques n 8
Anatomy and Physiology
Moving to another ques n 8
tatus r question will save this
Anatomy and Physiology
tatus r question will save this
A Moving to another stion 6 The definition of mer
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
A Moving to another stion 6 The definition of mer
Recall General Assembly Committees in Gen Assembly Governor
Anatomy and Physiology
Recall General Assembly Committees in Gen Assembly Governor
Concurrent Powers Reserved Powers Full Faith
Anatomy and Physiology
Concurrent Powers Reserved Powers Full Faith
esar less but that I loved Rome more Had you rather Caesar were living and 25 die all slaves than that Caesar were dead to live all free men As Caesar loved me I weep for him as he was fortunate I rejoice at it as he was valiant I honour him but as he was ambitious I slew him There is tears for his love joy for his 30 fortune honour for his valour and death for his ambition Who is here so base that would be a bondman If any speak for him have I offended Who is here so rude that would not be a Roman If any speak for him have I offended Who is here so 35 vile that will not love his country If any speak for him have I offended I pause for a reply of that To convince people that his priority is the public s well being To convince people that Caesar is not the monster he is believed to be To beg for the mercy of Roman citizens who question his deeds To make sense of his own actions which he took without regard for consequence
Anatomy and Physiology
esar less but that I loved Rome more Had you rather Caesar were living and 25 die all slaves than that Caesar were dead to live all free men As Caesar loved me I weep for him as he was fortunate I rejoice at it as he was valiant I honour him but as he was ambitious I slew him There is tears for his love joy for his 30 fortune honour for his valour and death for his ambition Who is here so base that would be a bondman If any speak for him have I offended Who is here so rude that would not be a Roman If any speak for him have I offended Who is here so 35 vile that will not love his country If any speak for him have I offended I pause for a reply of that To convince people that his priority is the public s well being To convince people that Caesar is not the monster he is believed to be To beg for the mercy of Roman citizens who question his deeds To make sense of his own actions which he took without regard for consequence
According to the words and actions of the Plebeians throughout Act 3 what does Shakespeare imply as a theme about mob rule or a mob mentality Mobs can be easily swayed and can get out of control if given power O Mobs are intelligent and can only be convinced with logic and evidence O Mobs can t be used or taken advantage of to get what one desires Mobs listen to and value each member s thoughts a mob doesn t think as a unit
Anatomy and Physiology
According to the words and actions of the Plebeians throughout Act 3 what does Shakespeare imply as a theme about mob rule or a mob mentality Mobs can be easily swayed and can get out of control if given power O Mobs are intelligent and can only be convinced with logic and evidence O Mobs can t be used or taken advantage of to get what one desires Mobs listen to and value each member s thoughts a mob doesn t think as a unit
Using what you have read thus far in William Shakespeare s Julius Caesar argue whether Brutus is a patriot or a traitor Provide evidence to prove where Brutus loyalties lie and what motivates his decisions
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Using what you have read thus far in William Shakespeare s Julius Caesar argue whether Brutus is a patriot or a traitor Provide evidence to prove where Brutus loyalties lie and what motivates his decisions
Refer to the highlighted portion of Act 3 Scene 2 lines 46 through 49 The tone of these remarks is best described as BRUTUS Then none have I offended I have done no more to Caesar than you shall do to Brutus The question of 40 his death is enrolled in the Capitol his glory not extenuated wherein he was worthy nor his offences enforced for which he suffered death Enter ANTONY and others with Caesar s body Here comes his body mourned by Mark Antony who though he had no hand in his death shall receive 45 the benefit of his dying a place in the commonwealth as which of you shall not With this I depart that as I slew my best lover for the good of Rome I have the same dagger for myself when it shall please my country to need my death O Devastated Patriotic O Violent Exaggerated
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Refer to the highlighted portion of Act 3 Scene 2 lines 46 through 49 The tone of these remarks is best described as BRUTUS Then none have I offended I have done no more to Caesar than you shall do to Brutus The question of 40 his death is enrolled in the Capitol his glory not extenuated wherein he was worthy nor his offences enforced for which he suffered death Enter ANTONY and others with Caesar s body Here comes his body mourned by Mark Antony who though he had no hand in his death shall receive 45 the benefit of his dying a place in the commonwealth as which of you shall not With this I depart that as I slew my best lover for the good of Rome I have the same dagger for myself when it shall please my country to need my death O Devastated Patriotic O Violent Exaggerated
BRUTUS My countrymen SECOND PLEBEIAN Peace silence Brutus speaks FIRST PLEBEIAN Peace ho BRUTUS Good countrymen let me depart alone And for my sake stay here with Antony Do grace to Caesar s corpse and grace his speech Tending to Caesar s glories which Mark Antony By our permission is allowed to make I do entreat you not a man depart Save I alone till Antony have spoke and exits He descends FIRST PLEBEIAN Stay ho and let us hear Mark Antony THIRD PLEBEIAN Let him go up into the public chair PLEBEIANS We ll hear him Noble Antony go up ANTONY For Brutus sake I am beholding to you goes into the pulpit He Brutus appears skeptical of Antony Brutus requests that the citizens respect Caesar s memory
Anatomy and Physiology
BRUTUS My countrymen SECOND PLEBEIAN Peace silence Brutus speaks FIRST PLEBEIAN Peace ho BRUTUS Good countrymen let me depart alone And for my sake stay here with Antony Do grace to Caesar s corpse and grace his speech Tending to Caesar s glories which Mark Antony By our permission is allowed to make I do entreat you not a man depart Save I alone till Antony have spoke and exits He descends FIRST PLEBEIAN Stay ho and let us hear Mark Antony THIRD PLEBEIAN Let him go up into the public chair PLEBEIANS We ll hear him Noble Antony go up ANTONY For Brutus sake I am beholding to you goes into the pulpit He Brutus appears skeptical of Antony Brutus requests that the citizens respect Caesar s memory
How is Caesar constant as the northern star 3 1 66 Analyze his use of this simile Caesar I could be well moved if I were as you If I could pray to move prayers would move me But I am constant as the Northern Star Of whose true fixed and resting quality There is no fellow in the firmament The skies are painted with unnumbered sparks They are all fire and every one doth shine But there s but one in all doth hold his place So in the world tis furnished well with men And men are flesh and blood and apprehensive Yet in the number I do know but one That unassailable holds on his rank Unshaked of motion and that I am he Let me a little show it even in this That I was constant Cimber should be banished And constant do remain to keep him so He is fixed he won t be moved O He is a beacon that can guide ships O He is so happy that he s bright He is so angry that he s on fire
Anatomy and Physiology
How is Caesar constant as the northern star 3 1 66 Analyze his use of this simile Caesar I could be well moved if I were as you If I could pray to move prayers would move me But I am constant as the Northern Star Of whose true fixed and resting quality There is no fellow in the firmament The skies are painted with unnumbered sparks They are all fire and every one doth shine But there s but one in all doth hold his place So in the world tis furnished well with men And men are flesh and blood and apprehensive Yet in the number I do know but one That unassailable holds on his rank Unshaked of motion and that I am he Let me a little show it even in this That I was constant Cimber should be banished And constant do remain to keep him so He is fixed he won t be moved O He is a beacon that can guide ships O He is so happy that he s bright He is so angry that he s on fire
Refer to Act 3 Scene 2 lines 206 and 207 The most apparent literary device is ANTONY Good friends sweet friends let me not stir you up To such a sudden flood of mutiny They that have done this deed are honourable What private griefs they have alas I know not Verbal irony O Epiphany O Hyperbole
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Refer to Act 3 Scene 2 lines 206 and 207 The most apparent literary device is ANTONY Good friends sweet friends let me not stir you up To such a sudden flood of mutiny They that have done this deed are honourable What private griefs they have alas I know not Verbal irony O Epiphany O Hyperbole
According to Brutus what motivated his decision making O Civic pride O Broken friendship O A sense of good luck Fear of Caesar s past behaviors
Anatomy and Physiology
According to Brutus what motivated his decision making O Civic pride O Broken friendship O A sense of good luck Fear of Caesar s past behaviors
BRUTUS Soft who comes here A friend of Antony s SERVANT kneeling Thus Brutus did my master bid me kneel Thus did Mark Antony bid me fall down And being prostrate thus he bade me say Brutus is noble wise valiant and honest Caesar was mighty bold royal and loving Say I love Brutus and I honor him Say I feared Caesar honored him and loved him If Brutus will vouchsafe that Antony May safely come to him and be resolved How Caesar hath deserved to lie in death Mark Antony shall not love Caesar dead So well as Brutus living but will follow The fortunes and affairs of noble Brutus Thorough the hazards of this untrod state With all true faith So says my master Antony BRUTUS Thy master is a wise and valiant Roman I never thought him worse Tell him so please him come unto this place He shall be satisfied and by my honor Depart untouched SERVANT I ll fetch him presently Servant exits Antony s ability to manipulate others O Antony s cowardice or weakness O Antony s despair and melancholy
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
BRUTUS Soft who comes here A friend of Antony s SERVANT kneeling Thus Brutus did my master bid me kneel Thus did Mark Antony bid me fall down And being prostrate thus he bade me say Brutus is noble wise valiant and honest Caesar was mighty bold royal and loving Say I love Brutus and I honor him Say I feared Caesar honored him and loved him If Brutus will vouchsafe that Antony May safely come to him and be resolved How Caesar hath deserved to lie in death Mark Antony shall not love Caesar dead So well as Brutus living but will follow The fortunes and affairs of noble Brutus Thorough the hazards of this untrod state With all true faith So says my master Antony BRUTUS Thy master is a wise and valiant Roman I never thought him worse Tell him so please him come unto this place He shall be satisfied and by my honor Depart untouched SERVANT I ll fetch him presently Servant exits Antony s ability to manipulate others O Antony s cowardice or weakness O Antony s despair and melancholy
What does Antony s soliloquy at the end of Scene I reveal about his true intentions ANTONY O pardon me thou bleeding piece of earth That I am meek and gentle with these butchers Thou art the ruins of the noblest man That ever lived in the tide of times Woe to the hand that shed this costly blood Over thy wounds now do I prophesy Which like dumb mouths do ope their ruby lips To beg the voice and utterance of my tongue A curse shall light upon the limbs of men Domestic fury and fierce civil strife Shall cumber all the parts of Italy Blood and destruction shall be so in use And dreadful objects so familiar That mothers shall but smile when they behold Their infants quartered with the hands of war All pity choked with custom of fell deeds And Caesar s spirit ranging for revenge With Ate by his side come hot from hell Shall in these confines with a monarch s voice Cry Havoc and let slip the dogs of war That this foul deed shall smell above the earth With carrion men groaning for burial that he promises to avenge Caesar s death O that he will bring havoc to all of Rome O that he feels guilt for taking part in Caesar s death O that he blames Brutus for Caesar s death
Anatomy and Physiology
What does Antony s soliloquy at the end of Scene I reveal about his true intentions ANTONY O pardon me thou bleeding piece of earth That I am meek and gentle with these butchers Thou art the ruins of the noblest man That ever lived in the tide of times Woe to the hand that shed this costly blood Over thy wounds now do I prophesy Which like dumb mouths do ope their ruby lips To beg the voice and utterance of my tongue A curse shall light upon the limbs of men Domestic fury and fierce civil strife Shall cumber all the parts of Italy Blood and destruction shall be so in use And dreadful objects so familiar That mothers shall but smile when they behold Their infants quartered with the hands of war All pity choked with custom of fell deeds And Caesar s spirit ranging for revenge With Ate by his side come hot from hell Shall in these confines with a monarch s voice Cry Havoc and let slip the dogs of war That this foul deed shall smell above the earth With carrion men groaning for burial that he promises to avenge Caesar s death O that he will bring havoc to all of Rome O that he feels guilt for taking part in Caesar s death O that he blames Brutus for Caesar s death
If the act of killing Caesar is immoral and unethical what can the blood that the conspirators cover in their hands best symbolize O their guilt their heart or life their purging or sacrifice for Rome
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
If the act of killing Caesar is immoral and unethical what can the blood that the conspirators cover in their hands best symbolize O their guilt their heart or life their purging or sacrifice for Rome
During the 1970s which factor made the Native American struggle for equal treatment under the law different from issues faced by African Americans A Native American organizations were unable to attract members from across the country like African American organizations B Native American protesters were unable to capture the same level of national media attention given to African American protestors C Native Americans were faced with securing civil rights and the sovereign rights of Native nations while African Americans only focused on civil rights D Native Americans were challenged to find examples of discrimination and unfair treatment while many such incidents existed for African Americans O A OB OC OD
Anatomy and Physiology
During the 1970s which factor made the Native American struggle for equal treatment under the law different from issues faced by African Americans A Native American organizations were unable to attract members from across the country like African American organizations B Native American protesters were unable to capture the same level of national media attention given to African American protestors C Native Americans were faced with securing civil rights and the sovereign rights of Native nations while African Americans only focused on civil rights D Native Americans were challenged to find examples of discrimination and unfair treatment while many such incidents existed for African Americans O A OB OC OD
The most complex and important part of a cell is arguably the A transmembrane proteins C cell membrane as a whole B surface proteins D ribosomes
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
The most complex and important part of a cell is arguably the A transmembrane proteins C cell membrane as a whole B surface proteins D ribosomes
Which statement describes the main reason Malcolm X had a lesser impact on the mainstream Civil Rights Movement than Martin Luther King Jr A His plan centered on a lengthy amendment process in Congress B His time in prison reduced his ability to influence political candidates C His support for potentially violent actions alarmed moderate Americans 4 D His strategy focused on obtaining financial support from foreign countries A B
Anatomy and Physiology
Which statement describes the main reason Malcolm X had a lesser impact on the mainstream Civil Rights Movement than Martin Luther King Jr A His plan centered on a lengthy amendment process in Congress B His time in prison reduced his ability to influence political candidates C His support for potentially violent actions alarmed moderate Americans 4 D His strategy focused on obtaining financial support from foreign countries A B
How were the goals of the Voting Rights Act of 1960 and the Equal Rights Amendment similar A Both sought to reform federal wage legislation for children B Both sought to encourage black men to run for political office C Both attempted to use peaceful means to bring about change D Both attempted to increase opportunities for only people with disabilities A B
Anatomy and Physiology
How were the goals of the Voting Rights Act of 1960 and the Equal Rights Amendment similar A Both sought to reform federal wage legislation for children B Both sought to encourage black men to run for political office C Both attempted to use peaceful means to bring about change D Both attempted to increase opportunities for only people with disabilities A B
Every single cell in your body is going through A senescence all the time C a midlife crisis B five characteristics of life D seven characteristics of life
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Every single cell in your body is going through A senescence all the time C a midlife crisis B five characteristics of life D seven characteristics of life
Lt Governor Party Leader Head of State Legislative Player Commander in
Anatomy and Physiology
Lt Governor Party Leader Head of State Legislative Player Commander in
Sheriff Tax Commissioner Clerk of the Superior Court
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Sheriff Tax Commissioner Clerk of the Superior Court
Municipal Charter Strong Mayor Council Mayor Council Commission Weak
Anatomy and Physiology
G.I Tract
Municipal Charter Strong Mayor Council Mayor Council Commission Weak
3 For the following questions FIRST writing down the app a For a female what is her IRV
Anatomy and Physiology
Respiratory System
3 For the following questions FIRST writing down the app a For a female what is her IRV
O a Environment Community and Culture O b Patient Demographics Oc Health Literacy O d Public Policy QUESTION 23 ng is not an example of an External Challenge that affects patients Racial and Ethnic Disparities are differences in the quality of healthcare that are not due to access related factors or clinic need preferences and appropriateness of intervention O True O Falge
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
O a Environment Community and Culture O b Patient Demographics Oc Health Literacy O d Public Policy QUESTION 23 ng is not an example of an External Challenge that affects patients Racial and Ethnic Disparities are differences in the quality of healthcare that are not due to access related factors or clinic need preferences and appropriateness of intervention O True O Falge
patients handle their uncertainty through either the Danger appraisal condition where uncertainty causes stress or the Opportunity appraisal condition where uncertainty is a preferable state to a negative certainty O a Uncertainty Reduction Theory O b Uncertainty Management Theory c Uncertainty Theory O d Theory of Motivated Information Management O e Problematic Integration Theory QUESTION 47 When was the first year that the United States Center for Disease Control decided to look into Health Disparities and report on it a 1981 b 1991 O c 2001 O d 2011
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
patients handle their uncertainty through either the Danger appraisal condition where uncertainty causes stress or the Opportunity appraisal condition where uncertainty is a preferable state to a negative certainty O a Uncertainty Reduction Theory O b Uncertainty Management Theory c Uncertainty Theory O d Theory of Motivated Information Management O e Problematic Integration Theory QUESTION 47 When was the first year that the United States Center for Disease Control decided to look into Health Disparities and report on it a 1981 b 1991 O c 2001 O d 2011
bhse to horrific medical and research studies Institutional Review Boards ethics boards were created in what year in the United States a 1978 Ob 1988 O c 1998 d 2008 Oe None of the above QUESTION 27 According to the textbook which of the following mental health disorders has symptoms usually triggered by an event resulting in an impaired state of fight flight or freeze response O a Bipolar disorder O b Post traumatic stress disorder PTSD O c Generalized Anxiety disorder GAD O d None of the above
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
bhse to horrific medical and research studies Institutional Review Boards ethics boards were created in what year in the United States a 1978 Ob 1988 O c 1998 d 2008 Oe None of the above QUESTION 27 According to the textbook which of the following mental health disorders has symptoms usually triggered by an event resulting in an impaired state of fight flight or freeze response O a Bipolar disorder O b Post traumatic stress disorder PTSD O c Generalized Anxiety disorder GAD O d None of the above
SOCIO cultural factors O a Interdisciplinary Research Paradigm O b Translational Research Paradigm O c Scientific Research Paradigm O d Interpretive Research Paradigm Oe Critical Cultural Research Paradigm QUESTION 44 contexts that are rooted in Media representations have portrayed images of mental illness and violence leading to a social acceptance of those with mental illness statuses O True
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
SOCIO cultural factors O a Interdisciplinary Research Paradigm O b Translational Research Paradigm O c Scientific Research Paradigm O d Interpretive Research Paradigm Oe Critical Cultural Research Paradigm QUESTION 44 contexts that are rooted in Media representations have portrayed images of mental illness and violence leading to a social acceptance of those with mental illness statuses O True
Match the following Medical Ethical Principle to its definition Protecting a person s rights to make their own decisions when it comes to choosing or refusing medical treatment The risks of the medical procedure treatment need to be clearly outweighed by the benefits of the procedure treatment Do no harm Providers must act in a patient s best interest to either restore the patient s health and or relieve the patient s suffering Equal distribution of medical benefits and risks so every person receives the same access to medical treatment and research opportunities a Nonmaleficence b Respect for Autonom c Justice d Beneficence
Anatomy and Physiology
Match the following Medical Ethical Principle to its definition Protecting a person s rights to make their own decisions when it comes to choosing or refusing medical treatment The risks of the medical procedure treatment need to be clearly outweighed by the benefits of the procedure treatment Do no harm Providers must act in a patient s best interest to either restore the patient s health and or relieve the patient s suffering Equal distribution of medical benefits and risks so every person receives the same access to medical treatment and research opportunities a Nonmaleficence b Respect for Autonom c Justice d Beneficence
the quality of these conversations True O False QUESTION 39 Surrogate decision makers proves to be more important tha More information on an informed consent form equals more understanding for a patient O True False QUESTION 40
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
the quality of these conversations True O False QUESTION 39 Surrogate decision makers proves to be more important tha More information on an informed consent form equals more understanding for a patient O True False QUESTION 40
notices and makes a hg like a locker room Peter sighs and covers his head with the covers drifting off to sleep Which theory best explains what is occurring Oa Interpersonal Theory of Depression Ob Inconsistent Nurturing as Control Theory O c Uncertainty Reduction Theory Od Relational Lens QUESTION 37 Mary s best friend is a fan of superhero movies One night after dinner Mary went to her best friend s house to watch the first X Men movie because Mary had never seen it When Professor X appears in a wheelchair Mary is confused Looking at her best friend she says Is he a superhero too Her best friend nods Yes Mary protests stating But he s disabled How can he save anyone when he is in a wheelchair that s stupid What kind of behavior has Mary engaged in O a Diagnosing O b Stigmatizing Psychoanalysis
Anatomy and Physiology
notices and makes a hg like a locker room Peter sighs and covers his head with the covers drifting off to sleep Which theory best explains what is occurring Oa Interpersonal Theory of Depression Ob Inconsistent Nurturing as Control Theory O c Uncertainty Reduction Theory Od Relational Lens QUESTION 37 Mary s best friend is a fan of superhero movies One night after dinner Mary went to her best friend s house to watch the first X Men movie because Mary had never seen it When Professor X appears in a wheelchair Mary is confused Looking at her best friend she says Is he a superhero too Her best friend nods Yes Mary protests stating But he s disabled How can he save anyone when he is in a wheelchair that s stupid What kind of behavior has Mary engaged in O a Diagnosing O b Stigmatizing Psychoanalysis
True O False QUESTION 42 eatment especially one that is seen as fair When a provider continues to mispronounce the name of a patient after they have corrected the provider time and time again is example of O a Socio Cultural Influences O b Weathering O c A Microaggression Od Health Literacy
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
True O False QUESTION 42 eatment especially one that is seen as fair When a provider continues to mispronounce the name of a patient after they have corrected the provider time and time again is example of O a Socio Cultural Influences O b Weathering O c A Microaggression Od Health Literacy
hercial for a new medication came on the screen ward the end of the commercial the announcer listed the side effects at a fast rate ending with death Jordi pulled ou their cellphone and opened a search page then typed in the name of the new medication Jordi went to the National Center for Biotechnology Information NCBI government weblink from their results What kind of behavior is Jordi engaging in O a Diagnosis O b Self Help Strategies O c Mental Health Information Literacy O d Stigmatization QUESTION 31 This term describes the issues that contribute to and frame understandings of health and illness O a Socio Cultural Influences O b Patient Participation O c Uncertainty Reduction d Society Climate
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
hercial for a new medication came on the screen ward the end of the commercial the announcer listed the side effects at a fast rate ending with death Jordi pulled ou their cellphone and opened a search page then typed in the name of the new medication Jordi went to the National Center for Biotechnology Information NCBI government weblink from their results What kind of behavior is Jordi engaging in O a Diagnosis O b Self Help Strategies O c Mental Health Information Literacy O d Stigmatization QUESTION 31 This term describes the issues that contribute to and frame understandings of health and illness O a Socio Cultural Influences O b Patient Participation O c Uncertainty Reduction d Society Climate
ative effect of social economic and political exclusion and the physical burden of attempting to deal with these exclusions over time resulting in negative impacts on one s physical health a Disparity b Cultural Knowledge O c Microaggressions d Weathering e None of the above QUESTION 35 Which of the following is not an example of an Internal Challenge that affects patients O a Uncertainty O b Patient Participation O c Patient Demographics
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
ative effect of social economic and political exclusion and the physical burden of attempting to deal with these exclusions over time resulting in negative impacts on one s physical health a Disparity b Cultural Knowledge O c Microaggressions d Weathering e None of the above QUESTION 35 Which of the following is not an example of an Internal Challenge that affects patients O a Uncertainty O b Patient Participation O c Patient Demographics
True False behaviors QUESTION 29 es up the other variable goes down between high sensation This term describes the brief and commonplace daily verbal behavior and environmental indignities whether intentional or unintentional that communicate hostile derogatory or negative slights and insults to a target person or group which have been shown to decrease physical health a Disparity O b Cultural Knowledge O c Microaggressions Od Weathering Oe None of the above
Anatomy and Physiology
True False behaviors QUESTION 29 es up the other variable goes down between high sensation This term describes the brief and commonplace daily verbal behavior and environmental indignities whether intentional or unintentional that communicate hostile derogatory or negative slights and insults to a target person or group which have been shown to decrease physical health a Disparity O b Cultural Knowledge O c Microaggressions Od Weathering Oe None of the above
it happened and how they plan to prevent it in the future along with an apology and concern for the patient family moving forward O True O False Jatents families caregivers that they have committed a medical error what the error QUESTION 25 This type of health literacy assesses the degree to which an individual can critically think through the messages they receive on the Internet streaming TV and movies and discern what health related information is accurate and what is misinformed scripting by the media O a Cultural and Conceptual Knowledge Ob Oral Literacy Oc Media Literacy d Numeracy e Print Literacy
Anatomy and Physiology
it happened and how they plan to prevent it in the future along with an apology and concern for the patient family moving forward O True O False Jatents families caregivers that they have committed a medical error what the error QUESTION 25 This type of health literacy assesses the degree to which an individual can critically think through the messages they receive on the Internet streaming TV and movies and discern what health related information is accurate and what is misinformed scripting by the media O a Cultural and Conceptual Knowledge Ob Oral Literacy Oc Media Literacy d Numeracy e Print Literacy