Anatomy and Physiology Questions

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3 What is a key difference between a protagonist and an antihero A protagonist is the main character who must overcome the conflict within the story an anti hero is a character who may lack heroic qualities or morality A protagonist is the main character while the anti hero is his or her opponent A protagonist has obvious character flaws while an anti hero represents a clear picture of morality A protagonist is a character who emphasizes the strengths and weaknesses of an anti hero
Anatomy and Physiology
3 What is a key difference between a protagonist and an antihero A protagonist is the main character who must overcome the conflict within the story an anti hero is a character who may lack heroic qualities or morality A protagonist is the main character while the anti hero is his or her opponent A protagonist has obvious character flaws while an anti hero represents a clear picture of morality A protagonist is a character who emphasizes the strengths and weaknesses of an anti hero
7 Which of the following is least likely to cause a flashback a memory O a nightmare O a song O a goal
Anatomy and Physiology
7 Which of the following is least likely to cause a flashback a memory O a nightmare O a song O a goal
4 Which of the following words does not show the relationship between multiple plotlines later that day Oshortly thereafter O quickly O meanwhile
Anatomy and Physiology
4 Which of the following words does not show the relationship between multiple plotlines later that day Oshortly thereafter O quickly O meanwhile
2 Which of the following is least likely to motivate characters in a literary work the environment O emotions O desires amnesia
Anatomy and Physiology
2 Which of the following is least likely to motivate characters in a literary work the environment O emotions O desires amnesia
MO KAPLAN Chapter Eight Endocrine System AGANS OF THE HEAD The pineal gland is a small gland located posterior to the corpus callosum in the brain It has the shape of pine nut but is a little bit smaller It secretes the hormone melatonin melatonin levels increase during the night and decrease during the day The pituitary gland or hypophysis is suspended from the brain by a stalk called the infundibulum The pituitary sits in the hypophyseal fossa which is a depression in the sphenold bone The pituitary is a complicated gland that has numerous functions The the oral cavity during development and consists of adenohypophysis or anterior pituitary originates from epithelium It produces several hormones which will be discussed later The anterior pituitary has cells that pick up histological stain differently These are acidophific cells and basophilic cells The neurohypophysis or posterior pituitary is derived from the brain during development and does not make its own hormones but stores hormones produced in the hypothalamus Label the pineal gland the corpus callosum and the pituitary gland Label the parts of the pituitary Color Guide In the upper illustration color the pineal gland and pituitary gland in different colors In the e illustration use purple for the adenohypophysis and yellow for the neurohypophysis In e color the acidophilic cells red and the lighter shaded basophilic cells purple or blue Use yellow to color the lower right illustration of the neurohypophysis Pituitary gland hypophysis Pineal gland Corpus callosum Hypophyseal fossa Adenohypophysis anterior pituitary Basophilic cell Acidophilic cell Sphenold bone Infundibulum Neurohypophysis posterior pituitary d a piRuitary Optic chiasma b hypothalamus h 9 W
Anatomy and Physiology
MO KAPLAN Chapter Eight Endocrine System AGANS OF THE HEAD The pineal gland is a small gland located posterior to the corpus callosum in the brain It has the shape of pine nut but is a little bit smaller It secretes the hormone melatonin melatonin levels increase during the night and decrease during the day The pituitary gland or hypophysis is suspended from the brain by a stalk called the infundibulum The pituitary sits in the hypophyseal fossa which is a depression in the sphenold bone The pituitary is a complicated gland that has numerous functions The the oral cavity during development and consists of adenohypophysis or anterior pituitary originates from epithelium It produces several hormones which will be discussed later The anterior pituitary has cells that pick up histological stain differently These are acidophific cells and basophilic cells The neurohypophysis or posterior pituitary is derived from the brain during development and does not make its own hormones but stores hormones produced in the hypothalamus Label the pineal gland the corpus callosum and the pituitary gland Label the parts of the pituitary Color Guide In the upper illustration color the pineal gland and pituitary gland in different colors In the e illustration use purple for the adenohypophysis and yellow for the neurohypophysis In e color the acidophilic cells red and the lighter shaded basophilic cells purple or blue Use yellow to color the lower right illustration of the neurohypophysis Pituitary gland hypophysis Pineal gland Corpus callosum Hypophyseal fossa Adenohypophysis anterior pituitary Basophilic cell Acidophilic cell Sphenold bone Infundibulum Neurohypophysis posterior pituitary d a piRuitary Optic chiasma b hypothalamus h 9 W
Question 8 of 10 Which aspect of the U S Congress most reflects the constitutional value of republicanism A The vice president is a member of the executive branch and is the president of the Senate B The House of Representatives is the only chamber of Congress that can propose tax bills C Members of Congress often support political positions that mirror voter opinion in their home states D Political party leaders are able to gerrymander districts to give themselves advantages SUBMIT
Anatomy and Physiology
Question 8 of 10 Which aspect of the U S Congress most reflects the constitutional value of republicanism A The vice president is a member of the executive branch and is the president of the Senate B The House of Representatives is the only chamber of Congress that can propose tax bills C Members of Congress often support political positions that mirror voter opinion in their home states D Political party leaders are able to gerrymander districts to give themselves advantages SUBMIT
Please describe the process of Dialysis and why is it needed
Anatomy and Physiology
Please describe the process of Dialysis and why is it needed
Previous Page Next Pag estion 8 1 point Sav Which of the following is N
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Previous Page Next Pag estion 8 1 point Sav Which of the following is N
In which quarter of the year has the country achieved the highest FDI 33199 Jan 2016 42215 43774 Jul 2016 36791 36004 Jan 2017 Source www tradingeconomics com In the last quarter of 2018 45291 44328 Jul 2017 48155 Jan 2018 45701 47253 Jul 2018 51938 50955 Jan 2019 55000 50000 45000 40000 35000 SOURCE TRADINGECONOMICS COM I U S BUREAU OF ECONOMIC ANALYSIS 30000
Anatomy and Physiology
In which quarter of the year has the country achieved the highest FDI 33199 Jan 2016 42215 43774 Jul 2016 36791 36004 Jan 2017 Source www tradingeconomics com In the last quarter of 2018 45291 44328 Jul 2017 48155 Jan 2018 45701 47253 Jul 2018 51938 50955 Jan 2019 55000 50000 45000 40000 35000 SOURCE TRADINGECONOMICS COM I U S BUREAU OF ECONOMIC ANALYSIS 30000
trade financial markets telecommunications All the items in the list are important components of which of the following economic concepts O Global segregation O Global integration Global assimilation O Global alienation
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
trade financial markets telecommunications All the items in the list are important components of which of the following economic concepts O Global segregation O Global integration Global assimilation O Global alienation
40 00 30 00 20 00 10 00 0 00 Exxon Ford Motor Foreign Revenue as a of total IBM General Motors Texaco Foreign Assets as a of total Which of the following reasons would best describe why American automobile manufacturers do not do a majority of their business overseas There is a strong competition from foreign automobile manufacturers There is not a strong market for automobiles in other countries O There are trade restrictions in most countries for automobiles
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
40 00 30 00 20 00 10 00 0 00 Exxon Ford Motor Foreign Revenue as a of total IBM General Motors Texaco Foreign Assets as a of total Which of the following reasons would best describe why American automobile manufacturers do not do a majority of their business overseas There is a strong competition from foreign automobile manufacturers There is not a strong market for automobiles in other countries O There are trade restrictions in most countries for automobiles
How would you categorize economic imperialism The United States withholds foreign aid until U S military bases are allowed on foreign soil The United States waives off interest on loans extended to another country for humanitarian reasons A foreign nation agrees to hold democratic elections in exchange for loans from the World Bank O A foreign nation releases prisoners of war after an election by the populace
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
How would you categorize economic imperialism The United States withholds foreign aid until U S military bases are allowed on foreign soil The United States waives off interest on loans extended to another country for humanitarian reasons A foreign nation agrees to hold democratic elections in exchange for loans from the World Bank O A foreign nation releases prisoners of war after an election by the populace
Drag and drop the statem Substrate Leve Involves the addition of a Occurs in the mitochondri Also known as chemiosm
Anatomy and Physiology
Drag and drop the statem Substrate Leve Involves the addition of a Occurs in the mitochondri Also known as chemiosm
What is the relationship between private property rights and invention Invention establishes private property rights particularly when dealing with pure capitalistic markets Private property rights are established only in market capitalism so that industry can modernize through invention Private property rights encourage invention because the owner can reap the rewards of the invention Private property rights and invention are not related Private property rights concern civil laws Inventions are intellectual property
Anatomy and Physiology
What is the relationship between private property rights and invention Invention establishes private property rights particularly when dealing with pure capitalistic markets Private property rights are established only in market capitalism so that industry can modernize through invention Private property rights encourage invention because the owner can reap the rewards of the invention Private property rights and invention are not related Private property rights concern civil laws Inventions are intellectual property
zygote 2 cell 4 cell 8 cell 1 5 fold Po AB P ABp ABa PP EMS MS E ABa MS MS AB MS E neurons body muscle intestine epidermis pharynx pharynx EMS Po AB P egans embryos E E C P P L1 larva DP ABp C body muscle body muscle germline epidermis A How are the AB and P1 cells different and what causes that difference B The cell labeled EMS produces the daughter cells that become mesoderm M and endoderm E The E cells express a pro END 3 What would you predict about END 3 expression and the fate of those cells if you removed P2 from the 4 cell embryo E reasoning
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
zygote 2 cell 4 cell 8 cell 1 5 fold Po AB P ABp ABa PP EMS MS E ABa MS MS AB MS E neurons body muscle intestine epidermis pharynx pharynx EMS Po AB P egans embryos E E C P P L1 larva DP ABp C body muscle body muscle germline epidermis A How are the AB and P1 cells different and what causes that difference B The cell labeled EMS produces the daughter cells that become mesoderm M and endoderm E The E cells express a pro END 3 What would you predict about END 3 expression and the fate of those cells if you removed P2 from the 4 cell embryo E reasoning
The pelvic girdle does NOT include the O pubis O ischium O ilium
Anatomy and Physiology
The pelvic girdle does NOT include the O pubis O ischium O ilium
Identify the following patient data as objective or subjective 1 Mrs Jones says I can t sleep Patient has a pulse rate of 104 Patient states I m cold Patient is coughing Patient walks with a pronounced limp Mr Thompson s respiratory rate is 26 breaths per minute The patient states she had a hip fracture The patient has a 5 scar on the abdomen Surgical dressing on right knee is clean and dry The patient says she cannot void Wheezes are noted on auscultation The patient states she is in pain The patient reports she is not hungry The patient has a red raised rash on both lower legs Blood pressure is 140 90 Patient complains of nausea x 3 days Patient states she had pneumonia last winter Patient voided 250 ml of clear urine Patient s date of birth is 06 15 40 Patient is crying softly in her bed 4 jagged would at the left elbow yellow green drainage noted Patient says she is anxious and feels jittery Mrs Lemmings is edentulous 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 22 23 17 18 20 21 19
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Identify the following patient data as objective or subjective 1 Mrs Jones says I can t sleep Patient has a pulse rate of 104 Patient states I m cold Patient is coughing Patient walks with a pronounced limp Mr Thompson s respiratory rate is 26 breaths per minute The patient states she had a hip fracture The patient has a 5 scar on the abdomen Surgical dressing on right knee is clean and dry The patient says she cannot void Wheezes are noted on auscultation The patient states she is in pain The patient reports she is not hungry The patient has a red raised rash on both lower legs Blood pressure is 140 90 Patient complains of nausea x 3 days Patient states she had pneumonia last winter Patient voided 250 ml of clear urine Patient s date of birth is 06 15 40 Patient is crying softly in her bed 4 jagged would at the left elbow yellow green drainage noted Patient says she is anxious and feels jittery Mrs Lemmings is edentulous 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 22 23 17 18 20 21 19
Part A Which portion of the fibula articulates with the talus O head O medial malleolus O calcaneus O lateral malleolus
Anatomy and Physiology
G.I Tract
Part A Which portion of the fibula articulates with the talus O head O medial malleolus O calcaneus O lateral malleolus
1 lignen het 4 Chef water temperature before the person enter the dove dagen gel engamb products in low storage www 6 Kengambus inter of containers cenongguat s Wich can care sffected Creddingexte or dentures Ungdectic tems that are in god gr Gatting food into small bite sand pieces 9 ve airway destruction occurs the person souly Clutches at the threat a Can spek cout and breathe 10 These statements are about PBAC which is com Aperson is coughing forbully Give abdominal thrusts A person is pregnant Give abdominal Shrusts ces can occur from abdominal or chest thrusts 4 Unconscious persons cannot checke 11 How do you know that a new resident s electric shamer is sale The maintenance staff chedes and approves the device 4 You ade the resident it is working propety 12 You are using an electrical device Which measure is unsa a Unplugging the item while it is turned on Keeping the item away from water and spills Holding on to the plug not the cond when unpluggingt 4 following the manufacturer s instructions 13 Which is unsafe a Achair s weight capacity exceeds the person s weight A person s weight exceeds a wheelchair s weight capacity A person who cannot walk uses a wheelchair 4 A person who cannot sit up is transported by stretcher 14 You spilled a hazardous substance Which action is correct Follow the instructions on the safety data sheet Cover the spill and go tell the nurse Wipe up the spill with paper towels the elevations does not black your ext a Look for pattems or trends in accidents and ma Art only responsible for staff safety a color coded witband You shou care plan 23 Aresident brought a phone from home To prevent property is with the family 22 You gave a person the wrong treatment Which is comed a Report the emor at the end of the shift Take action only if the person was injured You are guilty of negligence 4 You must complete an incident report Answers to Chapter 11 questions are on p 587 DO WIVE FOCUS ON PRACTICE Problem Solving A person begins to cough loudly during a meal The person speak a few words You hear wheezing between breaths Wh do you do The person is suddenly unable to cough speak breathe What do you do
Anatomy and Physiology
1 lignen het 4 Chef water temperature before the person enter the dove dagen gel engamb products in low storage www 6 Kengambus inter of containers cenongguat s Wich can care sffected Creddingexte or dentures Ungdectic tems that are in god gr Gatting food into small bite sand pieces 9 ve airway destruction occurs the person souly Clutches at the threat a Can spek cout and breathe 10 These statements are about PBAC which is com Aperson is coughing forbully Give abdominal thrusts A person is pregnant Give abdominal Shrusts ces can occur from abdominal or chest thrusts 4 Unconscious persons cannot checke 11 How do you know that a new resident s electric shamer is sale The maintenance staff chedes and approves the device 4 You ade the resident it is working propety 12 You are using an electrical device Which measure is unsa a Unplugging the item while it is turned on Keeping the item away from water and spills Holding on to the plug not the cond when unpluggingt 4 following the manufacturer s instructions 13 Which is unsafe a Achair s weight capacity exceeds the person s weight A person s weight exceeds a wheelchair s weight capacity A person who cannot walk uses a wheelchair 4 A person who cannot sit up is transported by stretcher 14 You spilled a hazardous substance Which action is correct Follow the instructions on the safety data sheet Cover the spill and go tell the nurse Wipe up the spill with paper towels the elevations does not black your ext a Look for pattems or trends in accidents and ma Art only responsible for staff safety a color coded witband You shou care plan 23 Aresident brought a phone from home To prevent property is with the family 22 You gave a person the wrong treatment Which is comed a Report the emor at the end of the shift Take action only if the person was injured You are guilty of negligence 4 You must complete an incident report Answers to Chapter 11 questions are on p 587 DO WIVE FOCUS ON PRACTICE Problem Solving A person begins to cough loudly during a meal The person speak a few words You hear wheezing between breaths Wh do you do The person is suddenly unable to cough speak breathe What do you do
Which bone is in direct contact with the first metatarsal medial cuneiform calcaneus cuboid 4
Anatomy and Physiology
Which bone is in direct contact with the first metatarsal medial cuneiform calcaneus cuboid 4
prevent accidents and injuries while a Not wearing needed eyeglasses Having hearing problems Being disoriented 3 An unconscious person a Has suffered an electrical shock Has dementia e d Has stopped breathing d unaware of surroundings 4 Dementia increases the risk for accide it affects a Vision and hearing b c Thinking and reasoning Pain sensation Muscle function
Anatomy and Physiology
prevent accidents and injuries while a Not wearing needed eyeglasses Having hearing problems Being disoriented 3 An unconscious person a Has suffered an electrical shock Has dementia e d Has stopped breathing d unaware of surroundings 4 Dementia increases the risk for accide it affects a Vision and hearing b c Thinking and reasoning Pain sensation Muscle function
ae The Train f town It ha Day Two Highlight text evic International commu apartheid and they decided trade with South Africa unti W de Klerk was eager to ma the Separate Amenities Act 7 Who actively disagreed w
Anatomy and Physiology
ae The Train f town It ha Day Two Highlight text evic International commu apartheid and they decided trade with South Africa unti W de Klerk was eager to ma the Separate Amenities Act 7 Who actively disagreed w
1 You found a wild black mouse Explain how you would determine the genotype of this mouse Hint in mice white fur is recessive a Draw Punnett squares for your possible crosses a ca You have 24 offspring 23 with black fur and 1 with white fur What was the genotype of the mouse If you only had 3 black offspring can you tell what the genotype was of the suspect why not
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
1 You found a wild black mouse Explain how you would determine the genotype of this mouse Hint in mice white fur is recessive a Draw Punnett squares for your possible crosses a ca You have 24 offspring 23 with black fur and 1 with white fur What was the genotype of the mouse If you only had 3 black offspring can you tell what the genotype was of the suspect why not
What is the major function of the axial skeleton O provide an attachment point for muscles that allow movement O provide a space for the major digestive organs O provide central support for the body and protect internal organs Ogive the body resilience
Anatomy and Physiology
Head and Neck
What is the major function of the axial skeleton O provide an attachment point for muscles that allow movement O provide a space for the major digestive organs O provide central support for the body and protect internal organs Ogive the body resilience
The superior nasal concha is a part of which bone vomer O sphenoid ethmoid
Anatomy and Physiology
Head and Neck
The superior nasal concha is a part of which bone vomer O sphenoid ethmoid
The superior orbital fissure is formed in the sphenoid bone whereas the inferior orbital fissure is formed between the sphenoid and O lacrimal maxilla O ethmoid
Anatomy and Physiology
The superior orbital fissure is formed in the sphenoid bone whereas the inferior orbital fissure is formed between the sphenoid and O lacrimal maxilla O ethmoid
Part A Paranasal sinuses are found in which of these facial bones O zygomatic bones O maxillae
Anatomy and Physiology
Head and Neck
Part A Paranasal sinuses are found in which of these facial bones O zygomatic bones O maxillae
Which bone forms the anterior cranium Ofrontal bone Osphenoid bone O temporal bone
Anatomy and Physiology
Which bone forms the anterior cranium Ofrontal bone Osphenoid bone O temporal bone
Part A The hyoid bone is unique because it O is the only bone formed by the fusion of right and left halves O is the only bone of the body that does not articulate with any other bone O is the only irregular bone found in the neck is composed of three hones joined together
Anatomy and Physiology
Part A The hyoid bone is unique because it O is the only bone formed by the fusion of right and left halves O is the only bone of the body that does not articulate with any other bone O is the only irregular bone found in the neck is composed of three hones joined together
Part A The axial skeleton includes O arms legs hands and feet O the skull vertebral column and pelvis O the skull the scapula and the vertebral column O the skull vertebral column and rib cage
Anatomy and Physiology
Head and Neck
Part A The axial skeleton includes O arms legs hands and feet O the skull vertebral column and pelvis O the skull the scapula and the vertebral column O the skull vertebral column and rib cage
The suture that is found where a parietal and temporal bone meet on the lateral aspect of the skull is O coronal Olambdoid squamous
Anatomy and Physiology
The suture that is found where a parietal and temporal bone meet on the lateral aspect of the skull is O coronal Olambdoid squamous
The sella turcica is part of the O ethmoid thymus O sphenoid pituitary O ethmoid pituitary O sphenoid thymus bone and houses the gland
Anatomy and Physiology
The sella turcica is part of the O ethmoid thymus O sphenoid pituitary O ethmoid pituitary O sphenoid thymus bone and houses the gland
Which is the best description for the function of the cranial bones house the special sense organs protect the brain O allow introduction of food into the digestive system provide noun
Anatomy and Physiology
Head and Neck
Which is the best description for the function of the cranial bones house the special sense organs protect the brain O allow introduction of food into the digestive system provide noun
The sphenoid bone is sometimes referred to as a key stone of the skull This is due to the fact that O the sphenoid is in the center of the skull and it articulates joins with all of the other bones of the skull excluding the O the sphenoid bone is solid like a stone and provides the strength necessary to support the skull O the intricate shape of the sphenoid makes it critical to the distinct characteristics of the individual human face O the sphenoid is wedged in the superior most portion of the skull and supports all of the other bones below excluding the
Anatomy and Physiology
The sphenoid bone is sometimes referred to as a key stone of the skull This is due to the fact that O the sphenoid is in the center of the skull and it articulates joins with all of the other bones of the skull excluding the O the sphenoid bone is solid like a stone and provides the strength necessary to support the skull O the intricate shape of the sphenoid makes it critical to the distinct characteristics of the individual human face O the sphenoid is wedged in the superior most portion of the skull and supports all of the other bones below excluding the
Which of the following would be most associated with process of warming humidifying and filtering the air we inhall O the nasal cavity Ohyoid bone the bones comprising the orbits
Anatomy and Physiology
Which of the following would be most associated with process of warming humidifying and filtering the air we inhall O the nasal cavity Ohyoid bone the bones comprising the orbits
Part A Which of the following can be cered a function of the paranasal sinuses O Sinuses take away a minimal amount of strength from bones while reducing the weight of bones O Sinuses are often referred to as vestigial anatomical features with no know function O The paranasal sinuses are passageways for nerves to pass through
Anatomy and Physiology
Head and Neck
Part A Which of the following can be cered a function of the paranasal sinuses O Sinuses take away a minimal amount of strength from bones while reducing the weight of bones O Sinuses are often referred to as vestigial anatomical features with no know function O The paranasal sinuses are passageways for nerves to pass through
Part A Which of the following would be most associated with housing the special sense orga O the bones of the inner ear O the cranial bones O the temporal bones
Anatomy and Physiology
Part A Which of the following would be most associated with housing the special sense orga O the bones of the inner ear O the cranial bones O the temporal bones
Which of the bones of the skull would you also refer to as a cheekbone O the occipital bone O the zygomatic bone O the parietal bone
Anatomy and Physiology
Which of the bones of the skull would you also refer to as a cheekbone O the occipital bone O the zygomatic bone O the parietal bone
Part A The temporal bone connects to the zygomatic bone via the temporal process of the temporal bone O True False
Anatomy and Physiology
Part A The temporal bone connects to the zygomatic bone via the temporal process of the temporal bone O True False
Part A The bones in the skull have many different names but what are the boundaries of each bone Where do they start and stop O The boundaries are indistinct and are simply vague generalized regions O Boundaries for skull bones are seen only in the infant skull O Bones of the skull are continuous but named for their specific markings Bones of the skull are separated by immobile joints called sutures
Anatomy and Physiology
Head and Neck
Part A The bones in the skull have many different names but what are the boundaries of each bone Where do they start and stop O The boundaries are indistinct and are simply vague generalized regions O Boundaries for skull bones are seen only in the infant skull O Bones of the skull are continuous but named for their specific markings Bones of the skull are separated by immobile joints called sutures
Part A The largest and strongest bone of the face is the maxilla O True False
Anatomy and Physiology
Part A The largest and strongest bone of the face is the maxilla O True False
Part A The pituitary gland is housed in a saddle like depression in the temporal bone called the sella turcica O True
Anatomy and Physiology
Head and Neck
Part A The pituitary gland is housed in a saddle like depression in the temporal bone called the sella turcica O True
The frontal bone articulates with the parietal bone by means of the sagittal suture O True O False
Anatomy and Physiology
The frontal bone articulates with the parietal bone by means of the sagittal suture O True O False
Part A The vomer along with the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone forms the bony part of the nasal septum O True O False
Anatomy and Physiology
Head and Neck
Part A The vomer along with the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone forms the bony part of the nasal septum O True O False
The mastoid sinuses are located at a position in the skull where they are usually free from infections O True False
Anatomy and Physiology
Head and Neck
The mastoid sinuses are located at a position in the skull where they are usually free from infections O True False
Part A All of the bones of the skull except the mandible are united by sutures and are therefore immovable Truo
Anatomy and Physiology
Head and Neck
Part A All of the bones of the skull except the mandible are united by sutures and are therefore immovable Truo
11 Nelson has late stage dementia uses a wheelchair and no longer communicates What step is BEST when helping Nelson get dressed in the morning Give Nelson a choice of two outfits and ask him what he wants to wear Introduce yourself and tell Nelson that you are going to get him dressed Leave Nelson in his pajamas all day getting dressed takes too much time Make sure Nelson is wearing clothing that does not have buttons or ties O O O O 12 Mary has been tracking Henry s intake for the past 30 days and it is decreasing There have been many days when Henry only eats one meal What is Mary s next BEST step Increase Henry s physical activity to make him hungrier Offer Henry trequent snacks and serve his favorite meals Ask Henry why he is not eating much anymore Have Henry assessed for swallowing problems O O O 13 What stage of dementia does the risk for developing contractures occur O O O O O O Early stage O Middle stage 14 Which of the following is an example of a dementia related behavior Not finishing all of their dinner Avoiding conversations with strangers Following a caregiver around during the day Asking a caregiver to speak more softly O O Late stage End stage 15 During showers Sara often becomes agitated pinches and yells at others What would be the BEST intervention to make showers less distressing for Sara Make sure there are several caregivers in the shower room to distract Sara Shower Sara as quickly as possible to lessen the distressed time Give Sara something to hold onto so she cannot pinch caregivers
Anatomy and Physiology
11 Nelson has late stage dementia uses a wheelchair and no longer communicates What step is BEST when helping Nelson get dressed in the morning Give Nelson a choice of two outfits and ask him what he wants to wear Introduce yourself and tell Nelson that you are going to get him dressed Leave Nelson in his pajamas all day getting dressed takes too much time Make sure Nelson is wearing clothing that does not have buttons or ties O O O O 12 Mary has been tracking Henry s intake for the past 30 days and it is decreasing There have been many days when Henry only eats one meal What is Mary s next BEST step Increase Henry s physical activity to make him hungrier Offer Henry trequent snacks and serve his favorite meals Ask Henry why he is not eating much anymore Have Henry assessed for swallowing problems O O O 13 What stage of dementia does the risk for developing contractures occur O O O O O O Early stage O Middle stage 14 Which of the following is an example of a dementia related behavior Not finishing all of their dinner Avoiding conversations with strangers Following a caregiver around during the day Asking a caregiver to speak more softly O O Late stage End stage 15 During showers Sara often becomes agitated pinches and yells at others What would be the BEST intervention to make showers less distressing for Sara Make sure there are several caregivers in the shower room to distract Sara Shower Sara as quickly as possible to lessen the distressed time Give Sara something to hold onto so she cannot pinch caregivers
Read this sentence I was very angry The writer revised this sentence to include hyperbole Which revised sentence includes an example of hyperbole O I was angry that I got chewed out O I was angry enough to explode O I was as angry as a swatted hornet O I was so angry I shook like a leaf
Anatomy and Physiology
Read this sentence I was very angry The writer revised this sentence to include hyperbole Which revised sentence includes an example of hyperbole O I was angry that I got chewed out O I was angry enough to explode O I was as angry as a swatted hornet O I was so angry I shook like a leaf
6 Jon s roommate has noticed that Jon often stops in the middle of a task He will say things like I forgot what I was doing or I am not sure what the next step is What stage of dementia is Jon likely experiencing O O O O 7 True or False Once someone has lost the ability to communicate you no longer have to talk with them or explain who you are and what care you are going to provide O O OOO 0 0 0 0 Early stage Middle stage Late stage 8 What is a common symptom of early stage dementia O Difficulty doing more than one thing at a time Losing the ability to communicate with others Total dependence with actvibes of daily living ADL Forgetting the names of loved ones O End stage O 9 Which of the following is a priority when caring for a person with dementia Supporting them to be as independent as sately possible Making sure they remember names for as long as possible Encouraging them to learn new skills and habits Making sure that they do not have any negative behaviors TRUE O FALSE 10 Gloria lives in a care facility She has been diagnosed with middle stage dementia and still enjoys singing Gloria has begun to wander at night and often becomes upset when staff tries to get her to go back to her room What intervention would be considered person centered care Singing songs with Gloria as she is guided back to her room Telling Glona that she needs to go to her room so she does not disturb others
Anatomy and Physiology
6 Jon s roommate has noticed that Jon often stops in the middle of a task He will say things like I forgot what I was doing or I am not sure what the next step is What stage of dementia is Jon likely experiencing O O O O 7 True or False Once someone has lost the ability to communicate you no longer have to talk with them or explain who you are and what care you are going to provide O O OOO 0 0 0 0 Early stage Middle stage Late stage 8 What is a common symptom of early stage dementia O Difficulty doing more than one thing at a time Losing the ability to communicate with others Total dependence with actvibes of daily living ADL Forgetting the names of loved ones O End stage O 9 Which of the following is a priority when caring for a person with dementia Supporting them to be as independent as sately possible Making sure they remember names for as long as possible Encouraging them to learn new skills and habits Making sure that they do not have any negative behaviors TRUE O FALSE 10 Gloria lives in a care facility She has been diagnosed with middle stage dementia and still enjoys singing Gloria has begun to wander at night and often becomes upset when staff tries to get her to go back to her room What intervention would be considered person centered care Singing songs with Gloria as she is guided back to her room Telling Glona that she needs to go to her room so she does not disturb others
1 Which of the following demonstrates providing person centered care Focusing on the task that needs to be completed Focusing on the things that a person cannot do Focusing on the family s desires for care Focusing on the individual s personal history and preferences OOOO O 2 Oscar who has middle stage dementia has joined art class today and the group is painting with watercolors The activity staff puts a piece of paper paints a cup of water and a brus in front of Oscar and welcomes him to the activity Oscar sits at the table for a few minutes watching others but does not paint What is the BEST next step the staff can take to help Osca Tell Oscar to watch the others and do what they are doing O Take away Oscar s painting supplies he does not look interested Place the brush in Oscar s hand and demonstrate the next step Give Oscar some crayons instead since he does not know how to paint 3 Glenn worked as a night shift security guard for 30 years What challenge might caregivers expect O Glenn has his days and nights mixed up O Glenn has a tendency to wander O Glenn does not like to talk to people Glenn wants to wear his uniform 4 Sam has late stage dementia What common late stage risk should staff be MOST concerned about O Risk for pressure injuries O Risk for sleep disturbances OO Risk for losing track of time Risk for losing the ability to talk 5 What is the BEST step caregivers can take to prevent dehydration in people with dementia O Offer a person their favorite drinks often throughout the day
Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous System
1 Which of the following demonstrates providing person centered care Focusing on the task that needs to be completed Focusing on the things that a person cannot do Focusing on the family s desires for care Focusing on the individual s personal history and preferences OOOO O 2 Oscar who has middle stage dementia has joined art class today and the group is painting with watercolors The activity staff puts a piece of paper paints a cup of water and a brus in front of Oscar and welcomes him to the activity Oscar sits at the table for a few minutes watching others but does not paint What is the BEST next step the staff can take to help Osca Tell Oscar to watch the others and do what they are doing O Take away Oscar s painting supplies he does not look interested Place the brush in Oscar s hand and demonstrate the next step Give Oscar some crayons instead since he does not know how to paint 3 Glenn worked as a night shift security guard for 30 years What challenge might caregivers expect O Glenn has his days and nights mixed up O Glenn has a tendency to wander O Glenn does not like to talk to people Glenn wants to wear his uniform 4 Sam has late stage dementia What common late stage risk should staff be MOST concerned about O Risk for pressure injuries O Risk for sleep disturbances OO Risk for losing track of time Risk for losing the ability to talk 5 What is the BEST step caregivers can take to prevent dehydration in people with dementia O Offer a person their favorite drinks often throughout the day