Anatomy and Physiology Questions

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27 A nurse asks you to do a urinary catheteriza tion This involves sterile technique and inserting a tube into the person s bladder The nurse gives you very clear instructions What should you do A Perform the task The nurse s directions were clear B Perform the task if the nurse is available to answer questions C Refuse to do the task because it is beyond the legal limits of your role D Perform the task if another nursing assis tant can help you 28 You can refuse to do a delegated task if A You are too busy B You do not like the task C It is the end of your shift and you are ready to go home D The task is not in your job description 29 Mary Lewis is an EMT who works for the fire department In this role she is allowed to start IVs On the weekend she works as a nursing assistant at a nursing center The RN asks her to start an IV on a resident Mary should A Perform the task that was delegated to her Politely refuse to do the task and explain why C Tell another nurse to do the task D Report the RN to the doctor 30 An ethical person Does not cause another person harm B Is biased C Is prejudiced D Does not have opinions or facts 31 Protecting the right to privacy involves all of the following except A Keeping information about the person confidential B Allowing visitors to remain in the room while care is given C Exposing only the body part involved in the treatment procedure D Screening while giving care 32 A nursing center resident s beliefs and values are different from your views What should you do A Refuse to care for the person B Delegate care to another nursing assistant Tell the nurse about your concerns D Tell the person how you feel 33 While performing a task a nursing assistant harmed a person Which is false A The nursing assistant was negligent B The nursing assistant is responsible for the harm The supervising nurse is also responsible C The nursing assistant will be held to the standard of care of other nurses D Harm can occur from what a person does or fails to do 34 Which is not a source for standards of care A Textbooks B Manufacturer s instructions C The nurse s directions D Job descriptions 35 You can protect yourself from assault and bat tery by A Explaining to the person what you are going to do and getting informed consent B Getting the person s informed consent in writing C Refusing to perform a task that involves touching the person D Making sure the task was delegated by a nurse 36 A nursing center resident asks you to make out a will What should you do A Do what the person asks B Refuse but explain why Then tell the nurse about the person s request C Call a lawyer for the person D Find out if you will be named in the will 37 A nursing assistant pinches and pushes a patient This is A Negligence B Malpractice C Neglect D Physical abuse 38 A patient s signal light goes unanswered His son found the patient lying on sheets soaked with urine This is A Neglect B Emotional abuse C Physical abuse D Malpractice 39 A resident did not get to the bathroom in time She urinated and had a bowel move ment in her clothing To prevent an accident in the dining room the nurse makes the resi dent stay in her room This is A Malpractice Involuntary seclusion C Neglect D Physical abuse
Anatomy and Physiology
27 A nurse asks you to do a urinary catheteriza tion This involves sterile technique and inserting a tube into the person s bladder The nurse gives you very clear instructions What should you do A Perform the task The nurse s directions were clear B Perform the task if the nurse is available to answer questions C Refuse to do the task because it is beyond the legal limits of your role D Perform the task if another nursing assis tant can help you 28 You can refuse to do a delegated task if A You are too busy B You do not like the task C It is the end of your shift and you are ready to go home D The task is not in your job description 29 Mary Lewis is an EMT who works for the fire department In this role she is allowed to start IVs On the weekend she works as a nursing assistant at a nursing center The RN asks her to start an IV on a resident Mary should A Perform the task that was delegated to her Politely refuse to do the task and explain why C Tell another nurse to do the task D Report the RN to the doctor 30 An ethical person Does not cause another person harm B Is biased C Is prejudiced D Does not have opinions or facts 31 Protecting the right to privacy involves all of the following except A Keeping information about the person confidential B Allowing visitors to remain in the room while care is given C Exposing only the body part involved in the treatment procedure D Screening while giving care 32 A nursing center resident s beliefs and values are different from your views What should you do A Refuse to care for the person B Delegate care to another nursing assistant Tell the nurse about your concerns D Tell the person how you feel 33 While performing a task a nursing assistant harmed a person Which is false A The nursing assistant was negligent B The nursing assistant is responsible for the harm The supervising nurse is also responsible C The nursing assistant will be held to the standard of care of other nurses D Harm can occur from what a person does or fails to do 34 Which is not a source for standards of care A Textbooks B Manufacturer s instructions C The nurse s directions D Job descriptions 35 You can protect yourself from assault and bat tery by A Explaining to the person what you are going to do and getting informed consent B Getting the person s informed consent in writing C Refusing to perform a task that involves touching the person D Making sure the task was delegated by a nurse 36 A nursing center resident asks you to make out a will What should you do A Do what the person asks B Refuse but explain why Then tell the nurse about the person s request C Call a lawyer for the person D Find out if you will be named in the will 37 A nursing assistant pinches and pushes a patient This is A Negligence B Malpractice C Neglect D Physical abuse 38 A patient s signal light goes unanswered His son found the patient lying on sheets soaked with urine This is A Neglect B Emotional abuse C Physical abuse D Malpractice 39 A resident did not get to the bathroom in time She urinated and had a bowel move ment in her clothing To prevent an accident in the dining room the nurse makes the resi dent stay in her room This is A Malpractice Involuntary seclusion C Neglect D Physical abuse
Workers compensation is an example of income redistribution a public assistance program a social insurance program O a welfare program Complete Later Co
Anatomy and Physiology
Workers compensation is an example of income redistribution a public assistance program a social insurance program O a welfare program Complete Later Co
33 Explain why the nursing team is atrisk for workplace violence 34 involves identifying and controlling risks and safety hazards affecting the agency 35 The intent of risk management is to A B C D 36 The purpose of color coded wristbands is to 37 To safely use color coded wristbands A B C D E 38 Errors in care must be reported at once Errors in care include A B C 39 Write the meaning for the following abbreviations A AED B CPR C PASS D SDS MULTIPLE CHOICE Circle the BEST answer 40 Cognitive relates to A Dementia B Impaired hearing C Knowledge D Balance and coordination 41 Loss of muscle function loss of sensation or loss of both muscle function and sensation is A Dementia B Paralysis C Coma D Suffocation 42 When identifying the person which is incorrect A Use at least one identifier B Compare identifying information on the assignment sheet with that on the ID bracelet C Call the person by name when you check the ID bracelet D Carefully check all the information 43 Safety measures to prevent burns include the following except A Do not allow smoking in bed B Do not allow smoking near oxygen equipment C Measure bath water temperature before the person gets into the tub D Turn on hot water first then cold water 44 To prevent poisoning do which of the following A Remove all personal care items from the person s room B Inspect the person s drawers every shift C Follow agency policy for storing personal care items D Remind patients and residents not to drink w shampoo mouthwash or lotion 45 Which measure helps prevent suffocation A Leaving a person alone in the bathtub B Giving small amounts of oral foods and fluids to persons with feeding tubes C Using bed rails for all patients and residents D Reporting loose teeth or dentures to the nurse 46 Which method is used to relieve choking in the very obese and in pregnant women A The Heimlich maneuver B Chest thrusts C Back blows D Abdominal thrusts BAAD 47 Which action will not help prevent equipment accidents A Inspecting power cords for damage B Using two pronged plugs on all electricale devices C Keeping electrical items away from water D Turning off equipment before unplugging it
Anatomy and Physiology
33 Explain why the nursing team is atrisk for workplace violence 34 involves identifying and controlling risks and safety hazards affecting the agency 35 The intent of risk management is to A B C D 36 The purpose of color coded wristbands is to 37 To safely use color coded wristbands A B C D E 38 Errors in care must be reported at once Errors in care include A B C 39 Write the meaning for the following abbreviations A AED B CPR C PASS D SDS MULTIPLE CHOICE Circle the BEST answer 40 Cognitive relates to A Dementia B Impaired hearing C Knowledge D Balance and coordination 41 Loss of muscle function loss of sensation or loss of both muscle function and sensation is A Dementia B Paralysis C Coma D Suffocation 42 When identifying the person which is incorrect A Use at least one identifier B Compare identifying information on the assignment sheet with that on the ID bracelet C Call the person by name when you check the ID bracelet D Carefully check all the information 43 Safety measures to prevent burns include the following except A Do not allow smoking in bed B Do not allow smoking near oxygen equipment C Measure bath water temperature before the person gets into the tub D Turn on hot water first then cold water 44 To prevent poisoning do which of the following A Remove all personal care items from the person s room B Inspect the person s drawers every shift C Follow agency policy for storing personal care items D Remind patients and residents not to drink w shampoo mouthwash or lotion 45 Which measure helps prevent suffocation A Leaving a person alone in the bathtub B Giving small amounts of oral foods and fluids to persons with feeding tubes C Using bed rails for all patients and residents D Reporting loose teeth or dentures to the nurse 46 Which method is used to relieve choking in the very obese and in pregnant women A The Heimlich maneuver B Chest thrusts C Back blows D Abdominal thrusts BAAD 47 Which action will not help prevent equipment accidents A Inspecting power cords for damage B Using two pronged plugs on all electricale devices C Keeping electrical items away from water D Turning off equipment before unplugging it
Infection starts with a A Source or pathogen B Reservoir or host C Portal of exit or portal of entry DSusceptible host 27 A carrier PO A Can transmit pathogens to others B Has immunity C Has the signs and symptoms of an infection D Is a susceptible host 28 Pathogens are transmitted by the following except errorA Eating and drinking utensils Personal care items Coughing sneezing talking laughing and singing DSterile technique 29 Pathogens are transmitted by the following except A Air food and water B Blood body fluids secretions and excretions Surgical asepsis D Animals and insects 30 A susceptible host is 9 A person at risk for infection B An animal or insect C A reservoir where a pathogen lives and grows D A carrier 31 Portals of exit are The same as portals of entry B Personal care items C Eating and drinking utensils D Blood body fluids secretions and excretions 32 Nosocomial infections can be spread by the following except A Personal care items and eating and drink ing utensils B Poor hand hygiene C Coughing sneezing talking laughing and singing Sterile technique 33 Who can develop nosocomial infections A Patients and residents B The nursing team C Doctors D The health team 34 In medical asepsis an item is contaminated if Pathogens are present B Nonpathogens are present C Pathogens and nonpathogens are present D Bacteria and viruses are present 35 Which is the easiest and most important way to prevent infections from spreading A Standard Precautions B Practicing hand hygiene C Transmission Based Precautions D The Bloodborne Pathogen Standard 36 Hand hygiene is practiced in the following situations except A When gloves are on B After elimination C After contact with blood body fluids secretions or excretions D Before and after handling preparing or eating food 37 Aseptic practices including the following except A Providing all persons with their own personal care items B Bathing washing hair and brushing teeth regularly C Washing fruits and vegetables before eating them D Hand washing after putting gloves on 38 When washing your hands you should stand so that A Your uniform touches the sink B Your hands touch the sink C Your body touches the sink D Soap and faucets are easy to reach 39 When washing your hands your hands and forearms are kept AAbove your elbows BLower than your elbows C Even with your elbows D Close to your body 40 When washing your hands you clean your fingernails by the following except A Running water under them B Rubbing the fingertips against your palms Using a nail file D Using an orange stick 41 Hands are washed for at least A 10 seconds B 15 seconds C 20 seconds D 30 seconds 42 When drying your hands start at the Fingers and work up to your forearms B Elbows and work down to your fingers C Forearms and work down to your fingers D Wrists and work down to the fingers 43 To turn off the faucets use A Your clean hands B A clean paper towel for each faucet C The paper towel used for drying your hands D The same paper towel for each faucet
Anatomy and Physiology
Infection starts with a A Source or pathogen B Reservoir or host C Portal of exit or portal of entry DSusceptible host 27 A carrier PO A Can transmit pathogens to others B Has immunity C Has the signs and symptoms of an infection D Is a susceptible host 28 Pathogens are transmitted by the following except errorA Eating and drinking utensils Personal care items Coughing sneezing talking laughing and singing DSterile technique 29 Pathogens are transmitted by the following except A Air food and water B Blood body fluids secretions and excretions Surgical asepsis D Animals and insects 30 A susceptible host is 9 A person at risk for infection B An animal or insect C A reservoir where a pathogen lives and grows D A carrier 31 Portals of exit are The same as portals of entry B Personal care items C Eating and drinking utensils D Blood body fluids secretions and excretions 32 Nosocomial infections can be spread by the following except A Personal care items and eating and drink ing utensils B Poor hand hygiene C Coughing sneezing talking laughing and singing Sterile technique 33 Who can develop nosocomial infections A Patients and residents B The nursing team C Doctors D The health team 34 In medical asepsis an item is contaminated if Pathogens are present B Nonpathogens are present C Pathogens and nonpathogens are present D Bacteria and viruses are present 35 Which is the easiest and most important way to prevent infections from spreading A Standard Precautions B Practicing hand hygiene C Transmission Based Precautions D The Bloodborne Pathogen Standard 36 Hand hygiene is practiced in the following situations except A When gloves are on B After elimination C After contact with blood body fluids secretions or excretions D Before and after handling preparing or eating food 37 Aseptic practices including the following except A Providing all persons with their own personal care items B Bathing washing hair and brushing teeth regularly C Washing fruits and vegetables before eating them D Hand washing after putting gloves on 38 When washing your hands you should stand so that A Your uniform touches the sink B Your hands touch the sink C Your body touches the sink D Soap and faucets are easy to reach 39 When washing your hands your hands and forearms are kept AAbove your elbows BLower than your elbows C Even with your elbows D Close to your body 40 When washing your hands you clean your fingernails by the following except A Running water under them B Rubbing the fingertips against your palms Using a nail file D Using an orange stick 41 Hands are washed for at least A 10 seconds B 15 seconds C 20 seconds D 30 seconds 42 When drying your hands start at the Fingers and work up to your forearms B Elbows and work down to your fingers C Forearms and work down to your fingers D Wrists and work down to the fingers 43 To turn off the faucets use A Your clean hands B A clean paper towel for each faucet C The paper towel used for drying your hands D The same paper towel for each faucet
5 9 3 Across 3 Spiritual beliefs needs and practices 5 Messages sent through facial expressions gestures posture hand and body movements gait eye contact and appearance 7 Communication that does not use words 8 The characteristics of a group of people passed from one generation to the next 9 A concept that considers the whole person the whole person has physical social psychological and spiritual parts that are woven together and cannot be separated 8 Down 1 4 Communication that uses written or spoken words 2 Any lost absent or impaired physical or mental function 4 Something necessary or desired for maintaining life and mental well being 6 Being unable to respond to stimuli
Anatomy and Physiology
5 9 3 Across 3 Spiritual beliefs needs and practices 5 Messages sent through facial expressions gestures posture hand and body movements gait eye contact and appearance 7 Communication that does not use words 8 The characteristics of a group of people passed from one generation to the next 9 A concept that considers the whole person the whole person has physical social psychological and spiritual parts that are woven together and cannot be separated 8 Down 1 4 Communication that uses written or spoken words 2 Any lost absent or impaired physical or mental function 4 Something necessary or desired for maintaining life and mental well being 6 Being unable to respond to stimuli
48 You find a bottle of liquid in the tub room without a label Which action is correct A Open the bottle to see what is inside B Leave the bottle and get the nurse C Take the bottle to the nurse and explain the problem D Ask a co worker what is in the bottle 49 When must you check material safety data sheets SDSS A Before using a hazardous substance B Before cleaning up a leak or spill C Before disposing of a hazardous substance D All of the above are correct 50 Which is not a fire prevention measure A Following safety measures for oxygen use B Supervising persons who smoke C Emptying ashtrays into metal wastebaskets lined with plastic bags D Storing flammable liquids in their original containers 51 The first thing you must do when a fire occurs A Pull the fire alarm B Rescue persons in immediate danger C Get the fire extinguisher D Turn off electrical equipment 52 Do not use elevators if there is a fire A True B False 53 A patient is receiving oxygen therapy Which is incorrect A A NO SMOKING sign is placed on the person s door and near his bed B Smoking materials are kept in the person s bedside stand C The person and visitors cannot smoke in the person s room D Materials that ignite easily are removed from the person s room 54 Safety measures are needed where oxygen is used and stored A True B False CASE STUDY Mr John Wilson is 80 years old He is a resident at Pine View Nursing Center He is recovering from surgery to repair a fractured right leg He is learning to use a walker He is receiving oxygen for a chronic lung disease He wears eyeglasses and has very poor vision without his glasses Mr Wilson has smoked a 55 The resident you are caring for has on a yellow wristband What does this mean A Allergy alert B Falls risk C Do Not Resuscitate D Limb alert 56 You are caring for a person who becomes agitated and aggressive Which measure promotes safety A Using touch to calm the person B Keeping your hands free C Telling the person to calm down D Standing close to the person 57 Which measure will help keep a patient s personal belongings safe A Sending all personal belongings home with the family B Completing a personal belongings list C Locking all personal belongings in the safe D Keeping all personal belongings in the person s closet 58 In nursing centers shoes and clothing are labeled with the person s name A True B False 59 Accidents and errors in care are reported only if someone is injured A True B False 60 Which is any event that has harmed or could harm a patient resident visitor or staff member A Hazard B Disaster C Risk factor D Incident 61 You notice that a light bulb has burned out in a resident s bathroom Which action is correct A Get a new light bulb and change the light bulb B Do nothing Assume the nurse already knows about the problem C Tell the resident to be extra careful when using the bathroom D Follow agency policy for reporting such problems Answer the following questions 1 What accident risk factors does Mr Wilson have
Anatomy and Physiology
48 You find a bottle of liquid in the tub room without a label Which action is correct A Open the bottle to see what is inside B Leave the bottle and get the nurse C Take the bottle to the nurse and explain the problem D Ask a co worker what is in the bottle 49 When must you check material safety data sheets SDSS A Before using a hazardous substance B Before cleaning up a leak or spill C Before disposing of a hazardous substance D All of the above are correct 50 Which is not a fire prevention measure A Following safety measures for oxygen use B Supervising persons who smoke C Emptying ashtrays into metal wastebaskets lined with plastic bags D Storing flammable liquids in their original containers 51 The first thing you must do when a fire occurs A Pull the fire alarm B Rescue persons in immediate danger C Get the fire extinguisher D Turn off electrical equipment 52 Do not use elevators if there is a fire A True B False 53 A patient is receiving oxygen therapy Which is incorrect A A NO SMOKING sign is placed on the person s door and near his bed B Smoking materials are kept in the person s bedside stand C The person and visitors cannot smoke in the person s room D Materials that ignite easily are removed from the person s room 54 Safety measures are needed where oxygen is used and stored A True B False CASE STUDY Mr John Wilson is 80 years old He is a resident at Pine View Nursing Center He is recovering from surgery to repair a fractured right leg He is learning to use a walker He is receiving oxygen for a chronic lung disease He wears eyeglasses and has very poor vision without his glasses Mr Wilson has smoked a 55 The resident you are caring for has on a yellow wristband What does this mean A Allergy alert B Falls risk C Do Not Resuscitate D Limb alert 56 You are caring for a person who becomes agitated and aggressive Which measure promotes safety A Using touch to calm the person B Keeping your hands free C Telling the person to calm down D Standing close to the person 57 Which measure will help keep a patient s personal belongings safe A Sending all personal belongings home with the family B Completing a personal belongings list C Locking all personal belongings in the safe D Keeping all personal belongings in the person s closet 58 In nursing centers shoes and clothing are labeled with the person s name A True B False 59 Accidents and errors in care are reported only if someone is injured A True B False 60 Which is any event that has harmed or could harm a patient resident visitor or staff member A Hazard B Disaster C Risk factor D Incident 61 You notice that a light bulb has burned out in a resident s bathroom Which action is correct A Get a new light bulb and change the light bulb B Do nothing Assume the nurse already knows about the problem C Tell the resident to be extra careful when using the bathroom D Follow agency policy for reporting such problems Answer the following questions 1 What accident risk factors does Mr Wilson have
MATCHING Match each term with the correct definition 2 4 5 Any lost absent or impaired physical or mental function Being unable to respond to stimuli Something necessary or desired for maintaining life and men tal well being Messages sent through facial expressions gestures posture hand and body movements gait eye contact and appearance Spiritual beliefs needs and practices A concept that considers the whole person FILL IN THE BLANKS 7 Your care becomes more individualized as you 8 The whole person has and 9 Define communication parts 10 List the basic needs for life as described by Abraham Maslow from the lowest level to the highest level A B C D E 11 Persons in hospitals and nursing centers feel safer and more secure if they know what will happen For each task the person should know A B C D 12 Culture affects 14 Religion relates to 15 care is needed 13 Where will you find information about the person s cultural and religious practices A Need B Disability C Body language D Comatose E Religion E Holism enten spoken word 17 C 16 nursing center resident has difficulty hearing The person also has poor vision The nurse tells you to write messages to communicate When writing messages you need to A and communication involves the when health does not use words 18 The meaning of touch depends on not or communication 19 You may use touch to communicate Touch should be and
Anatomy and Physiology
MATCHING Match each term with the correct definition 2 4 5 Any lost absent or impaired physical or mental function Being unable to respond to stimuli Something necessary or desired for maintaining life and men tal well being Messages sent through facial expressions gestures posture hand and body movements gait eye contact and appearance Spiritual beliefs needs and practices A concept that considers the whole person FILL IN THE BLANKS 7 Your care becomes more individualized as you 8 The whole person has and 9 Define communication parts 10 List the basic needs for life as described by Abraham Maslow from the lowest level to the highest level A B C D E 11 Persons in hospitals and nursing centers feel safer and more secure if they know what will happen For each task the person should know A B C D 12 Culture affects 14 Religion relates to 15 care is needed 13 Where will you find information about the person s cultural and religious practices A Need B Disability C Body language D Comatose E Religion E Holism enten spoken word 17 C 16 nursing center resident has difficulty hearing The person also has poor vision The nurse tells you to write messages to communicate When writing messages you need to A and communication involves the when health does not use words 18 The meaning of touch depends on not or communication 19 You may use touch to communicate Touch should be and
16 List five common causes of suffocation A B C D E 17 A common cause of choking is 18 With you should stay with the person and encourage the person to keep coughing to expel the object 19 is often called the universal sign of choking 20 Describe the signs and symptoms of severe airway obstruction 21 used to relieve severe airway obstruction 22 When is equipment unsafe A B C D 23 Frayed cords and overloaded electrical outlets can cause and 24 List seven warning signs of a faulty electrical item A B C D E E are 25 Where should you connect bed power cords 26 Explain why you should turn off equipment before unplugging it 27 Exposure to hazardous chemicals can occur from the release of a hazard into the workplace Workplace hazards include A B C 28 Every hazardous substance has a material safety data sheet SDS You need to check the SDS before A B C 29 List the three things needed for a fire A B C 30 The word RACE will help you remember what to do first if a fire occurs What do the letters R A C E stand for AR B A CC D E 31 You answer the phone at the nurses station The caller tells you that there is a bomb in the hospital What should you do 32 is when a patient or resident leaves the agency without staff knowledge
Anatomy and Physiology
16 List five common causes of suffocation A B C D E 17 A common cause of choking is 18 With you should stay with the person and encourage the person to keep coughing to expel the object 19 is often called the universal sign of choking 20 Describe the signs and symptoms of severe airway obstruction 21 used to relieve severe airway obstruction 22 When is equipment unsafe A B C D 23 Frayed cords and overloaded electrical outlets can cause and 24 List seven warning signs of a faulty electrical item A B C D E E are 25 Where should you connect bed power cords 26 Explain why you should turn off equipment before unplugging it 27 Exposure to hazardous chemicals can occur from the release of a hazard into the workplace Workplace hazards include A B C 28 Every hazardous substance has a material safety data sheet SDS You need to check the SDS before A B C 29 List the three things needed for a fire A B C 30 The word RACE will help you remember what to do first if a fire occurs What do the letters R A C E stand for AR B A CC D E 31 You answer the phone at the nurses station The caller tells you that there is a bomb in the hospital What should you do 32 is when a patient or resident leaves the agency without staff knowledge
MATCHING Match each term with the correct definition 1 2 3 4 5 6 A harmful event that can affect the agency patient or resident population community or larger geographic area A prolonged state of unconsciousness The loss of cognitive and social function caused by changes in the brain Any chemical in the workplace that can cause harm Violent acts directed toward persons at work or while on duty When breathing stops from the lack of oxygen FILL IN THE BLANKS 7 Where will you find the safety measures needed by the person 8 List 8 factors that increase the risk of accidents and injuries A B C D E F G H 9 List six drug side effects that increase a person s risk for accidents and injuries A B C D E F 10 To identify the person before giving care use the A Dementia B Suffocation C Workplace violence D Disaster E Hazardous chemical F Coma 11 Explain why calling the person by name is not a safe way to identify the person 12 When comparing the identification ID bracelet with the assignment sheet you need to check the person s full name carefully because 13 An alert and oriented nursing center resident does not wear an ID bracelet What is the correct procedure for identifying the person before giving care 14 You notice that a patient s ID bracelet is too tight What should you do 15 List four common causes of burns A B C D
Anatomy and Physiology
MATCHING Match each term with the correct definition 1 2 3 4 5 6 A harmful event that can affect the agency patient or resident population community or larger geographic area A prolonged state of unconsciousness The loss of cognitive and social function caused by changes in the brain Any chemical in the workplace that can cause harm Violent acts directed toward persons at work or while on duty When breathing stops from the lack of oxygen FILL IN THE BLANKS 7 Where will you find the safety measures needed by the person 8 List 8 factors that increase the risk of accidents and injuries A B C D E F G H 9 List six drug side effects that increase a person s risk for accidents and injuries A B C D E F 10 To identify the person before giving care use the A Dementia B Suffocation C Workplace violence D Disaster E Hazardous chemical F Coma 11 Explain why calling the person by name is not a safe way to identify the person 12 When comparing the identification ID bracelet with the assignment sheet you need to check the person s full name carefully because 13 An alert and oriented nursing center resident does not wear an ID bracelet What is the correct procedure for identifying the person before giving care 14 You notice that a patient s ID bracelet is too tight What should you do 15 List four common causes of burns A B C D
20 List the five steps of the nursing process in the correct order A B C D E 21 You collect the following data about a patient Identify the subjective data with an S and the objective data with an O Pain 22 A B C D E F G H ng diban Nausea Vomiting Dizziness Clear yellow urine Warm moist skin Numbness Pulse rate of 80 beats per minute are what is most important for the person 23 Goals are aimed at 24 Describe the purpose of the nursing care plan 25 The comprehensive care plan identifies A B C D 26 The nurse uses an communicate delegated measures and tasks to you to 27 You do not understand a task on your assignment sheet What should you do 28 List when you report care and observations to the nurse A B C D 29 Anyone who reads your charting should know A B 30 Convert the following times from standard clock time to 24 hour clock time Vi A 6 15 PM B 8 00 AM C 2 30 PM D 5 02 PM E 10 55 AM F 1 29 PM G 1 33 AM H 9 00 PM 31 Convert the following times from 24 hour clock time to standard clock time A 1600 B 0945 C 1115 D 2120 E 1705
Anatomy and Physiology
20 List the five steps of the nursing process in the correct order A B C D E 21 You collect the following data about a patient Identify the subjective data with an S and the objective data with an O Pain 22 A B C D E F G H ng diban Nausea Vomiting Dizziness Clear yellow urine Warm moist skin Numbness Pulse rate of 80 beats per minute are what is most important for the person 23 Goals are aimed at 24 Describe the purpose of the nursing care plan 25 The comprehensive care plan identifies A B C D 26 The nurse uses an communicate delegated measures and tasks to you to 27 You do not understand a task on your assignment sheet What should you do 28 List when you report care and observations to the nurse A B C D 29 Anyone who reads your charting should know A B 30 Convert the following times from standard clock time to 24 hour clock time Vi A 6 15 PM B 8 00 AM C 2 30 PM D 5 02 PM E 10 55 AM F 1 29 PM G 1 33 AM H 9 00 PM 31 Convert the following times from 24 hour clock time to standard clock time A 1600 B 0945 C 1115 D 2120 E 1705
MATCHING Match each term with the correct definition The exchange of information The method nurses use to plan and deliver nursing care its five steps are assessment nursing diagnosis planning implementa tion and evaluation 1 2 6 7 9 10 11 12 A B FILL IN THE BLANKS 13 Health team members share information about U A report that the nurse gives at the end of the shift to the oncom ing shift change of shift report The legal account of a person s condition and response to treat ment and care A written guide about the person s nursing care A health problem that can be treated by nursing measures The written account of care and observations charting Things a person tells you about that you cannot observe through your senses symptoms C Setting priorities and goals The oral account of care and observations Using the senses of sight hearing touch and smell to collect information An electronic version of a person s medical record 14 Agency policies about medical records address A B C D E F 15 If you have access to charts you have an A End of shift report B Recording C Medical record D Nursing process E Communication F Objective data G Nursing diagnosis H Subjective data I Reporting J Planning K Electronic health record L Nursing care plan 16 Which medical record forms relate to your work A B C D E 17 The is completed when the person is admitted to the agency It has the person s identifying information 18 The flow sheets and graphic sheets are used to record 19 In long term care summaries of care describe
Anatomy and Physiology
MATCHING Match each term with the correct definition The exchange of information The method nurses use to plan and deliver nursing care its five steps are assessment nursing diagnosis planning implementa tion and evaluation 1 2 6 7 9 10 11 12 A B FILL IN THE BLANKS 13 Health team members share information about U A report that the nurse gives at the end of the shift to the oncom ing shift change of shift report The legal account of a person s condition and response to treat ment and care A written guide about the person s nursing care A health problem that can be treated by nursing measures The written account of care and observations charting Things a person tells you about that you cannot observe through your senses symptoms C Setting priorities and goals The oral account of care and observations Using the senses of sight hearing touch and smell to collect information An electronic version of a person s medical record 14 Agency policies about medical records address A B C D E F 15 If you have access to charts you have an A End of shift report B Recording C Medical record D Nursing process E Communication F Objective data G Nursing diagnosis H Subjective data I Reporting J Planning K Electronic health record L Nursing care plan 16 Which medical record forms relate to your work A B C D E 17 The is completed when the person is admitted to the agency It has the person s identifying information 18 The flow sheets and graphic sheets are used to record 19 In long term care summaries of care describe
54 Often the person who is comatose can hear and can feel touch and pain A True B False CASE STUDY Mrs Sarah Stein was admitted to Pine Crest Nursing Center today She is an 80 year old widow of Jewish religion She came to the United States from Germany with her parents when she was 12 years old She speaks German and English fluently She was a college professor and taught at the local university for 20 years She was married for 55 years Her husband died 2 years ago Mrs Stein has difficulty hearing and wears eyeglasses She walks with a cane Before coming to Pine Crest Nursing Center she lived with her married daughter for 2 years Her daughter felt it was no longer safe for her mother to live with her because her mother was by herself most of the day Mrs Stein has fallen twice during the past month and has lost 5 pounds Answer the following questions 1 What characteristics make Mrs Stein unique 2 How might her culture and religion affect her care plan ADDITIONAL LEARNING ACTIVITIES Review the Caring About Culture boxes in Chapter 6 in the textbook anipil A List some ways that knowing about a person s cultural and religious practices might help you give better care 1 B Do you have cultural and or religious beliefs that are important to you Explain 1 How do these beliefs influence your health practices 55 Which is ethical behavior 3 A Insulting a person s health care beliefs B Arguing with a person about religious beliefs C Trying to force your views on another person D Respecting a person s cultural practices How might the RN use the nursing process to help the nursing team meet Mrs Stein s needs 4 What feelings might Mrs Stein have about moving to Pine Crest Nursing Center A What measures might help her adjust 2 5 What needs might Mrs Stein s daughter have A What measures might help her adjust Observe the nonverbal communication during social contacts with family and friends A Are you aware of your nonverbal communication Explain B How do others communicate with you using nonverbal communication C Do you ever receive mixed messages from a person s verbal and nonverbal communication Explain
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54 Often the person who is comatose can hear and can feel touch and pain A True B False CASE STUDY Mrs Sarah Stein was admitted to Pine Crest Nursing Center today She is an 80 year old widow of Jewish religion She came to the United States from Germany with her parents when she was 12 years old She speaks German and English fluently She was a college professor and taught at the local university for 20 years She was married for 55 years Her husband died 2 years ago Mrs Stein has difficulty hearing and wears eyeglasses She walks with a cane Before coming to Pine Crest Nursing Center she lived with her married daughter for 2 years Her daughter felt it was no longer safe for her mother to live with her because her mother was by herself most of the day Mrs Stein has fallen twice during the past month and has lost 5 pounds Answer the following questions 1 What characteristics make Mrs Stein unique 2 How might her culture and religion affect her care plan ADDITIONAL LEARNING ACTIVITIES Review the Caring About Culture boxes in Chapter 6 in the textbook anipil A List some ways that knowing about a person s cultural and religious practices might help you give better care 1 B Do you have cultural and or religious beliefs that are important to you Explain 1 How do these beliefs influence your health practices 55 Which is ethical behavior 3 A Insulting a person s health care beliefs B Arguing with a person about religious beliefs C Trying to force your views on another person D Respecting a person s cultural practices How might the RN use the nursing process to help the nursing team meet Mrs Stein s needs 4 What feelings might Mrs Stein have about moving to Pine Crest Nursing Center A What measures might help her adjust 2 5 What needs might Mrs Stein s daughter have A What measures might help her adjust Observe the nonverbal communication during social contacts with family and friends A Are you aware of your nonverbal communication Explain B How do others communicate with you using nonverbal communication C Do you ever receive mixed messages from a person s verbal and nonverbal communication Explain
35 Inappropriate sexual behavior is always on purpose A True B False 36 A person with aggressive behavior A Is critical of others B May swear bite hit pinch scratch or kick C Has little or no contact with others D Has dementia 37 You are giving a patient a complete bed bath She complains about how you are giving the bath She also tells you that her breakfast was terrible She tells you Nobody knows what they are doing and nobody cares about me Which action is not helpful A Explaining that you are giving her bath in the right way and you do know what you are doing B Listening and using silence letting her express her feelings C Staying calm and professional D Discussing the situation with the nurse 38 Which action will not promote effective communication A Respecting the person s religion and culture B Giving the person time to process information C Changing the subject D Asking questions to see if the person understood you 39 Which is correct when using verbal communication A Look away from the person B Speak clearly slowly and distinctly C Use slang or vulgar words D Shout to be heard 40 A person for whom you are caring cannot speak or read How should you communicate with the person A Use gestures B Use nods and blinks C Follow the care plan D Use touch 41 Nonverbal messages more truly reflect a person s feelings than words do A True B False 42 You must never control your body language A True B False 43 Which communication method focuses on certain information A Listening B Open ended questions C Clarifying D Direct questions 44 Using silence shows the person that A You are uncomfortable B You care and respect the person s feelings C You are being rude D You are not listening 45 Which is not a communication barrier A Using touch B Giving opinions C Giving pat answers D Changing the subject 46 When communicating with a person with a disability which is not helpful A Hanging on a person s wheelchair B Provide for privacy C Speak directly to the person D Ask if help is needed before acting 47 You ask a person How do you feel about being here Which communication method have you used A A direct question B Clarifying C Silence D An open ended question 48 A person may acquire a disability at any age A True B False 49 Which means being unable to respond to verbal stimuli A Comatose B Disability C Nonverbal D Holism 50 A patient for whom you are caring is comatose When giving care do the following except A Explain care measures step by step as you do them B Tell the person when you are finishing care C Avoid touching the person when possible D Tell the person when you are leaving the room 51 The presence or absence of family or friends affects the person s quality of life A True B False 52 You give visitors support by answering their questions about the person s condition A True B False 53 You observe that a patient s visitor is upsetting him Which action is correct A Ask the visitor to leave B Report your observation to the nurse C Ask the person if you can help D Do nothing It is none of your business
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35 Inappropriate sexual behavior is always on purpose A True B False 36 A person with aggressive behavior A Is critical of others B May swear bite hit pinch scratch or kick C Has little or no contact with others D Has dementia 37 You are giving a patient a complete bed bath She complains about how you are giving the bath She also tells you that her breakfast was terrible She tells you Nobody knows what they are doing and nobody cares about me Which action is not helpful A Explaining that you are giving her bath in the right way and you do know what you are doing B Listening and using silence letting her express her feelings C Staying calm and professional D Discussing the situation with the nurse 38 Which action will not promote effective communication A Respecting the person s religion and culture B Giving the person time to process information C Changing the subject D Asking questions to see if the person understood you 39 Which is correct when using verbal communication A Look away from the person B Speak clearly slowly and distinctly C Use slang or vulgar words D Shout to be heard 40 A person for whom you are caring cannot speak or read How should you communicate with the person A Use gestures B Use nods and blinks C Follow the care plan D Use touch 41 Nonverbal messages more truly reflect a person s feelings than words do A True B False 42 You must never control your body language A True B False 43 Which communication method focuses on certain information A Listening B Open ended questions C Clarifying D Direct questions 44 Using silence shows the person that A You are uncomfortable B You care and respect the person s feelings C You are being rude D You are not listening 45 Which is not a communication barrier A Using touch B Giving opinions C Giving pat answers D Changing the subject 46 When communicating with a person with a disability which is not helpful A Hanging on a person s wheelchair B Provide for privacy C Speak directly to the person D Ask if help is needed before acting 47 You ask a person How do you feel about being here Which communication method have you used A A direct question B Clarifying C Silence D An open ended question 48 A person may acquire a disability at any age A True B False 49 Which means being unable to respond to verbal stimuli A Comatose B Disability C Nonverbal D Holism 50 A patient for whom you are caring is comatose When giving care do the following except A Explain care measures step by step as you do them B Tell the person when you are finishing care C Avoid touching the person when possible D Tell the person when you are leaving the room 51 The presence or absence of family or friends affects the person s quality of life A True B False 52 You give visitors support by answering their questions about the person s condition A True B False 53 You observe that a patient s visitor is upsetting him Which action is correct A Ask the visitor to leave B Report your observation to the nurse C Ask the person if you can help D Do nothing It is none of your business
20 Body language sends messages through A B C D E R 21 Listening requires that you care and have interest You need to follow these guidelines A B C D E 22 Giving opinions is a communication barrier Opinions involve 23 Failure to listen is a communication barrier because Malay boogn of alt antad sutra 24 How might illness and disability affect communication 25 A patient has visitors You need to give care What should you do 26 List five causes of anger A ABCDE B C D E OCC 27 List six nonverbal signs of anger A B C D E F 28 Causes of demanding and self centered behavior include A B C D MULTIPLE CHOICE Circle the BEST answer 29 Communication that uses written or spoken words is A Holism B Verbal communication C Body language D A direct question 30 When addressing the person which action shows dignity and respect A Addressing the person using his or her title B Addressing the person using his or her first name C Calling an older person Grandma or Grandpa D Calling a person Honey or Sweetheart 31 Which needs are the most important for survival A Self esteem B Safety and security C Physical D Love and belonging 32 Which needs relate to feeling safe from harm danger and fear A Physical B Safety and security C Love and belonging D Self esteem 33 Many people find comfort and strength from religion during illness A True B False eupal 34 A nursing center resident stays in his room most of the day He does not attend activities He does not talk to his family when they visit This behavior is A Self centered behavior B Demanding behavior C Withdrawal
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20 Body language sends messages through A B C D E R 21 Listening requires that you care and have interest You need to follow these guidelines A B C D E 22 Giving opinions is a communication barrier Opinions involve 23 Failure to listen is a communication barrier because Malay boogn of alt antad sutra 24 How might illness and disability affect communication 25 A patient has visitors You need to give care What should you do 26 List five causes of anger A ABCDE B C D E OCC 27 List six nonverbal signs of anger A B C D E F 28 Causes of demanding and self centered behavior include A B C D MULTIPLE CHOICE Circle the BEST answer 29 Communication that uses written or spoken words is A Holism B Verbal communication C Body language D A direct question 30 When addressing the person which action shows dignity and respect A Addressing the person using his or her title B Addressing the person using his or her first name C Calling an older person Grandma or Grandpa D Calling a person Honey or Sweetheart 31 Which needs are the most important for survival A Self esteem B Safety and security C Physical D Love and belonging 32 Which needs relate to feeling safe from harm danger and fear A Physical B Safety and security C Love and belonging D Self esteem 33 Many people find comfort and strength from religion during illness A True B False eupal 34 A nursing center resident stays in his room most of the day He does not attend activities He does not talk to his family when they visit This behavior is A Self centered behavior B Demanding behavior C Withdrawal
In a species of plant the allele for tall plants T is dominant over the allele for short plants t The table shows the distribution of genotypes in a population of plants Genotype TT Tt tt A 0 47 B 0 09 C 0 84 Phenotype D 0 20 Tall Tall Short Number of individuals What is the frequency of the tallele Hint There are a total of 220 alleles for this gene in the population 26 64 20
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In a species of plant the allele for tall plants T is dominant over the allele for short plants t The table shows the distribution of genotypes in a population of plants Genotype TT Tt tt A 0 47 B 0 09 C 0 84 Phenotype D 0 20 Tall Tall Short Number of individuals What is the frequency of the tallele Hint There are a total of 220 alleles for this gene in the population 26 64 20
18 You are admitting a person to the hospital You tell the person that you are a nurse This is 19 Consent is informed when 20 A patient is unconscious The doctor orders intravenous therapy and oxygen How is legal consent for these treatments obtained 21 List three ways in which a person may give consent A B C 22 Abuse is a crime Abuse has one or more of the following elements A B C D E 23 A nursing center resident is allowed to lie in bed in the same position all day The person s son finds her bed wet with urine when he visits The person is crying The staff is guilty of 24 You see a resident s daughter slap him This is od 25 Exploitation is 26 A person refuses to take needed drugs and does not keep doctors appointments The person has weight loss poor hygiene and is wearing dirty clothing These are signs of 27 Child abuse and neglect is the intentional harm or mistreatment of a child under 18 years old It A B C 28 If you suspect intimate partner violence tell 29 Write the meanings of the following abbreviations A HIPAA B OBRA C CDC D IPV MULTIPLE CHOICE 30 The Code of Conduct for nursing assistants states A Take risk when completing a task B Follow the lead nursing assistant s direction C Take drugs that do not belong to you because you are in pain D Keep the person s information confidential 31 Maintaining professional boundaries includes Kissing your resident on the cheek B Balancing your resident s checkbook C Taking a resident to your home for Christmas because they do not have any family D Not using any offensive language 32 A tort is A pastry B A wrong committed against a person or the person s property C A wrong committed against an animal D A criminal offense 33 You tell a co worker a false statement about your nurse You have committed A Slander B Libel C False imprisonment D Abuse 34 You observe another nursing assistant taking a picture of a resident You tell your supervisor because A This is abuse B This is a HIPAA violation C This is fraud D This is defamation
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18 You are admitting a person to the hospital You tell the person that you are a nurse This is 19 Consent is informed when 20 A patient is unconscious The doctor orders intravenous therapy and oxygen How is legal consent for these treatments obtained 21 List three ways in which a person may give consent A B C 22 Abuse is a crime Abuse has one or more of the following elements A B C D E 23 A nursing center resident is allowed to lie in bed in the same position all day The person s son finds her bed wet with urine when he visits The person is crying The staff is guilty of 24 You see a resident s daughter slap him This is od 25 Exploitation is 26 A person refuses to take needed drugs and does not keep doctors appointments The person has weight loss poor hygiene and is wearing dirty clothing These are signs of 27 Child abuse and neglect is the intentional harm or mistreatment of a child under 18 years old It A B C 28 If you suspect intimate partner violence tell 29 Write the meanings of the following abbreviations A HIPAA B OBRA C CDC D IPV MULTIPLE CHOICE 30 The Code of Conduct for nursing assistants states A Take risk when completing a task B Follow the lead nursing assistant s direction C Take drugs that do not belong to you because you are in pain D Keep the person s information confidential 31 Maintaining professional boundaries includes Kissing your resident on the cheek B Balancing your resident s checkbook C Taking a resident to your home for Christmas because they do not have any family D Not using any offensive language 32 A tort is A pastry B A wrong committed against a person or the person s property C A wrong committed against an animal D A criminal offense 33 You tell a co worker a false statement about your nurse You have committed A Slander B Libel C False imprisonment D Abuse 34 You observe another nursing assistant taking a picture of a resident You tell your supervisor because A This is abuse B This is a HIPAA violation C This is fraud D This is defamation
1 Read the code of conduct for nursing assistants Box 4 1 on p 31 in the textbook A List ways you might apply this code in a job setting al anter B Discuss the importance of this code with your classmates If you are asked to perform a task that you feel is unsafe how might you handle the request A What could you say B To whom will you talk to about your concerns 3 List any job functions that you are opposed to doing for moral or religious reasons How will you advise your employer of your concerns
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1 Read the code of conduct for nursing assistants Box 4 1 on p 31 in the textbook A List ways you might apply this code in a job setting al anter B Discuss the importance of this code with your classmates If you are asked to perform a task that you feel is unsafe how might you handle the request A What could you say B To whom will you talk to about your concerns 3 List any job functions that you are opposed to doing for moral or religious reasons How will you advise your employer of your concerns
Miss Mary Adams is a 52 year old woman She was admitted to the hospital 2 days ago with nausea vomiting and complaints of abdominal pain The nurse tells you in a report that Miss Adams is very anxious She also has some demanding behaviors Miss Adams has had her call light on three times in the past 30 minutes While walking by her room you overhear a co worker talking to Miss Adams in a loud voice The co worker tells Miss Adams I can t keep coming in here to straighten your linens I am very busy If you keep using your call light I will take it away I need to spend my time with patients who really need me Answer the following questions 1 Is your co worker s behavior toward Miss Adams a form of abuse Explain 2 What is your responsibility in this situatio 3 Whom should you notify about what you heard
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Miss Mary Adams is a 52 year old woman She was admitted to the hospital 2 days ago with nausea vomiting and complaints of abdominal pain The nurse tells you in a report that Miss Adams is very anxious She also has some demanding behaviors Miss Adams has had her call light on three times in the past 30 minutes While walking by her room you overhear a co worker talking to Miss Adams in a loud voice The co worker tells Miss Adams I can t keep coming in here to straighten your linens I am very busy If you keep using your call light I will take it away I need to spend my time with patients who really need me Answer the following questions 1 Is your co worker s behavior toward Miss Adams a form of abuse Explain 2 What is your responsibility in this situatio 3 Whom should you notify about what you heard
39 Signs of self neglect include which of the following A Wearing hearing aids B Weight gain C Signs of confusion D Going to the doctor as scheduled 0 Which is not a sign of elder abuse A Complaints of stiff and painful joints B Weight loss C Bleeding and bruising in the genital D Frequent injuries area
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39 Signs of self neglect include which of the following A Wearing hearing aids B Weight gain C Signs of confusion D Going to the doctor as scheduled 0 Which is not a sign of elder abuse A Complaints of stiff and painful joints B Weight loss C Bleeding and bruising in the genital D Frequent injuries area
13 Ethical behavior involves not being or 14 You overly share with a patient the problems you are having disciplining your teenager This is 15 False imprisonment involves A B C Accountability Act of protects the privacy and security of a person s health information Protected health information refers to A B 17 Failure to comply with HIPAA rules can result in
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13 Ethical behavior involves not being or 14 You overly share with a patient the problems you are having disciplining your teenager This is 15 False imprisonment involves A B C Accountability Act of protects the privacy and security of a person s health information Protected health information refers to A B 17 Failure to comply with HIPAA rules can result in
Read the nursing assistants standards A List ways you might apply these standards in a job setting B Discuss the importance of these standard with your classmates
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Read the nursing assistants standards A List ways you might apply these standards in a job setting B Discuss the importance of these standard with your classmates
Visit a nursing center and ask for a copy of the Residents Rights Compare it with the information in this chapter Was it the same Was it different 2 When you visit the nursing center ask if you could speak with the director of nursing If available ask the director of nursing how he or daily she ensures residents rights are met on basis Describe his or her answer below
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Visit a nursing center and ask for a copy of the Residents Rights Compare it with the information in this chapter Was it the same Was it different 2 When you visit the nursing center ask if you could speak with the director of nursing If available ask the director of nursing how he or daily she ensures residents rights are met on basis Describe his or her answer below
Regarding nursing assistant s 3 Do not take a job that requires you to A Issues B Salar
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Regarding nursing assistant s 3 Do not take a job that requires you to A Issues B Salar
from dementia She has been a resident at your facility for 5 years She does not have any family that visits her on a regular basis She has recently become combative and refuses to take baths She says that people are spying on her You have noticed other staff members keeping her in bed for long periods at a time and when she refuses a bath they move on to the next resident Mrs Jeffers is beginning to have an odor and today is bath day Answer the following questions 1 What is your next appropriate action ADDITIONAL LEARNING ACTIVITIES 1 Visit a nursing center and ask for a copy of the Residents Rights Compare it with the information in this chapter Was it the same Was OVEAUR 3HT 3 What could you do to help Mrs Jeffers feel more at ease about bathing 2 When you visit the nursing center ask if you could speak with the director of nursing If available ask the director of nursing how he or
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from dementia She has been a resident at your facility for 5 years She does not have any family that visits her on a regular basis She has recently become combative and refuses to take baths She says that people are spying on her You have noticed other staff members keeping her in bed for long periods at a time and when she refuses a bath they move on to the next resident Mrs Jeffers is beginning to have an odor and today is bath day Answer the following questions 1 What is your next appropriate action ADDITIONAL LEARNING ACTIVITIES 1 Visit a nursing center and ask for a copy of the Residents Rights Compare it with the information in this chapter Was it the same Was OVEAUR 3HT 3 What could you do to help Mrs Jeffers feel more at ease about bathing 2 When you visit the nursing center ask if you could speak with the director of nursing If available ask the director of nursing how he or
23 To successfully complete the competency evaluation how many attempts does OBRA allow you A Only one attempt B At least two attempts C At least three attempts D At least four attempts 24 The nursing assistant registry is A A skills evaluation B A list of rules and responsibilities for nursing assistants C An official listing of persons who have successfully completed an approved NATCEP D A procedure book 25 OBRA has requirements to ensure the competency of nursing assistants A For nursing assistants who have not worked for 24 months B Whenever a nursing assistant changes jobs C If a nursing assistant has a poor performance review D Whenever a nursing assistant is accused of abuse 26 Nursing assistants A Are an assistant to the nurse B Decide what should or should not be done for a person C Supervise other nursing assistants D Take telephone orders from the doctor 27 The nurse asks you to perform a task that is not your job description You should A Perform the task after the nurse shows you how B Refuse to perform the task and explain why C Ask a co worker to assist you with the task D Report the nurse to the administrator 28 The nurse asks you to apply an ankle brace to a patient s right ankle You do not understand the directions What should you do A Ask the patient to tell you how to apply the brace B Ask the nursing assistant who cared for the patient yesterday to show you how to apply the brace C Ask another nursing assistant to apply the brace D Explain to the nurse that you do not understand the instructions 29 You agree to perform a task You must do the following except A Complete the task safely B Ask for help when you are unsure C Report what you did and your observations to the nurse D Delegate the task to another nursing assistant if you are busy 30 You can refuse to perform a delegated task for the following reasons except A The task is not in your job description B You do not know how to use the equipment You do not want to perform the task because is unpleasant D The nurse s directions are unclear 31 Nursing assistants do not delegate A True B False 32 Which is not a standard for nursing assistants A Respecting the person s decision B Carrying out the directions and instructions the nurse if you have time C Functioning as a member of the health team D Keeping the person s information confiden 33 An RN asks you to perform a task beyond the legal limits of your role You agree to perform task Harm is caused Who is responsible A You and the RN B Only the RN C Only you D The entire nursing team 34 Sometimes refusing to follow the nurse s directions is your right and duty A True B False
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23 To successfully complete the competency evaluation how many attempts does OBRA allow you A Only one attempt B At least two attempts C At least three attempts D At least four attempts 24 The nursing assistant registry is A A skills evaluation B A list of rules and responsibilities for nursing assistants C An official listing of persons who have successfully completed an approved NATCEP D A procedure book 25 OBRA has requirements to ensure the competency of nursing assistants A For nursing assistants who have not worked for 24 months B Whenever a nursing assistant changes jobs C If a nursing assistant has a poor performance review D Whenever a nursing assistant is accused of abuse 26 Nursing assistants A Are an assistant to the nurse B Decide what should or should not be done for a person C Supervise other nursing assistants D Take telephone orders from the doctor 27 The nurse asks you to perform a task that is not your job description You should A Perform the task after the nurse shows you how B Refuse to perform the task and explain why C Ask a co worker to assist you with the task D Report the nurse to the administrator 28 The nurse asks you to apply an ankle brace to a patient s right ankle You do not understand the directions What should you do A Ask the patient to tell you how to apply the brace B Ask the nursing assistant who cared for the patient yesterday to show you how to apply the brace C Ask another nursing assistant to apply the brace D Explain to the nurse that you do not understand the instructions 29 You agree to perform a task You must do the following except A Complete the task safely B Ask for help when you are unsure C Report what you did and your observations to the nurse D Delegate the task to another nursing assistant if you are busy 30 You can refuse to perform a delegated task for the following reasons except A The task is not in your job description B You do not know how to use the equipment You do not want to perform the task because is unpleasant D The nurse s directions are unclear 31 Nursing assistants do not delegate A True B False 32 Which is not a standard for nursing assistants A Respecting the person s decision B Carrying out the directions and instructions the nurse if you have time C Functioning as a member of the health team D Keeping the person s information confiden 33 An RN asks you to perform a task beyond the legal limits of your role You agree to perform task Harm is caused Who is responsible A You and the RN B Only the RN C Only you D The entire nursing team 34 Sometimes refusing to follow the nurse s directions is your right and duty A True B False
Circle the BEST answer 22 Nursing center residents have the right to information This includes the following except the right to A See all of his or her records B Be fully informed of his or her total condition C Information about his or her doctor D Information about his or her roommate 23 If a person does not give consent or refuses treatment the treatment cannot be given A True B False 24 A resident received a letter from her daughter You know that the person cannot read You can open the letter without the person s consent A True B False
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Introduction to Physiology
Circle the BEST answer 22 Nursing center residents have the right to information This includes the following except the right to A See all of his or her records B Be fully informed of his or her total condition C Information about his or her doctor D Information about his or her roommate 23 If a person does not give consent or refuses treatment the treatment cannot be given A True B False 24 A resident received a letter from her daughter You know that the person cannot read You can open the letter without the person s consent A True B False
You work in a busy nursing center Today you are responsible for caring for 12 residents You have been able to keep up with all of your duties however the nurse is running behind on her day s task She has requested you to deliver Miss Jones s medications to her Miss Jones is alert and oriented She knows what medications she takes and is able to swallow them without difficulties 1 Is this a task within your role Explain ADDITIONAL LEARNING ACTIVITIES 1 Read the nursing assistants standards A List ways you might apply these standards in a job setting 2 How do you respor task to you 3 Do you need to report the nurse s request to anyone Explain B Discuss the importance of these standards with your classmates
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You work in a busy nursing center Today you are responsible for caring for 12 residents You have been able to keep up with all of your duties however the nurse is running behind on her day s task She has requested you to deliver Miss Jones s medications to her Miss Jones is alert and oriented She knows what medications she takes and is able to swallow them without difficulties 1 Is this a task within your role Explain ADDITIONAL LEARNING ACTIVITIES 1 Read the nursing assistants standards A List ways you might apply these standards in a job setting 2 How do you respor task to you 3 Do you need to report the nurse s request to anyone Explain B Discuss the importance of these standards with your classmates
13 Do not take a job that requires you to A B 14 List seven role limits for nursing assistants things a nursing assistant should never do A Pass meds C D E F G supervise Ignore Drain Tubs 15 RNs can delegate nursing tasks to 16 A nurse s delegation decisions must result in 17 Delegation is a process involving A assessment of needs B Communication c Guidance and assistance D follow up and feedback 18 During the communication step the nurse must provide clear and complete directions about the following The Nursing Assistant c When to report observations D What patient or residest Concerns to report at once Priorities for tusk B 1 What to do if the person 19 After completing a delegated task you must conclition changes or needs Report Your Finding to the nurse 20 The Five Rights of Delegation for nursing assistants is another way to view the delegation process List the Five Rights of Delegation A B C D E 21 Write the meanings of the following abbreviations A OBRA B NATCEP C NCSBN MULTIPLE CHOICE Circle the BEST answer 22 OBRA requires each state to have a nursing assistant training program How many hours of instruction does OBRA require wolete tack 0 16
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13 Do not take a job that requires you to A B 14 List seven role limits for nursing assistants things a nursing assistant should never do A Pass meds C D E F G supervise Ignore Drain Tubs 15 RNs can delegate nursing tasks to 16 A nurse s delegation decisions must result in 17 Delegation is a process involving A assessment of needs B Communication c Guidance and assistance D follow up and feedback 18 During the communication step the nurse must provide clear and complete directions about the following The Nursing Assistant c When to report observations D What patient or residest Concerns to report at once Priorities for tusk B 1 What to do if the person 19 After completing a delegated task you must conclition changes or needs Report Your Finding to the nurse 20 The Five Rights of Delegation for nursing assistants is another way to view the delegation process List the Five Rights of Delegation A B C D E 21 Write the meanings of the following abbreviations A OBRA B NATCEP C NCSBN MULTIPLE CHOICE Circle the BEST answer 22 OBRA requires each state to have a nursing assistant training program How many hours of instruction does OBRA require wolete tack 0 16
B How are residents informed of their rights 17 An is used to inform a person of his or her rights if the person speaks and understands a foreign language or communicates by sign language 18 Residents have the right to be free from abuse This includes 19 Involuntary seclusion involves A B C 12ad 20 A doctor s order is needed for restraint use Restraints are not used A For B To
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B How are residents informed of their rights 17 An is used to inform a person of his or her rights if the person speaks and understands a foreign language or communicates by sign language 18 Residents have the right to be free from abuse This includes 19 Involuntary seclusion involves A B C 12ad 20 A doctor s order is needed for restraint use Restraints are not used A For B To
Match each term with the correct definition 1 A 2 3 4 5 E To authorize or direct a nursing assistant to perform a nursing task To answer to one s self and others about his or her choices deci sions and actions A document that describes what the agency expects you to do Official recognition by a state that standards or requirements have been met Nursing care or a nursing function procedure skill or activity FILL IN THE BLANKS 6 a The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987 OBRA requires each state to have a nursing evalning and Compentency b It must be successfully completed by nursing assistants working in 7 The is an official listing of persons who have successfully completed a nursing assistant training and competency evaluation program 9 Agencies must provide educational programs for nursing assistants They must also evaluate their work What is the purpose of these requirements D Info about Findings of abuse neglect or dishonest 10 To protect persons from harm you must understand 8 What information about each nursing assistant is contained in the nursing assistant registry and A Full name maiden name an Married name B Identifying information c Date the competency evaluations Was Passed Delegate B Certification C Job description D Nursing task E Accountable A B C 11 Before you perform a nursing task you must make sure that A B C 12 The tells you what the agency expects you to do
Anatomy and Physiology
Match each term with the correct definition 1 A 2 3 4 5 E To authorize or direct a nursing assistant to perform a nursing task To answer to one s self and others about his or her choices deci sions and actions A document that describes what the agency expects you to do Official recognition by a state that standards or requirements have been met Nursing care or a nursing function procedure skill or activity FILL IN THE BLANKS 6 a The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987 OBRA requires each state to have a nursing evalning and Compentency b It must be successfully completed by nursing assistants working in 7 The is an official listing of persons who have successfully completed a nursing assistant training and competency evaluation program 9 Agencies must provide educational programs for nursing assistants They must also evaluate their work What is the purpose of these requirements D Info about Findings of abuse neglect or dishonest 10 To protect persons from harm you must understand 8 What information about each nursing assistant is contained in the nursing assistant registry and A Full name maiden name an Married name B Identifying information c Date the competency evaluations Was Passed Delegate B Certification C Job description D Nursing task E Accountable A B C 11 Before you perform a nursing task you must make sure that A B C 12 The tells you what the agency expects you to do
action promotes courteous and dignified care A Styling the person s hair the way you like it B Rearranging pictures in the person s room C Allowing the person to choose what clothing to wear D Doing everything for the person 26 Which action does not promote the person s privacy A Draping the person properly during care procedures B Knocking on the door before entering the person s room C Closing the bathroom door when the person uses the bathroom D Providing care with the room door open 27 Residents have the right to choose which activities they wish to attend A True B False 28 When residents and their families plan activities together this meets the resident s right to A Privacy B Freedom from restraint C Freedom from mistreatment D Participate in resident and family groups 29 The resident you are caring for has many old holiday decorations covering her nightstand If you throw away these items without her permission you are denying her right to A Privacy B Work C Keep and use personal items D Freedom from abuse 30 A staff member tells a resident that he cannot leave his room because he talks too much This action denies the resident A Freedom from abuse mistreatment and neglect involuntary seclusion B Freedom from restraint C Care and security of personal possessions D Personal choice 31 When a resident is given certain drugs that affect his mood behavior or mental function it may deny his right to A Privacy B Personal choice C Freedom from restraint D Freedom from abuse mistreatment and neglect 32 Which statement about restraints is correct A Restraints are always used when patients and residents are confused B To keep them safe all older patients and residents are restrained at night C Restraints are always used for persons at risk for falling
Anatomy and Physiology
action promotes courteous and dignified care A Styling the person s hair the way you like it B Rearranging pictures in the person s room C Allowing the person to choose what clothing to wear D Doing everything for the person 26 Which action does not promote the person s privacy A Draping the person properly during care procedures B Knocking on the door before entering the person s room C Closing the bathroom door when the person uses the bathroom D Providing care with the room door open 27 Residents have the right to choose which activities they wish to attend A True B False 28 When residents and their families plan activities together this meets the resident s right to A Privacy B Freedom from restraint C Freedom from mistreatment D Participate in resident and family groups 29 The resident you are caring for has many old holiday decorations covering her nightstand If you throw away these items without her permission you are denying her right to A Privacy B Work C Keep and use personal items D Freedom from abuse 30 A staff member tells a resident that he cannot leave his room because he talks too much This action denies the resident A Freedom from abuse mistreatment and neglect involuntary seclusion B Freedom from restraint C Care and security of personal possessions D Personal choice 31 When a resident is given certain drugs that affect his mood behavior or mental function it may deny his right to A Privacy B Personal choice C Freedom from restraint D Freedom from abuse mistreatment and neglect 32 Which statement about restraints is correct A Restraints are always used when patients and residents are confused B To keep them safe all older patients and residents are restrained at night C Restraints are always used for persons at risk for falling
1 Search for the information online List the hospitals nursing centers and assisted living residences ALRs in your community If the services provided are identified list them 2 Collect brochures from the hospitals nursing centers and ALRs in your community Compare the content A What services are provided B Are hospice services available C Is Alzheimer disease and dementia care available D nursing center or ALR is provided spital 3 Look at your health insurance policy A Do you know which services are covered and which are not B Does your policy limit where you can go for health care Explain
Anatomy and Physiology
1 Search for the information online List the hospitals nursing centers and assisted living residences ALRs in your community If the services provided are identified list them 2 Collect brochures from the hospitals nursing centers and ALRs in your community Compare the content A What services are provided B Are hospice services available C Is Alzheimer disease and dementia care available D nursing center or ALR is provided spital 3 Look at your health insurance policy A Do you know which services are covered and which are not B Does your policy limit where you can go for health care Explain
MATCHING Match each term with the correct definition 1 3 4 5 2 7 8 9 10 11 Match the action to promote dignity and privacy with the example You may use each answer more than once 6 13 14 12 Someone who supports or promotes the A Involuntary seclusion needs and interests of another person B Ombudsman The care provided to maintain or C Representative D Treatment E Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987 OBRA restore health improve function or relieve symptoms Separating a person from others against his or her will keeping the person in a certain area or keeping the person away from his or her room without consent A person with the legal right to act on the patient s or resident s behalf when he or she cannot do so for himself or herself A federal law requiring that nursing centers provide care in a manner and in a setting that maintains or improves each person s quality of life health and safety You gain the person s attention before giving care You close the door when the person asks for privacy You take the resident to his or her weekly card game You cover the resident with a blanket during a bath You show interest when a resident tells stories about his or her past You file fingernails and apply polish as the resident requests You make sure the resident is wearing his or her dentures when he or she goes to the dining room You allow the resident to smoke in a designated area You open containers and arrange food A Courteous and dignified interaction B Courteous and dignified care C Privacy and self determination D Personal choice and independence
Anatomy and Physiology
MATCHING Match each term with the correct definition 1 3 4 5 2 7 8 9 10 11 Match the action to promote dignity and privacy with the example You may use each answer more than once 6 13 14 12 Someone who supports or promotes the A Involuntary seclusion needs and interests of another person B Ombudsman The care provided to maintain or C Representative D Treatment E Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987 OBRA restore health improve function or relieve symptoms Separating a person from others against his or her will keeping the person in a certain area or keeping the person away from his or her room without consent A person with the legal right to act on the patient s or resident s behalf when he or she cannot do so for himself or herself A federal law requiring that nursing centers provide care in a manner and in a setting that maintains or improves each person s quality of life health and safety You gain the person s attention before giving care You close the door when the person asks for privacy You take the resident to his or her weekly card game You cover the resident with a blanket during a bath You show interest when a resident tells stories about his or her past You file fingernails and apply polish as the resident requests You make sure the resident is wearing his or her dentures when he or she goes to the dining room You allow the resident to smoke in a designated area You open containers and arrange food A Courteous and dignified interaction B Courteous and dignified care C Privacy and self determination D Personal choice and independence
Describe common skeletal medical procedures drugs and su ESSOIT 5 Tredicar edures Drugs and rgical Procedures edical Procedures edical Procedures Drugs rgical Procedures Visualization of the inside of a joint Total replacement of the knee or hip joint Metal pins are inserted into a bone from Using bone chips to repair a fracture
Anatomy and Physiology
Describe common skeletal medical procedures drugs and su ESSOIT 5 Tredicar edures Drugs and rgical Procedures edical Procedures edical Procedures Drugs rgical Procedures Visualization of the inside of a joint Total replacement of the knee or hip joint Metal pins are inserted into a bone from Using bone chips to repair a fracture
George Jansen is a 66 year old man who had surgery to repair a fractured right hip His wife died 2 years ago His son lives in the same city The son is married and has a 16 year old daughter Mr Jansen s son and daughter in law work full time Mr Jansen lives alone and works part time as a school janitor This is his third day in the hospital It is his second day after surgery He has Medicare Part A and Part B Mr Jansen s doctor told him this morning that he is ready for discharge from the hospital However he will need more rehabilitation The case manager is helping Mr Jansen with the discharge plans Answer the following questions 1 Is Mr Jansen s condition acute chronic or terminal Explain 2 What care and services might Mr Jansen need when he is discharged from the hospital 3 Which health team members might be involved in Mr Jansen s care 4 Which health care agencies might be involved in meeting Mr Jansen s needs 5 How might Mr Jansen pay for his care
Anatomy and Physiology
George Jansen is a 66 year old man who had surgery to repair a fractured right hip His wife died 2 years ago His son lives in the same city The son is married and has a 16 year old daughter Mr Jansen s son and daughter in law work full time Mr Jansen lives alone and works part time as a school janitor This is his third day in the hospital It is his second day after surgery He has Medicare Part A and Part B Mr Jansen s doctor told him this morning that he is ready for discharge from the hospital However he will need more rehabilitation The case manager is helping Mr Jansen with the discharge plans Answer the following questions 1 Is Mr Jansen s condition acute chronic or terminal Explain 2 What care and services might Mr Jansen need when he is discharged from the hospital 3 Which health team members might be involved in Mr Jansen s care 4 Which health care agencies might be involved in meeting Mr Jansen s needs 5 How might Mr Jansen pay for his care
24 In agencies department directors report to
Anatomy and Physiology
24 In agencies department directors report to
21 Persons who live in long term care centers are called 22 Nursing centers are designed to meet the needs of persons who are discharged from the hospital but need care until they are able to go home Describe the following types of persons cared for in the nursing centers A Confused and disoriented persons B Short term residents C Persons needing respite care 23 A hospital has a governing body called the 24 In agencies department directors report to 25 The health team involves many health care workers whose skills and knowledge focus on 26 You are concerned about the care a team member is providing a patient on your shift Which health team member should you tell 27 Which health team member is responsible for the entire nursing staff and the care given 28 Nursing education staff are responsible for A B C D E F 29 Describe primary nursing 30 is a federal health insurance program for persons 65 years of age or older 31 Write the meanings of the following abbreviations A LPN B ALR C RN D DON E LVN 32 A patient is having difficulty in swallowing Which health team member evaluates the swallowing disorders 33 A resident cannot hold on to his fork when he tries to eat Which health team member evaluates the problem and designs eating utensils to help the person eat independently
Anatomy and Physiology
21 Persons who live in long term care centers are called 22 Nursing centers are designed to meet the needs of persons who are discharged from the hospital but need care until they are able to go home Describe the following types of persons cared for in the nursing centers A Confused and disoriented persons B Short term residents C Persons needing respite care 23 A hospital has a governing body called the 24 In agencies department directors report to 25 The health team involves many health care workers whose skills and knowledge focus on 26 You are concerned about the care a team member is providing a patient on your shift Which health team member should you tell 27 Which health team member is responsible for the entire nursing staff and the care given 28 Nursing education staff are responsible for A B C D E F 29 Describe primary nursing 30 is a federal health insurance program for persons 65 years of age or older 31 Write the meanings of the following abbreviations A LPN B ALR C RN D DON E LVN 32 A patient is having difficulty in swallowing Which health team member evaluates the swallowing disorders 33 A resident cannot hold on to his fork when he tries to eat Which health team member evaluates the problem and designs eating utensils to help the person eat independently
7 The nursing assistant s role in the survey process includes A Talking on the phone while working B Arguing with fellow co workers C Having a good work ethic by arriving to work on time D Leaving for break without permission
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
7 The nursing assistant s role in the survey process includes A Talking on the phone while working B Arguing with fellow co workers C Having a good work ethic by arriving to work on time D Leaving for break without permission
23 A hospital has a governing body called the
Anatomy and Physiology
23 A hospital has a governing body called the
21 Persons who live in long term care centers are called
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
21 Persons who live in long term care centers are called
6 Medicare A Is a health insurance plan sponsored by the federal government B Is a nursing care pattern C Deals with health care delivery and payment D Is required by OBRA
Anatomy and Physiology
6 Medicare A Is a health insurance plan sponsored by the federal government B Is a nursing care pattern C Deals with health care delivery and payment D Is required by OBRA
ircle the BEST answer 4 Team nursing A Focuses on tasks and jobs B Involves a team of nursing staff RNS LPNs LVNS and nursing assistants C Involves a primary nurse who is responsible for the resident s total care D Involves a case manager who coordinates the
Anatomy and Physiology
ircle the BEST answer 4 Team nursing A Focuses on tasks and jobs B Involves a team of nursing staff RNS LPNs LVNS and nursing assistants C Involves a primary nurse who is responsible for the resident s total care D Involves a case manager who coordinates the
5 Which is a health care payment program jointly funded by the federal government and the states A Private insurance B Medicaid C Medicare D Prospective payment
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
5 Which is a health care payment program jointly funded by the federal government and the states A Private insurance B Medicaid C Medicare D Prospective payment
19 Hospitals and long term care centers provide health care services is the focus of care 20 Define the following terms A Acute illness B Chronic illness C Terminal illness
Anatomy and Physiology
19 Hospitals and long term care centers provide health care services is the focus of care 20 Define the following terms A Acute illness B Chronic illness C Terminal illness
A blood test for an autoimmune disease of the joints A nuclear medicine procedure to find problem areas in Procedure to determine bone density Procedure for diagnosing fractures X ray CT or MRI follows injection of contrast dye into a
Anatomy and Physiology
A blood test for an autoimmune disease of the joints A nuclear medicine procedure to find problem areas in Procedure to determine bone density Procedure for diagnosing fractures X ray CT or MRI follows injection of contrast dye into a
LI the skeletal system Breaks down old and damaged bone Regulates the level of calcium in the blood The process of making new bone The process of replacing cartilage with bone Forms new bone tissue Monitors the mineral content of the bone
Anatomy and Physiology
LI the skeletal system Breaks down old and damaged bone Regulates the level of calcium in the blood The process of making new bone The process of replacing cartilage with bone Forms new bone tissue Monitors the mineral content of the bone
This type of rock is the result of volcanic activity
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
This type of rock is the result of volcanic activity
Describe how nanomaterials might affect your own life in the near future Consider the consumer products you use and your role in healthcare as you answer
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Describe how nanomaterials might affect your own life in the near future Consider the consumer products you use and your role in healthcare as you answer
1 2 3 1 2 3 4 2 6 5 6 A rare genetic disease has been discovered in this family Individuals affected by this condition are indicated by a shaded symbol a Determine the mode of inheritance Explain your reasoning 2 marks b What are the chances that the III 6 male is homozygote 1 mark c If individual III 5 and III 6 have another child what are the chances that the child will be afflicted 1 mark
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
1 2 3 1 2 3 4 2 6 5 6 A rare genetic disease has been discovered in this family Individuals affected by this condition are indicated by a shaded symbol a Determine the mode of inheritance Explain your reasoning 2 marks b What are the chances that the III 6 male is homozygote 1 mark c If individual III 5 and III 6 have another child what are the chances that the child will be afflicted 1 mark
We can calculate the range for which types of variables Nominal Ordinal Interval Ratio
Anatomy and Physiology
We can calculate the range for which types of variables Nominal Ordinal Interval Ratio