Anatomy and Physiology Questions

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200 po ood g 00 00 000 Identify the highlighted cell Submit Request Answer boo 000 000 00 PO 8800000 0800 08
Anatomy and Physiology
200 po ood g 00 00 000 Identify the highlighted cell Submit Request Answer boo 000 000 00 PO 8800000 0800 08
Which instrumental family has been most represented throughout the orchestra through the ages ie which instrumental fam O Percussion Family Brass Family Woodwind Family OString Family
Anatomy and Physiology
Which instrumental family has been most represented throughout the orchestra through the ages ie which instrumental fam O Percussion Family Brass Family Woodwind Family OString Family
Please answer one 1 of the questions below in sentence format in your own words 1 In your opinion what was the most important contribution that Canada made to the Allied victory in World War Two Your answer can either be a specific battle or another contribution Canada made to the overall war effort NV 2 In your opinion which was the most important front or theatre of fighting in World War Two for Canada Give at least two reasons for your answer You can compare your choice to other fronts of the Second World War if you like 3 In your opinion did Canada come out of World War Two a stronger and hore independent nation than before Give at least two reasons for your response As well as the material covered in class and the group project the following resources may help you with your response Canadian Military History WW2 Major battles and campaigns of WW2 Canada Response
Anatomy and Physiology
Please answer one 1 of the questions below in sentence format in your own words 1 In your opinion what was the most important contribution that Canada made to the Allied victory in World War Two Your answer can either be a specific battle or another contribution Canada made to the overall war effort NV 2 In your opinion which was the most important front or theatre of fighting in World War Two for Canada Give at least two reasons for your answer You can compare your choice to other fronts of the Second World War if you like 3 In your opinion did Canada come out of World War Two a stronger and hore independent nation than before Give at least two reasons for your response As well as the material covered in class and the group project the following resources may help you with your response Canadian Military History WW2 Major battles and campaigns of WW2 Canada Response
Let s begin with an overview of the formed elements View Available Hint s platelet the blood Choose the correct name of each of the cells below neutrophil eosinophil lymphocyte erythrocyte basophil monocyte Rese
Anatomy and Physiology
Let s begin with an overview of the formed elements View Available Hint s platelet the blood Choose the correct name of each of the cells below neutrophil eosinophil lymphocyte erythrocyte basophil monocyte Rese
Study the anti smoking poster created by the US Department of Health and Human Services in 1998 You have enough smarts to rebuild an engine Fer And you re still smoking Which statement best explains how the elements in the photograph add to the message The use of black and white instead of color provides a sense of nostalgia suggesting that things were better in the past The image of a car part in one of the young man s hands and a cigarette in the other shows the contrast between being smart and foolish The car parts spread throughout the room create a sense of chaos that the message builds on to show the effects of smoking The light hanging from the ceiling indicates a sense of hope that the young man will continue on his path in a healthy way
Anatomy and Physiology
Study the anti smoking poster created by the US Department of Health and Human Services in 1998 You have enough smarts to rebuild an engine Fer And you re still smoking Which statement best explains how the elements in the photograph add to the message The use of black and white instead of color provides a sense of nostalgia suggesting that things were better in the past The image of a car part in one of the young man s hands and a cigarette in the other shows the contrast between being smart and foolish The car parts spread throughout the room create a sense of chaos that the message builds on to show the effects of smoking The light hanging from the ceiling indicates a sense of hope that the young man will continue on his path in a healthy way
Which of these details is NOT a characteristic of propaganda uses persuasive language and images promotes a specific ideology or belief omits negative details relevant to the belief
Anatomy and Physiology
Which of these details is NOT a characteristic of propaganda uses persuasive language and images promotes a specific ideology or belief omits negative details relevant to the belief
Read the slogan for Ronald Reagan s presidential campaign of 1984 It s morning again in America What is most likely the primary message intended by this slogan Since polling places generally open in the morning the slogan attempts to associate Reagan with voting Since the morning often has a positive connotation the slogan implies a new day filled with optimism Since Americans often start their day with the morning news the slogan symbolizes good news that may come at that time Since the word again is used after morning the slogan refers to previous presidents slogans that included the word morning
Anatomy and Physiology
Read the slogan for Ronald Reagan s presidential campaign of 1984 It s morning again in America What is most likely the primary message intended by this slogan Since polling places generally open in the morning the slogan attempts to associate Reagan with voting Since the morning often has a positive connotation the slogan implies a new day filled with optimism Since Americans often start their day with the morning news the slogan symbolizes good news that may come at that time Since the word again is used after morning the slogan refers to previous presidents slogans that included the word morning
Study the poster created by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to promote handwashing Spreading germs is OUT Handwashing is IN 0 2 Handwashing is one of the most important things we can do to avoid getting sick and spreading germs to others O avandang How does the poster best demonstrate the use of the bandwagon technique The group of people displayed demonstrates that everyone is at risk for illness The use of the pronoun we in the bottom text indicates that everyone is involved The arrangement of the images links the people as if they are a part of one community The phrase Handwashing is IN means that it is in fashion and a trend for people to wash their hands
Anatomy and Physiology
Study the poster created by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to promote handwashing Spreading germs is OUT Handwashing is IN 0 2 Handwashing is one of the most important things we can do to avoid getting sick and spreading germs to others O avandang How does the poster best demonstrate the use of the bandwagon technique The group of people displayed demonstrates that everyone is at risk for illness The use of the pronoun we in the bottom text indicates that everyone is involved The arrangement of the images links the people as if they are a part of one community The phrase Handwashing is IN means that it is in fashion and a trend for people to wash their hands
Why might a wealthy politician choose the plain folks technique in a campaign advertiseme to show that the candidate s relatives have no government affiliations to prove that the candidate is educationally qualified to connect with non affluent people who will be voting in the election to entice rich investors to contribute to the campaign
Anatomy and Physiology
Why might a wealthy politician choose the plain folks technique in a campaign advertiseme to show that the candidate s relatives have no government affiliations to prove that the candidate is educationally qualified to connect with non affluent people who will be voting in the election to entice rich investors to contribute to the campaign
a 1 5 2 page double spaced essay response to the question below You may compose your response directly in the text editor of processor and then copy paste into the text editor tion How did military success alter Roman society and contribute to the political unrest that culminated in the fall of the republic
Anatomy and Physiology
a 1 5 2 page double spaced essay response to the question below You may compose your response directly in the text editor of processor and then copy paste into the text editor tion How did military success alter Roman society and contribute to the political unrest that culminated in the fall of the republic
A rough sketch need NOT include a Sketch of the suspect s Compass heading designating north Date location and time of the incident Location of all recovered physical evidence
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
A rough sketch need NOT include a Sketch of the suspect s Compass heading designating north Date location and time of the incident Location of all recovered physical evidence
lacrimal Skull Anato Label the Ribs D B E F M 10000 food photog in K H I
Anatomy and Physiology
lacrimal Skull Anato Label the Ribs D B E F M 10000 food photog in K H I
12 The graph below shows the unemployment rate in the 1930 and 1945 30 25 20 15 10 5 U S Unemployment Rate 1930 1945 0 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 States between Based on the graph what conclusion can be made about government policies in the 1930s A President Hoover s policies were more effective than the New Deal in dealing with the Depression B By 1938 the New Deal had successfully brought unemployment back down to pre Depression levels C New Deal policies failed to improve the economy because of the interference of the Supreme Court D Despite Roosevelt s New Deal policies the unemployment rate remained high throughout the 1930s
Anatomy and Physiology
12 The graph below shows the unemployment rate in the 1930 and 1945 30 25 20 15 10 5 U S Unemployment Rate 1930 1945 0 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 States between Based on the graph what conclusion can be made about government policies in the 1930s A President Hoover s policies were more effective than the New Deal in dealing with the Depression B By 1938 the New Deal had successfully brought unemployment back down to pre Depression levels C New Deal policies failed to improve the economy because of the interference of the Supreme Court D Despite Roosevelt s New Deal policies the unemployment rate remained high throughout the 1930s
12 A 5 11 WAS SIX TICES 8 9 How did popular attitudes towards the federal government shift during the Great Depression A Public opinion turned against new federal programs because of increased taxes B People concluded that state governments were better at promoting economic growth C Voters grew distrustful of the federal government because they felt it favored the wealthy D Americans came to expect the federal government to help them solve their economic problems The political cartoon on the left depicts President Franklin Roosevelt in 1937 Based on the cartoon what was the reaction to President Roosevelt s court packing plan A The public wanted President Roosevelt to act more quickly to save New Deal programs B Congress handed Roosevelt his first major defeat by upholding the separation of powers C A majority of Americans agreed that several of the Supreme Court Justices were too old D Most Americans agreed with the Supreme Court that the NRA and AAA were unconstitutional
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
12 A 5 11 WAS SIX TICES 8 9 How did popular attitudes towards the federal government shift during the Great Depression A Public opinion turned against new federal programs because of increased taxes B People concluded that state governments were better at promoting economic growth C Voters grew distrustful of the federal government because they felt it favored the wealthy D Americans came to expect the federal government to help them solve their economic problems The political cartoon on the left depicts President Franklin Roosevelt in 1937 Based on the cartoon what was the reaction to President Roosevelt s court packing plan A The public wanted President Roosevelt to act more quickly to save New Deal programs B Congress handed Roosevelt his first major defeat by upholding the separation of powers C A majority of Americans agreed that several of the Supreme Court Justices were too old D Most Americans agreed with the Supreme Court that the NRA and AAA were unconstitutional
It took the Great Depression and the New Deal to create the Florida State Park System One of the New Deal s work programs was responsible for Constructing facilities in all eight original state parks 11 Constructing dams for flood control reforestation and landscaping Excavating sediment from caverns and establishing tourist routes for visitors Fighting wildfires and creating wildfire breaks Which New Deal program was responsible for these accomplishments A The National Park Service B The Civilian Conservation Corps C The National Geographic Service D The Florida Keys and Beach Preservation Act H What was one effect of the dust storms across the Great Plains in the 1930s A growth of the banking industry from farm loans B suspension of government assistance to farmers C increase in farm production on the Great Plains D migration of many to California and other states
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
It took the Great Depression and the New Deal to create the Florida State Park System One of the New Deal s work programs was responsible for Constructing facilities in all eight original state parks 11 Constructing dams for flood control reforestation and landscaping Excavating sediment from caverns and establishing tourist routes for visitors Fighting wildfires and creating wildfire breaks Which New Deal program was responsible for these accomplishments A The National Park Service B The Civilian Conservation Corps C The National Geographic Service D The Florida Keys and Beach Preservation Act H What was one effect of the dust storms across the Great Plains in the 1930s A growth of the banking industry from farm loans B suspension of government assistance to farmers C increase in farm production on the Great Plains D migration of many to California and other states
5 The excerpt below is from President Franklin D Roosevelts Address in 1933 ugural I shall ask the Congress for the one remaining instrument to meet the crisis broad power to wage a war against the emergency as great as the power that would be given to me if we were in fact invaded by a foreign foe Based on this excerpt what could be inferred about the direction that Roosevelt planned to take the executive branch of the federal government A He planned to increase its size and power to deal with the Depression B He planned to maintain its size in relationship to the other two branches C He planned to look to Congress for most of his ideas for ending the Depression D He planned to reduce its size to give greater power to state and local governments
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
5 The excerpt below is from President Franklin D Roosevelts Address in 1933 ugural I shall ask the Congress for the one remaining instrument to meet the crisis broad power to wage a war against the emergency as great as the power that would be given to me if we were in fact invaded by a foreign foe Based on this excerpt what could be inferred about the direction that Roosevelt planned to take the executive branch of the federal government A He planned to increase its size and power to deal with the Depression B He planned to maintain its size in relationship to the other two branches C He planned to look to Congress for most of his ideas for ending the Depression D He planned to reduce its size to give greater power to state and local governments
4 How did the plans of Presidents Herbert Hoover and Franklin D Roosevelt compare for dealing with the Great Depression A Hoover gave emergency loans to banks and businesses while Roosevelt opposed such programs B Both Presidents believed the federal government should provide direct payments to the unemployed C Hoover increased federal spending on public works projects like Hoover Dam while Roosevelt opposed such projects D Roosevelt proposed that the federal government provide direct employment to the needy while Hoover relied more on local government and private charities
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
4 How did the plans of Presidents Herbert Hoover and Franklin D Roosevelt compare for dealing with the Great Depression A Hoover gave emergency loans to banks and businesses while Roosevelt opposed such programs B Both Presidents believed the federal government should provide direct payments to the unemployed C Hoover increased federal spending on public works projects like Hoover Dam while Roosevelt opposed such projects D Roosevelt proposed that the federal government provide direct employment to the needy while Hoover relied more on local government and private charities
Which is NOT a powerful force of observational learning A Environment C Instinct B Abuse D TV
Anatomy and Physiology
Which is NOT a powerful force of observational learning A Environment C Instinct B Abuse D TV
1 The diagram below provides details about the Great Depression Speculation on the Stock Market High Tariffs Restrict International Trade Uneven Distribution of Income Causes of the Depression Which phrase completes the diagram A War in Europe B Agricultural Drought C Overproduction of Goods D Introduction of New Technologies
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
1 The diagram below provides details about the Great Depression Speculation on the Stock Market High Tariffs Restrict International Trade Uneven Distribution of Income Causes of the Depression Which phrase completes the diagram A War in Europe B Agricultural Drought C Overproduction of Goods D Introduction of New Technologies
Which sentence below combines these sentences using an appositive phrase that has been punctuated correctly A A new technology a temperature controlled mug can keep hot drinks hot remotely from a cell phone B A new technology a temperature controlled mug can keep hot drinks hot remotely from a cell phone C A new technology a temperature controlled mug can keep hot drinks hot
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Which sentence below combines these sentences using an appositive phrase that has been punctuated correctly A A new technology a temperature controlled mug can keep hot drinks hot remotely from a cell phone B A new technology a temperature controlled mug can keep hot drinks hot remotely from a cell phone C A new technology a temperature controlled mug can keep hot drinks hot
For the following argument specify the premises and the conclusion David took the money from petty cash despite the fact that he had plenty of money in his pocket People shouldn t stea unless they are destitute It was wrong of David to steal that money
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
For the following argument specify the premises and the conclusion David took the money from petty cash despite the fact that he had plenty of money in his pocket People shouldn t stea unless they are destitute It was wrong of David to steal that money
The following recommendations most likely led to the passage of which New 1 poim Deal Program At this time I recommend the following types of legislation looking to economic security 1 Unemployment compensation 2 Old age benefits including compulsory and voluntary annuities 3 Federal aid to dependent children through grants to States for the support of existing mothers pension systems and for services for the protection and care of homeless neglected dependent and crippled children The NRA The CCC Social Security All of these
Anatomy and Physiology
The following recommendations most likely led to the passage of which New 1 poim Deal Program At this time I recommend the following types of legislation looking to economic security 1 Unemployment compensation 2 Old age benefits including compulsory and voluntary annuities 3 Federal aid to dependent children through grants to States for the support of existing mothers pension systems and for services for the protection and care of homeless neglected dependent and crippled children The NRA The CCC Social Security All of these
John Maynard Keynes would have argued for which of the following policies Letting states assume responsibility for the welfare of the people Spending very little money at the federal level as to control inflation Spending lots of money at the federal level to create jobs O None of these
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
John Maynard Keynes would have argued for which of the following policies Letting states assume responsibility for the welfare of the people Spending very little money at the federal level as to control inflation Spending lots of money at the federal level to create jobs O None of these
Which explains how the NRA helped to end the Great Depression 1 point The National Recovery Act helped working class Americans by establishing a minimum wage This raised the take home pay of a majority of Americans which allowed them to spend more money in the economy O The National Recovery Act helped working class Americans by Building Bridges and improving infrastructure in the US This required the Federal Government to hire Americans which were out of work The Federal government then paid these workers a wage allowing them to spend more money in the economy The NRA put faith back into the banking industry by insuring bank accounts up to 5 000 dollars This encouraged citizens to put their money back into the banks allowing the banks in turn to make loans to individuals in society which kept money flowing through the economy O None of these
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Which explains how the NRA helped to end the Great Depression 1 point The National Recovery Act helped working class Americans by establishing a minimum wage This raised the take home pay of a majority of Americans which allowed them to spend more money in the economy O The National Recovery Act helped working class Americans by Building Bridges and improving infrastructure in the US This required the Federal Government to hire Americans which were out of work The Federal government then paid these workers a wage allowing them to spend more money in the economy The NRA put faith back into the banking industry by insuring bank accounts up to 5 000 dollars This encouraged citizens to put their money back into the banks allowing the banks in turn to make loans to individuals in society which kept money flowing through the economy O None of these
7 Draw Conclusions Why did it take such a long time for the United States to respond to reports of death camps
Anatomy and Physiology
7 Draw Conclusions Why did it take such a long time for the United States to respond to reports of death camps
1 Identify Cause and Effect As you read Japan Attacks the United States use this graphic organizer to record the causes and effects of the attack o Pearl Harbor Causes Attack on Pearl Harbor Effects
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
1 Identify Cause and Effect As you read Japan Attacks the United States use this graphic organizer to record the causes and effects of the attack o Pearl Harbor Causes Attack on Pearl Harbor Effects
The auto industry is one of the largest and most influential markets in the economy There are some interesting trends in the industry that are worth discussing 1 The shift to the electric EVS and connected cars is prominent with manufacturing and sales predicted to increase each year A new type of vehicles called Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles FCEV has emerged and is anticipated to gain popularity as more hydrogen refueling stations open These are the vehicles that don t rely on battery and instead get power from a fuel cell stack that is fed hydrogen and oxygen to create electricity through a chemical reaction And then there are autonomous vehicles 2 Most people still prefer to travel by car 3 Prices are rising Between 2021 and 2022 the car prices rose by about 20 4 Purchases shift online 5 Luxury car brands like Lamborghini and Tesla see growth Please discuss the supply and demand changes in the market for cars In your evaluation think of the EVS FCEVS autonomous and connected cars their production sales and the future What are the factors that contribute to high vehicle prices this year Would
Anatomy and Physiology
The auto industry is one of the largest and most influential markets in the economy There are some interesting trends in the industry that are worth discussing 1 The shift to the electric EVS and connected cars is prominent with manufacturing and sales predicted to increase each year A new type of vehicles called Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles FCEV has emerged and is anticipated to gain popularity as more hydrogen refueling stations open These are the vehicles that don t rely on battery and instead get power from a fuel cell stack that is fed hydrogen and oxygen to create electricity through a chemical reaction And then there are autonomous vehicles 2 Most people still prefer to travel by car 3 Prices are rising Between 2021 and 2022 the car prices rose by about 20 4 Purchases shift online 5 Luxury car brands like Lamborghini and Tesla see growth Please discuss the supply and demand changes in the market for cars In your evaluation think of the EVS FCEVS autonomous and connected cars their production sales and the future What are the factors that contribute to high vehicle prices this year Would
On average Americans work 350 hours nearly one year more every five years Europeans on the other hand enjoy about ten years more free time during their work life than do their American counterparts In Europe workers receive an average six weeks of paid vacation while American average is about two weeks Each year more and more Americans get no vacation at all Working long hours is causing the premature death of hundreds of thousands of people worldwide The WHO study revealed that people who work at least 55 hours a week have a 42 per cent increased risk of stroke and a 19 per cent increased chance of heart disease Researchers analyzed data from workforces in 154 countries Overall workweeks became longer female work participation rate have increased and vacation times have shortened Employers argue that this is the result of increases in hiring costs training costs or employee health insurance costs In your opinion is this the result of voluntary worker choice or is it a decision imposed on workers by their employers or both What about productivity How do we make employees work harder without making them work longer Big companies such as Google Facebook Huffington Post and National Wide Planning all started to encourage their employees to take a mid day snooze for about 20 minutes They have even invested in energy pods which are unique chairs designed for power naps allowing employees to recline and block out sights and sounds from the environment around them Companies are recognizing the power of short naps between 1 and 4 p m Employees admit that when they have a quick rest they re able to approach the afternoon with greater force increasing overall productivity Do you support the idea of more companies offering power naps What professions or fields
Anatomy and Physiology
On average Americans work 350 hours nearly one year more every five years Europeans on the other hand enjoy about ten years more free time during their work life than do their American counterparts In Europe workers receive an average six weeks of paid vacation while American average is about two weeks Each year more and more Americans get no vacation at all Working long hours is causing the premature death of hundreds of thousands of people worldwide The WHO study revealed that people who work at least 55 hours a week have a 42 per cent increased risk of stroke and a 19 per cent increased chance of heart disease Researchers analyzed data from workforces in 154 countries Overall workweeks became longer female work participation rate have increased and vacation times have shortened Employers argue that this is the result of increases in hiring costs training costs or employee health insurance costs In your opinion is this the result of voluntary worker choice or is it a decision imposed on workers by their employers or both What about productivity How do we make employees work harder without making them work longer Big companies such as Google Facebook Huffington Post and National Wide Planning all started to encourage their employees to take a mid day snooze for about 20 minutes They have even invested in energy pods which are unique chairs designed for power naps allowing employees to recline and block out sights and sounds from the environment around them Companies are recognizing the power of short naps between 1 and 4 p m Employees admit that when they have a quick rest they re able to approach the afternoon with greater force increasing overall productivity Do you support the idea of more companies offering power naps What professions or fields
Mr Jones weighs 80 kg and is prescribed gentamicin for a severe urinary tract infection The gentamicin is to be given at 5 mg kg per hour It is available as a 100 mg 2mL intravenous solution Calculate a suitable infusion rate mL h to administer the gentamicin to Mr Jones to 2 significant figures
Anatomy and Physiology
Kidney and Urinary Tract
Mr Jones weighs 80 kg and is prescribed gentamicin for a severe urinary tract infection The gentamicin is to be given at 5 mg kg per hour It is available as a 100 mg 2mL intravenous solution Calculate a suitable infusion rate mL h to administer the gentamicin to Mr Jones to 2 significant figures
Visually the human brain can make adjustments to A environmental cues B circumstances C experiences
Anatomy and Physiology
Visually the human brain can make adjustments to A environmental cues B circumstances C experiences
midnight of the last day of the unit for full credit While you can be supportive of your peers by saying I agree or Wow I never thought of that these statements alone are not sufficient you must explain why Any posts made after the last day of the unit wil not be considered for a grade Answer the question s below Rosa Gutierrez was just seen by Dr Bahjat Her laboratory tests have come back and she has been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes She is a Mexican immigrant who has lived in the United States for the past 31 years She is very worried about how the disease will affect her life 1 1 One of the laboratory tests performed was an FBS fasting blood sugar ordered by Dr Bahjat Give an example of an abnormal FBS that could be concerning for Dr Bahjat 2 List some signs and symptoms that Ms Gutierrez may have had which would have indicated to Dr Bahjat that she should be tested for type 2 diabetes mellitus 3 How does Ms Gutierrez s ethnicity play a role in her diagnosis What should be considered regarding patient education
Anatomy and Physiology
midnight of the last day of the unit for full credit While you can be supportive of your peers by saying I agree or Wow I never thought of that these statements alone are not sufficient you must explain why Any posts made after the last day of the unit wil not be considered for a grade Answer the question s below Rosa Gutierrez was just seen by Dr Bahjat Her laboratory tests have come back and she has been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes She is a Mexican immigrant who has lived in the United States for the past 31 years She is very worried about how the disease will affect her life 1 1 One of the laboratory tests performed was an FBS fasting blood sugar ordered by Dr Bahjat Give an example of an abnormal FBS that could be concerning for Dr Bahjat 2 List some signs and symptoms that Ms Gutierrez may have had which would have indicated to Dr Bahjat that she should be tested for type 2 diabetes mellitus 3 How does Ms Gutierrez s ethnicity play a role in her diagnosis What should be considered regarding patient education
thought of that these statements alone are not sufficient you must explain why Any posts made after the last day of the unit will not be considered for a grade Answer the question s below Refer to the case study at the beginning of chapter 24 in your Pearson s Comprehensive Medical Assisting book and use the information you have learned to answer the following questions 1 After examining Mrs Bramatovich Dr Miller diagnoses her with Alzheimer s disease in its early stages Svetlana asks the physician how her mother can be treated What might Dr Miller say to Svetlana 2 Svetlana asks Dr Miller for information related to Alzheimer s disease Dr Miller decides to send Mary Ellen an RMA into the room to review a patient education brochure that discusses the progression of the disease What information should this brochure include 3 Alzheimer s disease affects memory reasoning and problem solving skills Which lobe s of the brain pertain to these aspects of cognitive functioning You may use LIRN to research your information
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
thought of that these statements alone are not sufficient you must explain why Any posts made after the last day of the unit will not be considered for a grade Answer the question s below Refer to the case study at the beginning of chapter 24 in your Pearson s Comprehensive Medical Assisting book and use the information you have learned to answer the following questions 1 After examining Mrs Bramatovich Dr Miller diagnoses her with Alzheimer s disease in its early stages Svetlana asks the physician how her mother can be treated What might Dr Miller say to Svetlana 2 Svetlana asks Dr Miller for information related to Alzheimer s disease Dr Miller decides to send Mary Ellen an RMA into the room to review a patient education brochure that discusses the progression of the disease What information should this brochure include 3 Alzheimer s disease affects memory reasoning and problem solving skills Which lobe s of the brain pertain to these aspects of cognitive functioning You may use LIRN to research your information
sentence uses the semicolon correctly A The pen broke spotted my jeans with ink B The computer needs to be taken in for repair and upgrading C Patrice is doing very well in Algebra her teacher is giving her extra work to
Anatomy and Physiology
sentence uses the semicolon correctly A The pen broke spotted my jeans with ink B The computer needs to be taken in for repair and upgrading C Patrice is doing very well in Algebra her teacher is giving her extra work to
station complains of pain and asks for medication Which medication would the nurse anticipate causing respiratory depression in the newborn Naloxone Lorazepam Meperidine
Anatomy and Physiology
station complains of pain and asks for medication Which medication would the nurse anticipate causing respiratory depression in the newborn Naloxone Lorazepam Meperidine
technology does not exist yet The mother has blood type O the father has blood type AB and the baby has blood type B a Mother s genotype 00 b Father s genotype AB c Baby s genotype or d Punnett square showing all possible genotypes for children produced by this couple e Was the baby switched 6 Two other parents think their baby was switched at the hospital The mother has blood type A the father has blood type B and the baby has blood type AB a Mother s genotype or b Father s genotype or c Baby s genotype d Punnett square that shows the baby s genotype as a possibility e Was the baby switched
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
technology does not exist yet The mother has blood type O the father has blood type AB and the baby has blood type B a Mother s genotype 00 b Father s genotype AB c Baby s genotype or d Punnett square showing all possible genotypes for children produced by this couple e Was the baby switched 6 Two other parents think their baby was switched at the hospital The mother has blood type A the father has blood type B and the baby has blood type AB a Mother s genotype or b Father s genotype or c Baby s genotype d Punnett square that shows the baby s genotype as a possibility e Was the baby switched
The pancreas produces insulin as well as digestive enzymes This means that the pancreas has Multiple Choice O neither exocrine or endocrine O only endocrine only exocrine both exocrine and endocrine functio
Anatomy and Physiology
The pancreas produces insulin as well as digestive enzymes This means that the pancreas has Multiple Choice O neither exocrine or endocrine O only endocrine only exocrine both exocrine and endocrine functio
31 Multiple Choice O O O O A projection on the transverse process of cervical vertebrae A rounded prominence on the vertebra prominens A tooth like process on the axis A bony protrusion inferior to the costal facets A concavity unique to C1 Jy
Anatomy and Physiology
31 Multiple Choice O O O O A projection on the transverse process of cervical vertebrae A rounded prominence on the vertebra prominens A tooth like process on the axis A bony protrusion inferior to the costal facets A concavity unique to C1 Jy
4 The acromion is an anatomical feature of the Multiple Choice O O O ulna scapula clavicle thumb
Anatomy and Physiology
4 The acromion is an anatomical feature of the Multiple Choice O O O ulna scapula clavicle thumb
Which of the following carries oxygen poor blood to the lungs from the heart Multiple Choice O O O O O The superior vena cava The coronary sinus The great cardiac vein The pulmonary arteries The pulmonary veins
Anatomy and Physiology
Which of the following carries oxygen poor blood to the lungs from the heart Multiple Choice O O O O O The superior vena cava The coronary sinus The great cardiac vein The pulmonary arteries The pulmonary veins
7 57 01 Where are the semilunar valves Multiple Choice O O O Between the pulmonary veins and the left atrium Only between the right ventricle and the pulmonary trunk Between the atria and the ventricles Between the ventricles and the great arteries Between the great veins and the atria
Anatomy and Physiology
7 57 01 Where are the semilunar valves Multiple Choice O O O Between the pulmonary veins and the left atrium Only between the right ventricle and the pulmonary trunk Between the atria and the ventricles Between the ventricles and the great arteries Between the great veins and the atria
8 01 01 30 Where does the thoracic duct terminate Multiple Choice O O O Inferior vena cava Left subclavian vein Right subclavian vein Superior vena cava Azygos vein
Anatomy and Physiology
8 01 01 30 Where does the thoracic duct terminate Multiple Choice O O O Inferior vena cava Left subclavian vein Right subclavian vein Superior vena cava Azygos vein
ts 2 01 04 37 The somatosensory signals travel by way of three neurons called Multiple Choice O O afferent efferent and interneurons contralateral ipsilateral and bilateral neurons first order second order and third order neurons
Anatomy and Physiology
ts 2 01 04 37 The somatosensory signals travel by way of three neurons called Multiple Choice O O afferent efferent and interneurons contralateral ipsilateral and bilateral neurons first order second order and third order neurons
2 1 12 20 The term nerve fiber refers to a an Multiple Choice O O organelle in nerve cells nerve cell axon organ
Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous System
2 1 12 20 The term nerve fiber refers to a an Multiple Choice O O organelle in nerve cells nerve cell axon organ
5 09 26 Hot and cold stimuli are detected by Multiple Choice O O O free nerve endings tactile corpuscles end bulbs lamellar corpuscles
Anatomy and Physiology
5 09 26 Hot and cold stimuli are detected by Multiple Choice O O O free nerve endings tactile corpuscles end bulbs lamellar corpuscles
34 The term leg refers to which region Multiple Choice O O O O O The segment from hip to ankle The entire lower limb The segment extending distally from the knee and including th The segment from the hip to the knee The segment from the knee to the ankle
Anatomy and Physiology
34 The term leg refers to which region Multiple Choice O O O O O The segment from hip to ankle The entire lower limb The segment extending distally from the knee and including th The segment from the hip to the knee The segment from the knee to the ankle
1 9 56 Which of the following is true regarding the levator scapulae Multiple Choice O O O O It rotates the scapula and depresses the apex of the shoulder It elevates the scapula if the scapula is fixed It flexes the neck if the scapula is fixed It protracts the scapula if the humerus is fixed It is innervated by the phrenic nerve
Anatomy and Physiology
1 9 56 Which of the following is true regarding the levator scapulae Multiple Choice O O O O It rotates the scapula and depresses the apex of the shoulder It elevates the scapula if the scapula is fixed It flexes the neck if the scapula is fixed It protracts the scapula if the humerus is fixed It is innervated by the phrenic nerve
4 27 06 The biceps brachii attaches to which of the following Multiple Choice O O O O Olecranon process Coronoid process Deltoid tuberosity Tuberosity of radius
Anatomy and Physiology
4 27 06 The biceps brachii attaches to which of the following Multiple Choice O O O O Olecranon process Coronoid process Deltoid tuberosity Tuberosity of radius
3 44 23 Which of the following is not a function of the skeletal system Multiple Choice O O O It removes toxins from the blood It stores and releases minerals It protects the viscera It produces vitamin C It produces blood cls
Anatomy and Physiology
3 44 23 Which of the following is not a function of the skeletal system Multiple Choice O O O It removes toxins from the blood It stores and releases minerals It protects the viscera It produces vitamin C It produces blood cls
06 What is a major function of the clavicle Multiple Choice O O O O It provides attachment for the humerus It prevents the trapezius muscle from pulling the shoulders posteriorly It keeps the upper limb away from the midline of the body It stabilizes the sternum
Anatomy and Physiology
06 What is a major function of the clavicle Multiple Choice O O O O It provides attachment for the humerus It prevents the trapezius muscle from pulling the shoulders posteriorly It keeps the upper limb away from the midline of the body It stabilizes the sternum
07 Which of the following is not a facial bone Multiple Choice O O The lacrimal bone The vomer The ethmoid bone The maxilla
Anatomy and Physiology
07 Which of the following is not a facial bone Multiple Choice O O The lacrimal bone The vomer The ethmoid bone The maxilla