Anatomy and Physiology Questions

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Which of the following is incorrect regarding the fast cell action potential below 2 3 4 Ophase 0 is due to Na entering the cell via voltage gated sodium channels O phase 3 is due to K leaving the cell via voltage gated potassium channels Ophase 2 is due a balance of K leaving the cell and to Na entering the cell Ophase 4 is at about 90 mV due to the activity of voltage gated potassium channels
Anatomy and Physiology
Which of the following is incorrect regarding the fast cell action potential below 2 3 4 Ophase 0 is due to Na entering the cell via voltage gated sodium channels O phase 3 is due to K leaving the cell via voltage gated potassium channels Ophase 2 is due a balance of K leaving the cell and to Na entering the cell Ophase 4 is at about 90 mV due to the activity of voltage gated potassium channels
Which of the following is incorrect regarding the slow cell action potential below LA 0 3 Threshold 4 O phase 4 is a depolarization due to Na entering the cell via funny Ilf channels O the resting membrane potential is about 60 mV Ophase 0 is due to an influx of Na ions via L type Ca2 channels Ophase 3 is due K ions leaving the cell via voltage gated potassium channels
Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous System
Which of the following is incorrect regarding the slow cell action potential below LA 0 3 Threshold 4 O phase 4 is a depolarization due to Na entering the cell via funny Ilf channels O the resting membrane potential is about 60 mV Ophase 0 is due to an influx of Na ions via L type Ca2 channels Ophase 3 is due K ions leaving the cell via voltage gated potassium channels
Should we keep the electoral Cole or go to straight popular vote why
Anatomy and Physiology
Should we keep the electoral Cole or go to straight popular vote why
Place the following in the order that information generally flows primary sensory cortex sensory receptors 2 1 5 6 4 premotor cortex multimodal association cortex primary motor cortex senson association cortex
Anatomy and Physiology
Place the following in the order that information generally flows primary sensory cortex sensory receptors 2 1 5 6 4 premotor cortex multimodal association cortex primary motor cortex senson association cortex
An inj Label the full body spinal cord appropriately to get a more thorough understanding of where all of the spinal nerves are located O Sh O Le ONE B Conus medullaris O Ch A Thoracic spinal nerves 3 C S D E F Sacral spinal nerves Cervical spinal nerves Cauda equina Lumbar spinal nerves
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
An inj Label the full body spinal cord appropriately to get a more thorough understanding of where all of the spinal nerves are located O Sh O Le ONE B Conus medullaris O Ch A Thoracic spinal nerves 3 C S D E F Sacral spinal nerves Cervical spinal nerves Cauda equina Lumbar spinal nerves
You have made attempt Label the spinal cord appropriately so that we can get to know Elena s Anatomy better A Pia mater B Ventral root C Spinal nerve D Arachnoid mater E Dorsal root ganglion F Central canal G White matter H Dorsal root 1 Gray matter I J Spinal dura mater 3 07 11 01
Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous System
You have made attempt Label the spinal cord appropriately so that we can get to know Elena s Anatomy better A Pia mater B Ventral root C Spinal nerve D Arachnoid mater E Dorsal root ganglion F Central canal G White matter H Dorsal root 1 Gray matter I J Spinal dura mater 3 07 11 01
136 Review Sheet 9 2 Using choices from the numbered key to the right identify all bones and bone markings provided with various leader lines in the two following photographs A colored dot at the end of a leader line indicates a bone Leader lines without a colored dot indicate bone markings Note that vomer sphenoid bone and zygomatic bone will each be labeled twice Key 1 alvelolar processes 2 carotid canal 3 ethmoid bone perpendicular plate 4 external occipital protuberance 5 foramen lacerum 6 foramen magnum 7 foramen ovale 8 frontal bone 9 glabella 10 incisive fossa 11 inferior nasal concha 12 inferior orbital fissure 13 infraorbital foramen 14 jugular foramen 15 lacrimal bone 16 mandible 17 mandibular fossa 18 mandibular symphysis 19 mastoid process 20 maxilla 21 mental foramen 22 nasal bone 23 occipital bone 24 occipital condyle 25 palatine bone 26 palatine process of maxilla 27 parietal bone 28 sphenoid bone 29 styloid process 30 stylomastoid foramen 31 superior orbital fissure 32 supraorbital foramen 33 temporal bone 34 vomer 35 zygomatic bone
Anatomy and Physiology
136 Review Sheet 9 2 Using choices from the numbered key to the right identify all bones and bone markings provided with various leader lines in the two following photographs A colored dot at the end of a leader line indicates a bone Leader lines without a colored dot indicate bone markings Note that vomer sphenoid bone and zygomatic bone will each be labeled twice Key 1 alvelolar processes 2 carotid canal 3 ethmoid bone perpendicular plate 4 external occipital protuberance 5 foramen lacerum 6 foramen magnum 7 foramen ovale 8 frontal bone 9 glabella 10 incisive fossa 11 inferior nasal concha 12 inferior orbital fissure 13 infraorbital foramen 14 jugular foramen 15 lacrimal bone 16 mandible 17 mandibular fossa 18 mandibular symphysis 19 mastoid process 20 maxilla 21 mental foramen 22 nasal bone 23 occipital bone 24 occipital condyle 25 palatine bone 26 palatine process of maxilla 27 parietal bone 28 sphenoid bone 29 styloid process 30 stylomastoid foramen 31 superior orbital fissure 32 supraorbital foramen 33 temporal bone 34 vomer 35 zygomatic bone
Oxytocin release triggers ovulation lactation estrogen release uterine contractions
Anatomy and Physiology
Oxytocin release triggers ovulation lactation estrogen release uterine contractions
have poor absorption of calcium in the intestines have weaken muscles and kidney stones have a goiter and feel cold have bulging out eyes and lose weight easily Question 11 What is made in the posterior pituitary gland gonadotropin releasing hormone antidiuretic hormone None of these follicle stimulating hormone
Anatomy and Physiology
have poor absorption of calcium in the intestines have weaken muscles and kidney stones have a goiter and feel cold have bulging out eyes and lose weight easily Question 11 What is made in the posterior pituitary gland gonadotropin releasing hormone antidiuretic hormone None of these follicle stimulating hormone
A wireless broadcast occurs when a signal is sent from one receiver to multiple
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
A wireless broadcast occurs when a signal is sent from one receiver to multiple
specify the degree of indeterminacy 1 pin connected structures 2 frame 3 truss d 2 m Fyre typical building frame E 2 m D 1 5 m
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
specify the degree of indeterminacy 1 pin connected structures 2 frame 3 truss d 2 m Fyre typical building frame E 2 m D 1 5 m
Glaucoma What two main points did you understand from the abstract 2 What methods were used to conduct the research Why were they appropriate 3 What key finding did you see in the results 4 Provide a summary of the author s conclusions 5 Were the conclusions accurate for the results presented in the paper Scientific Research Paper write down the five five line each
Anatomy and Physiology
Head and Neck
Glaucoma What two main points did you understand from the abstract 2 What methods were used to conduct the research Why were they appropriate 3 What key finding did you see in the results 4 Provide a summary of the author s conclusions 5 Were the conclusions accurate for the results presented in the paper Scientific Research Paper write down the five five line each
2 Identify the highlighted structure
Anatomy and Physiology
2 Identify the highlighted structure
Leslie was watching a movie when someone suddenly jumped out from the darkness and grabbed the main character Would you expect Leslie s pulse rate to be low 72 b min average 72 80 b min or high 80 b min right after viewing that scene of the movie Explain
Anatomy and Physiology
Leslie was watching a movie when someone suddenly jumped out from the darkness and grabbed the main character Would you expect Leslie s pulse rate to be low 72 b min average 72 80 b min or high 80 b min right after viewing that scene of the movie Explain
3 Now sit qui to the level that you had when you started this experiment Applying What You ve Learned 1 Harry just woke up and is still in bed contemplating his day Would you expect his pulse rate to be low 68 b min average 68 80 b min or high 80 b min Explain 2 Leslie was watching a movie when someone suddenly jumped out from the darkness and grabbed the main character Would you expect Leslie s pulse rate to be low 72 b min average 72 80 b min or high 80 b min right after viewing that scene of the movie Explain
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
3 Now sit qui to the level that you had when you started this experiment Applying What You ve Learned 1 Harry just woke up and is still in bed contemplating his day Would you expect his pulse rate to be low 68 b min average 68 80 b min or high 80 b min Explain 2 Leslie was watching a movie when someone suddenly jumped out from the darkness and grabbed the main character Would you expect Leslie s pulse rate to be low 72 b min average 72 80 b min or high 80 b min right after viewing that scene of the movie Explain
8 A crucial difference between the UN and the League of Nations is the following the UN created an executive council called the Security Council that consists of five permanent member states with more power than other member states while in contrast the rules of the League of Nations granted the same power to all member states True or False
Anatomy and Physiology
8 A crucial difference between the UN and the League of Nations is the following the UN created an executive council called the Security Council that consists of five permanent member states with more power than other member states while in contrast the rules of the League of Nations granted the same power to all member states True or False
oles Then identify Unknown 1 Blood type khe Could donate blood to Could receive blood from
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
oles Then identify Unknown 1 Blood type khe Could donate blood to Could receive blood from
9 Nigeria is the largest African country by population In the UN system does Nigeria have more power in the General Assembly or Security Council
Anatomy and Physiology
9 Nigeria is the largest African country by population In the UN system does Nigeria have more power in the General Assembly or Security Council
Otibial tuberosity O medial malleolus O lateral condyle O intercondylar eminence O anterior crest Question 28 The functions of the integument include all of the following except O protection Oregulation of fluids and temperature communication
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Otibial tuberosity O medial malleolus O lateral condyle O intercondylar eminence O anterior crest Question 28 The functions of the integument include all of the following except O protection Oregulation of fluids and temperature communication
Which cervical vertebrae s spinous process is often visible on the back of someone s neck O 5th atlas 6th
Anatomy and Physiology
Head and Neck
Which cervical vertebrae s spinous process is often visible on the back of someone s neck O 5th atlas 6th
Name the blood vessel between the arrows
Anatomy and Physiology
Kidney and Urinary Tract
Name the blood vessel between the arrows
hund Tax oncar Name the fleshy structure
Anatomy and Physiology
hund Tax oncar Name the fleshy structure
Name the white structure
Anatomy and Physiology
Name the white structure
Name the red vessel between the arrows Anterior View
Anatomy and Physiology
Name the red vessel between the arrows Anterior View
Name the red vessel just between the arrows
Anatomy and Physiology
Kidney and Urinary Tract
Name the red vessel just between the arrows
Name the blood vessel between the arrows Posterior View Posterior View
Anatomy and Physiology
Name the blood vessel between the arrows Posterior View Posterior View
Name the part of the EKG red bracket q
Anatomy and Physiology
Name the part of the EKG red bracket q
Name the red vessel between the arrows 3
Anatomy and Physiology
Kidney and Urinary Tract
Name the red vessel between the arrows 3
Name the blue vessel between the arrows S KALE A
Anatomy and Physiology
Name the blue vessel between the arrows S KALE A
Anterior View Chest Neck Ignore the location of the pink vessel The cadaver picture is just for context A
Anatomy and Physiology
Anterior View Chest Neck Ignore the location of the pink vessel The cadaver picture is just for context A
Name the structure at the arrows O 8 035 po o pooo DO
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Name the structure at the arrows O 8 035 po o pooo DO
Name the blood vessel between the arrows Anterior View
Anatomy and Physiology
Name the blood vessel between the arrows Anterior View
Name the organ between the arrows
Anatomy and Physiology
Name the organ between the arrows
Name the long red vessel between the arrows
Anatomy and Physiology
Name the long red vessel between the arrows
Name the red vessel between the arrows
Anatomy and Physiology
Name the red vessel between the arrows
Name the fleshy structures that the white threads attach to
Anatomy and Physiology
Name the fleshy structures that the white threads attach to
Name the blue vessel just between the arrows
Anatomy and Physiology
Name the blue vessel just between the arrows
Question 1 1 point Name the red vessel just between the arrows CARRET ATN PET
Anatomy and Physiology
Question 1 1 point Name the red vessel just between the arrows CARRET ATN PET
Angiotensin II elevates systemic blood pressure by A triggering arteriole constriction B inhibiting aldosterone C inhibiting ADH OD O E promoting the excretion of sodium promoting the release of ANP
Anatomy and Physiology
Kidney and Urinary Tract
Angiotensin II elevates systemic blood pressure by A triggering arteriole constriction B inhibiting aldosterone C inhibiting ADH OD O E promoting the excretion of sodium promoting the release of ANP
During their formation red blood cells OA are saturated with oxygen B eject their nucleus and most of their organelles OC multiply their mitochondria OD recycle hemoglobin E swell up
Anatomy and Physiology
During their formation red blood cells OA are saturated with oxygen B eject their nucleus and most of their organelles OC multiply their mitochondria OD recycle hemoglobin E swell up
Part B Identify 3 points each Identify the organ and labeled structures in the spaces located beside the corresponding letters 6
Anatomy and Physiology
Part B Identify 3 points each Identify the organ and labeled structures in the spaces located beside the corresponding letters 6
The behavior of tendon surrounding component of the three component behavior of muscle 1 True 2 False the muscle corresponds to the parallel elastic model of muscle which represents the passive
Anatomy and Physiology
The behavior of tendon surrounding component of the three component behavior of muscle 1 True 2 False the muscle corresponds to the parallel elastic model of muscle which represents the passive
According to its stress strain curve which structure deforms with little stress and has elastic properties that allow for the potential of all energy to be restored 1 Muscle 2 Ligaments 3 Bone
Anatomy and Physiology
According to its stress strain curve which structure deforms with little stress and has elastic properties that allow for the potential of all energy to be restored 1 Muscle 2 Ligaments 3 Bone
When completing consecutive box jumps it is less efficient to stop or pause for long between the boxes because store energy has dissipated 1 True 2 False
Anatomy and Physiology
When completing consecutive box jumps it is less efficient to stop or pause for long between the boxes because store energy has dissipated 1 True 2 False
Torque can only be manipulated by changing the moment arm 1 True 2 False
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Torque can only be manipulated by changing the moment arm 1 True 2 False
Mary is recovering from ACL reconstruction and we would like to compare her quadriceps and hamstring strength We decide to use a dynamometer to test Mary s knee flexi n and extension strength at a constant velocity of 60 degrees per second What type of exercise is this 1 Isokinetic 2 Isotonic 3 Isometric 4 All of the above
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Mary is recovering from ACL reconstruction and we would like to compare her quadriceps and hamstring strength We decide to use a dynamometer to test Mary s knee flexi n and extension strength at a constant velocity of 60 degrees per second What type of exercise is this 1 Isokinetic 2 Isotonic 3 Isometric 4 All of the above
A muscle with a low innervation ratio would produce gross movement whereas a muscle responsible for fine movements would have a high innervation ratio 1 True 2 False
Anatomy and Physiology
A muscle with a low innervation ratio would produce gross movement whereas a muscle responsible for fine movements would have a high innervation ratio 1 True 2 False
Which of the following is true for performing knee extension to kick a ball don t worry about the windup A It is a concentric contraction B The agonist muscles are the hamstrings Oc it is C It is an eccentric contraction OD Kicking is a closed chain exercise for the kicking leg E A and D F B and C
Anatomy and Physiology
Which of the following is true for performing knee extension to kick a ball don t worry about the windup A It is a concentric contraction B The agonist muscles are the hamstrings Oc it is C It is an eccentric contraction OD Kicking is a closed chain exercise for the kicking leg E A and D F B and C
The triceps brachii produce elbow extension and the biceps brachii produces elbow flexion Which muscle is responsible for eccentric elbow flexion For example when lowering yourself slowly down to the ground in an eccentric push up 1 Triceps Brachii 2 Biceps Brachii 3 Neither of these muscles are involved
Anatomy and Physiology
The triceps brachii produce elbow extension and the biceps brachii produces elbow flexion Which muscle is responsible for eccentric elbow flexion For example when lowering yourself slowly down to the ground in an eccentric push up 1 Triceps Brachii 2 Biceps Brachii 3 Neither of these muscles are involved
Which of the following is true about a tendon A Joins the muscle at the myotendinous junction B Most common form of muscle attachment to bone OC Contains muscle spindles OD A and B E All of the above
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Which of the following is true about a tendon A Joins the muscle at the myotendinous junction B Most common form of muscle attachment to bone OC Contains muscle spindles OD A and B E All of the above