Anatomy and Physiology Questions

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The pineal gland the name means pine cone shaped is a small gland located in the cranial cavity attached to the roof of the third ventricle epithalamus It is covered by a capsule and composed of secretory cells known as pinealocytes The pineal secretes the hormone melatonin an amine derived from serotonin Melatonin is involved in the regulation of biological clocks including sleep cycles Label the diagram below Intermediate mass Thalamus Mammillary body 3 2 Optic chiasma Infundibulum bluedoor LLC
Anatomy and Physiology
The pineal gland the name means pine cone shaped is a small gland located in the cranial cavity attached to the roof of the third ventricle epithalamus It is covered by a capsule and composed of secretory cells known as pinealocytes The pineal secretes the hormone melatonin an amine derived from serotonin Melatonin is involved in the regulation of biological clocks including sleep cycles Label the diagram below Intermediate mass Thalamus Mammillary body 3 2 Optic chiasma Infundibulum bluedoor LLC
a b Superior parathyroid gland stion Thyroid gland left lobe tracted anteriorly Inferior parathyroid gland Trachea Figure 1 8 Lateral view of the neck with the thyroid left lobe pulled away to reveal two of the four parathyroid glands Parathyroid gland Thyroid gland Figure 1 9 Thyroid and parathyroid glands a Photomicrograph b Student sketch o bluedoot LLC two hormones of the thyroid and parathyroid glands are antagonistic
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
a b Superior parathyroid gland stion Thyroid gland left lobe tracted anteriorly Inferior parathyroid gland Trachea Figure 1 8 Lateral view of the neck with the thyroid left lobe pulled away to reveal two of the four parathyroid glands Parathyroid gland Thyroid gland Figure 1 9 Thyroid and parathyroid glands a Photomicrograph b Student sketch o bluedoot LLC two hormones of the thyroid and parathyroid glands are antagonistic
ion of the adrenal glands The adrenal cortex is a yellowish outer fringe of the adrenal gland It produces more than two dozen steroid hormones collectively called corticosteroids It includes three distinct regions or zones which can be observed under a microscope List the function of each adrenal cortex hormones in the space below Zona glomerulosa glomerul small ball Zona fasciculata fascicul little bundle Zona reticularis eticul little network
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
ion of the adrenal glands The adrenal cortex is a yellowish outer fringe of the adrenal gland It produces more than two dozen steroid hormones collectively called corticosteroids It includes three distinct regions or zones which can be observed under a microscope List the function of each adrenal cortex hormones in the space below Zona glomerulosa glomerul small ball Zona fasciculata fascicul little bundle Zona reticularis eticul little network
hyroid The thyroid thyr shield oid resembling gland is the soft butterfly shaped organ in the anterior side of the neck that wraps around the larynx just beneath the skin Figure 1 6 It consists of two lobes right and left connected by a narrow bridge called the isthmus Internally it is composed of microscopic follicles that contain large insoluble protein molecules known as colloid The walls of the follicles are simple cuboidal epithelium consisting of secretory cells called follicle cells The follicle cells secrete thyroglobulin a large component of the colloid which is a precursor to two thyroid hormones triidothyronine T3 and thyroxine T Located between follicles are parafollicular cells or C cells which secrete calcitonin Complete the table below by listing the function of each organ Thyroxine T und Triiodothyronine T Calcitonin CT
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
hyroid The thyroid thyr shield oid resembling gland is the soft butterfly shaped organ in the anterior side of the neck that wraps around the larynx just beneath the skin Figure 1 6 It consists of two lobes right and left connected by a narrow bridge called the isthmus Internally it is composed of microscopic follicles that contain large insoluble protein molecules known as colloid The walls of the follicles are simple cuboidal epithelium consisting of secretory cells called follicle cells The follicle cells secrete thyroglobulin a large component of the colloid which is a precursor to two thyroid hormones triidothyronine T3 and thyroxine T Located between follicles are parafollicular cells or C cells which secrete calcitonin Complete the table below by listing the function of each organ Thyroxine T und Triiodothyronine T Calcitonin CT
Match these prefixes and roots to their meanings ventriculo electro cardi atri The prefix The prefix The prefix The prefix means electricity means atrium means heart or heart action means ventricle of the heart Rese
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Match these prefixes and roots to their meanings ventriculo electro cardi atri The prefix The prefix The prefix The prefix means electricity means atrium means heart or heart action means ventricle of the heart Rese
Watch the following terms to their definitions Match the words in the left column to the appropriate blanks in the sentences on the right Make certain each sentence is complete before submi your answer Words can be used more than once Tricuspid valve Aortic semilunar valve Pulmonary semilunar valve Mitral bicuspid valve 1 2 3 4 5 6 Prevents backflow into the left ventricle Prevents backflow into the right atrium L O L A Prevents backflow into the left atrium Prevents backflow into the right ventricle Atrioventricular AV valve with two flaps Reset Atrioventricular AV valve with three flaps Help
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Watch the following terms to their definitions Match the words in the left column to the appropriate blanks in the sentences on the right Make certain each sentence is complete before submi your answer Words can be used more than once Tricuspid valve Aortic semilunar valve Pulmonary semilunar valve Mitral bicuspid valve 1 2 3 4 5 6 Prevents backflow into the left ventricle Prevents backflow into the right atrium L O L A Prevents backflow into the left atrium Prevents backflow into the right ventricle Atrioventricular AV valve with two flaps Reset Atrioventricular AV valve with three flaps Help
Pulmonary veins Right atrium Left ventricle Tricuspid valve Mitral bicuspid valve 00
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Pulmonary veins Right atrium Left ventricle Tricuspid valve Mitral bicuspid valve 00
Drag the appropriate labels to their respective targets 11 Myocardium Endocardium Rese Parietal layer serous pericard Fibrous pericardi Pericardial cavity Epicardium
Anatomy and Physiology
Drag the appropriate labels to their respective targets 11 Myocardium Endocardium Rese Parietal layer serous pericard Fibrous pericardi Pericardial cavity Epicardium
Match the following Drag the terms on the left to the appropriate blanks on the right Parietal layer Epicardium Endocardium Myocardium 2 3 4 Serous layer covering the heart muscle The outermost layer of the serous pericardium Heart muscle The inner lining of the heart
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Match the following Drag the terms on the left to the appropriate blanks on the right Parietal layer Epicardium Endocardium Myocardium 2 3 4 Serous layer covering the heart muscle The outermost layer of the serous pericardium Heart muscle The inner lining of the heart
Match these vocabulary terms to their meanings tachycardia interatrial septum electrocardiogram atrioventricular valves is a faster than normal heart rate A test that records the electrical activity of the heart is a n control blood flow into the ventricles The structure dividing the two atria of the heart is called the
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Match these vocabulary terms to their meanings tachycardia interatrial septum electrocardiogram atrioventricular valves is a faster than normal heart rate A test that records the electrical activity of the heart is a n control blood flow into the ventricles The structure dividing the two atria of the heart is called the
Systemic capillary bed Pulmonary artery Tricuspid valve Pulmonary semilunar valve HI Superior vena cava Pulmonary trunk H Right atrium Lung capillary bed Right ventricle Inferior vena cava From heart To heart
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Systemic capillary bed Pulmonary artery Tricuspid valve Pulmonary semilunar valve HI Superior vena cava Pulmonary trunk H Right atrium Lung capillary bed Right ventricle Inferior vena cava From heart To heart
Aorta Endocardium Pulmonary trunk Inferior vena cava Epicardium Superior vena cava Myocardium 10 Res
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Aorta Endocardium Pulmonary trunk Inferior vena cava Epicardium Superior vena cava Myocardium 10 Res
Click and drag the description to the appropriate label in the figure Efferent motor neuron Interneuron Cell body of sensory neuron Antagonist muscle Muscle spindle Afferent sensory neuron D
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Click and drag the description to the appropriate label in the figure Efferent motor neuron Interneuron Cell body of sensory neuron Antagonist muscle Muscle spindle Afferent sensory neuron D
What ills in British society are ridiculed by Hogarth Besides the engravings in your textbook here is another one of Hogarth s engravings Gin Lane that depicts ills in British society GIN LANE SGRIPE PAWS BROKER of
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
What ills in British society are ridiculed by Hogarth Besides the engravings in your textbook here is another one of Hogarth s engravings Gin Lane that depicts ills in British society GIN LANE SGRIPE PAWS BROKER of
Name muscles and the functions 2 Education Inc 27 Muscle a 27 28 29 Metatarsal V
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Name muscles and the functions 2 Education Inc 27 Muscle a 27 28 29 Metatarsal V
Name the muscle and the function of each 12 12 Muscle Function 13 Muscle hp 13
Anatomy and Physiology
Name the muscle and the function of each 12 12 Muscle Function 13 Muscle hp 13
ydrostatic pressure in the glomerulus 12 What would have to happen to the afferent and efferent arterioles to increase pressure What would have to happen to decrease pressure Think in terms of constriction and dilat Afferent To increase pressure To decrease pressure Efferent
Anatomy and Physiology
Kidney and Urinary Tract
ydrostatic pressure in the glomerulus 12 What would have to happen to the afferent and efferent arterioles to increase pressure What would have to happen to decrease pressure Think in terms of constriction and dilat Afferent To increase pressure To decrease pressure Efferent
On the above graph where is hysteresis located Stress Oa O b Strain None of the included answers is correct Oc a b
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
On the above graph where is hysteresis located Stress Oa O b Strain None of the included answers is correct Oc a b
How would a coach describe the movement from the 1st picture to the 2nd picture what at the right shoulder Flexion Hyperextension Extension None of the included answers is correct Hyperflexion
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
How would a coach describe the movement from the 1st picture to the 2nd picture what at the right shoulder Flexion Hyperextension Extension None of the included answers is correct Hyperflexion
Going from the first to the second picture what action is taking place at the right shoulder Extension Flexion None of the included answers is correct ADduction ABduction
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Going from the first to the second picture what action is taking place at the right shoulder Extension Flexion None of the included answers is correct ADduction ABduction
In the movement from the first picture to the second picture what is the action at the ankle None of the included answers is correct Extension Plantar Flexion Flexion Dorsiflexion
Anatomy and Physiology
In the movement from the first picture to the second picture what is the action at the ankle None of the included answers is correct Extension Plantar Flexion Flexion Dorsiflexion
How would a person in the medical field describe the movement from the 1st picture to the 2nd picture at the right shoulder k None of the included answers is correct Flexion Extension Hyperflexion Hyperextension
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
How would a person in the medical field describe the movement from the 1st picture to the 2nd picture at the right shoulder k None of the included answers is correct Flexion Extension Hyperflexion Hyperextension
Inversion Eversion Supination Pronation
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Inversion Eversion Supination Pronation
What position is the right foot in Eversion Supination Inversion Dorsiflexion of the included answers is correct
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
What position is the right foot in Eversion Supination Inversion Dorsiflexion of the included answers is correct
About what axis does the movement at the shoulder to stretch the band take place Longitudinal Anterior Posterior None of the included answers is correct Horizontal Transverse Medial Lateral
Anatomy and Physiology
About what axis does the movement at the shoulder to stretch the band take place Longitudinal Anterior Posterior None of the included answers is correct Horizontal Transverse Medial Lateral
What is going on for the lander to demonstrate this action of the lower extremity None of the included answers is correct Coxa Varus Varus Genu Valgus
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
What is going on for the lander to demonstrate this action of the lower extremity None of the included answers is correct Coxa Varus Varus Genu Valgus
B Flexion None of the included answers are correct Hyperflexion A Hyperextension Extension
Anatomy and Physiology
B Flexion None of the included answers are correct Hyperflexion A Hyperextension Extension
What is the appropriate label for the picture on the right compared to the picture on the left Coxa Valgus None of the included answers is correct Genu Valgus Coxa Varus Genu Varus
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
What is the appropriate label for the picture on the right compared to the picture on the left Coxa Valgus None of the included answers is correct Genu Valgus Coxa Varus Genu Varus
In the reverse curl exercise the forearm is in a pronated position In this position the ulna is crossed over the radius VV Statement 1 is True Statement 2 is False Statement 1 is True Statement 2 is True Statement 1 is False Statement 2 is False Statement 1 is False Statement 2 is True
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
In the reverse curl exercise the forearm is in a pronated position In this position the ulna is crossed over the radius VV Statement 1 is True Statement 2 is False Statement 1 is True Statement 2 is True Statement 1 is False Statement 2 is False Statement 1 is False Statement 2 is True
What type of joint Diarthortic Syndesmosis hyaline cartilage None of the included answers are correct Symphysis
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
What type of joint Diarthortic Syndesmosis hyaline cartilage None of the included answers are correct Symphysis
What point represents failure for trabecular bone Stress MPa 200 g 160 120 80 40 a 0 00 Oe CORTICAL BONE DENSITY p 1 85 g cm d 0 05 TRABECULAB BONE p 0 9 g cm p 0 3 g cm 0 10 Strain 0 15 None of the included answers is correct 0 20 0 25 D
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
What point represents failure for trabecular bone Stress MPa 200 g 160 120 80 40 a 0 00 Oe CORTICAL BONE DENSITY p 1 85 g cm d 0 05 TRABECULAB BONE p 0 9 g cm p 0 3 g cm 0 10 Strain 0 15 None of the included answers is correct 0 20 0 25 D
About which Axis is each movement taking place Abduction protraction Depression Longitudinal ML AP Longitudinal AP ML Longitudinal AP AP Longitudinal Frontal Frontal Upward rotation None of the included answers is correct
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
About which Axis is each movement taking place Abduction protraction Depression Longitudinal ML AP Longitudinal AP ML Longitudinal AP AP Longitudinal Frontal Frontal Upward rotation None of the included answers is correct
None of the included answers is correct Symphysis Diarthrotic Syndesmosis Fibrocartilaginous intervertebral disc Body of vertebra
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
None of the included answers is correct Symphysis Diarthrotic Syndesmosis Fibrocartilaginous intervertebral disc Body of vertebra
e f Answer the following questions label the graph with the missing information including the axes a What is the typical value of tidal volume in a young healthy person b What is the typical value of residual volume c What is the typical value of vital capacity d What is the typical value of total lung capacity E www mm mi Maximum voluntary expiration F H G J H
Anatomy and Physiology
e f Answer the following questions label the graph with the missing information including the axes a What is the typical value of tidal volume in a young healthy person b What is the typical value of residual volume c What is the typical value of vital capacity d What is the typical value of total lung capacity E www mm mi Maximum voluntary expiration F H G J H
Stop and think question 4 Which area of the body has the highest density of Lewis evGHLI mechanoreceptors Which area of the body has mechanoreceptors with the smallest receptor fields Explain your answer
Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous System
Stop and think question 4 Which area of the body has the highest density of Lewis evGHLI mechanoreceptors Which area of the body has mechanoreceptors with the smallest receptor fields Explain your answer
Label eye structures on the schematics Suspensory ligaments Figure 5 3 Eyeball sagittal section
Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous System
Label eye structures on the schematics Suspensory ligaments Figure 5 3 Eyeball sagittal section
10 Calculate the molarity of a solution consisting of 60 0 g of NaOH in 1 50 L of solution OA 1 00 M OD 1 60 x 10 M E 1 74 M B 40 0 M OC 1 50 M
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
10 Calculate the molarity of a solution consisting of 60 0 g of NaOH in 1 50 L of solution OA 1 00 M OD 1 60 x 10 M E 1 74 M B 40 0 M OC 1 50 M
12 Identify the following organic compound functional group H C C N C C C H O a Amide E no correct answer given O C ether HHH OHH B Alcohol D Aldehyde IT HH 11 HH
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
12 Identify the following organic compound functional group H C C N C C C H O a Amide E no correct answer given O C ether HHH OHH B Alcohol D Aldehyde IT HH 11 HH
14 Identify the following organic compound functional group or groups H 1 O H C 0 C R H C 0 C R H C 0 C R3 8 R A Ether C Amino Acid D Amide E Alcohol O B Ester ICIH
Anatomy and Physiology
14 Identify the following organic compound functional group or groups H 1 O H C 0 C R H C 0 C R H C 0 C R3 8 R A Ether C Amino Acid D Amide E Alcohol O B Ester ICIH
9 Carbohydrates are classified as monosaccharides disaccharides oligosaccharides and polysaccharides What functional group links two monosaccharide simple sugar molecules together to form a disaccharide molecule CH OH c Carboxylic Acid b Ether d Ketone e Amino Acid O a Amide CH OH H 0 H AG OH H H HO H OH OH H H HO H CH OH
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
9 Carbohydrates are classified as monosaccharides disaccharides oligosaccharides and polysaccharides What functional group links two monosaccharide simple sugar molecules together to form a disaccharide molecule CH OH c Carboxylic Acid b Ether d Ketone e Amino Acid O a Amide CH OH H 0 H AG OH H H HO H OH OH H H HO H CH OH
10 Identify the following organic compound functional group or groups a ether H b ester H C 0 H H C 0 H H C 0 H 1 H c alcohol d carboxylic acid e no correct answer given
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
10 Identify the following organic compound functional group or groups a ether H b ester H C 0 H H C 0 H H C 0 H 1 H c alcohol d carboxylic acid e no correct answer given
2 Identify the following organic compound functional group H H OH H C C 0 C C H d Ketone b Amine e Ester c Glycerol a Ether IT H H I H
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
2 Identify the following organic compound functional group H H OH H C C 0 C C H d Ketone b Amine e Ester c Glycerol a Ether IT H H I H
5 Identify the following organic compound functional group HH HHH III H C C C 0 C C H a Amide c Aldehyde d Ketone b Ether e Ester HHH H H
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
5 Identify the following organic compound functional group HH HHH III H C C C 0 C C H a Amide c Aldehyde d Ketone b Ether e Ester HHH H H
3 c Aldehyde Identify the following organic compound functional group HHH OHH 11111 1 H C C N C C C H d Ketone O e Ester b Ether a Amide J1 HH H H
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
3 c Aldehyde Identify the following organic compound functional group HHH OHH 11111 1 H C C N C C C H d Ketone O e Ester b Ether a Amide J1 HH H H
6 b Amine d Ketone Identify the following organic compound functional group HHH H 11 1 O c Carboxylic Acid a Amide e Amino Acid I H N C C C H 11 1 HHH
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
6 b Amine d Ketone Identify the following organic compound functional group HHH H 11 1 O c Carboxylic Acid a Amide e Amino Acid I H N C C C H 11 1 HHH
4 Identify the following organic compound functional group HHO d Ketone a Amide c Carboxylic Acid O e Amino Acid b Amine H N C C 0 H I H
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
4 Identify the following organic compound functional group HHO d Ketone a Amide c Carboxylic Acid O e Amino Acid b Amine H N C C 0 H I H
14 The reaction 12 6 is an example of He Be 8 4 2 E an electron capture reaction A a fusion reaction D beta particle emission B a fission reaction C gama particle emission
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
14 The reaction 12 6 is an example of He Be 8 4 2 E an electron capture reaction A a fusion reaction D beta particle emission B a fission reaction C gama particle emission
15 The reaction 2 3 H H 1 1 is an example of 4 2 He D alpha particle emission B a fission reaction A a fusion reaction OE beta particle emission 1 0 n C an electron capture reaction
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
15 The reaction 2 3 H H 1 1 is an example of 4 2 He D alpha particle emission B a fission reaction A a fusion reaction OE beta particle emission 1 0 n C an electron capture reaction
This figure shows the metabolism of glucose and oxygen to CO2 and H O From what molecule do the carbon in CO2 and the hydrogen in H O come from high energy content of molecules low glucose 0 energy level of products The catalyst O The product Activation energy required to start the reaction energy level of reactants Glucose progress of reaction CO HO
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
This figure shows the metabolism of glucose and oxygen to CO2 and H O From what molecule do the carbon in CO2 and the hydrogen in H O come from high energy content of molecules low glucose 0 energy level of products The catalyst O The product Activation energy required to start the reaction energy level of reactants Glucose progress of reaction CO HO
fatality of infants hcidence of illness cases 100 child years 20 15 10 5 0 14 46 Placebo control 2 15 2 15 Low 6 19 0 Medium Dose of vaccine 6 86 0 High In the graph interpret the data that are shown regarding the response of a large number of infants to vaccination from dangerous rotavirus infection Which of the hypotheses is NOT supported by these data results O The new vaccine is ineffective in protecting infants from any rotavirus infection O Hypotheses about the vaccine doses can t be evaluated because the placebo group is biased with high incidence of illness in those infants O The high dose of the new vaccine does not offer any stronger protection from any rotavirus infection than the medium dose The low dose of the vaccine reduces incidence of illness from any rotavirus in general and also severe rotavirus O Medium and high doses of the vaccine are more effective at reducing severe rotavirus illnesses than re
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
fatality of infants hcidence of illness cases 100 child years 20 15 10 5 0 14 46 Placebo control 2 15 2 15 Low 6 19 0 Medium Dose of vaccine 6 86 0 High In the graph interpret the data that are shown regarding the response of a large number of infants to vaccination from dangerous rotavirus infection Which of the hypotheses is NOT supported by these data results O The new vaccine is ineffective in protecting infants from any rotavirus infection O Hypotheses about the vaccine doses can t be evaluated because the placebo group is biased with high incidence of illness in those infants O The high dose of the new vaccine does not offer any stronger protection from any rotavirus infection than the medium dose The low dose of the vaccine reduces incidence of illness from any rotavirus in general and also severe rotavirus O Medium and high doses of the vaccine are more effective at reducing severe rotavirus illnesses than re