Anatomy and Physiology Questions

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vesicle ACh Ca channel Motor neuron JUKUM Ca PRUKLE S
Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous System
vesicle ACh Ca channel Motor neuron JUKUM Ca PRUKLE S
A concentration or electrical gradient is necessary for net diffusion to occur O True O False
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
A concentration or electrical gradient is necessary for net diffusion to occur O True O False
Read the excerpt from The Dark Game True Spy Stories from Invisible Ink to CIA Moles There are theories as to why the Soviets did not discover the tunnel sooner One likely answer is that they waited until Blake was reassigned by M16 to London in order to protect him from being found out Since Blake knew about the tunnel from the first day of its planning and was in Berlin while the tunnel was being dug fingers would soon point to him as a Soviet mole The KGB did not want to lose Blake Some historians feel that the KGB waited because they actually wanted the Americans to hear their transmissions as a way to let it be known that Russia had no intention of invading Germany and going to war with the U S On balance however some valuable information was gathered from the tapped conversations The U S learned for example a great deal about the Soviet and Which sentence best states the controlling idea of the passage O Blake was a ruthless spy who ruined the Allied efforts to tap Soviet wires beneath the ground in Berlin O The Soviets knew about the Allied plan to tap wires and spy but they did not stop the effort O The United States learned valuable information from the wire taps that allowed them to defeat the Soviets O The wire taps were never a secret but they helped the United States gain military intelligence
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Read the excerpt from The Dark Game True Spy Stories from Invisible Ink to CIA Moles There are theories as to why the Soviets did not discover the tunnel sooner One likely answer is that they waited until Blake was reassigned by M16 to London in order to protect him from being found out Since Blake knew about the tunnel from the first day of its planning and was in Berlin while the tunnel was being dug fingers would soon point to him as a Soviet mole The KGB did not want to lose Blake Some historians feel that the KGB waited because they actually wanted the Americans to hear their transmissions as a way to let it be known that Russia had no intention of invading Germany and going to war with the U S On balance however some valuable information was gathered from the tapped conversations The U S learned for example a great deal about the Soviet and Which sentence best states the controlling idea of the passage O Blake was a ruthless spy who ruined the Allied efforts to tap Soviet wires beneath the ground in Berlin O The Soviets knew about the Allied plan to tap wires and spy but they did not stop the effort O The United States learned valuable information from the wire taps that allowed them to defeat the Soviets O The wire taps were never a secret but they helped the United States gain military intelligence
During muscle contraction myosin cross bridges attach to which active sites Omyosin filaments Othick filaments OZ discs
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
During muscle contraction myosin cross bridges attach to which active sites Omyosin filaments Othick filaments OZ discs
in facilitated diffusion net flux of a solute depends on O ATP availability in the cell O Concentration gradient of a solute Difference in affinity on the intracellular vs extracellular side of the carrier protein O Type of G protein associated with the carrier protein
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
in facilitated diffusion net flux of a solute depends on O ATP availability in the cell O Concentration gradient of a solute Difference in affinity on the intracellular vs extracellular side of the carrier protein O Type of G protein associated with the carrier protein
Match the following in the correct order that gram staining is performec heat fix I add the decolorizer blot dry add the primary stain add the counterstain
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Match the following in the correct order that gram staining is performec heat fix I add the decolorizer blot dry add the primary stain add the counterstain
Temporal summation and spatial summation both function as a mechanism to get the Vm to threshold O True O False
Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous System
Temporal summation and spatial summation both function as a mechanism to get the Vm to threshold O True O False
sarco dys myo tropo iso The prefix The prefix The prefix The prefix The prefix 10000 means muscle means flesh means turning change or affinity for means equal or same means abnormal diseased
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
sarco dys myo tropo iso The prefix The prefix The prefix The prefix The prefix 10000 means muscle means flesh means turning change or affinity for means equal or same means abnormal diseased
Which of the following is the correct sequence of events for muscle contractions muscle cell action potential neurotransmitter release ATP driven power stroke calcium ion release from SR sliding of myofilaments neurotransmitter release motor neuron action potential muscle cell action potential release of calcium ions from SR ATP driven power stroke neurotransmitter release muscle cell action potential motor neuron action potential release of calcium ions from SR sliding of myofilaments ATP driven power s motor neuron action potential neurotransmitter release muscle cell action potential release of calcium ions from SR ATP driven power stroke sliding of myofilam
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Which of the following is the correct sequence of events for muscle contractions muscle cell action potential neurotransmitter release ATP driven power stroke calcium ion release from SR sliding of myofilaments neurotransmitter release motor neuron action potential muscle cell action potential release of calcium ions from SR ATP driven power stroke neurotransmitter release muscle cell action potential motor neuron action potential release of calcium ions from SR sliding of myofilaments ATP driven power s motor neuron action potential neurotransmitter release muscle cell action potential release of calcium ions from SR ATP driven power stroke sliding of myofilam
Tetrtrodotoxin TTX is applied to a cell sample that is normally permeable to Na and K What will the membrane potential most likely be with this modification O 70 mV O 60 mV O 0 mV O 94 mV O 55 mV
Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous System
Tetrtrodotoxin TTX is applied to a cell sample that is normally permeable to Na and K What will the membrane potential most likely be with this modification O 70 mV O 60 mV O 0 mV O 94 mV O 55 mV
Myofibrils Axon Axon terminal Sarcolemma Nucleus Motor neuron Muscle fiber
Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous System
Myofibrils Axon Axon terminal Sarcolemma Nucleus Motor neuron Muscle fiber
Use the tool to create a To Do list
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Use the tool to create a To Do list
The resting membrane potential of a neuron will lie somewhere between the O equilibrium potential Na K O equilibrium potential Na Ca2 O threshold voltage Na K O threshold voltage Na Ca2 Olons do not influence resting membrane potential of the ions
Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous System
The resting membrane potential of a neuron will lie somewhere between the O equilibrium potential Na K O equilibrium potential Na Ca2 O threshold voltage Na K O threshold voltage Na Ca2 Olons do not influence resting membrane potential of the ions
Aging is occurring much more rapidly in less developed regions than it did in the United States and other already aging countries The pattern may seem counterintuitive since developing regions have much higher fertility and younger populations than the developed nations How is this possible that they can grow older so much faster Select all that are true O Migration happened at a slower rate in the less developed nations but were not followed by a decline in morality Improvements in migration happened faster in the less developed nations and typically followed a decline in morality O The primary explanation is that the improvements in mortality happened more slowly in the developed nations and typically followed a decline in fertility
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Aging is occurring much more rapidly in less developed regions than it did in the United States and other already aging countries The pattern may seem counterintuitive since developing regions have much higher fertility and younger populations than the developed nations How is this possible that they can grow older so much faster Select all that are true O Migration happened at a slower rate in the less developed nations but were not followed by a decline in morality Improvements in migration happened faster in the less developed nations and typically followed a decline in morality O The primary explanation is that the improvements in mortality happened more slowly in the developed nations and typically followed a decline in fertility
Bobby is addicted to coffee drinking it all the time Which of these effects will Bobby s excessive caffeine intake most likely have O Increased cAMP degradation O Inhibition of cAMP phosphodiesterase O Reduction in CAMP concentration within the cell O Release of DAG O Release of IP3
Anatomy and Physiology
Bobby is addicted to coffee drinking it all the time Which of these effects will Bobby s excessive caffeine intake most likely have O Increased cAMP degradation O Inhibition of cAMP phosphodiesterase O Reduction in CAMP concentration within the cell O Release of DAG O Release of IP3
Secretion of cortisol from the hormone from the anterior pituitary gland This is an example of O Adrenal medulla short loop O Adrenal cortex short loop O Adrenal cortex long loop O Adrenal medulla long loop pts acts to inhibit secretion of ACTH adrenocorticotropic negative feedback
Anatomy and Physiology
Secretion of cortisol from the hormone from the anterior pituitary gland This is an example of O Adrenal medulla short loop O Adrenal cortex short loop O Adrenal cortex long loop O Adrenal medulla long loop pts acts to inhibit secretion of ACTH adrenocorticotropic negative feedback
Drug X causes 5 units of response Drug Y causes 10 units of response When administered together interaction a patient receives 30 units of response This is an example of a n O synergistic
Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous System
Drug X causes 5 units of response Drug Y causes 10 units of response When administered together interaction a patient receives 30 units of response This is an example of a n O synergistic
Primary hyposecretion of insulin like growth factor from the liver would result in tropic hormones from the hypothalamus and pituitary gland
Anatomy and Physiology
Primary hyposecretion of insulin like growth factor from the liver would result in tropic hormones from the hypothalamus and pituitary gland
Which is true about steroid ligands O Always act as neurotransmitters O Are hydrophilic Are formed from arachidonic acid O Are secreted from the ovaries in women
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Which is true about steroid ligands O Always act as neurotransmitters O Are hydrophilic Are formed from arachidonic acid O Are secreted from the ovaries in women
Which is true about histamine It is an amine messenger It is a hormone O it is lipophilic OIt is synthesized in the mitochondria
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Which is true about histamine It is an amine messenger It is a hormone O it is lipophilic OIt is synthesized in the mitochondria
Population pyramids often take on one of three basic stylized shapes each of which distinguishes demographic patterns and other aspects of social life A true pyramid is characteristic of young countries with high fertility and high mortality a rectangular pyramid shows the effects of sustained very low fertility and very low morality and a classic pyramid shape or beehive shape reflects a pattern of low mortality and fertility Which pyramid is most desirable for a society O True pyramid O Rectangular pyramid O Each pyramid represents a different set of challenges therefore one is not more desirable than the other Classic pyramid Beehive shape
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Population pyramids often take on one of three basic stylized shapes each of which distinguishes demographic patterns and other aspects of social life A true pyramid is characteristic of young countries with high fertility and high mortality a rectangular pyramid shows the effects of sustained very low fertility and very low morality and a classic pyramid shape or beehive shape reflects a pattern of low mortality and fertility Which pyramid is most desirable for a society O True pyramid O Rectangular pyramid O Each pyramid represents a different set of challenges therefore one is not more desirable than the other Classic pyramid Beehive shape
Why would someone that has received eyeglasses to compensate for blurry vision not be considered handicapped in normal life O The impaired and disabled person is allowed to see clearly in all situations because of the eyeglasses so we can say that they are not handicapped in normal life O The impaired and disabled person has eyeglasses to see clearly while others do not which means they are considered handicapped O The person with eyeglasses are considered frail and dependent on something which means they are considered handicapped
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Why would someone that has received eyeglasses to compensate for blurry vision not be considered handicapped in normal life O The impaired and disabled person is allowed to see clearly in all situations because of the eyeglasses so we can say that they are not handicapped in normal life O The impaired and disabled person has eyeglasses to see clearly while others do not which means they are considered handicapped O The person with eyeglasses are considered frail and dependent on something which means they are considered handicapped
Saltatory conduction can be synonymously used with the term efferent O Falle
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Saltatory conduction can be synonymously used with the term efferent O Falle
APR interval longer than 200 msec is a diagnostic indicator of Oheart block O myocaridal infarct O low blood pressure Oliver disease
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
APR interval longer than 200 msec is a diagnostic indicator of Oheart block O myocaridal infarct O low blood pressure Oliver disease
Damaged G protein coupled receptors will most likely result in which issue OMalfunctioning ionotropic receptor O Greater post synaptic potential PSP amplitude Reduced DAG and IP3 release O Greater calcium release O None of these
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Damaged G protein coupled receptors will most likely result in which issue OMalfunctioning ionotropic receptor O Greater post synaptic potential PSP amplitude Reduced DAG and IP3 release O Greater calcium release O None of these
Which medicine s practices and therapies include prayer healing and cleansing ceremonies religious rituals cultural rites medicinal herbs hot and cold foods animals and animal parts or by products O Folk medicine O Traditional medicine Modern medicine
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Which medicine s practices and therapies include prayer healing and cleansing ceremonies religious rituals cultural rites medicinal herbs hot and cold foods animals and animal parts or by products O Folk medicine O Traditional medicine Modern medicine
Which one or ones of the following are examples of a basic economic concept as a way to help understand how systems and supports for older persons function within countries Select all that are true GDP per capita O National debt Inflation GDP
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Which one or ones of the following are examples of a basic economic concept as a way to help understand how systems and supports for older persons function within countries Select all that are true GDP per capita O National debt Inflation GDP
Action potentials are decremental depolarizations of the axonal plasma membrane O True O False
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Action potentials are decremental depolarizations of the axonal plasma membrane O True O False
9 Explain the role of coenzyme A What does this substance do once it has made its delivery
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
9 Explain the role of coenzyme A What does this substance do once it has made its delivery
7 How does ATP compare to NADH
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
7 How does ATP compare to NADH
means living near family members but not together and is reflected in contemporary living arrangements in many developed countries O Social impacts Welfare state O Intimacy at a distance
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
means living near family members but not together and is reflected in contemporary living arrangements in many developed countries O Social impacts Welfare state O Intimacy at a distance
What is the specific membrane bound enzyme present in this figure O Tyrosine kinase O Cyclooxygenase Protein kinase A O Adenylate cyclase Transmitter substance Receptor G protein CAMP Figure 1 Channel Effector function Gate
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
What is the specific membrane bound enzyme present in this figure O Tyrosine kinase O Cyclooxygenase Protein kinase A O Adenylate cyclase Transmitter substance Receptor G protein CAMP Figure 1 Channel Effector function Gate
Disability is often used interchangeably with the terms impairment and handicap physiology cognition or emotion while a O Disability impairment O Disability handicap O Handicap impairment O Impairment disability is any deviation from normal is an inability to perform an activity in a normal way
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Disability is often used interchangeably with the terms impairment and handicap physiology cognition or emotion while a O Disability impairment O Disability handicap O Handicap impairment O Impairment disability is any deviation from normal is an inability to perform an activity in a normal way
2 When measuring and organism s rate of cellular respiration Basal Metabolic Rate BMR oxygen consumption is typically measured Explain why this measurement works
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
2 When measuring and organism s rate of cellular respiration Basal Metabolic Rate BMR oxygen consumption is typically measured Explain why this measurement works
Tropic hormones released from the hypothalamus O Can be stimulatory but not inhibitory O Act on endocrine cells located in the neurohypophysis O Act on endocrine cells located in the adenohypophysis
Anatomy and Physiology
Tropic hormones released from the hypothalamus O Can be stimulatory but not inhibitory O Act on endocrine cells located in the neurohypophysis O Act on endocrine cells located in the adenohypophysis
The discovery of natural causes of disease led to improvements in public health measures that emphasized unhealthy social conditions and lifestyles that also could lead to a host of negative health outcomes O True False
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
The discovery of natural causes of disease led to improvements in public health measures that emphasized unhealthy social conditions and lifestyles that also could lead to a host of negative health outcomes O True False
Which of the following best describes spinal gating CNS modulation of pain O Spinal gating refers to signals from non pain sensory tracts that dampen the perception of pain This occurs in the cerebral cortex O Spinal gating refers to the control of gates through which painful signals are sent O Spinal gating refers to the process of blocking incoming ascending painful sensory information using non painful signals from nearby neurons O Spinal gating is a slang term for epidural administration Question 25
Anatomy and Physiology
Which of the following best describes spinal gating CNS modulation of pain O Spinal gating refers to signals from non pain sensory tracts that dampen the perception of pain This occurs in the cerebral cortex O Spinal gating refers to the control of gates through which painful signals are sent O Spinal gating refers to the process of blocking incoming ascending painful sensory information using non painful signals from nearby neurons O Spinal gating is a slang term for epidural administration Question 25
Disease presents through either signs or symptoms What are some examples of signs O Ignoring observed body changes self medicating or simply doing nothing O Pain dizziness queasiness sadness anxiety and confusion O Body temperature heart rate respiration brain waves a broken bone
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Disease presents through either signs or symptoms What are some examples of signs O Ignoring observed body changes self medicating or simply doing nothing O Pain dizziness queasiness sadness anxiety and confusion O Body temperature heart rate respiration brain waves a broken bone
The acrosome of a sperm A Protects the sperm from the acidic vagina pH B Is an energy allowing sperm to be motile Protects the sperm from the female s leukocytes Contains enzymes that allow the sperm to penetrate the egg
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
The acrosome of a sperm A Protects the sperm from the acidic vagina pH B Is an energy allowing sperm to be motile Protects the sperm from the female s leukocytes Contains enzymes that allow the sperm to penetrate the egg
What happens to internal heat production when a person exercises
Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous System
What happens to internal heat production when a person exercises
When blood pressure decreases the hypothalamus will release corticotropic releasing hormone CRH to the anterior pituitary The anterior pituitary then releases adrenocorticotropic hormone ACTH which will enter the blood and travel to the adrenal gland The adrenal gland will release aldosterone which will travel to the kidneys in order to enhance the retention of Na and water in order to reestablish a normal blood pressure When considering homeostatic control pathways how many integrators are in the scenario provided A Two C Four B One Three
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
When blood pressure decreases the hypothalamus will release corticotropic releasing hormone CRH to the anterior pituitary The anterior pituitary then releases adrenocorticotropic hormone ACTH which will enter the blood and travel to the adrenal gland The adrenal gland will release aldosterone which will travel to the kidneys in order to enhance the retention of Na and water in order to reestablish a normal blood pressure When considering homeostatic control pathways how many integrators are in the scenario provided A Two C Four B One Three
What are the effectors involved in the control of pulmonary ventilation the answer is not one word
Anatomy and Physiology
Respiratory System
What are the effectors involved in the control of pulmonary ventilation the answer is not one word
Can you think of any mammal besides humans that is almost completely naked except for its head Fur coats are famously warm but can you imagine wearing one against your skin on a hot summer day in Sacramento Brutal
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Can you think of any mammal besides humans that is almost completely naked except for its head Fur coats are famously warm but can you imagine wearing one against your skin on a hot summer day in Sacramento Brutal
Strenous exercise should cause an increase in systemic capillary blood flow due to the sympathetic nervous system True False
Anatomy and Physiology
Strenous exercise should cause an increase in systemic capillary blood flow due to the sympathetic nervous system True False
In myocardial contractile cells the action potential will occur during the PR interval ST segment SR interval QRS interval of the EKG
Anatomy and Physiology
In myocardial contractile cells the action potential will occur during the PR interval ST segment SR interval QRS interval of the EKG
I I w G 16 W 19 55 In this screen shot we are measuring Oheart rate O cardiac contractility Oblood flow
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
I I w G 16 W 19 55 In this screen shot we are measuring Oheart rate O cardiac contractility Oblood flow
Why would an impaired soldier who has been fitted with a prosthetic limb who has received adequate physical and occupational therapy not be considered handicapped O If the soldier is under 65 years of age they are not considered handicapped O Because they can resume a normal life with complete or nearly complete mobility Some can even return to military duty after they recover The soldier is still missing a limb therefore they are considered disabled and unable to have a normal social role in society
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Why would an impaired soldier who has been fitted with a prosthetic limb who has received adequate physical and occupational therapy not be considered handicapped O If the soldier is under 65 years of age they are not considered handicapped O Because they can resume a normal life with complete or nearly complete mobility Some can even return to military duty after they recover The soldier is still missing a limb therefore they are considered disabled and unable to have a normal social role in society
5 Explain the difference between ADP and ATP Where is the energy held
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
5 Explain the difference between ADP and ATP Where is the energy held
Match the structure to the correct term Not all letters will be used A A B E Plasma membrane G B L D Paramylon granule C F Choose eyespot photoreceptor contractile vacuole chloroplast flagella
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Match the structure to the correct term Not all letters will be used A A B E Plasma membrane G B L D Paramylon granule C F Choose eyespot photoreceptor contractile vacuole chloroplast flagella
Evolutionary theory which explains the origin of eukaryotes from ancestral prokaryotes Certain prokaryotes lived within eukaryotes and evolved into mitochondria and chloroplasts Proposes that some organelles Mitochondria and Chloroplasts evolved from free living prokaryotes that were engulfed and subsequently became obligate endosymbionants Evidence Mitochondria and chloroplasts contain small DNA molecules 1 mitochondrial DNA and chloroplasts contain DNA similiar to bacterial DNA 2 mitochondria and chloroplasts have ribosomes whose size and structure closely resemble those of bacteria 3 like bacteria mitochondria and chloroplasts reproduce by binary fission while the cells
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Evolutionary theory which explains the origin of eukaryotes from ancestral prokaryotes Certain prokaryotes lived within eukaryotes and evolved into mitochondria and chloroplasts Proposes that some organelles Mitochondria and Chloroplasts evolved from free living prokaryotes that were engulfed and subsequently became obligate endosymbionants Evidence Mitochondria and chloroplasts contain small DNA molecules 1 mitochondrial DNA and chloroplasts contain DNA similiar to bacterial DNA 2 mitochondria and chloroplasts have ribosomes whose size and structure closely resemble those of bacteria 3 like bacteria mitochondria and chloroplasts reproduce by binary fission while the cells