Anatomy and Physiology Questions

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8 Pyruvic acid or Pyruvate is formed at the end of glycolysis but the Citric Acid Cycle begins with a two carbon acetyl molecule What happened to the other carbon atom What kind of energy was formed in this process
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
8 Pyruvic acid or Pyruvate is formed at the end of glycolysis but the Citric Acid Cycle begins with a two carbon acetyl molecule What happened to the other carbon atom What kind of energy was formed in this process
6 Explain the difference between NAD and NADH What is the form of energy
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
6 Explain the difference between NAD and NADH What is the form of energy
Can you think of any other mammal that is naked sweats and has a body surface area that is expressed in square meters instead of square inches
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Can you think of any other mammal that is naked sweats and has a body surface area that is expressed in square meters instead of square inches
Which of the following best describes the relative sensitivity of gustation compared to olfaction O Gustation is 10 000x more sensitive than olfaction in humans due to a significantly higher number of taste buds on the tongue O Gustation is 10 000x more sensitive than olfaction in humans O Olfaction is 10 000x more sensitive than gustation in humans O Olfaction is 10 000x more sensitive than gustation in humans due to a significantly higher number of receptors in olfactory epithelium Question 23 1 pt
Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous System
Which of the following best describes the relative sensitivity of gustation compared to olfaction O Gustation is 10 000x more sensitive than olfaction in humans due to a significantly higher number of taste buds on the tongue O Gustation is 10 000x more sensitive than olfaction in humans O Olfaction is 10 000x more sensitive than gustation in humans O Olfaction is 10 000x more sensitive than gustation in humans due to a significantly higher number of receptors in olfactory epithelium Question 23 1 pt
large in terms of size and it is shallow that make it easy to bacter o observe growth of the subjects such as 2 What are bacteria using for nutrients in nutrient agar The peptone is the source of nitrogen or Protein that acts as a source of aminooods For bacteria The beef extract is Primary source of carbon which is essential for Formation of carbohydrates in the la grow What is the purpose of the agar Agar is often used to Feed and bacteria and other microbes It serves as a nutrient rich Culture CRITICAL THINKING 1 Did all the organisms living in or on the environments sampled grow on your nutrient agar Briefly explain nutrient agar medium Some bacteria microbes Cannot grow on Some of these may need very entical Food source which is hot Present in nutrient agar 2 How could you determine whether the turbidity in your nutrient broth tube was from a mixture of different microbes or from the growth of only one kind of microbe CLINICAL APPLICATION The effectiveness of sanitation procedures in hospitals is determined by sampling surfaces for bacteria Samples can be taken by rubbing a sterile moistened cotton swab on a surface and inoculating a nutrient agar plate or with a Rodac environmental sampling plate The 67 mm Rodac plates are designed so that an agar medium can be over filled producing a dome shaped surface that can be pressed onto a surface for sampling microbes As the sanitation control officer you test each method to determine which you will use What can you conclude from these results Swab onto nutrient agar Rodac plate containing Number of Plates with Colonies 5 5 Number of Plates Inoculated 50 40 Loctenas
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
large in terms of size and it is shallow that make it easy to bacter o observe growth of the subjects such as 2 What are bacteria using for nutrients in nutrient agar The peptone is the source of nitrogen or Protein that acts as a source of aminooods For bacteria The beef extract is Primary source of carbon which is essential for Formation of carbohydrates in the la grow What is the purpose of the agar Agar is often used to Feed and bacteria and other microbes It serves as a nutrient rich Culture CRITICAL THINKING 1 Did all the organisms living in or on the environments sampled grow on your nutrient agar Briefly explain nutrient agar medium Some bacteria microbes Cannot grow on Some of these may need very entical Food source which is hot Present in nutrient agar 2 How could you determine whether the turbidity in your nutrient broth tube was from a mixture of different microbes or from the growth of only one kind of microbe CLINICAL APPLICATION The effectiveness of sanitation procedures in hospitals is determined by sampling surfaces for bacteria Samples can be taken by rubbing a sterile moistened cotton swab on a surface and inoculating a nutrient agar plate or with a Rodac environmental sampling plate The 67 mm Rodac plates are designed so that an agar medium can be over filled producing a dome shaped surface that can be pressed onto a surface for sampling microbes As the sanitation control officer you test each method to determine which you will use What can you conclude from these results Swab onto nutrient agar Rodac plate containing Number of Plates with Colonies 5 5 Number of Plates Inoculated 50 40 Loctenas
11 Ultimately what happens to the carbon atoms of pyruvic acid Where do they go
Anatomy and Physiology
Respiratory System
11 Ultimately what happens to the carbon atoms of pyruvic acid Where do they go
10 The primary purpose of the Krebs Cycle AKA Citric Acid Cycle is to convert chemical and bond energy from the above molecule to electron carriers Although for each acetyl processed there is ATP made
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
10 The primary purpose of the Krebs Cycle AKA Citric Acid Cycle is to convert chemical and bond energy from the above molecule to electron carriers Although for each acetyl processed there is ATP made
Why is the hyperventilation only very temporary
Anatomy and Physiology
Respiratory System
Why is the hyperventilation only very temporary
Which of the following best describes the transmission of fast pain A Fast pain is relayed via B fibers which are large and myelinated Fast pain is relayed via A and C fibers which are of variable sizes and myelinated Fast pain is relayed via A fibers which are large and myelinated Fast pain is relayed via C fibers which are large and myelinated
Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous System
Which of the following best describes the transmission of fast pain A Fast pain is relayed via B fibers which are large and myelinated Fast pain is relayed via A and C fibers which are of variable sizes and myelinated Fast pain is relayed via A fibers which are large and myelinated Fast pain is relayed via C fibers which are large and myelinated
Which loses more heat to the environment warm skin or cold skin
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Which loses more heat to the environment warm skin or cold skin
Which of the following is true regarding a receptor potential O Multiple answers are correct O Receptor potentials develop from a stimulus and must synapse with a sensory neuron before relaying information to the CNS O Receptor potentials are graded potentials resulting from neurotransmitter binding 4 Receptor potentials develop from a stimulus and either directly contribute to an action potential or they are communicated over short distances to a separate sensory neuron O Receptor potentials are all graded potentials which may develop to an action potential inside the receptor
Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous System
Which of the following is true regarding a receptor potential O Multiple answers are correct O Receptor potentials develop from a stimulus and must synapse with a sensory neuron before relaying information to the CNS O Receptor potentials are graded potentials resulting from neurotransmitter binding 4 Receptor potentials develop from a stimulus and either directly contribute to an action potential or they are communicated over short distances to a separate sensory neuron O Receptor potentials are all graded potentials which may develop to an action potential inside the receptor
So in terms of temperature regulation what is the human body adapted for
Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous System
So in terms of temperature regulation what is the human body adapted for
Which of the following describes memory consolidation Refers to the relationship between learning and memory Refers to how the brain combines related ideas and concepts Refers to the acquisition of new information by the brain
Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous System
Which of the following describes memory consolidation Refers to the relationship between learning and memory Refers to how the brain combines related ideas and concepts Refers to the acquisition of new information by the brain
Which of the following correctly differentiates first second and third order neurons O First second and third denotes the hierarchy of neurons within the brain indicating their importance O First order neurons enter the spinal cord and synapse with second order neurons of the thalamus which then synapse with third order neurons which carry sensory information to the correct area of the cerebral cortex They refer to neurons in descending motor pathways responsible for muscle contraction O Third order neurons enter the spinal cord and synapse with second order neurons of the thalamus which then synapse with first order neurons which carry sensory information to the correct area of the cerebral cortex
Anatomy and Physiology
Which of the following correctly differentiates first second and third order neurons O First second and third denotes the hierarchy of neurons within the brain indicating their importance O First order neurons enter the spinal cord and synapse with second order neurons of the thalamus which then synapse with third order neurons which carry sensory information to the correct area of the cerebral cortex They refer to neurons in descending motor pathways responsible for muscle contraction O Third order neurons enter the spinal cord and synapse with second order neurons of the thalamus which then synapse with first order neurons which carry sensory information to the correct area of the cerebral cortex
What Gas is Produced by Respiring Pea Seads Plants also produce ATP aerobically and anaerobically They carry out aerobic respiration in the presence of free oxygen whereas anaerobic respiration is carried out when they are deprived of oxygen Aerobic respiration takes place in the mitochondria We will carry out a simple experiment to demonstrate that carbon dioxide is released by germinating seeds during aerobic respiration For this experiment we ll be needing the pea seeds pre soaked in water dry seeds and two identical flasks with rubber plugs Watch the video Carbon dioxide is produced during respiration that explains how to conduct the experiment that investigates gas production during aerobic respiration in pea plants here https www 3cmediasolutions org privid 384966 key 6295f7ceb46d7470d39f7dbee0b524bcfd4df905 1 Describe your observations
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
What Gas is Produced by Respiring Pea Seads Plants also produce ATP aerobically and anaerobically They carry out aerobic respiration in the presence of free oxygen whereas anaerobic respiration is carried out when they are deprived of oxygen Aerobic respiration takes place in the mitochondria We will carry out a simple experiment to demonstrate that carbon dioxide is released by germinating seeds during aerobic respiration For this experiment we ll be needing the pea seeds pre soaked in water dry seeds and two identical flasks with rubber plugs Watch the video Carbon dioxide is produced during respiration that explains how to conduct the experiment that investigates gas production during aerobic respiration in pea plants here https www 3cmediasolutions org privid 384966 key 6295f7ceb46d7470d39f7dbee0b524bcfd4df905 1 Describe your observations
Which of the following best describes perception Perception is the conscious interpretation of a sensation O Perception is the detection of a change in homeostasis O Perception is the interpretation of a sensation O Perception is the awareness of a change in homeostasis
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Which of the following best describes perception Perception is the conscious interpretation of a sensation O Perception is the detection of a change in homeostasis O Perception is the interpretation of a sensation O Perception is the awareness of a change in homeostasis
3 List the four major processes in cell respiration and where they occur in the eukaryotic cell Specific Location found in Cell A B C D Processes
Anatomy and Physiology
Respiratory System
3 List the four major processes in cell respiration and where they occur in the eukaryotic cell Specific Location found in Cell A B C D Processes
The pitch or sharpness as I called it is directly related to which property of a sound wave O frequency O multiple answers are correct duration amplitude
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
The pitch or sharpness as I called it is directly related to which property of a sound wave O frequency O multiple answers are correct duration amplitude
1 Give an overall equation for cellular respiration labeling reactants and products
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
1 Give an overall equation for cellular respiration labeling reactants and products
What mechanisms could affect heat loss
Anatomy and Physiology
Head and Neck
What mechanisms could affect heat loss
Name the specific area responsible for perception of gustation
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Name the specific area responsible for perception of gustation
Match each type of respiration to its respective final electron acceptor fermentation aerobic respiration anaerobic respiration A oxygen B oxygen containing ions C organic compounds
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Match each type of respiration to its respective final electron acceptor fermentation aerobic respiration anaerobic respiration A oxygen B oxygen containing ions C organic compounds
If we begin cellular 4 In Glycolysis the suffix lysis means to respiration by breaking down one six carbon glucose molecule what will the products of glycolysis be
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
If we begin cellular 4 In Glycolysis the suffix lysis means to respiration by breaking down one six carbon glucose molecule what will the products of glycolysis be
F Imagine that you have just run a very fast 5 0 kilometer race Your legs are cramping badly and your breathing is very heavy Someone tells you the cramps are from a build up of lactic acid in your muscles Some 10 15 minutes later your cramps are gone and your breathing has returned normal How did the deep breathes relate to ridding your legs of cramps
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
F Imagine that you have just run a very fast 5 0 kilometer race Your legs are cramping badly and your breathing is very heavy Someone tells you the cramps are from a build up of lactic acid in your muscles Some 10 15 minutes later your cramps are gone and your breathing has returned normal How did the deep breathes relate to ridding your legs of cramps
What variable s was being disturbed in this experiment
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
What variable s was being disturbed in this experiment
Place the events below in the correct sequence in which they would occur during the act of hearing In the text box below simply write the correct order of events by writing the number of each event in the order in which they would happen for example if i thought 6 was the first event and 1 was the second my answer would start with 6 1 Please note that you will not use all numbers 1 The malleus incus and stapes vibrate in succession causing perilymph in the vestibular canal to develop fluid waves 2 A receptor potential develops which ultimately initiates an action potential 3 The vestibular membrane vibrates causing waves in the fluid of the cochlear duct 4 External sound waves are transmitted through the external auditory canal causing the tympanic membrane to vibrate 5 The basilar membrane begins to move up and down in response causing hair cells to bend against the tectorial membrane 6 The malleus incus and stapes vibrate in succession causing perilymph in the tympanic canal to develop fluid waves 7 An action potential is sent via cranial nerve nine 8 The basilar membrane begins to move up and down in response causing hair cells to bend against the tympanic membrane 9 External sound waves are transmitted through the external auditory canal causing the tectorial membrane to vibrate
Anatomy and Physiology
Head and Neck
Place the events below in the correct sequence in which they would occur during the act of hearing In the text box below simply write the correct order of events by writing the number of each event in the order in which they would happen for example if i thought 6 was the first event and 1 was the second my answer would start with 6 1 Please note that you will not use all numbers 1 The malleus incus and stapes vibrate in succession causing perilymph in the vestibular canal to develop fluid waves 2 A receptor potential develops which ultimately initiates an action potential 3 The vestibular membrane vibrates causing waves in the fluid of the cochlear duct 4 External sound waves are transmitted through the external auditory canal causing the tympanic membrane to vibrate 5 The basilar membrane begins to move up and down in response causing hair cells to bend against the tectorial membrane 6 The malleus incus and stapes vibrate in succession causing perilymph in the tympanic canal to develop fluid waves 7 An action potential is sent via cranial nerve nine 8 The basilar membrane begins to move up and down in response causing hair cells to bend against the tympanic membrane 9 External sound waves are transmitted through the external auditory canal causing the tectorial membrane to vibrate
The loudness of a sound is directly related to which property of a sound wave O wavelength O amplitude O multiple answers are correct O duration 43
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
The loudness of a sound is directly related to which property of a sound wave O wavelength O amplitude O multiple answers are correct O duration 43
Which of the following best describes the purpose of the semicircular canals O They relay information regarding acceleration by monitoring the directional movement of fluid within the canals O They relay information regarding acceleration by monitoring the directional movement of the otolithic membrane within the canals O They relay information regarding acceleration due to gravity by monitoring the directional movement of fluid within the canals O They relay information regarding acceleration due to gravity by monitoring the directional movement of the otolithic membrane
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Which of the following best describes the purpose of the semicircular canals O They relay information regarding acceleration by monitoring the directional movement of fluid within the canals O They relay information regarding acceleration by monitoring the directional movement of the otolithic membrane within the canals O They relay information regarding acceleration due to gravity by monitoring the directional movement of fluid within the canals O They relay information regarding acceleration due to gravity by monitoring the directional movement of the otolithic membrane
What is the difference between static and dynamic equilibrium Static equilibrium monitors any movement from a static position while dynamic monitors movement while you re moving Static equilibrium monitors applied force due to gravity while dynamic monitors acceleration along any of three directions axes
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
What is the difference between static and dynamic equilibrium Static equilibrium monitors any movement from a static position while dynamic monitors movement while you re moving Static equilibrium monitors applied force due to gravity while dynamic monitors acceleration along any of three directions axes
12 Name the cranial nerve responsible for relaying sensory information regarding olfaction
Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous System
12 Name the cranial nerve responsible for relaying sensory information regarding olfaction
Which of the following describes accommodation O The ability of the pupil to constrict and dilate in response to light O The ability to control eye movement based on directional input from the vestibular apparatus of the inner ear The ability of the brain to adjust our perspective of the objects we see Refers to the control of refractive structures of the eye to adjust to light waves entering the eye at different angles as occurs
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Which of the following describes accommodation O The ability of the pupil to constrict and dilate in response to light O The ability to control eye movement based on directional input from the vestibular apparatus of the inner ear The ability of the brain to adjust our perspective of the objects we see Refers to the control of refractive structures of the eye to adjust to light waves entering the eye at different angles as occurs
Define adaptation Explain the difference between tonic and phasic receptors Edit Form Tabl
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Define adaptation Explain the difference between tonic and phasic receptors Edit Form Tabl
Where do you think the main integrating center for water balance is located hint its in the same location as the body s thermostat
Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous System
Where do you think the main integrating center for water balance is located hint its in the same location as the body s thermostat
Does the data in Tables 1 and 2 provide good evidence of an appropriate negative feedback response WHY
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Does the data in Tables 1 and 2 provide good evidence of an appropriate negative feedback response WHY
Based upon Table 1 how did the kidneys manage water excretion and NaCl excretion in the student who consumed water 1 Based upon Table 2 how did the kidneys manage NaCl excretion and water excretion in the student who consumed NaCl
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Based upon Table 1 how did the kidneys manage water excretion and NaCl excretion in the student who consumed water 1 Based upon Table 2 how did the kidneys manage NaCl excretion and water excretion in the student who consumed NaCl
When nociceptors relay information to the brain what sensation do you feel
Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous System
When nociceptors relay information to the brain what sensation do you feel
3 Who is responsible for COBRA payments
Anatomy and Physiology
3 Who is responsible for COBRA payments
Question 14 Which of the following describes the role of lingual papillae in gustation Some are used to detect taste some are used to detect texture Papillae increase friction between the tongue and food to better grip what we re eating All papillae allow for greater detection of food texture
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Question 14 Which of the following describes the role of lingual papillae in gustation Some are used to detect taste some are used to detect texture Papillae increase friction between the tongue and food to better grip what we re eating All papillae allow for greater detection of food texture
What are some of the issues with benefits that employees bring up during negotiations With health care now being one of the largest expenses for employers how can health care be used to leverage negotiations
Anatomy and Physiology
What are some of the issues with benefits that employees bring up during negotiations With health care now being one of the largest expenses for employers how can health care be used to leverage negotiations
My Activities Tell me what you want Read the excerpt from the poem Holy Sonnet X and answer the following question Thou art slave to fate chance kings and desperate men And dost with poison war and sickness dwell And poppy or charms can make us sleep as well And better than thy stroke why swell st thou then One short sleep past we wake eternally And death shall be no more Death thou shalt die When will death die When the kings and desperate men conquer Death
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
My Activities Tell me what you want Read the excerpt from the poem Holy Sonnet X and answer the following question Thou art slave to fate chance kings and desperate men And dost with poison war and sickness dwell And poppy or charms can make us sleep as well And better than thy stroke why swell st thou then One short sleep past we wake eternally And death shall be no more Death thou shalt die When will death die When the kings and desperate men conquer Death
4 Why does management dislike pyramiding of overtime
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
4 Why does management dislike pyramiding of overtime
1 Why must labor and management be able to accurately determine the cost of wage
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
1 Why must labor and management be able to accurately determine the cost of wage
9 ECG and Pulse Measurement Activity During this activity group members are to take turns as the test subject Following the protocol each test subject will have the leads attached followed by ECG Pulse and Heartrate measurement a Why don t all members of your team have the same resting heart rate List all possible variables responsible for the differences b Explain why the timing of the QRS complex in the ECG and the start of the pulse wave do not coincide What is the dicrotic notch and why does it follow the T wave Based on your understanding what phase is faster systole or diastole Why H
Anatomy and Physiology
9 ECG and Pulse Measurement Activity During this activity group members are to take turns as the test subject Following the protocol each test subject will have the leads attached followed by ECG Pulse and Heartrate measurement a Why don t all members of your team have the same resting heart rate List all possible variables responsible for the differences b Explain why the timing of the QRS complex in the ECG and the start of the pulse wave do not coincide What is the dicrotic notch and why does it follow the T wave Based on your understanding what phase is faster systole or diastole Why H
Which of the following is not considered a special sense O Olfaction O Gustation O Vision O Proprioception A
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Which of the following is not considered a special sense O Olfaction O Gustation O Vision O Proprioception A
Question 13 Which of the following is not a type of information transmitted by a receptor O Modality of stimulus O Location of stimulus Duration of stimulus Sensitivity to stimulus W 1 pt
Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous System
Question 13 Which of the following is not a type of information transmitted by a receptor O Modality of stimulus O Location of stimulus Duration of stimulus Sensitivity to stimulus W 1 pt
wer all parts to receive full credit y explain how regeneration of photopigments occurs in the retina Explain what happens when the photopigment is sed to light and how that photopigment gets recycled regenerated Explain the role of glutamate in vision
Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous System
wer all parts to receive full credit y explain how regeneration of photopigments occurs in the retina Explain what happens when the photopigment is sed to light and how that photopigment gets recycled regenerated Explain the role of glutamate in vision
Briefly explain the structures involved in the detection of static equilibrium Identify any and all structures responsible for this ense and explain how they work to monitor static equilibrium
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Briefly explain the structures involved in the detection of static equilibrium Identify any and all structures responsible for this ense and explain how they work to monitor static equilibrium
The major SENSORS involved in control of ventilation are called CHEMORECEPTORS If you look at the reactions listed above and the results of the experiment which substances do you think the chemoreceptors are most responsive to
Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous System
The major SENSORS involved in control of ventilation are called CHEMORECEPTORS If you look at the reactions listed above and the results of the experiment which substances do you think the chemoreceptors are most responsive to
Which of the following structures is responsible for refracting incoming light Osclera cornea multiple answers are correct Olens
Anatomy and Physiology
Head and Neck
Which of the following structures is responsible for refracting incoming light Osclera cornea multiple answers are correct Olens
Where do you think the integrating center for control of ventilation might be located Why if you dont know the answer you can always make a SWAG a scientific wild ass guess
Anatomy and Physiology
Respiratory System
Where do you think the integrating center for control of ventilation might be located Why if you dont know the answer you can always make a SWAG a scientific wild ass guess