Anatomy and Physiology Questions

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Muscular arteries Diastolic Pulse pressure Systolic Mean arterial pressure Medium sized veins mm Hg 120 100 80 60 40 20
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Muscular arteries Diastolic Pulse pressure Systolic Mean arterial pressure Medium sized veins mm Hg 120 100 80 60 40 20
Systolic Diastolic Medium sized veins Pulse pressure Muscular arteries Mean arterial pressure mm Hg 120 100 80 60 40 20
Anatomy and Physiology
Systolic Diastolic Medium sized veins Pulse pressure Muscular arteries Mean arterial pressure mm Hg 120 100 80 60 40 20
Middle cardiac voin Great cardiac vein Coronary sinus Posterior interventricular artery Small cardiac vein Marginal artery Circumflex artery Right coronary artery Posterior vein of the left ventricle Left ventricle
Anatomy and Physiology
Middle cardiac voin Great cardiac vein Coronary sinus Posterior interventricular artery Small cardiac vein Marginal artery Circumflex artery Right coronary artery Posterior vein of the left ventricle Left ventricle
Write a summary about the story 200 250 words about the story Harrison Bergeron I started it I just need help with continuing it this is what I wrote so far
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Write a summary about the story 200 250 words about the story Harrison Bergeron I started it I just need help with continuing it this is what I wrote so far
Stimulus Absolute actory period polarization vo refractory period Plateau Rapid olarization 30 mv 90 100 Time msec 200 300
Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous System
Stimulus Absolute actory period polarization vo refractory period Plateau Rapid olarization 30 mv 90 100 Time msec 200 300
Trabeculae Hilum Medulla Medullary sinus Germinal center Capsule
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Trabeculae Hilum Medulla Medullary sinus Germinal center Capsule
Remove eyeglasses before attempting to read the chart B Squint if necessary to improve ability to read the largest letters C Stand 20 feet away from the chart cover one eye and read the smallest line possible D Start at the top of the chart and beginning with the big E read all the letters possible Question 4 Which lymph node is noted to be enlarged in this picture A Tonsillar B Submental
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Remove eyeglasses before attempting to read the chart B Squint if necessary to improve ability to read the largest letters C Stand 20 feet away from the chart cover one eye and read the smallest line possible D Start at the top of the chart and beginning with the big E read all the letters possible Question 4 Which lymph node is noted to be enlarged in this picture A Tonsillar B Submental
Which of the following type of rock is made from pieces of sediment and or once living things cemented together
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Which of the following type of rock is made from pieces of sediment and or once living things cemented together
Hts tonsils are 3 in size What did the nurse observe to make that determination A The tonsils were just visible B The tonsils are touching each other The tonsils are on either side of the uvula D The tonsils are extending halfway toward the uvula Question 2 To straighten the ear canal in order to visualize the tympanic membrane what does the nurse do A Pull downward on the ear lobe B Pull the pinna up and back
Anatomy and Physiology
Head and Neck
Hts tonsils are 3 in size What did the nurse observe to make that determination A The tonsils were just visible B The tonsils are touching each other The tonsils are on either side of the uvula D The tonsils are extending halfway toward the uvula Question 2 To straighten the ear canal in order to visualize the tympanic membrane what does the nurse do A Pull downward on the ear lobe B Pull the pinna up and back
A On the soft palate B On the tongue In the buccal cheek In the mucosal gutter under the tongue Question 6 What would the nurse test to determine if the uvula is normal A Perform the confrontation test B Have client say ah and see if it rises with phonation Check the gag reflex D Have client wiggle their tongue and see if the uvula alco win
Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous System
A On the soft palate B On the tongue In the buccal cheek In the mucosal gutter under the tongue Question 6 What would the nurse test to determine if the uvula is normal A Perform the confrontation test B Have client say ah and see if it rises with phonation Check the gag reflex D Have client wiggle their tongue and see if the uvula alco win
The summer flew by and suddenly it was the first day of a new school year And what a beautiful day oday dawned sunny breezy and warm Half my class was loitering in the school yard perfectly content to s minute I slowed my previously eager step realizing I wanted to remain outside in the sunshine too Which word has the most similar connotation to loitering as it is used in the passage 01 lingering 2 lurking 3 standing
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
The summer flew by and suddenly it was the first day of a new school year And what a beautiful day oday dawned sunny breezy and warm Half my class was loitering in the school yard perfectly content to s minute I slowed my previously eager step realizing I wanted to remain outside in the sunshine too Which word has the most similar connotation to loitering as it is used in the passage 01 lingering 2 lurking 3 standing
Anterior cardiac veins Right coronary artery Circumflex artery Anterior interventricular artery Left coronary artery Great cardiac vein Marginal artery Ascending aorta 11 Aortic arch Pulmonary trunk
Anatomy and Physiology
Anterior cardiac veins Right coronary artery Circumflex artery Anterior interventricular artery Left coronary artery Great cardiac vein Marginal artery Ascending aorta 11 Aortic arch Pulmonary trunk
CANA Left pulmonary ortory II II
Anatomy and Physiology
CANA Left pulmonary ortory II II
How can you use word components to relate medical terms to the structures and function of the human body
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
How can you use word components to relate medical terms to the structures and function of the human body
tigen presentation occurs when an antigen glycoprotein complex capable of activating T cells appears in a plasma membrane Place the steps i the correct order to outline how most body cells find and present antigens Body cell becomes infected by a virus The Golgi apparatus packages Class I MHC Class I MHC displays abnormal Abnormal peptides Reset Help The endoplasmic reticulum bo
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
tigen presentation occurs when an antigen glycoprotein complex capable of activating T cells appears in a plasma membrane Place the steps i the correct order to outline how most body cells find and present antigens Body cell becomes infected by a virus The Golgi apparatus packages Class I MHC Class I MHC displays abnormal Abnormal peptides Reset Help The endoplasmic reticulum bo
Toward venous system Vein Artery Lymphatic valve Lymphatic vessel From lymphatic capillaries III 4
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Toward venous system Vein Artery Lymphatic valve Lymphatic vessel From lymphatic capillaries III 4
nocytoblast Proerythroblast man stagos Reticulocyte
Anatomy and Physiology
nocytoblast Proerythroblast man stagos Reticulocyte
Inferior vena cava Hepatic Hepatic portal Cystic Right gastroepiploic Pancreaticoduodenal Right colic Middle colic lleocolic Intestinal Superior mesenteric vein and its branches 9 Liver Pancreas Stomach pleen
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Inferior vena cava Hepatic Hepatic portal Cystic Right gastroepiploic Pancreaticoduodenal Right colic Middle colic lleocolic Intestinal Superior mesenteric vein and its branches 9 Liver Pancreas Stomach pleen
Plasma proteins Red blood colls Water White blood bells Formed elements 45 Other solutes Whole blood Plasma 55 consists of 1 Platelets
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Plasma proteins Red blood colls Water White blood bells Formed elements 45 Other solutes Whole blood Plasma 55 consists of 1 Platelets
Spleen Lymph Appendix Thymus Lymphocyte Tonsil Mucosa associated lymphoid tissue MALT Red bone marrow Other Lymphold Tissues and Organs
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Spleen Lymph Appendix Thymus Lymphocyte Tonsil Mucosa associated lymphoid tissue MALT Red bone marrow Other Lymphold Tissues and Organs
Auricle of left atrium Anterior interventricular sulcus Left pulmonary artery Superior vena cava Pulmonary trunk Left ventricle Coronary sulcus Right atrium Ligamentum arteriosum Auricle of right atrium Right ventricle IIII
Anatomy and Physiology
Auricle of left atrium Anterior interventricular sulcus Left pulmonary artery Superior vena cava Pulmonary trunk Left ventricle Coronary sulcus Right atrium Ligamentum arteriosum Auricle of right atrium Right ventricle IIII
120 Pressure mm Hg ATRIAL ATRIAL DIASTOLE SYSTOLE 90 30 0 VENTRICULAR DIASTOLE Aortic valve closes Aorta Left ventricle Left atrium 100 VENTRICULAR SYSTOLE Left AV valve closes 200 300 ATRIAL DIASTOLE Ti Aortic valve opens 400 VENTRICULAR DIASTOLE Left AV valve opens 500 600 700 800
Anatomy and Physiology
120 Pressure mm Hg ATRIAL ATRIAL DIASTOLE SYSTOLE 90 30 0 VENTRICULAR DIASTOLE Aortic valve closes Aorta Left ventricle Left atrium 100 VENTRICULAR SYSTOLE Left AV valve closes 200 300 ATRIAL DIASTOLE Ti Aortic valve opens 400 VENTRICULAR DIASTOLE Left AV valve opens 500 600 700 800
achiocephalic trunk Superficial temporal Lingual ternal carotid Maxillary Facial mmon carotid Occipital Clavicle First rib Branches of the External Carotid
Anatomy and Physiology
achiocephalic trunk Superficial temporal Lingual ternal carotid Maxillary Facial mmon carotid Occipital Clavicle First rib Branches of the External Carotid
Which of the curves in the following graph illustrates a condition of greater compliance A or B Volume EXCEL A Beeld B
Anatomy and Physiology
Respiratory System
Which of the curves in the following graph illustrates a condition of greater compliance A or B Volume EXCEL A Beeld B
1 Select the structure the right and left ve Submit Pefresh W
Anatomy and Physiology
1 Select the structure the right and left ve Submit Pefresh W
Right ventricle Aortic valve Left ventricle Pulmonary valve Right AV tricuspid valve Left AV bicuspid valve
Anatomy and Physiology
Right ventricle Aortic valve Left ventricle Pulmonary valve Right AV tricuspid valve Left AV bicuspid valve
Median antebrachial Digital veins Cephalic Radial Subclavian Brachial Palmar venous arches Ulnar Axillary Basilic obj e Pa
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Median antebrachial Digital veins Cephalic Radial Subclavian Brachial Palmar venous arches Ulnar Axillary Basilic obj e Pa
Surface antigens Type A xxxxxxxxx anti B antibodies anti B antibodies Type B Anti B antibodies Surface antigen A Type AB Both A and B surface antigens Type O 1 1 xxxxx Surface antige
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Surface antigens Type A xxxxxxxxx anti B antibodies anti B antibodies Type B Anti B antibodies Surface antigen A Type AB Both A and B surface antigens Type O 1 1 xxxxx Surface antige
Underlying connective tissue Mucous membrane Intestinal lumen Aggregated lymphoid nodule Germinal center
Anatomy and Physiology
Underlying connective tissue Mucous membrane Intestinal lumen Aggregated lymphoid nodule Germinal center
Hemocytoblast Proerythroblast You labeled 3 of 7 targets incorrectly No credit Inst Toro Myeloid stem cell Progenitor cell Erythroblast stages Reticulocyte
Anatomy and Physiology
Hemocytoblast Proerythroblast You labeled 3 of 7 targets incorrectly No credit Inst Toro Myeloid stem cell Progenitor cell Erythroblast stages Reticulocyte
Hemocytoblast Proerythroblast Myeloid stem cell Erythroblast stages Progenitor cell Reticulocyte
Anatomy and Physiology
Hemocytoblast Proerythroblast Myeloid stem cell Erythroblast stages Progenitor cell Reticulocyte
a pinoys parang a od m on co p opleving EVE NMOQub EL A another cour Hards 5 6 7 Understand how the ideals set forth in elopment of the U S Constitution and analyze the C by their critics 5 7 2 Explain the significance of the m fundamental principles of American constitutional der
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
a pinoys parang a od m on co p opleving EVE NMOQub EL A another cour Hards 5 6 7 Understand how the ideals set forth in elopment of the U S Constitution and analyze the C by their critics 5 7 2 Explain the significance of the m fundamental principles of American constitutional der
is US tor Path of Lymph Flow through a Lymph Node IIIII 00
Anatomy and Physiology
is US tor Path of Lymph Flow through a Lymph Node IIIII 00
Aortic arch Brachial Palmar arches Radial Right subclavian Brachiocephalic trunk Ulnar Celiac trunk Ascending aorta Vertebral II 61
Anatomy and Physiology
Head and Neck
Aortic arch Brachial Palmar arches Radial Right subclavian Brachiocephalic trunk Ulnar Celiac trunk Ascending aorta Vertebral II 61
Internal carotid Anterior cerebral Posterior cerebral Ophthalmic Middle cerebral Cerebellar J Pituitary gland
Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous System
Internal carotid Anterior cerebral Posterior cerebral Ophthalmic Middle cerebral Cerebellar J Pituitary gland
Extrinsic pathway Prothrombin Factor VII Tissue factor Factor III C 24 Tissue factor complex Common pathway Prothrombin activator Tissue damage Fibrin Thrombin Factor X activator complex Activated proenzymes usually Factor XII Intrinsic pathway Clotting factors VIII IX Ca2 Fibrinogen Platelet factor PF 3
Anatomy and Physiology
Extrinsic pathway Prothrombin Factor VII Tissue factor Factor III C 24 Tissue factor complex Common pathway Prothrombin activator Tissue damage Fibrin Thrombin Factor X activator complex Activated proenzymes usually Factor XII Intrinsic pathway Clotting factors VIII IX Ca2 Fibrinogen Platelet factor PF 3
Microorganism that produce an acid byproduct present a a red b yellow c green d black e blue color in the fermentation test ti
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Microorganism that produce an acid byproduct present a a red b yellow c green d black e blue color in the fermentation test ti
QUESTION 16 Escherichia coli appears a blue red or pink Gb red or pink purple Oc orange purple O d purple red or pink e red or pink blue whereas Staphylococcus aureus appears after the Gram stain
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
QUESTION 16 Escherichia coli appears a blue red or pink Gb red or pink purple Oc orange purple O d purple red or pink e red or pink blue whereas Staphylococcus aureus appears after the Gram stain
What happens if the endometrial tissue travels through the oviducts and deposits into the abdominopelvic cavity
Anatomy and Physiology
What happens if the endometrial tissue travels through the oviducts and deposits into the abdominopelvic cavity
Umbilical cord Umbilical vein Ductus arteriosus open Placenta Foramen ovale open Ductus venosus Aorta Interior vena cava Pulmonary trunk Umbilical arteries K Liver 1
Anatomy and Physiology
Umbilical cord Umbilical vein Ductus arteriosus open Placenta Foramen ovale open Ductus venosus Aorta Interior vena cava Pulmonary trunk Umbilical arteries K Liver 1
lleocolic Middle colic Superior mesenteria vein and its branches Intestinal Cystic Pancreaticoduodenal Inferior vena cava Hepatic Hepatic portal Right colic Right gastroepiploic Liver Pancreas Stomach pleen
Anatomy and Physiology
Head and Neck
lleocolic Middle colic Superior mesenteria vein and its branches Intestinal Cystic Pancreaticoduodenal Inferior vena cava Hepatic Hepatic portal Right colic Right gastroepiploic Liver Pancreas Stomach pleen
Macrophages in spleen liver and bone marrow 11 40 Liver Amino acids Bilirubin bound to albumin in bloodstream Excreted in bile 90 10 Old and damaged RBCs Colon Average life span of RBC is 120 days In the bloodstream the rupture of RBCs is called hemolysis RBC formation
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Macrophages in spleen liver and bone marrow 11 40 Liver Amino acids Bilirubin bound to albumin in bloodstream Excreted in bile 90 10 Old and damaged RBCs Colon Average life span of RBC is 120 days In the bloodstream the rupture of RBCs is called hemolysis RBC formation
Macrophages in spleen liver and bone marrow Iron Liver Home Billverdin Biliverdin Bilirubin bound to albumin in bloodstream Bilirubin Amino acids Excreted in bile Biliverdin 90 10 Old and damaged RBCs Colon Iron Average life span of RBC is 120 days In the bloodstream the rupture of RBCs is called hemolysis RBC formation
Anatomy and Physiology
Kidney and Urinary Tract
Macrophages in spleen liver and bone marrow Iron Liver Home Billverdin Biliverdin Bilirubin bound to albumin in bloodstream Bilirubin Amino acids Excreted in bile Biliverdin 90 10 Old and damaged RBCs Colon Iron Average life span of RBC is 120 days In the bloodstream the rupture of RBCs is called hemolysis RBC formation
Podocytes are best described as Ocells that make up the visceral layer of the glomerular capsule that form one part of the filtration membrane Ocells that help to contain the blood flowing through the glomelular capillaries ensuring that no component of the blood seeps into the urine cells responsible for reabsorbing any nutrients that diffuse out of the bloodstream through the filtration layer cells that wrap around the glomerulus to provide protection
Anatomy and Physiology
Kidney and Urinary Tract
Podocytes are best described as Ocells that make up the visceral layer of the glomerular capsule that form one part of the filtration membrane Ocells that help to contain the blood flowing through the glomelular capillaries ensuring that no component of the blood seeps into the urine cells responsible for reabsorbing any nutrients that diffuse out of the bloodstream through the filtration layer cells that wrap around the glomerulus to provide protection
The adrenal gland as a whole functions to respond to blood sugar levels digestion oxygenation levels ake question Ostress A Question 5 1 point Retake question What defines a collection of cells as a gland rather than an organ Organs consume more energy Glands vary by gender organs do not Glands export products to other body parts Organs operate autonomously glands do not A Question 7 1 point Retake question Negathre foodborld
Anatomy and Physiology
The adrenal gland as a whole functions to respond to blood sugar levels digestion oxygenation levels ake question Ostress A Question 5 1 point Retake question What defines a collection of cells as a gland rather than an organ Organs consume more energy Glands vary by gender organs do not Glands export products to other body parts Organs operate autonomously glands do not A Question 7 1 point Retake question Negathre foodborld
This might be a random or silly question to ask since I do not suffer from this but know people deal with it but when people suffer from an anx attack do you slowly stop getting oxygen or wou it be more like you are getting too much oxygen
Anatomy and Physiology
Respiratory System
This might be a random or silly question to ask since I do not suffer from this but know people deal with it but when people suffer from an anx attack do you slowly stop getting oxygen or wou it be more like you are getting too much oxygen
Body mass kg Lung volume L O2 mL L in lung mL O2 in lungs mL O in lung mL 0 in lung V V Weddell seal 300 8 150 X 0 X 0 0 8 6 150 Human 70 6 150 0 0
Anatomy and Physiology
Respiratory System
Body mass kg Lung volume L O2 mL L in lung mL O2 in lungs mL O in lung mL 0 in lung V V Weddell seal 300 8 150 X 0 X 0 0 8 6 150 Human 70 6 150 0 0
What major historical event of the fifth century precipitated the sad state of learning described here by Gregory of Tours
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
What major historical event of the fifth century precipitated the sad state of learning described here by Gregory of Tours
A Question 32 1 point Retake question Blood travels through lymphatic vessels to and from which components of the human body Olymph nodes and the lungs Obones and the spleen O the spleen and lymph nodes Obones and lymph nodes A Question 34 1 point Retake question Where does the majority of chemical digestion occur duodenum Oliver O jejunum ileum
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
A Question 32 1 point Retake question Blood travels through lymphatic vessels to and from which components of the human body Olymph nodes and the lungs Obones and the spleen O the spleen and lymph nodes Obones and lymph nodes A Question 34 1 point Retake question Where does the majority of chemical digestion occur duodenum Oliver O jejunum ileum
As someone who loves to surf I found many people are obviously into diving Would smoking or age have a significant impact on diving or surfing even if you are using 02 tanks to help you I would think that with age your muscles would not be as strong but I did not know if that was a factor I find it harder to hold my breath underwater as I once did
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
As someone who loves to surf I found many people are obviously into diving Would smoking or age have a significant impact on diving or surfing even if you are using 02 tanks to help you I would think that with age your muscles would not be as strong but I did not know if that was a factor I find it harder to hold my breath underwater as I once did