Introduction to Physiology Questions and Answers

B Match the combining form in Co Column II Column I 1 hypophys o 2 orchid o 3 oophor o 4 thyroaden o 5 pancreat o 6 adren o 7 parathyroid o Column II A Regulates calcium in the blood and ba B Secretes epinephrine adrenaline and cortisol C Secretes insulin which allows sugar to enter cells D Secretes testosterone E Secretes growth hormone and hormones that control the thyroid gland ovaries and testes F Secretes estrogen and progesterone G Secretes thyroxine T4 which increases metabolism of body cells
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
B Match the combining form in Co Column II Column I 1 hypophys o 2 orchid o 3 oophor o 4 thyroaden o 5 pancreat o 6 adren o 7 parathyroid o Column II A Regulates calcium in the blood and ba B Secretes epinephrine adrenaline and cortisol C Secretes insulin which allows sugar to enter cells D Secretes testosterone E Secretes growth hormone and hormones that control the thyroid gland ovaries and testes F Secretes estrogen and progesterone G Secretes thyroxine T4 which increases metabolism of body cells
C Match the medical term in Column I with its me Column II Column I 1 thyroadenitis 2 oophoritis 3 orchiopexy 4 5 thyroidectomy 6 adrenopathy 7 hypophyseal hyperparathyroidism A Disease of the adrenal glands B Pertaining to the pituitary gland C Inflammation of the thyroid gland D Removal of the thyroid gland E Surgical fixation of an undescended testic F Increased secretion of parathyroid hormo G Inflammation of an ovary
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C Match the medical term in Column I with its me Column II Column I 1 thyroadenitis 2 oophoritis 3 orchiopexy 4 5 thyroidectomy 6 adrenopathy 7 hypophyseal hyperparathyroidism A Disease of the adrenal glands B Pertaining to the pituitary gland C Inflammation of the thyroid gland D Removal of the thyroid gland E Surgical fixation of an undescended testic F Increased secretion of parathyroid hormo G Inflammation of an ovary
Look at the following sets of terms Determine which two have a relationship and describe and explain the relationship between them Why is the other term wrong Venules arterioles resistance vessels Venous valve backflow tunica intima
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Look at the following sets of terms Determine which two have a relationship and describe and explain the relationship between them Why is the other term wrong Venules arterioles resistance vessels Venous valve backflow tunica intima
A patient tells a nurse I am feeling lightheaded and my muscles are stiff What could be a possible cause of this O sleeping too much O holding their breath O a lot of diarrhea O a lot of vomiting
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A patient tells a nurse I am feeling lightheaded and my muscles are stiff What could be a possible cause of this O sleeping too much O holding their breath O a lot of diarrhea O a lot of vomiting
A friend wants to take a mineral supplement to decrease their blood pressure Which supplement would be the best choice O calcium O sodium O magnesiuim O potassium
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A friend wants to take a mineral supplement to decrease their blood pressure Which supplement would be the best choice O calcium O sodium O magnesiuim O potassium
output due to a recent heart attack When the patient sits down fluid accumulates in her ankles What description most accurately describes this manifestation O dependent edema O anasarca O cerebral edema O pitting edema
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output due to a recent heart attack When the patient sits down fluid accumulates in her ankles What description most accurately describes this manifestation O dependent edema O anasarca O cerebral edema O pitting edema
What does the term polydipsia mean O excessive fatigue excessive hunger excessive urination O excessive thirst Question 7 1 pts Diabetic keto acidosis results in a total body
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What does the term polydipsia mean O excessive fatigue excessive hunger excessive urination O excessive thirst Question 7 1 pts Diabetic keto acidosis results in a total body
Diabetic keto acidosis results in a total body of potassium O excess
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Diabetic keto acidosis results in a total body of potassium O excess
Which hormone increases blood glucose levels O glucagon O insulin Question 6 1 pts
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Which hormone increases blood glucose levels O glucagon O insulin Question 6 1 pts
Select the statement which is true concerning type Il diabetes Othere is no insulin released O there is not a genetic pre disposition O occurs most commonly in young people O insulin secreted is deranged Question 3 1 pts
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Select the statement which is true concerning type Il diabetes Othere is no insulin released O there is not a genetic pre disposition O occurs most commonly in young people O insulin secreted is deranged Question 3 1 pts
Which of the following are normal blood glucose levels for a fasting blood glucose test Choose all that are correct O 65 mg dL O 101 mg dL O 117 mg dL O 126 mg dL O 130 mg dL
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Introduction to Physiology
Which of the following are normal blood glucose levels for a fasting blood glucose test Choose all that are correct O 65 mg dL O 101 mg dL O 117 mg dL O 126 mg dL O 130 mg dL
e Chara Charophytes belong to a separate taxon Charophyta of green algae and are currently believed to share an ancestral lineage with land plants As close relatives the two groups contain shared derived traits which include the presence of a phragmoplast which delineates the location of the cell plate during mitotic division as well as whorls of branchlets For this reason some species of charophytes e g Chara are often considered plants 41 In addition multicellular charophytes may retain the embryo a characteristic associated plants with land embryophytes Obtain a slide or live sample of Chara View and label where appropriate f Pond water is an ideal environment for many protists Using a concave slide place drops of water in the concave region and cover with a cover slip Draw and describe the organisms you are able to identify
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e Chara Charophytes belong to a separate taxon Charophyta of green algae and are currently believed to share an ancestral lineage with land plants As close relatives the two groups contain shared derived traits which include the presence of a phragmoplast which delineates the location of the cell plate during mitotic division as well as whorls of branchlets For this reason some species of charophytes e g Chara are often considered plants 41 In addition multicellular charophytes may retain the embryo a characteristic associated plants with land embryophytes Obtain a slide or live sample of Chara View and label where appropriate f Pond water is an ideal environment for many protists Using a concave slide place drops of water in the concave region and cover with a cover slip Draw and describe the organisms you are able to identify
Homeostasis is maintained in the body mostly due to the activity of A Positive feedback loops B The nervous system C Negative feedback mechanisms D Endocrine regulation E Dynamic constancy C A hormone called parathyroid hormone increases blood calcium Based on the principles of negative feedback systems what would stimulate its secretion A Decrease in blood calcium B An increase in blood calcium C Neither A or B
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Homeostasis is maintained in the body mostly due to the activity of A Positive feedback loops B The nervous system C Negative feedback mechanisms D Endocrine regulation E Dynamic constancy C A hormone called parathyroid hormone increases blood calcium Based on the principles of negative feedback systems what would stimulate its secretion A Decrease in blood calcium B An increase in blood calcium C Neither A or B
I Of the fluid in our bodies most of it is A Intracellular B Interstitial C Plasma D Lymphatic synovial and other fluids E Extracellular A In negative feedback systems A The nervous system inhibits a further change in the variable B The secretion of a hormone is stimulated by an increase in a variable C The response of the effector amplifies the original change in the variable D The response of the effector counteracts the original change in a variable
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I Of the fluid in our bodies most of it is A Intracellular B Interstitial C Plasma D Lymphatic synovial and other fluids E Extracellular A In negative feedback systems A The nervous system inhibits a further change in the variable B The secretion of a hormone is stimulated by an increase in a variable C The response of the effector amplifies the original change in the variable D The response of the effector counteracts the original change in a variable
Blood calcium levels are regulated homeostatically Kelly recently decided she wanted to go vegan and cut all meat dairy and animal by products from her diet Unfortunately Kelly did not do this in a healthy way and began to eat mostly bread and very few vegetables Kelly did not get enough calcium in her diet causing her blood calcium levels to decline This decrease in calcium was detected by receptors in Kelly s parathyroid gland In response the parathyroid gland secreted the hormone PTH This hormone acts on the bone cells causing them to break down osseous tissue and in the process release stored calcium into the blood This break down of bone returned Kelly s blood calcium levels to normal allowing her cells to function appropriately In this example of homeostasis one effector would be O Kelly s poor diet O calcium in the bones O the brain OPTH activating the bone cells osteoclasts O calcium in the blood
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Blood calcium levels are regulated homeostatically Kelly recently decided she wanted to go vegan and cut all meat dairy and animal by products from her diet Unfortunately Kelly did not do this in a healthy way and began to eat mostly bread and very few vegetables Kelly did not get enough calcium in her diet causing her blood calcium levels to decline This decrease in calcium was detected by receptors in Kelly s parathyroid gland In response the parathyroid gland secreted the hormone PTH This hormone acts on the bone cells causing them to break down osseous tissue and in the process release stored calcium into the blood This break down of bone returned Kelly s blood calcium levels to normal allowing her cells to function appropriately In this example of homeostasis one effector would be O Kelly s poor diet O calcium in the bones O the brain OPTH activating the bone cells osteoclasts O calcium in the blood
Positive feedback regulation O A opposes the change in a parameter and returns it to a set point B enhances the change in a parameter up until a specific shut off point is reached OC ends in death O D only occurs during disease OE B and D are both correct
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Positive feedback regulation O A opposes the change in a parameter and returns it to a set point B enhances the change in a parameter up until a specific shut off point is reached OC ends in death O D only occurs during disease OE B and D are both correct
An example of a parameter that is regulated through negative feedback homeostatic regulation Obody temperature Oblood pressure Olevels of glucose in the blood All of the above
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
An example of a parameter that is regulated through negative feedback homeostatic regulation Obody temperature Oblood pressure Olevels of glucose in the blood All of the above
References Course Handout 3 LRS 1 2018 Chapter 3 Gen Related Lecture Videos Directions Respond to the below listed prompt I response for Prompt 1 a b has a total length of b You may create one cohesive response which incl Consider the above mentioned rubric when const
Anatomy and Physiology
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References Course Handout 3 LRS 1 2018 Chapter 3 Gen Related Lecture Videos Directions Respond to the below listed prompt I response for Prompt 1 a b has a total length of b You may create one cohesive response which incl Consider the above mentioned rubric when const
Which sentence uses the underlined vocabulary word correctly A Her constitute told her to get her homework done before bed but she didn t listen B Emma asked her counselor what activities constitute good study habits C Connie got angry and constitute over her daughter s English grade
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Which sentence uses the underlined vocabulary word correctly A Her constitute told her to get her homework done before bed but she didn t listen B Emma asked her counselor what activities constitute good study habits C Connie got angry and constitute over her daughter s English grade
Question 4 3 points Listen Which type of reflexes are you born with and do not require learning Monosynaptic Polysynaptic Adaptive Innate Question 5 3 points Listen Saved What structure of the spinal cord contains cell bodies of visceral motor neurons Ventral horn Lateral horn Dorsal horn Horn of Gondor
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Question 4 3 points Listen Which type of reflexes are you born with and do not require learning Monosynaptic Polysynaptic Adaptive Innate Question 5 3 points Listen Saved What structure of the spinal cord contains cell bodies of visceral motor neurons Ventral horn Lateral horn Dorsal horn Horn of Gondor
45 Which of the following organelles contains powerful digestive enzymes in a highly acidic environment functions in intracellular digestion A ribosomes B phagosomes C smooth endoplasmic reticulum D peroxisomes E lysosomes 46 such as zine bind to enzymes and induce a change in its shape which activates the active site essential to enzyme function A Protons B Polysaccharides C Phosphates D Cofactors E Nitrogenous bases 47 You have been exercising strenuously for several minutes and the oxygen at the cellular level in the skeletal muscles in your legs is depleted Although glycolysis continues the pyruvic acid is converted into thus regenerating needed to continue glycolysis A acetyl CoA ATP B lactic acid NAD C lactic acid ATP D NADH carbon dioxide E glycogen NAD 48 Most biologists see embryonic stem cells as a possible treatment for diseases that result from the loss of nctional cells as is the case in spinal cord injury This possibility is based on the fact that embryonic stem cells stems cells are A unipotent B multipotent C omnipotent D totipotent 49 When mature adult cells like perhaps those of the bronchial tree of a smoker transform into a different cell type this is best described as A metaplasia B hyperplasia C differentiation D neoplasia E hypertrophu
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45 Which of the following organelles contains powerful digestive enzymes in a highly acidic environment functions in intracellular digestion A ribosomes B phagosomes C smooth endoplasmic reticulum D peroxisomes E lysosomes 46 such as zine bind to enzymes and induce a change in its shape which activates the active site essential to enzyme function A Protons B Polysaccharides C Phosphates D Cofactors E Nitrogenous bases 47 You have been exercising strenuously for several minutes and the oxygen at the cellular level in the skeletal muscles in your legs is depleted Although glycolysis continues the pyruvic acid is converted into thus regenerating needed to continue glycolysis A acetyl CoA ATP B lactic acid NAD C lactic acid ATP D NADH carbon dioxide E glycogen NAD 48 Most biologists see embryonic stem cells as a possible treatment for diseases that result from the loss of nctional cells as is the case in spinal cord injury This possibility is based on the fact that embryonic stem cells stems cells are A unipotent B multipotent C omnipotent D totipotent 49 When mature adult cells like perhaps those of the bronchial tree of a smoker transform into a different cell type this is best described as A metaplasia B hyperplasia C differentiation D neoplasia E hypertrophu
a tissue through cellular multiplication mitosis is termed B hyperplasia C hydrostatic D metaplasia E exfoliation od luck and select A hypertrophy 2 Most connective tissue diseases are due to the loss of or a mutation in which of th B hemoglobin C troponin D collagen E myosin A keratin 3 Which of the following statements is correct in describing carbohydrates A Contain more calories per gram than lipids B They serve critical structural roles in the plasma membrane C They represent a primary energy source of chemical energy for body cells D They contain amino acids as part of their basic chemical make up E They are hydrophobic with a set ratio of carbon to hydrogen molecules 4 LDLs transport cholesterol into cells by binding to specific receptor molecules embed The area where the receptors are anchored in the membrane is reinforced by clathrin T A pinocytosis B receptor mediated endocytosis C phagocytosis D exocytosis E fa 5 The replacement of dead or damaged cells by the same type of call A regeneration B fibronia
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a tissue through cellular multiplication mitosis is termed B hyperplasia C hydrostatic D metaplasia E exfoliation od luck and select A hypertrophy 2 Most connective tissue diseases are due to the loss of or a mutation in which of th B hemoglobin C troponin D collagen E myosin A keratin 3 Which of the following statements is correct in describing carbohydrates A Contain more calories per gram than lipids B They serve critical structural roles in the plasma membrane C They represent a primary energy source of chemical energy for body cells D They contain amino acids as part of their basic chemical make up E They are hydrophobic with a set ratio of carbon to hydrogen molecules 4 LDLs transport cholesterol into cells by binding to specific receptor molecules embed The area where the receptors are anchored in the membrane is reinforced by clathrin T A pinocytosis B receptor mediated endocytosis C phagocytosis D exocytosis E fa 5 The replacement of dead or damaged cells by the same type of call A regeneration B fibronia
r Draf Tunes Answer the questions about skin and identify parts of the skin in the image below 66 Identify the layer of cells specific layer not whole region at the tip of the arrow mar 67 What protein found in the cells located in letter A helps the skin protect the body fro 68 Letter B identifies this region of skin not layer the entire region that contains epith 69 What pigment made by cells in the stratum basale germinativum helps protect skin 70 Identify the region of the dermis marked with letter C A B
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r Draf Tunes Answer the questions about skin and identify parts of the skin in the image below 66 Identify the layer of cells specific layer not whole region at the tip of the arrow mar 67 What protein found in the cells located in letter A helps the skin protect the body fro 68 Letter B identifies this region of skin not layer the entire region that contains epith 69 What pigment made by cells in the stratum basale germinativum helps protect skin 70 Identify the region of the dermis marked with letter C A B
Question 10 Points 2 Which of the following sentences has a request tone O Please tell me the answer O Give me the answer right now O You tell the answer O No one else can answer now
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Introduction to Physiology
Question 10 Points 2 Which of the following sentences has a request tone O Please tell me the answer O Give me the answer right now O You tell the answer O No one else can answer now
Choose the correct answer When using parenthetical documentation in Modern Language Association MLA formatting the end punctuation should be placed O behind the last word of your quote O behind the closing quotation marks before the parenthetical documentation
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Choose the correct answer When using parenthetical documentation in Modern Language Association MLA formatting the end punctuation should be placed O behind the last word of your quote O behind the closing quotation marks before the parenthetical documentation
Read the following and answer the question that follows Governments take efforts to reduce the release of sulphur dioxide into the atmosphere Identify the sentence pattern ON V tr N NP ADV P ONP LV NP ONP V int ADV P NP V tr ADV P
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Read the following and answer the question that follows Governments take efforts to reduce the release of sulphur dioxide into the atmosphere Identify the sentence pattern ON V tr N NP ADV P ONP LV NP ONP V int ADV P NP V tr ADV P
Which of the following best represents a rhetorical question O How far is the moon from the Earth O What causes pollution What are the ways to manage waste Isn t it our duty to protect the environment
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Which of the following best represents a rhetorical question O How far is the moon from the Earth O What causes pollution What are the ways to manage waste Isn t it our duty to protect the environment
Water quantity Fertilizer vs No Fertilizer 15 What scientific question would you like to answer 16 What is your hypothesis 01 22 di Lab 02 11 Forsyth Technical Community College 17 What is the independent variable in your experiment 18 What is the dependent variable in your experiment 19 Name at least one standardized variable in your experiment BIC
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Water quantity Fertilizer vs No Fertilizer 15 What scientific question would you like to answer 16 What is your hypothesis 01 22 di Lab 02 11 Forsyth Technical Community College 17 What is the independent variable in your experiment 18 What is the dependent variable in your experiment 19 Name at least one standardized variable in your experiment BIC
This is for any tutors who have read ethnographic eyes What are some vocabulary words from Chapter 3 and what would be one critical question from Chapter 3
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This is for any tutors who have read ethnographic eyes What are some vocabulary words from Chapter 3 and what would be one critical question from Chapter 3
Question 1 Points 2 Read the following paragraph and answer the question that follows Research on the aging process will unveil the scientific reasons underlying aging This knowledge will allow doctors to help their patients live longer with better ability Some medicines are expensive and not everyone can afford to buy them Also doctors will be able to fight the diseases associated with old age It may even be possible to delay the onset of old age Choose the sentence that should be removed from the paragraph This knowledge will allow doctors to help their patients live longer with better ability Some medicines are expensive and not everyone can afford to buy them
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Question 1 Points 2 Read the following paragraph and answer the question that follows Research on the aging process will unveil the scientific reasons underlying aging This knowledge will allow doctors to help their patients live longer with better ability Some medicines are expensive and not everyone can afford to buy them Also doctors will be able to fight the diseases associated with old age It may even be possible to delay the onset of old age Choose the sentence that should be removed from the paragraph This knowledge will allow doctors to help their patients live longer with better ability Some medicines are expensive and not everyone can afford to buy them
Question 2 Points 3 Read the following paragraph and answer the question that follows The blossom is a little knob or ball of color almost round It is made up of a great many little purple stalks standing upright and very close together Which of the following text structure does the paragraph follow Descriptive Compare and contrast O Cause and effect
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Question 2 Points 3 Read the following paragraph and answer the question that follows The blossom is a little knob or ball of color almost round It is made up of a great many little purple stalks standing upright and very close together Which of the following text structure does the paragraph follow Descriptive Compare and contrast O Cause and effect
Question 4 Points 3 Read the following paragraph and answer the question that follows The causes of excess weight gain in young people are similar to those in adults including behavior and genetics Obesity is also influenced by a person s community as it can affect the ability to make healthy choices Which of the following is said to affect making healthy choices in the above paragraph Genetics Community Behavior
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Question 4 Points 3 Read the following paragraph and answer the question that follows The causes of excess weight gain in young people are similar to those in adults including behavior and genetics Obesity is also influenced by a person s community as it can affect the ability to make healthy choices Which of the following is said to affect making healthy choices in the above paragraph Genetics Community Behavior
Question 6 Points 1 For which of the following type of writing would you use the transition word consequently Cause effect O Classification Compare and contrast Chronological
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Question 6 Points 1 For which of the following type of writing would you use the transition word consequently Cause effect O Classification Compare and contrast Chronological
estion 2 Points 2 What is the function of a claim in an argumentative essay The claim is the assertion one makes in an argument O A claim tells the reader what the writer s thesis or conclusion is about the topic O The claim is the thesis or main point of the argumentative essay All of the choices
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estion 2 Points 2 What is the function of a claim in an argumentative essay The claim is the assertion one makes in an argument O A claim tells the reader what the writer s thesis or conclusion is about the topic O The claim is the thesis or main point of the argumentative essay All of the choices
B Informational Text Unit Test Question 10 Points 1 What is the first step in the five step process which is used to check if an argument is sound Identify the explicit reasoning Identify and evaluate the evidence Look for fallacies Identify the central claim or conclusion
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B Informational Text Unit Test Question 10 Points 1 What is the first step in the five step process which is used to check if an argument is sound Identify the explicit reasoning Identify and evaluate the evidence Look for fallacies Identify the central claim or conclusion
Choose the correct answer The best graphic to show the six month sales figure for a company with many sales officers is a Points 3 O verbal description Opie chart Otable illuste
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Choose the correct answer The best graphic to show the six month sales figure for a company with many sales officers is a Points 3 O verbal description Opie chart Otable illuste
Reading Literature Unit Test Question 11 Points 2 Which of the following are examples of types of sarcasm I Brooding III Informative II Affectionate IV Polite
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Reading Literature Unit Test Question 11 Points 2 Which of the following are examples of types of sarcasm I Brooding III Informative II Affectionate IV Polite
Question 5 Points 2 What is the significance of the word candle in the following sentence from the essay Society and Solitude by Ralph Waldo Emerson A scholar is a candle which the love and desire of all men will light The candle denotes materialistic gains The candle represents solitude O The candle depicts the potential of knowledge The candle has no significant meaning in the sentence
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Question 5 Points 2 What is the significance of the word candle in the following sentence from the essay Society and Solitude by Ralph Waldo Emerson A scholar is a candle which the love and desire of all men will light The candle denotes materialistic gains The candle represents solitude O The candle depicts the potential of knowledge The candle has no significant meaning in the sentence
The excerpt below is taken from The Washington Post February 27 2001 One very recent independent peer reviewed study demonstrates a strong link between soda consumption and childhood obesity One previous industry supported unpublished study showed no link Explanations of the mechanism by which soda may lead to obesity have not yet been proved though the evidence for them is strong Many people have long assumed that soda high in calories and sugar low in nutrients can make kids fat But until this month there was no solid scientific evidence demonstrating this Reporting in The Lancet a British medical journal a team of Harvard researchers presented the first evidence linking soft drink consumption to childhood obesity They found that 12 year olds who drank soft drinks regularly were more likely to be overweight than those who didn t For each additional daily serving of sugar sweetened soft drink consumed during the nearly two year study the risk of obesity increased 1 6 times Obesity experts called the Harvard findings important and praised the study for being prospective In other words the Harvard researchers spent 19 months following the children rather than capturing a snapshot of data from just one day It s considered statistically more valuable to conduct a study over a long period of time Researchers found that schoolchildren who drank soft drinks consumed almost 200 more calories per day than their counterparts who didn t down soft drinks That finding helps support the notion that we don t compensate well for calories in liquid form pon is harmful to children s health
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The excerpt below is taken from The Washington Post February 27 2001 One very recent independent peer reviewed study demonstrates a strong link between soda consumption and childhood obesity One previous industry supported unpublished study showed no link Explanations of the mechanism by which soda may lead to obesity have not yet been proved though the evidence for them is strong Many people have long assumed that soda high in calories and sugar low in nutrients can make kids fat But until this month there was no solid scientific evidence demonstrating this Reporting in The Lancet a British medical journal a team of Harvard researchers presented the first evidence linking soft drink consumption to childhood obesity They found that 12 year olds who drank soft drinks regularly were more likely to be overweight than those who didn t For each additional daily serving of sugar sweetened soft drink consumed during the nearly two year study the risk of obesity increased 1 6 times Obesity experts called the Harvard findings important and praised the study for being prospective In other words the Harvard researchers spent 19 months following the children rather than capturing a snapshot of data from just one day It s considered statistically more valuable to conduct a study over a long period of time Researchers found that schoolchildren who drank soft drinks consumed almost 200 more calories per day than their counterparts who didn t down soft drinks That finding helps support the notion that we don t compensate well for calories in liquid form pon is harmful to children s health
Question 4 Points 2 What does the following sentence from the essay An Appeal to Congress for Impartial Suffrage by Frederick Dougla depict But why are the Southerners so willing to make these sacrifices The answer plainly is they see in this policy the onl hope of saving something of their old sectional peculiarities and power Opposing claim Evidence for a claim A statement intended toward the audience None of the choices
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Question 4 Points 2 What does the following sentence from the essay An Appeal to Congress for Impartial Suffrage by Frederick Dougla depict But why are the Southerners so willing to make these sacrifices The answer plainly is they see in this policy the onl hope of saving something of their old sectional peculiarities and power Opposing claim Evidence for a claim A statement intended toward the audience None of the choices
GradeResults My Activities wringsmes Question 20 Points 2 Read the following and answer the question that follows Atone Small measures The total expense would be trifling in comparison with the importance of the end to be gained and in that way we might in a small measure atone for our neglect of the means which would have protected the great herds from extinction Identify the word or phrase in the given passage which means insignificant or of little importance Yriting to do a Means 101 Dalmatians City 10k Yellow Gold Me 1124 SE 26th Ter Besar Belet Emi Quest 1 16
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GradeResults My Activities wringsmes Question 20 Points 2 Read the following and answer the question that follows Atone Small measures The total expense would be trifling in comparison with the importance of the end to be gained and in that way we might in a small measure atone for our neglect of the means which would have protected the great herds from extinction Identify the word or phrase in the given passage which means insignificant or of little importance Yriting to do a Means 101 Dalmatians City 10k Yellow Gold Me 1124 SE 26th Ter Besar Belet Emi Quest 1 16
Question 8 Read the following lines from the essay An account of the proceedings on the trial of Susan Anthony on the charge of illegal voting at the presidential election in Nov 1872 and answer the question Women are to the same extent as men bound to obey the laws they suffer to the same extent by bad laws and they profit to the same extent by good laws Identify the type of sentence Points 2 Antithesis Rhetoric Question Anaphora O Triadic
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Question 8 Read the following lines from the essay An account of the proceedings on the trial of Susan Anthony on the charge of illegal voting at the presidential election in Nov 1872 and answer the question Women are to the same extent as men bound to obey the laws they suffer to the same extent by bad laws and they profit to the same extent by good laws Identify the type of sentence Points 2 Antithesis Rhetoric Question Anaphora O Triadic
Question 19 Points 2 Read the following and answer the question that follows The term external h morrhage is employed when the blood escapes on the surface when the bleeding takes place into the tissues or into a cavity it is spoken of as internal The blood may gain access to the connective tissue constituting extravasation of blood or it may collect in a space or cavity and form a h matoma Which of the following words is the precise word for the phrase gain access to Openetrate infiltrate permeate
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Question 19 Points 2 Read the following and answer the question that follows The term external h morrhage is employed when the blood escapes on the surface when the bleeding takes place into the tissues or into a cavity it is spoken of as internal The blood may gain access to the connective tissue constituting extravasation of blood or it may collect in a space or cavity and form a h matoma Which of the following words is the precise word for the phrase gain access to Openetrate infiltrate permeate
writing um rest Mites Tell me what you want to d Question 17 Points 2 Which of the following is an example of an antithesis The Druids used mistletoe in ceremonies of human sacrifice but most of all the evergreen became a symbol of fertility Obecause it flourished in winter when other plants wither Sian Ellis England s Ancient Special Twig British Heritage January 2001 O Hillary has soldiered on damned if she does damned if she doesn t like most powerful women expected to be tough as pails and warm as toast at the same time Anna Quindlen Say Goodbye to the Virago Newsweek June 16 2003 We shall night on the landing grounds we shall fight in the fields and in the streets we shall fight in the hills we surrender Winston Churchill speech to the House of Commons June 4 19401 never Miracles are like pimples because once you start looking for then you find more than you ever dreamed you d see Lemony Snicket The Lump of Coal 2008
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writing um rest Mites Tell me what you want to d Question 17 Points 2 Which of the following is an example of an antithesis The Druids used mistletoe in ceremonies of human sacrifice but most of all the evergreen became a symbol of fertility Obecause it flourished in winter when other plants wither Sian Ellis England s Ancient Special Twig British Heritage January 2001 O Hillary has soldiered on damned if she does damned if she doesn t like most powerful women expected to be tough as pails and warm as toast at the same time Anna Quindlen Say Goodbye to the Virago Newsweek June 16 2003 We shall night on the landing grounds we shall fight in the fields and in the streets we shall fight in the hills we surrender Winston Churchill speech to the House of Commons June 4 19401 never Miracles are like pimples because once you start looking for then you find more than you ever dreamed you d see Lemony Snicket The Lump of Coal 2008
Question 7 Choose the correct answer Points 1 Every author has a unique Olanguage O accent modulation O style that is reflected in the words that the author uses
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Question 7 Choose the correct answer Points 1 Every author has a unique Olanguage O accent modulation O style that is reflected in the words that the author uses
Question 28 IS Points 2 My Activities Tell me what you want to do a Read the following extract from Federalist Paper 10 by James Madison and answer the question that follows AMONG the numerous advantages promised by a well constructed Union none deserves to be more accurately developed than its tendency to break and control the violence of faction The friend of popular governments never finds himself so much alarmed for their character and fate as when he contemplates their propensity to this dangerous vice He will not fail therefore to set a due value on any plan which without violating the principles to which he is attached provides a proper cure for it The instability injustice and confusion introduced into the public councils have in truth been the mortal diseases under which popular governments have everywhere perished as they continue to be the favorite and fruitful topics from which the adversaries to liberty derive their most specious declamations In Federalist Paper 10 Madison explores only the majority rule
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Introduction to Physiology
Question 28 IS Points 2 My Activities Tell me what you want to do a Read the following extract from Federalist Paper 10 by James Madison and answer the question that follows AMONG the numerous advantages promised by a well constructed Union none deserves to be more accurately developed than its tendency to break and control the violence of faction The friend of popular governments never finds himself so much alarmed for their character and fate as when he contemplates their propensity to this dangerous vice He will not fail therefore to set a due value on any plan which without violating the principles to which he is attached provides a proper cure for it The instability injustice and confusion introduced into the public councils have in truth been the mortal diseases under which popular governments have everywhere perished as they continue to be the favorite and fruitful topics from which the adversaries to liberty derive their most specious declamations In Federalist Paper 10 Madison explores only the majority rule
eResulls Points 2 Question 32 Read the excerpt from the poem The Brooke by Alfred Lord Tennyson and answer the question that follows With many a curve my banks I fret By many a field and fallow And many a fairy foreland set With willow weed and mallow My Activities Tell me what you want to do Q Which among the following phrases words help identify the point of view of this excerpt By many
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
eResulls Points 2 Question 32 Read the excerpt from the poem The Brooke by Alfred Lord Tennyson and answer the question that follows With many a curve my banks I fret By many a field and fallow And many a fairy foreland set With willow weed and mallow My Activities Tell me what you want to do Q Which among the following phrases words help identify the point of view of this excerpt By many
questio that folloW 1 Excerpt from the Book Which Way Now Creative Career Choices a Flowchart Start Here High School Internships Art School College Service Industry Personal Services Animals Visual Arts Performing Arts Fashionvinterior Sciences Engineering Humanbos H Food Health Fitness Events Administration Animal care Animal Training Scupture Graphic Design Fim Fashion Design Christy Engineering An History Chef Cake decorator Food Stylat Personal Trainer Massage Therapist Fitness Instructor Event Planner Wedding Consultant Personal Assistant Dog Groomer Kennel Staff Dog Cat Handler Wid Animal Trainer Sand Sculptor loe Scuptor Graphic Designer Web Designer Actor Director Cinematographer Costume Designer Window Dresser Personal Stylist Pytotechnics Engineer Aeronautical Engineer Demctbonist Architect Museum Curador Spots ter Restaurant Cmx
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
questio that folloW 1 Excerpt from the Book Which Way Now Creative Career Choices a Flowchart Start Here High School Internships Art School College Service Industry Personal Services Animals Visual Arts Performing Arts Fashionvinterior Sciences Engineering Humanbos H Food Health Fitness Events Administration Animal care Animal Training Scupture Graphic Design Fim Fashion Design Christy Engineering An History Chef Cake decorator Food Stylat Personal Trainer Massage Therapist Fitness Instructor Event Planner Wedding Consultant Personal Assistant Dog Groomer Kennel Staff Dog Cat Handler Wid Animal Trainer Sand Sculptor loe Scuptor Graphic Designer Web Designer Actor Director Cinematographer Costume Designer Window Dresser Personal Stylist Pytotechnics Engineer Aeronautical Engineer Demctbonist Architect Museum Curador Spots ter Restaurant Cmx
79 An infant is born with a sacrococcygeal teratoma Biopsy and histologic analysis reveal that it contains intestinal epithelia cardiac muscle cartilage and integument tissue You counsel the mother that the tumor is benign and recommend surgical removal This tumor was caused by which developmental anomaly failure of somite formation B failure of primitive streak formation failure of primitive streak regression D failure of notochord formation 81 Which of the following cells is indicated by the arrow on the histologic slide below A macrophage B mast cell goblet cell D basal cell 80 A 25 year old female pre obstetrican after taking a home pregnancy test with a positive results She states that twins run in her family and would like an ultrasound to determine if she has a twin pregnancy Radiographic studies confirm that the embryo has split at the blastocyst stage Splitting of the embryo at the blastocyst stage results in which of the following conjoined twins B dizygotic twins monozygotic twins D faternal twins 82 Which of the following tissues is presented on the histologic slide below A Simple squamous Simple cuboidal C Simple columnar D Pseudostratified DROGE
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
79 An infant is born with a sacrococcygeal teratoma Biopsy and histologic analysis reveal that it contains intestinal epithelia cardiac muscle cartilage and integument tissue You counsel the mother that the tumor is benign and recommend surgical removal This tumor was caused by which developmental anomaly failure of somite formation B failure of primitive streak formation failure of primitive streak regression D failure of notochord formation 81 Which of the following cells is indicated by the arrow on the histologic slide below A macrophage B mast cell goblet cell D basal cell 80 A 25 year old female pre obstetrican after taking a home pregnancy test with a positive results She states that twins run in her family and would like an ultrasound to determine if she has a twin pregnancy Radiographic studies confirm that the embryo has split at the blastocyst stage Splitting of the embryo at the blastocyst stage results in which of the following conjoined twins B dizygotic twins monozygotic twins D faternal twins 82 Which of the following tissues is presented on the histologic slide below A Simple squamous Simple cuboidal C Simple columnar D Pseudostratified DROGE
85 Which of the following tissues is presented on the histologic slide below A Loose connective B Dense connective irregular C Dense connective regular D nerve tissue 86 On the electronmicrograph below which labe indicates the glycocalix OLANKA
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
85 Which of the following tissues is presented on the histologic slide below A Loose connective B Dense connective irregular C Dense connective regular D nerve tissue 86 On the electronmicrograph below which labe indicates the glycocalix OLANKA