Anatomy and Physiology Questions

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16 The correct sequence of blood vessels in jantaneed llery inner cortical nephrons is A Renal artery segmental arteries interlobar arteries arcuate arteries cortical radiate artery afferent arteriole glomerulus efferent arteriole peritubular capillaries vasa recta cortical radiate veins ancuate veins interlobar veln renal vein B Renal artery segmental arteries interlobar arteries arcuate arteries afferent arteriole glomerulus efferent arteriale vasa recta arcuate veins arcuate veins interlobar vein renal vein C Renal artery interlobar arteries segmental arteries arcuate arteries afferent arteriole glomerulus efferent arteriole vasa recta arcuate veins arcuate veins interlobar vein renal vein D Renal artery interlobar arteries segmental arteries afferent arteriole glomerulus efferent arteriole vasa recta arcuate veins arcuate veins interlobar vein renal vein E Renal artery interlobar arteries segmental arteries arcuate arteries afferent arteriole efferent arteriole vasa recta arcuate veins arcuate veins interlobar vein renal vein loops and the length of the loop provides 17 The A outer cortical longest less B mid cortical longest more C inner cortical shortest less nephrons have the concentration of the urine D inner cortical longest more E inner cortical shortest less D 4 E S 18 In the nephron actions are responsible for forming urine A 1 B 2 C3 19 In the renal corpuscle A Filtration B Reabsorption C Secretion D Filtration and secretion E None of these processes 20 All glucose reabsorption accurs in the A glomerulus B proximal convoluted tubule C Lopp of Henle occurs
Anatomy and Physiology
Kidney and Urinary Tract
16 The correct sequence of blood vessels in jantaneed llery inner cortical nephrons is A Renal artery segmental arteries interlobar arteries arcuate arteries cortical radiate artery afferent arteriole glomerulus efferent arteriole peritubular capillaries vasa recta cortical radiate veins ancuate veins interlobar veln renal vein B Renal artery segmental arteries interlobar arteries arcuate arteries afferent arteriole glomerulus efferent arteriale vasa recta arcuate veins arcuate veins interlobar vein renal vein C Renal artery interlobar arteries segmental arteries arcuate arteries afferent arteriole glomerulus efferent arteriole vasa recta arcuate veins arcuate veins interlobar vein renal vein D Renal artery interlobar arteries segmental arteries afferent arteriole glomerulus efferent arteriole vasa recta arcuate veins arcuate veins interlobar vein renal vein E Renal artery interlobar arteries segmental arteries arcuate arteries afferent arteriole efferent arteriole vasa recta arcuate veins arcuate veins interlobar vein renal vein loops and the length of the loop provides 17 The A outer cortical longest less B mid cortical longest more C inner cortical shortest less nephrons have the concentration of the urine D inner cortical longest more E inner cortical shortest less D 4 E S 18 In the nephron actions are responsible for forming urine A 1 B 2 C3 19 In the renal corpuscle A Filtration B Reabsorption C Secretion D Filtration and secretion E None of these processes 20 All glucose reabsorption accurs in the A glomerulus B proximal convoluted tubule C Lopp of Henle occurs
21 The ascending loop of Henle is A very B minimally C slightly D semi E Not at all 22 The juxtaglomerular cells secrete A Juntaglomerular macula densa juxtaglomerular cells renin B juxtaglomerular macula densa jantaglomenilar cells angiotensin C juxtaglomerular glomerulus juntaglomenalar cells angiotensin D juxtaglomerular macula densac loop of Henle angiotensin E juxtaglomenular macula densa collecting duct angiotensin apparatus is composed of the B respiratory alkalosis C metabolic acidosis permeable to water The two systems most responsible for acid base control they are the respiratory and urinary systems Thus questions on acid base balance D respiratory acidosis E normal blood gas values 23 The arterial blood gas results show a pH of 7 6 PaCO2 of 54 and bicarbonate HCO elevated A metabolic alkalosis B respiratory alkalosis Cmetabolic acidosis and D respiratory acidosis F normal blood gas values The 24 The arterial blood gas results show a pll of 7 6 PaCO2 of 22 and bicarbonate HCO normal A metabolic alkalosis B respiratory alkalosis C metabolic acidosis D respiratory acidosis E normal blood gas values 25 The arterial blood gas results show ap of 7 3 PaCO of 54 and bicarbonate HCO normal A metabolic alkalosis
Anatomy and Physiology
Kidney and Urinary Tract
21 The ascending loop of Henle is A very B minimally C slightly D semi E Not at all 22 The juxtaglomerular cells secrete A Juntaglomerular macula densa juxtaglomerular cells renin B juxtaglomerular macula densa jantaglomenilar cells angiotensin C juxtaglomerular glomerulus juntaglomenalar cells angiotensin D juxtaglomerular macula densac loop of Henle angiotensin E juxtaglomenular macula densa collecting duct angiotensin apparatus is composed of the B respiratory alkalosis C metabolic acidosis permeable to water The two systems most responsible for acid base control they are the respiratory and urinary systems Thus questions on acid base balance D respiratory acidosis E normal blood gas values 23 The arterial blood gas results show a pH of 7 6 PaCO2 of 54 and bicarbonate HCO elevated A metabolic alkalosis B respiratory alkalosis Cmetabolic acidosis and D respiratory acidosis F normal blood gas values The 24 The arterial blood gas results show a pll of 7 6 PaCO2 of 22 and bicarbonate HCO normal A metabolic alkalosis B respiratory alkalosis C metabolic acidosis D respiratory acidosis E normal blood gas values 25 The arterial blood gas results show ap of 7 3 PaCO of 54 and bicarbonate HCO normal A metabolic alkalosis
A 5 15 B 0 10 C 10 20 D 15 25 E 20 65 12 100 of A water sodium B filtered bicarbonate unfiltered bicarbonate C glucose vitamins D chloride potassium E Nothing is 100 reabsorbed in the PCT 13 Secretion is removing certain unwanted substances from the blood that were not able to be filtered at the A JG cell tubular cell B left right kidneys C glomerulus Bowman s capsule D Loop of Henle PCT E None of the above 14 A 20 30 B 1 10 C 10 20 D 2 4 C 20 65 D k and to 15 The collecting ducts absorb A water sodium water ures C water vitamins D chloride patassium E None of the above is reabsorbed in the PCT of HCO is reabsorbed in the Loop of Henle and
Anatomy and Physiology
Kidney and Urinary Tract
A 5 15 B 0 10 C 10 20 D 15 25 E 20 65 12 100 of A water sodium B filtered bicarbonate unfiltered bicarbonate C glucose vitamins D chloride potassium E Nothing is 100 reabsorbed in the PCT 13 Secretion is removing certain unwanted substances from the blood that were not able to be filtered at the A JG cell tubular cell B left right kidneys C glomerulus Bowman s capsule D Loop of Henle PCT E None of the above 14 A 20 30 B 1 10 C 10 20 D 2 4 C 20 65 D k and to 15 The collecting ducts absorb A water sodium water ures C water vitamins D chloride patassium E None of the above is reabsorbed in the PCT of HCO is reabsorbed in the Loop of Henle and
6 The kidneys lie in a A peritoneal anterior B peritoneal posterior C retroperitoneal superior D retroperitoneal inferior E none of the above 7 and A afferent efferent B anterior posterior C inferior superior D lateral oblique E bigger smaller 8 The right kidney is A lower liver B higher liver C smaller liver D bigger liver E None of the above position in the 10 The lateral surface is A bigger smaller B smaller bigger C convex concave D concave convex E None of the above arterioles affer high resistance to blood flow 9 The distal convoluted tubule DCT is not permeable to A water sodium B water urea C water vitamins D chloride potassium E None of the above lumbar region than the left because it is crowded by the the medial surface is and
Anatomy and Physiology
Kidney and Urinary Tract
6 The kidneys lie in a A peritoneal anterior B peritoneal posterior C retroperitoneal superior D retroperitoneal inferior E none of the above 7 and A afferent efferent B anterior posterior C inferior superior D lateral oblique E bigger smaller 8 The right kidney is A lower liver B higher liver C smaller liver D bigger liver E None of the above position in the 10 The lateral surface is A bigger smaller B smaller bigger C convex concave D concave convex E None of the above arterioles affer high resistance to blood flow 9 The distal convoluted tubule DCT is not permeable to A water sodium B water urea C water vitamins D chloride potassium E None of the above lumbar region than the left because it is crowded by the the medial surface is and
Each matching and multiple choice question is worth 3 paints There are 30 of them so that is a total of 90 points The calculation questions are worth 20 points so the total test is worth 110 points These questions are matching See page 2 for the picture A Kidney Lobe B Renal pyramid C Renal Cortex D Renal Pelvis E Major calyx F Minor Calyx G Renal papilla H Renal artery L Renal Vein J Cortical Radiate arteries K Interlobar artery 1 What structure is label E 2 What structure is label D 3 What structure is label A 4 What structure is label L 5 What structure is label G A L G
Anatomy and Physiology
Kidney and Urinary Tract
Each matching and multiple choice question is worth 3 paints There are 30 of them so that is a total of 90 points The calculation questions are worth 20 points so the total test is worth 110 points These questions are matching See page 2 for the picture A Kidney Lobe B Renal pyramid C Renal Cortex D Renal Pelvis E Major calyx F Minor Calyx G Renal papilla H Renal artery L Renal Vein J Cortical Radiate arteries K Interlobar artery 1 What structure is label E 2 What structure is label D 3 What structure is label A 4 What structure is label L 5 What structure is label G A L G
LIIS assignment you will write a brief case vignette a short and descriptive piece of writing of a hypothetical client who meets the criteria for one of the disorders we have discussed in Lesson 6 2 As you complete this assignment please keep in mind these guidelines Your client should be 21 years of age or older Your case should be based on a hypothetical client no real people please Your case should be something you write yourself not something you borrow from a case study book or other sources such as a website Clients often meet the criteria for more than one DSM 5 diagnosis However for this assignment you are only to develop a case where a single diagnosis is appropriate As you prepare to write your case please complete each of the following steps 1 Select a disorder in the DSM 5 2 Carefully review all of the criteria i e the symptoms for your selected disorder 3 Write a case in which the majority of the required symptoms are reflected or present in your client Please make sure that you are clear and specific as you describe your client s struggles or symptoms imagine someone else is going to read your case to double check to make sure you assigned the right diagnosis 4 At the conclusion of the case identify the correct diagnosis by name 5 Provide a brief explanation as to why you feel your assigned diagnosis is appropriate or accurate Your case vignette must be typed double spaced with 12 point Times New Roman font with a required minimum of a 250 word response this does include steps 4 and 5 above
Anatomy and Physiology
LIIS assignment you will write a brief case vignette a short and descriptive piece of writing of a hypothetical client who meets the criteria for one of the disorders we have discussed in Lesson 6 2 As you complete this assignment please keep in mind these guidelines Your client should be 21 years of age or older Your case should be based on a hypothetical client no real people please Your case should be something you write yourself not something you borrow from a case study book or other sources such as a website Clients often meet the criteria for more than one DSM 5 diagnosis However for this assignment you are only to develop a case where a single diagnosis is appropriate As you prepare to write your case please complete each of the following steps 1 Select a disorder in the DSM 5 2 Carefully review all of the criteria i e the symptoms for your selected disorder 3 Write a case in which the majority of the required symptoms are reflected or present in your client Please make sure that you are clear and specific as you describe your client s struggles or symptoms imagine someone else is going to read your case to double check to make sure you assigned the right diagnosis 4 At the conclusion of the case identify the correct diagnosis by name 5 Provide a brief explanation as to why you feel your assigned diagnosis is appropriate or accurate Your case vignette must be typed double spaced with 12 point Times New Roman font with a required minimum of a 250 word response this does include steps 4 and 5 above
Identify the psychological perspective for the scenario and explain why the chosen perspective is correct Type your answer in the blank below Keenan uses illicit substances at a party after seeing the cool kids from school use them This behavior is due to Keenan wanting to imitate the behavior of the other kids hoping he will become popular too
Anatomy and Physiology
Identify the psychological perspective for the scenario and explain why the chosen perspective is correct Type your answer in the blank below Keenan uses illicit substances at a party after seeing the cool kids from school use them This behavior is due to Keenan wanting to imitate the behavior of the other kids hoping he will become popular too
Unit 2 Unit Test Written Response What were the three most important factors for the Spanish Conquest of the Americas in your answer make sure that you Develop a claim with three reasons Cite at least two different sources 4 Include information learned from the un Use the organizer below to help you prepare for the Written Response Final Bucketing Directions Choose one bucket from above to write about Create 3 new bucket labels that function as the reasons why you chose this answer Place docs in buckets that they support Reason 1 Reason 2 Reason 3 Source N Thesis Writing Question What were the three most important factors for the Spanish Conquest of the Amencas 2 Source 3 a Which document supports it a Which document supports it Source a Which document supports it My Thesis put it all together in a sentence
Anatomy and Physiology
Unit 2 Unit Test Written Response What were the three most important factors for the Spanish Conquest of the Americas in your answer make sure that you Develop a claim with three reasons Cite at least two different sources 4 Include information learned from the un Use the organizer below to help you prepare for the Written Response Final Bucketing Directions Choose one bucket from above to write about Create 3 new bucket labels that function as the reasons why you chose this answer Place docs in buckets that they support Reason 1 Reason 2 Reason 3 Source N Thesis Writing Question What were the three most important factors for the Spanish Conquest of the Amencas 2 Source 3 a Which document supports it a Which document supports it Source a Which document supports it My Thesis put it all together in a sentence
Which detail from the story best develops the central idea that Deople are more alike than they may appear to be Eventually he got married had children of his own and worked for years signing Turkish singers to a small record label O Now why don t you listen to Philip take your shoes off and have a shower You can feel out of place in a country in the place where you live or even in your own head Michelle thought Wearing a Pittsburgh Steelers sweatshirt and jeans with dark curls pushed back in a hair clip Michelle Ostood out from the crowd of nurses and caregivers in white pants and polo shirts who were standing huddled in the doorway of Erkan s room
Anatomy and Physiology
Which detail from the story best develops the central idea that Deople are more alike than they may appear to be Eventually he got married had children of his own and worked for years signing Turkish singers to a small record label O Now why don t you listen to Philip take your shoes off and have a shower You can feel out of place in a country in the place where you live or even in your own head Michelle thought Wearing a Pittsburgh Steelers sweatshirt and jeans with dark curls pushed back in a hair clip Michelle Ostood out from the crowd of nurses and caregivers in white pants and polo shirts who were standing huddled in the doorway of Erkan s room
Dementia Define the term and give an example of what that would look like for YOU when you reach late adulthood Are there symptoms you will need to look out for What planning might you have to do regarding term as you get closer to late adulthood What are your expectations
Anatomy and Physiology
Dementia Define the term and give an example of what that would look like for YOU when you reach late adulthood Are there symptoms you will need to look out for What planning might you have to do regarding term as you get closer to late adulthood What are your expectations
define each term and give an example of what that would look like for YOU when you reach late adulthood Are there symptoms you will need to look out for What planning might you have to do regarding each term as you get closer to late adulthood What are
Anatomy and Physiology
define each term and give an example of what that would look like for YOU when you reach late adulthood Are there symptoms you will need to look out for What planning might you have to do regarding each term as you get closer to late adulthood What are
Can you make two question about neurons and cell signaling and answer it in ur own wrd un 2 paragraph T
Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous System
Can you make two question about neurons and cell signaling and answer it in ur own wrd un 2 paragraph T
Get a job you love and you ll never work a day in your life What could that mean Talk to a partner Part 1 The most popular jobs Which of these jobs are some of the most popular ones among young people Tick musician lawyer engineer doctor business manager shopworker 1 a mixture of working from the office and working from home 2 seeing lots of people every day 3 having a good salary 4 being able to take your dog to work 5 being able to travel the world 6 staying close to home OO Scan the code or go to OR Part 2 What s the perfect job like Match these job characteristics with the person people who mentions them Tick Alex Caitlin Over to you www westermann de englisch podcast Part 3 How to find the perfect job Look at the keywords in the box Write down the tips on how to find the perfect job for you 1 interests and skills 2 work experience 3 online quizzes 4 job fairs
Anatomy and Physiology
Get a job you love and you ll never work a day in your life What could that mean Talk to a partner Part 1 The most popular jobs Which of these jobs are some of the most popular ones among young people Tick musician lawyer engineer doctor business manager shopworker 1 a mixture of working from the office and working from home 2 seeing lots of people every day 3 having a good salary 4 being able to take your dog to work 5 being able to travel the world 6 staying close to home OO Scan the code or go to OR Part 2 What s the perfect job like Match these job characteristics with the person people who mentions them Tick Alex Caitlin Over to you www westermann de englisch podcast Part 3 How to find the perfect job Look at the keywords in the box Write down the tips on how to find the perfect job for you 1 interests and skills 2 work experience 3 online quizzes 4 job fairs
Which of the following are examples of organisms with the A B toxin mechanism Mark all that apply A subunit B subunit B cellular receptor cell membrane a Source OpenStax Microbiology E Diphtheria toxin Botulinum toxin Lipid A toxin Tetanus toxin B vacuole b cell membrane H vacuole B C
Anatomy and Physiology
Which of the following are examples of organisms with the A B toxin mechanism Mark all that apply A subunit B subunit B cellular receptor cell membrane a Source OpenStax Microbiology E Diphtheria toxin Botulinum toxin Lipid A toxin Tetanus toxin B vacuole b cell membrane H vacuole B C
7 Lines 113 137 What are examples of two facts and an anecdote in these paragraphs How are the facts and the anecdote related 8 Lines 140 150 Analyze the examples Rodriguez uses in this paragraph What do the examples illustrate and how do they support his argument 9 Lines 162 173 Why is Rodriguez s statement that he is Chinese ironic What meaning is he trying to convey with his claim 10 Lines 183 189 How does this anecdote support and explain Rodriguez s central claim in this essay 11 Lines 209 216 Explain whether or not the last sentence of the essay is intended to be ironic Support your explanation with evidence from the text
Anatomy and Physiology
7 Lines 113 137 What are examples of two facts and an anecdote in these paragraphs How are the facts and the anecdote related 8 Lines 140 150 Analyze the examples Rodriguez uses in this paragraph What do the examples illustrate and how do they support his argument 9 Lines 162 173 Why is Rodriguez s statement that he is Chinese ironic What meaning is he trying to convey with his claim 10 Lines 183 189 How does this anecdote support and explain Rodriguez s central claim in this essay 11 Lines 209 216 Explain whether or not the last sentence of the essay is intended to be ironic Support your explanation with evidence from the text
Read the argument Blaxicans and th Rodriguez Then reread the lines indicated with each question below Answer each question citing text evidence 1 Lines 1 9 Read the first paragraph of Blaxicans and infer Rodriguez s claim 2 Lines 1 3 Read the second sentence in line 3 and explain what Rodriguez really means 3 Lines 46 54 What is Rodriguez s claim in these lines What support does Rodriguez give for this claim 4 Lines 55 62 What words and phrases does Rodriguez use to express tone in these lines 5 Lines 66 71 Explain how Rodriguez s statement that he was reinvented by President Richard Nixon is an exaggeration 6 Lines 72 75 How does this anecdote help clarify the idea Rodriguez was discussing in the two previous paragraphs 1
Anatomy and Physiology
Read the argument Blaxicans and th Rodriguez Then reread the lines indicated with each question below Answer each question citing text evidence 1 Lines 1 9 Read the first paragraph of Blaxicans and infer Rodriguez s claim 2 Lines 1 3 Read the second sentence in line 3 and explain what Rodriguez really means 3 Lines 46 54 What is Rodriguez s claim in these lines What support does Rodriguez give for this claim 4 Lines 55 62 What words and phrases does Rodriguez use to express tone in these lines 5 Lines 66 71 Explain how Rodriguez s statement that he was reinvented by President Richard Nixon is an exaggeration 6 Lines 72 75 How does this anecdote help clarify the idea Rodriguez was discussing in the two previous paragraphs 1
SIR I was interested to read the American artist George Condo s comments regarding The Supper at Emmaus by Caravaggio Review October 15 He reads in this painting that there is nothing out there besides us and finds the image is very subversive I encourage him to look again Caravaggio came from an extremely poor family and spent his life living among the poor His paintings come out of this and he brings Christ into our world living and preaching among the poor The saints also lived in this world This is a naturalistic everyday scene but there are many symbols in this image The man standing and looking on in doubt alludes to the acknowledgement that many people will not believe that Christ is the Son of God The man s shadow hangs on the wall behind Christ giving Christ a halo The outstretched arms of St James wearing a shell confirm the astonishment that Christ has risen and returned The grapes are a symbo of Christ s blood and the bread that He is blessing refers to the bread of life Many religious images had rotting fruit painted in them symbolising original sin but the presence of the pomegranate symbolises Christ s Resurrection The arms and food spilling out into our space require us to take part in this painting It is an extremely emotional image and very controversial but in my humble opinion one that brings Christ to us inviting us to join in Jo Noble Oxford The above letter was written to the editors at The Telegraph UK read the response that Jo Noble gives to another man s Interpretation of the Caravaggio painting The Supper at Emmaus above Can you expand on his interpretation Can you think of any other symbolism in the painting that is noteworthy Do you disagree with his interpretation If so why Look at the painting above very closely and analyze the painting for imagery or symbolism that points to something more than the obvious Caravaggio was notorious for embedding important
Anatomy and Physiology
SIR I was interested to read the American artist George Condo s comments regarding The Supper at Emmaus by Caravaggio Review October 15 He reads in this painting that there is nothing out there besides us and finds the image is very subversive I encourage him to look again Caravaggio came from an extremely poor family and spent his life living among the poor His paintings come out of this and he brings Christ into our world living and preaching among the poor The saints also lived in this world This is a naturalistic everyday scene but there are many symbols in this image The man standing and looking on in doubt alludes to the acknowledgement that many people will not believe that Christ is the Son of God The man s shadow hangs on the wall behind Christ giving Christ a halo The outstretched arms of St James wearing a shell confirm the astonishment that Christ has risen and returned The grapes are a symbo of Christ s blood and the bread that He is blessing refers to the bread of life Many religious images had rotting fruit painted in them symbolising original sin but the presence of the pomegranate symbolises Christ s Resurrection The arms and food spilling out into our space require us to take part in this painting It is an extremely emotional image and very controversial but in my humble opinion one that brings Christ to us inviting us to join in Jo Noble Oxford The above letter was written to the editors at The Telegraph UK read the response that Jo Noble gives to another man s Interpretation of the Caravaggio painting The Supper at Emmaus above Can you expand on his interpretation Can you think of any other symbolism in the painting that is noteworthy Do you disagree with his interpretation If so why Look at the painting above very closely and analyze the painting for imagery or symbolism that points to something more than the obvious Caravaggio was notorious for embedding important
ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 SHAREALISAS 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 College Year Female Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Gender Female Sophomore Male Senior Senior Freshman Junior 2 5 3 1 9 Senior Freshman Sophomore Junior 2 8 3 3 Junior 2 7 Female Freshman 3 1 Male Sophomore 2 5 Senior Junior 3 5 GPA 2 3 3 1 3 8 2 9 1 8 Female Male Female Sophomore 3 9 Female Sophomore 2 3 Male Junior 28 Male Sophomore 3 1 Female Junior Female Freshman 3 5 3 5 Age 9 43 22 18 20 23 18 19 28 21 18 19 21 21 42 19 21 25 21 17 Drinks per Month 45 30 0 35 20 10 45 28 9 0 19 25 2 19 10 45 29 14 5 28 Marijuana per Month 22 NOONGO OOg 10 Victims per Month 2 1 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 1 2 1 1 0 1 0 1 The data on the left shows the results of a survey of 20 college students Assignments With an alpha of 0 05 conduct a five step hypothesis test to determine if drinks per month is significantly related to marijuana per month With an alpha of 0 05 conduct a five step hypothesis test to determine if age is significantly related to victims per month Hints Excel function correlation only gives you a r Le the correlation Excel function regression gives you obtained t value and p value i e the significance Notes 1 Write down your five steps in a MS Word file 2 Use Excel to complete the fourth step which is Compute the Obtained Value 3 Copy and paste the Excel table into the MS Word file make sure you adjust the table so numbers can be shown clearly 4 Upload your MS Word file
Anatomy and Physiology
ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 SHAREALISAS 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 College Year Female Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Gender Female Sophomore Male Senior Senior Freshman Junior 2 5 3 1 9 Senior Freshman Sophomore Junior 2 8 3 3 Junior 2 7 Female Freshman 3 1 Male Sophomore 2 5 Senior Junior 3 5 GPA 2 3 3 1 3 8 2 9 1 8 Female Male Female Sophomore 3 9 Female Sophomore 2 3 Male Junior 28 Male Sophomore 3 1 Female Junior Female Freshman 3 5 3 5 Age 9 43 22 18 20 23 18 19 28 21 18 19 21 21 42 19 21 25 21 17 Drinks per Month 45 30 0 35 20 10 45 28 9 0 19 25 2 19 10 45 29 14 5 28 Marijuana per Month 22 NOONGO OOg 10 Victims per Month 2 1 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 1 2 1 1 0 1 0 1 The data on the left shows the results of a survey of 20 college students Assignments With an alpha of 0 05 conduct a five step hypothesis test to determine if drinks per month is significantly related to marijuana per month With an alpha of 0 05 conduct a five step hypothesis test to determine if age is significantly related to victims per month Hints Excel function correlation only gives you a r Le the correlation Excel function regression gives you obtained t value and p value i e the significance Notes 1 Write down your five steps in a MS Word file 2 Use Excel to complete the fourth step which is Compute the Obtained Value 3 Copy and paste the Excel table into the MS Word file make sure you adjust the table so numbers can be shown clearly 4 Upload your MS Word file
An article included data from a survey of 1 015 hiring managers and human resource professionals The article noted that many employers are using social networks to screen job applicants Of the 1 015 people who participated in the survey 699 indicated that they use social networking sites to research job applicants For the purposes of this exercise assume that the sample can be regarded as a random sample of hiring managers and human resource professionals a Suppose you are interested in learning about the value of p the proportion of all hiring managers and human resource managers who use social networking sites to research job applicants This proportion can be estimated using the sample proportion p What is the value of p for this sample Round your answer to four decimal places p 0 6886 X b Based on what you know about the sampling distribution of p is it reasonable to think that this estimate is within 0 02 of the actual value of the population proportion Explain why or why not Round your answer to four decimal places We know the sampling distribution of p will be centered at the sample proportion px and the standard deviation of this distribution can be estimated as 0 02 sampling distribution is not mound shaped and symmetric X So we cannot say our value of p is likely to be within 0 02 of the actual value because of the following fact X In addition th The Empirical Rule implies about 95 of our sampling distribution s values will fall within two standard deviations of the center but two standard deviations is greater than 0 02 o The Empirical Rule implies about 95 of our sampling distribution s values will be at most one standard deviation away from the center and our standard deviation is less than 0 02 The Empirical Rule implies about 95 of our sampling distribution s values will be at most one standard deviation away from the center but our standard deviation is greater than 0 02 We cannot make use of the Empirical Rule since our sampling distribution isn t mound shaped and symmetric The Empirical Rule implies about 95 of our sampling distribution s values will fall within two standard deviations of the center and two standard deviations is less than 0 02 Submit Answer X
Anatomy and Physiology
An article included data from a survey of 1 015 hiring managers and human resource professionals The article noted that many employers are using social networks to screen job applicants Of the 1 015 people who participated in the survey 699 indicated that they use social networking sites to research job applicants For the purposes of this exercise assume that the sample can be regarded as a random sample of hiring managers and human resource professionals a Suppose you are interested in learning about the value of p the proportion of all hiring managers and human resource managers who use social networking sites to research job applicants This proportion can be estimated using the sample proportion p What is the value of p for this sample Round your answer to four decimal places p 0 6886 X b Based on what you know about the sampling distribution of p is it reasonable to think that this estimate is within 0 02 of the actual value of the population proportion Explain why or why not Round your answer to four decimal places We know the sampling distribution of p will be centered at the sample proportion px and the standard deviation of this distribution can be estimated as 0 02 sampling distribution is not mound shaped and symmetric X So we cannot say our value of p is likely to be within 0 02 of the actual value because of the following fact X In addition th The Empirical Rule implies about 95 of our sampling distribution s values will fall within two standard deviations of the center but two standard deviations is greater than 0 02 o The Empirical Rule implies about 95 of our sampling distribution s values will be at most one standard deviation away from the center and our standard deviation is less than 0 02 The Empirical Rule implies about 95 of our sampling distribution s values will be at most one standard deviation away from the center but our standard deviation is greater than 0 02 We cannot make use of the Empirical Rule since our sampling distribution isn t mound shaped and symmetric The Empirical Rule implies about 95 of our sampling distribution s values will fall within two standard deviations of the center and two standard deviations is less than 0 02 Submit Answer X
Cell body of sensory neuron Interneuron Antagonist muscle Afferent sensory neuron Efferent motor neuron Muscle spindle 3
Anatomy and Physiology
Cell body of sensory neuron Interneuron Antagonist muscle Afferent sensory neuron Efferent motor neuron Muscle spindle 3
Dietary Reconstructions in the Human Fossil Record Conclusions Can you identify any dietary trends through time based on your observation Note specific taxa and observations to back up your claims
Anatomy and Physiology
Dietary Reconstructions in the Human Fossil Record Conclusions Can you identify any dietary trends through time based on your observation Note specific taxa and observations to back up your claims
is the formation of glucose from proteins to fats Glycogenolysis Glycogenesis Gluconeogenesis Glycolysis
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
is the formation of glucose from proteins to fats Glycogenolysis Glycogenesis Gluconeogenesis Glycolysis
is the storage of glucose in the form of glycogen Glycolysis Glycogenolysis Gluconeogenesis
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
is the storage of glucose in the form of glycogen Glycolysis Glycogenolysis Gluconeogenesis
Select the CORRECT statement about absorption 80 of ingested materials have been absorbed by the end of the large intestine In rare cases that intact whole proteins are transported across the mucosal endothelium an immue response may be generated Amino acids transport is linked to chloride transport Carbohydrates diffuse across the mucosal endothelium and are then actively transported into blood capillaries
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Select the CORRECT statement about absorption 80 of ingested materials have been absorbed by the end of the large intestine In rare cases that intact whole proteins are transported across the mucosal endothelium an immue response may be generated Amino acids transport is linked to chloride transport Carbohydrates diffuse across the mucosal endothelium and are then actively transported into blood capillaries
f the diameter of the afferent arterioles leading to the glomerulus increases vasodilation which of the following is NOT likely to happen O Urine output will increase Systemic blood pressure will go up Glomerular filtration rate will increase Net filitration pressure will increase
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
f the diameter of the afferent arterioles leading to the glomerulus increases vasodilation which of the following is NOT likely to happen O Urine output will increase Systemic blood pressure will go up Glomerular filtration rate will increase Net filitration pressure will increase
Which of the following statements best describes complete protiens O Must contain all of the body s amino acid requirements for tissue and maintenance and growth Derived from meat and fish only O Meets all the minimum daily requirements for a healthy diet Derived only from legumes and other plant materials
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Which of the following statements best describes complete protiens O Must contain all of the body s amino acid requirements for tissue and maintenance and growth Derived from meat and fish only O Meets all the minimum daily requirements for a healthy diet Derived only from legumes and other plant materials
The term metabolism is best defined as O the number of calories it takes to keep from shivering on a cold day the sum of all biochemical reactions in the body measure of carbohydrate utilization typically involving measurement of calories the length of time it takes to digest and absorb fats
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
The term metabolism is best defined as O the number of calories it takes to keep from shivering on a cold day the sum of all biochemical reactions in the body measure of carbohydrate utilization typically involving measurement of calories the length of time it takes to digest and absorb fats
Which of the following is NOT a function of cholecystokinin CCK O Increased production of pancreatic juices Increased production stomach acid Stimulated gallbladder to release bile Open hepatopancreatic sphincter
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Which of the following is NOT a function of cholecystokinin CCK O Increased production of pancreatic juices Increased production stomach acid Stimulated gallbladder to release bile Open hepatopancreatic sphincter
Which of the following is NOT true of saliva Cleanses the mouth Contains enzymes that begin the breakdown of carbohydrates Moistens food and aids in compacting of the bolus Contains acids which aid in chemical digestion
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Which of the following is NOT true of saliva Cleanses the mouth Contains enzymes that begin the breakdown of carbohydrates Moistens food and aids in compacting of the bolus Contains acids which aid in chemical digestion
is a vessel that is under high pressure which forces fluid and solutes in to the glomerular capsule O Afferent arteriole Efferent arteriole Vasa recta Peritubular capillaries
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
is a vessel that is under high pressure which forces fluid and solutes in to the glomerular capsule O Afferent arteriole Efferent arteriole Vasa recta Peritubular capillaries
Both male and female urethras serve as both the urinary and the reproductive systems O True False
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Both male and female urethras serve as both the urinary and the reproductive systems O True False
All of the following is a function of the low pH found in the stomach Select the description below that does NOT reflect the role of stomach acid The stomach s acid catabolically breaks down food stuffs in preperation for absorption Many potentially harmful bacterial will be prevented entry to the small intestine by stomach acid Low pH converts pepsinogen to its active form of pepsin preventing the protease enzymes from digesting cells that produce it Stomach acid denatures proteins making the polypeptide chain more accessible to pepsin
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
All of the following is a function of the low pH found in the stomach Select the description below that does NOT reflect the role of stomach acid The stomach s acid catabolically breaks down food stuffs in preperation for absorption Many potentially harmful bacterial will be prevented entry to the small intestine by stomach acid Low pH converts pepsinogen to its active form of pepsin preventing the protease enzymes from digesting cells that produce it Stomach acid denatures proteins making the polypeptide chain more accessible to pepsin
There are no nutritionally complete proteins All animal products should be eaten with plant mateial to make a nutritionally complete protein True False
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
There are no nutritionally complete proteins All animal products should be eaten with plant mateial to make a nutritionally complete protein True False
2 Initial Post Create a new thread and answer all three parts of the initial prompt below 1 Explain how you navigate the ICD 10 CM Official Guidelines 2 Provide one 1 example of when you referred to the guidelines to selec code Explain why 3 Describe how the information in the guideline from your example affect your code choice
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
2 Initial Post Create a new thread and answer all three parts of the initial prompt below 1 Explain how you navigate the ICD 10 CM Official Guidelines 2 Provide one 1 example of when you referred to the guidelines to selec code Explain why 3 Describe how the information in the guideline from your example affect your code choice
Autism spectrum disorder ASD has been linked to abnormalities in cortical development Specifically people with ASD show structural differences consistent with an increased ability for O creative problem solving O detailed focus O visual processing mechanical intuition
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Autism spectrum disorder ASD has been linked to abnormalities in cortical development Specifically people with ASD show structural differences consistent with an increased ability for O creative problem solving O detailed focus O visual processing mechanical intuition
Write it in your words The EMG recording in the laboratory was conducted utilizing specific software and equipment including the BIOPAC Electrode Lead Set BIOPAC Disposable Electrodes and the BIOPAC Student Lab System all managed through a Windows desktop computer The procedure commenced with the cleaning of the subject s forearm using an alcohol wipe followed by the attachment of three electrodes and three lead connections to the dominant arm These attachments were strategically positioned on the arm the VIN attachment was placed closer to the elbow VIN on the outer forearm and GND towards the wrist ensuring a particular order Subsequently the subject was seated facing the computer monitor housing the BIOPAC software initiating the calibration process Calibration involved the subject clenching their fist intensely for three seconds followed by release after which the experimental EMG recording commenced For the dominant arm the students directed the subject to perform four clenches each held for two seconds interspersed with two second releases starting from the weakest clench and progressing to the strongest Upon completing the EMG reading for the dominant arm the electrodes and lead attachments were removed and the same preparatory steps were applied to record the nondominant arm s EMG activity following a similar clench and release process Pflanzer et al n d Methods
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Write it in your words The EMG recording in the laboratory was conducted utilizing specific software and equipment including the BIOPAC Electrode Lead Set BIOPAC Disposable Electrodes and the BIOPAC Student Lab System all managed through a Windows desktop computer The procedure commenced with the cleaning of the subject s forearm using an alcohol wipe followed by the attachment of three electrodes and three lead connections to the dominant arm These attachments were strategically positioned on the arm the VIN attachment was placed closer to the elbow VIN on the outer forearm and GND towards the wrist ensuring a particular order Subsequently the subject was seated facing the computer monitor housing the BIOPAC software initiating the calibration process Calibration involved the subject clenching their fist intensely for three seconds followed by release after which the experimental EMG recording commenced For the dominant arm the students directed the subject to perform four clenches each held for two seconds interspersed with two second releases starting from the weakest clench and progressing to the strongest Upon completing the EMG reading for the dominant arm the electrodes and lead attachments were removed and the same preparatory steps were applied to record the nondominant arm s EMG activity following a similar clench and release process Pflanzer et al n d Methods
Hide Assignment Information Instructions Perform Monohybrid Crosses on the following Parents 1 AB IAIB x A IAIA 2 B IBIB x O ii 3 A IAI x B IBI 4 AB IAIB x O ii
Anatomy and Physiology
Hide Assignment Information Instructions Perform Monohybrid Crosses on the following Parents 1 AB IAIB x A IAIA 2 B IBIB x O ii 3 A IAI x B IBI 4 AB IAIB x O ii
2 1 HOW When where was Luther up Why do you think wither Film was created or it any the historical reasoning known could be noted by the curtist as well as scholars Cite the source 3 What Universal moral values are expressed in the luther Film Identify 3 4 How does Luther Film represent some of the individuals found in the handout List of values Identify represent the watetel Societal 5 How does values from the time period society When it was created Identify explain 3 i in what ways would does the Wither Film infinence the individual societal values of today Identify at least 3 from the list and at least one Universal value from Kinner et al universal value Dcommit to something greater than Dnes self
Anatomy and Physiology
2 1 HOW When where was Luther up Why do you think wither Film was created or it any the historical reasoning known could be noted by the curtist as well as scholars Cite the source 3 What Universal moral values are expressed in the luther Film Identify 3 4 How does Luther Film represent some of the individuals found in the handout List of values Identify represent the watetel Societal 5 How does values from the time period society When it was created Identify explain 3 i in what ways would does the Wither Film infinence the individual societal values of today Identify at least 3 from the list and at least one Universal value from Kinner et al universal value Dcommit to something greater than Dnes self
23 Hydrogen chloride 20 06 g was dissolved in 2 000 kg of water which gave a solution with a density d 1 003 g mL What is the molarity and molality of this solution KOL
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
23 Hydrogen chloride 20 06 g was dissolved in 2 000 kg of water which gave a solution with a density d 1 003 g mL What is the molarity and molality of this solution KOL
The Incredible Frog Life Cycle Full Metamorphosis
Anatomy and Physiology
The Incredible Frog Life Cycle Full Metamorphosis
Identify the symmetry that this group is characterized by
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Identify the symmetry that this group is characterized by
Which of the following is a complex sentence O Although the dentist found nothing wrong with Sue s teeth she still had a toothache so she went to bed O The dentist did not find anything wrong with Sue s teeth O The dentist did not find anything wrong with her teeth but Sue continues to have a toothache O Although the dentist did not find anything wrong Sue s mouth still hurt
Anatomy and Physiology
Which of the following is a complex sentence O Although the dentist found nothing wrong with Sue s teeth she still had a toothache so she went to bed O The dentist did not find anything wrong with Sue s teeth O The dentist did not find anything wrong with her teeth but Sue continues to have a toothache O Although the dentist did not find anything wrong Sue s mouth still hurt
D percentage of Gs in this transcript don t write the unit Question 23 Question 24 U and 20 A What is the Which stop codon s can be encoded by the RNA in the previous question How many times do we need to tell you to stop 1 List the codon s alphabetically If you need to enter fewer codons than the alloted number of blanks enter N A 3 pts Question 25 3 pts From what you can tell the sequence of the transcript you isolated in the previous question appears quite random Assuming that it is random you can expect to see the various combinations of any three nucleotides at a probability that depends of the frequency of each of the nucleotides For example you naturally should expect to see the triplet CCC more times than AAA What is the expected percentage of triplets corresponding to stop codon s in this transcript round to one decimal place and enter just the number without How many times do we need to tell you to stop 1 3 pts If the length of the transcript in the previous two questions is 2 500 nucleotides how many stop codons do you expect to find in it based on the frequency you calculated above
Anatomy and Physiology
G.I Tract
D percentage of Gs in this transcript don t write the unit Question 23 Question 24 U and 20 A What is the Which stop codon s can be encoded by the RNA in the previous question How many times do we need to tell you to stop 1 List the codon s alphabetically If you need to enter fewer codons than the alloted number of blanks enter N A 3 pts Question 25 3 pts From what you can tell the sequence of the transcript you isolated in the previous question appears quite random Assuming that it is random you can expect to see the various combinations of any three nucleotides at a probability that depends of the frequency of each of the nucleotides For example you naturally should expect to see the triplet CCC more times than AAA What is the expected percentage of triplets corresponding to stop codon s in this transcript round to one decimal place and enter just the number without How many times do we need to tell you to stop 1 3 pts If the length of the transcript in the previous two questions is 2 500 nucleotides how many stop codons do you expect to find in it based on the frequency you calculated above
Choose the metabolic functions of the liver Choose all that apply See Table 38 1 on page 984 if necessary synthesis of plasma proteins like albumin metabolism of drugs production of bile salts secretion of insulin production of erythropoietin synthesis of clotting factors carbohydrate metabolism formation of urea from ammonia glycogen storage facilitation of B and T cells elimination of excess hydrogen ions
Anatomy and Physiology
Choose the metabolic functions of the liver Choose all that apply See Table 38 1 on page 984 if necessary synthesis of plasma proteins like albumin metabolism of drugs production of bile salts secretion of insulin production of erythropoietin synthesis of clotting factors carbohydrate metabolism formation of urea from ammonia glycogen storage facilitation of B and T cells elimination of excess hydrogen ions
Locate the portion of the common bile duct shared by the liver gall bladder and pancreas Liver Gallbladder O Pancreas
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Locate the portion of the common bile duct shared by the liver gall bladder and pancreas Liver Gallbladder O Pancreas
Cytoskeletal elements are found in OA bacteria O B archaea O eukaryotes A B and C
Anatomy and Physiology
Cytoskeletal elements are found in OA bacteria O B archaea O eukaryotes A B and C
Which of the following is false about dynamic instability of a microtubule end During a growth phase assembly of GTP tubulin is faster than incorporated GTP is hydrolyzed forming a GTP cap O During a catastrophe phase hydrolysis of incorporated GTP is faster than GTP tubulin addition forming a GDP cap During rescue GTP tubulin assembles fast enough to reestablish a GTP cap Dynamic instability interferes with normal functions of microtubules
Anatomy and Physiology
Which of the following is false about dynamic instability of a microtubule end During a growth phase assembly of GTP tubulin is faster than incorporated GTP is hydrolyzed forming a GTP cap O During a catastrophe phase hydrolysis of incorporated GTP is faster than GTP tubulin addition forming a GDP cap During rescue GTP tubulin assembles fast enough to reestablish a GTP cap Dynamic instability interferes with normal functions of microtubules
Starting with acetyl S enzyme 1 and malonyl CoA how many molecules of acetyl CoA are needed to synthesize an 20 carbon fatty acid C20 0 Express your answer as an integer Nacetyl CoA 9 VAE
Anatomy and Physiology
Starting with acetyl S enzyme 1 and malonyl CoA how many molecules of acetyl CoA are needed to synthesize an 20 carbon fatty acid C20 0 Express your answer as an integer Nacetyl CoA 9 VAE
Conclusions Continued How would you describe locomotion changes through time given the dates for these differen hominins Be specific by referencing your data observations of different hominins
Anatomy and Physiology
Conclusions Continued How would you describe locomotion changes through time given the dates for these differen hominins Be specific by referencing your data observations of different hominins
How does intersectionality help us understand the invisible obstructions and opportunities in the experiences of gender inequality in the workplace for individuals who identify as part of marginalized groups Requirements In no less than 100 words explain your thoughts regarding the prompt No formal references are required though you can feel free to mention where you learned your facts
Anatomy and Physiology
How does intersectionality help us understand the invisible obstructions and opportunities in the experiences of gender inequality in the workplace for individuals who identify as part of marginalized groups Requirements In no less than 100 words explain your thoughts regarding the prompt No formal references are required though you can feel free to mention where you learned your facts