Anatomy and Physiology Questions

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Motor exploration suggests search for efficiency in motor learning and skill acquisitio Select an option True Folog
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Motor exploration suggests search for efficiency in motor learning and skill acquisitio Select an option True Folog
A combination of positive broad and bilateral transfer is preferred in motor skill acquis Seled an option True
Anatomy and Physiology
A combination of positive broad and bilateral transfer is preferred in motor skill acquis Seled an option True
A combination of positive broad and bilateral transfer is preferred in motor skill acquisitic Select an option True False
Anatomy and Physiology
A combination of positive broad and bilateral transfer is preferred in motor skill acquisitic Select an option True False
A type of feedback where the form of measure that aligns an individual s results to social norms without judgment is called Task relevant feedback Binary feedback O Normative feedback
Anatomy and Physiology
A type of feedback where the form of measure that aligns an individual s results to social norms without judgment is called Task relevant feedback Binary feedback O Normative feedback
What strategy is not suitable to help improve motor learning in the older population O All of the above are suitable O Balance O Cognitive task execution O Speed and coordination O Strength training
Anatomy and Physiology
What strategy is not suitable to help improve motor learning in the older population O All of the above are suitable O Balance O Cognitive task execution O Speed and coordination O Strength training
Which of the following is not included in a motor unit O Primary motor cortex Axon O Motor neuron Muscle fibers
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Which of the following is not included in a motor unit O Primary motor cortex Axon O Motor neuron Muscle fibers
What is a motor action O None of these define motor action O Actions performed by the body that are controlled by the brain motor unit and skeletal muscle O A collaboration between conscious thought to move and activation of brain structures responsible for movement produ and execution O Ability to move placing the body in motion going from one point to another
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
What is a motor action O None of these define motor action O Actions performed by the body that are controlled by the brain motor unit and skeletal muscle O A collaboration between conscious thought to move and activation of brain structures responsible for movement produ and execution O Ability to move placing the body in motion going from one point to another
Muscular fatigability is a special consideration for which population in rehabilitation O Children O Clinical O Athletes
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Muscular fatigability is a special consideration for which population in rehabilitation O Children O Clinical O Athletes
Skill thesis is defined as guiding principle that reward in sports is based on skills and will be judged on the basis of physiologic markers like strength speed and power Select an option True Falco
Anatomy and Physiology
Skill thesis is defined as guiding principle that reward in sports is based on skills and will be judged on the basis of physiologic markers like strength speed and power Select an option True Falco
Social capital does not have an influence on maintaining physical activity in old ag Select an option True False
Anatomy and Physiology
Social capital does not have an influence on maintaining physical activity in old ag Select an option True False
According to Martin Kudlacek which two branches of philosophy influence physical education O Dualism and Pragmatism O Existentialism and Materialism Realism and Dualism O Naturalism and Idealism
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
According to Martin Kudlacek which two branches of philosophy influence physical education O Dualism and Pragmatism O Existentialism and Materialism Realism and Dualism O Naturalism and Idealism
Common ethical dilemmas include all of the following except Medical advertising for team physicians O Genetic testing in sport and exercise to determine athletic ability O Reporting of injuries and treatments for players and physicians under contract Misuse of research data when treating an injury
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Common ethical dilemmas include all of the following except Medical advertising for team physicians O Genetic testing in sport and exercise to determine athletic ability O Reporting of injuries and treatments for players and physicians under contract Misuse of research data when treating an injury
describe four socio emotional terms of your choice from this module and give an example of experiences with these during your own adolescence For example you might choose to define identity diffusion in your own words and then describe what this looked like for you when you were an adolescent
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
describe four socio emotional terms of your choice from this module and give an example of experiences with these during your own adolescence For example you might choose to define identity diffusion in your own words and then describe what this looked like for you when you were an adolescent
How evolution is in the factor of UV exposure and skin tone
Anatomy and Physiology
How evolution is in the factor of UV exposure and skin tone
Who was the first person to research UV exposure into evolution
Anatomy and Physiology
Who was the first person to research UV exposure into evolution
Can you please make a question about DNA repair in your own words
Anatomy and Physiology
Can you please make a question about DNA repair in your own words
7 Endothelium 8 9 Anastomosis Microcirculation A 10 Sinusoids 11 Portal circulation neolingit itacional a The most permeable capillaries located in the liver Zuounitno b The single layer of squamous cells that lines the lumen of a blood vessel c The merging of two or more blood vessels with different origins d A specialized part of the systemic circulation in which blood passes through an additional capillary bed before returning to the heart e Small diameter blood vessels such as arterioles capillaries and venules eat
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
7 Endothelium 8 9 Anastomosis Microcirculation A 10 Sinusoids 11 Portal circulation neolingit itacional a The most permeable capillaries located in the liver Zuounitno b The single layer of squamous cells that lines the lumen of a blood vessel c The merging of two or more blood vessels with different origins d A specialized part of the systemic circulation in which blood passes through an additional capillary bed before returning to the heart e Small diameter blood vessels such as arterioles capillaries and venules eat
In the laboratory a coffee cup calorimeter or constant pressure calorimeter is frequently used to determine the specific heat of a solid or to measure the energy of a solution phase reaction Thermometer Water Metal sample 2003 Thomson Brooks Cole Stirring rod Since the cup itself can absorb energy a separate experiment is needed to determine the heat capacity of the calorimeter This is known as calibrating the calorimeter and the value determined is called the calorimeted cs One way to do this is to use a common metal of known heat capacity In the laboratory a student heats of iron to 99 15 C and then drops it into a cup containing 83 40 grams of water at 22 38 C She measures temperature to be 30 54 C Using the accepted value for the specific heat of iron See the References tool calculate the calonitrieter 1 C
Anatomy and Physiology
In the laboratory a coffee cup calorimeter or constant pressure calorimeter is frequently used to determine the specific heat of a solid or to measure the energy of a solution phase reaction Thermometer Water Metal sample 2003 Thomson Brooks Cole Stirring rod Since the cup itself can absorb energy a separate experiment is needed to determine the heat capacity of the calorimeter This is known as calibrating the calorimeter and the value determined is called the calorimeted cs One way to do this is to use a common metal of known heat capacity In the laboratory a student heats of iron to 99 15 C and then drops it into a cup containing 83 40 grams of water at 22 38 C She measures temperature to be 30 54 C Using the accepted value for the specific heat of iron See the References tool calculate the calonitrieter 1 C
46 47 48 49 50 1 2 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 53 54 55 56 47 48 49 50 51 52 45 46 57 58 59 60 74 75 Superficial veins Deep veins Car LE
Anatomy and Physiology
46 47 48 49 50 1 2 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 53 54 55 56 47 48 49 50 51 52 45 46 57 58 59 60 74 75 Superficial veins Deep veins Car LE
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 qu 16 17 18 19 20 21 13 14 15 23 22 24 25 26 27 26790 310 28 29 30 42 43 44 31 33 34 35 20 36 37 38 39 40 00 100 LEX
Anatomy and Physiology
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 qu 16 17 18 19 20 21 13 14 15 23 22 24 25 26 27 26790 310 28 29 30 42 43 44 31 33 34 35 20 36 37 38 39 40 00 100 LEX
17 Arteriosclerosis decreases the elasticity of arterial walls and increases arterial resistance to blood flow Suppose there are two patients One has a resting blood pressure of 115 70 The other has a resting blood pressure of 140 100 a Calculate the pulse pressure and MAP of each individual b Which patient do you think has arteriosclerosis Explain c For the person with arteriosclerosis how must the pulse pressure change to maintain normal blood flow
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
17 Arteriosclerosis decreases the elasticity of arterial walls and increases arterial resistance to blood flow Suppose there are two patients One has a resting blood pressure of 115 70 The other has a resting blood pressure of 140 100 a Calculate the pulse pressure and MAP of each individual b Which patient do you think has arteriosclerosis Explain c For the person with arteriosclerosis how must the pulse pressure change to maintain normal blood flow
4 What is the functional difference between pulmonary arteries and bronchial arteries
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
4 What is the functional difference between pulmonary arteries and bronchial arteries
5 The primary blood flow to the posterior cerebral arteries travels through the vertebral and basilar arteries Describe the collateral circulation to these arteries if atherosclerosis reduces blood flow through the basilar artery
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
5 The primary blood flow to the posterior cerebral arteries travels through the vertebral and basilar arteries Describe the collateral circulation to these arteries if atherosclerosis reduces blood flow through the basilar artery
6 In this exercise you examined the collateral circulation to the brain and around the elbow Using the models identify and describe two other examples of collateral circulation a Example 1 h Example 2 plugeros bus dime
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
6 In this exercise you examined the collateral circulation to the brain and around the elbow Using the models identify and describe two other examples of collateral circulation a Example 1 h Example 2 plugeros bus dime
12 In addition to the superficial veins in the upper limb a good location for intravenous feeding is near the origin of the great saphenous vein Explain why biozunie
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
12 In addition to the superficial veins in the upper limb a good location for intravenous feeding is near the origin of the great saphenous vein Explain why biozunie
2 Systolic pressure 3 Sphygmomanometer 4 Heart sounds 5 Diastolic pressure 6 Cardiac cycle 7 Stethoscope 8 Korotkoff sounds 9 Pulse 008 00 008 002 00A QworAb a Instrument used to measur b The minimum pressure in the aorta during the cardiac cycle 00 1 008 c Sounds of turbulent blood flow that can be heard while measuring blood pressure d Instrument used for hearing heart sounds e The maximum pressure in the aorta during the cardiac cycle 2017 f Series of events that occur in the heart during one heartbeat g Sounds that are produced when the heart valves close h Cyclic expansion and contraction of the arteries Sviny Dinton 20
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
2 Systolic pressure 3 Sphygmomanometer 4 Heart sounds 5 Diastolic pressure 6 Cardiac cycle 7 Stethoscope 8 Korotkoff sounds 9 Pulse 008 00 008 002 00A QworAb a Instrument used to measur b The minimum pressure in the aorta during the cardiac cycle 00 1 008 c Sounds of turbulent blood flow that can be heard while measuring blood pressure d Instrument used for hearing heart sounds e The maximum pressure in the aorta during the cardiac cycle 2017 f Series of events that occur in the heart during one heartbeat g Sounds that are produced when the heart valves close h Cyclic expansion and contraction of the arteries Sviny Dinton 20
10 A woman s blood pressure at rest is 125 75 After 30 minutes of exercise her blood pressure is 190 80 a Calculate her pulse pressure and mean arterial pressure MAP at rest and after exercise atholing ours ostain lahome2sessmini bus allew Isins 00110N to ng boold gaites and 15 0 Jeubiribai bes lo b How did her pulse pressure and MAP change after exercise isiqua faison c During exercise why do you think there is a large increase in systolic pressure but very little change in diastolic pres Swoll boold lemon nistniem of
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
10 A woman s blood pressure at rest is 125 75 After 30 minutes of exercise her blood pressure is 190 80 a Calculate her pulse pressure and mean arterial pressure MAP at rest and after exercise atholing ours ostain lahome2sessmini bus allew Isins 00110N to ng boold gaites and 15 0 Jeubiribai bes lo b How did her pulse pressure and MAP change after exercise isiqua faison c During exercise why do you think there is a large increase in systolic pressure but very little change in diastolic pres Swoll boold lemon nistniem of
3 Compare and contrast the structure and function of the three main types of capillaries by completing the following table Capillary Type Continuous dons pilih Fenestrated Structure of Capillary Wall a Sinusoid Cliqus song it wighest von shelings astoriza ribue aloxav cooldamath Jaime siquicond d e Hbbe e nguordrendang Functional Significance of Capillary Structure b d f
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
3 Compare and contrast the structure and function of the three main types of capillaries by completing the following table Capillary Type Continuous dons pilih Fenestrated Structure of Capillary Wall a Sinusoid Cliqus song it wighest von shelings astoriza ribue aloxav cooldamath Jaime siquicond d e Hbbe e nguordrendang Functional Significance of Capillary Structure b d f
1 Why is it important for the walls of large arteries to have an abundant supply of elastic fibers
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
1 Why is it important for the walls of large arteries to have an abundant supply of elastic fibers
QUESTIONS 13 19 Match the following terms with the correct labeled structure 13 Apex 14 Right atrium 15 Pulmonary trunk 16 Left ventricle 17 Aorta 18 Left atrium 19 Right ventricle Erwach a b enonasup shiwollot silt sili otni bould but ardt of boold b gizon biri bo el boold bate 3240172300 d ombug sdf t e
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
QUESTIONS 13 19 Match the following terms with the correct labeled structure 13 Apex 14 Right atrium 15 Pulmonary trunk 16 Left ventricle 17 Aorta 18 Left atrium 19 Right ventricle Erwach a b enonasup shiwollot silt sili otni bould but ardt of boold b gizon biri bo el boold bate 3240172300 d ombug sdf t e
QUESTIONS 26 35 In the following photo identify the labeled structures Select your answers from the list in column B Answers may be used once or not at all 26 27 28 29 A B adt la a Apex of the heart b Cusp of tricuspid valve c Right atrium d Chordae tendineae e Aortic semilunar valve f Trabeculae carneae g Papillary muscle h Interventricular septum i Pectinate muscles j Cusp of bicuspid valve k Ascending aorta 1 Left atrium 30 31 32 33 34 35
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
QUESTIONS 26 35 In the following photo identify the labeled structures Select your answers from the list in column B Answers may be used once or not at all 26 27 28 29 A B adt la a Apex of the heart b Cusp of tricuspid valve c Right atrium d Chordae tendineae e Aortic semilunar valve f Trabeculae carneae g Papillary muscle h Interventricular septum i Pectinate muscles j Cusp of bicuspid valve k Ascending aorta 1 Left atrium 30 31 32 33 34 35
QUESTIONS 6 10 Answer the following questions by selecting the correct labeled structure Answers may be used once or not at all 6 This structure pumps deoxygenated blood into the pulmonary trunk 7 The pulmonary veins deliver oxygenated blood to this structure 8 This structure delivers deoxygenated blood to the right atrium 9 This structure pumps oxygenated blood into the aorta 0 This structure and its branches deliver deoxygenated blood to the lungs a b E
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
QUESTIONS 6 10 Answer the following questions by selecting the correct labeled structure Answers may be used once or not at all 6 This structure pumps deoxygenated blood into the pulmonary trunk 7 The pulmonary veins deliver oxygenated blood to this structure 8 This structure delivers deoxygenated blood to the right atrium 9 This structure pumps oxygenated blood into the aorta 0 This structure and its branches deliver deoxygenated blood to the lungs a b E
A B Identify D C D
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
A B Identify D C D
1 When building a castle in the 13th century no paper model was used Instead they used a 2 Gu delon castle is built in a quarry because it needs to be 3 Pif is the sandstone used for the 4 Paf is the 5 Pouffe is the sandstone 6 Many villages throughout Europe can trace their origins to being 7 In the 13th century saws were expensive so 8 In the middle ages people used 9 A medieval wood worker would use a sandstone were used to split the wood instead of nails and glue to hold things together to carve wood into needed shapes like a pulley 10 The majority of water at a castle building site was used to make 11 Lime is the key ingredient that as the only way to transport stone was by parts of the castle 12 Heavy materials are hoisted to the top of the tower using a 13 The treadmill winch can lift up to 14 The tool used to ensure that the tower is built straight is known as a weight on the end of a string 15 The term pothole comes from potters 16 Limestone was preferred for that will hold the sandstone in place to obtain clay to make pots because it is quicker and easier to carve or a le
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
1 When building a castle in the 13th century no paper model was used Instead they used a 2 Gu delon castle is built in a quarry because it needs to be 3 Pif is the sandstone used for the 4 Paf is the 5 Pouffe is the sandstone 6 Many villages throughout Europe can trace their origins to being 7 In the 13th century saws were expensive so 8 In the middle ages people used 9 A medieval wood worker would use a sandstone were used to split the wood instead of nails and glue to hold things together to carve wood into needed shapes like a pulley 10 The majority of water at a castle building site was used to make 11 Lime is the key ingredient that as the only way to transport stone was by parts of the castle 12 Heavy materials are hoisted to the top of the tower using a 13 The treadmill winch can lift up to 14 The tool used to ensure that the tower is built straight is known as a weight on the end of a string 15 The term pothole comes from potters 16 Limestone was preferred for that will hold the sandstone in place to obtain clay to make pots because it is quicker and easier to carve or a le
Choose from one of the core topics below with the acknowledgment that your conversation will likely stray to any of the many topics we ve discussed thus far and potentially others as well Why is our skin color variable Explain the evolution specifically natural selection of variable skin tones around the world
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Choose from one of the core topics below with the acknowledgment that your conversation will likely stray to any of the many topics we ve discussed thus far and potentially others as well Why is our skin color variable Explain the evolution specifically natural selection of variable skin tones around the world
71 ons minese cest tical ttest Question 6 Points 3 Based on your knowledge and the information presented in this lesson which answer best completes this equation Pursuing interests of one s party O Dishonest graft O Honest graft Pursuing interests of one s state O Goals of most political bosses O Both A and C
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
71 ons minese cest tical ttest Question 6 Points 3 Based on your knowledge and the information presented in this lesson which answer best completes this equation Pursuing interests of one s party O Dishonest graft O Honest graft Pursuing interests of one s state O Goals of most political bosses O Both A and C
sson Postrest Question 3 Points 1 During the turn of the twentieth century the federal government began to go after what in the cities instead of political machines O Corruption O Tax evaders O Those enrolled in top government positions O None of these choices
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
sson Postrest Question 3 Points 1 During the turn of the twentieth century the federal government began to go after what in the cities instead of political machines O Corruption O Tax evaders O Those enrolled in top government positions O None of these choices
Question 1 Points 1 I controlled thousands of city jobs in the police fire department and sanitation department and had power over Important institutions such as the courts and municipal agencies I also worked to solved many of the city problems such as building repairing or giving money to schools hospitals orphanages and provided other services like building parks sewer systems and waterworks Who am I O Precinct Workers O City Boss O Ward Boss O Immigrants
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Question 1 Points 1 I controlled thousands of city jobs in the police fire department and sanitation department and had power over Important institutions such as the courts and municipal agencies I also worked to solved many of the city problems such as building repairing or giving money to schools hospitals orphanages and provided other services like building parks sewer systems and waterworks Who am I O Precinct Workers O City Boss O Ward Boss O Immigrants
Points 1 Question 2 Many factors helped to give rise to a new political organization in the late 19th century in which of the following cities O Philadelphia O Baltimore O New York All of these choices
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Points 1 Question 2 Many factors helped to give rise to a new political organization in the late 19th century in which of the following cities O Philadelphia O Baltimore O New York All of these choices
on Posttest Question 8 Points 3 How did immigration improve the industrialization of America O More cheap labor was found as immigrants would work for less wages O Immigrants migrated to cities in the Northeast and Midwest and contributed to manufacturing enterprises O Immigrants spread through all the states of America and worked in manufacturing industries O Immigrants were able to develop railroad technology and increase costs of transportation
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
on Posttest Question 8 Points 3 How did immigration improve the industrialization of America O More cheap labor was found as immigrants would work for less wages O Immigrants migrated to cities in the Northeast and Midwest and contributed to manufacturing enterprises O Immigrants spread through all the states of America and worked in manufacturing industries O Immigrants were able to develop railroad technology and increase costs of transportation
Question 6 Points 3 What similarity existed in the Homestead and Pullman strike incidents O Both incidents were related to boycott of railcar manufacturing O State militias were used in both the strikes to control the protestors O Court orders were issued in both the cases to press charges against the strikers O Both strikes began due to the management reducing the wages of the employees
Anatomy and Physiology
Question 6 Points 3 What similarity existed in the Homestead and Pullman strike incidents O Both incidents were related to boycott of railcar manufacturing O State militias were used in both the strikes to control the protestors O Court orders were issued in both the cases to press charges against the strikers O Both strikes began due to the management reducing the wages of the employees
esson Posttest Question 7 Points 1 Which incident was a public relations disaster for organized labor in the United States O The Ohio strike in 1877 O The Mississippi Riots O The Haymarket Incident O The Chicago protests in 1886
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
esson Posttest Question 7 Points 1 Which incident was a public relations disaster for organized labor in the United States O The Ohio strike in 1877 O The Mississippi Riots O The Haymarket Incident O The Chicago protests in 1886
Question 5 Which president was instrumental in curbing Chinese immigration Points 2 O Pullman O Samuel Gompers O Sherman O Chester Aruthur
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Question 5 Which president was instrumental in curbing Chinese immigration Points 2 O Pullman O Samuel Gompers O Sherman O Chester Aruthur
esson Posttest Question 4 Points 2 What happens when an employee signs the Yellow Dog contract O The employee is issued special privileges and bonuses O The employee is not required to abide by certain factory rules O The employee is forbidden to join a labor union O The employee is compulsorily required to fill in for workers who go on strikes
Anatomy and Physiology
esson Posttest Question 4 Points 2 What happens when an employee signs the Yellow Dog contract O The employee is issued special privileges and bonuses O The employee is not required to abide by certain factory rules O The employee is forbidden to join a labor union O The employee is compulsorily required to fill in for workers who go on strikes
Question 3 Points 2 What did the anti trust movement do O The Act encouraged Laisserz Faire Capitalism or a policy or attitude of letting things take their course without interference O The Act ensured the regulation of few companies that had the power to plunge the nation into a financial panic O The Act prohibited monopolies or any contract formation in trusts or conspiracy in restraint of trade or commerce O The Act strengthened the Sherman Anti Trust Act which controlled the monopoly of big businesses
Anatomy and Physiology
Question 3 Points 2 What did the anti trust movement do O The Act encouraged Laisserz Faire Capitalism or a policy or attitude of letting things take their course without interference O The Act ensured the regulation of few companies that had the power to plunge the nation into a financial panic O The Act prohibited monopolies or any contract formation in trusts or conspiracy in restraint of trade or commerce O The Act strengthened the Sherman Anti Trust Act which controlled the monopoly of big businesses
on Posttest Question 1 Points 2 Among the following effects of industrialization which one impacted the organized labor force O All the skilled craftsmen had to work as factory laborers O Labor unions began to form and they strengthened in numbers O The management started to treat the employees fairly O Factory workers were hired for lesser hours but earned more pay per hour
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
on Posttest Question 1 Points 2 Among the following effects of industrialization which one impacted the organized labor force O All the skilled craftsmen had to work as factory laborers O Labor unions began to form and they strengthened in numbers O The management started to treat the employees fairly O Factory workers were hired for lesser hours but earned more pay per hour
Labor Unions immigr Lesson Posttest Question 2 Points 1 How did the US government respond to Chinese immigration O Created the Chinese Labor Federation O Created the Chinese Exclusion Act O Created more job opportunities for the Chinese O Created legal means for the Chinese to immigrate more JAK OTHE DM mal fut
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Labor Unions immigr Lesson Posttest Question 2 Points 1 How did the US government respond to Chinese immigration O Created the Chinese Labor Federation O Created the Chinese Exclusion Act O Created more job opportunities for the Chinese O Created legal means for the Chinese to immigrate more JAK OTHE DM mal fut
Course Pretest Question 21 Points 2 Other than the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand what major factor pulled one nation after another into World War I O System of alliances O Militarism Imperialism O Nationalism
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Course Pretest Question 21 Points 2 Other than the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand what major factor pulled one nation after another into World War I O System of alliances O Militarism Imperialism O Nationalism
Read the following excerpt and answer the question Between 1865 and 1920 was marked by the increasing concentration of people political power and economic activity in urban areas In 1860 there were nine cities with populations over 100 000 By 1910 there were fifty These large new cities were not coastal port cities like New York Boston and Philadelphia but laid inland along new transportation routes like Denver Chicago and Cleveland The first twelve presidents of the United States had all been born into farming communities but between 1865 and 1912 the presidency was filled by men with backgrounds representing businesses and cities Industrialization and urbanization reinforced each other and urban areas became increasingly congested As a result of unsanitary living conditions diseases like cholera dysentery and typhoid fever struck urban areas with increasing frequency Cities responded by paving streets digging sewers sanitizing water constructing housing and creating public transportation systems Urbanization occurs naturally from individual and corporate efforts to reduce time and expense in commuting and transportation while improving opportunities for jobs education housing and transportation Living in cities permits individuals and families to take advantage of the opportunities of proximity diversity and marketplace competition Increasing industrialization outpaced the supply of laborers able or willing to work in dangerous low paying and dead end jobs However the demand for low or unskilled jobs drove wages up and attracted waves of Irish Italian Polish Russian and other immigrants who could earn more in America than in their homelands What is the problem being addressed in the excerpt O Decisions to cut back on the unprecedented number o arriving to the United States O Support for Indian assimilation into the white man s culture O Advocate for the expansion of the transcontinental railroad
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Read the following excerpt and answer the question Between 1865 and 1920 was marked by the increasing concentration of people political power and economic activity in urban areas In 1860 there were nine cities with populations over 100 000 By 1910 there were fifty These large new cities were not coastal port cities like New York Boston and Philadelphia but laid inland along new transportation routes like Denver Chicago and Cleveland The first twelve presidents of the United States had all been born into farming communities but between 1865 and 1912 the presidency was filled by men with backgrounds representing businesses and cities Industrialization and urbanization reinforced each other and urban areas became increasingly congested As a result of unsanitary living conditions diseases like cholera dysentery and typhoid fever struck urban areas with increasing frequency Cities responded by paving streets digging sewers sanitizing water constructing housing and creating public transportation systems Urbanization occurs naturally from individual and corporate efforts to reduce time and expense in commuting and transportation while improving opportunities for jobs education housing and transportation Living in cities permits individuals and families to take advantage of the opportunities of proximity diversity and marketplace competition Increasing industrialization outpaced the supply of laborers able or willing to work in dangerous low paying and dead end jobs However the demand for low or unskilled jobs drove wages up and attracted waves of Irish Italian Polish Russian and other immigrants who could earn more in America than in their homelands What is the problem being addressed in the excerpt O Decisions to cut back on the unprecedented number o arriving to the United States O Support for Indian assimilation into the white man s culture O Advocate for the expansion of the transcontinental railroad
Question 30 Points 1 The biggest problem for teachers during the 1920 s was O the large number of students in a class O immigrants that could not speak English Obehavior of students O classroom settings
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Question 30 Points 1 The biggest problem for teachers during the 1920 s was O the large number of students in a class O immigrants that could not speak English Obehavior of students O classroom settings