Anatomy and Physiology Questions

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SPQ1 Write a numbered list of the brain structures in order as signals pass up from the spinal cord to the cerebrum ONLY the structures on the main highway in order 1 through 6 starting with 1 spinal cord and ending in 6 cerebrum
Anatomy and Physiology
SPQ1 Write a numbered list of the brain structures in order as signals pass up from the spinal cord to the cerebrum ONLY the structures on the main highway in order 1 through 6 starting with 1 spinal cord and ending in 6 cerebrum
SPQ1 Write a numbered list of the brain structures in order as signals pass up from the spinal cord to the cerebrum ONLY the structures on the main highway in order 1 through 6 starting with 1 spinal cord and ending in 6 cerebrum SPQ2 If you put your hands around the brain will you touch gyri or sulci SPQ3 Between the 2 dural layers around the brain we see dural venous sinuses Describe what a dural venous sinus is by defining dural venous and sinus SPQ4 What is a cranial nerve how many pairs of cranial nerves are there and how are they named SPQ5 What questions did you have while watching
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
SPQ1 Write a numbered list of the brain structures in order as signals pass up from the spinal cord to the cerebrum ONLY the structures on the main highway in order 1 through 6 starting with 1 spinal cord and ending in 6 cerebrum SPQ2 If you put your hands around the brain will you touch gyri or sulci SPQ3 Between the 2 dural layers around the brain we see dural venous sinuses Describe what a dural venous sinus is by defining dural venous and sinus SPQ4 What is a cranial nerve how many pairs of cranial nerves are there and how are they named SPQ5 What questions did you have while watching
Yet despite these dramatic increases in production the concentration on heavy industry and rapid industrialisation caused shortages of goods and housing in the towns Nonetheless most contemporary analysts Communist and non Communist judged the results of the Five Year Plan as broadly successful KEY CONCEPTS ACTIVITY Significance Carry out some additional research on the CCP s industrial reforms and then write a couple of paragraphs to show how important financial and technical assistance from the Soviet Union was in the early successes of China s First Five Year Plan Impact on industrial workers However for China s industrial workers the rapid industrialisation meant increasing subjection to strict codes of labour discipline It also led to greater wage and status differentials and thus inequalities based on skills and outputs Before 1952 trade unions had been relatively independent but by 1955 had largely become state instruments geared to increasing workers productivity In addition the rapid industrialisation required many more administrators managers and technical experts As has been seen this led to concerns about an emerging non revolutionary bureaucracy There was also growing inequality between urban and rural areas This latter problem was something Mao decided to address from 1956 onwards and eventually led to the Great Leap Forward see Chapter 3 The First Five Year Plan and agriculture Initially CCP leaders believed that the move to full collectivisation i e full social ownership and the abolition of private land ownership would not be for several years Mao himself at first believed that for this to happen industrial development via three Five Year Plans would be needed Those Party members who at the time urged much more rapid progress were criticised for advocating utopian agrarian socialism i e cocialist just by transforming
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Yet despite these dramatic increases in production the concentration on heavy industry and rapid industrialisation caused shortages of goods and housing in the towns Nonetheless most contemporary analysts Communist and non Communist judged the results of the Five Year Plan as broadly successful KEY CONCEPTS ACTIVITY Significance Carry out some additional research on the CCP s industrial reforms and then write a couple of paragraphs to show how important financial and technical assistance from the Soviet Union was in the early successes of China s First Five Year Plan Impact on industrial workers However for China s industrial workers the rapid industrialisation meant increasing subjection to strict codes of labour discipline It also led to greater wage and status differentials and thus inequalities based on skills and outputs Before 1952 trade unions had been relatively independent but by 1955 had largely become state instruments geared to increasing workers productivity In addition the rapid industrialisation required many more administrators managers and technical experts As has been seen this led to concerns about an emerging non revolutionary bureaucracy There was also growing inequality between urban and rural areas This latter problem was something Mao decided to address from 1956 onwards and eventually led to the Great Leap Forward see Chapter 3 The First Five Year Plan and agriculture Initially CCP leaders believed that the move to full collectivisation i e full social ownership and the abolition of private land ownership would not be for several years Mao himself at first believed that for this to happen industrial development via three Five Year Plans would be needed Those Party members who at the time urged much more rapid progress were criticised for advocating utopian agrarian socialism i e cocialist just by transforming
As regards living standards attempts were made to improve housing conditions in towns and real wages and consumption in urban areas increased However the rural economy was largely stagnant during the 1950s in large part because of the transfer of funds from agriculture to finance industrialisation and thus there were no significant improvements in most rural areas Despite this inequality between urban and rural areas as regards living standards and the fact that China in 1949 had had extremely limited financial resources to spend on providing anything more than basic health services life expectancy nonetheless increased from 36 years in 1949 to 57 by the mid 1950s 1949
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
As regards living standards attempts were made to improve housing conditions in towns and real wages and consumption in urban areas increased However the rural economy was largely stagnant during the 1950s in large part because of the transfer of funds from agriculture to finance industrialisation and thus there were no significant improvements in most rural areas Despite this inequality between urban and rural areas as regards living standards and the fact that China in 1949 had had extremely limited financial resources to spend on providing anything more than basic health services life expectancy nonetheless increased from 36 years in 1949 to 57 by the mid 1950s 1949
Add hyphens to compound adjectives where necessary If no hyphens are needed submit the text without making any changes The words emblazoned across the side of the pink truck read Our nachos are world famous
Anatomy and Physiology
Add hyphens to compound adjectives where necessary If no hyphens are needed submit the text without making any changes The words emblazoned across the side of the pink truck read Our nachos are world famous
MC 1 point Terrance a newborn and Gia 2 months old were both exposed to the rubella virus during embryonic fetal development Now Terrance displays signs of deafness and Gia has a heart defect Based on what you have learned about teratogens do you believe that the rubella virus exposure could have been the cause of both Terrance s and Gia s birth defects Answers A B A Yes a teratogen like the rubella virus could have caused different birth defects in different patients B No teratogens tend to always cause the same birth defect
Anatomy and Physiology
MC 1 point Terrance a newborn and Gia 2 months old were both exposed to the rubella virus during embryonic fetal development Now Terrance displays signs of deafness and Gia has a heart defect Based on what you have learned about teratogens do you believe that the rubella virus exposure could have been the cause of both Terrance s and Gia s birth defects Answers A B A Yes a teratogen like the rubella virus could have caused different birth defects in different patients B No teratogens tend to always cause the same birth defect
MC 1 point During which trimester of pregnancy is alcohol consumption the most dangerous to a an embryo fetus Answers AD A 2nd trimester B C D 1st trimester 3rd trimester All are equal
Anatomy and Physiology
MC 1 point During which trimester of pregnancy is alcohol consumption the most dangerous to a an embryo fetus Answers AD A 2nd trimester B C D 1st trimester 3rd trimester All are equal
MC 1 point Which of the following is not a maternal condition that is a possible teratogen when present during development Answers AD A Hyperthyroidism B Influenza C High cholesterol D Hepatitis B
Anatomy and Physiology
MC 1 point Which of the following is not a maternal condition that is a possible teratogen when present during development Answers AD A Hyperthyroidism B Influenza C High cholesterol D Hepatitis B
In fact the national bourgeoisie were assisted by the new government by 1953 the number of privately owned industries had increased from 123 000 to 150 000 while the number of workers in private firms rose from 1 6 million to 2 2 million In all this private sector accounted for almost 40 per cent of China s industrial output The government even used nationalist pleas to encourage some of those who had fled in 1949 to return to aid economic reconstruction and help develop and modernise China s economy The Communists concentrated on dealing with unemployment by placing large state contracts with private firms and improving workers pay and rights by insisting that firms paid a minimum wage and paid holidays to workers In addition the government controlled access to raw materials However private firms still operated as capitalist ventures receiving profits though these were controlled that gave were big enough to give these national capitalists a very comfortable life style The transition to socialism 1953 55 As a result of the Treaty of Friendship Alliance and Mutual Assistance signed between the Soviet Union and China in January 1950 China was to receive financial and technical assistance from the USSR for the next 15 years Further agreements were made in 1953 1954 and 1956 Although the financial assistance mainly consisted of short term credits rather than loans over 10000 Soviet engineers were sent to China all this helped create 300 modern industrial plants By 1952 the leaders of the CCP felt they had achieved sufficient economic recovery to move on to their promised ten years of development In November 1952 acting on Soviet advice Mao set up a State Planning Commission headed by Gao Gang to design a Five Year Plan to expand and modernise China s economy in both agriculture and industry Initially however China s involvement in the Korean War until 1953 see Chapter 5 meant there was little surplus funding for this project When the Plan was first announced in late 1952 total industrial and agricultural production despite the revival of China s war wrecked economy was still only at mid 1930s levels while modern transportation systems were still largely lacking Nonetheless in January democratic nhase of the 1952
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
In fact the national bourgeoisie were assisted by the new government by 1953 the number of privately owned industries had increased from 123 000 to 150 000 while the number of workers in private firms rose from 1 6 million to 2 2 million In all this private sector accounted for almost 40 per cent of China s industrial output The government even used nationalist pleas to encourage some of those who had fled in 1949 to return to aid economic reconstruction and help develop and modernise China s economy The Communists concentrated on dealing with unemployment by placing large state contracts with private firms and improving workers pay and rights by insisting that firms paid a minimum wage and paid holidays to workers In addition the government controlled access to raw materials However private firms still operated as capitalist ventures receiving profits though these were controlled that gave were big enough to give these national capitalists a very comfortable life style The transition to socialism 1953 55 As a result of the Treaty of Friendship Alliance and Mutual Assistance signed between the Soviet Union and China in January 1950 China was to receive financial and technical assistance from the USSR for the next 15 years Further agreements were made in 1953 1954 and 1956 Although the financial assistance mainly consisted of short term credits rather than loans over 10000 Soviet engineers were sent to China all this helped create 300 modern industrial plants By 1952 the leaders of the CCP felt they had achieved sufficient economic recovery to move on to their promised ten years of development In November 1952 acting on Soviet advice Mao set up a State Planning Commission headed by Gao Gang to design a Five Year Plan to expand and modernise China s economy in both agriculture and industry Initially however China s involvement in the Korean War until 1953 see Chapter 5 meant there was little surplus funding for this project When the Plan was first announced in late 1952 total industrial and agricultural production despite the revival of China s war wrecked economy was still only at mid 1930s levels while modern transportation systems were still largely lacking Nonetheless in January democratic nhase of the 1952
The dismissal of Feng policy Zhou Yang the Party s cultural chief decided Hu should intellectuals He was forced to make a formal self criticism in May be particularly singled out in this new cultural campaign against 1955 he was then denounced as a counter revolutionary by Mao He was dismissed from all his posts and imprisoned The CCP then widened the campaign into a general campaign against hidden campaigns counter revolutionaries Periodic attacks involving mass self criticism and imprisonment on intellectuals writers and artists then followed after 1955 culminating in the Cultural Revolution see Chapter 4 2 2 What were the main economic policies during the period 1949 55 Apart from various political steps the Communists also consolidated their rule by passing a series of economic and social reforms In 1949 when the CCP came to power most of China s economy was essentially a pre modern agricultural one The use of old fashioned basic agricultural equipment still predominated and the scarcity of arable land and inefficient farming methods along with a growing population had resulted in frequent famines before 1949 Since 1911 China s agriculture and industry had been greatly disrupted by civil and international war In both urban and rural areas there were serious food shortages In addition urban areas suffered from high inflation unemployment corruption gambling prostitution and drug addiction The CCP thus implemented economic policies designed to resolve some of these fundamental problems Early reforms 1949 52 The new government concentrated on policies for tackling the twin problems of providing sufficient food for China s population of 500 million increasing rapidly by 15 million a year and for stimulating the national economy The CCP did not at this stage envisage a rapid
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
The dismissal of Feng policy Zhou Yang the Party s cultural chief decided Hu should intellectuals He was forced to make a formal self criticism in May be particularly singled out in this new cultural campaign against 1955 he was then denounced as a counter revolutionary by Mao He was dismissed from all his posts and imprisoned The CCP then widened the campaign into a general campaign against hidden campaigns counter revolutionaries Periodic attacks involving mass self criticism and imprisonment on intellectuals writers and artists then followed after 1955 culminating in the Cultural Revolution see Chapter 4 2 2 What were the main economic policies during the period 1949 55 Apart from various political steps the Communists also consolidated their rule by passing a series of economic and social reforms In 1949 when the CCP came to power most of China s economy was essentially a pre modern agricultural one The use of old fashioned basic agricultural equipment still predominated and the scarcity of arable land and inefficient farming methods along with a growing population had resulted in frequent famines before 1949 Since 1911 China s agriculture and industry had been greatly disrupted by civil and international war In both urban and rural areas there were serious food shortages In addition urban areas suffered from high inflation unemployment corruption gambling prostitution and drug addiction The CCP thus implemented economic policies designed to resolve some of these fundamental problems Early reforms 1949 52 The new government concentrated on policies for tackling the twin problems of providing sufficient food for China s population of 500 million increasing rapidly by 15 million a year and for stimulating the national economy The CCP did not at this stage envisage a rapid
Add hyphens to compound adjectives where necessary If no hyphens are needed submit the text without making any changes You can purchase tickets online at the box office or by calling the toll free number at the bottom of the screen
Anatomy and Physiology
Add hyphens to compound adjectives where necessary If no hyphens are needed submit the text without making any changes You can purchase tickets online at the box office or by calling the toll free number at the bottom of the screen
Question 5 1 point Match each division of the peripheral nervous system with the type of information carries 0000 touch information from your hand pressure of food stretching your stomach telling the heart to beat faster telling your deltoid muscle to contract 1 somatic sensory 2 visceral sensory 3 somatic motor 4 visceral motor
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Question 5 1 point Match each division of the peripheral nervous system with the type of information carries 0000 touch information from your hand pressure of food stretching your stomach telling the heart to beat faster telling your deltoid muscle to contract 1 somatic sensory 2 visceral sensory 3 somatic motor 4 visceral motor
Add hyphens to compound adjectives where necessary If no hyphens are needed submit the text without making any changes Joseph Priestley is well known for his discovery of oxygen but he also invented carbonated water and the rubber eraser
Anatomy and Physiology
Add hyphens to compound adjectives where necessary If no hyphens are needed submit the text without making any changes Joseph Priestley is well known for his discovery of oxygen but he also invented carbonated water and the rubber eraser
Add hyphens to compound adjectives where necessary If no hyphens are needed submit the text without making any changes Ife a West African sculptor was but one of the highly skilled artists Lee met at the gallery opening
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Add hyphens to compound adjectives where necessary If no hyphens are needed submit the text without making any changes Ife a West African sculptor was but one of the highly skilled artists Lee met at the gallery opening
Add hyphens to compound adjectives where necessary If no hyphens are needed submit the text without making any changes In his new book the mountaineer shares hair raising tales of his numerous expeditions to Mount Everest
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Add hyphens to compound adjectives where necessary If no hyphens are needed submit the text without making any changes In his new book the mountaineer shares hair raising tales of his numerous expeditions to Mount Everest
Add hyphens to compound adjectives where necessary If no hyphens are needed submit the text without making any changes In 1976 Isabel Per n became the first woman to serve as president of a Latin American country when she succeeded her husband to become president of Argentina
Anatomy and Physiology
G.I Tract
Add hyphens to compound adjectives where necessary If no hyphens are needed submit the text without making any changes In 1976 Isabel Per n became the first woman to serve as president of a Latin American country when she succeeded her husband to become president of Argentina
Organizational aids help the reader to find important information by arranging data in various O fonts indexes O patterns
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Organizational aids help the reader to find important information by arranging data in various O fonts indexes O patterns
Before After
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Before After
MC 1 point Which of the following protein fibers is correctly paired with a characteristic it possess Answers A D D A elastic strongest type of fiber in connective tissue B collagen made of elastin fibers C reticular made of thin highly branched fibers reticular most abundant type of fiber in connective tissue
Anatomy and Physiology
MC 1 point Which of the following protein fibers is correctly paired with a characteristic it possess Answers A D D A elastic strongest type of fiber in connective tissue B collagen made of elastin fibers C reticular made of thin highly branched fibers reticular most abundant type of fiber in connective tissue
Question 1 A fetus with a gestational age of 25 weeks would have a fertilization age of 21 weeks O 27 weeks O 25 weeks O 23 weeks Question 2 Fertilization occurs when the sperm reaches the secondary oocyte 0 25 pts True 0 25 pts
Anatomy and Physiology
Question 1 A fetus with a gestational age of 25 weeks would have a fertilization age of 21 weeks O 27 weeks O 25 weeks O 23 weeks Question 2 Fertilization occurs when the sperm reaches the secondary oocyte 0 25 pts True 0 25 pts
Lo go A slow oxidative fibers B fast glycolytic fibers C both slow and fast oxidative fibers D fast oxidative fibers 3 The thin filaments are not comprised of which of the following components A Actin B Titin C D Troponin Tropomyosin 4 At the neuromuscular junction the muscle contraction initiation event is A a release of calcium ions from the sarcoplasmic reticulum B conduction of an electrical impulse down the T tubules C binding of acetylcholine to membrane receptors on the sarcolemma D sliding of actin and myosin filaments past each other
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Lo go A slow oxidative fibers B fast glycolytic fibers C both slow and fast oxidative fibers D fast oxidative fibers 3 The thin filaments are not comprised of which of the following components A Actin B Titin C D Troponin Tropomyosin 4 At the neuromuscular junction the muscle contraction initiation event is A a release of calcium ions from the sarcoplasmic reticulum B conduction of an electrical impulse down the T tubules C binding of acetylcholine to membrane receptors on the sarcolemma D sliding of actin and myosin filaments past each other
Services The belief that All men are created equal underlies which of the 5 interacting democratic values A B C D Fundamental Worth of the Individual Trust in Majority Rule Respect for Minority Rights Respect for the Equality of all Persons Necessity of Compromise Protection of the Widest Possible Degree of Individual Freedom while Protecting Freedom for All
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Services The belief that All men are created equal underlies which of the 5 interacting democratic values A B C D Fundamental Worth of the Individual Trust in Majority Rule Respect for Minority Rights Respect for the Equality of all Persons Necessity of Compromise Protection of the Widest Possible Degree of Individual Freedom while Protecting Freedom for All
1 2 What You Need to Know about Lead Lead is a naturally occurring element that can be found in all parts of our environment the air the soil the water and even inside our homes While it has beneficial uses it can be toxic to humans and animals causing negative health effects Lead and lead compounds can be found in a wide variety of products in and around our homes including paint ceramics pipes and plumbing materials solders gasoline batteries ammunition and cosmetics Lead may enter the environment from those products Lead can also be emitted into the environment from industrial sources and contaminated sites such as former lead smelters Natural levels of lead in the soil range Which of the following would be most relevant to add to the seventh paragraph specific ways to treat lead exposure how the effects of lead exposure were discovered specific ways to reduce lead exposure how lead exposure is diagnosed
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
1 2 What You Need to Know about Lead Lead is a naturally occurring element that can be found in all parts of our environment the air the soil the water and even inside our homes While it has beneficial uses it can be toxic to humans and animals causing negative health effects Lead and lead compounds can be found in a wide variety of products in and around our homes including paint ceramics pipes and plumbing materials solders gasoline batteries ammunition and cosmetics Lead may enter the environment from those products Lead can also be emitted into the environment from industrial sources and contaminated sites such as former lead smelters Natural levels of lead in the soil range Which of the following would be most relevant to add to the seventh paragraph specific ways to treat lead exposure how the effects of lead exposure were discovered specific ways to reduce lead exposure how lead exposure is diagnosed
Which of the following sentences uses hyphens correctly A This year the ten year old child dressed up like a green eyed monster B This year the ten year old child dressed up like a green eyed monster O C This year the ten year old child dressed up like a green eyed monster O D This year the ten year old dressed up like a green eyed monster
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Which of the following sentences uses hyphens correctly A This year the ten year old child dressed up like a green eyed monster B This year the ten year old child dressed up like a green eyed monster O C This year the ten year old child dressed up like a green eyed monster O D This year the ten year old dressed up like a green eyed monster
Choose the sentence that uses OA Jenny still has the blue eyed cat that she got when she was three years old OB Jenny still has the blue eyed cat that she got when she was three years old C Jenny still has the blue eyed cat that she got when she was three years old D Jenny still has the blue eyed cat that she got when she was three years old
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Choose the sentence that uses OA Jenny still has the blue eyed cat that she got when she was three years old OB Jenny still has the blue eyed cat that she got when she was three years old C Jenny still has the blue eyed cat that she got when she was three years old D Jenny still has the blue eyed cat that she got when she was three years old
What You Need to Know about Lead 1 Lead is a naturally occurring element that can be found in all parts of our environment the air the soil the water and even inside our homes While it has beneficial uses it can be toxic to humans and animals causing negative health effects Lead and lead compounds can be found in a wide variety of products in and around our homes including paint ceramics pipes and plumbing materials solders gasoline batteries ammunition and cosmetics 2 Lead may enter the environment from those products Lead can also be emitted into the environment from industrial sources and contaminated sites such as former lead smelters Natural levels of lead in the soil range Order the key details to create a summary of the text Lead is harmful for children adults and fetuses Both the government and individuals can help reduce lead exposure Lead may be present in our homes
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
What You Need to Know about Lead 1 Lead is a naturally occurring element that can be found in all parts of our environment the air the soil the water and even inside our homes While it has beneficial uses it can be toxic to humans and animals causing negative health effects Lead and lead compounds can be found in a wide variety of products in and around our homes including paint ceramics pipes and plumbing materials solders gasoline batteries ammunition and cosmetics 2 Lead may enter the environment from those products Lead can also be emitted into the environment from industrial sources and contaminated sites such as former lead smelters Natural levels of lead in the soil range Order the key details to create a summary of the text Lead is harmful for children adults and fetuses Both the government and individuals can help reduce lead exposure Lead may be present in our homes
Add hyphens to compound adjectives where necessary If no hyphens are needed submit the text without making any changes Russia and China are home to the critically endangered Amur leopard Few individuals are left and they live in one of the most threatened habitats on earth
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Add hyphens to compound adjectives where necessary If no hyphens are needed submit the text without making any changes Russia and China are home to the critically endangered Amur leopard Few individuals are left and they live in one of the most threatened habitats on earth
1 Acquisition Almost all humans acquire at least one language before the age of five Although people gain vocabulary throughout their lifetimes even young children are able to understand and produce complex sentences with complicated meanings How do children accomplish this remarkable feat in such a short amount of time Do adults learn language differently from children Linguistic researchers have long debated the answers to these questions but most agree that both nature and nurture are involved in language acquisition They disagree however about how much linguistic knowledge children have from birth and thus whether genetics or experience is more important in language acquisition How do the fifth and sixth paragraphs work together They introduce adult language acquisition and then show why it s unpopular They both raise open questions that all linguists have They present two contrasting perspectives on language learning They both emphasize the importance of experience in language learning
Anatomy and Physiology
1 Acquisition Almost all humans acquire at least one language before the age of five Although people gain vocabulary throughout their lifetimes even young children are able to understand and produce complex sentences with complicated meanings How do children accomplish this remarkable feat in such a short amount of time Do adults learn language differently from children Linguistic researchers have long debated the answers to these questions but most agree that both nature and nurture are involved in language acquisition They disagree however about how much linguistic knowledge children have from birth and thus whether genetics or experience is more important in language acquisition How do the fifth and sixth paragraphs work together They introduce adult language acquisition and then show why it s unpopular They both raise open questions that all linguists have They present two contrasting perspectives on language learning They both emphasize the importance of experience in language learning
uestion 8 Points 2 What did the anti trust movement do The Act encouraged Laisserz Faire Capitalism or a policy or attitude of letting things take their course without interference The Act ensured the regulation of few companies that had the power to plunge the nation into a financial panic The Act prohibited monopolies or any contract formation in trusts or conspiracy in restraint of trade or commerce The Act strengthened the Sherman Anti Trust Act which controlled the monopoly of big businesses
Anatomy and Physiology
uestion 8 Points 2 What did the anti trust movement do The Act encouraged Laisserz Faire Capitalism or a policy or attitude of letting things take their course without interference The Act ensured the regulation of few companies that had the power to plunge the nation into a financial panic The Act prohibited monopolies or any contract formation in trusts or conspiracy in restraint of trade or commerce The Act strengthened the Sherman Anti Trust Act which controlled the monopoly of big businesses
Question 9 Points 2 I played a significant role in political machines I trusted political bosses and became a loyal provider of votes Who am I Ward Boss Precinct Workers The poor Immigrants
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Question 9 Points 2 I played a significant role in political machines I trusted political bosses and became a loyal provider of votes Who am I Ward Boss Precinct Workers The poor Immigrants
Question 4 Points 2 Read the following and answer the question The early 1800s were times of great expansion for the United States Americans driven by the courageous and adventurous spirit of the times were migrating in great numbers towards the Western regions of the North American continent often to territories beyond U S boundaries Which of the following can be directly attributed to much of the early American Western expansion The soil there was rich and good for farming Trappers could use the river to bring furs from the mountains to trade The location offered easy protection from attacks by Native Americans or the French Plenty of freshwater and saltwater fish
Anatomy and Physiology
Question 4 Points 2 Read the following and answer the question The early 1800s were times of great expansion for the United States Americans driven by the courageous and adventurous spirit of the times were migrating in great numbers towards the Western regions of the North American continent often to territories beyond U S boundaries Which of the following can be directly attributed to much of the early American Western expansion The soil there was rich and good for farming Trappers could use the river to bring furs from the mountains to trade The location offered easy protection from attacks by Native Americans or the French Plenty of freshwater and saltwater fish
You are a recently certified pathologist that analyzes tissue samples to identify diagnose damage or disease You have just received four tissue samples from four different patients Before you evaluate the samples you want to have normal tissue samples to look at for a basis of comparison You find sample tissue slides only to realize that they are not labeled You decide to grab the ones you need for now and plan on labeling and organizing the tissue samples when you have finished You have tissue samples from the following patients Patient 1 a 67 year old male that just suffered a heart attack Patient 2 a 23 year old female that damaged her anterior cruciate ligament ACL Patient 3 a 38 year old female that has stomach ulcers sores in the lining of the stomach Patient 4 a 75 year old male that suffered a stroke You will have to identify what type of tissues you need to find Then you will have to properly label them and sort them based on what types of tissues they are You will also contemplate how these patients will fare after they leave the hospital Instructions The image below represents the first unknown tissue sample Answer Questions 1 4 based on this image Sample 1 2 0 5 points What specific type of tissue is the sample of
Anatomy and Physiology
You are a recently certified pathologist that analyzes tissue samples to identify diagnose damage or disease You have just received four tissue samples from four different patients Before you evaluate the samples you want to have normal tissue samples to look at for a basis of comparison You find sample tissue slides only to realize that they are not labeled You decide to grab the ones you need for now and plan on labeling and organizing the tissue samples when you have finished You have tissue samples from the following patients Patient 1 a 67 year old male that just suffered a heart attack Patient 2 a 23 year old female that damaged her anterior cruciate ligament ACL Patient 3 a 38 year old female that has stomach ulcers sores in the lining of the stomach Patient 4 a 75 year old male that suffered a stroke You will have to identify what type of tissues you need to find Then you will have to properly label them and sort them based on what types of tissues they are You will also contemplate how these patients will fare after they leave the hospital Instructions The image below represents the first unknown tissue sample Answer Questions 1 4 based on this image Sample 1 2 0 5 points What specific type of tissue is the sample of
Write a reflection on the topic of originality and art In the reflection illustrate points with examples Refer to at least two perspectives Should be around 300 words Have focused paragraphs Some notes on originality and art Originality is inevitable in art But sometimes it cant be mostly original Pushes boundaries and allows people to find their own creativity To be original we need to be imaginative o Ability to use all these elements and to use and combine them o Collage of Marilyn Monroe o Originality requires skills you create something from something But the signature on the urinal doesn t really require skills to be original the perspective is what makes it creative In hamilton Lin Manuel created the musical to show diversity of art and shows originality In the EE students were able to bring their voice to the table show what they know and what they think The mona lisa is an example of why art needs to be original to be great
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Write a reflection on the topic of originality and art In the reflection illustrate points with examples Refer to at least two perspectives Should be around 300 words Have focused paragraphs Some notes on originality and art Originality is inevitable in art But sometimes it cant be mostly original Pushes boundaries and allows people to find their own creativity To be original we need to be imaginative o Ability to use all these elements and to use and combine them o Collage of Marilyn Monroe o Originality requires skills you create something from something But the signature on the urinal doesn t really require skills to be original the perspective is what makes it creative In hamilton Lin Manuel created the musical to show diversity of art and shows originality In the EE students were able to bring their voice to the table show what they know and what they think The mona lisa is an example of why art needs to be original to be great
Question 41 Points 2 Choose the sentence that uses apostrophes correctly Heather said the car wasn t her Well it wasn t ours either Heather said the car wasn t hers Well it wasn t our s either Heather said the car wasn t her s Well it wasn t ours either Heather said the car wasn t hers Well it wasn t ours either
Anatomy and Physiology
Question 41 Points 2 Choose the sentence that uses apostrophes correctly Heather said the car wasn t her Well it wasn t ours either Heather said the car wasn t hers Well it wasn t our s either Heather said the car wasn t her s Well it wasn t ours either Heather said the car wasn t hers Well it wasn t ours either
Read the following quotation about melanoma a kind of skin cancer answer the question Thirty one patients with histologically confirmed measurable metastatic melanoma were enrolled in this study Melanoma 2006 p 372 Identify which of the following paraphrase is done correctly for a lay audience This study used thirty one patients whose melanoma a type of skin cancer could not be removed by surgery and had obviously spread Melanoma 2006 p 372 Participants in this study all had melanoma Melanoma 2006 p 372 All the participants in the study 31 had microscopically established melanomas that were metastasizing and were not good candidates for surgical intervention Melanoma 2006 372 Thirty one people getting medical treatment with the confirmation by microscopic tissue study that their quantifiable spreading skin cancer could not be removed by surgery were registered in the investigation Melanoma 2006 p 372
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Read the following quotation about melanoma a kind of skin cancer answer the question Thirty one patients with histologically confirmed measurable metastatic melanoma were enrolled in this study Melanoma 2006 p 372 Identify which of the following paraphrase is done correctly for a lay audience This study used thirty one patients whose melanoma a type of skin cancer could not be removed by surgery and had obviously spread Melanoma 2006 p 372 Participants in this study all had melanoma Melanoma 2006 p 372 All the participants in the study 31 had microscopically established melanomas that were metastasizing and were not good candidates for surgical intervention Melanoma 2006 372 Thirty one people getting medical treatment with the confirmation by microscopic tissue study that their quantifiable spreading skin cancer could not be removed by surgery were registered in the investigation Melanoma 2006 p 372
My principles and inclinations would lead me to aspire to the distinction ya invite me to seek if there were any reasonable chance of success and I hope should do no discredit to such an honour if I won and wore it But I am bound to add and I have no hesitation in saying plainly that I cannot afford the expense of a contested election If I could I would act on your suggestion instantly I am not the less indebted to you and the friends to whom the thought occurred for your good opinion and approval I beg you to understand that I am restrained solely and much against my will by the consideration I have mentioned and thank both you and them most warmly Identify this short time frame writing Blog
Anatomy and Physiology
My principles and inclinations would lead me to aspire to the distinction ya invite me to seek if there were any reasonable chance of success and I hope should do no discredit to such an honour if I won and wore it But I am bound to add and I have no hesitation in saying plainly that I cannot afford the expense of a contested election If I could I would act on your suggestion instantly I am not the less indebted to you and the friends to whom the thought occurred for your good opinion and approval I beg you to understand that I am restrained solely and much against my will by the consideration I have mentioned and thank both you and them most warmly Identify this short time frame writing Blog
Question 18 Points 2 Which of the following sentences has an error in subject verb agreement The center offers a gift card to everybody who enrolls on the Christmas Day Many people are afflicted by diabetes these days The group meets every month on second Saturday Either the committee members or the students writes every day
Anatomy and Physiology
Question 18 Points 2 Which of the following sentences has an error in subject verb agreement The center offers a gift card to everybody who enrolls on the Christmas Day Many people are afflicted by diabetes these days The group meets every month on second Saturday Either the committee members or the students writes every day
Da Vinci studied many things but usually abandoned them quickly True False
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Da Vinci studied many things but usually abandoned them quickly True False
Question 9 Points 2 What can be inferred from the given lines taken from The Hound of the Baskervilles The dining room opened out of the hall was a place of shadow and gloom Black beams shot across above our heads with a smoke darkened ceiling above us Suspense Mystery Growth None of the choices
Anatomy and Physiology
Question 9 Points 2 What can be inferred from the given lines taken from The Hound of the Baskervilles The dining room opened out of the hall was a place of shadow and gloom Black beams shot across above our heads with a smoke darkened ceiling above us Suspense Mystery Growth None of the choices
Read the following lines taken from The Fall of the House of Usher by Edgar Allan Poe and answer the question that follows Not hear it yes I hear it and have heard it Long long long many minutes many hours many days have I heard it yet I dared not oh pity me miserable wretch that I aml I dared not I dared not speak We have put her living in the tomb Said I not that my senses were acute I now tell you that I heard her first feeble movements in the hollow coffin I heard them many many days ago yet I dared not I dared not speak And now to night Ethelred ha ha the breaking of the hermit s door and the death cry of the dragon and the clangor of the shield say rather the rending of her coffin and the grating of the iron hinges of her prison and her struggles within the coppered archway of the vault Oh whither shall I fly Roderick hears a strange noise and this shows which of the following Inner conflict
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Read the following lines taken from The Fall of the House of Usher by Edgar Allan Poe and answer the question that follows Not hear it yes I hear it and have heard it Long long long many minutes many hours many days have I heard it yet I dared not oh pity me miserable wretch that I aml I dared not I dared not speak We have put her living in the tomb Said I not that my senses were acute I now tell you that I heard her first feeble movements in the hollow coffin I heard them many many days ago yet I dared not I dared not speak And now to night Ethelred ha ha the breaking of the hermit s door and the death cry of the dragon and the clangor of the shield say rather the rending of her coffin and the grating of the iron hinges of her prison and her struggles within the coppered archway of the vault Oh whither shall I fly Roderick hears a strange noise and this shows which of the following Inner conflict
Write the correct form of the words in brackets The first one has been done for you Mother Be careful care when you are driving Meera Don t worry mum Mother Remember care drivers rarely have an accident but ones often do Meera My Mother I m sure you will Just be sweetness mum I will take all precautions while caution care drive
Anatomy and Physiology
Write the correct form of the words in brackets The first one has been done for you Mother Be careful care when you are driving Meera Don t worry mum Mother Remember care drivers rarely have an accident but ones often do Meera My Mother I m sure you will Just be sweetness mum I will take all precautions while caution care drive
ch should you avoid in order to stay motivated Worth 5 000 points O A Prepare O B Get organized C D tine objectives O D Dive right in right away 19 What is NOT an example of active learning Worth 5 000 points O A Reworking notes B Getting organized OC Discussing your learning with others D Assuming a missed question is a dumb question
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
ch should you avoid in order to stay motivated Worth 5 000 points O A Prepare O B Get organized C D tine objectives O D Dive right in right away 19 What is NOT an example of active learning Worth 5 000 points O A Reworking notes B Getting organized OC Discussing your learning with others D Assuming a missed question is a dumb question
What is true about the conclusion of an essay O It redefines the thesis statement OIt restates the thesis statement It interprets the thesis statement OIt evaluates the thesis statement
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
What is true about the conclusion of an essay O It redefines the thesis statement OIt restates the thesis statement It interprets the thesis statement OIt evaluates the thesis statement
What would be the result of a drug that blocked the binding of acetylcholine to acetylcholine receptors at the neuromuscular junction inability of a muscle cell to break actin myosin crossbridges spastic sporadic muscle twitches sustained muscle contraction tetanus muscle atrophy
Anatomy and Physiology
G.I Tract
What would be the result of a drug that blocked the binding of acetylcholine to acetylcholine receptors at the neuromuscular junction inability of a muscle cell to break actin myosin crossbridges spastic sporadic muscle twitches sustained muscle contraction tetanus muscle atrophy
Read the following line from Twelfth Night Orsino Play that part again it sounded melancholy Oh it sou a sweet breeze blowing over a bank of violets What comparison is made in the line above The sound is compared to breeze The melancholic sound is compared to Orsino The Duke is compared to a river bank
Anatomy and Physiology
Read the following line from Twelfth Night Orsino Play that part again it sounded melancholy Oh it sou a sweet breeze blowing over a bank of violets What comparison is made in the line above The sound is compared to breeze The melancholic sound is compared to Orsino The Duke is compared to a river bank
Read the following and choose the correct answer Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley wrote For the first time she knew and loved the Spirit of good and beauty an affinity to which affords the greatest bliss that our nature can receive This quote can be best described as romanticism
Anatomy and Physiology
Read the following and choose the correct answer Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley wrote For the first time she knew and loved the Spirit of good and beauty an affinity to which affords the greatest bliss that our nature can receive This quote can be best described as romanticism
Question 25 Points 2 What according to Paine is the natural state of man in his essay Common Sense All are born equal All have inherent evil Some are more equal than others Answered On 10 12 2023 10 53 PM Being dominant over others
Anatomy and Physiology
Question 25 Points 2 What according to Paine is the natural state of man in his essay Common Sense All are born equal All have inherent evil Some are more equal than others Answered On 10 12 2023 10 53 PM Being dominant over others
Susan Anthony on the charge of illegal voting at the presidential elec 1872 and answer the question At the election of President and Vice President of the United States and Congress in November 1872 Susan Anthony and several other women votes to the inspectors of election claiming the right to vote as among th and immunities secured to them as citizens by the fourteenth amend Constitution of the United States Identify the type of sentence Compound Simple Complex
Anatomy and Physiology
Susan Anthony on the charge of illegal voting at the presidential elec 1872 and answer the question At the election of President and Vice President of the United States and Congress in November 1872 Susan Anthony and several other women votes to the inspectors of election claiming the right to vote as among th and immunities secured to them as citizens by the fourteenth amend Constitution of the United States Identify the type of sentence Compound Simple Complex
Question 56 Points 1 What is the significance of the following quotation taken from the essay The Curious World of Issac D Israeli Suitably for D Israeli the man of letters literature meant even more than just literature generally the humanities It shows an extended definition It shows his passion for literature It shows examples It has no supporting information
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Question 56 Points 1 What is the significance of the following quotation taken from the essay The Curious World of Issac D Israeli Suitably for D Israeli the man of letters literature meant even more than just literature generally the humanities It shows an extended definition It shows his passion for literature It shows examples It has no supporting information
Question 48 Points 3 Read the following lines from the essay An account of the proceedings on the trial of Susan Anthony on the charge of illegal voting at the presidential election in Nov 1872 and answer the question I am aware however that we are here to be governed by the Constitution and laws as they are and that if the defendant has been guilty of violating the law she must submit to the penalty however unjust or absurd the law may be The word they refers to which of the following options Constitution and penalty Constitution and laws Laws
Anatomy and Physiology
Question 48 Points 3 Read the following lines from the essay An account of the proceedings on the trial of Susan Anthony on the charge of illegal voting at the presidential election in Nov 1872 and answer the question I am aware however that we are here to be governed by the Constitution and laws as they are and that if the defendant has been guilty of violating the law she must submit to the penalty however unjust or absurd the law may be The word they refers to which of the following options Constitution and penalty Constitution and laws Laws