Anatomy and Physiology Questions

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a Enlist the advantages of artificial insemination in farm animais b Enlist various techniques of artificial insemination in farm animals
Anatomy and Physiology
a Enlist the advantages of artificial insemination in farm animais b Enlist various techniques of artificial insemination in farm animals
Mexican American War
Anatomy and Physiology
Mexican American War
A Define estrous synchronization Discuss progesterone based synchronization protocols for estrous synchronization B Write the clinical methods of pregnancy diagnosis in cattle
Anatomy and Physiology
A Define estrous synchronization Discuss progesterone based synchronization protocols for estrous synchronization B Write the clinical methods of pregnancy diagnosis in cattle
A Define psuedopregnancy Write the etiology and symptoms in canines B Write differential diagnosis and line of treatment of canine pseudopregnancy
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
A Define psuedopregnancy Write the etiology and symptoms in canines B Write differential diagnosis and line of treatment of canine pseudopregnancy
Purpose of art To express emotions ideas and experiences Communicate inspire provoke thought Enrich human life and culture Examples Frida Kahlo s work o Expressed her pain and suffering into her self portraits Might be relatable for others that also deal with physical and emot trauma Protest slogans like Black Lives Matter or Climate Action Now o They rally for important social causes o Help others understand about the issues facing society right now
Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous System
Purpose of art To express emotions ideas and experiences Communicate inspire provoke thought Enrich human life and culture Examples Frida Kahlo s work o Expressed her pain and suffering into her self portraits Might be relatable for others that also deal with physical and emot trauma Protest slogans like Black Lives Matter or Climate Action Now o They rally for important social causes o Help others understand about the issues facing society right now
Based on the passage what was one strength of the Articles of Confederation O The central government was weak and unable to accomplish tasks such as taxing and setting up trade agreements O O The government under the Articles of Confederation was successful in ending the American Revolution The states had all the power and were able to stop taxes from being imposed on their people O The fear of a centralized government led to a successful document that prevented one person from taking advantage of all
Anatomy and Physiology
Based on the passage what was one strength of the Articles of Confederation O The central government was weak and unable to accomplish tasks such as taxing and setting up trade agreements O O The government under the Articles of Confederation was successful in ending the American Revolution The states had all the power and were able to stop taxes from being imposed on their people O The fear of a centralized government led to a successful document that prevented one person from taking advantage of all
Which of the following is most likely a result of the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation O The weaknesses of the government would lead to a second American Revolution O The weaknesses of the government would lead to the creation of separate countries within the North American continent O The weaknesses of the government would lead to the Americans asking England to return O The weaknesses would be addressed and a new government would be created known as the Constitution
Anatomy and Physiology
Which of the following is most likely a result of the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation O The weaknesses of the government would lead to a second American Revolution O The weaknesses of the government would lead to the creation of separate countries within the North American continent O The weaknesses of the government would lead to the Americans asking England to return O The weaknesses would be addressed and a new government would be created known as the Constitution
1 Read the following paragraph from the section Weaknesses Under the Articles of Confederation each state viewed its own sovereignty and power a paramount to the national good This led to frequent arguments between the states In addition the states would not willingly give money to financially support the national government Adding which sentence to the paragraph would help to explain the meaning of paramount within the context of the article O O O O The states reluctantly agreed to give financial aid to the government The states grew dissatisfied with the Articles of Confederation over time The states viewed their own individual power as more important than anything else The states frequently argued over which state should wield the most political influence
Anatomy and Physiology
1 Read the following paragraph from the section Weaknesses Under the Articles of Confederation each state viewed its own sovereignty and power a paramount to the national good This led to frequent arguments between the states In addition the states would not willingly give money to financially support the national government Adding which sentence to the paragraph would help to explain the meaning of paramount within the context of the article O O O O The states reluctantly agreed to give financial aid to the government The states grew dissatisfied with the Articles of Confederation over time The states viewed their own individual power as more important than anything else The states frequently argued over which state should wield the most political influence
5 Which sentence from the article reflects the main idea O O The Articles of Confederation established the first governmental structure unifying the 13 colonies that had fought in the American Revolution O Because many at the time feared a strong central government felt loyalties to their own state as opposed to any national government during the American Revolution the Articles of Confederation kept the national government as weak as possible and the states as independent as possible O They had lasted for just eight years Many of these issues were brought up during the Annapolis Convention of 1786
Anatomy and Physiology
5 Which sentence from the article reflects the main idea O O The Articles of Confederation established the first governmental structure unifying the 13 colonies that had fought in the American Revolution O Because many at the time feared a strong central government felt loyalties to their own state as opposed to any national government during the American Revolution the Articles of Confederation kept the national government as weak as possible and the states as independent as possible O They had lasted for just eight years Many of these issues were brought up during the Annapolis Convention of 1786
4 How did Shays Rebellion illustrate one of the major weaknesses in the Articles of Confederation O O O O The rebellion failed causing everyone to remember their fear of the government The rebellion was successful illustrating that the government was unable to organize the military The rebellion failed which meant the Articles of Confederation were hard to defeat The rebellion was successful because the states didn t care about a few farmers
Anatomy and Physiology
4 How did Shays Rebellion illustrate one of the major weaknesses in the Articles of Confederation O O O O The rebellion failed causing everyone to remember their fear of the government The rebellion was successful illustrating that the government was unable to organize the military The rebellion failed which meant the Articles of Confederation were hard to defeat The rebellion was successful because the states didn t care about a few farmers
Continental Congress meeting in Philadelphia O O O The British imposing new taxes The Boston Tea Party The French and Indian War The Intel
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Continental Congress meeting in Philadelphia O O O The British imposing new taxes The Boston Tea Party The French and Indian War The Intel
Britain Imposes Taxes On Colonists Britain had allowed the Colonies to rule themselves Suddenly Britain began controlling the Colonies The British began charging the American colonists taxes because they needed money War had been expensive for Britain The taxes on American colonists were lower than those on British citizens Money from taxing the Colonies paid to protect them The Americans however saw it differently Americans thought British soldiers were sent only to watch them and they did not want to pay for that Also the colonists did not have elected officials in the British Parliament They had no control over decisions being made the British government They felt that the British were ignoring their rights as Englishmen Stamp Act Is Passed 4 Read the section Britain imposes taxes on colonists Which option do you think BEST describes the structure of this section O problem and solution compare and contrast order of events order of importance
Anatomy and Physiology
Britain Imposes Taxes On Colonists Britain had allowed the Colonies to rule themselves Suddenly Britain began controlling the Colonies The British began charging the American colonists taxes because they needed money War had been expensive for Britain The taxes on American colonists were lower than those on British citizens Money from taxing the Colonies paid to protect them The Americans however saw it differently Americans thought British soldiers were sent only to watch them and they did not want to pay for that Also the colonists did not have elected officials in the British Parliament They had no control over decisions being made the British government They felt that the British were ignoring their rights as Englishmen Stamp Act Is Passed 4 Read the section Britain imposes taxes on colonists Which option do you think BEST describes the structure of this section O problem and solution compare and contrast order of events order of importance
What do you think happened right before the Boston Massacre started O O O O Colonists were throwing rocks at the soldiers Colonists shot and attacked the soldiers The British tried to collect taxes on paper and tea The British closed Boston Harbor and public meetings
Anatomy and Physiology
What do you think happened right before the Boston Massacre started O O O O Colonists were throwing rocks at the soldiers Colonists shot and attacked the soldiers The British tried to collect taxes on paper and tea The British closed Boston Harbor and public meetings
What were the motives of the British soldiers O O O O To protect the colonists and help them gain their freedom To protect the British officials and save the King s dog To protect the British officials and keep the colonists from protesting To lower the taxes and bring the colonists back to Britain
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
What were the motives of the British soldiers O O O O To protect the colonists and help them gain their freedom To protect the British officials and save the King s dog To protect the British officials and keep the colonists from protesting To lower the taxes and bring the colonists back to Britain
Why do you think the British soldiers sent to Boston O O O O For military training To establish a new Parliament To collect taxes To protect British officials from enraged colonists
Anatomy and Physiology
Why do you think the British soldiers sent to Boston O O O O For military training To establish a new Parliament To collect taxes To protect British officials from enraged colonists
SHAFT Transverse Spiral Comminuted DISTAL Intra articular Extra articular PROXIMAL Femoral head intra articular Femoral neck extra articular Trochanteric region SHAFT Transverse Spiral Comminuted DISTAL Intra articular Extra articular PROXIMAL Femoral head intra articular Femoral neck extra articular Trochanteric region SHAFT Transverse Spiral Comminuted DISTAL Intra articular Extra articular
Anatomy and Physiology
SHAFT Transverse Spiral Comminuted DISTAL Intra articular Extra articular PROXIMAL Femoral head intra articular Femoral neck extra articular Trochanteric region SHAFT Transverse Spiral Comminuted DISTAL Intra articular Extra articular PROXIMAL Femoral head intra articular Femoral neck extra articular Trochanteric region SHAFT Transverse Spiral Comminuted DISTAL Intra articular Extra articular
MC 1 point The ends of long bones are called the Answers A D A diaphyses yellow B epiphyses red and are filled mainly with mam
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
MC 1 point The ends of long bones are called the Answers A D A diaphyses yellow B epiphyses red and are filled mainly with mam
2 Which piece of reasoning best fits the claim The English came to the new world to escape religious persecution Mark only one oval 1 point The English colonists wrote about the quality of the land which means they were looking for a place to farm The English colonists wrote about the Christian faith which shows they wished to prioritized their religious belief Historians wrote about English rivalry with the Spanish meaning they were motivated by geopolitics Historians wrote about the role of enslavement which means the English were motivated by money
Anatomy and Physiology
2 Which piece of reasoning best fits the claim The English came to the new world to escape religious persecution Mark only one oval 1 point The English colonists wrote about the quality of the land which means they were looking for a place to farm The English colonists wrote about the Christian faith which shows they wished to prioritized their religious belief Historians wrote about English rivalry with the Spanish meaning they were motivated by geopolitics Historians wrote about the role of enslavement which means the English were motivated by money
classical Chinese tradition and works by foreign writers In the second half of 1954 after the Gao Gang Affair had been resolved a clash emerged between the Party and intellectuals involved in cultural and artistic matters In particular the clash revolved round two individuals Feng Xuefeng and Hu Feng The CCP leadership decided that a campaign against bourgeois idealism and individualism was needed in order to establish the Party view that the primary function of literature and art was to serve the revolution and the people rather than just expressing individual thoughts and feelings Feng was dismissed for having published an article by a literary historian whose views were condemned as being too individualistic Feng Xuefeng 1903 76 Feng was a poet literary theorist and translator and for a time was a spokesperson for the CCP In 1952 he became editor of the official literary and art magazine Wenyibao However his criticisms of the Party s attempts to enforce some political control over literature and art led to his dismissal for being a rightist He took part in the Hundred Flowers campaign in 1957 but was again accused of being a rightist and was sent for reform through labour His last years were spent doing manual labour during the Cultural Revolution Hu Feng 1902 85 Hu had been an early supporter of the CCP and had joined its Youth League as early as 1923 In 1933 he had joined the League of Left Wing Writers in Shanghai and by 1949 was an established writer and a respected literary and art critic However in the 1930s he had clashed with Zhou Yang who since 1949 had been vice minister for culture and the Party s propaganda commissar In 1955 Zhou Yang decided to attack him along with Feng Xuefeng Hu was imprisoned for his refusal to subordinate literature to Party views about socialist realism which identified the topics writers should deal with and how they should deal with them
Anatomy and Physiology
classical Chinese tradition and works by foreign writers In the second half of 1954 after the Gao Gang Affair had been resolved a clash emerged between the Party and intellectuals involved in cultural and artistic matters In particular the clash revolved round two individuals Feng Xuefeng and Hu Feng The CCP leadership decided that a campaign against bourgeois idealism and individualism was needed in order to establish the Party view that the primary function of literature and art was to serve the revolution and the people rather than just expressing individual thoughts and feelings Feng was dismissed for having published an article by a literary historian whose views were condemned as being too individualistic Feng Xuefeng 1903 76 Feng was a poet literary theorist and translator and for a time was a spokesperson for the CCP In 1952 he became editor of the official literary and art magazine Wenyibao However his criticisms of the Party s attempts to enforce some political control over literature and art led to his dismissal for being a rightist He took part in the Hundred Flowers campaign in 1957 but was again accused of being a rightist and was sent for reform through labour His last years were spent doing manual labour during the Cultural Revolution Hu Feng 1902 85 Hu had been an early supporter of the CCP and had joined its Youth League as early as 1923 In 1933 he had joined the League of Left Wing Writers in Shanghai and by 1949 was an established writer and a respected literary and art critic However in the 1930s he had clashed with Zhou Yang who since 1949 had been vice minister for culture and the Party s propaganda commissar In 1955 Zhou Yang decided to attack him along with Feng Xuefeng Hu was imprisoned for his refusal to subordinate literature to Party views about socialist realism which identified the topics writers should deal with and how they should deal with them
Between January and October 1950 almost 4000 people were arrested as counter revolutionary agents and in July 1950 Zhou signed an order for the campaign which soon became known as Eliminate Counter Revolutionary Elements to be stepped up Mao gave his official support and in February 1951 the government issued the Regulations These were based on the Common Programme and defined counter revolutionary crimes as those which tried to disrupt or overthrow the newly established People s Democracy This campaign was also directed at the secret societies of various religious sects such as the Buddhists and members of the criminal gangs that had long operated in urban areas and had often collaborated with the GMD to eliminate trade union and communist militants Those found guilty faced life imprisonment or execution The harshness of these Regulations reflected in large part the CCP leadership s concerns over the threats posed by Taiwan and the US which openly backed the GMD as the legitimate rulers of China In addition the scale of this campaign is not too surprising given that it followed closely on from an extremely bitter and violent civil war lasting more than 20 years However there were many cases where those accused of counter revolution were released while many others were given short prison sentences or sent to labour camps The campaign involved large numbers of people according to historian Michael Dillon up to 80 per cent of the population were involved in what became a mass movement Factories schools government offices and neighbourhood organisations formed committees to root out counter revolutionaries As Source 2 7 shows mass meetings were held in which people were encouraged to denounce to the security forces and police those who had supported
Anatomy and Physiology
Between January and October 1950 almost 4000 people were arrested as counter revolutionary agents and in July 1950 Zhou signed an order for the campaign which soon became known as Eliminate Counter Revolutionary Elements to be stepped up Mao gave his official support and in February 1951 the government issued the Regulations These were based on the Common Programme and defined counter revolutionary crimes as those which tried to disrupt or overthrow the newly established People s Democracy This campaign was also directed at the secret societies of various religious sects such as the Buddhists and members of the criminal gangs that had long operated in urban areas and had often collaborated with the GMD to eliminate trade union and communist militants Those found guilty faced life imprisonment or execution The harshness of these Regulations reflected in large part the CCP leadership s concerns over the threats posed by Taiwan and the US which openly backed the GMD as the legitimate rulers of China In addition the scale of this campaign is not too surprising given that it followed closely on from an extremely bitter and violent civil war lasting more than 20 years However there were many cases where those accused of counter revolution were released while many others were given short prison sentences or sent to labour camps The campaign involved large numbers of people according to historian Michael Dillon up to 80 per cent of the population were involved in what became a mass movement Factories schools government offices and neighbourhood organisations formed committees to root out counter revolutionaries As Source 2 7 shows mass meetings were held in which people were encouraged to denounce to the security forces and police those who had supported
4 And air flows in through the inflating the lungs 3 As a result the air pressure in the chest cavity 2 This the size of the chest cavity like pulling the plunger back on a hypodermic needle 1 A healthy person inhales by lowering the and expanding the chest walls outward 4 As air fills the the lung will 1 Mr B tries to inhale 3 and air still enters hi lungs but now it leaks in through the puncture in the 2 He can still move his chest wall and
Anatomy and Physiology
4 And air flows in through the inflating the lungs 3 As a result the air pressure in the chest cavity 2 This the size of the chest cavity like pulling the plunger back on a hypodermic needle 1 A healthy person inhales by lowering the and expanding the chest walls outward 4 As air fills the the lung will 1 Mr B tries to inhale 3 and air still enters hi lungs but now it leaks in through the puncture in the 2 He can still move his chest wall and
Anatomy and Physiology
Underground Railroad Henry Clay Dred Scott James K Polk Mexican
Anatomy and Physiology
Underground Railroad Henry Clay Dred Scott James K Polk Mexican
Anatomy and Physiology
Define the communication process 1 mark 2 Using a well labeled diagram draw the communication process cycle 8 M 3 Briefly explain the diagram drawn in question 2 7 marks
Anatomy and Physiology
Define the communication process 1 mark 2 Using a well labeled diagram draw the communication process cycle 8 M 3 Briefly explain the diagram drawn in question 2 7 marks
1 Define the communication process 1 mark AA
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
1 Define the communication process 1 mark AA
How Would you feel if you thought you deserved to be promoted but instead the organization hired What Would you do Someone from outside and made that person Your boss
Anatomy and Physiology
How Would you feel if you thought you deserved to be promoted but instead the organization hired What Would you do Someone from outside and made that person Your boss
Which statement is true regarding autoimmune diseases Immune response is too intense or hypersensitive to an environmental substance Incorrect Allergies cause an immune response that is too intense or hypersensitive to an environmental substance such as perfume or pollen Leukocytes play a vital part in killing foreign invaders
Anatomy and Physiology
Which statement is true regarding autoimmune diseases Immune response is too intense or hypersensitive to an environmental substance Incorrect Allergies cause an immune response that is too intense or hypersensitive to an environmental substance such as perfume or pollen Leukocytes play a vital part in killing foreign invaders
Which of the following is a common bacterial infection Escherichia coli herpes simplex influenza Incorrect Influenza is a common viral infection mononucleosis
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Which of the following is a common bacterial infection Escherichia coli herpes simplex influenza Incorrect Influenza is a common viral infection mononucleosis
Question 3 Which patient s condition or disease is most likely categorized as acute gastroenteritis asthma Incorrect Asthma is usually a chronic condition that flares up periodically Oarthritis
Anatomy and Physiology
G.I Tract
Question 3 Which patient s condition or disease is most likely categorized as acute gastroenteritis asthma Incorrect Asthma is usually a chronic condition that flares up periodically Oarthritis
Treatment for viral pneumonia includes which of the following oxygen therapy increased fluid intake and a high calorie diet antibiotics analgesics and increased fluid intake antibiotics oxygen therapy and a high calorie diet Incorrect Antibiotics are not effective against viral pneumonia
Anatomy and Physiology
Treatment for viral pneumonia includes which of the following oxygen therapy increased fluid intake and a high calorie diet antibiotics analgesics and increased fluid intake antibiotics oxygen therapy and a high calorie diet Incorrect Antibiotics are not effective against viral pneumonia
Question 13 Which type of cellular adaptation changes columnar epithelial cells into stratified epithelial cells metaplasia hypertrophy atrophy 0 1 pts dysplasia
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Question 13 Which type of cellular adaptation changes columnar epithelial cells into stratified epithelial cells metaplasia hypertrophy atrophy 0 1 pts dysplasia
Question 8 What category of drugs is most commonly used in the treatment of COPD anticholergies antibiotics Incorrect Antibiotics are drugs used to prevent or stop bacterial infections antivirals
Anatomy and Physiology
Respiratory System
Question 8 What category of drugs is most commonly used in the treatment of COPD anticholergies antibiotics Incorrect Antibiotics are drugs used to prevent or stop bacterial infections antivirals
asal discharge is frequ seen in infection and asthma infection and inflammation asthma and acute bronchitis inflammation and acute bronchitis Incorrect Nasal discharge is not frequently seen in acute bronchitis
Anatomy and Physiology
Respiratory System
asal discharge is frequ seen in infection and asthma infection and inflammation asthma and acute bronchitis inflammation and acute bronchitis Incorrect Nasal discharge is not frequently seen in acute bronchitis
A cold progresses through the stages of inoculation incubation full blown illness and recovery This is known as the cold s process i prognosis Incorrect A prognosis is the expected outcome of the disease or condition etiology Opathogenesis
Anatomy and Physiology
Respiratory System
A cold progresses through the stages of inoculation incubation full blown illness and recovery This is known as the cold s process i prognosis Incorrect A prognosis is the expected outcome of the disease or condition etiology Opathogenesis
Which of the following is true regarding the cause of inflammation Inflammation occurs only in response to an invasion of microorganisms When any tissue undergoes any sort of trauma injury inflammation will occur Inflammation is the body s response specifically to either freezing or burning Incorrect Inflammation is not limited to injury caused by freezing or burning Decreased oxygen in cells ischemia is the cause of inflammation
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Which of the following is true regarding the cause of inflammation Inflammation occurs only in response to an invasion of microorganisms When any tissue undergoes any sort of trauma injury inflammation will occur Inflammation is the body s response specifically to either freezing or burning Incorrect Inflammation is not limited to injury caused by freezing or burning Decreased oxygen in cells ischemia is the cause of inflammation
Which disease is known for its potential to become chronic Influenza Malaria Tuberculosis
Anatomy and Physiology
Respiratory System
Which disease is known for its potential to become chronic Influenza Malaria Tuberculosis
Most acute diseases are related to what a syndrome Incorrect A syndrome does not have a sudden onset nor last a short amount of time cancer the respiratory system
Anatomy and Physiology
Respiratory System
Most acute diseases are related to what a syndrome Incorrect A syndrome does not have a sudden onset nor last a short amount of time cancer the respiratory system
Question 22 During which period does the patient recover and might develop subsequent immunity Illness Period 0 1 pt Convalescence Period
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Question 22 During which period does the patient recover and might develop subsequent immunity Illness Period 0 1 pt Convalescence Period
The alteration of homeostasis the state of sameness is the underlying concept of what term disorder syndrome Incorrect Syndrome refers to a group of symptoms which might be caused by a specific disease but might also be caused by several interrelated problems Odisease pathogenesis
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
The alteration of homeostasis the state of sameness is the underlying concept of what term disorder syndrome Incorrect Syndrome refers to a group of symptoms which might be caused by a specific disease but might also be caused by several interrelated problems Odisease pathogenesis
3 Over time Douglass begins to think that learning to read had been a curse rather than a blessing Why does he come to feel this way Explain citing evidence from the excerpt
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
3 Over time Douglass begins to think that learning to read had been a curse rather than a blessing Why does he come to feel this way Explain citing evidence from the excerpt
1 Identify evidence from the excerpt that reveals why learning to read was so important to Frederick Douglass when he was a boy
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
1 Identify evidence from the excerpt that reveals why learning to read was so important to Frederick Douglass when he was a boy
2 How did Douglass learn to read Describe how he was affected by the texts he read
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
2 How did Douglass learn to read Describe how he was affected by the texts he read
Research Paper Proposal Template HI 200 Working Title Canada economic since confederation Topic Economic Development in Canada Brief commentary on why you think this is a topic worthy of study for this course 100 200 words Outline Thesis statement The key idea that will hold your paper together This is how you will determine what to include and what not to include in your paper It is often the case that the thesis you use to begin your project will need to be revised as you learn more There is no problem if this thesis is not the one that appears in your first draft Key points that you will develop to argue your thesis In a 2500 word paper you are likely only able to develop 3 5 key points Annotated Bibliography 8 10 sources beyond class resources This will typically include primary sources as well as books and articles Be sure that most of your secondary sources were published in the last 25 years and none are really stale Tertiary sources do not count Refer to the History Program Writing Guide for proper bibliographic format The annotations are to demonstrate that you have the resources required to write a convincing research paper There should be a connection between your outline and your annotated bibliography It should be clear Example Miller J R Compact Contract Covenant Aboriginal Treaty Making in Canada University of Toronto Press 2009 Miller outlines the central place of treaty making to pre contact indigenous societies as well as to the relationship between indigenous peoples and newcomers Treaties are understood as complex living covenants that define and maintain good relationships Ceremony and gift exchange are central to treaty making locating their significance beyond material circumstances Miller argues that a more fulsome understanding of treaty relations is central to reconciliation with Canada s indigenous peoples This will be key to my argument in section 2 of the outline
Anatomy and Physiology
Research Paper Proposal Template HI 200 Working Title Canada economic since confederation Topic Economic Development in Canada Brief commentary on why you think this is a topic worthy of study for this course 100 200 words Outline Thesis statement The key idea that will hold your paper together This is how you will determine what to include and what not to include in your paper It is often the case that the thesis you use to begin your project will need to be revised as you learn more There is no problem if this thesis is not the one that appears in your first draft Key points that you will develop to argue your thesis In a 2500 word paper you are likely only able to develop 3 5 key points Annotated Bibliography 8 10 sources beyond class resources This will typically include primary sources as well as books and articles Be sure that most of your secondary sources were published in the last 25 years and none are really stale Tertiary sources do not count Refer to the History Program Writing Guide for proper bibliographic format The annotations are to demonstrate that you have the resources required to write a convincing research paper There should be a connection between your outline and your annotated bibliography It should be clear Example Miller J R Compact Contract Covenant Aboriginal Treaty Making in Canada University of Toronto Press 2009 Miller outlines the central place of treaty making to pre contact indigenous societies as well as to the relationship between indigenous peoples and newcomers Treaties are understood as complex living covenants that define and maintain good relationships Ceremony and gift exchange are central to treaty making locating their significance beyond material circumstances Miller argues that a more fulsome understanding of treaty relations is central to reconciliation with Canada s indigenous peoples This will be key to my argument in section 2 of the outline
2 No brain no pain is a cute phrase but is it true that a brain is required to feel pain Explain Brain surgery can be performed on awake patients with anesthesia only to the overlying tissues Does this indicate that no brain no pain is just a rhyme with no scientific basis Explain
Anatomy and Physiology
2 No brain no pain is a cute phrase but is it true that a brain is required to feel pain Explain Brain surgery can be performed on awake patients with anesthesia only to the overlying tissues Does this indicate that no brain no pain is just a rhyme with no scientific basis Explain
6 While a photoreceptor responds to a single photon of light a person cannot see single photon Explain
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
6 While a photoreceptor responds to a single photon of light a person cannot see single photon Explain
Explain labeled line coding and provide a specific example What exactly is the label and the line in your example
Anatomy and Physiology
Explain labeled line coding and provide a specific example What exactly is the label and the line in your example
3 In a recent accident your favorite uncle lost one of his arms just below the elbow E sustained no other injuries The wound has completely healed yet he is plagued by pai he claims is coming from a hand that is no longer there Afraid to confide in his doctor he asks you if he is going insane What should you tell him What principles are illustrated by this phenomenon
Anatomy and Physiology
3 In a recent accident your favorite uncle lost one of his arms just below the elbow E sustained no other injuries The wound has completely healed yet he is plagued by pai he claims is coming from a hand that is no longer there Afraid to confide in his doctor he asks you if he is going insane What should you tell him What principles are illustrated by this phenomenon
5 Based on your knowledge of the structures of the eye and visual pathway propose several possible causes for blindness How does the disease glaucoma fit in this scher
Anatomy and Physiology
Head and Neck
5 Based on your knowledge of the structures of the eye and visual pathway propose several possible causes for blindness How does the disease glaucoma fit in this scher
4 You work in a paper mill The smell is horrible every day when you get to work be by the end of the day you hardly notice it Why
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
4 You work in a paper mill The smell is horrible every day when you get to work be by the end of the day you hardly notice it Why