Anatomy and Physiology Questions

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7 Provide three reasons for the greater visual acuity at the fove
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
7 Provide three reasons for the greater visual acuity at the fove
assess current skill attainment in relation to the goals of school and training programs a b C
Anatomy and Physiology
assess current skill attainment in relation to the goals of school and training programs a b C
Today s current comprehensive civil service examination program can be attributed to Chinese Emperor O Greek philosopher Aristotle
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Today s current comprehensive civil service examination program can be attributed to Chinese Emperor O Greek philosopher Aristotle
Chopin Wrote all of the following genres except Multiple Choice O O O mazurkas polonaises nocturnes
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Chopin Wrote all of the following genres except Multiple Choice O O O mazurkas polonaises nocturnes
How can Verdi s style of opera best be described Multiple Choice O The plots are notable for their emphasis on mythology and philosophy rather than emotion The vocal melody is less important than the orchestral background Characters are mythological and larger than life The plots favor real people cast in dramatic action filled situations
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
How can Verdi s style of opera best be described Multiple Choice O The plots are notable for their emphasis on mythology and philosophy rather than emotion The vocal melody is less important than the orchestral background Characters are mythological and larger than life The plots favor real people cast in dramatic action filled situations
Multiple Choice O Both high and low notes had been added Wooden frames were used Leather hammers were used instead of felt The keyboard grew to 66 keys
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Multiple Choice O Both high and low notes had been added Wooden frames were used Leather hammers were used instead of felt The keyboard grew to 66 keys
Select all the ways Franz Liszt approached his piano performances Check All That Apply He memorized the music he was to perform He turned the piano sideways so the audience could see his hands while playing He chose pieces that showcased his virtuosity He limited the audience size to create more a intimate atmosphere
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Select all the ways Franz Liszt approached his piano performances Check All That Apply He memorized the music he was to perform He turned the piano sideways so the audience could see his hands while playing He chose pieces that showcased his virtuosity He limited the audience size to create more a intimate atmosphere
30 The main enzyme critical biosynthetic pathway for cholesterol production in the human is and statin drugs target blocking that enzyme to reduce blood cholesterol level A pepsin B Tyrosinase C HMG CoA reductase D Maltase E None of the above 31 Choose the most correct statement A A vein is a blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart B A vein is a blood vessel that always carries deoxygenated blood C An artery is a blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart D An artery only carries oxygenated blood E None of the above 32 Organs get varying degrees of metabolic demands The organs A perfusion blood flow distributive arteries B blood pressure conducting arteries C perfusion blood flow conducting arteries D blood pressure distributive arteries E None of the above based on their individual adjust for differences in blood flows to 33 Which generic type arteries are the second ones leaving the heart A Conducting Elastic arteries B Distributive Muscular arteries C Arterioles D Veins
Anatomy and Physiology
30 The main enzyme critical biosynthetic pathway for cholesterol production in the human is and statin drugs target blocking that enzyme to reduce blood cholesterol level A pepsin B Tyrosinase C HMG CoA reductase D Maltase E None of the above 31 Choose the most correct statement A A vein is a blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart B A vein is a blood vessel that always carries deoxygenated blood C An artery is a blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart D An artery only carries oxygenated blood E None of the above 32 Organs get varying degrees of metabolic demands The organs A perfusion blood flow distributive arteries B blood pressure conducting arteries C perfusion blood flow conducting arteries D blood pressure distributive arteries E None of the above based on their individual adjust for differences in blood flows to 33 Which generic type arteries are the second ones leaving the heart A Conducting Elastic arteries B Distributive Muscular arteries C Arterioles D Veins
15 Vascular edema can be due to A The amount of fluid out of a capillary being greater than the amount back in B The amount of fluid out of a capillary being less than that back in C increase in the level of plasma proteins D very good capillaries E None of the above 16 A person with a blood pressure of 100 60 has a with a blood pressure of 110 70 A greater B equal C smaller D cannot be determined E None of the above 17 John is given a significant overdose of an alpha blocker He suffers shock The most likely type of shock is A Septic B Cardiogenic C Neurogenic D Hypovolemic E Vasogenic pulse pressure than a person 18 Jim suffers blood clot to the vasoconstrictor center He suffers shock The most likely type of shock is A Septic B Cardiogenic C Neurogenic D Vasogenic E Both C and D
Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous System
15 Vascular edema can be due to A The amount of fluid out of a capillary being greater than the amount back in B The amount of fluid out of a capillary being less than that back in C increase in the level of plasma proteins D very good capillaries E None of the above 16 A person with a blood pressure of 100 60 has a with a blood pressure of 110 70 A greater B equal C smaller D cannot be determined E None of the above 17 John is given a significant overdose of an alpha blocker He suffers shock The most likely type of shock is A Septic B Cardiogenic C Neurogenic D Hypovolemic E Vasogenic pulse pressure than a person 18 Jim suffers blood clot to the vasoconstrictor center He suffers shock The most likely type of shock is A Septic B Cardiogenic C Neurogenic D Vasogenic E Both C and D
34 The pulse located the behind the knee is known as the A Carotid artery B Posterior tibial artery C Radial artery D Popliteal artery E Brachial
Anatomy and Physiology
34 The pulse located the behind the knee is known as the A Carotid artery B Posterior tibial artery C Radial artery D Popliteal artery E Brachial
A increased inotropic hypertension B increased chronotropic hypertension C increased systemic vascular resistance hypertension D increased blood volume hypertension E None of the above be tre 26 What hypertension cause would best be treated by a vasodilator A increased inotropic hypertension B increased chronotropic hypertension C increased systemic vascular resistance hypertension D increased blood volume E None of the above by a beta blocker 27 What hypertension cause would best be treated by an alpha blocker A increased inotropic hypertension B increased chronotropic hypertension 28 ADH directly can cause termed C increased systemic vascular resistance hypertension D increased blood volume hypertension E It would not help in any of the above causes A decreased urination vasodilation vasopressin B increase urination vasodilation vasopressin 29 Aldosterone is produced from the but increased urination of A posterior pituitary potassium sodium B posterior pituitary sodium potassium C anterior pituitary potassium sodium D anterior pituitary sodium potassium but also can cause C increased urination vasoconstriction vasodialin D decreased urination vasoconstriction vasopressin E None of the above that is why it is also and causes increased retention of
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
A increased inotropic hypertension B increased chronotropic hypertension C increased systemic vascular resistance hypertension D increased blood volume hypertension E None of the above be tre 26 What hypertension cause would best be treated by a vasodilator A increased inotropic hypertension B increased chronotropic hypertension C increased systemic vascular resistance hypertension D increased blood volume E None of the above by a beta blocker 27 What hypertension cause would best be treated by an alpha blocker A increased inotropic hypertension B increased chronotropic hypertension 28 ADH directly can cause termed C increased systemic vascular resistance hypertension D increased blood volume hypertension E It would not help in any of the above causes A decreased urination vasodilation vasopressin B increase urination vasodilation vasopressin 29 Aldosterone is produced from the but increased urination of A posterior pituitary potassium sodium B posterior pituitary sodium potassium C anterior pituitary potassium sodium D anterior pituitary sodium potassium but also can cause C increased urination vasoconstriction vasodialin D decreased urination vasoconstriction vasopressin E None of the above that is why it is also and causes increased retention of
7 Blood goes from arteries to arterioles then to the capillary bed the importance of the arterioles being resistance vessels is to A reduce pressure going into veins B reduce pressure going into capillaries C increase pressure going into capillaries D cause congestion in the arteries E None of the above 8 Capillaries are designed for exchange because A they are wide B they have slightly thick walls C they clot easily D they have a fast velocity of flow E they have a slow velocity of flow 9 The velocity of flow is increased as a result of A a decrease in cross sectional area B an increase in cross sectional area C a thick membrane D An increased concentration difference E Both B and D 10 The velocity of flow is A the exact same as rate of flow B highest in the capillaries C higher in the arterioles than in the arteries D higher in the arteries than the arterioles E Both B and C 11 Capacitance in blood vessels A is equal to change in volume divided by change in pressure B is equal to change in pressure divided by change in volume C occurs mainly in veins D occurs mainly in capillaries Roth and G
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
7 Blood goes from arteries to arterioles then to the capillary bed the importance of the arterioles being resistance vessels is to A reduce pressure going into veins B reduce pressure going into capillaries C increase pressure going into capillaries D cause congestion in the arteries E None of the above 8 Capillaries are designed for exchange because A they are wide B they have slightly thick walls C they clot easily D they have a fast velocity of flow E they have a slow velocity of flow 9 The velocity of flow is increased as a result of A a decrease in cross sectional area B an increase in cross sectional area C a thick membrane D An increased concentration difference E Both B and D 10 The velocity of flow is A the exact same as rate of flow B highest in the capillaries C higher in the arterioles than in the arteries D higher in the arteries than the arterioles E Both B and C 11 Capacitance in blood vessels A is equal to change in volume divided by change in pressure B is equal to change in pressure divided by change in volume C occurs mainly in veins D occurs mainly in capillaries Roth and G
19 Jim starts deeply massaging Jane s neck Jane s heart rate slows and she begins to feel dizzy The reason for this is that Jim has inadvertently A squeezed her thyroid gland B squeezed on her tonsils C pushed on the aortic sinus D pushed on the carotid sinus E None of the above 20 Jennifer is diagnosed with acute appendicitis During surgery her appendix ruptures with no bleeding but pus escapes into the peritoneal cavity She suffers shock The most likely type of shock is A Septic B Cardiogenic C Neurogenic D Hypovolemic E Vasogenic 21 If a person took an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor their blood pressure would most likely A Stay the same B decrease C increase D an ACE inhibitor has no effect on blood pressure E None of the above 22 Atrial natriuretic polypeptide is produced in the A kidneys B Liver C Ovaries D Spleen
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
19 Jim starts deeply massaging Jane s neck Jane s heart rate slows and she begins to feel dizzy The reason for this is that Jim has inadvertently A squeezed her thyroid gland B squeezed on her tonsils C pushed on the aortic sinus D pushed on the carotid sinus E None of the above 20 Jennifer is diagnosed with acute appendicitis During surgery her appendix ruptures with no bleeding but pus escapes into the peritoneal cavity She suffers shock The most likely type of shock is A Septic B Cardiogenic C Neurogenic D Hypovolemic E Vasogenic 21 If a person took an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor their blood pressure would most likely A Stay the same B decrease C increase D an ACE inhibitor has no effect on blood pressure E None of the above 22 Atrial natriuretic polypeptide is produced in the A kidneys B Liver C Ovaries D Spleen
John Hicks is an 46 y o male who presents to the physician for extensive bleeding when brushing his teeth He had experienced blood clots in his legs and had been treated with heparin injections The patient did have a CBC and clotting studies drawn but the results are not back yet The patient did have liver enzyme tests and those tests are normal indicating no liver problem A Based on the patient presentation what clotting study PT or PTT do you expect to be prolonged and why B Based on your answer in question A above which coagulation pathway do you expect to be the problem C Could the problem be a decrease in Fibrinogen You must explain your answer D Could a problem with factor VII be a cause You must explain your answer
Anatomy and Physiology
John Hicks is an 46 y o male who presents to the physician for extensive bleeding when brushing his teeth He had experienced blood clots in his legs and had been treated with heparin injections The patient did have a CBC and clotting studies drawn but the results are not back yet The patient did have liver enzyme tests and those tests are normal indicating no liver problem A Based on the patient presentation what clotting study PT or PTT do you expect to be prolonged and why B Based on your answer in question A above which coagulation pathway do you expect to be the problem C Could the problem be a decrease in Fibrinogen You must explain your answer D Could a problem with factor VII be a cause You must explain your answer
6 When a person dies blood begins to pool into the A Veins B Venules C Capillaries D Arterioles E Arteries
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
6 When a person dies blood begins to pool into the A Veins B Venules C Capillaries D Arterioles E Arteries
hematocrit 35 hemoglobin 10 gm dl RBC 3 million mm3 WBC 8 000 mm3 Platelets 275 000 Reticulocyte count 4 High Serum Billirubin level elevated Peripheral Smear Analysis RBC size 7 5 um color normochromic A Does the patient have a pancytopenia Does this patient have anemia B If this patient has anemia is it increased peripheral destruction or decreased production EXPLAIN YOUR ANSWER You must justify your answer to get any points C What could be a likely cause of this anemia Explain why D Would injections of vitamin B12 cure not just help this patient You must explain your answer to get any credit
Anatomy and Physiology
hematocrit 35 hemoglobin 10 gm dl RBC 3 million mm3 WBC 8 000 mm3 Platelets 275 000 Reticulocyte count 4 High Serum Billirubin level elevated Peripheral Smear Analysis RBC size 7 5 um color normochromic A Does the patient have a pancytopenia Does this patient have anemia B If this patient has anemia is it increased peripheral destruction or decreased production EXPLAIN YOUR ANSWER You must justify your answer to get any points C What could be a likely cause of this anemia Explain why D Would injections of vitamin B12 cure not just help this patient You must explain your answer to get any credit
anemia The patient does not report losing blood externally and her menstrual period is normal in length and amount The patient does have splenomegaly Extensive lab work is done and here are the results Cardiovascular Fall 2023 Biol 2402 Dr Clark Student Name There are 35 multiple choice questions worth 2 points Each of the 3 short answer questions are worth 10 points The total test is worth 100 points hematocrit 35 hemoglobin 10 gm dl RBC WBC 8 000 mm3 Platelets 275 000 3 million mm3 Reticulocyte count 4 High Serum Billirubin level elevated Peripheral Smear Analysis RBC size 7 5 um color normochromic 7
Anatomy and Physiology
anemia The patient does not report losing blood externally and her menstrual period is normal in length and amount The patient does have splenomegaly Extensive lab work is done and here are the results Cardiovascular Fall 2023 Biol 2402 Dr Clark Student Name There are 35 multiple choice questions worth 2 points Each of the 3 short answer questions are worth 10 points The total test is worth 100 points hematocrit 35 hemoglobin 10 gm dl RBC WBC 8 000 mm3 Platelets 275 000 3 million mm3 Reticulocyte count 4 High Serum Billirubin level elevated Peripheral Smear Analysis RBC size 7 5 um color normochromic 7
A decrease heart rate B give a negative inotropic effect C give generalized vasodilation D give an increased heart rate E none of the above 2 The vasodilator center functions primarily A through the somatic nervous system B indirectly through the vasoconstrictor center C through the parasympathetic nervous system D through the thyroid gland E through the kidneys 3 Blood viscosity will A decrease total peripheral resistance is B increase C decrease the length of a blood vessel D increase blood volume E None of the above 4 Though a high blood cholesterol level is harmful A A decrease in the blood HDL level will help B An increase in the blood HDL will help C An increase in the blood triglyceride level will help D Statin drugs do not help E None of the above 5 VLDL Low Density Lipoprotein A primarily carries Cholesterol to liver B primarily carries Triglycerides to the liver C primarily carries Cholesterol away from liver
Anatomy and Physiology
A decrease heart rate B give a negative inotropic effect C give generalized vasodilation D give an increased heart rate E none of the above 2 The vasodilator center functions primarily A through the somatic nervous system B indirectly through the vasoconstrictor center C through the parasympathetic nervous system D through the thyroid gland E through the kidneys 3 Blood viscosity will A decrease total peripheral resistance is B increase C decrease the length of a blood vessel D increase blood volume E None of the above 4 Though a high blood cholesterol level is harmful A A decrease in the blood HDL level will help B An increase in the blood HDL will help C An increase in the blood triglyceride level will help D Statin drugs do not help E None of the above 5 VLDL Low Density Lipoprotein A primarily carries Cholesterol to liver B primarily carries Triglycerides to the liver C primarily carries Cholesterol away from liver
C Subclavian artery axillary artery lateral thoracic arterybrachial artery D metacarpal arteries superficial palmar arch digital arteries 6 PARTNE 5 t Cardiovascular Fall 2023 Biol 2402 Dr Clark Student Name
Anatomy and Physiology
C Subclavian artery axillary artery lateral thoracic arterybrachial artery D metacarpal arteries superficial palmar arch digital arteries 6 PARTNE 5 t Cardiovascular Fall 2023 Biol 2402 Dr Clark Student Name
36 SHORT ANSWER QUESTION ONE This question is worth 15 points John presents to the physician s office with a blood pressure of 185 95 He is appropriately diagnosed with hypertension John is the normal 70 Kg man Total fluid volume is 40 Kg Liters Several diagnostic tests are performed These are the results Heart rate 70 beats per minute End Diastolic volume 130 ml End Systolic volume 30 ml Plasma Volume low Renin Level is decreased A Calculate Cardiac Output B Calculate Mean Arterial Pressure C You do not have to calculate SVR Systemic Vascular Resistance but conjecture if SVR will be elevated normal or decreased You must explain your answer to get any points D Explain if the hypertension is due to increased heart action or increased blood volume or increased vascular resistance F What generic tune mo
Anatomy and Physiology
36 SHORT ANSWER QUESTION ONE This question is worth 15 points John presents to the physician s office with a blood pressure of 185 95 He is appropriately diagnosed with hypertension John is the normal 70 Kg man Total fluid volume is 40 Kg Liters Several diagnostic tests are performed These are the results Heart rate 70 beats per minute End Diastolic volume 130 ml End Systolic volume 30 ml Plasma Volume low Renin Level is decreased A Calculate Cardiac Output B Calculate Mean Arterial Pressure C You do not have to calculate SVR Systemic Vascular Resistance but conjecture if SVR will be elevated normal or decreased You must explain your answer to get any points D Explain if the hypertension is due to increased heart action or increased blood volume or increased vascular resistance F What generic tune mo
t cerebellum cerebrum Incorrect The respiratory control center is not located in the cerebrum medulla hypothalamus Question 26 Which of the following is an example of an infection caused by a virus thrush histoplasmosis mononucleosis 0
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
t cerebellum cerebrum Incorrect The respiratory control center is not located in the cerebrum medulla hypothalamus Question 26 Which of the following is an example of an infection caused by a virus thrush histoplasmosis mononucleosis 0
carcinogenic Incorrect The flora are not carcinogenic Atypical opportunistic Abnormal Question 30 Mycoses are diseases caused by what Fungi Bacteria rickettsia0 0
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
carcinogenic Incorrect The flora are not carcinogenic Atypical opportunistic Abnormal Question 30 Mycoses are diseases caused by what Fungi Bacteria rickettsia0 0
Hormones do not cause cancer but may be used to treat it Incorrect Hormones can increase the incidence of cancer Hormones may cause cancer and cannot be used to treat it Hormones may cause cancer but may also be used to treat it Hormones interact with cancer in a consistent and understood manner Question 28 At what point is a person considered to be brain dead when both the brain and heart stop functioning Incorrect The function of the heart is not a criteria for determining brain death when th 0 1 pts
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Hormones do not cause cancer but may be used to treat it Incorrect Hormones can increase the incidence of cancer Hormones may cause cancer and cannot be used to treat it Hormones may cause cancer but may also be used to treat it Hormones interact with cancer in a consistent and understood manner Question 28 At what point is a person considered to be brain dead when both the brain and heart stop functioning Incorrect The function of the heart is not a criteria for determining brain death when th 0 1 pts
concerning vaccines Providing support to countries in health matters Guiding global health matters and setting norms Manufacturing and distributing vaccines globally Ensuring the safety efficacy and security of vaccines Question 32 Symptomatic treatment of COPD includes antibiotics Incorrect Antibiotics is not a treatment 0 1 pts
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
concerning vaccines Providing support to countries in health matters Guiding global health matters and setting norms Manufacturing and distributing vaccines globally Ensuring the safety efficacy and security of vaccines Question 32 Symptomatic treatment of COPD includes antibiotics Incorrect Antibiotics is not a treatment 0 1 pts
Findings indicate that the most widely used combination pill for birth control might have what impact on the risk of ovarian and endometrial cancer The most widely used combination pill combining estrogen and progestin might decrease the risk of these cancers The most widely used combination pill combining progesterone and progestin might decrease the risk of these cancers Incorrect Progestin is a synthetic form of progesterone the two are not used together in a combination pill The most widely used combination pill combining progesterone and progestin might increase the risk of these cancers The most widely used combination pill combining estrogen and progestin might increase
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Findings indicate that the most widely used combination pill for birth control might have what impact on the risk of ovarian and endometrial cancer The most widely used combination pill combining estrogen and progestin might decrease the risk of these cancers The most widely used combination pill combining progesterone and progestin might decrease the risk of these cancers Incorrect Progestin is a synthetic form of progesterone the two are not used together in a combination pill The most widely used combination pill combining progesterone and progestin might increase the risk of these cancers The most widely used combination pill combining estrogen and progestin might increase
t Adulthood Elderly Infancy Childhood Adolescence Question 37 Which of the following is true about serous exudate It is made up of serum like fluid with small amounts of protein It is found after infections such as strep throat It is not easily reabsorbed after healing begins It contains dead neutrophils tissue debris and nuogonio hootanin 0 1 pts
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
t Adulthood Elderly Infancy Childhood Adolescence Question 37 Which of the following is true about serous exudate It is made up of serum like fluid with small amounts of protein It is found after infections such as strep throat It is not easily reabsorbed after healing begins It contains dead neutrophils tissue debris and nuogonio hootanin 0 1 pts
In the context of the COVID 19 pandemic what challenge did geopolitical tensions primarily affect Vaccine storage Vaccine administration Vaccine development Vaccine diplomacy
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
In the context of the COVID 19 pandemic what challenge did geopolitical tensions primarily affect Vaccine storage Vaccine administration Vaccine development Vaccine diplomacy
asthma diabetes mellitus a sore throat arthritis Question 39 What is the leading cause of death due to infections in the older population pneumonia influenza
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
asthma diabetes mellitus a sore throat arthritis Question 39 What is the leading cause of death due to infections in the older population pneumonia influenza
What type of diagnostic test measures the amounts of carbon dioxide and oxygen in the blood arterial blood gases pulmonary function tests alpha 1 antitrypsis level Incorrect The blood test checking for alpha 1 antitrypsis AAT level is a genetic test for risk factors of COPD
Anatomy and Physiology
Respiratory System
What type of diagnostic test measures the amounts of carbon dioxide and oxygen in the blood arterial blood gases pulmonary function tests alpha 1 antitrypsis level Incorrect The blood test checking for alpha 1 antitrypsis AAT level is a genetic test for risk factors of COPD
Women who have been pregnant and gone through childbirth appear to have a protective mechanism from cancer of the Olung cervix Incorrect There has been no proven protection from cancer of the cervix in women who have been pregnant and gone through childbirth brain ovary
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Women who have been pregnant and gone through childbirth appear to have a protective mechanism from cancer of the Olung cervix Incorrect There has been no proven protection from cancer of the cervix in women who have been pregnant and gone through childbirth brain ovary
What is the movement of air into and out of the respiratory system called respiration bronchiolation aspiration Incorrect This movement of air is not called aspiration ventilation
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
What is the movement of air into and out of the respiratory system called respiration bronchiolation aspiration Incorrect This movement of air is not called aspiration ventilation
type test can be used to quickly diagnosis strep throat Mantoux test Etest Incorrect Etest uses an antibiotic permeated strip to sow the kill zone and indicate the concentration of antibiotic needed to kill the organism serologic testing
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
type test can be used to quickly diagnosis strep throat Mantoux test Etest Incorrect Etest uses an antibiotic permeated strip to sow the kill zone and indicate the concentration of antibiotic needed to kill the organism serologic testing
The central portion of an abscess softens and develops a head tail midsection Incorrect Midsection does not apply to abscess formation
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
The central portion of an abscess softens and develops a head tail midsection Incorrect Midsection does not apply to abscess formation
A sprained ankle takes a very long time to heal and the ankle may now be prone to repeated injury In terms of pathogenesis it would be described as what palliative acute Incorrect An acute disease is short term holistic chronic
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
A sprained ankle takes a very long time to heal and the ankle may now be prone to repeated injury In terms of pathogenesis it would be described as what palliative acute Incorrect An acute disease is short term holistic chronic
Natalie has been diagnosed with small cell lung tumors Why do small cell lung tumors have a poor prognosis They do not respond well to radiation They metastasize before symptoms occur They affect patients who smoked and have poor health They do not respond well to chemotherapy Incorrect Small cell lung tumors do respond well to chemotherapy
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Natalie has been diagnosed with small cell lung tumors Why do small cell lung tumors have a poor prognosis They do not respond well to radiation They metastasize before symptoms occur They affect patients who smoked and have poor health They do not respond well to chemotherapy Incorrect Small cell lung tumors do respond well to chemotherapy
A skin callus on the foot is an example of what hyperplasia neoplasm cachexia Incorrect Cachexia is a condition in which an individual begins to lose weigh appear thin frail and weak
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
A skin callus on the foot is an example of what hyperplasia neoplasm cachexia Incorrect Cachexia is a condition in which an individual begins to lose weigh appear thin frail and weak
What is a chronic infection A long term infection that might last for years An infection that quickly resolves on its own An infection that has no symptoms An infection lasting less than a week
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
What is a chronic infection A long term infection that might last for years An infection that quickly resolves on its own An infection that has no symptoms An infection lasting less than a week
A common disease in the group of COPD diseases is laryngitis asthma emphysema the common cold Incorrect The common cold is not one of the common diseases in the group a COPD diseases
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
A common disease in the group of COPD diseases is laryngitis asthma emphysema the common cold Incorrect The common cold is not one of the common diseases in the group a COPD diseases
What is the relationship between alcohol use and cancer risk Alcohol has been proven to be a carcinogen Incorrect Alcohol has not been proven to be a carcinogen Alcohol has been proven not to be a carcinogen Studies have shown a higher incidence of testicular cancer in men who drink even moderat amounts Studies have shown a higher incidence of breast cancer in women who drink even moderate amounts
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
What is the relationship between alcohol use and cancer risk Alcohol has been proven to be a carcinogen Incorrect Alcohol has not been proven to be a carcinogen Alcohol has been proven not to be a carcinogen Studies have shown a higher incidence of testicular cancer in men who drink even moderat amounts Studies have shown a higher incidence of breast cancer in women who drink even moderate amounts
How do the constitutional powers help define the nature of federalism in the United States O Most powers are granted to state governments to ensure their supremacy O The powers are delegated to the three separate branches of government All powers that are listed uniquely belong to the federal government O Some powers belong to each level of government while some are shared Question 4 Multiple Choice Worth 5 points 02 01 LC The power to establish courts is an example of power
Anatomy and Physiology
How do the constitutional powers help define the nature of federalism in the United States O Most powers are granted to state governments to ensure their supremacy O The powers are delegated to the three separate branches of government All powers that are listed uniquely belong to the federal government O Some powers belong to each level of government while some are shared Question 4 Multiple Choice Worth 5 points 02 01 LC The power to establish courts is an example of power
How do reserved powers help define the nature of federalism in the United States O Prevents any overlap between state and federal power O Ensures flexibility for the states to govern themselves Assigns all of the governing power to the federal level O Dispenses an equal balance between state and federal power
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
How do reserved powers help define the nature of federalism in the United States O Prevents any overlap between state and federal power O Ensures flexibility for the states to govern themselves Assigns all of the governing power to the federal level O Dispenses an equal balance between state and federal power
Question 7 Multiple Choice Worth 5 points 02 01 MC Which phrase describes the significance of the general welfare clause O Ensures the executive branch has sufficient enforcement power to protect the common good O Stops Congress from creating laws that would lead to violations of individual rights O Encourages the legislative branch to make laws that promote the common good
Anatomy and Physiology
Question 7 Multiple Choice Worth 5 points 02 01 MC Which phrase describes the significance of the general welfare clause O Ensures the executive branch has sufficient enforcement power to protect the common good O Stops Congress from creating laws that would lead to violations of individual rights O Encourages the legislative branch to make laws that promote the common good
Which type of constitutional power led to creation of the U S Air Force O Expressed O Implied O Reserved O Concurrent
Anatomy and Physiology
Which type of constitutional power led to creation of the U S Air Force O Expressed O Implied O Reserved O Concurrent
Resistance training will result in which of the following adaptive changes Mark all that apply increased numbers of myofibrils increased oxidative enzymes increased number of blood vessels 0000 increased number of myocytes increased number of mitochondrial increased diameter of the muscle fiber
Anatomy and Physiology
Resistance training will result in which of the following adaptive changes Mark all that apply increased numbers of myofibrils increased oxidative enzymes increased number of blood vessels 0000 increased number of myocytes increased number of mitochondrial increased diameter of the muscle fiber
Smooth muscle cells which are not striated contain actin filaments that are arranged obliquely and contracting smooth muscle cells change shape from long and thin to ball shaped fat and globular longer and thinner square shaped
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Smooth muscle cells which are not striated contain actin filaments that are arranged obliquely and contracting smooth muscle cells change shape from long and thin to ball shaped fat and globular longer and thinner square shaped
Kr 2 Rajah di bawah menunjukkan pemasangan terlalu banyak plag pada satu soket The diagram below shows too many plugs which are installed in one socker K SMAKOLY a Apakah kesan daripada tindakan yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah di atas What is the effect of the action shown in the above diagram b Apakah kesan lain kecuaian pengendalian peralatan elektrik What are other effects of mishandling of electrical appliances 1 markah mar c Kamala menggunakan pengering rambut elektrik di dalam bilik air untuk mengeringk rambutnya selepas mandi Dia mengendalikan alat tersebut dengan tangannya yang mas basah Kamala uses an electric hair dryer in the bathroom to dry her har after bathing Sa handles the appliance with wet hands 1 Apakah kemungkinan bahaya yang boleh terjadi What is the probable danger that may occur I markah ma ii Nyatakan cara untuk mencegah kejadian di 2 c daripada berlaku State the way to prevent the incident in 2cKi from happening 1993 1 markah 1 mars 11 markahll mark d Rajah di bawah menunjukkan seorang budak perempuan membiarkan pintu peti seju AT terbuka untuk jangka masa yang lama The diagram below shows a girl leaving the refrigerator door open for a long time 500
Anatomy and Physiology
Kr 2 Rajah di bawah menunjukkan pemasangan terlalu banyak plag pada satu soket The diagram below shows too many plugs which are installed in one socker K SMAKOLY a Apakah kesan daripada tindakan yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah di atas What is the effect of the action shown in the above diagram b Apakah kesan lain kecuaian pengendalian peralatan elektrik What are other effects of mishandling of electrical appliances 1 markah mar c Kamala menggunakan pengering rambut elektrik di dalam bilik air untuk mengeringk rambutnya selepas mandi Dia mengendalikan alat tersebut dengan tangannya yang mas basah Kamala uses an electric hair dryer in the bathroom to dry her har after bathing Sa handles the appliance with wet hands 1 Apakah kemungkinan bahaya yang boleh terjadi What is the probable danger that may occur I markah ma ii Nyatakan cara untuk mencegah kejadian di 2 c daripada berlaku State the way to prevent the incident in 2cKi from happening 1993 1 markah 1 mars 11 markahll mark d Rajah di bawah menunjukkan seorang budak perempuan membiarkan pintu peti seju AT terbuka untuk jangka masa yang lama The diagram below shows a girl leaving the refrigerator door open for a long time 500
What type of joint is shown at the tip of the pointer Submit Request Answer LT A51 Pelvic Skeleton Female 38 Sciertifice
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
What type of joint is shown at the tip of the pointer Submit Request Answer LT A51 Pelvic Skeleton Female 38 Sciertifice
Part A E F B
Anatomy and Physiology
Kidney and Urinary Tract
Part A E F B
The Frank Starling Law states that if other factors are constant a O higher end diastolic volume will produce a higher stroke volume O higher stroke volume will produce a higher end diastolic volume O higher stroke volume will produce a lower end diastolic volume O higher end diastolic volume will produce a lower stroke volume
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
The Frank Starling Law states that if other factors are constant a O higher end diastolic volume will produce a higher stroke volume O higher stroke volume will produce a higher end diastolic volume O higher stroke volume will produce a lower end diastolic volume O higher end diastolic volume will produce a lower stroke volume
People that have a single allele gene copy for sickle cell anemia are typically not sick from the dieseaes and are said to be carriers of sickle cell trait These people will often live in the malaria belt of sub Sahara Africa The most likely explaination for this is O People with sickle cell trait have better chance of surviving malaria O The tropical climate attracts people with sickle cell trait O Malaria is a cause of sickle cell trait O Sickle cell trait is passed on to the biting mosquitoes as malaria
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
People that have a single allele gene copy for sickle cell anemia are typically not sick from the dieseaes and are said to be carriers of sickle cell trait These people will often live in the malaria belt of sub Sahara Africa The most likely explaination for this is O People with sickle cell trait have better chance of surviving malaria O The tropical climate attracts people with sickle cell trait O Malaria is a cause of sickle cell trait O Sickle cell trait is passed on to the biting mosquitoes as malaria