Anatomy and Physiology Questions

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11 What are the 4 categories of membrane receptors
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
11 What are the 4 categories of membrane receptors
11 What are the 4 categories of membrane receptors 12 What is signal transduction a What is a cascade b What is signal amplification
Anatomy and Physiology
11 What are the 4 categories of membrane receptors 12 What is signal transduction a What is a cascade b What is signal amplification
After the ratification of the Equal Rights Bill by the state of Virginia why hasn t it become a Constitutional amendment O Accusations of cheating O Virginia missed the June 1982 deadline by 38 years to ratify the bill O Congress changed their mind about passing the bill O Congress has been too busy with more important things
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
After the ratification of the Equal Rights Bill by the state of Virginia why hasn t it become a Constitutional amendment O Accusations of cheating O Virginia missed the June 1982 deadline by 38 years to ratify the bill O Congress changed their mind about passing the bill O Congress has been too busy with more important things
10 What is the biggest advantage of the membrane receptor over the cytoplasmic nuclear receptors
Anatomy and Physiology
10 What is the biggest advantage of the membrane receptor over the cytoplasmic nuclear receptors
4 3 01 Autotrophs convert carbon dioxide into carbohydrates and other carbon compounds State the role of photosynthesis in the carbon cycle I 4 3 U4 Carbon dioxide is produced by respiration and diffuse out of organisms into water or the atmosphere State that carbon dioxide is a waste product of aerobic cellular respiration State that carbon dioxide diffuses out of cells into the atmosphere or water 4 3 U5 Methane is produced from organic matter in anaerobic conditions by methanogenic archaea and some diffuses into the atmosphere or accumulates in the ground Outline the role of methanogenic archaea in the transformation of organic material into methane
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
4 3 01 Autotrophs convert carbon dioxide into carbohydrates and other carbon compounds State the role of photosynthesis in the carbon cycle I 4 3 U4 Carbon dioxide is produced by respiration and diffuse out of organisms into water or the atmosphere State that carbon dioxide is a waste product of aerobic cellular respiration State that carbon dioxide diffuses out of cells into the atmosphere or water 4 3 U5 Methane is produced from organic matter in anaerobic conditions by methanogenic archaea and some diffuses into the atmosphere or accumulates in the ground Outline the role of methanogenic archaea in the transformation of organic material into methane
4 1 U10 The supply of inorganic nutrients is maintained by nutrient recycling State that chemical elements can be recycled but energy can not Outline the generalized flow of nutrients between the abiotic and biotic components of an ecosystem 4 3 A1 Estimation of carbon fluxes due to processes in the carbon cycle List flux processes in the carbon cycle State the unit of measure for carbon flux values 4 3 U3 Carbon dioxide diffuses from the atmosphere or water into autotrophs State that in diffusion molecules move from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration Outline the role of diffusion in the carbon cycle 4 3 U1 Autotrophs convert carbon dioxide into carbohydrates and other carbon compounds otocunthoris in the carbon cycle
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
4 1 U10 The supply of inorganic nutrients is maintained by nutrient recycling State that chemical elements can be recycled but energy can not Outline the generalized flow of nutrients between the abiotic and biotic components of an ecosystem 4 3 A1 Estimation of carbon fluxes due to processes in the carbon cycle List flux processes in the carbon cycle State the unit of measure for carbon flux values 4 3 U3 Carbon dioxide diffuses from the atmosphere or water into autotrophs State that in diffusion molecules move from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration Outline the role of diffusion in the carbon cycle 4 3 U1 Autotrophs convert carbon dioxide into carbohydrates and other carbon compounds otocunthoris in the carbon cycle
1 Gather PCR tubes for your samples allocating two PCR tubes for each one one set of tubes will be for the presence of 35S and the other set will be for the presence of tubulin You will have six tubes in total 2 Set up the PCR tubes for 35S a Obtain one PCR tube containing Ready To Go PCR beads for each sample three in total and label with the sample type group color and 35S b Add 22 5 L of the 35S primer loading dye mix to each tube Allow several min for the beads to dissolve c Add 2 5 L of each DNA sample to its respective tube
Anatomy and Physiology
1 Gather PCR tubes for your samples allocating two PCR tubes for each one one set of tubes will be for the presence of 35S and the other set will be for the presence of tubulin You will have six tubes in total 2 Set up the PCR tubes for 35S a Obtain one PCR tube containing Ready To Go PCR beads for each sample three in total and label with the sample type group color and 35S b Add 22 5 L of the 35S primer loading dye mix to each tube Allow several min for the beads to dissolve c Add 2 5 L of each DNA sample to its respective tube
1 Measure the distances of the bands of the MW ladder from the wells to the middle of the bands 2 Plot a standard curve by distance traveled through the gel versus log bp and use the equation that determines how distance traveled y varies with log bp x 3 Measure the distances of the bands produced by each restriction enzyme experiment 4 Use the standard curve equation to determine the size of the fragments for each lane This is achieved by submitting the migration distance of your samples as the y variable in the equation you generated in step 2 Solving for x provides the MW of your samples GeneRuler 1 kb Plus DNA Ladder ready to use bp 20000 10000 7000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1500 1000 700 500 400 75
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
1 Measure the distances of the bands of the MW ladder from the wells to the middle of the bands 2 Plot a standard curve by distance traveled through the gel versus log bp and use the equation that determines how distance traveled y varies with log bp x 3 Measure the distances of the bands produced by each restriction enzyme experiment 4 Use the standard curve equation to determine the size of the fragments for each lane This is achieved by submitting the migration distance of your samples as the y variable in the equation you generated in step 2 Solving for x provides the MW of your samples GeneRuler 1 kb Plus DNA Ladder ready to use bp 20000 10000 7000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1500 1000 700 500 400 75
1 Gather the gel electrophoresis apparatus including the gel tray and power supply Make sure the gaskets are secured within the grooves found at each end of the gel tray and place perpendicular into the gel electrophoresis box 2 Prepare 60 mL 1 5 agarose gel in 1x TBE in an Erlenmeyer flash Heat in the microwave at 30 sec intervals until boiling and the agarose is completely dissolved 3 When the solution is cool enough to touch comfortably add GelStar 1 L GelStar per 10 mL of agarose solution Pour the mixture into the gel tray and insert the well comb 4 When gel has solidified remove the comb and align gel tray to be parallel with the gel box making sure that the wells are closest to the black electrodes Fill the gel cast with 1x TBE until the buffer completely covers the gel 5 Ask your TA to load 3 L of GeneRuler 1kb Plus DNA digest Ladder onto the first lane 6 Load the entirety of each sample 25 L onto the gel BE SURE TO WRITE DOWN THE ORDER IN WHICH YOU LOADED YOUR SAMPLES in your notebook 7 Run the gel at 70V for approximately 20 30 minutes and then increase to 90V for 30 40 minutes or until bands have migrated down three fourths of the gel 8 Remove gel from between the caster carefully to a weight boat with TBE from the gel apparatus Give your gel to your TA to transfer the gel to the UVP analyzer to view under UV light DO NOT LOOK AT THE UV LIGHT Print one image of the gel under UV light and save the image to a USB flash drive
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
1 Gather the gel electrophoresis apparatus including the gel tray and power supply Make sure the gaskets are secured within the grooves found at each end of the gel tray and place perpendicular into the gel electrophoresis box 2 Prepare 60 mL 1 5 agarose gel in 1x TBE in an Erlenmeyer flash Heat in the microwave at 30 sec intervals until boiling and the agarose is completely dissolved 3 When the solution is cool enough to touch comfortably add GelStar 1 L GelStar per 10 mL of agarose solution Pour the mixture into the gel tray and insert the well comb 4 When gel has solidified remove the comb and align gel tray to be parallel with the gel box making sure that the wells are closest to the black electrodes Fill the gel cast with 1x TBE until the buffer completely covers the gel 5 Ask your TA to load 3 L of GeneRuler 1kb Plus DNA digest Ladder onto the first lane 6 Load the entirety of each sample 25 L onto the gel BE SURE TO WRITE DOWN THE ORDER IN WHICH YOU LOADED YOUR SAMPLES in your notebook 7 Run the gel at 70V for approximately 20 30 minutes and then increase to 90V for 30 40 minutes or until bands have migrated down three fourths of the gel 8 Remove gel from between the caster carefully to a weight boat with TBE from the gel apparatus Give your gel to your TA to transfer the gel to the UVP analyzer to view under UV light DO NOT LOOK AT THE UV LIGHT Print one image of the gel under UV light and save the image to a USB flash drive
What are the 3 typical neurocrine chemical signals a How do they differ b How are the alike 3 What are cytokines 7 What are the steps in a simple signal pathway a Where does the signal begin b C Where does the signal end What is the difference between a 1st messenger and a 2nd messenger 8 What are lipophilic signals Also discussed in chapter 5 a Where would you find the receptors
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
What are the 3 typical neurocrine chemical signals a How do they differ b How are the alike 3 What are cytokines 7 What are the steps in a simple signal pathway a Where does the signal begin b C Where does the signal end What is the difference between a 1st messenger and a 2nd messenger 8 What are lipophilic signals Also discussed in chapter 5 a Where would you find the receptors
9 What are lipophobic signals Also discussed in chapter 5 a Where would you find the receptors 10 What is the biggest advantage of the membrane receptor over the cytoplasmic nuclear receptors
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
9 What are lipophobic signals Also discussed in chapter 5 a Where would you find the receptors 10 What is the biggest advantage of the membrane receptor over the cytoplasmic nuclear receptors
51 What is the difference between apical and basolateral membranes 52 What is the difference between absorption and secretion 53 What is paracellular transport 54 What is transcellular transport
Anatomy and Physiology
51 What is the difference between apical and basolateral membranes 52 What is the difference between absorption and secretion 53 What is paracellular transport 54 What is transcellular transport
is endocytosis a How is it different from phagocytosis What is receptor mediated endocytosis c What is clathrin b 50 What is exocytosis a Which molecule is usually required
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
is endocytosis a How is it different from phagocytosis What is receptor mediated endocytosis c What is clathrin b 50 What is exocytosis a Which molecule is usually required
a Uniport symport or antiport b Where are they typically found c Know the mechanism of transport 47 Know the following concerning carrier mediated transport a Specificity b Competition C Saturation i What is transport maximum 48 What are the steps of phagocytosis What is nh
Anatomy and Physiology
a Uniport symport or antiport b Where are they typically found c Know the mechanism of transport 47 Know the following concerning carrier mediated transport a Specificity b Competition C Saturation i What is transport maximum 48 What are the steps of phagocytosis What is nh
44 Know what a GLUT transporter is and how it works 45 Know the mechanism of the sodium potassium pump Be specific
Anatomy and Physiology
44 Know what a GLUT transporter is and how it works 45 Know the mechanism of the sodium potassium pump Be specific
2 Know the mechanisms of the following membrane transports a Diffusion i How does diffusion across cell membranes differ between lipids carbohydrates and proteins b Facilitated diffusion c d i How is facilitated diffusion different than diffusion Active transport i What is the difference between primary and secondary active transport Vesicular transport i Types ii Active or passive and hyp
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
2 Know the mechanisms of the following membrane transports a Diffusion i How does diffusion across cell membranes differ between lipids carbohydrates and proteins b Facilitated diffusion c d i How is facilitated diffusion different than diffusion Active transport i What is the difference between primary and secondary active transport Vesicular transport i Types ii Active or passive and hyp
Which political group criticized the New Deal O Conservatives O Liberals O Independents O Communist
Anatomy and Physiology
G.I Tract
Which political group criticized the New Deal O Conservatives O Liberals O Independents O Communist
What topic in economics seem intriguing to you
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
What topic in economics seem intriguing to you
True False Question 2 The epidemiologic and clinical descriptions of a disease are different Truc False Question 3 A natural experiment is when investigators randomize study participants to different exposure tromes between groups
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
True False Question 2 The epidemiologic and clinical descriptions of a disease are different Truc False Question 3 A natural experiment is when investigators randomize study participants to different exposure tromes between groups
How many carbons are found in a fatty acid a 4 b 12 Oc 20 O d it depends between 4 and 20
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
How many carbons are found in a fatty acid a 4 b 12 Oc 20 O d it depends between 4 and 20
For each description choose whether it describes DNA RNA or both has a phosphate group contains guanine G cannot leave the nucleus contains thymine T two strands of nucleotides the pentose sugar is ribose 1 DNA only 2 RNA only 3 both DNA and RNA
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
For each description choose whether it describes DNA RNA or both has a phosphate group contains guanine G cannot leave the nucleus contains thymine T two strands of nucleotides the pentose sugar is ribose 1 DNA only 2 RNA only 3 both DNA and RNA
When you look in the mirror you see mostly a carbohydrates Ob lipids c proteins BARU d nucleic acids
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
When you look in the mirror you see mostly a carbohydrates Ob lipids c proteins BARU d nucleic acids
One single nucleotide can be found in ATP DNA RNA
Anatomy and Physiology
G.I Tract
One single nucleotide can be found in ATP DNA RNA
How long does a molecule of ATP last inside a cell Oa 60 seconds O b 5 minutes Oc 2 hours d 1 day
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
How long does a molecule of ATP last inside a cell Oa 60 seconds O b 5 minutes Oc 2 hours d 1 day
Turn to Table 2 3 Organic Compounds for a review of Module 2 5 What type of sugar is glucose a monosaccharide 1 sugar a disaccharide 2 sugars connected together a polysaccharide many sugars connected
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Turn to Table 2 3 Organic Compounds for a review of Module 2 5 What type of sugar is glucose a monosaccharide 1 sugar a disaccharide 2 sugars connected together a polysaccharide many sugars connected
How many phosphates do you see in the picture of ATP shown in Table 2 3 You can also refer back to Figure 2 25 a 1 b 2 c 3 d 4
Anatomy and Physiology
How many phosphates do you see in the picture of ATP shown in Table 2 3 You can also refer back to Figure 2 25 a 1 b 2 c 3 d 4
The most common protein in the body the first one on the list in the textbook table is collagen amylase hemoglobin keratin
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
The most common protein in the body the first one on the list in the textbook table is collagen amylase hemoglobin keratin
Match the type of lipid with its general function hormone for communication energy storage cell membrane structure 1 triglyceride 2 phospholipid 3 steroid
Anatomy and Physiology
Match the type of lipid with its general function hormone for communication energy storage cell membrane structure 1 triglyceride 2 phospholipid 3 steroid
Which components of the nucleotides found in DNA make up the backbone of the structure SELECT ALL a the nitrogenous bases b the pentose sugars c the phosphate groups
Anatomy and Physiology
Which components of the nucleotides found in DNA make up the backbone of the structure SELECT ALL a the nitrogenous bases b the pentose sugars c the phosphate groups
Listen A nucleotide has three parts the nitrogenous base a pentose sugar and a phosphate group When we look at DNA the code has A G C and T symbols What does the letter A G C or T tell you This is illustrated in Figure 2 24 a which type of nitrogenous base is in that nucleotide b which type of pentose sugar is in that nucleotide c which type of phosphate group is in that nucleotide
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Listen A nucleotide has three parts the nitrogenous base a pentose sugar and a phosphate group When we look at DNA the code has A G C and T symbols What does the letter A G C or T tell you This is illustrated in Figure 2 24 a which type of nitrogenous base is in that nucleotide b which type of pentose sugar is in that nucleotide c which type of phosphate group is in that nucleotide
In addition to carbon hydrogen and oxygen all amino acids contain this element 111 a nitrogen N Ob phosphorus P c sulfur S d sodium Na
Anatomy and Physiology
In addition to carbon hydrogen and oxygen all amino acids contain this element 111 a nitrogen N Ob phosphorus P c sulfur S d sodium Na
2 5 What does the A in ATP stand for allosteric O adenine O adenosine
Anatomy and Physiology
2 5 What does the A in ATP stand for allosteric O adenine O adenosine
Select the TWO basic types of proteins a spiral b rectagular c globular ShrouIS
Anatomy and Physiology
Select the TWO basic types of proteins a spiral b rectagular c globular ShrouIS
To make a protein you must join together at least 50 O amino acids nucleic acids carbohydrates lipids
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
To make a protein you must join together at least 50 O amino acids nucleic acids carbohydrates lipids
The majority of a lipid molecule is the hydrocarbon chain This makes the lipid NONPOLAR and it won t dissolve in water Other substances that are nonpolar will dissolve in lipids so we say these substances are lipid soluble If something is lipid soluble will it be hydrophilic or hydrophobic a hydrophilic water loving h hydrophobic water fearing
Anatomy and Physiology
The majority of a lipid molecule is the hydrocarbon chain This makes the lipid NONPOLAR and it won t dissolve in water Other substances that are nonpolar will dissolve in lipids so we say these substances are lipid soluble If something is lipid soluble will it be hydrophilic or hydrophobic a hydrophilic water loving h hydrophobic water fearing
0 23 26 18 21 NE 1 Listen Steroids are lipid compounds that your body makes from a cholesterol b glucose Oc phospholipids d starch
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
0 23 26 18 21 NE 1 Listen Steroids are lipid compounds that your body makes from a cholesterol b glucose Oc phospholipids d starch
R 7 20 23 26 15 18 24 Look at Figure 2 17 What is the difference between the saturated fatty acid shown in a versus the unsaturated fatty acids shown in b and c a The saturated fatty acid is straight the unsaturated fatty acids have a bend in the chain Ob The saturated fatty acid has one oxygen the unsaturated fatty acids have two oxygens c The saturated fatty acid has a carboxyl group on one end the unsaturated fatty acids have carboxyl groups on both ends
Anatomy and Physiology
R 7 20 23 26 15 18 24 Look at Figure 2 17 What is the difference between the saturated fatty acid shown in a versus the unsaturated fatty acids shown in b and c a The saturated fatty acid is straight the unsaturated fatty acids have a bend in the chain Ob The saturated fatty acid has one oxygen the unsaturated fatty acids have two oxygens c The saturated fatty acid has a carboxyl group on one end the unsaturated fatty acids have carboxyl groups on both ends
Remember lipids are hydrophobic Which special part of the phospholipid molecule is hydroPHILIC This is shown in Figure 2 19 a the fatty acid tails Ob the glycerol backbone c the phosphate head group
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Remember lipids are hydrophobic Which special part of the phospholipid molecule is hydroPHILIC This is shown in Figure 2 19 a the fatty acid tails Ob the glycerol backbone c the phosphate head group
1 17 M 20 21 23 H 26 18 24 nformation Match each carbohydrate with the correct description sugar in dairy products made of glucose galactose DOOD a monomer sugar found in fruit large polysaccharide found in plants a monomer sugar found in your blood blood sugar table sugar a dimer made of glucose fructose your body stores extra sugars in the liver by making this 1 fructose 2 glucose 3 sucrose 4 lactose 5 glycogen 6 starch
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
1 17 M 20 21 23 H 26 18 24 nformation Match each carbohydrate with the correct description sugar in dairy products made of glucose galactose DOOD a monomer sugar found in fruit large polysaccharide found in plants a monomer sugar found in your blood blood sugar table sugar a dimer made of glucose fructose your body stores extra sugars in the liver by making this 1 fructose 2 glucose 3 sucrose 4 lactose 5 glycogen 6 starch
How many carbons are found in a fatty acid a 4 b 12 c 20
Anatomy and Physiology
How many carbons are found in a fatty acid a 4 b 12 c 20
Butter is solid at room temperature Olive oil is a liquid at room temperature What feature of a lipid will help you predict whether that lipid is solid or liquid at room temperature Oa how many oxygens it has Ob whether it is saturated or unsaturated Oc whether it is a monomer or a polymer d how many carbons it has
Anatomy and Physiology
Butter is solid at room temperature Olive oil is a liquid at room temperature What feature of a lipid will help you predict whether that lipid is solid or liquid at room temperature Oa how many oxygens it has Ob whether it is saturated or unsaturated Oc whether it is a monomer or a polymer d how many carbons it has
Look at Figure 2 14 What shape is glucose This is important because you will see this same shape for glucose in the pictures throughout the textbook a circle a square a pentagon a hexagon
Anatomy and Physiology
Look at Figure 2 14 What shape is glucose This is important because you will see this same shape for glucose in the pictures throughout the textbook a circle a square a pentagon a hexagon
Large organic macromolecules are built by joining individual units called monomers When your body links monomers to make polymers you use dehydration synthesis reactions What type of reaction is this a catabolic b exchange c anabolic
Anatomy and Physiology
Large organic macromolecules are built by joining individual units called monomers When your body links monomers to make polymers you use dehydration synthesis reactions What type of reaction is this a catabolic b exchange c anabolic
We re picking up Chapter 2 Chemistry at Module 2 5 Organic Compounds Organi compounds are based on the hydrocarbon chain Which elements types of atoms are found in the hydrocarbon chain a oxygen O b carbon C c hydrogen H d nitrogen N
Anatomy and Physiology
G.I Tract
We re picking up Chapter 2 Chemistry at Module 2 5 Organic Compounds Organi compounds are based on the hydrocarbon chain Which elements types of atoms are found in the hydrocarbon chain a oxygen O b carbon C c hydrogen H d nitrogen N
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Assume the first 2 statements are true Is the final one 1 true 2 false 3 not certain SLE Sample Questions The boy plays baseball All baseball players wear hats The boy wears a hat Paper sells for 21 cents per pad What will 4 pads cost How many of the five pairs of items listed below are exact duplicates Nicman K M Thomas G K Hoff J P Pino L R Warner T S Neiman K M Thomas C K Hoff J P Pina L R Wanner T S PRESENT RESERVE Do these words 1 have similar meanings 2 have contradictory meanings 3 mean neither the same nor opposite A train travels 20 feet in 1 5 second At this same speed how many feet will it travel in three seconds The ninth month of the year is 1 October 2 January 4 September 5 May When rope is selling at 10 a foot how many feet can you buy for sixty cents 3 Junc Which number in the following group of numbers represents the smallest amount 7 31 8 33 2 In printing an article of 48 000 words a printer decides to use two sizes of type Using the larger type a printed page contains 1 800 words Using smaller type a page contains 2 400 words The article is allotted 21 full pages in a magazine How many pages must be in smaller type 10 Three individuals form a partnership and agree to divide the profits equally X invests 9 000 Y invests 7 000 Z invests 4 000 If the profits are 4 800 how much less does X receive than if the profits were divided in proportion to the amount invested 11 Assume the first two statements are true Is the final one 1 true 2 false 3 not certain Tom greeted Beth Beth greeted Dawn Tom did not greet Dawn 12 A boy is 17 years old and his sister is twice as old When the boy is 23 years old what will be the age of his sister These are sample test questions and are intended for demonstration purposes only The Scholastic Level Exam is published by Wonderlic Inc Answers 1 truc 4 3 7 September 10 560 2 84 cents 5 300 feet 8 33 11 not certain 3 1 6 6 feet 9 17 12 40 years old QUICK PRACTICE WONDERLIC SLE www testprepreview com wonderlic practice htm QUICK PRACTICE MATH www math com students practice html
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Assume the first 2 statements are true Is the final one 1 true 2 false 3 not certain SLE Sample Questions The boy plays baseball All baseball players wear hats The boy wears a hat Paper sells for 21 cents per pad What will 4 pads cost How many of the five pairs of items listed below are exact duplicates Nicman K M Thomas G K Hoff J P Pino L R Warner T S Neiman K M Thomas C K Hoff J P Pina L R Wanner T S PRESENT RESERVE Do these words 1 have similar meanings 2 have contradictory meanings 3 mean neither the same nor opposite A train travels 20 feet in 1 5 second At this same speed how many feet will it travel in three seconds The ninth month of the year is 1 October 2 January 4 September 5 May When rope is selling at 10 a foot how many feet can you buy for sixty cents 3 Junc Which number in the following group of numbers represents the smallest amount 7 31 8 33 2 In printing an article of 48 000 words a printer decides to use two sizes of type Using the larger type a printed page contains 1 800 words Using smaller type a page contains 2 400 words The article is allotted 21 full pages in a magazine How many pages must be in smaller type 10 Three individuals form a partnership and agree to divide the profits equally X invests 9 000 Y invests 7 000 Z invests 4 000 If the profits are 4 800 how much less does X receive than if the profits were divided in proportion to the amount invested 11 Assume the first two statements are true Is the final one 1 true 2 false 3 not certain Tom greeted Beth Beth greeted Dawn Tom did not greet Dawn 12 A boy is 17 years old and his sister is twice as old When the boy is 23 years old what will be the age of his sister These are sample test questions and are intended for demonstration purposes only The Scholastic Level Exam is published by Wonderlic Inc Answers 1 truc 4 3 7 September 10 560 2 84 cents 5 300 feet 8 33 11 not certain 3 1 6 6 feet 9 17 12 40 years old QUICK PRACTICE WONDERLIC SLE www testprepreview com wonderlic practice htm QUICK PRACTICE MATH www math com students practice html
29 What is the difference between passive and active transport across a my 30 What are the 2 properties of a molecule that will most influence its movement across the membrane 31 What is a concentration gradient 32 Know the mechanisms of the following membrane transports a Diffusion i How does diffusion across cell membranes differ between lipids carbohydrates and proteins Facilitated diffusion i How is facilitated diffusion different than diffusion b c Active transport i What is the difference between primary and secondary active transport Vesicular transport d i Types r ii Active or passive 33 What is diffusion rate How does the following affect it a Concentration gradient b Distance c Temperature d Molecular weight size e Molecular composition 34 When does diffusion stop 35 What are the two forces responsible for ion movement 36 What is Fick s Law of diffusion a Look at the big picture concept not just the formula 37 What does protein mediated transport mean a What is the difference between facilitated diffusion and active transport 38 What are the 4 major functions of membrane proteins a What is the difference between channel and carrier proteins b What is the difference between open and gated channels 39 What are the following channels a Mechanically gated channel b Voltage gated channel c Chemically gated channel 40 What are aquaporins 41 What are ion channels 42 What are leak channels 43 Know the mechanism of the following carrier proteins a Uniport b Symport Antinort
Anatomy and Physiology
29 What is the difference between passive and active transport across a my 30 What are the 2 properties of a molecule that will most influence its movement across the membrane 31 What is a concentration gradient 32 Know the mechanisms of the following membrane transports a Diffusion i How does diffusion across cell membranes differ between lipids carbohydrates and proteins Facilitated diffusion i How is facilitated diffusion different than diffusion b c Active transport i What is the difference between primary and secondary active transport Vesicular transport d i Types r ii Active or passive 33 What is diffusion rate How does the following affect it a Concentration gradient b Distance c Temperature d Molecular weight size e Molecular composition 34 When does diffusion stop 35 What are the two forces responsible for ion movement 36 What is Fick s Law of diffusion a Look at the big picture concept not just the formula 37 What does protein mediated transport mean a What is the difference between facilitated diffusion and active transport 38 What are the 4 major functions of membrane proteins a What is the difference between channel and carrier proteins b What is the difference between open and gated channels 39 What are the following channels a Mechanically gated channel b Voltage gated channel c Chemically gated channel 40 What are aquaporins 41 What are ion channels 42 What are leak channels 43 Know the mechanism of the following carrier proteins a Uniport b Symport Antinort
membrane How will that affect tonicity and osmolarity
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
membrane How will that affect tonicity and osmolarity
22 What are penetrating and non penetrating solutes
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
22 What are penetrating and non penetrating solutes
between passive and active transport across a membrane 30 What are the 2 properties of a molecule that will most influence its movement across the membrane 31 What is a concentration gradient 32 Know the mechanisms of the following membrane transports a Diffusion b c d i How does diffusion across cell membranes differ between lipids carbohydrates and proteins Facilitated diffusion i How is facilitated diffusion different than diffusion Active transport i What is the difference between primary and secondary active transport Vesicular transport i Types ii Active or passive 33 What is diffusion rate How does the following affect it a Concentration gradient b Distance c Temperature d Molecular weight size e Molecular composition 34 When does diffusion stop 35 What are the two forces responsible for ion movement 36 What is Fick s Law of diffusion a Look at the big picture concept not just the formula 37 What does protein mediated transport mean a What is the difference between facilitated diffusion and active transport 38 What are the 4 major functions of membrane proteins a What is the difference between channel and carrier proteins b What is the difference between open and gated channels 39 What are the following channels a Mechanically gated channel b Voltage gated channel c Chemically gated channel 40 What are aquaporins 41 What are ion channels 42 What are leak channels 43 Know the mechanism of the following carrier proteins a Uniport b Symport c Antiport 44 Know what a GLUT transporter is and how it works 45 Know the mechanism of the sodium potassium pump Be specific 46 What is the SGLT a Uniport symport or antiport b Where are they typically found c Know the mechanism of transport 47 Know the following concerning carrier mediated transport a Specificity b Competition c Saturation i What is transport maximum 40 What are the steps of phagocytosis I
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
between passive and active transport across a membrane 30 What are the 2 properties of a molecule that will most influence its movement across the membrane 31 What is a concentration gradient 32 Know the mechanisms of the following membrane transports a Diffusion b c d i How does diffusion across cell membranes differ between lipids carbohydrates and proteins Facilitated diffusion i How is facilitated diffusion different than diffusion Active transport i What is the difference between primary and secondary active transport Vesicular transport i Types ii Active or passive 33 What is diffusion rate How does the following affect it a Concentration gradient b Distance c Temperature d Molecular weight size e Molecular composition 34 When does diffusion stop 35 What are the two forces responsible for ion movement 36 What is Fick s Law of diffusion a Look at the big picture concept not just the formula 37 What does protein mediated transport mean a What is the difference between facilitated diffusion and active transport 38 What are the 4 major functions of membrane proteins a What is the difference between channel and carrier proteins b What is the difference between open and gated channels 39 What are the following channels a Mechanically gated channel b Voltage gated channel c Chemically gated channel 40 What are aquaporins 41 What are ion channels 42 What are leak channels 43 Know the mechanism of the following carrier proteins a Uniport b Symport c Antiport 44 Know what a GLUT transporter is and how it works 45 Know the mechanism of the sodium potassium pump Be specific 46 What is the SGLT a Uniport symport or antiport b Where are they typically found c Know the mechanism of transport 47 Know the following concerning carrier mediated transport a Specificity b Competition c Saturation i What is transport maximum 40 What are the steps of phagocytosis I
22 What are penetrating and non penetrating solutes a How will that affect tonicity and osmolarity b c How can an isotonic solution isosmotic AND hyperosmotic How can a hypotonic solution be hyposmotic isosmotic AND hyperosmotic 23 What is bulk flow 24 What is the difference between permeable and selectively permeable membranes a What is the typical cell membrane permeable or selectively permeable 25 What does lipophilic mean a Examples 26 What does lipophobic mean a Examples 27 What does hydrophilic mean a Examples 28 What does hydrophobic mean I
Anatomy and Physiology
22 What are penetrating and non penetrating solutes a How will that affect tonicity and osmolarity b c How can an isotonic solution isosmotic AND hyperosmotic How can a hypotonic solution be hyposmotic isosmotic AND hyperosmotic 23 What is bulk flow 24 What is the difference between permeable and selectively permeable membranes a What is the typical cell membrane permeable or selectively permeable 25 What does lipophilic mean a Examples 26 What does lipophobic mean a Examples 27 What does hydrophilic mean a Examples 28 What does hydrophobic mean I