Anatomy and Physiology Questions

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48 Sebaceous glands O Are a type of sweat gland O Are associated with hair follicles May function in response to touch Release a watery solution of salt and metabolic waste
Anatomy and Physiology
48 Sebaceous glands O Are a type of sweat gland O Are associated with hair follicles May function in response to touch Release a watery solution of salt and metabolic waste
70 Which muscle contracts to turn the head to the opposite side and bend it toward the chest O Scalene Sternocleidomastoid O Platysma O Risorius O Mentalis 71 Parallel muscle fascicle arrangements are arranged O In the same direction O In opposite directions O In crisscross patterns In interlocking patterns 72 Which of the following is a function of the thoracic cage O Protection of internal organs O Attachment for muscle of respiration O Support of the spine O All of the above O None of the above
Anatomy and Physiology
G.I Tract
70 Which muscle contracts to turn the head to the opposite side and bend it toward the chest O Scalene Sternocleidomastoid O Platysma O Risorius O Mentalis 71 Parallel muscle fascicle arrangements are arranged O In the same direction O In opposite directions O In crisscross patterns In interlocking patterns 72 Which of the following is a function of the thoracic cage O Protection of internal organs O Attachment for muscle of respiration O Support of the spine O All of the above O None of the above
85 The sacrum is formed by the fusion of how many vertebrae OO 23 O 4 5 86 Which of the following is NOT a component of the appendicular skeleton O Scapula O Hyoid Femur Humerus Os coxa 87 The radiocarpal joint of the wrist is an example of a O Pivot joint O Condyloid joint O Hinge joint O None of the above
Anatomy and Physiology
85 The sacrum is formed by the fusion of how many vertebrae OO 23 O 4 5 86 Which of the following is NOT a component of the appendicular skeleton O Scapula O Hyoid Femur Humerus Os coxa 87 The radiocarpal joint of the wrist is an example of a O Pivot joint O Condyloid joint O Hinge joint O None of the above
33 The skeletal system is made of Muscles and tendons Bones and cartilage Vitreous humor Minerals and fat 34 The prefix tri means 01 OOOOO 2 345 35 Long bones enable body movement by acting as a O Counterweight O Resistive force O Lever Fulcrum
Anatomy and Physiology
33 The skeletal system is made of Muscles and tendons Bones and cartilage Vitreous humor Minerals and fat 34 The prefix tri means 01 OOOOO 2 345 35 Long bones enable body movement by acting as a O Counterweight O Resistive force O Lever Fulcrum
30 Which of the following lines the body cavities exposed to the external environment O Epithelial tissue Connective tissue O Nervous tissue O Muscle tissue 31 Yellow marrow contains fat cells giving it its name and color O True O False 32 Which of the following is not a fontanelle O Occipital O Superior
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
30 Which of the following lines the body cavities exposed to the external environment O Epithelial tissue Connective tissue O Nervous tissue O Muscle tissue 31 Yellow marrow contains fat cells giving it its name and color O True O False 32 Which of the following is not a fontanelle O Occipital O Superior
82 The first type of bone to form during fracture repair is O Compact O Lamellar O Spongy O Dense 83 Which bone of the cranium is the only moveable bone O Mandible O Maxilla O Vomer O Ethmoid bone 84 What are structures in muscle fibers that shorten to result in a contraction O Fascicle O Epimysium O Endomysium
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
82 The first type of bone to form during fracture repair is O Compact O Lamellar O Spongy O Dense 83 Which bone of the cranium is the only moveable bone O Mandible O Maxilla O Vomer O Ethmoid bone 84 What are structures in muscle fibers that shorten to result in a contraction O Fascicle O Epimysium O Endomysium
64 Cartilage heals very rapidly True False 65 About how long can oxygen last within the muscles O 3 minutes O 30 seconds O 40 minutes O 2 hours O 1 day 66 A is a group of muscle fibers in a bundle Perimysium Fascicle O Epimysium
Anatomy and Physiology
64 Cartilage heals very rapidly True False 65 About how long can oxygen last within the muscles O 3 minutes O 30 seconds O 40 minutes O 2 hours O 1 day 66 A is a group of muscle fibers in a bundle Perimysium Fascicle O Epimysium
73 The dermal extensions that extend upward between ridges are O Melanocytes O Papillae O Astrocytes O Keratin 74 Which of the following is not a muscle of the eye O Medial rectus O Inferior oblique O Lateral oblique O Inferior rectus O Superior rectus 75 Which of these is a byproduct of anaerobic metabolism O Lactic acid O Acetylcholine O ATP O Sarcoplasm
Anatomy and Physiology
73 The dermal extensions that extend upward between ridges are O Melanocytes O Papillae O Astrocytes O Keratin 74 Which of the following is not a muscle of the eye O Medial rectus O Inferior oblique O Lateral oblique O Inferior rectus O Superior rectus 75 Which of these is a byproduct of anaerobic metabolism O Lactic acid O Acetylcholine O ATP O Sarcoplasm
76 A fracture can be both Open and closed Open and transverse Transverse and greenstick Greenstick and comminuted 77 Which of the following are found in compact bone and cancellous bone O Haversian systems O Haversian canals O Lamellae O Lacunae 78 Which component forms the superior part of the hip bone Ollium O Pubis O Ischium
Anatomy and Physiology
76 A fracture can be both Open and closed Open and transverse Transverse and greenstick Greenstick and comminuted 77 Which of the following are found in compact bone and cancellous bone O Haversian systems O Haversian canals O Lamellae O Lacunae 78 Which component forms the superior part of the hip bone Ollium O Pubis O Ischium
79 The lambdoid suture joins the parietal bones to the O Frontal bone O Occipital bone O Other parietal bone O Temporal bone 80 Which bone is the triangular shaped bone that forms the nasal septum O Vomer O Lacrimal O Palatine O Nasal Conchae 81 Infant soft spots allow for compression during birth O True Folo
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
79 The lambdoid suture joins the parietal bones to the O Frontal bone O Occipital bone O Other parietal bone O Temporal bone 80 Which bone is the triangular shaped bone that forms the nasal septum O Vomer O Lacrimal O Palatine O Nasal Conchae 81 Infant soft spots allow for compression during birth O True Folo
42 The structures that are responsible for detecting light pressure in the dermal papillae are Keratinocytes Free nerve endings Pacinian corpuscles Tactile meissners corpuscles 43 When joints are classified by the degree of functional movement a joint that allows slight movement would be a n O Diarthrosis O Amphiarthrosis O Bisarthrosis O Synarthrosis 44 Which type of glands secrete in response to pain fear or sexual arousal O Apocrine glands O Merocrine glands Sebaceous glands
Anatomy and Physiology
42 The structures that are responsible for detecting light pressure in the dermal papillae are Keratinocytes Free nerve endings Pacinian corpuscles Tactile meissners corpuscles 43 When joints are classified by the degree of functional movement a joint that allows slight movement would be a n O Diarthrosis O Amphiarthrosis O Bisarthrosis O Synarthrosis 44 Which type of glands secrete in response to pain fear or sexual arousal O Apocrine glands O Merocrine glands Sebaceous glands
67 Where would you expect to see a tendon sheath O Wrapped around bone tissue O Encircling a major artery O Surrounding a muscle tendon where it crosses a joint O At the core of all tendons in the body 68 Which of the following muscles is not a muscle of the face O Mentalis O Masseter Platysma O Procerus Risorius 69 Which of the following muscles make up the rotator cuff O Subscapularis O Supraspinatus O Teres minor O Infraspinatus O All of the above
Anatomy and Physiology
67 Where would you expect to see a tendon sheath O Wrapped around bone tissue O Encircling a major artery O Surrounding a muscle tendon where it crosses a joint O At the core of all tendons in the body 68 Which of the following muscles is not a muscle of the face O Mentalis O Masseter Platysma O Procerus Risorius 69 Which of the following muscles make up the rotator cuff O Subscapularis O Supraspinatus O Teres minor O Infraspinatus O All of the above
49 Which group of muscles run from cervical vertebrae to the first and second pair of ribs and elevates these ribs during breathing External intercostals O Interal intercostals O Scalenes O External obliques O Internal obliques 50 Which of the following does not move the pectoral girdle O Subclavius O Deltoid O Subscapularis O Supinator Teres minor 51 Calcitriol is formed through conversion of vitamin C extracted from sunlight
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
49 Which group of muscles run from cervical vertebrae to the first and second pair of ribs and elevates these ribs during breathing External intercostals O Interal intercostals O Scalenes O External obliques O Internal obliques 50 Which of the following does not move the pectoral girdle O Subclavius O Deltoid O Subscapularis O Supinator Teres minor 51 Calcitriol is formed through conversion of vitamin C extracted from sunlight
61 What serves as a messenger for the nucleus O DNA rRNA O mRNA ORER 62 ATP is usable energy for the cell O True False 63 Which of the following is not a muscle of mastication O Medial and lateral pterygoid O Masseter O Temporalis O Zygomaticus
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
61 What serves as a messenger for the nucleus O DNA rRNA O mRNA ORER 62 ATP is usable energy for the cell O True False 63 Which of the following is not a muscle of mastication O Medial and lateral pterygoid O Masseter O Temporalis O Zygomaticus
45 Which of the following is a major structure of nucleus O Chromatin O Histones O Ribosomes O Nucleosomes 46 The frontalis muscle is located on the O Back of the skull O Forehead O Temple O Chin O Bridge of nose 47 How many main muscles are there of the eye 04 06 2
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
45 Which of the following is a major structure of nucleus O Chromatin O Histones O Ribosomes O Nucleosomes 46 The frontalis muscle is located on the O Back of the skull O Forehead O Temple O Chin O Bridge of nose 47 How many main muscles are there of the eye 04 06 2
55 All substances that pass through the body must go through what O Epithelium Muscle O Cellular membrane Glands 56 Each chromatin consists of how many chromosomes O 21 O 23 O 46 48 57 The rectus femoris is classified as O Parallel muscles O Unipennate muscle O Circular muscle Pennate muscle O Fascicle
Anatomy and Physiology
55 All substances that pass through the body must go through what O Epithelium Muscle O Cellular membrane Glands 56 Each chromatin consists of how many chromosomes O 21 O 23 O 46 48 57 The rectus femoris is classified as O Parallel muscles O Unipennate muscle O Circular muscle Pennate muscle O Fascicle
21 Hannah injuries herself while mountain climbing and the health professional who examines her tells her that she has dislocated her scapula What part of Hannah s body did she injure O Her arm Her leg Her hip O Her thumb O Her shoulder 22 What is the most abundant type of tissue in the body O Nervous O Epithelial Muscle O Connective
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
21 Hannah injuries herself while mountain climbing and the health professional who examines her tells her that she has dislocated her scapula What part of Hannah s body did she injure O Her arm Her leg Her hip O Her thumb O Her shoulder 22 What is the most abundant type of tissue in the body O Nervous O Epithelial Muscle O Connective
36 The category of a stratified tissue is based on the cells of the free surface O True False 37 The subscapularis is part of which structure O Pelvic girdle O Head and neck O Hand O Pectoral girdle O Leg 38 Which function of the skeletal system would be especially important if you were in a car accident O Storage of minerals O Protection of internal organs O Facilitation of movement O Fat storage
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
36 The category of a stratified tissue is based on the cells of the free surface O True False 37 The subscapularis is part of which structure O Pelvic girdle O Head and neck O Hand O Pectoral girdle O Leg 38 Which function of the skeletal system would be especially important if you were in a car accident O Storage of minerals O Protection of internal organs O Facilitation of movement O Fat storage
39 Which is found only in the cervical region of the vertebral column O Vomer O Atlas O Maxilla O Xiphoid Process 40 Bones that surround the spinal cord are classified as O Irregular O Sesamoid O Flat O Short bones 41 The majority of muscles in the body are arranged in a parallel fascicle arrangement O True O False
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
39 Which is found only in the cervical region of the vertebral column O Vomer O Atlas O Maxilla O Xiphoid Process 40 Bones that surround the spinal cord are classified as O Irregular O Sesamoid O Flat O Short bones 41 The majority of muscles in the body are arranged in a parallel fascicle arrangement O True O False
25 Floating ribs have no connection with what O Sternum O Vertebral ribs O Spine Sternum and vertebral ribs Vertebral ribs and spine 26 A muscle that causes an action is the Mediator Agonist Antagonist O Synergist
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
25 Floating ribs have no connection with what O Sternum O Vertebral ribs O Spine Sternum and vertebral ribs Vertebral ribs and spine 26 A muscle that causes an action is the Mediator Agonist Antagonist O Synergist
15 An individual using a sharp knife notices a small amount of blood where he just cut himself Which of the following layers of skin did he have to cut into in order to bleed O Stratum corneum Stratum basale O Papillary dermis O Stratum granulosum 16 Which of the following is not a type of tissue O Muscle O Nervous O Embryonic O Epithelial
Anatomy and Physiology
15 An individual using a sharp knife notices a small amount of blood where he just cut himself Which of the following layers of skin did he have to cut into in order to bleed O Stratum corneum Stratum basale O Papillary dermis O Stratum granulosum 16 Which of the following is not a type of tissue O Muscle O Nervous O Embryonic O Epithelial
19 The skin is classified as an organ meaning the skin is composed of O Several organ systems working together O Several cells of one type working together OTwo or more tissue types working together OTwo or more single types of macromolecules working together 20 Which of the following movements could occur at the hip joint O Extension O Rotation O Adduction O All of these could occur
Anatomy and Physiology
19 The skin is classified as an organ meaning the skin is composed of O Several organ systems working together O Several cells of one type working together OTwo or more tissue types working together OTwo or more single types of macromolecules working together 20 Which of the following movements could occur at the hip joint O Extension O Rotation O Adduction O All of these could occur
11 The structures that are responsible for detecting external pressure applied to the skin are O Keratinocytes O Free nerve endings O Pacinian corpuscles O Tactile meissners corpuscles 12 Ion pumps and phagocytosis are both examples of O Endocytosis O Passive transport Active transport O Facilitated diffusion
Anatomy and Physiology
11 The structures that are responsible for detecting external pressure applied to the skin are O Keratinocytes O Free nerve endings O Pacinian corpuscles O Tactile meissners corpuscles 12 Ion pumps and phagocytosis are both examples of O Endocytosis O Passive transport Active transport O Facilitated diffusion
27 The O Subclavius O Infraspinatus Soleus extends flexes and assists the arm in shoulder abduction Gastrocnemius Deltoid 28 Which type of isotonic contraction involves muscle shortening to move a load O Concentric Eccentric Isometric Muscle tension
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
27 The O Subclavius O Infraspinatus Soleus extends flexes and assists the arm in shoulder abduction Gastrocnemius Deltoid 28 Which type of isotonic contraction involves muscle shortening to move a load O Concentric Eccentric Isometric Muscle tension
23 A cartilaginous joint is expected to be O Freely moveable O Semi moveable Immoveable O None of the above 24 There is only one humerus bone in the body True False
Anatomy and Physiology
23 A cartilaginous joint is expected to be O Freely moveable O Semi moveable Immoveable O None of the above 24 There is only one humerus bone in the body True False
17 What resists the tension on the cell O Microtubule Intermediate filament Microfilament O Cytoskeleton 18 Striations cylindrical cells and multiple nuclei are observed in Skeletal muscle only Cardiac muscle only OSmooth muscle only Skeletal and cardiac muscles
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
17 What resists the tension on the cell O Microtubule Intermediate filament Microfilament O Cytoskeleton 18 Striations cylindrical cells and multiple nuclei are observed in Skeletal muscle only Cardiac muscle only OSmooth muscle only Skeletal and cardiac muscles
9 What type of cells are phagocytic cells scattered within the epidermis Osteocytes O Melanocytes Keratinocytes O Dendritic cells 10 If an athlete is running and suddenly suffers pain in their calf muscles this cramp is most likely due to O A deficit in creatine O A deficit in ATP O A deficit in actin A deficit in myosin
Anatomy and Physiology
9 What type of cells are phagocytic cells scattered within the epidermis Osteocytes O Melanocytes Keratinocytes O Dendritic cells 10 If an athlete is running and suddenly suffers pain in their calf muscles this cramp is most likely due to O A deficit in creatine O A deficit in ATP O A deficit in actin A deficit in myosin
13 Scarring patches injuries and never harms the body True O False 14 Which of these best describes the shape of the frontalis muscle O Triangle Circle O Pentagon Quadrilateral
Anatomy and Physiology
13 Scarring patches injuries and never harms the body True O False 14 Which of these best describes the shape of the frontalis muscle O Triangle Circle O Pentagon Quadrilateral
1 The skin layer that consists of stratified squamous epithelium is the Dermis O Epidermis Subcutaneous sub Q Papillary layer
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
1 The skin layer that consists of stratified squamous epithelium is the Dermis O Epidermis Subcutaneous sub Q Papillary layer
7 Bones grow in length due to activity in the Epiphyseal plate Perichondrium O Periosteum O Medullary cavity
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
7 Bones grow in length due to activity in the Epiphyseal plate Perichondrium O Periosteum O Medullary cavity
8 The vertebral column consist of how many vertebrae O 12 22 36 24
Anatomy and Physiology
8 The vertebral column consist of how many vertebrae O 12 22 36 24
6 The skin layer that consists of dense connective tissue is the O Reticular layer O Epidermis Subcutaneous sub Q Papillary layer
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
6 The skin layer that consists of dense connective tissue is the O Reticular layer O Epidermis Subcutaneous sub Q Papillary layer
5 The stratum corneum layer of the epidermis is superficial to the stratum granulosum layer O True O False
Anatomy and Physiology
5 The stratum corneum layer of the epidermis is superficial to the stratum granulosum layer O True O False
4 The popliteus is located on the posterior side of the knee True False
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
4 The popliteus is located on the posterior side of the knee True False
2 The muscle used to contract and relax for breathing is the O Diaphragm O Lungs Trachea O Thorax
Anatomy and Physiology
Respiratory System
2 The muscle used to contract and relax for breathing is the O Diaphragm O Lungs Trachea O Thorax
3 Which of the following is the heel bone Talus O Navicular O Calcaneus Cuboid Patella
Anatomy and Physiology
3 Which of the following is the heel bone Talus O Navicular O Calcaneus Cuboid Patella
CLICK TO EXPLORE Axial Muscles Muscles of the Back and Abdomen Select a region of the model or an answer below Right External Oblique Left Internal Intercostals Left Serratus Posterior Inferior Right Splenius Capitis Left Rectus Abdominis Diaphragm Left External Intercostals Left Internal Oblique Right Longissimus Thoracis
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
CLICK TO EXPLORE Axial Muscles Muscles of the Back and Abdomen Select a region of the model or an answer below Right External Oblique Left Internal Intercostals Left Serratus Posterior Inferior Right Splenius Capitis Left Rectus Abdominis Diaphragm Left External Intercostals Left Internal Oblique Right Longissimus Thoracis
Bones of the Thoracic Cage Select a region of the model or an answer below Xiphoid Process Atlas CLICK TO EXPLORE Axial Skeleton Axis Manubrium of Sternum Left 12th Floating Rib Sternum Body
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Bones of the Thoracic Cage Select a region of the model or an answer below Xiphoid Process Atlas CLICK TO EXPLORE Axial Skeleton Axis Manubrium of Sternum Left 12th Floating Rib Sternum Body
Bones Types Select a region of the model or an answer below Flat bone Long bone Sutural bone Irregular bone Sesamoid bone Skeletal System Short bone
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Bones Types Select a region of the model or an answer below Flat bone Long bone Sutural bone Irregular bone Sesamoid bone Skeletal System Short bone
Pamona is a protein that protects lbx12 mRNA from degradation The histones in the region of the Pamona gene are deacetylated in muscle cells and acetylated in heart cells You would expect to see less more Ibx12 protein in muscle cells and Ibx12 protein in heart cells
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Pamona is a protein that protects lbx12 mRNA from degradation The histones in the region of the Pamona gene are deacetylated in muscle cells and acetylated in heart cells You would expect to see less more Ibx12 protein in muscle cells and Ibx12 protein in heart cells
K Ras is a proto oncogene that is activated in 95 of all pancreatic cancers Which of the following mutations is likely to increase cell division rate and potentially lead to cancer Select ALL that apply A nonsense mutation close to the start codon of the K Ras gene O Methylation of multiple C residues in the K Ras promoter region O Duplication of the K Ras gene O Insertion of a viral promoter sequence next to K Ras which activates transcription of K Ras O Deletion of the K Ras gene A translocation that puts the K Ras gene near an active repressor region of DNA
Anatomy and Physiology
K Ras is a proto oncogene that is activated in 95 of all pancreatic cancers Which of the following mutations is likely to increase cell division rate and potentially lead to cancer Select ALL that apply A nonsense mutation close to the start codon of the K Ras gene O Methylation of multiple C residues in the K Ras promoter region O Duplication of the K Ras gene O Insertion of a viral promoter sequence next to K Ras which activates transcription of K Ras O Deletion of the K Ras gene A translocation that puts the K Ras gene near an active repressor region of DNA
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
You are helping your professor grade an assignment about biotechnology To the question Explain how beneficial you foresee CRISPR Cas9 therapy will be in immediate future a student replied I think it will be great everyone with a genetic disease will able to be cured Which would be the best feedback to provide the student You have forgotten that everyone will require different crRNAS so CRISPR Cas9 might not work for everyone CRISPR Cas9 therapy is more suitable for generating pharmaceutical products compared to gene therapy You have to recall that CRISPR is involved in treating viral infections not genetic diseases Exactly my thoughts isn t biotechnology an exciting field This would be a great result of this technology but have you considered how expensive this technology still is do you think everyone will be able to afford it
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
You are helping your professor grade an assignment about biotechnology To the question Explain how beneficial you foresee CRISPR Cas9 therapy will be in immediate future a student replied I think it will be great everyone with a genetic disease will able to be cured Which would be the best feedback to provide the student You have forgotten that everyone will require different crRNAS so CRISPR Cas9 might not work for everyone CRISPR Cas9 therapy is more suitable for generating pharmaceutical products compared to gene therapy You have to recall that CRISPR is involved in treating viral infections not genetic diseases Exactly my thoughts isn t biotechnology an exciting field This would be a great result of this technology but have you considered how expensive this technology still is do you think everyone will be able to afford it
Use the terms from the word bank to complete the following statements Note that not all terms will be used pesticide golden rice plants diagnostic tests alcohol production hepatitis B vaccine crop yields fermentation Alzheimer disease biotechnology bioremediation is a field of science that has been around for thousands of years that involves using organisms and or their processes to benefit mankind is a food has been modified to help prevent vision loss by supplying supplemental Vitamin A Biotechnology has led to the development to insect resistant strains of crops like corn resulting in healthier free options Some ancient examples of biotechnology include bread making and alcoholic drink production both of which take advantage of by microbes One application of biotechnology involves modifying warfare agents for example land mines and chemical agents Wildlife may also benefit from biotechnology biotechnology boosted high leads to less use of natural land for farming and minimizes disturbances in the ecosystem In for example modified bacteria have been used to help clean oil spills I to detect various modified microbes can be used to help clean up the environment In addition to providing medical treatments and food with increased nutrition biotechnology has also led to the development of rapid identification of diseases or other medical conditions T which can aid in the
Anatomy and Physiology
Use the terms from the word bank to complete the following statements Note that not all terms will be used pesticide golden rice plants diagnostic tests alcohol production hepatitis B vaccine crop yields fermentation Alzheimer disease biotechnology bioremediation is a field of science that has been around for thousands of years that involves using organisms and or their processes to benefit mankind is a food has been modified to help prevent vision loss by supplying supplemental Vitamin A Biotechnology has led to the development to insect resistant strains of crops like corn resulting in healthier free options Some ancient examples of biotechnology include bread making and alcoholic drink production both of which take advantage of by microbes One application of biotechnology involves modifying warfare agents for example land mines and chemical agents Wildlife may also benefit from biotechnology biotechnology boosted high leads to less use of natural land for farming and minimizes disturbances in the ecosystem In for example modified bacteria have been used to help clean oil spills I to detect various modified microbes can be used to help clean up the environment In addition to providing medical treatments and food with increased nutrition biotechnology has also led to the development of rapid identification of diseases or other medical conditions T which can aid in the
cials pe of fossil to its description X X 000 living thing turned to rock detail left after an organism decays record of an organism s activity solid copy hollow form E
Anatomy and Physiology
cials pe of fossil to its description X X 000 living thing turned to rock detail left after an organism decays record of an organism s activity solid copy hollow form E
3 You are reading a surgeon s operative report During the surgery she made several incisions Your job is to read her operative report and determine where the incisions were made Draw and label the incisions on Figure 1 20 a The first incision was made in the left posterior scapular region 3 cm inferior to the acromial region and 2 cm lateral to the axillary region The cut extended horizontally in a medial direction ending 2 cm lateral to the vertebral region b The second incision began in the anterior umbilical region It extended vertically in a superior direction ending 2 cm inferior to the sternal region Here the cut turned and extended horizontally in a left lateral direction for 4 cm C The third incision was made in the left posterior medial sural region 2 cm distal to the popliteal region The cut extended in a distal direction to 2 cm proximal to the tarsal region HEN
Anatomy and Physiology
3 You are reading a surgeon s operative report During the surgery she made several incisions Your job is to read her operative report and determine where the incisions were made Draw and label the incisions on Figure 1 20 a The first incision was made in the left posterior scapular region 3 cm inferior to the acromial region and 2 cm lateral to the axillary region The cut extended horizontally in a medial direction ending 2 cm lateral to the vertebral region b The second incision began in the anterior umbilical region It extended vertically in a superior direction ending 2 cm inferior to the sternal region Here the cut turned and extended horizontally in a left lateral direction for 4 cm C The third incision was made in the left posterior medial sural region 2 cm distal to the popliteal region The cut extended in a distal direction to 2 cm proximal to the tarsal region HEN
Below is a region of DNA containing a transcription unit The strand of DNA shown is the coding strand Label the drawing with the terms provided DNA 5 Coding region Translation start Transcription initiation Promoter Translation stop Transcription termination 3
Anatomy and Physiology
Below is a region of DNA containing a transcription unit The strand of DNA shown is the coding strand Label the drawing with the terms provided DNA 5 Coding region Translation start Transcription initiation Promoter Translation stop Transcription termination 3
Wild type giraffes have long necks Below is a pedigree of a family of giraffes that has a history of neckless autosomal recessive disorder causes a giraffe to have little or no neck What is the probability that the male giraffe with the question mark in the third generation will have neckless disease There are no new mutations in this family O 1 6 O 1 4 1 2 1 3 Wild type M Neckless
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Wild type giraffes have long necks Below is a pedigree of a family of giraffes that has a history of neckless autosomal recessive disorder causes a giraffe to have little or no neck What is the probability that the male giraffe with the question mark in the third generation will have neckless disease There are no new mutations in this family O 1 6 O 1 4 1 2 1 3 Wild type M Neckless
1 II III IV 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 Part 1 Based on the pedigree could Cardik disorder be X linked recessive Answer Yes or No and provide an example from the pedigree to support your answer B I UT T I EE 0 10000 Word Limit Part 2 Based on the pedigree could Cardik disorder be X linked dominant Answer Yes or No and identify one individual in the pedigree to support your answer Briefly explain
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
1 II III IV 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 Part 1 Based on the pedigree could Cardik disorder be X linked recessive Answer Yes or No and provide an example from the pedigree to support your answer B I UT T I EE 0 10000 Word Limit Part 2 Based on the pedigree could Cardik disorder be X linked dominant Answer Yes or No and identify one individual in the pedigree to support your answer Briefly explain
Points 2 Question 3 What was the objective of state governments after the elections in 1868 O To create new taxes in the North to help the South To stay neutral in discrimination matters O To help the Southern economy to recover from the war O To foster minority representation in Congress Q C 13 17 21
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Points 2 Question 3 What was the objective of state governments after the elections in 1868 O To create new taxes in the North to help the South To stay neutral in discrimination matters O To help the Southern economy to recover from the war O To foster minority representation in Congress Q C 13 17 21