Embryo Questions and Answers

Anatomy and Physiology
Embryo8 21 The layer that is responsible for the motility that propels food and residue through the digestive tract is calle the Multiple Choice O lumen O muscularis externa O submucosa mucosa mucous membrane

Anatomy and Physiology
EmbryoSome people might feel a sudden adrenaline rush if they saw this on their phones Epinephrine also called adrenaline can act as a neurotransmitter when it s synthesized in the neurons It can make the heart beat faster but it also affects smooth muscle How do you think epinephrine will affect smooth muscle contraction Click the VIEW THEORY button for more info a Contraction will decrease in force and frequency b Contraction will increase in force and frequency c Contraction will remain the same

Anatomy and Physiology
Embryo8 cell 1 5 fold MS E P ABa MS E C MS L1 larva DP ABP AB MS E neurons body muscle intestine body muscle body muscle germline epidermis pharynx epidermis pharynx A How are the AB and P1 cells different and what causes that difference B The cell labeled EMS produces the daughter cells that become mesoderm M and endoderm E The E cells express a protein called END 3 What would you predict about END 3 expression and the fate of those cells if yo removed P2 from the 4 cell embryo Explain your reasoning C Cells P1 P4 as well as the germ cell descendants have a type of RNA protein complex called P granules What effe would you predict that removing P granules would have on gene expression meaning what types of genes might be misexpressed and would transcription of these genes be higher or lower

Anatomy and Physiology
EmbryoHard palate Larynx Soft palate Epiglottis Inferior nasal meatus Uvula Tongue Nasal vestibule Middle nasal concha Middle nasal meatus my of the Respiratory System 500

Anatomy and Physiology
Embryo4 5 16 9 Across 2 Negligence by a professional person 4 Intentionally attempting or threatening to touch a person s body without his or her consent 9 Touching a person s body without his or her consent 3 Down A rule of conduct made by a government body A wrong committed against a person or the person s property Making false statements orally Making false statements in print writing or 1 3 5 6 7 7 8 through pictures or drawings Knowledge of what is right conduct and wrong conduct An act that violates a criminal law

Anatomy and Physiology
Embryo1 In a paragraph describe why there is fighting along the Gaza Strip today between the Israelis and Palestinians

Anatomy and Physiology
EmbryoThis is a mature bone cell that maintains the bone matrix O Osteoclast O Osteoblast O Osteocyte

Anatomy and Physiology
Embryobetween the bones and the the type of connective tiss a joint cavity amount of m Question 12 1 point Listen

Anatomy and Physiology
EmbryoWhich of the following is not a function of monitoring sensations from the external world controlling voluntary actions dreaming directing reflexive actions consciousness

Anatomy and Physiology
Embryo21 What is the most abundant protein in plasma Multiple Choice O O O O Insulin Creatine Bilirubin Albumin

Anatomy and Physiology
EmbryoNearsightedness and farsightedness are caused by the density of the aqueous and vitreous humor O positioning of the rods and cones O length of the eyeball O shape of the cornea shape of the lens

Anatomy and Physiology
EmbryoA student noticed that when he closed his eyes he could still determine the position of his arr and legs This is largely due to the activity of O mechanoreceptors O pain receptors chemoreceptors Merkel disks Meissner s corpuscles

Anatomy and Physiology
EmbryoCu l casa cuesta menos despues de reparaciones y muebles Which house costs less after renovations and buying missing furniture and appliances Use images above or notes to answer O Casa 1 O Casa 2 Casa 3

Anatomy and Physiology
Embryo355 000 2 Descripci n precio trescientos ochenta y cinco mil d lares 206 m inmueble ba os 2 dormitorios 4 Inmueble espacioso de 206 m a reparar ideal como proyecto de inversi n y para una propiedad familiar o un proyecto inmobiliario Casa con sala 4 dormitorios cocina y 2 ba os Tiene un garaje y amplio patio con jard n No hay pisos en el inmueble y los ba os no tienen inodoros ni lavamanos La cocina necesita pisos pero no hay que comprar muebles porque tiene estufa fregadero y hasta una lavadora de ropa Estimaci n para reparar para el ba o y los pisos ciento veinte mil d lares Excelente oportunidad de inversi n

Anatomy and Physiology
EmbryoNow formulate your hypothesis a aSN oligomers elute earlier than monomers when performing the size exclusion chromatography b aSN oligomers elute later than monomers when performing the size exclusion chromatography

Anatomy and Physiology
EmbryoA person with social anxiety disorder can be characterized by having an extreme and persistent fear and avoidance of which c the following situations intense conversations Osocial situations where someone could be negatively judged social situations in general Osocial interactions with their peers

Anatomy and Physiology
Embryo1 10 points ten ecific question Stanley Milgram was trying to answer was w the Holocaust started the German government chose to eliminate its Jewish popu ether Eichmann and others killed because they were followin ichmann actually committed murder 2 10 points sten of the following is true about the Milgram experiments gram discovered that anyone can engage in violence

Anatomy and Physiology
EmbryoBased on this picture what is the function of this cranial nerve Multiple Choice O Lateral eye movement Pupillary constriction Inward rotation of the eye Vision

Anatomy and Physiology
EmbryoWhich area was affected when Dr Alex couldn t form long sentences a Wernicke s b Insula c Broca s d Prefrontal cortex

Anatomy and Physiology
EmbryoWhich of the following is true of inferential statistics O Inferential statistics require the use of a census to predict social outcomes O Inferential statistics reduce costs of survey research O All of these are true of inferential statistics O Inferential statistics are used to generalize results from a subpopulation to a population

Anatomy and Physiology
Embryo2 When sheep red blood cells are exposed to 10 NaCl their size and shape will remain the same swell and burst shrink and become wrinkled 3 When sheep red blood cells are exposed to deionized or distilled water that is 0 NaCl their size and shane will remain the same swell and burst shrink and become

Anatomy and Physiology
EmbryoWhat are the visible characte Select all that apply View Available Hint s

Anatomy and Physiology
EmbryoChoose the obverse of the following proposition with the inferred truth value True False Undetermined Some fish are trout T All fish are trout F Some fish are non trout T No fish are not non trout T Some fish are not non trout T

Anatomy and Physiology
EmbryoThe Fairness Doctrine on aggregate cigarette consumption that went into effect in 1967 did not show a significant positive effect in the case of teen smokers because Select one O a The data did not show signs of change Ob The data showed that there were signs of change O c The teens ignored the doctrine Od There is no data to show smoking trends of teens before the Fairness Doctrine was implemented

Anatomy and Physiology
EmbryoWaiter returns and hands each person their drinks You and your friend say thank you in Spanish Waiter asks ready to order in Spanish Use the verb estar You order your food with any specifications I want then order for your guest He She wants Waiter asks Anything else You say that s all thank you Waiter brings food says Enjoy your food customers say thanks Customers comment on food Waiter asks Do y all want dessert Customers respond waiter brings dessert if they order it Use the appropriate phrase taught this year Scene 4 Food Delivery Eating Complete by 1 31 After a while the customer says The check please Image depicts the scene in Book Creator Customers pay say thank you and the waiter saus Thank you Use the appropriate phrase taught this year Waiter is addressing two people Verb querer conjugated properly Any Specifications use con or sin appropriately Use the appropriate phrase taught this year Use the appropriate phrase taught this year Verb estar is conjugated properly Ex My dish name is delicious Verb querer is conjugated properly you all 1 Answer yes and say we want appropriately 2 Answer no we don t want dessert thank you Use the appropriate phrase taught this year

Anatomy and Physiology
EmbryoInclusion Exclusion Census Sampling Sampling Bias Sampling Frame Sampling Error Probability Sampling Non probability Sampling Sampling Variability ons Choose known equal chances of inclusion in the sample the values of sample statistics vary from sample to sample systematic overrepresentation of certain segments of the population a set of conditions that disqualify elements from participation the list used to select the subjects the selection of a subset of the members of a population for inclusion in a study a set of conditions that must be met in order to participate in a study all members of the target population of a study are selected for inclusion in the study chances of inclusion in the sample are unknown the difference between sampled values and true values in the population Choose J systematic overrepresel Choose the difference between Choose Choose the values of sample sta

Anatomy and Physiology
EmbryoHuntington s Disease Darkened individuals express Huntington s Disease Alleles H dominant h recessive I II III IV 8 13 9 10 11 14 2 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 15 166 Write the genotype of each individual on the pedigree 1 9 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 12 Is the Huntington s trait on this pedigree dominant or recessive

Anatomy and Physiology
EmbryoMCR3UZ January 2023 2 of 5 Peel Virtual Secondary School HELPFUL INSTRUCTIONS NOTES 1 Complete both questions it is better to have something for each question rather than really good work in some topics and blanks in other topics Make sure you hand in all your work by the designated due date 2 Explain your solutions don t just show them Showing accurate and full solutions will earn you a level 3 To achieve a level 4 you will likely need multiple parts to your questions part a part b etc 3 Make sure your work is clear and easy to follow 4 Make sure you understand what the topic is and do a question relating to it 5 Avoid using math that is not part of our course curriculum this will not earn any marks 6 You can create a word problem but be careful Often students create word problems with a lot of words that makes things neither difficult nor creative The creative part should be the math and the solutions 7 Make your questions creative and difficult Make the numbers more challenging to solve than normal Ensure you explain your thinking reasoning or steps throughout 8 You can do many creative things For example Puzzle find the mistake and explain which are are not a certain type clues decode a message matching riddle crossword maze and more COMMUNICATION 1 Show all your work Show formulae equal signs therefore symbols fractions and all other symbols notation using the proper formatting 2 Make sure you show what you are solving for and the formula you are using before you use it 3 Label all diagrams and graphs fully including labeling the axes putting arrows and clearly showing the scale Put arrows on lines that continue Show the units in your final answers 4 Fractions and roots should fully cover the numbers they represent Make sure your writing is clearly displayed Fully erase any errors 5 Use full sentences with a clear and thorough explanation some questions have marks for the explanation to answer any word questions 6 Functions should be clearly drawn Show full notation for domain and range Show all work you do when expanding and or factoring 7 Equations begin with a y or f x 8 List all transformations in the correct order 9 Put a rounding dot on any line and only those lines that you or your calculator rounded on 10 Shanes that curve should have smooth curves

Anatomy and Physiology
EmbryoInstructions Submit your reading response to the assigned essay s Read the materials linked to the following source first

Anatomy and Physiology
EmbryoQu prefieres la cena o el desayuno el desayuno Yo O prefiere O prefieres

Anatomy and Physiology
Embryo20th century composer Harry Partch is often mis credited for creating what instrument that he used often in his compositions O The Diamond Marimba O The Prepared Piano O The Player Piano The Wind Machine

Anatomy and Physiology
EmbryoThe golf ball sized structure found inferior to the urinary bladder and surrounding the most proximal portion of the urethra is called the Multiple Choice O seminal vesicle bulbourethral gland urethra ejaculatory duct prostate

Anatomy and Physiology
Embryo24 5 points Match the follow description with the appropriate definition extends from 56 days after fertilization to birth Begins at fertilization and end 14 days Extends from birth to one month after birth The prenatal period during which the major organ systems form is the The period from conception until birth is the Fetal Period Neonatal Period Embryonic Peric Prenatal Period Germinal Period

Anatomy and Physiology
EmbryoProfiles When is the onset of oogenesis in a female s lifetime i e when does the Identify the structure indicated on the image below

Anatomy and Physiology
EmbryoHeart, blood vessels, veins, capillaries, arteries,
List the components of the cardiovascular division.
What are the functions of the circulatory system?

Anatomy and Physiology
EmbryoWhat type of tissue has three primary germ layers?
connective tissue
nervous tissue
embryonic tissue
epithelial tissue

Anatomy and Physiology
EmbryoThe highlighted structure is composed of cells.
luteal body, theca
corona radiata, granulosa
corona radiata, theca
luteal body, granulosa

Anatomy and Physiology
EmbryoA vascular structure that A points to is called and serves to
Seminiferous tubules, produce sperm
Vas deferens, conduct maturing sperm
Spermatic cord, conduct maturing sperm
Pampiniform plexus, warm venous blood entering testes
Pampiniform plexus, cool arterior blood entering testes

Anatomy and Physiology
EmbryoWhich of the characteristics identified using SIM media, which would be most useful in differentiating E. coli and Klebsi
lactose fermentation
hydrogen sulphide formation

Anatomy and Physiology
EmbryoWhich statement is true regarding endocrine system disorders?
A) Excessive secretion of growth hormone (GH) in children can lead to gigantism
B) Hyperthyroidism leads to an increase of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)
C) Diabetes type 1 results from over-secretion of insulin and cellular resistance to insulin.
D) Decreased levels of iodine in the body can lead to imbalances of pancreatic hormones.

Anatomy and Physiology
EmbryoA woman taking phenytoin for a seizure disorder is considering becoming pregnant What is the nurse's best response?
a) "It is not safe for you to become pregnant while on phenytoin."
b) "You will be okay on this medication; there is no risk to the fetus."
c) "It is not safe for you to become pregnant while on any anti-seizure medication
d) "You will probably have to look into adoption because of your seizures."

Anatomy and Physiology
EmbryoGive the function/purpose of the following terms:
a. chorion
b. chorionic villi
c. trophoblast
d. amniotic sac
e. amniotic cavity
f. inner cell mass
g. germ layers
h. ectoderm
i. mesoderm
j. endoderm
k. blastocyst
I. yolk sac

Anatomy and Physiology
EmbryoWhich term best describes the situation in which a sleep medication taken with alcohol causes loss of consciousness?
A. antagonistic interaction
B. synergistic interaction
C. additive interaction

Anatomy and Physiology
EmbryoBecause of the resurgence of cervical cancer in young women, what should a nurse share with young women at a local health fair regarding general information, risk factors (at least 5), and prevention?

Anatomy and Physiology
EmbryoWhich of the following statements regarding human developmental events is/are true? The fusion of sperm and egg (fertilization) occurs in the (1) cervix. (ii) Approximately 24 hours after fertilization, cleavage starts. It continues till the embryo reaches the uterus as it moves down the oviduct towards the uterus. (iii) The cleavage results in the formation of about 100 cells.
Statements I and II
Statements II and III
Statement I only
Statements I and III

Anatomy and Physiology
EmbryoWhich of the following structure refers to a cavity filled with a fluid?
D- Blastocoel

Anatomy and Physiology
EmbryoWhich route does an unfertilized human egg follow through the female reproductive system after being released from the ovary?
oviduct-> uterus -> vagina
oviduct-> vagina -> uterus
uterus-> oviduct -> vagina
uterus -> vagina -> oviduct