Animal Kingdom Questions and Answers

Animal KingdomFigure 32 6 Animal skeletons The forelimb and hindlimb bones of these animals differ according to the locomotor functions of the limbs fernur fore metatarsals hindlimb tibia fibula tarsals c Cat Table 32 2 Comparison of Hindlimb to Forelimb Animal Frog Differences in Hindlimb and Forelimb Bones and Explanation Bird Cat Human

Animal KingdomListen B Match the following pictures to the basic forms of bird wings V High speed wings 1 C Elliptical wings 2 D 3 B Passive soaring wings 4 A Active soaring wings C

Animal KingdomSelect which characteristics fit into the categories of Amniotes or early tetrapod ancestors more permeable skin more keratinized skin 1 Amniotes 2 Early tetrapod ancestor drawing air into lungs pushing air from cavities into lungs

Animal KingdomAOTD What advantage did subdividing the gas bladders into smaller sacs provide for tetrapods Reduced surface area for gas exchange Enhanced ability to breathe underwater Increased buoyancy Increased surface area for gas exchange

Animal Kingdomthe figure below Lepospondyli Ichthyostegalia includes Acanthostega and Ichthyostego Sarcopterygian ancestor Dipnoi 419 Geologic time MY ago Coelacanth Devonian Anthracosauria Amniota Diverse Devonian groups includes Eusthenopteron and Tiktoolik See Chapters 26 through 28 for details Lissamphibians Diverse temnospondyl groups Carboniferous Permian PALEOZOIC 252 MESOZOIC Frogs and toads based on Salamanders Caecilians CENOZOIC 66

Animal KingdomWhere in the body of the Daphnia is the heart located Near the midgut In the tail Adjacent to the second antenna The posterior portion of the body

Animal KingdomChoose one aspect of the city of Portland that is currently unprepared for a major seismic event and propose a detailed solution that could help mitigate the effects of that event

Animal KingdomThe Permo Triassic mass extinction occurred over about O 1000 years O 60 000 years O 120 000 years O 1 000 000 years

Animal KingdomMatch the herbivore tooth type to the correct definition brachydont hypsodont Choose ever growing tooth crown for very abrasive food high tooth crown for tough abrasive vegetation short tooth crowns for soft vegetation hyselodont Choose

Animal Kingdom2 The slimy skin of these amphibian help them exchange gases through their skin In a dry climate the skin would obviously be susceptible to dessication What other aspect of amphibian ecology ties the members of this group to a moist habitat near standing water

Animal KingdomOctopus Mid level 2 Octopuses are molluscs that have lost in an evolutionary sense their shell Are molluscs proterostomes or deuterostomes

Animal KingdomMadagascar Hissing Cockroaches outside 3 Identify two characteristics that make these arthropods

Animal KingdomFish mid level 3 Examine the smaller non tetrapod marine vertebrates i e fish swimming in any of the tanks at this level Take a close look at the structure of the fins and carefully describe it Are the fins fleshy lobed comprised of a muscular limb with some minor fin material around the perimeter or are the fins mostly bony material

Animal KingdomEither pick up an urchin or have a staff person do it and observe the tube feet What does the urchin use the tube feet for and how do they work

Animal KingdomPart II Discovery Hut Rhinoceras Iguana 1 Watch the iguana for a little while Describe the posture of this creature i e how the limbs are attached to the trunk of the body Is it a sprawling gait a semi erect gait or a fully erect gait

Animal Kingdom25 6 You return home to find that your baby brother has scattered his toy trains and trucks all over the floor of your room As you begin to pick up the toys and put them away you realize that even though he is just a baby he has clearly mastered Multiple Choice pints O the first law of thermodynamics O the second law of thermodynamics potential energy O free energy

Animal Kingdomay 1 Wrap up questions atra 1 Compare and contrast how the urchin versus the otter and orca obtain their oxygen Frachea

Animal KingdomWhy is it not lethal for amphibians to mix oxygenated and deoxygenated blood in their three chambered heart a b C d Amphibians can respire though their skin which helps oxygenate the mixed blood Amphibians use gills to oxygenate their blood from their environment directly Amphibians heartbeats prevent mixing of oxygenated and oxygenated blood by pushing blood through the pulmonary circulation first then to the systemic circulation before blood is returned to the heart Amphibians do not mix their oxygenated and deoxygenated blood

Animal KingdomSynapsid ev Identify place the following evolutionary novelties on the tree below either at the correct or next to the correct name only two sets of teeth fur three middle ear bones forward facing feet erect gait multi cusped teeth vertebral column capable of axial bending enlarged synapsid opened larger jaw muscles secondary palate Synapsid diversification various synapsids various therapsids various Therapsids Monotremes cynodonts Cynodonts Marsupials Mammals Placent

Animal KingdomWhich stage of molting is indicated in the figure below premolt carpace elevation ecdysis membrane rupture Previous Page Next Page Abdomen emerging

Animal KingdomInstruction Using the information from the characters below name each alien species based on their characteristics A D G B E H F

Animal KingdomWhich of the following are the components of the vertebrate skull that can be traced back to early vertebrates chondral skeleton visceral skeleton dermal skeleton

Animal KingdomAccording to your textbook which of the following have contributed to arthropods achieving such great diversity and abundance oxygen obtained via simple diffusion simple behavior patterns versatile exoskeletons acoelomate body cavity specialized appendages closed circulatory system highly developed sensory organs

Animal KingdomAccording to your textbook which of the following have contributed to arthropods achieving such great diversity and abundance closed circulatory system acoelomate body cavity oxygen obtained via simple diffusion versatile exoskeletons specialized appendages highly developed sensory organs simple behavior patterns

Animal KingdomWhich one of the following is the overarching reason that amphibious organisms need to live by water O the view O jump in to avoid predators O fertilization of eggs and juvenile development have plenty of drinking supplies

Animal KingdomSelect all of the following that apply to the body wall muscles in nematodes arranged in quadrants are molted in pre adult life history stages contract longitudinally only circular muscles lie beneath the hypodermis

Animal KingdomList the three main chordate evolutionary novelties that we covered in class lecture Describe what they are adaptations for and how they work towards that end Edit View Insert Format Tools Table

Animal KingdomRay fins have fins with a muscular base and robust internal skeletal elements O True O False

Animal KingdomAOTD What is the primary material that makes up the inner cylinder of Phoronid tubes Thin Films Formed by Fibers Small Shells and Sand Hard Substrata Soft Sediment

Animal KingdomWhich answer best explains why the class Sipuncula has been separated from many other classes in the phylum Annelida Emanda On part WEY Lophotrochozoa in part Poc Annelida Pleistoannelida Le of o Sedentaria in part Citellata Stograse St Eche Na Ace Link Acarta dan Hyd Det hedductiv 2ortun Loss of de przypade 27 se Hrudnida Bestur eyes Branna propue DOC Sounce Chastopne Beberat Lines of Ania kol perce Posterior body sucker wa wat segmentatus Permal vegy Sipuncula do not have a feeding mechanism Sipuncula do not exhibit metamerism Sipuncula do not survive in marine environments

Animal KingdomFill in the blank Hookworms are so named because the suggesting a hook dorsal ventral posterior anterior end curves dorsally

Animal KingdomListen Match the terms with the appropriate classes Cestoda Monogenea Trematoda Turbellaria 1 Endoparasitic 2 Free living and commensal 3 Ectoparasitic

Animal KingdomDescribe two reasons why the fossils from the Burgess Shale are so well preserved Why isn t this type of preservation common

Animal Kingdomces When measuring force by looking at the blue plot in the EMG lab simulator each square corresponds to Multiple Choice 2 kg 5 kg 10 kg 1 ka

Animal KingdomAll major metazoan groups that appeared during the Cambrian explosion still have living members O True O False

Animal Kingdomation Spicules Choanocyte Archaeocyte create water currents and engulf food particles Based on your reading match the sponge cells to their individual functions protective and contractile variety of functions such as digestion secrete collagen Pinacocyte Collencyte Mesohyl 1 Pinacocytes 2 Choanocytes 3 Archaeocytes 4 Collencytes

Animal KingdomThe notion that the extinction event was catastrophic was initially triggered because the above fossils show which of the following changes across the boundary most of them become extinct but a few forms survive into the next geologic period they undergo a slow transformation of shape across the boundary reflecting a changing they all become extinct and we haven t seen this form of life since then

Animal KingdomListen Which function is NOT a property of life Populations of organisms rarely change over time Living things exhibit complex but ordered organization Organisms take in energy and use it to perform all of life s activities Organisms reproduce their own kind

Animal KingdomWhat is shown in this illustration 2 dichotomous key phyla binomial nomenclature phylogenetic tree bill elongated bill not elongated bill strongly curved bill straight bill straight bill strongly hooked bill uniform in width ible heron bill greatly widened at end spoonbill cardinal eagle 1 point

Animal KingdomAOTD What is the primary purpose of a tiger s striped body appearance To regulate body temperature To blend in with their surroundings for hunting To attract mates To scare away predators

Animal KingdomWhat is the result of The Great American Interchange as indicated in the figure below Genera from North America and South America both invaded the opposite hemisphere places Genera from North America remained there but genera from South America migrated north Only mammals migrated to North America The animals showed in the figure are the only animals that migrated during this interchange

Animal Kingdomc shipworms and zebra mussels d octopus and squids 2 All molluses have a similar body plan with three main pants which inc a manje b muscular foot c radula d visceral mass 3 The following are subclasses of Mammalia except Vascular seed plants are made up of S Which of the following d gnetophytes 6 The stem like 7 Canis familiarus means a The larval form of lampreys is called an 10 In cartilaginous fishes air bladder is above 11 Bony fishes hav 12 Class Aves have 13 Turbellaria is a class of the phylum and le rash course a Primates b Prototheria c Eutheria Craslicourse Acco Sechinodermata 14 Fasciola hepatica lives the a intestine and bile passages of the primary host d lungs of the primary host e blood 15 Tapeworms have segmented body which consists of series of reproducti b scolex c clitellum d proglottids e oviducts and at my cra dog d domestic se eft Crash Cours of the primary host the primary host units known as Accm Cras co a setae 6 In structural adaptation of plannaria there is a organ of excretory system b organ of respiratory an any Co

Animal Kingdomstructure in 444 Nerve Rang Structure and Function Why do you think the gonads are placed where they are based on how they function ateroid hormone ensi Gorods Weter Vasculor System Digestive System Aristotle s Lanter Spines and Pedicellerin Tube Fert Test do they can reproduce heculer How is This Patteren OF Ucriation indicatet She Paddiomity or a grade OFF in Jest Gllobation of roduced between ye relatie free of aldo light sen sivity respiration What is the function of the tube feet Tocomotion How does the function of the tube feet aid the urchin in its role within the food web Chemcreception and It helps them mave to kelp for move it What takes up a large part of the urchin body cavity Ne system digestive Based on your prior knowledge of animal digestive systems why would your answer to the previous question be important dea urching are herbibet have complete digestive system meaning thay Sat Plants algal and their indepenenly moving songs hap tomar alace to their mouth go How do urchins consume their food delaling dive dhere herd teeth gu frape minute algal Plants OFF the rora Alde eded teeth to grind away rock and burrow a homo rocks Their mooth s are on the How are the parts of their anatomy adapted for eating specifically what they consume ottom of their ladies and they use a break like sture doare ale sale OFF What is the function of the test How does the function of the tube feet aid the urchin in its role within the food web

Animal KingdomLet s now look at the anatomy of an urchin to better understand how it functions Click on Urchin Anatomy and click Start As you work through each structure draw a line from the label to the structure in the diagram Structure and Function Why do you think the gonads are placed where they are based on how they function How is Aristotle s Lantern structured to perform its function B What is the function of the tube feet How does the function of the tube feet aid the urchin in its role within the food web important How do urchins consume their food Nerve Ring What is the function of the test AL How are the parts of their anatomy adapted for eating specifically what they consume Gonads Water Vascular System Digestive System What takes up a large part of the urchin body cavity Based on your prior knowledge of animal digestive systems why would your answer to the previous question be Aristotle s Lontem Spines and Pedicellaria Tube Feet Test

Animal KingdomRefer to the figure below A most recent common ancestor for both species C and E could be at position number Present Time 10 MYA B Son Dak V m mana ada 3 4 Genetic Relatedness

Animal KingdomIn cat coating hair length is determined by a single gene with two alleles L which results in short hair and I which results in long hair A researcher performs a genetic cross between two heterozygous cats for hair length LI What is the probability of obtaining exactly 3 cats with short hair LL or LI out of a total of 5 offspring Hint Use the Binomial probability formula to find the answer n n X IXIA P X 0 2637 O 0 3955 0 3125 Tp qn 2

Animal KingdomWhich of the following is are the infective stage for helminths O larvae O adult helminths eggs O both eggs and larvae can be infective

Animal KingdomThe filaments that make up the thallus of a mold are the Omycorrhizae O yeast Ohyphae O conidium

Animal KingdomWhat is a mycosis O spore forming unit of a mold O fungal infection O bacterial infection O body of a mold