Ecology - Environmental Issues Questions and Answers

Ecology - Environmental IssuesFluorescent signals from the reporter dye are number of amplicons that are generated Inversely proportional Indirectly proportional Cross wise proportional Directly proportional proportional to the

Ecology - Environmental IssuesWhich of the following have been linked to climate change Extreme weather patterns Rising sea levels All of the answer choices listed are correct Droughts

Ecology - Environmental IssuesThe primary cause of recent global warming is believed to be the increased burning of fossil fuels chemical reactions in the atmosphere that are driven by solar heat plastic pollution in the ocean the depletion of the ozone layer

Ecology - Environmental IssuesThe primary cause of recent global warming is believed to be plastic pollution in the ocean chemical reactions in the atmosphere that are driven by solar heat the depletion of the ozone layer the increased burning of fossil fuels

Ecology - Environmental IssuesThe Greenhouse Effect results in the decrease in the surface temperature on Earth lower average ocean temperatures an oxygen shortage the rise in surface temperatures on Earth

Ecology - Environmental IssuesHow much more acidic are our oceans today than at the beginning of the industrial era 20 more acidic today 5 more acidic today No change More than 26 more acidic

Ecology - Environmental IssuesHow do the carbon dioxide molecules contribute to global warming They absorb infrared radiation emitted from the Earth and redistribute it in different directions over the Earth s surface Carbon dioxide naturally emits heat energy The large number of carbon dioxide molecules in the atmosphere creates a layer surrounding Earth They react with other greenhouse gases to cause an exothermic reaction generating heat

Ecology - Environmental Issuesis a change in atmospheric conditions over minutes to days whereas is the average of conditions over decades Global cooling global warming Storm formation hurricane formation Climate weather Weather climate

Ecology - Environmental IssuesWhich do you think is most deadly A Ground shaking B Liquefaction C Fire D Tsunami E Landslides

Ecology - Environmental IssuesWhat causes an Earthquake a The breakdown of material in the core b When stress is less than strength of the rock c Deformation of plastic material d When stress is greater than strength of the roc e When stored elastic energy is released

Ecology - Environmental IssuesChoose either tsunamis or landslides both of which may result from volcanic eruptions or earthquake occurrence Describe the process in detail as it relates to both volcanoes and earthquakes and provide a detailed historical example

Ecology - Environmental IssuesMoll ram s innovations Seizing the Light 3rd Edition of the constructivists and a supporter of the Revolution Rodchenko viewed these new systems as a way to reshape society In 1920 Rodchenko khuk the Institute of Artistic Culture whose was to integrate art into everyday life Abandon ing for graphic design Rodchenko designed some st original political posters in a Soviet culture poster developed as a primary form of mass cation Around 1923 Rodchenko came under the of El Lissitzky an innovative typographical de mo wed abstract form to social usage and Mo and then commenced making photomontages menko photography presented the ideal socialist It was inexpensive quick repeatable and un able Photography according to Rodchenko nish the monuments of the future measure of y responses raph 1 is bro Paragraph Days 88 Aa III a Q March 16 2024 at 11 18 PM As a measure of your participation you will write 200 word minimum responses to the readings as well as responding to at least one other post In these posts I want to see concrete examples where you critically reflect on the readings This can include citing specific photographs and photographers theoretical connections between different readings idens themes and or the author s own What ought to remain of Lenin an arm portraits etchings watercolours his se ary his friend s memoirs or a file of taken of him at work and rest I dor there s a choice Art has no place in ma Every cultured modern man must wage art Photograph and be photographes By 1924 Rodchenko adopted a small hand make photographs of people and ordinam plored unconventional points of view Hi turbed rules of composition and subject atypical priorities of visual importance era sees Rodchenko developed an unusu by tilting the camera and shooting from the subject using the instantaneous sens to create a sense of activity These often tions were reinforced by a rhythm of com the highlight and shadow areas deliveri retorts and factual information about th chenko defined a socially relevant photo lutionary act one that destabilized his a traying everyday scenes from unfamilias Communist officials initially supported late 1920s he came under attack from th

Ecology - Environmental IssuesMaya population density Forest cover Soil erosion Low Forested Open High Low 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 Year BP Copyright 2003 American Institute of Biological Sciences Foster D R F Swanson J Aber D Tilman N Brokaw I Burke and A Knapp 2003 The importance of land use and its legacies to ecology and environmental management BioScience 53 77 88 Based on the figure above what can you conclude about the history of land use in the southern Yucat n This Mayan population practiced sustainable development

Ecology - Environmental IssuesWhat kind of stream is this 5 A Excess Energy B Deficient Energy Balanced Energy D Rejuvenated

Ecology - Environmental IssuesWhich of the following best describes the sequence in which a detrital sedimentary rock forms O weathering lithification turning to stone transportation deposition weathering transportation deposition lithification O lithification weathering transportation deposition

Ecology - Environmental IssuesFifty percent of the offspring produced by a cross between pea plants have seeds with a wrinkled r appearance caused by the presence of a homozygous recessive gene What were the genotypes of the parents OA Rrx Rr OB RR x Rr OC RR x rr OD Rr x rr

Ecology - Environmental IssuesExplain how the radioactive decay of a parent element into a daughter product allows for absolute dating of a geologic material Make specific references to the curves in the figure in your explanation Number 100 Number of parent ame 75 25 unter der Member of ball Ives

Ecology - Environmental IssuesMississippi River East South Central Misefeelppl Jackson Memphis Oblo River Kentucky Nashville Tennessee Mississippi Alabama Monigomery Golf of Mexica Chattahoochee EnchantedLeaming com southeast in this area and what is its capital Ann River Ohio River Frankfort Lexington Knoxville N WE 9 S Key State Capital Water State boundary City 1 What large body of water borders the East South Central region on the south 2 What major river borders this area on the west 3 What major river borders this area on the north 4 What is the northernmost state in this area and what is its capital 5 Which state is the farthest En which part of the USA is this area located the northeast portu West 6 Which state is the farthest southwest in this area and what is its capital 7 Which state is located just south of Kentucky and what is its capital In which state is Lexington located Which two of the East South Central states border the Gulf of Mexico and

Ecology - Environmental IssuesListen Number of families of marine animals 900 600 300 Cambrian explosion 600 PALEOZOIC ERA Ordovician Devonian extinction extinction MESOZOIC ERA Triassic extinction Permian extinction 400 200 Geologic time 106 years before present CENOZOIC ERA illicer Cretaceous extinction 0 The figure represents the fossil record of marine organisms that depicts long term changes in animal diversity Choose which answers below accurately describe the figure above The overall number of marine families has increased to the present This figure illustrates polymorphism within a species of marine organisms The most disastrous extinction occurred approximately 200 million years ago mya The Cambrian explosion is when most families of marine organisms arose The sharp drops on the figure indicate punctuated equilibrium which explains change in speciation and extinction over millions of years The sharp drops on the figure indicate episodic mass extinctions which explains

Ecology - Environmental IssuesA population of wrasse fish have several different color variations In generation 1 there were 100 blue wrasse 50 yellow wrasse and 250 green wrasse In generation 2 there were 150 blue wrasse 75 yellow wrasse and 100 green wrasse Which color has th highest Relative Fitness Yellow All colors have the same Relative Fitness Green

Ecology - Environmental IssuesDiscuss species diversity Give an example of what can happen when agricultural diversity is ignored

Ecology - Environmental IssuesStudy guide The following are the topics you need to know and understand These are the areas that will be covered on the exam 1 List the steps of the scientific method in order Observation Question Hypothesis Experiment Anaysis conclusion 2 Write down an example of an experiment and write out a hypothesis independent variable and dependent variable 3 Compare Sand silt and clay soil separation lab properties Tra Use a soil triangle to find out the names of the following soil compositions a 30 sand b 25 sand 45 silt 30 clay 30 silt 40 clay 5 Write the charges of each of the following subatomic particles a Proton b Neutron c Electron 6 Structure of an atom Draw an atom below and put in electrons protons and neutrons in their correct place in the atom

Ecology - Environmental IssuesWhat is NOT the resources factors of production in economics human resources natural resources company stock capital reproduceable inputs

Ecology - Environmental IssuesWhat is NOT a reason for the Great Depression 1929 1941 World War II the Stock Market Crash of 1929 bank runs and failures attempts by the government to balance its budget

Ecology - Environmental IssuesWhat is a conclusion that can be made based off of the data shown in the graph PERCENTAGES OF CODING DNA FOUND IN VARIOUS ORGANISMS Human Homo sapiens 2 Fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster 19 Round worm Caenorhabditis elegans 25 Arabidopsis Arabidopsis thaliana 28 E coli Escherichia coli 90 Percentage of DNA that codes for proteins Humans have fewer genes that code for proteins than other organisms Round worms and Arabidopsis have roughly the same number of coding DNA molecules The most complex organism shown is E coli whereas humans are the least complex A smaller percentage of fruit fly DNA codes for proteins than Arabidopsis DNA

Ecology - Environmental IssuesOrganisms that can manufacture their own chemical energy are called O autotrophs O heterotrophs O oligotrophs O chemotrophs QUESTION 32 In animals that take in oxygen from their environment glucose is broken down into carbon dioxide and water in a process called O anaerobic respiration O organic compound respiration O glucose respiration aerobic respiration

Ecology - Environmental IssuesConsider your experiences as a student in America Then reflect on the questions below and respond in 3 5 well written sentence 1 What comes to mind when you consider the phrase the American Dream 2 What obstacles exist to achieving the American Dream 3 Considering these obstacles what makes the American Dream appealing to some

Ecology - Environmental IssuesWhich Act was passed in 1973 to protect individual species whose population numbers had fallen to near extinction so that their populations could recover The National Environmental Policy Act A B C D The Clean Air Act The Clean Water Act The Endangered Species Act

Ecology - Environmental IssuesWhich is a possible contributor to global warming O A B C D The products released from burning of fossil fuels The products released from photosynthesis The products released from cellular respiration The products released from evaporation

Ecology - Environmental IssuesWhich of the following is NOT considered to be a greenhouse gas O O O A B C D Oxygen Carbon dioxide Water vapor Methane

Ecology - Environmental Issues1 What websites did you use to find meteorites for sale 2 How do you know the meteorites are real What is the policy or statement of authenticity Number Name Price Type of meteorite Where found Size and other details nohy 4 and list their characteristics 1 2 4 Which meteorite out of the 4 do you like the best and why 6 Add 2 cool meteorite pictures below 3 Table 3 4 5 If you were given lots of money to buy an expensive meteorite which one would you buy and why Describe it below

Ecology - Environmental Issues1 What was the economic environment for Keynesian economic theory to emerge

Ecology - Environmental Issues4 What is a Keynesian way to solve the issue of a low saving rate in US

Ecology - Environmental IssuesHandsome Paul doesn t talk about his political views He s got to be either a Democrat or a Republican And he certainly is no Republican So he must be a Democrat Which fallacy is involved in this argument O Slippery Slope O False Dilemma O Hasty Genealization palem

Ecology - Environmental IssuesAbortion is the unjustified killing of a human being and as such is murder Murder is illegal So abortion should be illegal What fallacy is involved here O False Dilemma O Begging the question

Ecology - Environmental Issuesxplain how an increase in greenhouse gases contribute to an increase in average global temperature

Ecology - Environmental Issuesa 18 The portion of the Earth C a b Lithosphere c Asthenosphere d Both a b 19 Tectonic plates are actively separating in all of the following EXCEPT a Rift zones b Sea floor spreading areas c Subducting plate boundaries d The mid ocean ridges 20 The force that causes volcanoes to explode violently is Hot convection currents in the asthenosphere that pushes magma upward a b The large amount of iron found within mafic volcanoes c Expanding pressure from volcanic gases called volatiles d Low viscosity magmas 21 The more silica in the magma the more likely a A powerful eruption will occur b The lava erupted will flow easily causing hazards The more volatile gasses can escape readily d The lava will have low viscosity 22 A volcano can spew several kinds of gas into the air but most of the gas is Water vapor and carbon dioxide Crust and entrained mantle b Nitrogen and Sulphur dioxide c Sulphur dioxide and chlorine d Nitrogen that why it s the most common gas 71 in atmosphere 23 As seen in the video when the amount of Sulphur dioxide emissions are measured COSPEC suddenly drops at an active volcano this indicates that a The vent is blocked and pressure is building b The magma has not been contaminated c Sulphur dioxide has been replaced by water vapor d We can breathe easier the volcano is unlikely to erupt

Ecology - Environmental IssuesCognitive ability can refer to a general construct akin to intelligence only True False

Ecology - Environmental IssuesDuring an economic expansion boom workers tend to command higher wages Why higher demand for workers Olower demand for workers lower supply of workers Ohigher supply of workers

Ecology - Environmental IssuesProteins Amino acids Carbohydrates Sugars Glycolysis Glucose Glyceraldehyde 3 phosphate Pyruvate Acetyl CoA Citric acid cycle Oxidative phosphorylation Fats Glycerol Fatty acids The conversion of pyruvate to acetyl CoA is irreversible Predict what would happen to fatty acidsas a result of thi Fatty acidscannot be metabolized in the citric acid cycle Fatty acidscannot be converted into carbohydrates O Fatty acids can be converted into carbohydrates O Fatty acidscan

Ecology - Environmental IssuesIf you wanted to install lights to grow plants indoors the type of light would you want to use is microwaves because it has low energy wavelengths O ultraviolet because it has high energy wavelengths O visible light because it has low energy wavelengths O gamma rays because it has high energy wavelengths O infrared because it has high energy wavelengths

Ecology - Environmental Issuesthe Communist State 1949 land ownership remained private Thus this was not a socialist revolution which would require the social as opposed to private landownership of land Speaking bitterness The new law encouraged peasants to decide who were landlords or rich peasants and which ones had treated people harshly However unlike the often uncontrolled violence that had accompanied pre 1949 land reform the new government tried to curb this in the hope that a more orderly land transfer would not disrupt production Unlike the urban bourgeoisie whose skills the government needed to carry through industrial modernisation and development the rural landlord class contributed very little to agricultural production Yet despite the government s hopes for an essentially peaceful reform process there was great bitterness in many rural areas against those who had ruthlessly exploited them before 1949 as shown by Sources 2 8 and 2 9 As a result a bitter class struggle made worse by the impact of the Korean War often took place at mass struggle meetings which CCP cadres could not always control Lucky landlords had to apologise for their past behaviour at these mass meetings the unlucky approximately 1 million faced summary execution many more were sent to labour camps after mass public trials SOURCE 2 8 Rather than simply distribute land to the landless CCP workers or cadres were assigned to villages across China After identifying the biggest landholders or landlords in the village their task was to organize meetings of the villagers to discuss the bitterness of the past and denounce the landlords as a symbol of the villagers past oppression Only after such speak bitterness meetings ended in a verdict on the landlords was the actual land reform carried out In some instances landlords judged by the villagers to be exploiters or bullies faced execution those not considered enemies of the people were denounced and then released with only enough land to support themselves and their families It is estimated that during the period of the land reform some 2 3 million landlords were executed by peasant tribunals led by Party

Ecology - Environmental Issuesfint new mem quarter mun Jull meng Cast quarter Moon Bursday 8 18 22 29 Lunar Phase New Moon New Crescent First Quarter New Gibbous O 23 30 Trenday Wednesday Thundar 3 10 17 24 31 4 11 18 25 Date 3 1 July 8 July 6 12 19 26 Risday 0 13 20 27 Table 2 14 21 28 Lunar Phase Full Moon 2 Key New Moon First quarter Moon Full Moon Old Gibbous Last Quarter Old Crescent Last quartor Moon Date 16 July b On which date will the next first quarter Moon phase occur August 6 B August 10 C August 16 D August 22 c On which date was this phase of the Moon visible from New York State A July 4 B July 11 July 19 D July 26

Ecology - Environmental Issues6 Deforestation and agricultural activities including the production of crops and livestock are thought to play a major role in the greenhouse effect The graph shows annual trends in rates of deforestation and the production of soybeans and cattle in the state of Mato Grosso in Brazil in the period from 2001 to 2010 What conclusion can be drawn from the information in this graph A The decline in rates of deforestation led to an increase in production of CO2 Annual production production in 2001 2 800 A 2003 2005 2007 2009 1 1200 2001 1000 600 400 200 0 Key o soybeans cattle deforestation B Soybean production accounted for a greater proportion of deforestation than cattle production C Forest habitats declined during the first few years of the study D The decline in rates of deforestation is due to an increase in soybean production Rates of defo thousand hectares y

Ecology - Environmental Issues1 Which activity directly contributes the most to recent increases in atmospheric CO concentrations A Landfills B Planting trees C Cattle rearing D Burning of fossil fuels 2 What is a potential consequence of the rise in global temperatures A Increased exposure to UV light due to ozone depletion B Increase in ocean pH threatening the survival of marine organisms that require calcium carbonate C Decrease in the number and severity of storms due to the increased evaporation D Changes to circulating ocean currents 3 How do greenhouse gases contribute to global warming A They destroy the ozone layer allowing radiation to reach the Earth s surface B They prevent radiation from the Earth escaping into space C They trap short wavelength radiation in the atmosphere Name D They are a product of combustion which generates heat ab to colpo 4 Which gases have made the most significant contributions to global warming A Water and carbon dioxide B Carbon dioxide and methane C Methane and nitrous oxide D Carbon dioxide and ozone

Ecology - Environmental IssuesQuestion 2 An arrow pulled back in a bow is an example of potential energy O True O False

Ecology - Environmental IssuesThe breakdown of glucose to pyruvate by a cell is aff reaction Catabolic Anabolic Aerobic Apoptotic Synthetic Question 13 0 5 points Listen An anabolic reaction usually requires energy True