Animal Kingdom Questions and Answers

20 Now that you have learned all the major structures Practice labeling the frog You may need to refer back to previous slides esophagus large intestine heart liver urinary bladder duodenum pancreas gallbladder pyloric valve stomach small intestine spleen fat bodies CIFFTIO Guy Go wa Congale
Animal Kingdom
20 Now that you have learned all the major structures Practice labeling the frog You may need to refer back to previous slides esophagus large intestine heart liver urinary bladder duodenum pancreas gallbladder pyloric valve stomach small intestine spleen fat bodies CIFFTIO Guy Go wa Congale
28 What might be the effect on an animal of not being able to perceive taste
Animal Kingdom
28 What might be the effect on an animal of not being able to perceive taste
Which cells are highlighted Oependymal cells Omicroglial cells O Schwann cells Osatellite cells C
Animal Kingdom
Which cells are highlighted Oependymal cells Omicroglial cells O Schwann cells Osatellite cells C
Which muscles are innervated by the highlighted structure Oflexor pollicis longus and brachioradialis O biceps brachii brachialis and coracobrachialis O lateral and long heads of the triceps brachii Oflexor carpi radialis and palmaris longus LT M11 Deluxe Muscular Arm 6 part 30 Goientifico
Animal Kingdom
Which muscles are innervated by the highlighted structure Oflexor pollicis longus and brachioradialis O biceps brachii brachialis and coracobrachialis O lateral and long heads of the triceps brachii Oflexor carpi radialis and palmaris longus LT M11 Deluxe Muscular Arm 6 part 30 Goientifico
Which of the following animals do NOT have a body cavity coelom or pseudocoelom Check all that apply Platyhelminthes Cnidaria Porifera Nematoda
Animal Kingdom
Which of the following animals do NOT have a body cavity coelom or pseudocoelom Check all that apply Platyhelminthes Cnidaria Porifera Nematoda
Which of the following animals belongs in Phylum Platyhelminthes Planaria Hydra Sponge Vinegar eels
Animal Kingdom
Which of the following animals belongs in Phylum Platyhelminthes Planaria Hydra Sponge Vinegar eels
ne Left 0 20 35 2 5 Shafiqa Hamzi Attempt 1 W Nucleus Golgi body Endoplasmic Reticulum Mitochondria 4 yow Wh 3
Animal Kingdom
ne Left 0 20 35 2 5 Shafiqa Hamzi Attempt 1 W Nucleus Golgi body Endoplasmic Reticulum Mitochondria 4 yow Wh 3
Left 0 24 19 2 5 Shafiqa Hamzi Attempt 1 Endoplasmic Reticulum Golgi body Mitochondria Cell Membrane EFF revyen 4 Mod 3
Animal Kingdom
Left 0 24 19 2 5 Shafiqa Hamzi Attempt 1 Endoplasmic Reticulum Golgi body Mitochondria Cell Membrane EFF revyen 4 Mod 3
Listen What type of synovial joint is labeled as 2 and what is its range of motion 1 3 2 4
Animal Kingdom
Listen What type of synovial joint is labeled as 2 and what is its range of motion 1 3 2 4
point 4 Listen As body size increases in animals ng in the digestive tract reproduction becomes limited to terrestrial environments it becomes easier to conserve body warmth in cold environments migration to tropical areas becomes necessary for thermoregulation there is greater variability in metabolic rate there is an increase in the surface area to volume ratin
Animal Kingdom
point 4 Listen As body size increases in animals ng in the digestive tract reproduction becomes limited to terrestrial environments it becomes easier to conserve body warmth in cold environments migration to tropical areas becomes necessary for thermoregulation there is greater variability in metabolic rate there is an increase in the surface area to volume ratin
An advantage of a complete tube digestive system over a gastrovascular cavity is that the complete system allows digestive enzymes to be more specific excludes the need for extracellular digestion allows extensive branching facilitates intracellular digestion allows specialized functions in specialized ronion
Animal Kingdom
An advantage of a complete tube digestive system over a gastrovascular cavity is that the complete system allows digestive enzymes to be more specific excludes the need for extracellular digestion allows extensive branching facilitates intracellular digestion allows specialized functions in specialized ronion
sten Panting by an overheated dog achieves cooling by evaporation shivering thermogenesis nonshivering thermogenesis torpor acclimatization
Animal Kingdom
sten Panting by an overheated dog achieves cooling by evaporation shivering thermogenesis nonshivering thermogenesis torpor acclimatization
Listen As body size increases in animals tio there is greater variability in metabolic rate there is a decrease in the surface to volume ratio reproduction becomes limited to terrestrial environments migration to tropical areas becomes necessary for thermoregulation it becomes more difficult to conserve body warmth in
Animal Kingdom
Listen As body size increases in animals tio there is greater variability in metabolic rate there is a decrease in the surface to volume ratio reproduction becomes limited to terrestrial environments migration to tropical areas becomes necessary for thermoregulation it becomes more difficult to conserve body warmth in
An exchange surface in direct contact with the external environment is found in the skeletal muscles the gills of a fish liver heart
Animal Kingdom
An exchange surface in direct contact with the external environment is found in the skeletal muscles the gills of a fish liver heart
eptiles kept in captivity such as lizards and snakes usually need heat lamps on their cages so that they eat enough to maintain a good body weight How is the cage temperature related to the amount of food they eat Why doesn t a hamster need heat lamp
Animal Kingdom
eptiles kept in captivity such as lizards and snakes usually need heat lamps on their cages so that they eat enough to maintain a good body weight How is the cage temperature related to the amount of food they eat Why doesn t a hamster need heat lamp
In the legs of Canada geese counter current exchange is occurring Which two substances are moving opposite one another Oblood in veins and blood in arteries Oblood in arteries and oxygen Oheat in veins and heat in arteries Oblood in arteries and blood in capillaries Oblood in veins and interstitial fluid Question 8 1 point
Animal Kingdom
In the legs of Canada geese counter current exchange is occurring Which two substances are moving opposite one another Oblood in veins and blood in arteries Oblood in arteries and oxygen Oheat in veins and heat in arteries Oblood in arteries and blood in capillaries Oblood in veins and interstitial fluid Question 8 1 point
A mouse compared to an elephant has a lower metabolic rate per gram a larger surface area to volume ratio more rapid heat loss from the body surface little ability to maintain homeostasis a higher heart rate Question 13 1 point
Animal Kingdom
A mouse compared to an elephant has a lower metabolic rate per gram a larger surface area to volume ratio more rapid heat loss from the body surface little ability to maintain homeostasis a higher heart rate Question 13 1 point
This drug in the picture can treat Fever Epilepsy Cancer arrhythmia HO N N
Animal Kingdom
This drug in the picture can treat Fever Epilepsy Cancer arrhythmia HO N N
A black guinea pig crossed with a guinea pig with albinism produced 12 black offspring When the albino was crossed with a second black animal six blacks and six albinos were obtained What is the best explanation for this genetic situation Albinism is a dominant trait black is incompletely dominant Albinism is a recessive trait black is codominant Albinism and black are codominant Albinism is a recessive trait black is a dominant trait
Animal Kingdom
A black guinea pig crossed with a guinea pig with albinism produced 12 black offspring When the albino was crossed with a second black animal six blacks and six albinos were obtained What is the best explanation for this genetic situation Albinism is a dominant trait black is incompletely dominant Albinism is a recessive trait black is codominant Albinism and black are codominant Albinism is a recessive trait black is a dominant trait
In which of the following ways do plant hormones differ from hormones in animals Plant hormones commonly travel through the soil from one plant to another Animal hormones typically travel from the hormone producing cell to an adjacent responding cell through gap junctions Animal hormones are only local regulators Plant hormones frequently travel through the air as a gas
Animal Kingdom
In which of the following ways do plant hormones differ from hormones in animals Plant hormones commonly travel through the soil from one plant to another Animal hormones typically travel from the hormone producing cell to an adjacent responding cell through gap junctions Animal hormones are only local regulators Plant hormones frequently travel through the air as a gas
Which muscle is highlighted gluteus minimus piriformis quadratus femoris latissimus dorsi
Animal Kingdom
Which muscle is highlighted gluteus minimus piriformis quadratus femoris latissimus dorsi
Which muscle is highlighted biceps brachii latissimus dorsi O pectoralis major coracobrachialis g ccng stu ccng maandp stu help support bridge html LT VA 16 Life Size Muscle Torso 27 part 38 Scientific
Animal Kingdom
Which muscle is highlighted biceps brachii latissimus dorsi O pectoralis major coracobrachialis g ccng stu ccng maandp stu help support bridge html LT VA 16 Life Size Muscle Torso 27 part 38 Scientific
Refer to the phylogeny below At one point in the phylogeny do we first see differentiated cell types dullilatan a b C d e f g
Animal Kingdom
Refer to the phylogeny below At one point in the phylogeny do we first see differentiated cell types dullilatan a b C d e f g
ten To find the tube feet of a sea star you would have to look on the dorsal side at the anterior end on the ventral side at the posterior end
Animal Kingdom
ten To find the tube feet of a sea star you would have to look on the dorsal side at the anterior end on the ventral side at the posterior end
Listen Which feature do all chordates possess at least in some part of their life cycle Overtebrae scales an amniotic egg notorhord
Animal Kingdom
Listen Which feature do all chordates possess at least in some part of their life cycle Overtebrae scales an amniotic egg notorhord
Isten Which of the following is unique to echinoderms radial symmetry Oring canal Odeuterostome development a coelom
Animal Kingdom
Isten Which of the following is unique to echinoderms radial symmetry Oring canal Odeuterostome development a coelom
To find the madreporite of a sea star you would have to look on the dorsal side at the anterior end on the ventral side at the posterior end
Animal Kingdom
To find the madreporite of a sea star you would have to look on the dorsal side at the anterior end on the ventral side at the posterior end
To find the mouth of a sea star you would have to look on the dorsal side at the anterior end on the ventral side at the posterior end
Animal Kingdom
To find the mouth of a sea star you would have to look on the dorsal side at the anterior end on the ventral side at the posterior end
Which of the following is a Deuterostome O crayfish earthworm Olancelet chopper
Animal Kingdom
Which of the following is a Deuterostome O crayfish earthworm Olancelet chopper
A Cartilaginous fish B Amphibians Hagfish Lampreys Sharks and Rays Ray finned fish O Coelacanths Lungfish Frogs Jawless fish Cartilaginous fish Caecilians Lizards and snakes Turtles Crocodiles and alligators Birds Mammals Lobe finned Salamanders Amphibians fish Sauropsids Bony fish Tetrapods
Animal Kingdom
A Cartilaginous fish B Amphibians Hagfish Lampreys Sharks and Rays Ray finned fish O Coelacanths Lungfish Frogs Jawless fish Cartilaginous fish Caecilians Lizards and snakes Turtles Crocodiles and alligators Birds Mammals Lobe finned Salamanders Amphibians fish Sauropsids Bony fish Tetrapods
2 15 18 List three reasons why insects are such a successful group of animals Explain how these reasons enhance insect success
Animal Kingdom
2 15 18 List three reasons why insects are such a successful group of animals Explain how these reasons enhance insect success
Question 29 3 points 4 Listen List three reasons why insects are such a successful group of animals Explain how these reasons enhance insect success
Animal Kingdom
Question 29 3 points 4 Listen List three reasons why insects are such a successful group of animals Explain how these reasons enhance insect success
B Currently animals are defined by having a collection of various traits What are these traits that define animals Why isn t an Amoeba an animal A fungus
Animal Kingdom
B Currently animals are defined by having a collection of various traits What are these traits that define animals Why isn t an Amoeba an animal A fungus
The shared derived character that defines the clade Mammalla is mammary glands Overtebrae the placenta the four chambered hear
Animal Kingdom
The shared derived character that defines the clade Mammalla is mammary glands Overtebrae the placenta the four chambered hear
Which of the following describes echinoderms They are found in both freshwater and saltwater environments They have an exoskeleton of hard calcareous plates Tubefeet provide motility in most species Hemolymph circulates in the water vascular system Digestion occurs completely outside of the organism
Animal Kingdom
Which of the following describes echinoderms They are found in both freshwater and saltwater environments They have an exoskeleton of hard calcareous plates Tubefeet provide motility in most species Hemolymph circulates in the water vascular system Digestion occurs completely outside of the organism
1 5 53 Which of the following do ALL chordates possess at least during some part of their life cycle Oa well developed head cranium Ojaws O a backbone a notochord four limbs
Animal Kingdom
1 5 53 Which of the following do ALL chordates possess at least during some part of their life cycle Oa well developed head cranium Ojaws O a backbone a notochord four limbs
8 9 3 7 1 11 12 14 1 15 A shared derived characteristic for members of the vertebrate subphylum would be the presence of Overtebrae the coelom a head a notochord
Animal Kingdom
8 9 3 7 1 11 12 14 1 15 A shared derived characteristic for members of the vertebrate subphylum would be the presence of Overtebrae the coelom a head a notochord
18 Which characteristic s is are shared by both cnidarians and flatworms true muscle radial symmetry a digestive system with a single opening O a coelom dorsoventrally flattened bodies
Animal Kingdom
18 Which characteristic s is are shared by both cnidarians and flatworms true muscle radial symmetry a digestive system with a single opening O a coelom dorsoventrally flattened bodies
Which of the following is NOT a function associated with a body cavity coelom allowing internal organs to move operate independently of the body wall digestion Oprotection of internal organs support movement
Animal Kingdom
Which of the following is NOT a function associated with a body cavity coelom allowing internal organs to move operate independently of the body wall digestion Oprotection of internal organs support movement
Nematode worms and annelid worms share which of the following features O presence of segmentation ecdysis use of fluid in the body cavity as a hydrostatic skeleton absence of species with parasitic lifestyles O presence of a circulatory system
Animal Kingdom
Nematode worms and annelid worms share which of the following features O presence of segmentation ecdysis use of fluid in the body cavity as a hydrostatic skeleton absence of species with parasitic lifestyles O presence of a circulatory system
5 Against which hard structure do the circular and longitudinal muscles of annelids work endoskeleton Oshell Ocuticle hydrostatic skeleton Obristles
Animal Kingdom
5 Against which hard structure do the circular and longitudinal muscles of annelids work endoskeleton Oshell Ocuticle hydrostatic skeleton Obristles
15 18 In animals with true tissues the ectoderm gives rise to the the animal s endoskeleton outer body covering Olining of the digestive tract and organs muscles the head
Animal Kingdom
15 18 In animals with true tissues the ectoderm gives rise to the the animal s endoskeleton outer body covering Olining of the digestive tract and organs muscles the head
Which of the following is a major difference between the chondrichthyans and the ray finned fishes chondrichthyans have a cartilaginous skeleton whereas ray finned fishes have a bony skeleton only ray finned fishes have paired fins chondrichthyans evolved in fresh water whereas ray finned fishes evolved in salt water only chondrichthyans have true jaws only chondrichthyans have a swim bladder
Animal Kingdom
Which of the following is a major difference between the chondrichthyans and the ray finned fishes chondrichthyans have a cartilaginous skeleton whereas ray finned fishes have a bony skeleton only ray finned fishes have paired fins chondrichthyans evolved in fresh water whereas ray finned fishes evolved in salt water only chondrichthyans have true jaws only chondrichthyans have a swim bladder
Listen Why is gas exchange so important for an animal What is being exchanged What are some mechanisms that invertebrates use to accomplish this
Animal Kingdom
Listen Why is gas exchange so important for an animal What is being exchanged What are some mechanisms that invertebrates use to accomplish this
6 1 3 9 1 1 11 12 1 Most animal phyla belong to the clade amniotes O protostomia bilateria Olophotrochozoa deuterostomia
Animal Kingdom
6 1 3 9 1 1 11 12 1 Most animal phyla belong to the clade amniotes O protostomia bilateria Olophotrochozoa deuterostomia
gestion 27 1 point 4 Listen There are three major groups of mammals categorized on the basis of their size habitat teeth and digestive system O method of locomotion method of reproduction
Animal Kingdom
gestion 27 1 point 4 Listen There are three major groups of mammals categorized on the basis of their size habitat teeth and digestive system O method of locomotion method of reproduction
Jaws first occurred in which extant group of fishes lampreys lungfishes chondrichthyans placoderms ray finned fishes
Animal Kingdom
Jaws first occurred in which extant group of fishes lampreys lungfishes chondrichthyans placoderms ray finned fishes
Invertebrates are defined as animals that lack an endoskeleton a backbone a head an exoskeleton Question 19 1 point important evolutionary breakthroug
Animal Kingdom
Invertebrates are defined as animals that lack an endoskeleton a backbone a head an exoskeleton Question 19 1 point important evolutionary breakthroug
Listen How can cnidarians such as sea jellies survive in the water with no gills or lungs they must periodically rise to the surface to get air their cells don t need oxygen since they move so little they have special oxygen pumps in their cells their body walls are extremely thin they don t have a nervous system which required a lot of oxygen
Animal Kingdom
Listen How can cnidarians such as sea jellies survive in the water with no gills or lungs they must periodically rise to the surface to get air their cells don t need oxygen since they move so little they have special oxygen pumps in their cells their body walls are extremely thin they don t have a nervous system which required a lot of oxygen
11 HA Cephalization is most commonly associated with asymmetry bilateral symmetry radial symmetry sessile animals
Animal Kingdom
11 HA Cephalization is most commonly associated with asymmetry bilateral symmetry radial symmetry sessile animals