Biotechnology: Principles and Processes Questions and Answers

Biotechnology: Principles and ProcessesWhat is an amplicon O Target ds DNA none of these ss DNA Target ss viral RNA

Biotechnology: Principles and Processeseen pr you com Practice Pedigrees mine the inheritance patern of each of the following pedigrees Then label the genotypes of each individual in the pedigrees

Biotechnology: Principles and ProcessesWhy wouldn t you expect to see growth of the control cells without the plasmid on the LB agar containing ampicillin 2 correct answers must be selected to receive credit Multiple answers Multiple answers are accepted for this question Select one or more answers and submit For keyboard navigation SHOW MORE a The cells contain the pGREEN plasmid b The cells are killed by the ampicillin in the agar U The cells lack the pGREEN plasmid Land Shiding the heat shock step

Biotechnology: Principles and ProcessesSH 8 0 Scan 64 O Penton CH Cl CH C HC s des stirme H Cl Cb CH Cl He 1 Ch C1 26 CHCl HCl HCl CLC Cly HCI 10 S Allerlerin adland rlmosi CH CH C CH CH CH CHS CHA CH2 CH2 CH CH CH CH CH CH CHS SHS CH CH CH3 CH3 CH C CH CH2 CH CH CH CH2 CH3 B CH3 D CHS CHO CHO CH CHO CH A CH CHA CH CH CH 67 24 243 A Be CH 87 CHI CH CH CHI CHO CH CH A CH H CH9 CH CHY CH CH CH CH3 5 Latinos sonuc hand run elde edilic reaksiyon

Biotechnology: Principles and ProcessesPlease define metabolism enzymes and activation energy What effect do enzymes have on activation energy

Biotechnology: Principles and ProcessesFor what reasons are lentiviruses attractive vectors for gene therapy Choose one or more OA They are capable of entering and inserting genes into a nondividing cell OB They can be targeted to many different tissues OC They deliver genes that become stably integrated and expressed in the host genome OD They are unrelated to natural human pathogens O E They have a low likelihood of activating oncogenes

Biotechnology: Principles and ProcessesDetermine whether the bacteria tested using motility test agar are motile or non motile based on your observation of your results Proteus mirabilis motile Enterobacter aerogenes motile

Biotechnology: Principles and ProcessesShallow water lobe fins from the Devonian has which of the following anatomical features Ostrong limb skeletons O lungs fleshy fine

Biotechnology: Principles and ProcessesWhat is the instrument used for cell counting called O Barometer O Countingmeter O Thermometer

Biotechnology: Principles and ProcessesWhen E coli is placed in a medium containing both glucose and lactose why does cell growth stop temporarily when the glucose is used up Once glucose is depleted the cell must use the lactose before it can do this it must express the lac operon and synthesize the enzymes needed to use lactose which takes time Glucose is the preferred medium of the cells when it is available they grow extremely fast and this depletes all the energy in the cell which must be replaced before it can use lactose The presence of glucose denatures the lactose in the medium once the glucose is depleted the lactose has to regain its original shape before the cells can use it Once glucose is depleted the cell must use the lactose before it can do this it must express the lac operon it can only do this if the culture medium is placed in the dark at 22 C Once lactose is depleted the cell must use the glucose before it can do this it must express the lac operon and synthesize the enzymes needed to use lactose which takes time

Biotechnology: Principles and Processesnt 5 int rences Looking at the Graph Data tab choose the appropriate datasets to address the following statements and graph the data Match each statement below to the type of cancer it best describes 1 Common but often survivable Click to select 2 Rare but often lethal Click to select 3 Rare in men more common in women Click to select 4 Incidence rates correlate with smoking rates Click to select 5 About twice as common in men compared to women Click to select

Biotechnology: Principles and ProcessesTable 1 Osmosis and Temperature Results Initial Weight g Final Weight g Weight Change g Change 60 Karo s dyed blue 60 Karo s dyed blue 23 31 22 24 Strinew scol b How does the percent weight gain of the artificial cell relate to the rate of osmosis C Based on your results summarize the rate of osmosis and temperature d What are the dependent and independent variables in this experiment Initial Weight g Final Weight g Weight Change g Table 2 Osmosis and Concentration Gradient Results Change PART 2 OSMOSIS AND CONCENTRATION GRADIENT a Hypothesis regarding the effect of different concentration gradients on the rate of osmosis 80 Karo s dyed red 24 77 OM diH 0 16 83 0 1M 6 07 PREGN Sucrose Concentrations 0 2M 0 4M 0 6M Bo finia sPERSO Buzos HAS b Which sucrose solution of yours caused the potatoes to have the greatest weight gain 0 8M

Biotechnology: Principles and ProcessesAll of the following are true about the Tuskegee Syphilis Study EXCEPT a Information related to treatment was withheld from participants b Participants were treated with penicillin when it was determined to be a cure for syphilis in 1947 O c 399 Black males who already had syphilis were recruited for the study d Participants were told that they could not go elsewhere for treatment

Biotechnology: Principles and Processeshat is a controlled experiment Please give a detailed example of a controlled periment

Biotechnology: Principles and Processesa Run the experiment with the temperature set to 25 C 29 C and 33 C with three replicate trials conducted for reach temperature treatment Export the data and copy and paste the excel raw data below in tabular format similar to lab 2 pt b What was the independent variable 0 5 pt c What was the dependent variable 0 5 pt d Give at least 3 constant variables for this experiment 0 5 pt 2 Identify the dependent and independent variables in the following experiments a Observing the number of nests built by birds in trees that have different densities of limbs 0 5 pt b Length of a regenerating limb of a starfish measured for 4 weeks 0 5 pt c Amount of weight loss for patients taking three different doses of a new medication 0 5 pt 3 Suggest a control treatment for each of the following experiments a Frogs are captured from ponds with polluted water The investigator records the number of limb deformities 0 5 pt b Patients take different doses of a new medication were monitored for weight loss 0 5 pt tint want to study mating behavior of deer She observes deer during mating Species bird bird bird bird bird bird bird bird bird Gizmo Resource 88 C Temp C Female 25 25 25 29 29 29 33 33 33 54 47 49 52 42 50 54 49 48 Male 46 53 51 48 58 50 46 51 52

Biotechnology: Principles and Processesfalfio anubic Human Hom Sapiens Domestic cat Felis Catus Striped hyena dag canis Lupus Mans Mas Musculus Brown rat Rattus norvegicus Gerbil Mexiones unguiculatus

Biotechnology: Principles and Processescaption that the image is borrowed and from whom There is a file below that contains a description of the DNA ladder There should never be any lines that extend beyond the boundaries of the image all lines should be around the image of the gel There should never be any arrows on or around your gel image Crop the gel image to include only the important wells DNA ladder the sample and the control only yours or those that you borrowed Primer design You must be able to digest the PCR product with the two different restriction enzymes that produce sticky ends on either side of the gene Make sure to indicate the choice of enzyme and where the palindrome sequence is located Your primers should be between 15 and 25 base pairs and should only appear once in the e ther team or your partner be sure to indicate in the sequence The Tm of both primers should be shown Please note that restriction enzyme sites added onto the primer do not contribute to their Tm Both primers should be shown aligned against the amplified pBR322 sequence and all elements should be labelled refer to the example provided General Guidelines Layout of the page is important when presenting any figure The image or figure should take about

Biotechnology: Principles and ProcessesQUESTION 4 What nucleic acid related characteristic distinguish between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells For the toolbar press ALT F10 PC or ALT FN F10 Mac

Biotechnology: Principles and ProcessesGiven an individual who is heterozygous for two traits A and B upper case indicates the dominant allele lower case indicates the recessive allele genotype AaBb which of the following accurately represents the chromosome pairing in meiosis I Assume A and B are on different chromosomes and no recombination has taken place Select all that apply Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 A ABB a ab b Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 Option 5 Aa a thath B Bbb 4446 A Aa a bbB B Option 4 AaAa BbBb Option 5 BB

Biotechnology: Principles and ProcessesThe total magnification of a light microscope equipped with a 5x ocular and a 10x objective is Select one a 60 b 100 c 50 d 200 e 500

Biotechnology: Principles and ProcessesBased on the graph what can you conclude Other density sightings day 125 100 75 50 25 0 25 50 Kelp abundance Cover 75 100 More information is needed to determine the relationship between the otter population and the abundance of kelp Based on the graph a relationship between the otter population and the abundance of kelp does not exist There exists a negative relationship between the otter population and the abundance of kelp There exists a positive relationship between the otter population and the abundance of kelp

Biotechnology: Principles and ProcessesDIFFUSION EFFECT OF CONCENTRATION ON THE RATE OF DIFFUSION IN A SEMISOLID 012 13 4 5 6 METHODS ALab Data Time min 10 20 30 Time min 0 10 0 20 0 30 Diffusion Spot Diameter 1 Crystal mm 13 Rate of Diffusion for 1 Crystal mm hr Diffusion Spot Diameter 3 Crystals mm 19 Rate of Diffusion for 3 Crystals mm hr X Diffusion Spot Diameter 6 Crystals mm 20 Rate of Diffusion for 6 Crystals mm hr Rate mm h diameter mm time min x 60 min SUBMIT PHASE 2 Diffusion Rate Complete the following steps Place one crystal in left dish using tweezers Place three crystals into middle dish using tweezers Place six crystals into right dish using tweezers A timer will start once all three dishes contain crystals Timer will pause at 10

Biotechnology: Principles and Processesoughout the simulation you be asked questions about simulation If you answer correctly most questions will ow you to try again until you t the answer right esponses are not graded but ata on attempts will be vailable for instructors to ccess Submit the preselected ncorrect answer to continue his tutorial Catalase Why is the experiment performed at 37 C O Because 37 C is near typical human body temperature and this helps me understand how well this enzyme functions at the temperature it is normally found Because 37 C is more than 25 C and multiple values are needed for this experiment Submit 10 Barea 10 326741 COD REACTOR TEMP POWER OHEAT Start Ston provide a better view of the lab scene behind it if needed Try it for yourself 10 1 2 3 Complete the following steps Add 4 mL H O to test tube Zoom in on tube Measure volume of bubble column Record in Lab Data

Biotechnology: Principles and ProcessesFor Questions 6 8 draw a plot of p frequency of A against time for the scenario that is described in each question Then describe what you drew by filling in the blanks In each scenario assume that p is initially 0 9 and that no evolutionary forces are acting that are not described in the scenario e g assume population size is infinitely large and that there are no new mutations Indicate the direction of change in p using the words increase decrease or remain the same Indicate the equilibrium value of p as 0 1 or intermediate between 0 and 1 Question 6 If Mendelian Inheritance is operating in the absence of evolutionary forces Direction of change p will At equilibrium p will be Question 7 of 8 Selection at the hemoglobin sickle cell anemia locus in a region in Africa where malaria infection is common Here p is the frequency of the normal not sickled allele Direction of change p will At equilibrium p will be Question 8 of 8 1 Points Direction of change p will 1 Points Selection at the hemoglobin sickle cell anemia locus in a region in the United States where malaria infection is nonexistent Here p is the frequency of the normal not sickled allele

Biotechnology: Principles and ProcessesUse the following passage to answer the next three questions It has been hypothesized that people who are heterozygous for the allele that causes the deadly genetic condition cystic fibrosis which among other symptoms reduces fertility are more resistant to the deadly disease tuberculosis If the cystic fibrosis allele protects against tuberculosis the same way the sickle cell allele protects against malaria then which of the following should be true of a comparison between regions with and without tuberculosis O A Cystic fibrosis deaths should be more common in regions with tuberculosis OB Cystic fibrosis deaths should be less common in regions with tuberculosis OC Cystic fibrosis deaths should be equally common in both types of regions D Regional differences in the cystic fibrosis death rate should be purely random and unpredictable Reset Selection Question 5 of 8 1 Points A person who is heterozygous for the cystic fibrosis allele moves to a small isolated community where no one previously carried the allele If the cystic fibrosis allele protects against tuberculosis the same way the sickl allele protects against malaria what should happen to the frequency of the cystic fibrosis allele in the community over time and why A The cystic fibrosis allele should disappear from the population because a single individual with the allele is not enough for it to proliferate B The cystic fibrosis allele should increase to a relatively high frequency because heterozygotes with the allele will be more likely to survive than others C The cystic fibrosis allele should become fixed in the population due to genetic drift OD The cystic fibrosis allele should either disappear or increase in frequency depending on chance as well as on tuberculosis prevalence and death rate

Biotechnology: Principles and ProcessesImmediate expulsion from the school Oral reprimand A failing grade in the course 1 point What is a possible disciplinary sanction for academic integrity violations You will have to re do an assignment You ll write an apology note You will have to let every professor know you have cheated before You could be suspended or expelled from CSUB or the CSU system 1 point When is it ok to not cite another person s written work When its your friend and they said you can use their old paper If you replace specific words with synonyms you found on your own Never If you are using another person s ideas or words you must cite your source When you accidentally forget where the information came from D Review the table and watch the video at the bottom of this page to get a better understanding of what plagiarism looks like Hearing about plagiarism often fills us with fear or negative emotions but having a clear understanding of what it is can build awareness and prevent issues in your own writing that you may not be aware of yet What constitutes plagiarism Common Errors that Constitute Plagiarism Word for word plagiarism Improper paraphrasing Forgetting to cits sources Incorrect citations Video Plagiarism Unintentional plagiarism is still plagiarism Specific examples Submitting another student s poper or segune off the interne Copying material from sever writers anging with cubo Incorporating a writer s words without tation mocks or chation Falling to cita Changing the words of an ONE AMESE SAR VARD Access Login

Biotechnology: Principles and ProcessesAccessing information legally Crediting creators of information appropriately Return 1 point According to the tutorial which TWO answers below demonstrate what it means to acknowledge that information has value Purchasing or renting the correct textbooks for all classes Being on time and prepared for class each day 1 point One way that you can act with academic integrity is Doing whatever it takes to get an A Submit Accurately representing your own understanding or knowledge of a topic Learning all of the different types of citation styles Asking your friend to give you the answers to your homework 1 point Adding your own voice to the scholarly conversation is a violation of academic integrity True code Academic dishonesty cheating is a broad category of actions that use fraud and deception t improve a grade or obtain course credit Academic dishonesty is not limited to exams alone but aris whenever students attempt to gain an unearned academic advantage Plagiarism is claiming the pu or unpublished work of someone else as your own This includes handing in someone else s work t in copied or purchased compositions using paragraphs sentences phrases words or ideas includi paraphrasing written by another writer or using data and or statistics compiled by someone else a own without giving appropriate credit to the original writer Plagiarism also includes using your wor submitted in another class without permission of your current instructor When a faculty member discovers a violation of the university s policy of academic integrity the fac member will meet with the student s involved and is required to notify the Dean of Students office detail the alleged violation including the name s of the student s suspected the class in which the alleged violation occurred the circumstances of the alleged violation and the evidence including witnesses supporting the allegation The faculty member will also formally notify the student s suspected of violating the university s policy of academic integrity the department chair for the cour involved in the incident and the appropriate school dean The Dean of Students or designee will investigate confer with the faculty member student s and any witnesses identified and review all evidence submitted by the faculty member and student s to impose an administrative sanction beya the academic penalty already placed by the faculty member Students who perform dishonestly in the course may earn zero credit on the assignment exam or a failing grade in the course depending on t level of severity of the offense Students are expected to uphold the standards of academic integrity Cheating in any form will not b

Biotechnology: Principles and ProcessesMatch the relative dating principle to the proper definition superposition original horizontality uniformitarianism faunal succession Choose Choose Choose younger layers overlay older layers the same physical forces operate today as they have in the past all sediment start out flat but can be folded later the rock record shows a sequence of fossil organisms

Biotechnology: Principles and Processes17 Assume that you are sampling a trait in animal populations the trait is controlled by a single allelic pair A and a and you can distinguish all three phenotypes AA Aa and aa intermediate inheritance Your sample includes Population I II AA 300 400 Aa 500 400 aa 200 200 Total 1000 1000 Calculate the distribution of phenotypes in each population as expected under Hardy Weinberg equilibrium Is population I in equilibrium Is population II in equilibrium STRE

Biotechnology: Principles and ProcessesGalen argued that which of the following were the basis for medical knowledge Experimentation and observation O Theory and inference O Philosophy and spiritualism Patient reports

Biotechnology: Principles and ProcessesO 1 5 Given the genetic map of genes D E and F What is the expected frequency probability of double crossovers O2 0 O 3 75 O 5 C 15 CM 7 5 25 CM

Biotechnology: Principles and Processesn the Hershey Chase experiment radioactive Sulfur was used to Be incorporated into the phage protein coat because some amino acids contain sulfur Be incorporated into the phage DNA because of its numerous phosphorus atoms Be incorporated into the phage protein coat because of its numerous phosphorous atoms Be incorporated into the phage DNA because of its numerous sulfur atoms

Biotechnology: Principles and ProcessesAn allele that if present is always expressed is called a recessive allele O True False

Biotechnology: Principles and ProcessesTwo heterozygous purple flowered yellow seed plants are crossed Which 1 po of the following has the greatest probability of being produced a plant with white flowers and yellow seeds a plant with purple flowers and green seeds plant with white flowers and green seeds a plant with purple flowers and yellow seeds

Biotechnology: Principles and ProcessesWhich chromosome abnormality does this karyotype show XXXK Y 8 9 10 11 SC Ir J 7 13 18 14 15 16 11 19 20 21 1 22 5 11 12 Otrisomy of chromosome 21 Otrisomy of chromosome 16 17 trisomy of chromosome 13 x monosomy of chromosome 13 6 SY

Biotechnology: Principles and ProcessesWhich statement is true regarding a dihybrid cross O A dihybrid cross has no relationship to a monohybrid cross O A dihybrid cross involves two genes and up to four alleles O A dihybrid cross involves two genes and exactly two alleles O A dihybrid cross is exactly the same as a monohybrid cross

Biotechnology: Principles and ProcessesX 4 In order for photosynthesis to occur carbon dioxide from the atmosphere has to enter a leaf on the plant Which shows the correct pathway that the CO2 molecules would take lower epidermis to cuticle to spongy layer Opalisade layer to vein to stomata lower epidermis to spongy layer to palisade layer upper epidermis to spongy layer to palisade layer

Biotechnology: Principles and ProcessesWhat is true about the semiconservative model of DNA replication occurs through the addition of nucleotides to the end of the parental DNA molecule results in the formation of four new DNA strands uses each strand of a DNA molecule as a template for the creation of a new strand begins when two DNA molecules join together to exchange segments

Biotechnology: Principles and ProcessesWhat technique is used to find out where a protein or RNA is expressed cell culture DNA sequencing polymeraze chain reaction immunofluorescence

Biotechnology: Principles and ProcessesMatch term with description Cell culture Used to study the expression of interacting groups of genes Used to detect the presence of proteins in tissue the process of determining the precise order of nucleotides within a DNA molecule process of cultivating cells and tissues outside the body of an organism in vitro in an a environment

Biotechnology: Principles and ProcessesWhat would happen if ribosomes DO NOT bind to mRNA nothing will happen Proteins will be translated Translation will not occur

Biotechnology: Principles and ProcessesWhy is Taq polymerase used in a polymerase chain reaction PCR O Taq polymerase is more efficient than other DNA polymerases Unlike other DNA polymerases Taq polymerase is not inhibited by dideoxy nucleotides Unlike other DNA polymerases Taq polymerase is heat stable and survives the 94 degree denaturation step in PCR O Taq polymerase can produce DNA from an RNA template unlike other DNA polymerases Taq polymerase has proofreading activity and thus makes fewer errors than other DNA polymerases

Biotechnology: Principles and ProcessesPlace the following events of bacterial conjugation in order from first to last 1 DNA replication 2 an enzyme joins F factor DNA ends 3 sex pilus shortens 4 DNA transfer 5 an enzyme cuts F factor DNA O 3 5 1 4 2 O 3 5 4 2 1 5 1 3 4 2 1 2 3 4 5 O3 5 1 2 4

Biotechnology: Principles and ProcessesDideoxy nucleotides are used in which of the following processes O DNA sequencing transformation O making a recombinant plasmid O microarray analysis

Biotechnology: Principles and ProcessesMaternal effect genes are expressed when exposed to high concentrations of estrogen are all found on the X chromosome are expressed only in male offspring because they are hemizygous can encode proteins that get translated upon fertilization to establish concentration gradients that span the egg are expressed only in female offspring

Biotechnology: Principles and ProcessesYou are working in a Drosophila lab and find a larva with two anterior ends Both a normal larva and the mutant larva are shown below What is the most likely explanation for the mutant larvaphenotype Anterior Posterior Normal or wild type larva Mutant larva A protein encoded by a segment polarity gene is not degraded correctly and accumulates in both ends of the embryo The nurse cells that produce the Bicoid protein are defective so there is no protein at either end of the embryo There is a mutation in the bicoid gene causing no functional Bicoid protein to be made

Biotechnology: Principles and ProcessesThe organizational phases of development are regulated by morphogens and transcription factors only segmentation genes O morphogens transcription factors and segmentation genes transcription factors morphogens

Biotechnology: Principles and ProcessesWhat is an advantage of cDNA libraries over genomic libraries cDNA libraries are more stable than genomic libraries O cDNA only contains protein coding exons O cDNA libraries are cheaper to make than genomic libraries cDNA libraries require fewer steps to make than genomic libraries O CRNA lacks von

Biotechnology: Principles and ProcessesA an pigment that can be used to measure pH B part of the fish used in swimming C an instrument used to measure mass OD a part of the fish used in breathing

Biotechnology: Principles and ProcessesA B C Mass Change D DEASETONY 3 5 A B Five potato cores A E were placed into beakers with various concentrations of sucrose solutions At 10 minute intervals the cores were massed weighed to see water intake or release and the percent change in mass of each bag was graphed Which line represents the solution that was most hypertonic to the potato cores C DE 10 20 30 40 50 60 Time minutes