Ecology - Biodiversity & Conservation Questions and Answers

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationIn October 2019 after prolonged droughts around the country Australia experienced wide spread bushfires In Australia the summer of 2019 is known as the Black Summer and the bushfires were deemed one of the biggest natural disasters The extent of damage was an estimated 18 million hectares Which of the following best predicts the effect that the bushfires had on the biodiversity of ecosystems in Australia A B C D The biodiversity of ecosystems in Australia increased immediately after the bushfires due to the fires returning nutrients to the soil The biodiversity of ecosystems in Australia was so high that the bushfires did not affect biodiversity much The biodiversity of ecosystems in Australia was unaffected by the bushfires because most ecosystems do not contain much vegetation The biodiversity of ecosystems in Australia decreased due to many organisms dying be

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationWhat is meant by the pandemic spread of SARS CoV 2 It spread through the ocean It spreads world wide It spreads only in a certain area It spreads only in one country

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationBy the late Cenozoic Pliocene grasslands represented a very small proportion of habitat True False

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationA typical herbivore from the Paleocene would have browsed on shrubs and trees True False

Ecology - Biodiversity & Conservation4 Rank these three groups Pinnipeds Cetaceans Lutrines according to how well adapted each group is to living in the oceans Hint use the foot fin structure as a proxy for how well adapted the organisms is to aquatic living e g webbed feet partly adapted fin more extremely adapted Based on your ranking which group would you predict to have an older fossil record

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationWhat kind of stream is this 4 Excess Energy B Deficient Energy C Balanced Energy D Rejuvenated

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationWhat kind of stream is this 1 Excess Energy B Deficient Energy Balanced Energy

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationWhat is the relative movement on the thrust fault 60 miles east of Riverton 789 Kander Hermapolis Riverton A B A Block A has moved upwards relative to block B B Block B has moved upwards relative to block A Casper

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationWhat is the purpose of uncoupling proteins in mammalian brown adipose tissue O They give the tissue its color O They help the tissue expand and contract when needed O They function as a source of heat production during exposure to cold temperatures O They allow the production of a larger number of ATPS per glucose O They allow muscles to contract more efficiently QUESTION 33 Thylakoid membranes have high protein content O True O False QUESTION 34 Carbon monoxide is formed when electrons reach the bottom of the mitochondrial electron transport chain and bind to the final electron O True O False

Ecology - Biodiversity & Conservation3 Another great resource is Google Scholar not just Google The easiest way to use Google Scholar is to have a Google account If you do not have one already start one If you have a Gmail account login to Google or Google Scholar with that information look at the top right corner for the link to sign in Once you click that it will allow you to create an account if you do not already have one

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationRecord 5 data points for the Oxygen Percent Concentration time period Record your oxygen concentration points below If possible get a wide range of percentages Date Collected Oxygen Pet Sat Depth 31 Jan 24 Feb 24 8 6 3 0 31 Jan 24 Why is it important to have data that is collected at similar times es The data might be different at different dimes or the year due to deciden other charges etc windo 2751 Do you think depth makes a difference in the oxygen percent concentration Or is depth not a factor in oxygen percent concentration Explain your reasoning using evidence from your data collection if possible 3F1 duo because when the oxygen was at 8 6 the depth was orisen was 7 3 the depth was 33 t then 0 lured 3 01 depth was 66 Ft meaning that no Predict the correlation between oxygen percent concentration and the urchin population Read through the article titled Water quality requirements for culture of the green sea urchin What happens to urchins if the oxygen percent concentration drops too low for an extended period of time What else do you think may occur in the ecosystem because the oxygen percent concentration is too low Connection to the ecosystem Think back to what you have learned about trophic levels keystone species and food webs chains and pyramids All species are equal but some are more equal than others If urchins were wiped from the ecosystem what effect would this have on the kelp community What other effects would this have on the ecosystem as a whole What impact would that have on other spesia

Ecology - Biodiversity & Conservation1 AOTD What is the primary purpose of the horned lizards shooting blood from their eyes OC To scare or blind predators To feed baby lizards to reduce intra ocular blood pressure To camouflage the lizard

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationClassify each of the following carbohydrates Answer choices may be used 7 points more than once a monosaccharide b disaccharide c polysaccharide fructose lactose glycogen cellulose glucose starch sucrose a O O O O b OOO OOO O C OOO O

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationThe growth of microbial populations can be measured in many ways Some methods measure cell numbers and other methods track the population s total mass which is often directly proportional to cell numbers But the most frequently used method for measuring bacterial population is the plate count One of the important advantages of this method is that it determines the number of viable cells This is in contrast to for example estimating cell numbers by measuring turbidity which does not distinguish between viable and dead cells Bacterial growth normally refers to increase in bacterial numbers rather than an increase in size Most bacteria divide by binary fission so that under ideal circumstances the bacterial population doubles every generation given that every bacterium divides into two bacteria Doubling varies greatly among bacteria but can occur as quickly as every 20 minutes and after 20 generations a single cell can grow to over 1 million in number It is difficult to graph population changes of such enormous magnitude by using arithmetic numbers A logarithmic scale is preferable in visualizing bacterial growth Generation time G is the time it takes for the population to double in number The equation t is the time and n is the number of generations The average generation time is between 30 and 60 minutes under optimal conditions Here is an example about calculating generation time What is the generation time of a bacterial population that increases from 10 000 to 10 000 000 cells in four hours of growth The formula to use would be G t 3 3log a A a number of bacteria at the beginning of a time interval A number of bacteria at the end of the time interval G 1 3 3log a A G 240 minutes 3 3log 107 104 G 24 minutes If the generation time for two different populations of bacteria is identical it is indicative of similar growth rates Control 500 ml of cottage cheese was inoculated with a 2 ml culture of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and incubated at 25 C Five hours after inoculation in a standard plate count there were 200 bacterial cells ml After 29 hours at 25 C there were 1 000 000 cells ml Experiment 500 ml of cottage cheese containing the preservative was inoculated with a 2 ml culture of Pseudomonas aeruginosa After 6 hours of incubation at 25 C a standard plate count was performed There were 700 bacterial cells ml After 38 hours there were 61 000 000 bacterial cells ml Number 1 2 ch 6 24 32 200 700 1 00 x 10 6 10 x 10 6 10 x 10 Log 0 00 0 30 0 70 0 78 1 38 1 51 2 30 2 85 6 00 6 79 7 79 1 Why were plate counts used for analyzing bacterial growth instead of direct microscopic counts or turbidity measurements here and the experiment cottage cheese differ What was the independent variable and dependent variable

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationPlease write a short summary from a per citation about the bomby night frog and send me the per review citation

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationPlease write a short summary from a per citation about the bomby night frog and send me the per review citation

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationA DNA has too much protein contamination the OD260 OD280 ratio of the sample will be 1 8 lower than 1 8 higher than 1 8 lower than 0 8 Question 2 1 point 4 Listen What is the unit of measurement for optical density OD mg cm mol L Cm

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationWhen using a micropipette if you depress the plunger to the second stop to draw the sample you will get either too much or too little solution too little solution the correct amount of solution too much solution

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationDistinguish between convergent evolution and divergent evolution

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationA lack of mutations that introduce new alleles into a population is one condition of genetic variation O True False 1 po

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationBecause of time zone difference I want to know when is the best time that the tutors will be online here Do you know in how many hours more it is the best time to ask questions Like the most active times

Ecology - Biodiversity & Conservation13 Tusklessness Explain how humans can be a selective pressure that changes animal populations

Ecology - Biodiversity & Conservation11 Food web food chain explain how human activities can affect a food web or food chain

Ecology - Biodiversity & Conservation8 Animal Nutrition Lab what evidence can be used to identify which feeding niche an organism occupies a Convert kilograms to pounds and pounds to kilograms b Why are energy needs different between different animals c How are diets developed for captive animals

Ecology - Biodiversity & Conservation5 Food web construct a food web utilizing more than 3 organisms Plants lows 1 Ceracelf meerkats a Which way do the arrows point in a food web or food chain b What do the arrows represent in a food web or food chain

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationWhat question is most likely to be answered if the goals of the Human Genome Project are met O How did plasmids evolve Should companies that discover disease related genes ex BRCA genes be allowed to patent them What are the functions of repetitive sequences in prokaryotic organisms How many genes does the genome of Borrelia burgdorferi contain

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationWhich of the following is a conclusion best supported by the data shown Diffusion Diameter cm 2 5 1 5 0 5 5 10 15 X 20 25 30 Time min 35 40 Temperature has an effect on diffusion rates Temperature speeds up chemical reactions X4 45 50 Figure The Effect of Molecular Size and Temperature on Diffusion Rates of Two Different Chemical Methylene Blue and Potassium Permanganate KEY Red Potassium permanganate at 25 degrees Celsius Red square Blue Potassium permanganate at 5 degrees Celsius Blue diamond Purple Methylene blue at 25 degrees Celsius Purple X Green Methylene blue at 5 degrees Celsius Green triangle

Ecology - Biodiversity & Conservation9 What is one concern with the use of genetically engineered herbicide tolerant crops decreased yields potential allergic reactions a b C d e transfer of herbicide resistance to weeds loss of genetic diversity expense of using herbicides

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationReproduction becomes riskier for a woman as she becomes older Increasingly her gametes contain incorrect numbers of chromosomes or chromosomes that have been damaged These problems can lead to adverse effects on offspring that range from minor to fatal For example Down syndrome is a condition characterized by three copies of chromosome 21 Down syndrome and mother s age Incidence of Down syndrome per 1 000 live births 25 20 15 10 0 20 25 30 35 40 Age of mother 45 Based on the graph what is the probability that a 38 year old woman will have a baby with Down syndrome Report your result as a percentage to two decimal places TOOLS

Ecology - Biodiversity & Conservationely explanation there have been negative shocks on social legal institutions Personal taxes have increased Households borrowing has increased Business costs and wage rates have decreased Question 32 2 points Listen The short run version of aggregate supply assumes that product prices are fixed while input prices are flexible flexible while input prices are fixed both input and product prices are flexible both input and product prices are fixed

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationWhat is NOT the correct statement about AD AS model too much expansionary fiscal policy can lead to demand pull inflation cost push inflation results from the AS curve shifting left Ofiscal policy is very effective policy but in reality there are timing issues fiscal and monetary policy works through aggregate supply curve

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationSpecies are defined based on their physical appearance and a set of physical characteristics called biodiversity O True O False

Ecology - Biodiversity & Conservationhich of the following is an example of sustainable development resource management A B C D Clear cutting forests that results in deforestation Over fishing that results in population declines and possible extinction of fish species Harvest reduction that slows the harvesting of deep water species that grow slowly allowing them more time to replenish population numb Hunting of already endangered species driving the population numbers toward extinction

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationWhich best describes a species whose protection means a wide range of other species with also be protected A B D Umbrella species Endangered Species Extinct Species Invasive Species

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationA chimpanzee a human a gibbon and old world monkeys all share O a 2 1 2 3 dental formula O tails O large body sizes O 5 cusps on their lower second molars

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationThe Endangered Species Act was passed in 1973 but many people today feel that endangered Species Act has not done enough to protect endangered species from human impacts Do you think that it needs to be updated

Ecology - Biodiversity & Conservationomplete the table 2 3 4 5 6 8 Enzyme that unwinds DNA Sections of copied DNA created on the lagging strand The strand that is copied in a continuous way Binds Okazaki fragments Builds a new DNA strand by adding complementary bases Stabilizes the DNA molecule during replication Strand that is copied discontinuously Initiates the synthesis DNA by creating a short RNA segment

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationListen Which of the following is true of the DNA double helix a Adenine complements cytosine Ob Only major grooves can be formed Oc The strands are parallel d Guanine complements thymine e Phosphate groups are located at the 5 ends of both strands

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationQuestion 9 When a cell secretes a growth factor that binds to receptors onits own membrane preventing it fromproliferating this is an example of endocrine signaling autocrine signaling O paracrine signaling 0 5 pts contact dependent signaling direct intercellular signaling

Ecology - Biodiversity & Conservationgene consists of the entire molecule sequence required for synthesis of a n or a n

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationA difference between a chicken s foot and a duck s foot is the presence or absence of webbing a duck s foot has webbing between the digits while a chicken s foot lacks the webbing Which of the cell processes that play a role in producing tissues organs is NOT happening to a great extent during development of a duck s foot differentiation O cell connections cell growth O apoptosis 0 5 P Ocell division

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationGap junctions in animal cells are most similar to inplant cells O hemidesmosomes O plasmodesmata O primary cell walls O tight junctions middle lamella

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationQuestion 10 When epidermal growth factor binds to its O enzyme linked receptor O mechanoreceptor O G protein coupled receptor O ligand gated ion channel receptor Othermoreceptor 0 5 pts the receptor phosphorylates itself triggering a signal transduction pathway

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationS AHCCS Website Resources Innovation Academy Match each part of speech with its correct definition Column A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A person place thing or idea a word that takes the place of a noun Column A a word that expresses an action or a state of being a word that describes a noun or pronoun a word or phrase that modifies changes a verb or adjective words that join words or groups of words words that show the relationship between a noun or pronoun with others words in the sentence words that describe an emotion through some of kind of exclamation Question 2 8 points Match the words to the correct part of speech Column B a adverb b conjunction c pronoun d adjective e verb f interjection g noun h preposition Column B

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationSeed Abundance g m2 B 12 Daphne All Edible Species Rese 4 4 1975 1976 I 1977 I 1978 1 Figure 3 Changes in Geospiza fortis population and seed abundance on Daphne major before and after the drought of 1977 Grant 1986 Your assignment Using the Grants Finch Study Data covering the period from before to after the drought of 1976 77 Identify the specific data that supports the claim that the Grants documented natural selection in action Explain how the Grants data supports the occurrence of natural selection of the medium ground finches on Daphne Major Be sure to connect the science that you have been learning about selection to the evidence you collected from the data to reason the claim Other questions to consider include How do you know that finches beak depth is heritable How did the finch population change from before the drought to after Why do you think the average beak depth of the birds increased

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationThe following excerpt comes from the article Microbial Biodegradation of Toxic Waste Bioremediation by Sarah Moore News Medical Life Sciences May 17 2021 E Is this an example of in situ or ex situ bioremediation Interestingly while there are no other natural organisms that downgrade mercury there are several that transform it into a more dangerous substance known as methylmercury Often at industrial sites ionic or elemental mercury is discharged and converted into methylmercury by microbes which then accumulates in the environment and enters the food chain The genetically modified bacteria developed by the team at the Inter American University of Puerto Rico could address this issue by degrading the mercury discharged at such sites before it is converted into methylmercury To achieve this the team is developing a method of adding their modified bacteria into water filters at industrial sites to remove the mercury from the water before it enters the surrounding environment Ex situ In situ

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationBased on the diagram what is decomposition Which processes add CO into the atmosphere Which processes take CO out of the atmosphere Which of these processes are humans directly responsible for

Ecology - Biodiversity & Conservationsomeplace you ve lived before Your answer How was this lesson Please be honest Awful the worst 1 O 2 O 3 O 4 5 O Amazing the best WAZI

Ecology - Biodiversity & Conservationgraphs show the relationship between the weekly sea surface temperature anomalies WSSTA and coral cover during two twelve month periods 1998 99 and 2002 03 which were the warmest in the six year study Each dot represents one studied reef 80 Coral cover 60 40 20 0 5 O 8 Coral cover 80 60 40 20 0 O 0 O 10 15 20 25 30 35 1998 1999 2002 2003 Weekly sea surface temperature anomalies WSSTA c i Compare and contrast the data for 1998 1999 and 2002 2003 2 5 00 10 15