Ecology - Ecosystems Questions and Answers

Ecology - EcosystemsWhat are the assay controls in this experiment Positive control negative control and no template control Internal control negative control No controls were used Positive control no template control Question 2 1 point Listen Which of the following is not a component of rRT PCR DNA probe virus particle Primers Reverse transcriptase

Ecology - Ecosystemseach of the statements as DD for density dependent or DI as density independent 2pts each ch of the statements below involves a situation that will affect the growth of a population Classify C d e f g a b Rainbow smelt and yellow perch attempt to occupy the same area The more aggressive smelt survive the perch do not A severe flood brings a lot of sediment and dirt into the lake The turbidity of the lake increases greatly A drought decreases the water level in the lake The carrying capacity of the lake decreases Due to the introduction of rainbow smelt an invasive species the lake becomes too crowded and some species of fish do not survive Many fish die due to an increase in water temperature Parasites present in the lake are killing off fish in great numbers Since yellow perch migrate long distances to spawn many do not survive the trip

Ecology - EcosystemsWhat can be inferred from the following statement from the essay Society and Solitude by Ralph Waldo Emerson The solitary river was not solitary enough

Ecology - Ecosystemscommensalism Small marine animals called barnacles often attach themselves to whales The barnacle benefits from the movement of the water full of food particles past their swimming hosts Although barnacles perform no known service to whales they don t harm them either Which number is true or false 1 The whale benefits the barnacle 2 The barnacle benefits the

Ecology - Ecosystems5 No Child Left Behind was enacted to improve school performance standards and accountability What other component was a part of the improvements desired in No Child Left Behind 1 2 a Transportation b School choice c Funding d Diversity

Ecology - EcosystemsChromosomes exchange genetic information by Multiple Choice crossing over fertilization DNA replication mitosis

Ecology - EcosystemsListen Select all of the following that are true based on the figure below 100 Male frequency 50 50 O 18 20 22 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 Incubator temperature C Eggs incubated at low temps produce males There is a 50 50 chance that either a male or female turtle will be born at 18 or 34 C High temperatures produce female turtles There is a chance either a male or female can be born between 28 30 C Nest temperature does not determine sex Eggs incubated at lower temps produce females

Ecology - EcosystemsDistribution of Earthquakes Mediterranean Himalayan Belt Indonesian Belt Circum Pacific Belt Based on the earthquake distribution what can you say about the dip direction of subduction in the Indonesian Belt Shallow focus O Intermediate focus Deep focus

Ecology - EcosystemsThe meteorological relationship is that the colder a climate the wetter it becomes True False

Ecology - EcosystemsOpen habitat like grasslands encourages the evolution of larger body size True O False

Ecology - EcosystemsHare density relative to controls Control Predators excluded Food added Predators excluded food added Looking at the data in the figure above from the hare lynx experiment what conclusion can you draw 1 II Food is a factor in controlling hare population size Excluding lynx is a factor in controlling hare population size III The effect of excluding predators and adding food in the same experiment is greater than the sum of excluding lynx alone plus adding food alone Only I Only II Only III Only II and III I II and III

Ecology - EcosystemsA queen bee polices the nest of her colony killing all eggs laid by workers This behavior is an example of acting in favor of the good of the species kin selection reciprocal altruism manipulation cooperation

Ecology - EcosystemsWhat kind of stream is this 2 A Excess Energy B Deficient Energy Balanced Energy DRejuvenated

Ecology - Ecosystemstree you created which animal is the closest relative to humans 0 5 pt 6 2 Who is A afarensis more closely related to Homo neanderthalensis or H sapiens 0 5 pt 6 3 With which archaic human species did some of the ancestors of modern Europeans interbreed during the past 100 000 years 0 5 pt Dinka Aa 8 1 There is more genetic diversity within Africa than in all the rest of the world combined The Dinka ethnic group living in South Sudan along both sides of the Nile constitutes one piece of this diversity Its members are thought to be the tallest people in Africa Italian Fossilized teeth found in England and Italy are among the oldest known remains of modern humans Homo sapiens They date the arrival of Homo sapiens across Europe to about 43 000 years ago Most Europeans today have a little Neanderthal DNA about 1 4 which suggests that some modern humans interbred with Neanderthals either on their way to Europe or when they arrived Khoisan Modern humans evolved in Africa about 200 000 years ago Over much of the time that followed the Khoisan people of Southern Africa were relatively isolated from other groups of humans This physical separation led them to become genetically different from the rest of humanity This has happened to other isolated communities inside and outside Africa as well Papua New Guinean It s possible to extract archaic human DNA from fossils Compare that to the DNA of someone from Papua New Guinea today and you ll find that 1 2 of his or her DNA comes from Neanderthals and a further 4 6 comes from Denisovans another archaic human species related to Neanderthals This means that some modern humans who migrated to Papua New Guinea interbred with Neanderthals and Denisovans along the way Yoruba One of the largest ethnic groups in Africa the Yoruba live in Nigeria and Benin in West Africa Leanderthal fossils have never been found in Africa but recent studies have shown that many opulations in Africa including the Yoruba do have some Neanderthal DNA This DNA likely arrived on TREE MISSION 6 Khoisan Dinka Yoruba Papua New Guinean C position 11 A position 21 A positio C position 13 G position 6 5 10 15 20 Dinka G italian G Khoisan G CGC T G TCT TGT G P N Guinean A TCT T Yoruba G TGC T A With which arch human species of the ancestor modern Europe interbreed duri past 100 000 y Australopith afarensis Denisovan Homo erect O Neandertha Homo habil T position 16 SUBMIT

Ecology - EcosystemsCurrent River B waterfall A Windy City Spring Cave 11 05 E D Wet Creek C Finn s Farm Swan Lake Case Study How Does Human Activity Affect Rivers Alice and her classmates visited a nearby river Their goal was to determine if pollution from cities and farms affected the water quality of the river Water quality describes the condition of the water including chemical and physical properties as well as biological characteristics Their first task was to take water samples from five sites along the river Alice wore long waterproof waders and collected samples at site A by submerging a container under the water She also measured water temperature at 65 F She took notes in her field journal about what she observed at the location There was a small waterfall upstream from her collection site and the water was clear Next she collected invertebrates from the site by placing a net in the water and disturbing the rocks nearby The current would carry any animals into the net and then deposited into a bucket to examine back at the lab She returned to the lab with her samples which would then be compared to samples taken at the other locations 1 Summarize the data collected by Alice Qualitative Quantitiative Water quality 8 4 WATER QUALITY Zobrane i River Map Showing Sample Sites A E 2 How did Alice collect invertebrate samples Placing a net in the water and clisturbing nearly rocks 3 What is the purpose of this study 4 Examine the river map What differences would you expect to find from water sampled at Site A to water collected at Site B

Ecology - EcosystemsListen AOTD Ghost crabs minimize predatory detection by freezing their movement next to a stone en route to the lower shore during the day which helps them avoid dehydration and To attract mates parthenogenesis minimize stress

Ecology - EcosystemsWhich of the following is not found in a reducing atmosphere OH2 O NH3 O 02 O H2O O Both O2 and H2O QUESTION 39 The energy released by proton movement through ATP synthase the binding affinity of the active site for the ATP product QUESTION 40 Organisms that use the radiant energy of the sun to convert carbon dioxide to organic molecules like carbohydrates and proteins are ca

Ecology - Ecosystemslateral growth of buds gibberellins Question 5 Identify the phenolic compound implicated as a signal in defense responses to plant pathogens 1 pts

Ecology - EcosystemsVisit an area within your vicinity Identify at least one type of ecosystem and be able to explain ecosystem you have chosen Take a picture s or selfie of it 60 points Photo or Model of Student Ecosystem Content Vocabulary Poor 5pts did not accurately and neatly display model of ecosystem Organization 74 or fewer of concepts are described correctly demonstrating little knowledge of ecosystem terms and concepts Fair 10 pts Student displayed ecosystem below the expectations of the instructor lacking either neatness or accuracy 75 85 of concepts 85 94 are to described concepts correctly described demonstrating fair correctly knowledge of demonstrating ecosystem terms and concepts writer Organization and structure detract from the message of the Paragraphs are disjointed and lack transition of The thoughts The Organization and structure of the paper is not easy to follow Paragraph transitions need are unclear paper is inadequate excessive Good 15 pts Student somewhat displayed the ecosystem with accuracy and neatness paper is length inadequate excessive in length of are Excellent 20 pts Student exceeded the expectations of the instructor by accurately and neatly displaying the ecosystem model 95 100 of are concepts described correctly Score demonstrating high knowledge of good knowledge of ecosystem terms ecosystem terms and concepts and concepts Organization and structure of the paper is somewhat easy to follow Paragraphs contain transitions The paper s length is acceptable some Organization and structure of the paper are clear and easy to follow Paragraphs contain appropriate transitions The paper s length is appropriate for ideas expressed TOTAL

Ecology - Ecosystems2 Match the parasitic flagellate with the vector Triatomine or kissing bug Sand flies Tsetse fly A Leishmania sp B Trypanosoma cruzi C Trypanosoma brucei

Ecology - EcosystemsPeople who identify as gay lesbian or bisexual make up about O 1 3 O 2 4 O 3 5 04 6 of the U S population

Ecology - EcosystemsWhich statement is correct regarding the percentages of various races and ethnicities of the U S population Three percent are Asian Thirteen percent are Black or African American Twenty five percent are Hispanic or Latinx O Forty five percent are White

Ecology - EcosystemsSexual orientation rates Oare the same O differ widely Oare unknown differ slightly across various parts of the country

Ecology - EcosystemsThe model believes that cultural differences are not disadvantages but are unique qualities that carry their own strengths that should be acknowledged and celebrated deficit culturally disadvantaged cultural pluralism positive psychology

Ecology - EcosystemsThe Burgess Shale preserves fossil organisms from which type of environment Oseafloor O floodplain lakebed O beach

Ecology - EcosystemsThe Cambrian explosion resulted in many different metazoan body plans These groups all still have living members True O False

Ecology - EcosystemsAOTD What type of stimuli are detected by the ampullae of Lorenzini in hammerhead sharks Photons Tastes Electricity Smells

Ecology - EcosystemsWhich of the following is depicted in this figure of nutrient cycles and energy flow in a terrestrial ecosystem below Sun Respiratory loss work and heat Organic storage Gaseous exchange Net primary production Nutrient pool Gaseous exchange Herbivores Community respiratory loss Decomposers C Carnivores Nutrients are recycled while energy flow is one way Energy flow begins with organic storage and then cycles its way to the nutrient pool Carnivores give both nutrients and energy to herbivores

Ecology - EcosystemsDissolved iron Fe free and unreacted was abundant in the Archean oceans What were the main sources of the Fe hydrothermal activity on the seafloor rain Ostromatolites meteors

Ecology - EcosystemsEListen water Please list the 4 life supporting properties of explain the big ignificance of each of these properties

Ecology - EcosystemsA molecule that is capable of releasing or donating a hydrogen ion is termed a n O base O hydrion O acid O anachronism O pain QUESTION 20 What kind of bond results from an unequal sharing of electrons O ionic bond O polar covalent bond OH bond O nonpolar covalent bond QUESTION 21 Atoms or molecules that have orbitals containing a single unpaired electron tend to be highly unstable are called

Ecology - EcosystemsWhen during earth history did most of the BIF S form O late Archean early Proterozoic O late Proterozoic O Hadean earliest Archean

Ecology - EcosystemsWhich type of plate boundary will you most likely find a Stratovolcano Divergent Transform Convergent

Ecology - Ecosystems4 A scientist wants to study mating behavior of deer She observes deer during mating season to obtain data For each male she counts the number of male male fights that he wins and then the number of females that the male mates with The scientist expects that males who win the most fights will mate with the most females a Design a null and alternative hypothesis for this study 2 pt Ho The null hypothesis would be the number of fights a male deer wins will have no effcet On the number of females that deer males with H The alternale hypothesis would be the number of fights a male deer wins will have an affair on the number of females that deer mates wits b What was the scientist s prediction 1 pt c What was the independent variable 0 5 pt The independent variable is the difference in the number of fights the male deer won d What was the dependent variable 0 5 pt The dependent variable is the number of female deer the male deer mate with e What would constitute replication in this experiment 0 5 pt In this experiment replication would involve repeating the study with differnt groups of deer during mating season to confirm if the observed correlation between male fight victories and mating success holds consistently across multiple installer enswing the reliability of the findings Replication helps validate the results and carers whether the

Ecology - EcosystemsRecall What is the difference between magma and lava Magma is melted rock underground and lava is melted rock at the surface Magma is melted rock at the surface and lava is melted rock underground I m confused Aren t they the same thing

Ecology - EcosystemsWhich mechanisms of biogeography explains the distribution in the figure Plethodon amplus Plethodon cheooh Plethodon jordanl Plethodon meridianus Plethodon metcalf Plethodon montanus Plethodon shermani Georgia Tennessee Continental Drift Vicariance Disjunct Dispersal Climatic Cycles Temporary Land Bridges Virginia North Carolina South Carolina

Ecology - EcosystemsMatch the fossil type with the description cast mold These can be created when an animal walked in mud long ago and then the mud hardened into rock This type of fossil shows an impression of the organism in rock These can be made from animals or plants trapped in ice tar or amber Once an organism has been dissolved away this type of fossil is left behind original part TESTAU cast 3D This type of fossil is a mold that was filled in and then turned to rock This shows a negative image of the animal plant or other organism These fossils show the organism in a 3D form sticking out from the rock This shows a positive image of the animal plant or other organism mold impression T mold negative image trace fos

Ecology - EcosystemsIn the box below list the names and types of 4 real fossils shown in the picture Do not list the non fossils 4 fossils only Example Name Fossil Name Type Mold 500 te 15

Ecology - EcosystemsThe oldest known fossils on earth are Ostromatolites Obrown algae O sharks O fungus

Ecology - EcosystemsCell and molecular physiology Ecological physiology O Integrative physiology O Systems physiology Question 4 There are several unifying themes in animal physiology Researchers studying metamorphosis in insects ex caterpillars becoming butterflies are investigating Ophysiological processes obey the laws of physics and chemistry Ophysiological processes are usually regulated Ophysiological phenotype is a product of the genotype and the environment 1 pts

Ecology - EcosystemsThe glacial till is younger than the shale Which principle allows you to conclude this based only on what you s in this figure O O original horizontality O faunal succession uniformitarianism O inclusions supernocities Glacial till Limestone A Basalt with vesicles Sandstone Surface of Earth Shale

Ecology - EcosystemsMatch the rock names below to the appropriate description conglomerate mudstone limestone Choose very poorly sorted of the rocks listed has the smallest particles and is well sortec chemical sedimentary rock Choose

Ecology - EcosystemsCheck All That Apply density of media size of molecules concentration gradient membrane permeability

Ecology - EcosystemsHow do divergent boundaries curve A B C D E easy left or right By joining convergent boundaries By joining transform boundaries Very slowly By getting bigger on one side

Ecology - EcosystemsWhich of the following is solid A Crust B Asthenosphere C Mantle D Inner Core E All of them Crust Asthenosphere Mantle Inner Core All of them

Ecology - EcosystemsSomeone has handed you the following graph of changes in the frequency of one allele in a population over time Based on the graph and without any other information which of the following is most likely true Allele Frequency 1 0 0 75 0 50 0 25 0 0 0 00 10 20 Time generation OA The allele does not offer any fitness advantage and the population is small B The allele does not offer any fitness advantage and the population is large C The allele offers a selective advantage and the population is small OD The allele was introduced at a very low frequency and the population is large Reset Selection 30

Ecology - Ecosystems0 1 point ccording to the tutorial which TWO answers below demonstrate what it means to cknowledge that information has value Purchasing or renting the correct textbooks for all classes X Crediting creators of information appropriately Missed Option Incorrect X Accessing information legally Being on time and prepared for class each day Selected Answer Incorrect 1 1 point One way that you can act with academic integrity is whenever students attempt to gain an unearned academic advantage Plagiarism is claiming the published or unpublished work of someone else as your own This includes handing in someone else s work turning in copied or purchased compositions using paragraphs sentences phrases words or ideas including paraphrasing written by another writer or using data and or statistics compiled by someone else as your own without giving appropriate credit to the original writer Plagiarism also includes using your work submitted in another class without permission of your current instructor When a faculty member discovers a violation of the university s policy of academic integrity the faculty member will meet with the student s involved and is required to notify the Dean of Students office and detail the alleged violation including the name s of the student s suspected the class in which the alleged violation occurred the circumstances of the alleged violation and the evidence including witnesses supporting the allegation The faculty member will also formally notify the student s suspected of violating the university s policy of academic integrity the department chair fo the course involved in the incident and the appropriate school dean The Dean of Students or designee will investigate confer with the faculty member student s and any witnesses identified ar review all evidence submitted by the faculty member and student s to impose an administrative sanction beyond the academic penalty already placed by the faculty member Students who perform dishonestly in this course may earn zero credit on the assignment exam or a failing grade in the course depending on the level of severity of the offense

Ecology - EcosystemsMatch the type of plate boundary with the correct process divergent boundary convergent boundary transform boundary Choose plates slide past each other plates move apart and an ocean basin opens plates collide resulting in either subduction or a collisional mountain Choose