Human Physiology - Excretory Products & Elimination Questions and Answers

B In the loop of Henle B is impenetrable to water If C 450 mOsm L E 450 mOsm L If E 800 mOsm L one would expect A type your answer is the most hypertonic highest solute concentration and C mOsm L and D 450 I mOsm L
Human Physiology - Excretory Products & Elimination
B In the loop of Henle B is impenetrable to water If C 450 mOsm L E 450 mOsm L If E 800 mOsm L one would expect A type your answer is the most hypertonic highest solute concentration and C mOsm L and D 450 I mOsm L
Which statement is true about podocytes O a They are glomerular endothelial cells O b They are visceral epithelial cells of Bowman s capsule O c They are juxtaglomerular cells O d They are mesangial cells O e They are parietal epithelial cells of Bowman s capsule
Human Physiology - Excretory Products & Elimination
Which statement is true about podocytes O a They are glomerular endothelial cells O b They are visceral epithelial cells of Bowman s capsule O c They are juxtaglomerular cells O d They are mesangial cells O e They are parietal epithelial cells of Bowman s capsule
Looking at the bacteria of someone s microbiome can tell you what A How long they will live B How healthy they are C What illnesses they have had D What they may be deficient in
Human Physiology - Excretory Products & Elimination
Looking at the bacteria of someone s microbiome can tell you what A How long they will live B How healthy they are C What illnesses they have had D What they may be deficient in
Which food molecule s are outside of the tube Start Part 2 Predictions Which food molecule s do you think you will find outside of the tube End Which food molecule s are inside of Start Which food molecule s do you think you will find inside of the tube End
Human Physiology - Excretory Products & Elimination
Which food molecule s are outside of the tube Start Part 2 Predictions Which food molecule s do you think you will find outside of the tube End Which food molecule s are inside of Start Which food molecule s do you think you will find inside of the tube End
Kidney Structure Duter region of the kidney finger like projections area that drains into the ureter outer protective layer indentation of the kidney A Capsule B Columns C Cortex D Hilum E Major caly AB Medulla AC Minor cal AD Papillae AE Pelvis BC Pyramid
Human Physiology - Excretory Products & Elimination
Kidney Structure Duter region of the kidney finger like projections area that drains into the ureter outer protective layer indentation of the kidney A Capsule B Columns C Cortex D Hilum E Major caly AB Medulla AC Minor cal AD Papillae AE Pelvis BC Pyramid
4 Name one substance found in urine but not blood 5 Name one substance found in blood but not urine 6 Name one substance found in both blood and urine
Human Physiology - Excretory Products & Elimination
4 Name one substance found in urine but not blood 5 Name one substance found in blood but not urine 6 Name one substance found in both blood and urine
f 44 The renal corpuscle is the name we use to identify the combination of which two structures in the kidney 45 In which region of the kidney would you look to find the renal corpuscle
Human Physiology - Excretory Products & Elimination
f 44 The renal corpuscle is the name we use to identify the combination of which two structures in the kidney 45 In which region of the kidney would you look to find the renal corpuscle
41 To increase the rate of breathing the medulla oblongata will send excitatory messages to which muscle 42 Rapid breathing during exercise helps to regulate blood pH True or False 43 Which molecule should be reabsorbed the least during urine formation urea glucose salt or amino acids
Human Physiology - Excretory Products & Elimination
41 To increase the rate of breathing the medulla oblongata will send excitatory messages to which muscle 42 Rapid breathing during exercise helps to regulate blood pH True or False 43 Which molecule should be reabsorbed the least during urine formation urea glucose salt or amino acids
Which of the following would not normally be found in the filtrate of the kidney water and electrolytes metabolic wastes acids and bases plasma proteins
Human Physiology - Excretory Products & Elimination
Which of the following would not normally be found in the filtrate of the kidney water and electrolytes metabolic wastes acids and bases plasma proteins
This hormone is directly responsible for causing the kidney to reabsorb sodium and secrete potassium thyroxine aldosterone ADH epinephrine D
Human Physiology - Excretory Products & Elimination
This hormone is directly responsible for causing the kidney to reabsorb sodium and secrete potassium thyroxine aldosterone ADH epinephrine D
If GFR glomerular filtration rate increases which of the following statements would be true Valuable solutes and water would be lost in the urine Valuable solutes and water would get reabsorbed into the blood Valuable solutes would be lost in the urine but water would get reabsorbed into the blood Valuable solutes would get reabsorbed into the blood but water would be lost in the urine
Human Physiology - Excretory Products & Elimination
If GFR glomerular filtration rate increases which of the following statements would be true Valuable solutes and water would be lost in the urine Valuable solutes and water would get reabsorbed into the blood Valuable solutes would be lost in the urine but water would get reabsorbed into the blood Valuable solutes would get reabsorbed into the blood but water would be lost in the urine
The following questions refer to the diagram of Sampling Body Sites M Which sample is most desirable in case of a UTI D H N
Human Physiology - Excretory Products & Elimination
The following questions refer to the diagram of Sampling Body Sites M Which sample is most desirable in case of a UTI D H N
elodea cabbage onion of the non photosynthetic plant cells Question 6 1 point Listen Which of the following is a characteristic of prokaryotic cells Has mitochondria arganelles
Human Physiology - Excretory Products & Elimination
elodea cabbage onion of the non photosynthetic plant cells Question 6 1 point Listen Which of the following is a characteristic of prokaryotic cells Has mitochondria arganelles
Inducing the loss of fluid in the body in a process called The diuretic effect The digestive effect The thermic effect The calorie effect
Human Physiology - Excretory Products & Elimination
Inducing the loss of fluid in the body in a process called The diuretic effect The digestive effect The thermic effect The calorie effect
The diagram below represents the structure of a T tubule Nucleus Capillary Sarcoplastic reticulum Muscle fiber Sarcolemma Myofilaments Cardiac muscle Connective tissue Smooth muscle Muscle fiber Z line H zone M line A band Sarcomere I band Myofibril
Human Physiology - Excretory Products & Elimination
The diagram below represents the structure of a T tubule Nucleus Capillary Sarcoplastic reticulum Muscle fiber Sarcolemma Myofilaments Cardiac muscle Connective tissue Smooth muscle Muscle fiber Z line H zone M line A band Sarcomere I band Myofibril
What is a primary method of preventing spread of Clonorchis a Cook pork untill well done Ob Wear shoes when outside Od Avoid eating undercooked fish d Wash vegetables thoroughly
Human Physiology - Excretory Products & Elimination
What is a primary method of preventing spread of Clonorchis a Cook pork untill well done Ob Wear shoes when outside Od Avoid eating undercooked fish d Wash vegetables thoroughly
The enzyme Succinate dehydrogenase SDH catalyzes the reaction succinate fumarate in the Citric Acid Cycle The compound malonate whose structure is just similar enough to succinate structures shown below can bind to the active site of SDH preventing succinate from binding This is an example of COOH CH CH COOH succinate Competitive inhibition Allosteric activation Zymogen activation Covalent modification Allosteric inhibition COOH CH COOH malonate
Human Physiology - Excretory Products & Elimination
The enzyme Succinate dehydrogenase SDH catalyzes the reaction succinate fumarate in the Citric Acid Cycle The compound malonate whose structure is just similar enough to succinate structures shown below can bind to the active site of SDH preventing succinate from binding This is an example of COOH CH CH COOH succinate Competitive inhibition Allosteric activation Zymogen activation Covalent modification Allosteric inhibition COOH CH COOH malonate
Humans are changing the biosphere What global changes are occurring that concern biologists and other scientists Select all that may apply Dramatic decrease in human population Dramatically increasing human population Global warming due to decreased carbon dioxide levels Restoration of the ozone layer decreasing global temperatures Depletion of the ozone layer Global climate change due to increased levels of carbon dioxide
Human Physiology - Excretory Products & Elimination
Humans are changing the biosphere What global changes are occurring that concern biologists and other scientists Select all that may apply Dramatic decrease in human population Dramatically increasing human population Global warming due to decreased carbon dioxide levels Restoration of the ozone layer decreasing global temperatures Depletion of the ozone layer Global climate change due to increased levels of carbon dioxide
15 What is the pressure balance at the capillary wall Hydrostatic and oncotic pressure of blood Hydrostatic and oncotic pressure of interstiatial fluid Hydrostatic pressure of blood Hydrostatic and oncotic pressure of interstiatial fluid Hydrostatic and oncotic pressure of blood Hydrostatic and oncotic pressure of interstiatial fluid
Human Physiology - Excretory Products & Elimination
15 What is the pressure balance at the capillary wall Hydrostatic and oncotic pressure of blood Hydrostatic and oncotic pressure of interstiatial fluid Hydrostatic pressure of blood Hydrostatic and oncotic pressure of interstiatial fluid Hydrostatic and oncotic pressure of blood Hydrostatic and oncotic pressure of interstiatial fluid
20 2 points Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter that binds to a ligand gated sodium Na ion channel When acetylcholine is bound to its receptor this ion channel opens and sodium ions pass from outside the cell to inside the cell Which of the following would you expect to see in the postsynaptic membrane when this happens A An action potential B An EPSP C An IPSP D No change in the postsynaptic membrane potential
Human Physiology - Excretory Products & Elimination
20 2 points Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter that binds to a ligand gated sodium Na ion channel When acetylcholine is bound to its receptor this ion channel opens and sodium ions pass from outside the cell to inside the cell Which of the following would you expect to see in the postsynaptic membrane when this happens A An action potential B An EPSP C An IPSP D No change in the postsynaptic membrane potential
What is the output of the Excretory System? 
A. oxygen
B. digested food
C. urine
D. toxic products
Human Physiology - Excretory Products & Elimination
What is the output of the Excretory System? A. oxygen B. digested food C. urine D. toxic products
Choose the correct syntax and fill in the blank.
One _ breathe in order to survive.
Human Physiology - Excretory Products & Elimination
Choose the correct syntax and fill in the blank. One _ breathe in order to survive. can may must
If the body was suffering from dehydration the most likely regulation mechanism would be:
a) Increased excretion of water
b) Decreased reabsorption of water
c) ADH (antidiuretic hormone) release
d) Both A and C are correct
Human Physiology - Excretory Products & Elimination
If the body was suffering from dehydration the most likely regulation mechanism would be: a) Increased excretion of water b) Decreased reabsorption of water c) ADH (antidiuretic hormone) release d) Both A and C are correct
The functional unit of the kidney is called:
A nephron
The renal cortex
A glomerulus
A neuron
Human Physiology - Excretory Products & Elimination
The functional unit of the kidney is called: A nephron The renal cortex A glomerulus A neuron
This is the second twisted portion of the nephron after the Loop of Henle:
a) Collecting duct
b) Proximal tubule
c) Bowman's capsule
d) Distal tubule
Human Physiology - Excretory Products & Elimination
This is the second twisted portion of the nephron after the Loop of Henle: a) Collecting duct b) Proximal tubule c) Bowman's capsule d) Distal tubule
Blood enters the kidney via the renal artery and first travels to the
proximal convoluted tubule.
distal convoluted tubule.
collecting duct.
Human Physiology - Excretory Products & Elimination
Blood enters the kidney via the renal artery and first travels to the proximal convoluted tubule. distal convoluted tubule. collecting duct. glomerulus.
One of the aides is taking pharm, and suggests that this patient might need a diuretic. What do you think?
an osmotic diuretic might help this patient excrete water and correct their imbalances
A potassium-wasting diuretic would be the best choice to correct this patient's imbalances
A diuretic is just the wrong choice, this patient needs nasal ADH spray
It would make more sense to give this patient ACE inhibitors to correct their electrolyte imbalances
Human Physiology - Excretory Products & Elimination
One of the aides is taking pharm, and suggests that this patient might need a diuretic. What do you think? an osmotic diuretic might help this patient excrete water and correct their imbalances A potassium-wasting diuretic would be the best choice to correct this patient's imbalances A diuretic is just the wrong choice, this patient needs nasal ADH spray It would make more sense to give this patient ACE inhibitors to correct their electrolyte imbalances
What value provides the best estimate of renal function?
a. What is a "normal" value for this measure?
Human Physiology - Excretory Products & Elimination
What value provides the best estimate of renal function? a. What is a "normal" value for this measure?
Describe the functions of each of the following parts of the
nephron and associated structures in the process of urine
production: glomerulus, glomerular capsule, proximal
convoluted tubule, peritubular capillaries, descending limb of
the nephron loop, ascending limb of the nephron loop, distal
convoluted tubule and collecting duct.
Human Physiology - Excretory Products & Elimination
Describe the functions of each of the following parts of the nephron and associated structures in the process of urine production: glomerulus, glomerular capsule, proximal convoluted tubule, peritubular capillaries, descending limb of the nephron loop, ascending limb of the nephron loop, distal convoluted tubule and collecting duct.
Jim decides to donate blood, which results in a drop in blood pressure.
What would be observed in Jim during the first hour after the blood
Aldosterone synthesis will increase
The kidneys will secrete water and salt
The levels of angiotensinogen will increase
K+ reabsorption will increase
Human Physiology - Excretory Products & Elimination
Jim decides to donate blood, which results in a drop in blood pressure. What would be observed in Jim during the first hour after the blood donation? Aldosterone synthesis will increase The kidneys will secrete water and salt The levels of angiotensinogen will increase K+ reabsorption will increase
J.R. has difficulty urinating. He was prescribed bethanechol chloride (Urecholine) 25mg TID.
Bethanechol is a:
Select one:
a. Cholinergic agonist
b. Anticholinergic
c. Cholinesterase inhibitor
d. Sympatholytic
Human Physiology - Excretory Products & Elimination
J.R. has difficulty urinating. He was prescribed bethanechol chloride (Urecholine) 25mg TID. Bethanechol is a: Select one: a. Cholinergic agonist b. Anticholinergic c. Cholinesterase inhibitor d. Sympatholytic
A person has a condition in which their endocrine system overproduces Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH). This hormone affects the function of the kidneys, which is part of the excretory system. If you were a doctor treating this patient, which symptom would be unusual for this patient? 
frequent urination
fluid buildup in tissues
extreme thirst
Human Physiology - Excretory Products & Elimination
A person has a condition in which their endocrine system overproduces Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH). This hormone affects the function of the kidneys, which is part of the excretory system. If you were a doctor treating this patient, which symptom would be unusual for this patient? frequent urination dehydration fluid buildup in tissues extreme thirst
In the process of deamination, the liver converts amino acids into compounds
that can be used in energy metabolism. The liver removes the amino groups from
amino acids to produce urea. Then, the urea is removed from the body as urine.
During this process, the liver works in conjunction with which body system? *
A. Endocrine
B. Excretory
C. Nervous
D. Respiratory
Human Physiology - Excretory Products & Elimination
In the process of deamination, the liver converts amino acids into compounds that can be used in energy metabolism. The liver removes the amino groups from amino acids to produce urea. Then, the urea is removed from the body as urine. During this process, the liver works in conjunction with which body system? * A. Endocrine B. Excretory C. Nervous D. Respiratory
For kidney function, match each part of the nephron to the corresponding process.
Ascending limb of the Loop of Henle
Descending limb of the Loop of Henle
Distal tubule
Proximal tube
Reabsorption of water, concentrate filtrate
Salt diffuses from the tubule to interstitial fluid
Regulates potassium and sodium chloride concentrations
Reabsorption of ions, water and nutrients
Human Physiology - Excretory Products & Elimination
For kidney function, match each part of the nephron to the corresponding process. Ascending limb of the Loop of Henle Descending limb of the Loop of Henle Distal tubule Proximal tube Reabsorption of water, concentrate filtrate Salt diffuses from the tubule to interstitial fluid Regulates potassium and sodium chloride concentrations Reabsorption of ions, water and nutrients (
What size loop is preferred for streaking urine
Human Physiology - Excretory Products & Elimination
What size loop is preferred for streaking urine
Which of these excerpts from
paragraph 1 contains imagery?
A. "in the very olden time"
B. "distant Latin neighbors, were still large,
florid, and untrammeled,..."
C. "He was greatly given to self-communing..."
Human Physiology - Excretory Products & Elimination
Which of these excerpts from paragraph 1 contains imagery? A. "in the very olden time" B. "distant Latin neighbors, were still large, florid, and untrammeled,..." C. "He was greatly given to self-communing..."
Which parameter does intrinsic (a.k.a. local) control affect to change the glomerular filtration rate?
Filtration surface area
Mean arterial pressure
Capillary permeability
Arteriole diameter
Human Physiology - Excretory Products & Elimination
Which parameter does intrinsic (a.k.a. local) control affect to change the glomerular filtration rate? Filtration surface area Mean arterial pressure Capillary permeability Arteriole diameter
If the juxtaglomerular apparatus was not working and was not conveying any chemical signals, which
form of physiological regulation would not be working? NOTE: Select all correct answer choices.
Tubuloglomerular autoregulation
RAAS regulation
Myogenic autoregulation
Human Physiology - Excretory Products & Elimination
If the juxtaglomerular apparatus was not working and was not conveying any chemical signals, which form of physiological regulation would not be working? NOTE: Select all correct answer choices. Tubuloglomerular autoregulation RAAS regulation Myogenic autoregulation
In tubuloglomerular autoregulation, how does the juxtaglomerular apparatus detect filtrate flow?
Macula densa cells have stretch receptors that can detect changing volumes of filtrate in the ascending limb.
Ascending limb physically depresses on the juxtaglomular apparatus as filtrate flow varies.
Macula densa cells detect Sodium Chloride concentration in the filtrate and uses that as proxy for filtrate flow.
Human Physiology - Excretory Products & Elimination
In tubuloglomerular autoregulation, how does the juxtaglomerular apparatus detect filtrate flow? Macula densa cells have stretch receptors that can detect changing volumes of filtrate in the ascending limb. Ascending limb physically depresses on the juxtaglomular apparatus as filtrate flow varies. Macula densa cells detect Sodium Chloride concentration in the filtrate and uses that as proxy for filtrate flow.
Assuming the osmolarity gradient has already been established in the renal medulla, If the salt pumps in the ascending limb of the nephron loop were disabled, what would the filtrate osmolarity be as it left the nephron loop? 
300 mOsM 
900 mOsM 
1200 mOsM 
100 mOsM
Human Physiology - Excretory Products & Elimination
Assuming the osmolarity gradient has already been established in the renal medulla, If the salt pumps in the ascending limb of the nephron loop were disabled, what would the filtrate osmolarity be as it left the nephron loop? 300 mOsM 900 mOsM 1200 mOsM 100 mOsM
All else being equal, and in the absence of any compensatory changes, which one of the following would increase the rate of urine formation?
A) a decrease in total blood volume.
B) a decrease in mean systemic arterial pressure.
C) a decrease in the concentration of plasma proteins.
D) dehydration.
E) consumption of a meal high in salt.
Human Physiology - Excretory Products & Elimination
All else being equal, and in the absence of any compensatory changes, which one of the following would increase the rate of urine formation? A) a decrease in total blood volume. B) a decrease in mean systemic arterial pressure. C) a decrease in the concentration of plasma proteins. D) dehydration. E) consumption of a meal high in salt.
When a person drinks orange juice their blood pH changes. The Type A intercalated cells in the collecting duct will:
secrete; reabsorb; reabsorb
reabsorb; reabsorb; reabsorb
secrete; secrete; secrete
reabsorb; reabsorb; secrete
Human Physiology - Excretory Products & Elimination
When a person drinks orange juice their blood pH changes. The Type A intercalated cells in the collecting duct will: H+ HCO3- K+ secrete; reabsorb; reabsorb reabsorb; reabsorb; reabsorb secrete; secrete; secrete reabsorb; reabsorb; secrete
Which of the following correctly describes the process of glomerular filtration?
Blood cells and plasma proteins are pushed out of the glomerulus into the glomerular capsule.
Water, nitrogenous wastes, nutrients, and ions are pushed out of the glomerulus into the glomerular capsule.
Water and dissolved substances move out of the glomerulus by osmosis into the glomerular capsule.
Water and formed elements are pushed out of the glomerulus into the glomerular capsule.
Human Physiology - Excretory Products & Elimination
Which of the following correctly describes the process of glomerular filtration? Blood cells and plasma proteins are pushed out of the glomerulus into the glomerular capsule. Water, nitrogenous wastes, nutrients, and ions are pushed out of the glomerulus into the glomerular capsule. Water and dissolved substances move out of the glomerulus by osmosis into the glomerular capsule. Water and formed elements are pushed out of the glomerulus into the glomerular capsule.
List the chronological order that fluid takes throughout the nephron. MAKE SURE YOU PUT THE STARTING POSITION AS 1 AND THE LAST POSITION AS THE LARGEST NUMBER.
✓ Loop of Henle
✓ Collecting duct
✓ Distal convoluted tubule
Proximal convoluted tubule
Bowman's capsule
Human Physiology - Excretory Products & Elimination
List the chronological order that fluid takes throughout the nephron. MAKE SURE YOU PUT THE STARTING POSITION AS 1 AND THE LAST POSITION AS THE LARGEST NUMBER. ✓ Loop of Henle ✓ Collecting duct ✓ Distal convoluted tubule Proximal convoluted tubule Bowman's capsule
Which structure is found in the inner medula of the kidney?
Bowman's capsule
proximal convoluted tubule
loop of Henle
Human Physiology - Excretory Products & Elimination
Which structure is found in the inner medula of the kidney? Bowman's capsule proximal convoluted tubule loop of Henle glomerulus
A patient has ingested a chemical that
causes the glucose uniporter to be
suddenly distributed to both the apical
and basolateral domains of intestinal
epithelial cells. Other proteins are
unchanged. What is the likely result?
Glucose will not be transported into the
intestinal epithelial cells; glucose
transport into the blood will decrease.
Glucose will be transported into the
intestinal epithelial cells; glucose
transport into the blood will increase.
Glucose will not be transported into the
intestinal epithelial cells; glucose
transport into the blood will increase.
Glucose will be transported into the
intestinal epithelial cells; glucose
transport into the blood will decrease.
Human Physiology - Excretory Products & Elimination
A patient has ingested a chemical that causes the glucose uniporter to be suddenly distributed to both the apical and basolateral domains of intestinal epithelial cells. Other proteins are unchanged. What is the likely result? Glucose will not be transported into the intestinal epithelial cells; glucose transport into the blood will decrease. Glucose will be transported into the intestinal epithelial cells; glucose transport into the blood will increase. Glucose will not be transported into the intestinal epithelial cells; glucose transport into the blood will increase. Glucose will be transported into the intestinal epithelial cells; glucose transport into the blood will decrease.
Most aquatic animals excrete ammonia, while land animals excrete urea or uric acid. What is the most likely explanation for the difference?
land animals cannot afford the energy needed to make ammonia
ammonia is very toxic, and it takes lots of water to dilute it
they have different diets
fish need to get rid of ammonia, but land animals need it to live
land animals can get the extra energy needed to make urea or uric acid
Human Physiology - Excretory Products & Elimination
Most aquatic animals excrete ammonia, while land animals excrete urea or uric acid. What is the most likely explanation for the difference? land animals cannot afford the energy needed to make ammonia ammonia is very toxic, and it takes lots of water to dilute it they have different diets fish need to get rid of ammonia, but land animals need it to live land animals can get the extra energy needed to make urea or uric acid
All of the following are functions of the mammalian kidney. Check all that would apply
water reabsorption.
excretion of nitrogenous waste.
filtration of blood.
regulation of salt balance in the blood.
production of urea as a waste product of protein catabolism.
Human Physiology - Excretory Products & Elimination
All of the following are functions of the mammalian kidney. Check all that would apply water reabsorption. excretion of nitrogenous waste. filtration of blood. regulation of salt balance in the blood. production of urea as a waste product of protein catabolism.
The advantage of excreting wastes as urea rather than as ammonia is that
urea requires less water for excretion than ammonia.
less nitrogen is removed from the body.
urea elimination does not affect the osmolar gradient.
Ourea is more toxic than ammonia so the animal can get rid of toxic substances easier.
urea can be exchanged for Na+.
Human Physiology - Excretory Products & Elimination
The advantage of excreting wastes as urea rather than as ammonia is that urea requires less water for excretion than ammonia. less nitrogen is removed from the body. urea elimination does not affect the osmolar gradient. Ourea is more toxic than ammonia so the animal can get rid of toxic substances easier. urea can be exchanged for Na+.
Filtration into the Bowman's capsule is dependent upon what factors? Check all that would apply.
the "pores" of the endothelial lining
the spaces between the podocytes of the Bowman's capsule
the amount of water in the blood being filtered
the osmotic pressure of the bowman's capsule
Human Physiology - Excretory Products & Elimination
Filtration into the Bowman's capsule is dependent upon what factors? Check all that would apply. the "pores" of the endothelial lining the spaces between the podocytes of the Bowman's capsule the amount of water in the blood being filtered the osmotic pressure of the bowman's capsule