Morphology of Flowering Plants Questions and Answers

Morphology of Flowering PlantsMatch the types of structural mutations that alter chromosomes Drag the elements placed at the bottom and drop them again their appropriate boxes on top of the image ID X Inversion Deletion Fission

Morphology of Flowering PlantsMatch the term regarding DNA replication within bacteria with the correct description V DJ DNA pol I topoisomerase helicase primase DNA polymerase DNA pol III 1 2 3 4 5 6 Main enzyme that adds nucleotides in the 5 3 direction Opens the DNA helix by breaking hydrogen bonds between the nitrogenous bases Helps relieve the strain on DNA when unwinding by causing breaks and then resealing the DNA Removes RNA primer and replaces it with newly synthesized DNA Synthesizes RNA primers needed to start replication adds nucleotides one by one to the growing DNA chain

Morphology of Flowering PlantsWhich of the following is NOT true of the epidermis of herbaceous stems Comprised of periderm cells that secrete suberin has a cuticle comprised of cutin is typically one cell thick

Morphology of Flowering PlantsPerfect Stigma Imperfect Carpel Style Is this flower perfect or imperfect Ovary Ovule Petal Sepal Anther Filament Stamen

Morphology of Flowering PlantsExamine the leaf and flower samples provided below When this plant started growing as a seed would you have expected it to have one or two cotyledons Leaf samples Flower sample Time left 0 29 2 Select one

Morphology of Flowering Plantsstion 1 Match the term person with the appropriate description True breeding v Alleles Phenotype Testcross Pleiotropy Polygenic inheritance Incomplete dominance Codominance A When an individual with unknown genotype is crossed with the homozygous recessive genotype B More than one gene can affect a single trait C The physical appearance or other observable characteristics of an individual which result from allele expression D The phenotype of the heterozygote is intermediate between the two homozygotes E The offspring produced from self fertilization remain uniform from one generation to the next F The heterozygote shows some aspect of the phenotype of both homozygotes G A single gene can affect more than one trait H Different forms of the same gene

Morphology of Flowering Plantses materials from the cell nto the cell the picture below with the following words hydrophobic hydrophilic water phosp bilayer DOOOOOO PROPAS CA SUCCUL out

Morphology of Flowering PlantsFirst Base 5 en CUC CUA CUG AUU A AUC lle AUA AUG A single amino acid replacement O A shortened protein Leu What type of mutation has occurred Original DNA 3 AGCCGCATA 5 Mutated DNA 3 AGCCGCATC 5 CCC CCA CCG All amino acids in the protein change ACU ACC ACA ACG Pro GUU GCU GUC GCC GUA Val GCA Ala GUG GCG Thr AUG Met or Start UAG UAA and UGA Stop CAC CAA CAG AAU AAC GAU GAC GAA GAG His Gin AAA AAG Lys Asn Asp Glu CGC CGA CGG AGU AGC AGA AGG GGU GGC GGA GGG Arg Ser Arg Gly DUAG DCAC DCAG Third Base 3 end Dept Biol Penn State 02002

Morphology of Flowering PlantsWhich of the following statements referring to the schema of a replication bubble is true more than one true answer is possible 5 3 A C E H B O The 5 end of DNA strand C is close to H The 5 end of DNA strand B is close to E The 5 end of DNA strand D is close to H The 5 end of DNA strand A is close to E F3 G 3in 5

Morphology of Flowering Plants1 A cell containing genetic material DNA but no true nucleus is a n O plant cell O Animal call O Prokaryotic cell Eukaryotic cell

Morphology of Flowering PlantsThe mesocosm is self sustaining Write about how they provide their own nutrients cause the bacteria can detoxify waste and put in back into the ecosystem Talk about energy nutrient availability and detoxification of waste

Morphology of Flowering PlantsThe most prominent lipids in animal cell membranes are Ophospholipids O cholesterol O cerebrosides glycolipids

Morphology of Flowering PlantsWhich stage s of eukaryotic cellular respiration is are impacted by cyanide poisoning Impacted photosynthesis oxidative phosphorylation Drag appropriate answer s here Krebs cycle glycolysis

Morphology of Flowering PlantsBefore making a turn you should O Look to see if other vehicles and or pedestrians will be in your way Stop at a crosswalk O Move slightly to the left when turning right and move slightly to the right when turning left

Morphology of Flowering PlantsOO OO OO Which star indicates approximate location of unofficial capital of African American culture O A O B the the Blank US Map svg User Theshibboleth CC BY SA 3 0 http creativecommons org licenses by sa 3 0 or GFDL http www gnu org copyleft l htm via Wikimedia Commons

Morphology of Flowering Plantsneural folds spinal cord region of ing streak neural groove Figure 10 The chick after 24 hours of incubation neurulation Edges of the ectodermal neural plate elevate forming neural folds The depressed center is the neural groove The neural folds eventually fuse forming the neural tube ube A B C D E veloping Fig 9 p 69 Symbiosis Pearson Learning Solutions 2010 A B C D E

Morphology of Flowering Plants5 1 point ach of the following is NOT one of the differences betwe presence of guard cells location of stomata Opattern of leaf venation presence of bundle sheath cells around vascular bundles

Morphology of Flowering PlantsWhich of the following polymer is intracellular Keratan sulfate Heparin sulfate Heparan sulfate

Morphology of Flowering PlantsWho were Northerners who moved to the South after the war and were accused of exploiting th South for their own personal gain O Timeserver O Carpetbaggers

Morphology of Flowering Plants11 Insulin and glucagon are hormones that regulate blood sugar Which of the following is true a Insulin and glucagon both follow negative feedback systems b Insulin uses negative feedback glucagon uses positive feedback c Insulin uses positive feedback glucagon uses negative feedback d Insulin and glucagon both follow positive feedback systems 12 What is oogenesis a gland responsible for the production of sex hormones b term used to describe the end of a female s reproductive capabilities c production of eggs in the ovaries d process by which sperm is produced in the testes

Morphology of Flowering PlantsCelery stalks have many long flexible strings Which type of cell makes up celery strings Sclerenchyma Parenchyma Collenchyma Meristematic 3 of 4 QUESTIONS

Morphology of Flowering PlantsWhich type of cell makes up the hard covering of a peach pit Collenchyma Mesophyll Parenchyma Sclerenchyma 2 of 4 QUESTIONS

Morphology of Flowering PlantsWhich tissues enable a stem to both provide support and distribute materials for a plant Select all that apply Xylem Epidermis Phloem Mesophyll 3 of 4 QUESTIONS

Morphology of Flowering PlantsTEST IT Plant Tissues The bald cypress is a tree that grows along riverbanks and in swamps These trees form knees which are extensions of roots that grow above standing water Which function are the knees most likely to perform for the bald cypress of QUESTIONS

Morphology of Flowering PlantsIncrease of imported food makes tracking down foodborne illness much easier True False

Morphology of Flowering PlantsBased on your own knowledge and the Information presented in this lesson which answer listed below would best complete this diagram Steamboat Willie Jazz Singer Silent Films from the 1920s OTalkies from the 1920 s O Radio shows from the 1920s

Morphology of Flowering PlantsWhat is the TMRCA time of most recent common ancestor for all mitochondrial genomes for AMH currently alive O200 000 years ago O400 000 years ago 1 million years ago 1 2 million years ago

Morphology of Flowering PlantsWhich passage below best reveals the cultural setting of A Piece of String A All the aristocracy of the plow ate there at Matre Jourdain s B Me Me Me pick up the pocketbook C The old man remembered understood and flushed with anger A PIECE OF STRING by Guy de Maupassant Along all the roads around Goderville the peasants and their wives were coming toward the burgh because it

Morphology of Flowering Plantsexample of an idiom A The twins Kelly and Becca were like twe peas in a pod B The twins Kelly and Becca were always together C The twins Kelly and Becca were always in close contact with each other D The twins Kelly and Becca were always in collaboration with each other Personal Essay Structure and Style Focus on Style Style formal or informal Informal a conversational style that ofter has short sentences or sentence fragments idioms slang colloquial expressions contractions a subjective point of view and casual tone Idioms are phrases or expressions that have a

Morphology of Flowering PlantsIf you were writing that a theme of The Cactus is that appearance is often different from reality which passage would give the best support A He had told himself that her paleness was from thoughts of another B Come now take something to ease your conscience C The voice of the other man in the room querulously intruding upon his thoughts aroused him THE CACTUS by O Henry The most notable thing about Time is that it is so purely relative A large amount of

Morphology of Flowering PlantsWhich of the following statements is are TRUE 1 European nations had been colonizing for centuries and in the late 1800s began to focus on Africa for Its raw materials and markets II Britain France Belgium Italy Germany Portugal and Spain did not split the continent among themselves iii European nations staked their claims and signed treaties to reserve colonies and avoid wars O Statements II and III O Statements I and III Statements I and II

Morphology of Flowering PlantsKeeping your workspace organized is an important part of time management O True False

Morphology of Flowering PlantsThe waxy on the surface of leaves is an adaptation land plants use to prevent dessication peduncle B phospho lipid hilaver cuticle

Morphology of Flowering PlantsA A B B C C D D Ovule Style Filament Ovary stamen D B C Nectary Mature Flower Floral axis Articulation Pedicel Connective A An Microsporangi

Morphology of Flowering PlantsStratosphene atmospit Stratosphere absone ozone layer is thinning however From the 1950s through the 1990s chlorofluorocarbons CFCs were used as propellants in spray cans and coolants in refrigerators They were also used in the manufacture of plastics In the 1970s scientists discovered that CFCs decomposed by UVR were destroying the ozone layer In 1985 a springtime depletion of stratospheric ozone was discovered over the South Pole This is often referred to as the Antarctic ozone hole In 1987 27 countries signed a global environmental agreement called the Montr al Protocol to Reduce Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer Its London Amendment 1990 called for the production of CFCs to end by 2000 The production of CFCs has been banned in many Effects of UVR on Different Organisms Type of organism algae or phytoplankton plants bacteria protozoa zooplankton fish amphibians Overall effect of increasing amounts of UVR can inhibit photosynthesis in general inhibits photosynthesis reduces leaf size and decreases growth of many plants depending on species may be killed or highly resistant can be damaging or kill depending on age and other factors damaging can kill fish causes developmental damage answer the Analysis questions Analysis 1 What might be the effects of increasing amounts of UVR on productivity 2 What direct effects does increasing UVR have on animals 3 What indirect effects might increasing UVR have on animals Adaptations for protection against UVR UVR absorbing compounds 4 Suggest an approach to counteract increased levels of UVR in ecosystems What would you need to find out to ensure that your approach is a wise one pigmentation UVR absorbing compounds DNA repair processes DNA repair processes varies damages cells in some species DNA repair processes in some protozoa pigmentation UVR absorbing compounds DNA repair pigmentation DNA repair in fish eggs pigmentation Environmental features that protect against UVR dissolved material in water can act as a shield shade can protect plants protozoa living in deeper waters are shielded from UVR amount of Sun exposure is limited zooplankton are shielded from UVR when they swim to deeper waters deeper cooler waters protect developing fish dissolved materials in water can Machield

Morphology of Flowering PlantsWhy might less oxygen in the water be a problem for fish O If oxygen is too low fish will die from suffocation They need oxygen to live O If oxygen is too low the water temperature will rise too much O If oxygen is too low there will be fewer plants for the fish to eat O If oxygen is too low there isn t enough to make more water

Morphology of Flowering PlantsCCC AL THINKING Examine the image and determine which plant has a woody stem structure and which has an herbaceous stem structure Write your explanation

Morphology of Flowering Plantswill the world population reach 8 000 000 8 Billion What about 9 Billion Extrapolate your graph to estimate these dates What are the long term projections for world population beyond 2050 Why are these patterns predicted What do you think is responsible for the rise in human population numbers

Morphology of Flowering PlantsC Fis E D F Match the rock with the correct response Choose Chemically Precipit Clastic Sedimentary Metamorphic Igneous Intrusive Igneous Extrusiv Organic Sedimentary

Morphology of Flowering PlantsWhich of the following groups contains the Orientati command button in MS Word 2013 O Paragraph

Morphology of Flowering PlantsWhich of the following command button is available i he Page Layout tab O Margins O Orientation

Morphology of Flowering PlantsWhere is the Manage Styles button located on the Styles pane in MS Word 2013 O Top of the styles pane Bottom of the styles pane O Right side of the styles pane

Morphology of Flowering Plantsreturns a Variant specifying the number of time intervals between two specified dates O Date Add O Date Diff O DatePart

Morphology of Flowering PlantsAs with normal criteria you can combine parameters with the keyword and wild characters to match a wider range of items O Like O Unlike O Updated All of the ch

Morphology of Flowering Plantsyour answer be sure to define the terms monoecious and dioecious 3 pts ANSWER 8 Describe in your own words the movement of a C fern sperm as you observed it during lab What is it about the shape and architecture of the C fern sperm that makes it move the way it does 1 pt ANSWER a How are sperm cells able to find the egg to fertilize it In other words how do the sperm know in which direction to move Provide the botanical term for the process 0 5 pt ANSWER 9 Plants are oogamous and they are embryophytes How are these features connected In other words what does being oogamous have to do with being an embryophyte 1pt ANSWER 10 For each of the following statements indicate whether it is true of false with regard to the plant world and or fern growth development and reproduction Indicate WHY you determined the statement to be True or WHY it is False by completing the Because statement You do NOT need to write your explanation in complete sentences but be sure your answer clearly reflects what you mean 1 pt each no partial credit a Ferns are unlike all other members of the plant kingdom because they produce both male and female gametes by mitosis instead of meiosis TRUE or FALSE ANSWER Because b Ferns have megaphylls on the sporophyte plants These megaphylls serve to protect the developing seeds from water ore attack TRUE FAI SEO loss and he 1

Morphology of Flowering PlantsPsilotum is distinct from most other plants in which of following ways Check all that apply It lacks roots It has its sporangia fused into a compound structure It lacks leaves It lacks stems It branches dichotomously It has terminal sporangia It lacks chlorophyll

Morphology of Flowering Plants4 The life cycle of every plant involves the reproductive function of two adult multicellular individuals the gametophyte plant and the sporophyte plant 2 pts a Which of the adult plants gametophyte or sporophyte is responsible for producing spores Answer b Which cellular process mitosis or meiosis is used to produce spores Answer c Why must the plant use the cellular process you selected to make spores Be sure your answer is complete and specific Answer d Which of the adult plants gametophyte or sporophyte is built from the growth of a spore Answer Questions 5 8 relate to how spores are produced and how they function in the plant life cycle 5 What is a sporocyte Be sure to include its ploidy and its job in the plant life cycle 0 5 pt Answer 6 What is the name of the specific structure on the adult plant in which sporocytes are located 0 5 pt Answer

Morphology of Flowering Plantsapical meristem and axillary meristem apical meristem intercalary meristem and lateral meristem apical meristem vascular cambium and cork cambium single apical cell Question 25 1 point Listen Secondary growth increases the circumference girth of a stem or root when axillary meristems build secondary tissues e g wood and cork in lateral directions True