Anatomy and Physiology Questions

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00 Mamoudou Diallo Attempt 2 An example would be a red Cells that lack a nucleus are said to be blood cell that has no nucleus once it is in the bloodstream See the 5 rbcs in the image below c030b06 00 00 1 anucleated O2 nucleated
Anatomy and Physiology
00 Mamoudou Diallo Attempt 2 An example would be a red Cells that lack a nucleus are said to be blood cell that has no nucleus once it is in the bloodstream See the 5 rbcs in the image below c030b06 00 00 1 anucleated O2 nucleated
Motor Motor unit 2 unit 1 Muscle fibers skeletal muscle fibers axon terminal with synaptic end bulbs motor neuron axon Motor neuron axon 1 2 3 Muscle 2 Motor neuron cell body 365x
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Motor Motor unit 2 unit 1 Muscle fibers skeletal muscle fibers axon terminal with synaptic end bulbs motor neuron axon Motor neuron axon 1 2 3 Muscle 2 Motor neuron cell body 365x
Choose all that are correct During the refractory period of an action potential 0 V gated Na channels V gated Cat channels V gated K channels Ligand gated K channels 0 are open
Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous System
Choose all that are correct During the refractory period of an action potential 0 V gated Na channels V gated Cat channels V gated K channels Ligand gated K channels 0 are open
Are fixed costs considered to be anticipated or unanticipated costs Are variable costs considered to be anticipated or unanticipated costs O Fixed costs are anticipated costs and variable costs are anticipated costs O Fixed costs are unanticipated costs and variable costs are anticipated costs O Fixed costs are anticipated costs and variable costs are unanticipated costs Fixed costs are unanticipated costs and variable costs are unanticipated costs
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Are fixed costs considered to be anticipated or unanticipated costs Are variable costs considered to be anticipated or unanticipated costs O Fixed costs are anticipated costs and variable costs are anticipated costs O Fixed costs are unanticipated costs and variable costs are anticipated costs O Fixed costs are anticipated costs and variable costs are unanticipated costs Fixed costs are unanticipated costs and variable costs are unanticipated costs
Introversion O Openness to experience O Extraversion QUESTION 2 1 points Save Answer Darla was moving some furniture and in the process her dog Sammy ran out the front door Rather than accepting responsibility for leaving the door open she yelled at her husband for not closing the door According to Gottman this is an example of which horseman of
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Introversion O Openness to experience O Extraversion QUESTION 2 1 points Save Answer Darla was moving some furniture and in the process her dog Sammy ran out the front door Rather than accepting responsibility for leaving the door open she yelled at her husband for not closing the door According to Gottman this is an example of which horseman of
Strong attraction or passion for another without intimacy or commitment is also known as Oliking infatuation O empty love
Anatomy and Physiology
Strong attraction or passion for another without intimacy or commitment is also known as Oliking infatuation O empty love
The Na IK ATPase pumps Cat ATPase pumps Na H antiporter V gated Na channels are responsible for establishing the normal resting membrane potential across a neuronal cell membrane
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
The Na IK ATPase pumps Cat ATPase pumps Na H antiporter V gated Na channels are responsible for establishing the normal resting membrane potential across a neuronal cell membrane
Bone a Skeletal Muscle Components Fascicle Transverse sections b Fascicle Components FIGURE 12 1 Skeletal muscle Periosteum Tendon 2 3 4 5 6 Skeletal muscle 7 Somatic motor neuron Blood capillary 8 Nucleus 9 Striations Sarcoplasm 10 11 12 a Skeletal muscle components endomysium endo MY zee um epimysium epi MY zee um fascicle FAS i kul muscle fiber myofibril perimysium peri MY zee um 1 2 3 4 5 6 b Fascicle components endomysium filament muscle fiber myofibril perimysium sarcolemma 7 8 9 10 11 12
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Bone a Skeletal Muscle Components Fascicle Transverse sections b Fascicle Components FIGURE 12 1 Skeletal muscle Periosteum Tendon 2 3 4 5 6 Skeletal muscle 7 Somatic motor neuron Blood capillary 8 Nucleus 9 Striations Sarcoplasm 10 11 12 a Skeletal muscle components endomysium endo MY zee um epimysium epi MY zee um fascicle FAS i kul muscle fiber myofibril perimysium peri MY zee um 1 2 3 4 5 6 b Fascicle components endomysium filament muscle fiber myofibril perimysium sarcolemma 7 8 9 10 11 12
Which leadership perspective believes some people are born to be leaders and others are not situational leadership styles theory trait theories of leadership contingency theory of leadership
Anatomy and Physiology
Which leadership perspective believes some people are born to be leaders and others are not situational leadership styles theory trait theories of leadership contingency theory of leadership
Which of the following is a top three communication weakness for men in the western world Commanding physical presence direct and to the point interactions effective display of power O overly blunt and direct insensitve to audience reactions too confident in own opinion O ability to read body language good listening skills effective display of empathy overly emotional meandering not
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Which of the following is a top three communication weakness for men in the western world Commanding physical presence direct and to the point interactions effective display of power O overly blunt and direct insensitve to audience reactions too confident in own opinion O ability to read body language good listening skills effective display of empathy overly emotional meandering not
axon terminal motor end plate receptors synaptic cleft synaptic end bulb synaptic vesicle with acetylcholine b 1 2 3 4 5 Space 6 FIGURE 12 7 Structure of the neuromuscular Junction
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
axon terminal motor end plate receptors synaptic cleft synaptic end bulb synaptic vesicle with acetylcholine b 1 2 3 4 5 Space 6 FIGURE 12 7 Structure of the neuromuscular Junction
After listening to the animation in APR called Diffusion all of the following are TRUE about diffusion EXCEPT O O 1 2 3 4 Molecules dissolved in solution are in constant motion due to their kinetic energy If a lump of sugar is dropped into a beaker of water the sugar molecules move randomly and begin to disperse to areas where they are scarce Diffusion is the movement of molecules of high concentration to low concentration is called diffusion The molecules will never evenly dispurse throughout the beaker in diffusion
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
After listening to the animation in APR called Diffusion all of the following are TRUE about diffusion EXCEPT O O 1 2 3 4 Molecules dissolved in solution are in constant motion due to their kinetic energy If a lump of sugar is dropped into a beaker of water the sugar molecules move randomly and begin to disperse to areas where they are scarce Diffusion is the movement of molecules of high concentration to low concentration is called diffusion The molecules will never evenly dispurse throughout the beaker in diffusion
they haven t spoken to the person O attraction mere exposure similarity O complementarity QUESTION 6 1 points Save Answer love is based on trust mutual respect affection and friendship
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
they haven t spoken to the person O attraction mere exposure similarity O complementarity QUESTION 6 1 points Save Answer love is based on trust mutual respect affection and friendship
O2 neutrons positive charge O 3 electrons negative charge Question 12 1 point The study of names of body structures
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
O2 neutrons positive charge O 3 electrons negative charge Question 12 1 point The study of names of body structures
7 postganglionic a b All preganglionic 8 Which of the following neurotransmitters muscle contraction in the digestive tract C d VIP ANS fibers release fibers of the sympathetic division release norepinephrine NO ACh while only stimulates smooth
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
7 postganglionic a b All preganglionic 8 Which of the following neurotransmitters muscle contraction in the digestive tract C d VIP ANS fibers release fibers of the sympathetic division release norepinephrine NO ACh while only stimulates smooth
12 n 5 Secretin stimulates gastric HCl secretion True False 13 GIP stimulates the pancreas to secrete 14 stimulates motility of the intestine thereby movin ts contents toward the terminal ileum 15 s greater than the sum of their individual effects occurs when the combined action of two hormor
Anatomy and Physiology
12 n 5 Secretin stimulates gastric HCl secretion True False 13 GIP stimulates the pancreas to secrete 14 stimulates motility of the intestine thereby movin ts contents toward the terminal ileum 15 s greater than the sum of their individual effects occurs when the combined action of two hormor
Which of the following voltages would most likely be measured during the relative refractory period O 30 mV 0 mV 45 mV 90 my
Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous System
Which of the following voltages would most likely be measured during the relative refractory period O 30 mV 0 mV 45 mV 90 my
9 sphincter to contract 10 1 2 3 4 5 11 slow intestinal motility and cause the pylo 1 2 3 List five peptide hormones of the GI tract List four functions of duodenal CCK
Anatomy and Physiology
G.I Tract
9 sphincter to contract 10 1 2 3 4 5 11 slow intestinal motility and cause the pylo 1 2 3 List five peptide hormones of the GI tract List four functions of duodenal CCK
2 The cephalic phase of digestion 3 digestion nerve triggers the responses during the List the four main responses during the intestinal phase of 1 2 3
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
2 The cephalic phase of digestion 3 digestion nerve triggers the responses during the List the four main responses during the intestinal phase of 1 2 3
The small intestine typically slows gastric emptying accelerates gastric emptying has no effect on gastric emptying
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
The small intestine typically slows gastric emptying accelerates gastric emptying has no effect on gastric emptying
List the three phases of digestive system processes
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
List the three phases of digestive system processes
Threshold voltage is a voltage below which no sodium channels will open the lowest voltage to elicit a response a highest voltage to produce the weakest response the lowest voltage to elicit the largest response
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Threshold voltage is a voltage below which no sodium channels will open the lowest voltage to elicit a response a highest voltage to produce the weakest response the lowest voltage to elicit the largest response
Which of the following is probably going to propagate an action potential fastest O a thin unmyelinated axon O a thin myelinated axon O a thick unmyelinated axon O a thick myelinated axon
Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous System
Which of the following is probably going to propagate an action potential fastest O a thin unmyelinated axon O a thin myelinated axon O a thick unmyelinated axon O a thick myelinated axon
1 What were the reasons behind Jefferson s decision to explore the West 2 How long were the members of the Corps of Discovery away from their homes How would you describe the nature of the expedition 3 Both Lewis and Clark as well as many of the other men on the expedition were members of the army and had prior military experience How might this experience have helped them during their journey 4 Who were Charbonneau and Sacagawea Why were they recruited to join the mission 5 Considering the goals of the expedition do you think the corps was successful From whose point of view Explain your answer
Anatomy and Physiology
1 What were the reasons behind Jefferson s decision to explore the West 2 How long were the members of the Corps of Discovery away from their homes How would you describe the nature of the expedition 3 Both Lewis and Clark as well as many of the other men on the expedition were members of the army and had prior military experience How might this experience have helped them during their journey 4 Who were Charbonneau and Sacagawea Why were they recruited to join the mission 5 Considering the goals of the expedition do you think the corps was successful From whose point of view Explain your answer
6 Which is not a benefit of scalp manipu a stimulate the scalp b relax the patron c clean the hair 7 The technical name for loosing hair is a baldness b alopecia c dandruff 8 Dandruff can be caused by all of the following except a infection b improper diet c poor circulation d cold weather od nas atnomsiqme lis ibad bluede atm 7 Dry damaged hair can be improved by using a strong soap b moisturizing treatment c greasy preparation d mineral oil A pin curl is made up of three parts Which is not a part of a pin curl a circle b base bongiash c strand d stem Grika 2 Which does not a stem length that affects the mobility of a curl a full stem b forward movement c half stem d no stem
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
6 Which is not a benefit of scalp manipu a stimulate the scalp b relax the patron c clean the hair 7 The technical name for loosing hair is a baldness b alopecia c dandruff 8 Dandruff can be caused by all of the following except a infection b improper diet c poor circulation d cold weather od nas atnomsiqme lis ibad bluede atm 7 Dry damaged hair can be improved by using a strong soap b moisturizing treatment c greasy preparation d mineral oil A pin curl is made up of three parts Which is not a part of a pin curl a circle b base bongiash c strand d stem Grika 2 Which does not a stem length that affects the mobility of a curl a full stem b forward movement c half stem d no stem
Which statement best expresses the theme of The Pursuit of Happiness O America is a land of opportunity and hope O America is a place where living is easy O America is a place of great hardship O America is a land with closed borders
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Which statement best expresses the theme of The Pursuit of Happiness O America is a land of opportunity and hope O America is a place where living is easy O America is a place of great hardship O America is a land with closed borders
true you know about the metabolic theory of autoregulation which of the following stateme increased levels of CO will cause vasodilation increased levels of O will cause vasoconstriction tissues with higher metabolic activity will get more blood all of the choices are correct
Anatomy and Physiology
Respiratory System
true you know about the metabolic theory of autoregulation which of the following stateme increased levels of CO will cause vasodilation increased levels of O will cause vasoconstriction tissues with higher metabolic activity will get more blood all of the choices are correct
What will happen to the osmotic movement of water across a membrane if the concentration gradient becomes zero In other words 10 points Saw
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
What will happen to the osmotic movement of water across a membrane if the concentration gradient becomes zero In other words 10 points Saw
For questions 6 through 8 fill in constrict or dilate then and arrows 6 Acetylcholine will bronchioles resistance air flow Histamine will 7 resistance 8 resistance air flow Epinephrine will air flow bronchioles bronchioles
Anatomy and Physiology
Respiratory System
For questions 6 through 8 fill in constrict or dilate then and arrows 6 Acetylcholine will bronchioles resistance air flow Histamine will 7 resistance 8 resistance air flow Epinephrine will air flow bronchioles bronchioles
In the diagram below ZABC and ZCBD are supplementary It is also known that m ABC 5x 9 and m CBD 8x 7 5x 9 A What is m ABC m ABC 8x 7 B
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
In the diagram below ZABC and ZCBD are supplementary It is also known that m ABC 5x 9 and m CBD 8x 7 5x 9 A What is m ABC m ABC 8x 7 B
arry parasympathetic impulses to the enteric nervous system Sympathetic NS innervation of the digestive tract is via fibers preganglionic
Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous System
arry parasympathetic impulses to the enteric nervous system Sympathetic NS innervation of the digestive tract is via fibers preganglionic
What does a ligand gated channel require in order to open increase in concentration of Nations Obinding of a neurotransmitter increase in concentration of K ions O depolarization of the membrane
Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous System
What does a ligand gated channel require in order to open increase in concentration of Nations Obinding of a neurotransmitter increase in concentration of K ions O depolarization of the membrane
What is the name of this organelle that the arrow is pointing to c030b05 RE
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
What is the name of this organelle that the arrow is pointing to c030b05 RE
Q8 Your real stomach secretes hydrochloric acid one of three gastric juices Gastric juice has a very low pH value The purpose of gastric juice is to kill bacteria make food more soluble and to establish the optimal pH for the function of the enzyme pepsin an enzyme that breaks down proteins into smaller pieces How would homeostasis be disrupted in the human body if too little hydrochloric acid was produced by the cells in the stomach 2 pts
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Q8 Your real stomach secretes hydrochloric acid one of three gastric juices Gastric juice has a very low pH value The purpose of gastric juice is to kill bacteria make food more soluble and to establish the optimal pH for the function of the enzyme pepsin an enzyme that breaks down proteins into smaller pieces How would homeostasis be disrupted in the human body if too little hydrochloric acid was produced by the cells in the stomach 2 pts
The diaphragm will O O O 1 2 3 4 5 c01ob19 allow adjustment for the amount of light entering the slide allow the operator to change objective lenses to a different magnification allow the operator to safely carry the microscope by locking the lenses into place allow to move the slide side to side or fowards to backwards allow to move the objectives or stage closer together to get a clear image
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
The diaphragm will O O O 1 2 3 4 5 c01ob19 allow adjustment for the amount of light entering the slide allow the operator to change objective lenses to a different magnification allow the operator to safely carry the microscope by locking the lenses into place allow to move the slide side to side or fowards to backwards allow to move the objectives or stage closer together to get a clear image
1 Draw the urinary system like the figure below with proper labeling of parts in your answer sheet Pick the name of the parts inside the box Kidney Urinary bladder Adrenal gland Inferior vena cava 9 Ureter Renal artery Liver 10 Renal pelvis Abdominal aorta Pancreas 4 Urethra Liver Renal vein
Anatomy and Physiology
Kidney and Urinary Tract
1 Draw the urinary system like the figure below with proper labeling of parts in your answer sheet Pick the name of the parts inside the box Kidney Urinary bladder Adrenal gland Inferior vena cava 9 Ureter Renal artery Liver 10 Renal pelvis Abdominal aorta Pancreas 4 Urethra Liver Renal vein
Question 16 0 5 points What is the name of this organelle that the arrow is pointing to c030b05 DIV Morder 10
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Question 16 0 5 points What is the name of this organelle that the arrow is pointing to c030b05 DIV Morder 10
a wn as b 2 The relationship Law Indicate the relationship with arrows below 1 volume volume between pressure and volume is pressure pressure
Anatomy and Physiology
a wn as b 2 The relationship Law Indicate the relationship with arrows below 1 volume volume between pressure and volume is pressure pressure
Since this topic is regarding the digestive system why is it that broccoli causes bloating Has this happened to anyone else Reply Briana Burnett May 22 2022 at 9 37 PM Hey never noticed this happens but I will definitely pay attention next time I eat broccoli Kale broccoli and cabbage are cruciferous vegetables which contain raffinose a sugar that remains undigested until bacteria in your gut ferment it which
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Since this topic is regarding the digestive system why is it that broccoli causes bloating Has this happened to anyone else Reply Briana Burnett May 22 2022 at 9 37 PM Hey never noticed this happens but I will definitely pay attention next time I eat broccoli Kale broccoli and cabbage are cruciferous vegetables which contain raffinose a sugar that remains undigested until bacteria in your gut ferment it which
The sodium potassium pump is an example of an active transport process in which substances can be transferred into and out of the cell According to the animation in APR where is the sodium potassium pump located c030b09 O O 1 The Na K pump is located in the cytosol of the cell O 2 The Na K pump is located in the plasma membrane of the cell O 3 The Na K pump is located in the ECF immediately outside the cell 4 The Na K pump is located in the nucleus of the cell Question 35 0 5 points Endocytosis and exocytosis are types of
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
The sodium potassium pump is an example of an active transport process in which substances can be transferred into and out of the cell According to the animation in APR where is the sodium potassium pump located c030b09 O O 1 The Na K pump is located in the cytosol of the cell O 2 The Na K pump is located in the plasma membrane of the cell O 3 The Na K pump is located in the ECF immediately outside the cell 4 The Na K pump is located in the nucleus of the cell Question 35 0 5 points Endocytosis and exocytosis are types of
Going into this chapter I was curious about malabsorption My brother is suspected to struggle with this and I m curious what exactly triggers it From the reading it seems like a lot of factors play a role in absorption but I was wondering if someone can elaborate Thanks
Anatomy and Physiology
G.I Tract
Going into this chapter I was curious about malabsorption My brother is suspected to struggle with this and I m curious what exactly triggers it From the reading it seems like a lot of factors play a role in absorption but I was wondering if someone can elaborate Thanks
Directions Read each sentence Using one of the suffixes in the box write the correct form of the bold word on the line to complete the sentence tion 1 My 2 I believe that art 3 As paper first 4 I get a feeling of sculpture 5 Out of usually do 6 I faced some on time ty was placed on display in the library sion 7 Sometimes other artists feel see a great work 8 After the show we held a for my work I drew the design on 9 It is fun to watch a person s she sees my work ness is important when making from working on a I had to work faster than I in trying to finish the piece when they about art when he or 0 One person stared at my sculpture with a look of ment create honest prepare content necessary difficult resent discuss react astonint
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Directions Read each sentence Using one of the suffixes in the box write the correct form of the bold word on the line to complete the sentence tion 1 My 2 I believe that art 3 As paper first 4 I get a feeling of sculpture 5 Out of usually do 6 I faced some on time ty was placed on display in the library sion 7 Sometimes other artists feel see a great work 8 After the show we held a for my work I drew the design on 9 It is fun to watch a person s she sees my work ness is important when making from working on a I had to work faster than I in trying to finish the piece when they about art when he or 0 One person stared at my sculpture with a look of ment create honest prepare content necessary difficult resent discuss react astonint
Intrapulmonary pressure s or during inspiration What pressure is always negative and helps to keep the lungs flated pressure If transpulmonary pressure equals zero what will a appen to the lungs b This is known as a an When the bronchiole constricts what will happen to use arrows To air flow a sistance b use arrows
Anatomy and Physiology
Respiratory System
Intrapulmonary pressure s or during inspiration What pressure is always negative and helps to keep the lungs flated pressure If transpulmonary pressure equals zero what will a appen to the lungs b This is known as a an When the bronchiole constricts what will happen to use arrows To air flow a sistance b use arrows
discussion questions in your post Conduct an internet search on this topic some links have been provided at the bottom to help you get started Computer forensics has also sparked a tremendous amount of controversy in the law enforcement civil rights and technology fields Some tech experts have even developed antiforensic software simply to prove that evidence collected from a computer is not reliable Carter Law Criminal Defense Attorney 1 After learning how Computer Forensics are used to analyze and interpret data do you think this quote is accurate Why or why not 2 Do you feel there are any situations in which it is unethical for law enforcement to seize and search a citizen s computer or data storage devices Support your answer with at least 2 arguments 3 What kind of controversy do you think the author of the quote was referring to in the law enforcement civil rights and technology fields
Anatomy and Physiology
discussion questions in your post Conduct an internet search on this topic some links have been provided at the bottom to help you get started Computer forensics has also sparked a tremendous amount of controversy in the law enforcement civil rights and technology fields Some tech experts have even developed antiforensic software simply to prove that evidence collected from a computer is not reliable Carter Law Criminal Defense Attorney 1 After learning how Computer Forensics are used to analyze and interpret data do you think this quote is accurate Why or why not 2 Do you feel there are any situations in which it is unethical for law enforcement to seize and search a citizen s computer or data storage devices Support your answer with at least 2 arguments 3 What kind of controversy do you think the author of the quote was referring to in the law enforcement civil rights and technology fields
with the idea that human hair would be very beneficial in cooler environments that do not get very much sun heat Do you think this hair would be beneficial in places like Arizona where it can reach over 110 degrees Would the hair lead to their defeat or ultimately just protect them from the sun
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
with the idea that human hair would be very beneficial in cooler environments that do not get very much sun heat Do you think this hair would be beneficial in places like Arizona where it can reach over 110 degrees Would the hair lead to their defeat or ultimately just protect them from the sun
Why do you think Homo erectus would keep using the same style of Acheulean hand axe for almost a million years without changing it
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Why do you think Homo erectus would keep using the same style of Acheulean hand axe for almost a million years without changing it
Can you only feel a pulse anywhere on an individual Select one O a No because only veins can be used to detect a pulse b Yes because any artery can be used to detect a pulse c No because a pulse can only be detected in areas that have artery is near the surface and can be compressed d Yes because a pulse can be detected at any deep area e None of the above 36 6 Can you detect a pulse without touching the patient Select one O O a No b Yes
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Can you only feel a pulse anywhere on an individual Select one O a No because only veins can be used to detect a pulse b Yes because any artery can be used to detect a pulse c No because a pulse can only be detected in areas that have artery is near the surface and can be compressed d Yes because a pulse can be detected at any deep area e None of the above 36 6 Can you detect a pulse without touching the patient Select one O O a No b Yes
Name Directions Read each sentence Write the correct suffix from the box on the line to complete the word in the sentence tion 1 In ancient Japan loyal ty 2 A valuable servant showed devo sion was very important 6 Sometimes there was ten 3 In the emperor s court people were expected to show polite times ness 4 Performers came to the court for the ruler s amuse to his master 5 Visitors from other lands were viewed with fascina 8 The crown was a symbol of royal 9 Warriors achieved great 7 The emperor and his wife were models of refine 10 Some warriors gained permis ment between rival families at all and grace by fighting for their lords to travel to other lands
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Name Directions Read each sentence Write the correct suffix from the box on the line to complete the word in the sentence tion 1 In ancient Japan loyal ty 2 A valuable servant showed devo sion was very important 6 Sometimes there was ten 3 In the emperor s court people were expected to show polite times ness 4 Performers came to the court for the ruler s amuse to his master 5 Visitors from other lands were viewed with fascina 8 The crown was a symbol of royal 9 Warriors achieved great 7 The emperor and his wife were models of refine 10 Some warriors gained permis ment between rival families at all and grace by fighting for their lords to travel to other lands
Which of the following triangles can be drawn O an obtuse triangle with side lengths 5 5 and 5 units O a triangle with two obtuse angles O a triangle with three acute angles O a triangle with one right angle one obtuse angle and one acute angl
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Which of the following triangles can be drawn O an obtuse triangle with side lengths 5 5 and 5 units O a triangle with two obtuse angles O a triangle with three acute angles O a triangle with one right angle one obtuse angle and one acute angl
13 Why do you think the heart is called a double pump a The right and left sides of the heart work in coordination to pump blood and electrical impulses to the body b The right and left sides of the heart work independently of each other to pump oxygenated blood to the body and deoxygenated blood to the lungs c The right and left sides of the heart work in coordination to pump oxygenated blood to the body and deoxygenated blood to the lungs d The right and left sides of the heart work independently of each other to pump blood and electrical impulses to the body
Anatomy and Physiology
13 Why do you think the heart is called a double pump a The right and left sides of the heart work in coordination to pump blood and electrical impulses to the body b The right and left sides of the heart work independently of each other to pump oxygenated blood to the body and deoxygenated blood to the lungs c The right and left sides of the heart work in coordination to pump oxygenated blood to the body and deoxygenated blood to the lungs d The right and left sides of the heart work independently of each other to pump blood and electrical impulses to the body