The Living World Questions and Answers

Once sexual reproduction evolves in a lineage, that lineage never goes back to asexual reproduction because sexual reproduction is much more advantageous.
The Living World
Once sexual reproduction evolves in a lineage, that lineage never goes back to asexual reproduction because sexual reproduction is much more advantageous. True False
Inbreeding (including selfing) in the long term this always leads to negative consequences for the population.
The Living World
Inbreeding (including selfing) in the long term this always leads to negative consequences for the population. True False
What process is most likely responsible for the striking discontinuity of species distributions known as the Wallace Line?
a. the evolution and colonization of species on separate land-masses that only later became adjacent
b. natural selection at the species level
c. convergent evolution
d. genetic drift
e. different environments and ecologies on either side of the line
The Living World
What process is most likely responsible for the striking discontinuity of species distributions known as the Wallace Line? a. the evolution and colonization of species on separate land-masses that only later became adjacent b. natural selection at the species level c. convergent evolution d. genetic drift e. different environments and ecologies on either side of the line
Imagine that researchers have sequenced the genomes of two closely related species of grasshopper. One of the species lives in a temperate climate and the other lives in a hotter area. The researchers calculated the dN/dS ratios for a gene that has been associated with a differential ability to handle high temperatures in insects. The calculated dN/dS ratio was 1.5. Which of these statements is most likely to be true about this gene?
a. There are more nonsynonymous mutations than synonymous mutations, which implies that the changes have been fixed in the population as a result of positive selection.
b. There are more synonymous mutations than nonsynonymous mutations, which implies that any mutations which changed the function of the gene were deleterious and removed via purifying selection.
c. The numbers of synonymous and nonsynonymous mutations are almost the same, which means that the changes in this gene between these two species are due to genetic drift.
d. The gene doesn't have any mutations or differences between the two species.
The Living World
Imagine that researchers have sequenced the genomes of two closely related species of grasshopper. One of the species lives in a temperate climate and the other lives in a hotter area. The researchers calculated the dN/dS ratios for a gene that has been associated with a differential ability to handle high temperatures in insects. The calculated dN/dS ratio was 1.5. Which of these statements is most likely to be true about this gene? a. There are more nonsynonymous mutations than synonymous mutations, which implies that the changes have been fixed in the population as a result of positive selection. b. There are more synonymous mutations than nonsynonymous mutations, which implies that any mutations which changed the function of the gene were deleterious and removed via purifying selection. c. The numbers of synonymous and nonsynonymous mutations are almost the same, which means that the changes in this gene between these two species are due to genetic drift. d. The gene doesn't have any mutations or differences between the two species.
Using the context of this passage, what is the most accurate definition of "miasma"?
A. an uplifting aura
B. an oppressive or unpleasant
C. an all-encompassing desire
D. a weak, but persistent nagging
"Freedom from Fear"
by Aung San Suu Kyi
It is not easy for a people conditioned by fear under the iron rule of the principle that might is right to free themselves from the enervating miasma of fear. Yet even under the most crushing state machinery courage rises up again and again, for fear is not the natural state of civilized man.
The Living World
Using the context of this passage, what is the most accurate definition of "miasma"? A. an uplifting aura B. an oppressive or unpleasant atmosphere C. an all-encompassing desire D. a weak, but persistent nagging "Freedom from Fear" by Aung San Suu Kyi It is not easy for a people conditioned by fear under the iron rule of the principle that might is right to free themselves from the enervating miasma of fear. Yet even under the most crushing state machinery courage rises up again and again, for fear is not the natural state of civilized man.
What are the traits for generation X, Y, and Z?
The Living World
What are the traits for generation X, Y, and Z?
How can we build stronger community relations and consensus in diverse communities when we have stakeholders representing several generations?
The Living World
How can we build stronger community relations and consensus in diverse communities when we have stakeholders representing several generations?
II. Let Us Think About This. Before you answer this activity, remember that a primary source is information that was created at the same time as an event or by a person directly involved in the event while a secondary source gets its information from somewhere else or by a person not directly involved in the event.
This time, you will identify what the following scenarios implies. Write P for primary sources and S for secondary sources.
6. My sister leaves a letter she wrote to her best friend on the kitchen table. I want to read it but I don't because I know it's private. What is her letter?
7. At school, we use textbooks to find out about many different people and events. When we use textbooks, what are we using?
8. My friend Tim told me about a book he read that he really liked. He said I should read it too. When Tim talks about the book, what is he?
9. When I was in the province to celebrate our town fiesta, I found old photos which my grandparents explained show how Filipinos celebrate fiestas before. What am I looking
10. I am writing a report on Earth and the Sun, and my friend lends me her encyclopedia.
What am I using?
The Living World
II. Let Us Think About This. Before you answer this activity, remember that a primary source is information that was created at the same time as an event or by a person directly involved in the event while a secondary source gets its information from somewhere else or by a person not directly involved in the event. This time, you will identify what the following scenarios implies. Write P for primary sources and S for secondary sources. 6. My sister leaves a letter she wrote to her best friend on the kitchen table. I want to read it but I don't because I know it's private. What is her letter? 7. At school, we use textbooks to find out about many different people and events. When we use textbooks, what are we using? 8. My friend Tim told me about a book he read that he really liked. He said I should read it too. When Tim talks about the book, what is he? 9. When I was in the province to celebrate our town fiesta, I found old photos which my grandparents explained show how Filipinos celebrate fiestas before. What am I looking at? 10. I am writing a report on Earth and the Sun, and my friend lends me her encyclopedia. What am I using?
Match the following pathogens with their mode of motility, if any.
Giardia lamblia Flagella
Plasmodium vivax
The Living World
Match the following pathogens with their mode of motility, if any. Giardia lamblia Flagella Plasmodium vivax
Compare the pH of milk and vinegar, which one is more acidic? How much is the difference between the pH of these two solutions? How much is the difference between the [H+] hydrogen ion concentration of these two solutions? Show your work.
The Living World
Compare the pH of milk and vinegar, which one is more acidic? How much is the difference between the pH of these two solutions? How much is the difference between the [H+] hydrogen ion concentration of these two solutions? Show your work.
Compare the pH of the two basic dilutions (0.1 mM & 100 mM NaOH). As the base becomes more diluted, does the pH value increase or decrease? Why?
The Living World
Compare the pH of the two basic dilutions (0.1 mM & 100 mM NaOH). As the base becomes more diluted, does the pH value increase or decrease? Why?
Which is the correct scientific name of the bacterium that causes tuberculosis? 
Koch's bacillus 
Mycobacterium tuberculosis 
M. tuberculosis 
Mycobacterium tuberculosis 
All the options are correct
The Living World
Which is the correct scientific name of the bacterium that causes tuberculosis? Koch's bacillus Mycobacterium tuberculosis M. tuberculosis Mycobacterium tuberculosis All the options are correct
Explain some ways terrorism has impacted societies around the world.
The Living World
Explain some ways terrorism has impacted societies around the world.
Discussion Question 3: Describe, in detail, three examples of Study Strategies.
The Living World
Discussion Question 3: Describe, in detail, three examples of Study Strategies.
Discussion Question 2: Describe, in detail, three examples of Self-Regulated Learning.
The Living World
Discussion Question 2: Describe, in detail, three examples of Self-Regulated Learning.
Discussion Question 4: How have theories of learning evolved over time and what are some drawbacks to those theories?
The Living World
Discussion Question 4: How have theories of learning evolved over time and what are some drawbacks to those theories?
An esker is
a smooth, elongate, parallel hill composed of till and formed from ice sheets.
is a narrow, sinuous ridge.
a steep-sided mound formed from ice-contact. stratified drift
a steep-sided mound formed from ice-contact stratified drift.
The Living World
An esker is a smooth, elongate, parallel hill composed of till and formed from ice sheets. is a narrow, sinuous ridge. a steep-sided mound formed from ice-contact. stratified drift a steep-sided mound formed from ice-contact stratified drift.
Glaciers move by
the force of gravity
basal slip
all of the other choices
plastic flow
meltwater acting as a lubricant
The Living World
Glaciers move by the force of gravity basal slip all of the other choices plastic flow meltwater acting as a lubricant
A medial moraine is
a rock-strewn plain created as the glacier retreats.
an accumulation of debris that forms at the terminus of a glacier.
created when two alpine glaciers converge.
an accumulation of debris on the side of the glacial till.
The Living World
A medial moraine is a rock-strewn plain created as the glacier retreats. an accumulation of debris that forms at the terminus of a glacier. created when two alpine glaciers converge. an accumulation of debris on the side of the glacial till.
The Northern Hemisphere Ice Ages began about ____ years ago.
260 million
26 million
2.6 million
The Living World
The Northern Hemisphere Ice Ages began about ____ years ago. 260 million 260,000 26 million 2.6 million 2,600
Which of the following statements is NOT correct?
Glaciers in a main (trunk) valley typically erode more than tributary glaciers, creating hanging valleys
Glaciers seldom reach the ocean or seas.
Glaciers tend to straighten valleys, removing sharp curves and creating truncated spurs
Glaciers widen and deepen valleys, creating U-shaped glacial troughs.
The Living World
Which of the following statements is NOT correct? Glaciers in a main (trunk) valley typically erode more than tributary glaciers, creating hanging valleys Glaciers seldom reach the ocean or seas. Glaciers tend to straighten valleys, removing sharp curves and creating truncated spurs Glaciers widen and deepen valleys, creating U-shaped glacial troughs.
Glaciers affect and are affected by which of the following systems?
all of the other choices
The Living World
Glaciers affect and are affected by which of the following systems? hydrosphere cryosphere geosphere all of the other choices atmosphere biosphere
Loss of ice at the lower end of the glacier is called the
Ozone of wastage
zone of stability
The Living World
Loss of ice at the lower end of the glacier is called the Ozone of wastage advancement Orecession zone of stability ablation
Ice caps
cover vast areas of more than 50,000 km².
produce floating ice shelves when valley or continental glaciers encounter the sea.
occur when glaciers emerge from a steep mountain valley onto broad lowlands
completely cover underlying terrain, but much smaller than ice sheets.
consist of ice confined to mountain valleys.
ice confined to mountain valleys
ice confined to mountain valleys
ice confined to mountain valleys
The Living World
Ice caps cover vast areas of more than 50,000 km². produce floating ice shelves when valley or continental glaciers encounter the sea. occur when glaciers emerge from a steep mountain valley onto broad lowlands completely cover underlying terrain, but much smaller than ice sheets. consist of ice confined to mountain valleys. ice confined to mountain valleys ice confined to mountain valleys ice confined to mountain valleys
Aseptic techniques are....
 a sequence of steps performed to transfer bacteria from one medium to another one
 used to generate a mixed culture
 used to sterilize a medium
 all the steps that you should do to prevent contamination of your bacteria sample or
sterile medium
The Living World
Aseptic techniques are.... a sequence of steps performed to transfer bacteria from one medium to another one used to generate a mixed culture used to sterilize a medium all the steps that you should do to prevent contamination of your bacteria sample or sterile medium
The part of the microscope that regulates the intensity of the light that enters
the lens is the
 Iris diaphragm
 Course knob
 Diopter ring
 Any of the above
The Living World
The part of the microscope that regulates the intensity of the light that enters the lens is the Iris diaphragm Condenser Course knob Diopter ring Any of the above
Streak plate or streak for isolation is....
any agar plate containing a bacteria culture
A method to obtain a pure culture from a mixed culture using aseptic techniques.
a method to convert a pure culture into a mixed culture
the subculturing of bacteria from broth to an agar plate
Any of the above
The Living World
Streak plate or streak for isolation is.... any agar plate containing a bacteria culture A method to obtain a pure culture from a mixed culture using aseptic techniques. a method to convert a pure culture into a mixed culture the subculturing of bacteria from broth to an agar plate Any of the above
After you inoculate bacteria on an agar plate, why do you place the plate upside
down in the incubator at 22C?
To prevent that water from condensation forms on the lid
To avoid contamination
To prevent that water from condensation falls on top of the colonies
To be able to read the information that you wrote on the plate
Just for fun :-)
The Living World
After you inoculate bacteria on an agar plate, why do you place the plate upside down in the incubator at 22C? To prevent that water from condensation forms on the lid To avoid contamination To prevent that water from condensation falls on top of the colonies To be able to read the information that you wrote on the plate Just for fun :-)
What type of microscope is used in this lab?
The Living World
What type of microscope is used in this lab? contrast darkfield brightfield fluorescent electron
How do you determine the total magnification of a sample observed using a light microscope?
It is the number written in the objective used to observe the sample
It is similar to the objective magnification
It is the magnification of the objective multiplied by the magnification of the ocular
It depends on the brand of the microscope
The Living World
How do you determine the total magnification of a sample observed using a light microscope? It is the number written in the objective used to observe the sample It is similar to the objective magnification It is the magnification of the objective multiplied by the magnification of the ocular It depends on the brand of the microscope
To label a test tube, write your name and the bacteria name directly on the tube.
The Living World
To label a test tube, write your name and the bacteria name directly on the tube. True False
Which information you should write in a tube containing medium and bacteria?
O The name of the bacteria
O Your name
O The name of the medium
O The date
O All of the above
The Living World
Which information you should write in a tube containing medium and bacteria? O The name of the bacteria O Your name O The name of the medium O The date O All of the above
The isolation of a single species of microbe is a(n):
pure culture
bacterial cell
The Living World
The isolation of a single species of microbe is a(n): inoculum medium pure culture bacterial cell
Large magnitude earthquakes are generally associated with which of the following types of plate boundaries?
convergent and transform
divergent and convergent
divergent and transform
The Living World
Large magnitude earthquakes are generally associated with which of the following types of plate boundaries? convergent and transform divergent and convergent divergent and transform
You have prepared a smear and stained it with crystal violet. Everything is fine until you examine your slide using the oil immersion lens and you find that you cannot focus on the cells because they are floating in the oil. You conclude that you made in mistake in which step? 
heat-fixing the slide 
cleaning the slide 
washing the excess stain off the slide 
spreading the bacteria onto the slide
The Living World
You have prepared a smear and stained it with crystal violet. Everything is fine until you examine your slide using the oil immersion lens and you find that you cannot focus on the cells because they are floating in the oil. You conclude that you made in mistake in which step? heat-fixing the slide cleaning the slide washing the excess stain off the slide spreading the bacteria onto the slide
Quaternary structure can be found in
a lipid droplet
the plasma membrane
an actin filament
a single strand of DNA
The Living World
Quaternary structure can be found in water a lipid droplet the plasma membrane an actin filament a single strand of DNA
Essential amino acids are
the 20 that proteins are made of
important parts of your diet
The Living World
Essential amino acids are hydrophilic the 20 that proteins are made of hydrophobic important parts of your diet polar
Discussion Question 3: What is the definition of Learning and what's its importance?
The Living World
Discussion Question 3: What is the definition of Learning and what's its importance?
Would phosphofructokinase be more or less active when AMP concentrations are high? Why would
this benefit the cell?
The Living World
Would phosphofructokinase be more or less active when AMP concentrations are high? Why would this benefit the cell?
Stem cells with their totipotent capacity have determinate cleavage.
The Living World
Stem cells with their totipotent capacity have determinate cleavage. True False
Match the match the tissue or structure with the germ layer it comes from
nervous system
The Living World
Match the match the tissue or structure with the germ layer it comes from nervous system endoderm mesoderm ectoderm
Select all of the following that are names of immature stages in various animals.
The Living World
Select all of the following that are names of immature stages in various animals. Otrochophore. caterpillar. nymph. swimmeret. nauplius.
Tagmata are segments of the body that represent two or more previous body segments fused
The Living World
Tagmata are segments of the body that represent two or more previous body segments fused together. True False
Which of the following are NOT trends that have occurred during the evolution of the central
nervous system in invertebrates?
Increasing the size of cerebral ganglia and formation of a "brain"
The processing of sensory information by neural ganglia and the generation of motor commands
The development of sensory structures for the detection of gravity, sound and light
none of the above - all are trends
The positioning of nerve chords at the ventral end of the animal.
The Living World
Which of the following are NOT trends that have occurred during the evolution of the central nervous system in invertebrates? Increasing the size of cerebral ganglia and formation of a "brain" The processing of sensory information by neural ganglia and the generation of motor commands The development of sensory structures for the detection of gravity, sound and light none of the above - all are trends The positioning of nerve chords at the ventral end of the animal.
Differentiate between Phylum Porifera and Clade Eumetazoa.
O Poriferans have mobile gametes while eumetazoans do not.
O The various cells types of Poriferans do not form permanent associations into true tissues during their life
cycle, whereas Eumetazoa possess true, stable tissues.
O Poriferans invert during their development whereas eumetazoans do not invert at any time during their life
Poriferans have only one kind of cell during their life cycle whereas Eumetazoa have many kinds of cells
throughout their life cycle.
Poriferans are only haploid during their life cycle, whereas eumetazoans are diploid with haploid sex cells at
various stages of their life cycle.
The Living World
Differentiate between Phylum Porifera and Clade Eumetazoa. O Poriferans have mobile gametes while eumetazoans do not. O The various cells types of Poriferans do not form permanent associations into true tissues during their life cycle, whereas Eumetazoa possess true, stable tissues. O Poriferans invert during their development whereas eumetazoans do not invert at any time during their life cycle. Poriferans have only one kind of cell during their life cycle whereas Eumetazoa have many kinds of cells throughout their life cycle. Poriferans are only haploid during their life cycle, whereas eumetazoans are diploid with haploid sex cells at various stages of their life cycle.
Which of the following are sensory abilities that are found among invertebrates? Check all that you
think are correct.
visual information.
gravitational sensation
sound or vibrational sensation
light detection
chemical sensation
The Living World
Which of the following are sensory abilities that are found among invertebrates? Check all that you think are correct. visual information. gravitational sensation sound or vibrational sensation light detection chemical sensation
Many insects make larvae that are very different from the adults. What do you think are
advantages of this system? Check all that apply.
Adults and offspring would not compete for food sources.
Adults and offspring would not compete for potential mates.
Adults and offspring would not compete for habitats.
Adults and offspring would not be vulnerable to the same predators.
The Living World
Many insects make larvae that are very different from the adults. What do you think are advantages of this system? Check all that apply. Adults and offspring would not compete for food sources. Adults and offspring would not compete for potential mates. Adults and offspring would not compete for habitats. Adults and offspring would not be vulnerable to the same predators.
If two otherwise dissimilar organisms share similar genomic DNA, to what would you attribute.the
genomic similarity?
The shared genes have evolved a number of times and have no phylogenetic significance.
The shared genes are ancient and probably no longer function within the altered physiological states of
modern organisms.
O DNA is not a reliable basis for phylogenetic decisions.
O The shared genes developed early in evolution and are likely to be applicable to a wide diversity of
O The two taxa are more closely related than formerly believed because they may share a common ancestor
The Living World
If two otherwise dissimilar organisms share similar genomic DNA, to what would you attribute.the genomic similarity? The shared genes have evolved a number of times and have no phylogenetic significance. The shared genes are ancient and probably no longer function within the altered physiological states of modern organisms. O DNA is not a reliable basis for phylogenetic decisions. O The shared genes developed early in evolution and are likely to be applicable to a wide diversity of organisms. O The two taxa are more closely related than formerly believed because they may share a common ancestor
Terrestrial snails perform digestion through the
O use of a crystalline style for the release of digestive enzymes into a mucoid mass of food
O incorporation of food into a mucoid mass called a protostyle
O filtration of food by the mantle cavity
O secretion of digestive enzymes into the forgut followed by absorption of nutrients by the hindgut
The Living World
Terrestrial snails perform digestion through the O use of a crystalline style for the release of digestive enzymes into a mucoid mass of food O incorporation of food into a mucoid mass called a protostyle O filtration of food by the mantle cavity O secretion of digestive enzymes into the forgut followed by absorption of nutrients by the hindgut
Put the following in the correct order when a crustacean undergoes ecdysis
The Living World
Put the following in the correct order when a crustacean undergoes ecdysis 15234 15432 15324 12345 13452