Anatomy of Flowering Plants Questions and Answers

Anatomy of Flowering Plants1 Draw what a pathogen growth curve would look like inside a healthy patient who is taking a bacteriostatic antibiotic marin

Anatomy of Flowering Plants3 Why are humans not affected by antibacterial drugs that target folic acid synthesis Answer

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsIn the cotyledon remains underground as a seedling grows O 1 onions O2 garden beans O 3 corn 4 peas

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsIn some plants a fruit is composed of the ovary and other plant parts 1 True O2 False

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsWhat is true of eudicots but not monocots O 1 eudicots have venation that is parallel to the leaf axis O2 eudicots have true seed leaves but monocots do not 3 eudicots have flower parts usually in multiples of four or five 4 eudicots have stomatal pores but monocots do not 5 eudicots have vascular bundles scattered in their stems

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsQuestion 10 Points 2 How does a trade association differ from a labor union Trade associations represent segments of the business community while labor unions represent workers Trade associations represent workers while labor unions represent segments of the business community Both trade associations and labor unions represent segments of the business community and workers Trade associations and labor unions only support workers Complete Later Complete 9

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsWhat is public policy O The results of the people s votes Laws regulating society O Actions taken by government O All of the choices

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsQuestion 3 Points 2 How does a public interest group differ from other interest groups They are groups that seek public policies of special benefit for a specific group of people They are groups that work against policies that threaten a specific group of people O They are groups that work for public policies that benefit all or most people in the country They are groups that only work for those people who belong or support their organizations

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsQuestion 2 Points 2 On what basis have the largest number of interest groups been formed Religious interests O Political interests O Gender interests O Economic interests

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsQuestion 10 How is public opinion related to politics It relates to politics by talking about the president s family O It is related to politics since it deals mainly with public affairs It relates to government policies O It relates to cabinet issues and opinions

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsWhat is public opinion Public opinion is a wide variety of opinions held by a country s people OIt refers to a public place It is an individual s opinions Public opinion refers to the president s opinion on public affairs Complete Later Complete

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsAccording to American polls which of the groups below are Americans most willing to give aid to O The unemployed People on welfare Recent immigrants The elderly Complete Later Complete 5 9

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsWhich of the following experiences associated with identification does NOT account for political differences O Race Gender O Last name Geographical location Complete Later Complete QL 9 1 5

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsQuestion 2 Points 1 Which was the first means of mass communication to appear in the United States O Radio O Television O Magazines Newspapers

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsIf two populations of the same species of insects have been geographically isolated from each other for an extended period of time they will MOST LIKELY exhib different traits that allow each to better survive in its particular environment increased rates of genetic mutation O C D A B evolution into two different species that can mate and interbreed very few differences in terms of appearance

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsGiven two areas with equal sunlight and available water Area I has a high amount of atmospheric carbon dioxide while Area II has a low amount of atmospheric carbon dioxide How does the rate of photosynthesis in Area I compare to that in Area II Atmospheric carbon dioxide has no affect on the rate of photosynthesis The rate of photosynthesis increases with an increase in carbon dioxide The level of carbon dioxide increases with the level of available oxygen A D B C The rate of photosynthesis increases with a decrease in carbon dioxide

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsWhich describes a difference between DNA and RNA A D B C DNA constructs proteins whereas RNA translates genetic information DNA makes up ribosomes whereas RNA transfers genetic information DNA translates genetic information whereas RNA maintains genetic information DNA maintains genetic information whereas RNA helps construct proteins based on genetic informa

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsA cladogram is shown below O Hagfish Perch Salamander Lizard Pigeon Mouse B C D fur All the animals to the right of the hagfish would have the common characteristic of O A jaws Jaws lungs Lungs claws or nails Feathers Claws or nails Chimpanzee Fur mammary glands

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsPlants play an important role in the carbon cycle by producing carbohydrates Which of the following organelles enables plants to make carbohydrates from carbon dioxide and wate C D A B A cell wall A central vacuole A chloroplast A nucleus

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsThe diagram below shows a simple food web owl A O B C red fox D rabbit What would most likely happen if the rabbits were removed from the ecosystem The berry population would decrease black bear berries deer The owl population would increase The deer population would go extinct The secondary and tertiary consumer populations would decrease

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsWhich of the answers below best illustrates natural selection A D B C An organism with favorable genetic variations will tend to survive and breed successfully A population monopolizes all of the resources in its habitat forcing other species to migrate A community whose members work together utilizes all existing resources and migratory route The largest organisms in a species receive the only breeding opportunities

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsThe diagram below represents an energy pyramid O At each successive level from E to H the amount of available energy O A B C H D G F E increases only decreases only remains the same increases then decreases

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsQuestion 3 1 point 8 7 a 11 b 15 c 3 d 13 14 e 2 5 16 17 11 13 2 9 4 15 10 6 12 18 2 The number identifying the gills in the dissected squid above is 3 1 7 5

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsSacramento has a current temperature of 10 C and a relative humidity of 50 What is the specific humidity in grams H 0 kg air Temperature C 40 30 20 10 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Max Water Vapor g H 0 kg air 0 1 0 3 0 75 2 3 5 57 10 14 20 26 5 35 47 Figure 6 4 1

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsUse the following conversions to determine atmospheric pressure in inches of mercury and millibars Round to one decimal place 2 points 1 0 inch of mercury 33 87 millibars 1 0 millibar 0 0295 inch of mercury 1004 24 millibars inches of mercury

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsWhich of the following is true for all enzymes They provide energy for endergonic reactions They decrease AG They alter the transition state They harness energy from ATP

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsQ Are the internal organs attached to the body wall throughout the worm

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsA biologist who studies population dynamics is a biologist who studies Select one O a genetic diversity within populations O b how populations change in size over time O c how energy flows through populations O d populations that are not in equilibrium

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsIn which population growth model is population growth density dependent Select one O a Neither the exponential nor the logistic model O b Both the exponential and the logistic model O c The exponential model only Od The logistic model only

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsNematocysts are concentrated in the cnidarians Ogonads choanocytes O mesoglea

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsSponges can be divided into four classes based on which one of the following a Number of germ cell layers b Body symmetry c Shape of gemmules d Shape and composition of spicules e Arrangement of choanocytes

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsThe earthworm belongs to which class of annelids a Hirudinea Ob Nematoda Oc Polychaete O d Oligochaete

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsUsing the following data calculate the population growth rate for Yemen Rep CBR 3 0 Immigration 2 CDR 2 7 Emigration 2 Portions of the numeric data are factual HINT CBR Immigration CDR Emigration Population Growth Rate A 0 00304 C 0 3 B 0 00304 D 3 0

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsWhich of these is an opinion The theory that a pizza place served reheated slices is silly The theory that a pizza place served reheated slices is untrue Scientific organizations are examples of trusted sources Universities and other schools are

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsWhich means almost the same as convincing terrible believable bold

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsWhich sentence describes inherited mutations OA They decrease genetic variation in a population because inherited mutations are harmful OB They increase genetic variation in a population but cannot affect an individual s success OC They decrease genetic variation in a population because they do not affect offspring success D They increase genetic variation in a population and can be beneficial to individuals

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsPeople who develop conspiracy theories claim to uncover secrets They believe that others have tried to hide the truth What do you think of this quote by scientist Carl Sagan Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence agree Disagree Explains why you voted the way you did In

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsHow do prokaryotic cells regulate the expression of genes OA Transcription factors control which proteins are produced before during and after transcription B Prokaryotic genes code for enzymes instead of proteins which determine how other genes are expressed C Noncoding regions called enhancers determine whether the gene can be translated D Operons that code for specific proteins are blocked by repressors until they are needed by the cell

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsDuring translation which step occurs immediately after the ribosome finds the start codon on mRNA OA An amino acid is added to a polypeptide chain OB The ribosome reads an mRNA codon C RNA polymerase builds a new strand of mRNA D The ribosome releases the mRNA after reaching a stop codon

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsThe active and inactive forms of a hypothetical enzyme are shown below The polypeptide is represented by the colored rectangles and grey lines holding them together The middle rectangle is the catalytic domain and the reaction it catalyzes is also shown This form of enzyme regulation is inactive Zymogen activation Allosteric activation Allosteric inhibition O Competitive inhibition Cavalent modification ATP active ADP PI

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsTrue or false Only mutations that alter amino acid residues in the active sites of enzymes affect the function of the enzyme True False

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsExplain how the development of the acid base theories reflects the nature of science

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsWhich type of reproduction is MOST advantageous for the production of a wide variety of organisms in an individual species O binary fission O budding O fragmentation O sexual reproduction

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsWhich mutation causes either the inclusion of an extra chromosome in offspring or the deletion of an entire chromosome O crossing over O non disjunction deletion insertion

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsGene expression in all organisms depends on protein synthesis What is the last stage in protein synthesis in which amino acids are assembled by tRNA O assembly O replication O transcription

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsTerm Executive branch Commander in chief Chief executive Chief agenda setter Foreign policy leader chief Definition Add a picture example or use the term in a sentence

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsPoints 2 Which option describes the caucus nomination method People who want to run for office simple announce the fact A group of influential figures in the community meet to select the candidates they will support in a forthcoming election Party members meet in a local assembly to pick up candidates to select delegates to represent them at the country convention Candidates for public office are nominated by means of petitions signed by a certain number of qualified voters in the election district