Anatomy of Flowering Plants Questions and Answers

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsTo investigate the causes of the killings and seek the perpetrators the United Nations created for both the Bosnian and Rwandan genocides O Criminal tribunals Elite military squads Improved agriculture International police forces

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsDuring the Yugoslavian Civil War the Serbs seized territory in Bosnia Herzegovina in order to Compel military service of the adult males Force out the other ethnic groups Seize valuables from wealthy individuals

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsWhat principle of government is shown in this chart What is the purpose of this principle U S Governm 50 State Governm 89 476 Local Governm

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsEvidence for evolution that compares organisms from islands to the nearby mainland is called A embryology C molecular biology B DNA analysis D biogeography

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsBiogeography provides evidence for evolution Darwin noted that iguanas from South America differed from those from A the canopy of the rainforest C the Galapagos Islands B a neighboring continent D the Caledonian Mountains

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsThe type of media used in microbiology labs that promotes the growth of nonfastidious bacteria is an example of a an Selective media O Enrichment media Complex media Chemically defined media Differential media

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsWhich of these are examples of bioterrorists attacks mentioned in the content that we are aware have occured in the past Select 2 correct answer s a religious cult intentionally contaminated salad bars in ten restaurants with salmonella Germans may have deliberately infected Russian horses on the Eastern Front in WWI a man deliberately infected cows at the Swanns Dairy with listeria a woman intentionally contaminated hundreds of tubs of ice cream with salmonella

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsWhich of the following describes Serratia marcescens growth pattern in broth Al growth concentrates along a distinct line through the middle of the media where the bacteris was inoculated growth on surface and throughout the broth creating a turbid or cloudy O growth concentrated as a sediment on the bottom media above clear D growth concentrated as pellicle on top media bellow clear

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsDr LOWO 5 AKS 8a1 Select ALL the advantages of using GMO crops A GMOs allow farmers to grow more crops on less land B GMOs allow farmers to use less pesticide C GMOs could lead to new food borne allergies D GMOs often have increased health benefits

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsJaylin s and Cory s first child was diagnosed with phenylketonuria PKU although neither Jaylin nor Cory have PKU themselves If they have a second child what is the percent chance that this second child will also have phenylketonuria 100 25 000

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsO the element can be used as a label to trace atoms through an organism s metabolism O the element passes rapidly through the organism O the element is required in very small amounts O the element is very rare on Earth O the element enhances health but is not essential for the organism s long term survival Question 18 If an atom has a charge of 1 which of the following must be true O It has two more protons than neutrons O It has one more electron than it does protons O It has one more proton than it does electrons It has the same number of protons as electrons

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsO Protista and Bacteria O Archaea and Monera O Bacteria and Eukarya O Bacteria and Archaea Question 14 Carbon 14 has the same O atomic number and thus number of neutrons as carbon 13 O number of protons but more neutrons than carbon 12 O atomic number and atomic mass as carbon 12 O atomic mass as both carbon 12 and carbon 13

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsO six O four O two O three stion 44 Choose the term that correctly describes the relationship between these two sugar molecules H H C OH c o H C OH H O isotopes HO H C OH H C OH H O structural isomers O enantiomers O cis trans isomers 2 pts

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsYou are suffering from Streptococcus throat infection strep throat You share the following with the bacteria that is responsible for your condition O You both belong to the same domain You and Streptococcus have nothing in common O You both have genetic material in your nucleus O You both are made up of cells

Anatomy of Flowering Plants11 During showers Sara often becomes agitated pinches and yells at others What would be the BEST intervention to make showers les distressing for Sara Make sure there are several caregivers in the shower room to distract Sara Shower Sara as quickly as possible to lessen the distressed time Give Sara something to hold onto so she cannot pinch caregivers Tell Sara what is going to happen each step of the process and remain calm

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsMary has been tracking Henry s intake for the past 30 days and it is decreasing There have been many days when Henry only eats one neal What is Mary s next BEST step Increase Henry s physical activity to make him hungrier Offer Henry frequent snacks and serve his favorite meals Ask Henry why he is not eating much anymore Have Henry assessed for swallowing problems

Anatomy of Flowering Plants8 Gloria lives in a care facility She has been diagnosed with middle stage dementia and still enjoys singing Gloria has begun to wander night and often becomes upset when staff tries to get her to go back to her room What intervention would be considered person centered care Singing songs with Gloria as she is guided back to her room Telling Gloria that she needs to go to her room so she does not disturb others Preventing Gloria from taking afternoon naps so she is sleepier at night Giving Gloria towels to fold at the nurse s station so staff can keep an eye on her

Anatomy of Flowering Plants4 Jon s roommate has noticed that Jon often stops in the middle of a task He will say things like I forgot what I was doing or I am not sure what the next step is What stage of dementia is Jon likely experiencing O Early stage Middle stage Late stage End stage

Anatomy of Flowering Plants15 True or False Once someone has lost the ability to communicate you no longer have to talk with them or explain who you are and what care you are going to provide TRUE FALSE 2

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsGLUT4 is a protein channel that facilitates the transport of glucose into the cell Under nor mal conditions some of the GLUT4 proteins that are synthesized by the cell do not become active and are instead stored within the membranes of vesicles The insulin receptor tyrosine kinase TRK is a receptor protein that facilitates the decrease of glucose concentration in the bloodstream by increasing the uptake of glucose by cells When the insulin hormone binds the insulin TRK receptor a signal transduction pathway causes the activation and addition of GLUT4 to the cell membrane A model of this signal transduction pathway is illustrated in the figure below insulin insulin receptor cytoplasm A model of the insulin TRK receptor signal transduction pathway Which of the following best predicts the effect of a loss of function of the insulin TRK A B C D The stimulation of the signal transduction pathway will increase The concentration of glucose inside the cell will increase The storage of GLUT4 inside the cell will increase GLUT4 containing vesicle glucose The number of GLUT4 molecules in the plasma membrane will increase GLUT 4

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsWhich of the following types of information is not always useful for identification purposes O a Number of appendages O b Number of eyes O c Presence or absence of anterior posterior projections O d Exact size e g length

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsAs part of their function membrane bound organelles such as mitochondria and the en doplasmic reticulum must move substances across their membranes Which of the following statements best describes a feature shared by mitochondria and the endoplasmic reticulum that increases the efficiency of their functions A highly folded membranes B C membranes composed of carbohydrates double membranes in which one membrane encloses the other

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsVacuoles which often contain molecules that are destined for exocytosis are bound by the same kind of phospholipid bilayer that makes up the cell membrane How does the structure of the vacuole membrane most likely facilitate exocytosis A B C D The structure of the vacuole membrane allows molecules of all types to easily cross through the vacuole membrane and to be released into the extracellular environment The structure of the vacuole membrane prevents small nonpolar molecules from easily moving across it until the contents of the vacuole are ready to be released into the ex tracellular environment The structure of the vacuole membrane allows it to fuse with the cell membrane and re lease the contents of the vacuole into the extracellular environment The structure of the vacuole membrane allows it to maintain a rigid shape that can be easily transported across the cell and its contents to be released into the extracellular environment

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsPhagocytes are white blood cells that engulf and digest pathogens as a part of the immune response of the body Compared to other types of cells phagocytes are likely to have a higher concentration of which of the following A B C D chloroplasts mitochondria lysosomes ribosomes

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsWhich statement correctly explains the formation of hydrogen bonds A The partially positive oxygen atom on one water molecule is attracted to the partially negative hydrogen atom on an adjacent water molecule B C D The partially negative oxygen atom on one water molecule is attracted to the partially negative hydrogen atom on an adjacent water molecule The partially negative oxygen atom on one water molecule is attracted to the partially positive hydrogen atom on an adjacent water molecule The partially positive oxygen atom on one water molecule is attracted to the partially positive hydrogen atom on an adjacent water molecule

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsDNA molecule via bonds between the previously added nucleotide and the next nucleotide The figure below illustrates a partial strand of a DNA molecule W X Y and Z denote differ ent chemical bonds on the DNA strand 5 end OH 01P10 A W 0 B X 0 0 P OX CH a 0 P O 3 end The molecular structure of a DNA strand O 01P10 0 W CH Y CH CH Which of the four labeled bonds was last to form during DNA synthesis OH Z

Anatomy of Flowering Plants2 Polyploidy is more common in plants or animals 3 What are two advantages to being polyploid

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsThe decolorizing agent used in Gram s staining of bacteria is a Gram s iodine b alcohol O c methylene blue d safranin e crystal violet

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsThe chart below shows the powers of the national and state governments in the United States What is probably the best title for this chart Title Powers of the National Government print money admit new states establish foreign policy make copyright and patent laws federalism O popular sovereignty O unitary government O democracy Shared Powers of National and State Government collect taxes borrow money make and enforce laws provide services police fire etc Powers of the State Governments issue drivers and marriage licenses conduct elections establish public education establish county local governments

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsExample Vinegar has a pH of 3 If you add sodium hydroxide NaOH what will happen to the pH of your vinegar O It remains the same as 3 O It will increase OIt will decrease None is correct

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsYour gram stain shows bacteria of two different colors What is your conclusion

Anatomy of Flowering Plantsvirus So hat are the functions of the envelope and do they cause any more harm to the Question 2 Part 1 Can Viruses contain both DNA and RNA Part 11 Please explain your answer whether viruses contain both DNA and RNS or if they don t please explain why not Question 3 Part 1 What are the 6 general phases in the life cycle of animal virus Part 11 Please explain their functions Question 4 Part 1 Can damage occur to the host cell Part 11 List the damages that can occur to the host cell and can the host cell go back to normal after it was damaged Question 5

Anatomy of Flowering Plants1 In the experiment you performed what role did you play in the environment the bug escaping birds the bird eating bugs a human watching the bird eat the bugs

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsThis pedigree shows the inheritance Leber congenital amaurosis LCA which is a type of hereditary blindness Individuals with this disease lose their vision during childhood 3 What is the inheritance pattern shown 4 Highlight one individual whose genotype is unknown What additional information would you need to determine his her genotype O 588

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsPedigrees Prat The disorder shown on the pedigree is Maple Syrup Urine Disease MSUD which is a metabolic disorder that affects the body s ability to process certain proteins It was named after a distinctive odor of a baby s urine AP 1 What is the inheritance pattern of this gene a autosomal dominant c X linked dominant b autosomal recessive d X linked recessive 2 Provide at least one piece of evidence for your claim S ag 508 58

Anatomy of Flowering Plants3 Which of the following forces contribute to asymmetric distribution of ions across the membrane Ounotic forces and concentration gradient Jon channels and membrane pores Active pumps and electrochemical gradient Osmotic forces lon channels and active pumps

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsYou should always put your fingers inside a sterile plate to make sure it is clean True False

Anatomy of Flowering Plantsthis type of government the states hold ALL the power only delegating a little bit of power to the central government A Democracy B Federal C Unitary D Confederal

Anatomy of Flowering Plants25 rigidity is muscle condition when a ADP is closely non covalently bound with myosin in complex and contributes to new ATP molecules binding and starting new contractile act b ADP forms close bonding to myosin c ADP is closely non covalently bound with myosin in complex and contributes to new ATP molecules binding and starting new contractile act Until new ATP binding myosin head is remained in bound state with actin filament and filaments sliding past each other is not renewed This time muscle is resistant to constriction as well as relaxation Rigidity is developed after death d ADP is released from the complex with myosin and prevents from binding new ATP molecule and starting new contractile act

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsWhy are antibiotic resistant bacteria a big problem in hospitals Select all that may apply Skin within hospitals is often compromised by injury or punctured permitting bacteria access to inside the body People go to hospitals to be healed and feel better This would compromise a hospital s reputation When bacteria populations increase hospitals spend more money on antibacterial soap and cleaning supplies Hospitals have a larger number and variety of illness causing microbes than other areas of a community Hospitals routinely use medicines that kill illness causing microorganisms creating an environment that favors microbes resistant to the medicines

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsFruit in the cucurbit family cucumbers and most squash must be pollinated by bees If a bee carries pollen from one variety of squash or cucumber to another within the same species that will result in hybridization Genetic Flow Part A

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsMicroevolution involves O 1 the fixation of an allele over a long period of time 2 changes in a population s gene pool 3 a change in the ratio of males to females in a population 4 changes to the number of individuals in a population

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsTuberculosis is demonstrating a growing resistance to available drugs What effect is this having on tuberculosis as an illness O O O This has had no effect on tuberculosis People are now more resistant to the disease It s becoming more deadly and difficult to treat

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsWhat is behavioral ecology The study of how the environment affects ecology The study of how pathogens behave i different environments The study of how ecology affects population numbers The study of how evolution shapes an organism s behavior

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsWhat substance has been associated with the EVALI outbreak THC O O Tobacco Vitamin E acetate

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsWhy are epidemics and pandemics more of a risk now than in the past The current physical environment is more supportive to pathogens than in the past Today it is easy to quickly travel between countries Humans have weaker immune systems than in the past Through the use of technology people no longer need to physically contact one another

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsWhat are the best choices for following up on the three reports Review film create map and send a letter to everyone Review film run television commercials and send a letter to everyone Request medical records run television commercials and conduct interviews Request medical records create map and conduct interviews

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsWhich report does NOT seem to require your urgent follow up and further study The report about military recruits The report about high school students The report about the kids at camp X The report about seniors at the elder care center

Anatomy of Flowering Plants8 6 points Which of the following were consequences of the Black Death in Europe People were more receptive to new religious ideas like the Protestant Reformation Laborers demanded higher pay and better working conditions Buildings were constructed using bricks instead of wood and straw Constantinople was captured by the Ottoman Empire