Animal Kingdom Questions and Answers

Animal KingdomIn Kingdom Animalia organisms cannot make their own food but they are A dependent on the sun s rays B motile C autotrophic

Animal KingdomA seedless non vascular plant has no circulatory system so the cells of the plant have to be in water A connection by roots with B within a 100 meter radius of C diatom filled D close contact with

Animal KingdomThe protist amoeba has animal like traits such as a that function in water regulation A proto bladder B mitochondrion C contractile vacoule D psuedoliver

Animal KingdomWhich tissue is highlighted perichondrium adventitia serosa O endosteum Submit Request Answer 27

Animal KingdomGY 4 Listen Question 14 1 point Sparrows with average sized wings survive severe storms better than those with longer or shorter wings illustrating disruptive selection Ofrequency dependent selection the bottleneck effect Question 15 1 point Ostabilizing selection Oneutral variation ble to reproduce You are studying three populations of birds Populati brown a recessive trait and nine are

Animal KingdomWhen comparing birds to mammals which of the following would be considered shared ancestral characteristics Select all that apply hair vertebrae four limbs amniotic reproduction none of these are ancestral

Animal Kingdomof the following would be considered derived characteristics of all mammals when comparing them to other animal groups Select all that apply four limbs endothermy fur or hair amniotic reproduction vertebrae none of these

Animal Kingdomcat is a member of the cat family clade Felidae but is also a type of mammal which is a clade In this instance which clade is more inclusive bigger than the other The cat family because it includes all types of cats not just house cats The cat family because all cats are mammals The mammal clade because it includes families other than the cat family The mammal clade because most mammals are cats The clades are equal in size since they cannot overlap Question 61 point

Animal KingdomThis is one of the fossil record that can be viewed at the Beneski Museum at Amherst College Which type of fossil is this

Animal KingdomIndicate whether you think each statement is an observation or a hypothesis prediction C4 plants have higher levels of carbon 13 than both living and extinct C3 plants The ratio of carbon isotopes in extant animals reflects the kinds of animals and plants that they eat Fossil animals will show the same relationship between the ratios of carbon isotopes and diet as living animals Hominin fossils in East Africa dating from 4 2 million years ago have a relatively low ratio of carbon 13 to carbon 12 The relatively low ratio of carbon 13 to carbon 12 in 4 2 million year old hominin fossils indicates a diet rich in C3 plants The relatively low ratio of carbon 13 to carbon 12 in hominin fossils is similar to the ratio found today in the teeth of chimpanzees Chimpanzees feed on fruits and leaves Plant fossils from the same sites where the teeth of 4 2 million year old hominin fossils were discovered will contain C4 plants consistent with early hominins living in grassy woodlands where they easily could have found C plants 4 2 million year old hominin fossils were actively selecting C3 plants for their diet Choose Choose Hypothesis Prediction Observation Choose Choose Choose Choose Choose Choose Choose O

Animal KingdomSelect all answers that are TRUE regarding Line Graphs More than one answer may be correct View Available Hint s The curve on a line graph should routinely be extended beyond the last plotted point Simple line graphs allow trends or patterns in the data to be demonstrated The variable that is manipulated in the experiment is plotted on the X axis The variable that is measured in the experiment is plotted on the Y axis O Properly drawn line graphs can convey the essential meaning of a large amount of statistical data at a glance

Animal Kingdomretory structures in an earthworm are Malpighian tubules metanephridia the intestines green glands Question 2 1 point Listen Saved The kidneys connect to the aorta via the ureters

Animal KingdomEvolution constantly occurs in all organisms Which of the following examples is most likely to provide evidence for the continual evolu tion of organisms Select all that apply A B C D stomachs in reptiles wings in ostriches wisdom teeth in humans vertebrae in dogs

Animal KingdomHorses and donkeys have similarities in taxa such as belonging to the same family but not the same species While horses and donkeys often occupy the same pastures hybrid off spring can be produced between the two species However the hybrids are typically sterile Which of the following best explains why horses and donkeys are reproductively isolated A The males of one species and the females of the other species are fertile at different times B C D The two species have a different number of chromosomes resulting in a postzygotic barrier Horses and donkeys are reproductively isolated because the two species have different mating calls Geographic isolation creates a prezygotic barrier between the two species

Animal KingdomNatural selection acts on phenotypes within a population As a result over time the phe notypic frequencies in a population can change The graph below shows how the pheno type of a population changed after selection occurred A Number of Individuals B Value of Phenotype A graph that shows how phenotypic frequency changed before and after selection C population after selection Which of the following scenarios would most likely result in the phenotypic change shown in the graph above original population Warming of the arctic tundra reduces the average snow cover that lighter colored arctic foxes rely on for camouflage Darker colored arctic foxes are better suited to the ex posed moss and grass habitat Robins that lay smaller than average clutches of eggs produce fewer viable offspring while larger than average clutches of eggs result in malnourished chicks that have a higher mortality rate A population of rats live on the ground and in short trees A tree dwelling snake that

Animal KingdomGolden jackals Canis aureus and tigers Panthera tigris are both native to Southeast Europe There have been instances where golden jackals are banished from the pack Typically golden jackals hunt in packs and therefore are unsuccessful at hunting individu ally Instead of hunting on their own most banished golden jackals will begin following tigers Tigers will kill and eat their fill of prey and then leave the carcass behind Once the tiger leaves the jackal will eat what is left on the carcass Which of the following best describes the symbiotic relationship between golden jackals and tigers A B C D The relationship is an example of mutualism because both the jackal and tiger are bene fitting from the relationship The relationship is an example of commensalism because the jackal benefits but the tiger is unaffected The relationship is an example of competition because the jackal and the tiger compete for the same food source The relationship is an example of parasitism because the jackal is feeding on the left

Animal KingdomConsider the same researcher from the previous question also collected information on a population of Colorado chipmunks After the first year the researcher found that the cur rent population size is 1 386 and the population experienced 327 deaths and 419 births After a few calculations the scientist found that the chipmunk population had a growth rate of 0 07 Based on this what would be the expected chipmunk population in three years A 1 587 Colorado chipmunks

Animal KingdomResearchers are trying to help find a cure for a specific type of cancer In their studies the researchers are trying to determine how to cause a cancer cell to undergo apoptosis During their research they notice that a cancer cell does not die after they add an inducer of apoptosis to a culture of cancer cells Which of the following statements below could ex plain why the cancer cells did not die 1 The cancer cells contain a mutation that prevents the initiation of apoptosis signaling II The cancer cells are no longer expressing the gene that codes for the receptor for the apoptosis inducing ligand III The cancer cells overexpress a growth factor pathway that acts to inhibit apoptosis A B C II and III I and III I only

Animal KingdomWhich organ system consists of eight major glands that secrete regulatory hormones into the blood O Respiratory system O Muscular System O Circulatory System O Endocrine system

Animal Kingdomew 15 1 Into which domain are protists fungi plants and animals clas 2 What molecule found in the cell wall is used to distinguish different types of bacteria 3 After Gram staining what color do Gram positive bacteria appear 4 Which chemicals are used during the Gram stain procedure 5 What is the term for a growth of cells descended from an culture plate original cell as observed 6 What is the nutrient material used for culturing bacteria 7 List three common bacterial shapes 8 Where does photosynthesis occur in cyanobacteria 9 Where does photosynthesis occur in green algae 10 Which protist has silica in its cell walls 11 Which protists are commonly referred to as seaweed 12 Protists who gain their energy from sources other than the sun are termed 13 Which structures provide motility for protists 14 Which protozoan moves using pseudopods

Animal KingdomAmoeba contractile vacuole mitochondrion plasma membrane pseudopod a Amoeba moves by pseudopods c Trypanosoma in host bloodstream move by flagella Paramecium red blood cell Trypanosoma trypanosome undulating membrane food vacuole nucleolus nucleus cytoplasm flagellum pellicle contractile vacuole full anal pore micronucleus macronucleus trichocyst oral food gullet groove vacuole b Paramecium moves by cilia Structures for Locomotion cilia 32 400x contractile vacuole partially full Figure 15 14 Protozoan diversity Many protozoans are motile a Amoeba supergroup Amoebozoans move by pseudopodia b Paramecium supergroup Chromalveolates move by cilia c Trypanosoma kinetoplastid in supergroup Excavates move by flagella A blood infection is the cause of African sleeping sickness d Plasmodium a cause of malarias alveolate in supergroup Chromalveolata exist as nonmotile spores inside the red blood cells of humans c Eye of Science Science Source d Dr Gopal Murti Science Source Table 15 5 Heterotrophic Protists Genus Name spore red blood cell d Plasmodium bursts forth as spores from infected red blood cells Observations

Animal KingdomABC IDENTIFICATION OF MOLD STRUCTURES C B A C select answer select answer select answer D

Animal KingdomWhich of the following is NOT a means for genetic diversification in bacteria A mutation B reproduction C phagocytosis D recombination

Animal KingdomViruses have to use the host cell s machinery because viruses organelles A have special B do not have any C have different D are missing a few

Animal KingdomThe attachment of a lytic virus involves a specific bonding to on the surface of the host cell A a polar phosopholipid head C channel proteins B protein receptors D glycoproteins

Animal KingdomThe class rank in taxonomy includes all of the of life A Kingdoms B Archaea C Domains D Orders

Animal KingdomWhich of the following is NOT a benefit of the auto efill program Patients do not have to call in their prescriptions to be refilled Assists patients in remembering to pick up their refilled prescriptions The pharmacy system will attempt to contact prescriber for prescriptio that are expired or have no refills remaining The medication will be delivered to the patient s home

Animal KingdomWhich organisms are most closely related A Buteo lineatus and Buteo platypterus B Carpodacus mexicanus and Icterus galbula OC Cyanocitta stelleri and Polysticta stelleri OD Elanus leucurus and Pandion haliaetus

Animal KingdomWhich one of the following is often associated with external fertilization O terrestrial environment limited production of gametes O colonial sedentary living elaborate courtship behavior free swimming

Animal KingdomAlimentary canal O is less efficient than gastrovascular cavity O allows specialization of different regions to maximize absorption of fully digested fo O first appears in Platyhelminthes and is present in all triploblastic animals O used to distribute essential nutrients throughout the body

Animal KingdomThe animal you are dissecting possesses several ganglia Several are located at the head Others are located at segments along a nerve cord Under what phylum would this animal likely be classified O Cnidaria O Arthropoda O Mollusca O Platyhelminthes O Echinodermata

Animal Kingdomttempt Tim D Question 3 Which of the following is not in a same phylum Anthozoa O Hydrozoa O Scyphozoa O Mollusca

Animal KingdomQuestion 12 The molluscan radula is used for O food uptake locomotion circulation O reproduction

Animal KingdomQuestion 12 The molluscan radula is used for O food uptake O locomotion O circulation reproduction

Animal KingdomQuestion 5 A true coelom is a body cavity bounded by O endoderm and mesoderm O endoderm O mesoderm ectoderm

Animal KingdomQuestion 1 are the simplest animals in which symmetry occur O Nematodes O Porifera O Platyhelminthes O Cnidarians

Animal KingdomQuestion 19 What is one of the major characteristics of the Platyhelminthes radial symmetry O cephalization O dorsal nerve cord O no tissues

Animal KingdomQuestion 94 Which of the following subphylum of the chordate does not have cephalization at the adult stage O Vertebrate O all of them have cephalization Urochordate Cephalochordate

Animal Kingdomm Fur Mammal Vertebrate Feathers Bird to identify an organism to divide a kingdom od corion No fur Dry skin Reptile No feathers Scales Fish Moist skin No scales Amphibian

Animal KingdomCompared to the Europeans many Native American societies particularly those found along the Atlantic Coast of North America were more egalitarian in terms of class and gender structures O True O False

Animal KingdomOne of the greatest sources of conflict between European colonists and Native American societies was O their religious differences O their different understandings of gender roles O their different understandings of land ownership O their different political systems

Animal KingdomBODY SYSTEMS CONCEPT MAP 2 Complete the concept map to help you review the concepts we learned in the nervous excretory endocrine and reproductive systems whose main function is to 01 10 by sending coordinate body functions which is the whose control signals control center for many many includes the organ structures Body Systems whose main function is to coordinate body functions include by releasing 00 from whose main function is to remove nitrogen wastes from the body includes the organ structures Developed by Kim B Foglia www Explore Biology com 2008 whose main function is to produce the next generation includes the organs cells structures LARA

Animal KingdomBelow is a picture of a fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster Is this fly male or female Provide at least TWO reasons for your answer

Animal KingdomWhat evidence could scientists use to determine that a mass extinction event had occurred at a point in Earth s history A A drastic increase in the number of similarities between the structures of fossilized organisms and those of modern species OB A sudden increase in the variety of fossils in the fossil record C A decrease in the percentage of stable isotopes found in fossilized organisms D A sudden disappearance of many species and their biomarkers in the fossil record

Animal KingdomWhich two statements describe possible ways in which cellular complexity increased since life began A Single membraned organelles formed from the infolding of prokaryotic cell membranes B Chloroplasts developed when one prokaryote engulfed a prokaryote that had photosynthetic characteristics C Anaerobic prokaryotes evolved from eukaryotic cells during the great oxidation event D Self replication of DNA in protobionts led to the formation of eukaryotic cells

Animal KingdomA sea lily B brittle star C sea urchin D sand dollar Echinoderm makes up the Class Ophiuroidea

Animal KingdomWord Bank Choose one word from the word bank to fill in each blank When you have finished you will have a short summary of important ideas from the section Word Bank budget interest stocks saving credit invest bonds You have options for using your money wisely For example funds in a bank credit union or other financial institution ensures that you will have money for future use You can take some of that money and it Hopefully this will earn you a profit One way to do this is to buy certificates from a business or the government promising to pay back your money plus additional money Another way to do it is to purchase which are which give you shares of ownership in a company Of course people also buy expensive things such as a car or a home even though they do not have enough money to pay for it in full To do this

Animal Kingdom4 Describe quantitative characteristics and give an example Then describe what histogram can tell you about the distribution of quantitative characteristics of a population 3 points

Animal Kingdom1 Explain the mind body problem Why is it a problem Do you think it can be adequately solved within the confines of Descartes dualism If you answer yes then explain why If you answer no then explain why not