Biological Classification Questions and Answers

Biological ClassificationA Most but not all protists are uni cellular and lack a nucleus B peptido glycan C DNA

Biological ClassificationIf a fellow students says to you I know that goats and sheep are in the same family but how do I know if they are in the same order how would you respond In your answer include a description of what a hierarchy is and how it applies to the classification of organisms

Biological ClassificationListen Which of the following scenarios represents the phenomenon of a non random selection Of 1000 produced only two acorns from an oak tree germinate the rest are all eaten by squirrels and birds estion 18 1 point Only the hardiest deer survive a harsh winter O Most of a population of wildflowers is destroyed in a wildfire Because of deforestation a population of birds was reduced from 200 to only 18 individuals O Pollen from pine trees can travel miles in the wind

Biological Classification15 12 4 Listen If a fellow students says to you I know that goats and sheep are in the same family but how do I know if they are in the same order how would you respond In your answer include a description of what a hierarchy is and how it applies to the classification of organisms

Biological ClassificationA Plants exhibit positive gravitropism by their roots growing in response to gravity sideways B unwards C downwards

Biological Classificationding to parsimony the simplest phylogenetic tree is a tree only using the DNA evidence as this provides the simplest explanation for evolution the tree in which the branch points are based on as many shared derived characters as possible O the tree that represents the fewest evolutionary events like changes in DNA sequences or morphology O the tree with the fewest branch tips the smallest tree possible

Biological Classificationto win the hearts of females In what way is natural selection and sexual selection a balancing act for males 15 Natural Selection Sexual Selection Female Choice The Cornelllab of Ornithology inofirds Doceeduki2 Paradise SLU PLAVALHAL Male Male Competition 17 Follow Up Questions What benefit do females think they are getting by choosing certain males Why do bright colors elaborate dances indicate to a female What types of traits are favored in males that are involved in male to male competition

Biological ClassificationThe adult form of a fungi is a organism that resulted from mitosis A tetraploid B triploid C diploid D haploid

Biological ClassificationOrder the hominin species in the order it first appeared Sorry there are duplicates of Kenyanthropus platypus just rank them both in the order Ardipithecus ramidus Australopithecus anamensis Australopithecus afarensis Kenyanthropus platypus Kenyanthropus platypus Paranthropus aethiopicus Homo sp Paranthropus boisei Homo sapiens Choose Choose Choose Choose Choose Choose Choose Choose Choose 7

Biological ClassificationSelect the correct answer Specialized cells such as white blood cells interact with foreign particles in the body A particular cell belonging to this category recognizes The foreign particles bacteria and forms a covering around it pinching off the vacuole The cell then performs recognized by the particular type of cells differ from the ones recognized by another type of white blood cell This situation indicates that the receptors are

Biological ClassificationA colleague asks you to interpret an acid fast stain on a patient s sputum sample What is your interpretation The patient does NOT have a mycobacterium infection There are acid fast cells but they don t look like mycobacteria The patient HAS a mycobacterium infection They must have messed up this can t be an acid fast stain

Biological ClassificationOn his voyage Darwin made observations about various living organisms One specific or ganism that Darwin observed was the Galapagos finch Darwin hypothesized that the finches on the Galapagos Islands differentiated into different species over time Which of the following aspects of the environment did Darwin hypothesize had caused spe ciation in the finches on the Galapagos Islands A B C D Each species of Galapagos finch evolved from a different species from the mainland which each had evolved differently based on the food source available to each species Darwin had mistaken the birds to be different species although the birds were the same species with variation of coloration depending on the environment Each species was found on a different island Because the populations were separated from each other they acquired different changes from each other over time Because each species had a different food source each parent bird gained advanta geous changes during its lifetime for using that food source which it passed onto its

Biological ClassificationA population of giraffes lives in a specific environment that contains trees of various heights A flood occurs in the area causing the shorter plants to die and only the tall trees to remain After many generations it is found that giraffes living in the environment have longer necks on average than giraffes living in the same environment before the flood Based on the scenario above which type of selection occurred in the population after the flood A B C stabilizing selection directional selection destabilizing selection

Biological ClassificationA specific forest has a gross primary productivity of 187 J m day and 93 J m day worth of carbon dioxide flows out of the forest Based on this information what is the net primary productivity of the forest

Biological ClassificationWhich of the following statements correctly compares r selected and K selected species A In general K selected species tend to have a longer lifespan than r selected species since K selected species invest more time into caring for their young B In general r selected species must use more energy to care for offspring than K se lected species since r selected species produce large amounts of offspring C In general K selected species are better at surviving in unstable environments since these species put more care into their young to guarantee survival D In general r selected species include organisms such as primates and sharks while K selected species include organisms such as rodents and fish

Biological ClassificationThe amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased substantially since the be ginning of the industrial era Carbon dioxide concentrations have risen from 280 ppm in the late 1700s to 414 ppm in 2021 which is a 48 percent increase Almost all of this in crease is attributed to human activities Which of the following is true about how increased human activity has affected the carbon cycle A B C D To counteract the increased amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere producers must perform photosynthesis at a higher rate Fewer volcanic eruptions have occurred over time due to too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere Due to the increase in carbon dioxide emissions the ocean has become more acidic over time Acid rain has declined over time due to the increase in carbon dioxide emissions by

Biological ClassificationA mutation occurs in an algal cell that causes a structural change in the thylakoid mem brane The mutation causes the thylakoid membrane to become more permeable to hy drogen ions H Which of the following is the most likely direct effect of the mutation in the algal cell A B C D The chloroplasts will produce less ATP Chlorophyll will require less light energy to excite electrons The algal cells will generate less NADPH The cells will split fewer water molecules into hydrogen ions and oxygen MO

Biological ClassificationThe brown anole Anolis sagrei is an invasive species found in the southeastern United States The brown anole originated in the Caribbean but was likely introduced in the southeastern United States due to the escaping of a brown anole which was owned as a pet The brown anole like many other invasive species quickly spread to new territory Green anoles Anolis carolinensis which are native to the southeastern United States are now competing with brown anoles for resources such as food water and territory Although the green anole and the brown anole are similar in appearance there are some differences between the two species A comparison of the characteristics of each lizard species can be seen in the table below In anoles small toe pads are better for gripping irregular surfaces such as the forest floor while large toe pads are better for gripping smooth surfaces such as leaves Anole Species Brown Green A B Body Length C 5 0 8 5 in 4 0 8 0 in Limb Length Long Short Toe Pad Size Medium Large Temperature Tolerance Based on the data in the table above if brown anoles are introduced into a forest where green anoles cur rently live which of the following predictions about the two species is most likely to occur 30 35 degrees Celsius 25 30 degrees Celsius Brown anoles will mostly prey on flying insects and green anoles will prey on worms and grubs reducing competition for the same resource Green anoles are better adapted to the forest habitat and will chase away the intro duced brown anoles Green anoles and brown anoles will evolve to have the same size toe pads due to them sharing the same niche

Biological ClassificationA The job of a taxonomist is to identify all living things using binomial nomenclature For example the scientific name for a black rhinoceros is Diceros bicornis which bicornis is the genus B family C species

Biological ClassificationWhich of the following is NOT a kingdom used in taxonomy A Protista B Plantae C Fungi D Eukarya

Biological Classification15 1 Bacteria Although two major groups of prokaryotes are now recognized we will study the bacteria as a represente vo prokaryote Most bacteria are saprotrophic meaning that they send out digestive enzymes into the environm and thereafter take up the resulting nutrient molecules Saprotrophic organisms are decomposers that play utilizin major role in ecosystems by digesting the remains of deal organs and returning inorganic nutrients t Photosynthetic organisms Some bacteria are parasitic and care aces such as strep throat or gangrer inorganic molecules Cyanobacteria are always photosynthetic They contain chlorophyll but the green color is often masked by other pigments In fact some cyanobacteria are red brown or even black Several techniques are used to identify bacteria three methods are demonstrated in this laboratory Ciram colony shape of cell Gram Stain Most bacterial cells are protected by a cell wall that contains a unique molecule called peptidoglycan Bacteria are commonly differentiated by using the Gram stain procedure which distinguishes bacteria with a thick layer of peptidoglycan Gram positive from those that have a thin layer of peptidoglycan Gram negative in their cell wall Gram positive bacteria retain a crystal violet iodine complex and stain blue purple whereas Gram negative bacteria decolorize and counterstain red pink with safranin Fig 15 2 Figure 15 2 Generalized structure of a bacterium a Gram positive cells have a thick layer of peptidoglycan b Gram negative cells have a very thin layer of peptidoglycan c This difference causes Gram positive cells to stain purple and Gram negative cells to stain reddish pink ja ASM Science Source peptidoglycan plasma membrane a Gram positive cell outer membrane peptidoglycan plasma membrane b Gram negative cell c Micrograph of Gram stained bacteria Observation Gram Staining Examine prepared slides under high power Note the color differences Fig 15 2c Study the directions for Gram staining on the next page Why do the Gram positiva gall CO

Biological ClassificationWhich of the following is the most basic level of biodiversity A ecosystem B genes C species D marine pH

Biological ClassificationPOSSIBLE POINTS 0 4 Ecosystems are dynamic they are always changing and most changes occur naturally over time However natural disasters and human activities may dramatically alter an ecosystem O True O False

Biological ClassificationAfter conjugation with an F donor an F is into an F which can then transmit its DNA with other bacteria A transduced B recombined C injected

Biological ClassificationWhich of the following is FALSE regarding bacterial and eukaryotic DNA A both are circular B both have a double helix C both have hydrogen bonds D both have A C I and G

Biological ClassificationHumans are not typically infected with bugs most illnesses are caused by bacteria or A protista B viruses C archaea

Biological ClassificationA Bacteria reproduce exponentially which differs from viruses that have a B C

Biological ClassificationArchaea are collectively known as because they love extremes of temperature and or pH A thermoextremophiles B acidophiles C monerans

Biological ClassificationEubacteria or true bacteria are the ancestors of archaea and have a method of gene expression that eukaryotes A uses the same ribosome as B differs completely from C resembles the process in

Biological ClassificationThe genetic connection between archaea and eukarya lies in the use of the same A receptor proteins B protein capsid C endoplasmic reticulum

Biological ClassificationEubacteria that are gram positive stain purple and there is a large amount of in their cell walls A plasmodesmata B cellulase C cellulose D peptidoglycan

Biological ClassificationEubacteria that are gram negative stain pink and are often as they have a protective protein capsule A virulent B innocuous C easy killed with antibiotics D relatively uncommon

Biological ClassificationUse the dichotomous key on page 1 to classify the protists in each of the pictures Type your answer below each picture I For two of the organisms your choice highlight each of the steps using the highlighter tool in word Please use a different color for each one The highlighter tool is located in the Home tab menu in the bottom of the first panel I looks like this Example highlighting to identify is on page three Contractile Vacuole 100 microns Macronucleus Adoral zone of membranelles bit Beda www canadiannaturephotographer com

Biological ClassificationA virus is considered to be a pseudo living thing because until it infects a host it A cannot mate B is strictly autotrophic C cannot divide D cannot replicate

Biological ClassificationA virus such as has a narrow host range In fact it can only infect the T cells in humans A rabies B HIV C E coli D giardia

Biological ClassificationIS Some viruses such as have a broad host range and can infect a wide variety of species A HIV B E coli C giardia D rabies

Biological ClassificationWhich of the following is NOT a shape that viruses are known to have A asterid B polyhedral C helical D enveloped

Biological ClassificationA naked non enveloped virus ONLY has a an O nucleocapsid O envelope O antigenic surface capsomere O viral genome

Biological ClassificationA In taxonomic categorization the binomial name such as Homo sapiens includes the genus and B C

Biological ClassificationS The domain is the highest taxonomic category which includes all kingdoms of life Archaea Eubacteria and A Protista B Fungi C Monera D Fukarva

Biological ClassificationA In the binomial name Homo sapiens Homo is the and sapiens is the B species C

Biological ClassificationPart 2 Control of Microbial Growth 1 What is the difference between aseptic sterilization and sanitization

Biological Classificationon of water in the 24 Since the rel pond in which a paramecium a single celled organism lives is greater than the concentra constantly move from the pond into the tion of water in its cytoplasm water molecules paramecium The best long term solution to the problem of maintaining a stable internal environment is for the paramecium to 1 change the water into carbon dioxide and excrete it 2 store water molecules 3 incorporate water molecules into its structure 4 actively transport water molecules out of its cell

Biological ClassificationWhich classification system was based on physical features and characteristics such as whether organisms lived in water or on land OA Linnaeus s classification system B The earliest classification system OC Aristotle s classification system D The modern classification system

Biological ClassificationDrag and drop the labels into the correct empty boxes to complete the concept map cocci spirochete serotype Kingdom Borrelia burgdorferi species bacillus genus Domain Archaea subspecies Ancestral Cell Line Bacteria strain exhibit differing characteristics Photo Source CDC Claudia Molins Janice Haney Carr stir

Biological ClassificationPositive Catalase test Positive Micrococcus o Staphylococcus Cocci Gram stain Tetrad Pediococcus Negative Cell division Negative Facultative Strict Common wort Megasphaera bacteria e g Chains Keys to common brewery bacteria Anaerobic requirements Streptococcus Alcaligenes Acinetobacter Multilateral budding Strong fermentation of glucose Dekkera Brettanomyces Saccharomyces Kluveromyces Torulaspoa Zygosaccharomyces Candida Positive Wort spoilage Negative Common wort bacteria Aerobe Rods McConkey agar growth Key to common brewery yeast Vegetative growth by Acetic acid bacteria Enterobacteriaceae including Obesumbacterium Positive Positive Bacillus w no or weak fermentation Acetic acid production obvious by smell Negative Spore Oxygen formation response catalase Facultative anaerobe Zymomonas Lactobacillus Negative Gram stain 14 Positive Negative Polar budding Hanseniaspora Kloeckera Growth on minimal medium with KNO as N source Williopsis Candida Debaromyces pichia Strict anaerobe Pectinatus Based on the key shown above what is the most likely identification for an organism that you isolated from some beer that is gram positive catalase negative and grows as rods Type in the bacterial genus OR abbreviated full name as given on the key spell and capitalization count Canvas ignores italics but formally the genus should also be italicized

Biological Classificationtesting on animals should be banned because it is dangerous for human

Biological ClassificationWhich of the following protist groups get their energy needs from anaerobic biochemical pathways as they have reduced mitochondria Parabasalides O Dinoflagellates Euglenids O Amoeboids

Biological ClassificationIn fungi what is the difference between spores produced by the asexual reproduction and spores produced by the sexual reproduction O The spores produced by sexual reproduction are haploid but the spores produced by asexual reproduction are diploid All spores are diploid There is no difference O The spores produced by sexual reproduction are genetically different from each other but the spores produced by asexual reproduction are genetically identical The spores produced by sexual reproduction are diploid but the spores produced by asexual reproduction are haploid