Biological Classification Questions and Answers

Biological ClassificationIdentify three perceptual factors that affect Egypt s regionalization These are the ways that people think and act about a region they can be very powerful Find a perceptual factor that connects Egypt to Africa to Europe and to Southwest Asia 5 points

Biological ClassificationThe instructions for the traits of an organism are coded in the arrangement of 0 00 0 19 A C B bases in DNA in the nucleus atement Speed 1x energy rich bonds in starch molecules Pa

Biological Classification4 Fireflies are examples of organisms that use bioluminescence to emit light This process relies on enzymes The tail of fireflies contains thousands of luciferase enzymes which help bind oxygen to a molecule called luciferin This produces oxyluciferin The chemical reaction requires energy and release light During this reaction what are the substrates What is the product

Biological ClassificationWhich example is an activity that a fish most likely uses to maintain homeostasis within its body A B HOICE C using camouflage to avoid predators feeding at night to regulate body temperature moving to deeper water to regulate metabolic wastes D exchanging gases through its gills to regulate oxygen levels

Biological ClassificationWhich of the following have seeds as part of their reproductive process gymnosperms ferns 6 mosses

Biological ClassificationWhich of the following is NOT a function of the sporopollenin based spore wall of a plant spore O protect the spore from being digested by fungi bacteria or other pathogens Oprotect the spore from mechanical or physical damage O provide ornamentation which enhances dispersal especially in seedless plants provide the structural platform for the enclosed embryo

Biological ClassificationWrite a sentence using a mnemonic device similar to dear Katie please come over for great snacks to help you remember the taxonomic categories and their order Answer using complete sentences

Biological ClassificationWhich statement regarding viroids is CORRECT The nucleic acid component is circular single stranded DNA The nucleic acid component does not encode any proteins The nucleic acid component is protected by a protein coat Some are known to cause infections in humans O They require a helper virus in order to replicate

Biological ClassificationWhich of the following is are not true about viral envelopes The envelope proteins are virus specific and encoded by the viral genome O The envelope lipids and carbohydrates are derived from the host O They are lipid monolayers with embedded viral proteins O The envelope proteins are often glycosylated in the host endoplasmic reticulum The envelope proteins are translated by host ribosomes

Biological ClassificationWhich bacterial genus is found in large numbers in the intestinal tract of breast fed infants Bacteroides Bifidobacteria Escherichia O Clostridium O Enterococcus

Biological ClassificationThe Haemagglutinin glycoprotein in the influenza viral envelope is involved in O Assembly of virus particles O Attachment to host receptor Replication of the viral genome Transcription of the viral mRNAs Translation of viral proteins

Biological ClassificationThe dominant species of staphylococci found on human skin is typically O Staphylococcus epidermidis aureus O Staphylococcus O Staphylococcus haemolyticus Staphylococcus lugdunensis O Staphylococcus saprophyticus

Biological ClassificationBONUS A widow s peak hairline is dominant W to a straight hairline w Karen and her brother both have a straight hairline but her parents and sister all have a widow s peak Complete the Punnett square that shows Karen s family Mom Dad Phenotype Probability Widow s Peak Hairline 0 Straight Hairline 0

Biological Classification40 1 A mutation occurs so that the individual with this mutation contains a different nucleotide sequence in a specific gene locus This mutated gene produces a protein with exactly the same sequence of amino acids as the original gene sequence did This is an example of a A frameshift mutation C silent mutation D nonsense mutation B missense mutation C An insertion mutation occurs in a gene that adds two nucleotides to the middle of the coding region The mutated gene produces a protein with several amino acids that are different than the protein made by the original gene This is an example of a A frameshift mutation B missense mutation C D CART 2 Comprensive Section on Units 1 2 3 and labs One piece of evidence that supports Darwin s theory of evolution by common descent is A that bacteria and humans use the same set of codons to determine protein sequence from genes that nearly all known organisms perform aerobic respiration using mitochondria B that plants do photosynthesis in order to provide oxygen for humans and other animals silent mutation nonsense mutation

Biological ClassificationThe component of the Gram negative bacterial cell wall that anchors the outer membrane to the cell is O Teichoic acid Braun s lipoprotein O Lipopolysaccharide Outer membrane proteins Mycolic acids

Biological ClassificationQuestion 17 Animals are develop chemotrophic and ingest living or dead organic matter to grow and

Biological Classification9 Most nitrogen fixation in plants requires O Symbiotic relationship with termites ODirect lightning strikes O Symbiotic relationship with bacteria O Symbiotic relationship with fungi

Biological Classification2 Lytic viruses utilize the host s machines to construct their viral components before bursting them open and infect another cell

Biological Classification2 To establish an infection a pathogen must first a deal with the immune system of the host b attach to host cells llardy e compete with the normal microbiota d increase in numbers

Biological ClassificationMULTIPLE CHOICE True or False A population is composed of all of the same species but they do not have produce offspring A True B False

Biological ClassificationWhich of the following best describes a highly virulent organism A It can make a dangerous exotoxin B It causes infection with only a few cells presento mod C It contains a capsule D It is antibiotic resistant E It is unable to cause disease

Biological Classification10 Which of the following is not one of the cardinal signs of inflammation A Heat B Pus C Redness D Swelling E Tenderness 11 Which of the following is a common cause of opportunistic pathogens causing infections A Antibiotic use B Depressed immune system due to stress C Poor bathroom hygiene especially for women D B and C E All of the above

Biological Classification45 Match each of the following terms with the best definition or description Definitions are used only once not all of the definitions will be used Bacteriocin Coagulase Communicable Diapedesis latrogenic Leukocidins Lipopolysaccharide Neutrophils Prebiotics Pseudomembranous colitis A A chemical made by bacteria that kills other bacteria B A kind of infection caused by a medical procedure C A kind of infection caused by being in a healthcare setting D A virulence factor used by S aureus and Y pestis E Also known as endotoxin F Bacterially produced chemicals that kill white blood cells G Beneficial bacteria that can be taken as a supplement H Caused by C diff 1 Dietary fiber and resistant starches J Leukocytes exiting capillaries K Refers to any disease that can be spread from person to person L Stimulate the efficiency of the adherence step of phagocytosis M The most common white blood cell in the

Biological Classification5 Which of the following is NOT one of Koch s postulates A The suspected pathogen must be able to cause disease in humans B The suspected pathogen must be found in all cases of the disease C The suspected pathogen must be isolated from a diseased experimental host D The suspected pathogen must be isolated into pure culture E The suspected pathogen must cause the same disease in a healthy experimental host

Biological Classification38 One of the medical interventions with the most promise to heal gut dysbiosis is A Anti inflammatory drugs antibiotics B Broad spectrum C Fecal microbial transplant 45 D Increased sugar intake E Surgical removal of part of the bowel 39 Propionibacterium is best known for inhabiting and causing problems of the A Large intestine B Skin C Small intestine D Teeth E Urinary tract

Biological ClassificationWhat was the discipline of biomechanics called in the United States in the past O kinesiology O motor learning O motor control O motor development

Biological ClassificationAll of the following pertain to virus envelopes except they help the virus particle attach to host cells they contain special virus proteins Othey are comprised primarily of lipids Othey are located between the capsid and nucleic acid they are gained as a virus leaves the host cell membrane

Biological ClassificationViruses attach to their hosts via Ohost receptors host phospholipids Oviral phospholipids Oviral flagella

Biological ClassificationT even phages O include the poxviruses infect Escherichia coli cells O enter host cells by engulfment have helical capsids All of the choices are correct

Biological ClassificationWhich of the following occurs during assembly of an enveloped virus New viral nucleic acid is formed Nucleocapsid is formed A nucleocapsid is formed and viral spikes insert in host cell membrane

Biological ClassificationUncoating of viral nucleic acid 1 accompanies bacteriophage penetration involves enzymatic destruction of the capsid releases viral nucleic acid into the cell occurs before biosynthesis of new virus parts All of the choices are correct

Biological ClassificationWhich of the following will support viral cultivation Live lab animals Embryonated bird eggs Primary cell cultures Continuous cell cultures

Biological Classificationto do the catalase test you should add reagent to your bacteria If you see bubbles this tells you for each choice the item phrase before the semicolon goes in the first space the item phrase after the semicolor goes in the second space Zinc bacteria turned nitrogen into nitrogen gas hydrogen peroxide bacteria has catalase iron chloride FeCl3 iron chloride bacteria has NO catalase Kovac s reagent bacteria has tryptophanase

Biological Classificationafter adding a few drops of methyl red to a tube of bacteria in the MRVP broth you do not see any red or pink color in the broth this tells you this is a positive result for the MR test this is a negative result for the VP test bacteria turned the glucose in the broth into a lot of acids this is a negative result for the MR test Othis is a positive result for the VP test

Biological Classificationwhen doing the decarboxylase test you should put over the media because for each choice the item before the semicolon goes into the first space the item behind the semicolon goes into the second space O oil you need to keep oxygen out of the media in order for the test to work methyl red it helps you to see the results better oil the oil prevents the foul smelling products of the test from escaping the tube and stinking up the room kovacs reagent it reacts with the contents of the media to give you a result

Biological ClassificationPhenol red fermentation broth contains which sugar Oglucose lactose mannitol sucrose M

Biological Classificationwhich of the following tests or media does NOT require incubation before reading the results SIM sulphur indole motility test media oxygen requirements aerotolerance test oxidase test O phenol red fermentation test

Biological ClassificationWhat causes the appearance of the positive result for indole test tryptophan is broken down product reacts with Kovac s reagent and turns red O hydrogen sulfide H2S is made it reacts with iron in the media and turns black O phenylalanine is broken down breakdown product reacts with FeCl3 and turns green ammonia is produced and this turns phenol red hot pink

Biological ClassificationYou are doing the VP voges proskauer test The broth turns red pink This tells you that your bacteria fermented glucose into acetoin cannot ferment glucose fermented glucose into lots of acids fermented the glucose into gases only

Biological Classificationyou have a tube of nitrate broth After adding zinc the tube stays beige ie not red how would you interpret this result bacteria turned nitrate into nitrogen gas bacteria turned nitrate into products other than nitrite or nitrogen gas O bacteria did NOT use nitrate in respiration it s doing aerobic respiration instead bacteria turned nitrate into nitrite O you need to add additional reagents to the nitrate broth before you have a result that you can interpret

Biological ClassificationWhich technique should you perform to see how many types of bacteria you have in your sample or to obtain isolated colonies transfer to thioglycollate broth aseptic transfer to broth aseptic transfer to a slant gram stain streak plate technique

Biological Classificationthe oxidase test determines whether the bacteria has urease can use nitrate as a final electron acceptor has catalase O has cytochrome c in its electron transport chain

Biological ClassificationYou need to find out whether your bacteria needs oxygen to survive ie to do oxygen requirements or aerotolernace test You need to do the following Oput bacteria into an nutrient soy agar deep or thioglycollate broth Oput bacteria into tube of nutrient or soy broth put the bacteria into a gelatin deep do a streak plate put bacteria into tube of nutrient or soy slant

Biological Classificationyou put some bacteria on Mackonkey s plate after incubation you see colonies or blotches i e growth Based on this your bacteria should be Staphylococcus only any species gram negative not staphylococcus Mycobacterium only any species gram positive

Biological Classificationextra credit the media used in the bile esculin test is a selective both selective and differential neither selective nor differential differential media

Biological ClassificationTheoretically Staphylococcus any species streaked on MSA mannitol salt agar plate should form red blotches or colonies turn the plate yellow form beige colonies or blotches form colonies or blotches ie grow NOT grow multiply no blotches or colonies

Biological Classification3 points Which measures can protect biodiversity legal O O O C protections conservation efforts restoration efforts all choices are correct

Biological Classification4 points Change the view to a flat map and turn on the gridlines Click on the Sahara Desert near the Tropic of Cancer Click compare and select the tropical rain forest biome in Southeast Asia at about the same latitude Use your findings to answer the following questions Consider the difference or similarity in species richness between these two biomes What could account for this difference or similarity Select all that may apply Limited amount of available water exclude many species from living in the Sahara Desert The many layers of microhabitats support numerous species within the tropical rain forest Ectotherms are not found within the tropical rain forest Because they have similar temperatures the two biomes have similar species richness

Biological ClassificationAn archaeologist uncovers some bones that he suspects belonged to a relative of today s modern horse What is the BEST method of testing this belie A perform a DNA comparison of the two subjects B create a model of bones from similar burial sites perform a cytochrome c comparison of the two subjects create a model showing the two organisms side by side