Biological Classification Questions and Answers

Biological ClassificationFogyra single and conjugating Q Are mature typical Spirogyra haploid or diploid Q Is Spirogyra conjugation sexual or ASOYUal roproduction

Biological ClassificationEndoplasm Ectoplasm Pseudopod O Plasma membrane Food vacuole prey Contractile vacuole Nucleus E Lament Amoebae are usually colorless and it may be necessary to change both the intensity and angle of the light by means of the light rheostat and the iris diaphragm to observe them Examine the slide and or live culture of amoebae Observe the cells in various stages of movement if a live culture is available Draw the organism and label observable cellular structures Use the atlas if necessary Amoeba proteus Q How do these organisms move Describe the process

Biological ClassificationCHayden McNeill LLC Rupturing schizont Schizont cyst sporozoites Gametocytes d Erythrocyte stage Liver stage parasites Plasmodium falciparum Examine the prepared slide of Plasmodium If possible observe the presence of merozites and schizonts in the blood cells and near ruptured blood cells Draw and label where appropriate Merozoites Ring Trophozoite It is a misconception that individuals who have sickle cell anemia cannot contract malaria They can contract some types of malaria Yes there are different types However they are less likely to die from malaria This is because the sickle shaped red blood cells have a shorter lifespan 10 20 days than that of normal red blood cells 90 120 days thus preventing Plasmodium sp from replicating in time

Biological ClassificationQ What is the purpose of the oral groove Q What is the benefit of conjugation Q How would you distinguish a Paramecium undergoing conjugation versus fissio

Biological ClassificationAlthough diverse alveolates are believed to be monophyletic and includes dinoflagellates ciliates and apicomplexans Alveolates are characterized by small sacs alveoli below the outer membrane a Dinoflagellates possess a single flagellum located in a groove within the external plates made of cellulose These organisms contain 12 potent neurotoxins One species is responsible for red tide In this phenomenon toxins produced by the dinoflagellates kill marine organisms and are responsible for paralytic seafood poisoning in humans Although alveolates are usually heterotrophic some dinoflagellates are photosynthetic while others are mixotrophic Examine the prepared slide Draw the organism and label cellular structures e g grooves and plates 62 Mixed dinoflagellates

Biological Classificationc Brown algae Phaeophyta are distinguished by the pigment fucoxanthin the brown color Members include the largest algae such as kelp which can grow as high as 100m This is 4 times the height of Building 1 of the Poinciana Campus Extracts of algin a polysaccharide in the cell wall of brown algae are used as thickening agents in food preparation Examples of this group are Fucus and Sargassum Sargassum exists and reproduce as free floating mats in oceans worldwide Fucus on the other hand attach to substrates on the ocean floor Examine the examples on display Draw label the algal body Make sure to include the stem like stipe leaf like blade float and other structures Brown algae e g Sargassum Fucus

Biological ClassificationSupergroup SAR consist of Stramenopiles Alveolates and Rhizaria Previously Alveolates and Stramenopiles were grouped together as Supergroup Chromalveolata while Rhizaria belonged to a separate sugroup of that name SAR members are very diverse some have cell walls all made of cellulose while others do not Some are algae some are saprobes and others are protozoa Clade Stramenopiles This clade is currently considered to be monophyletic and consists of photosynthesizers and heterotrophs many of which have had a great impact on our biosphere Most contain two flagella one of which is coated with hair like structures Four sub groups are diatoms Phylum Bacillariophyta golden algae Phylum Chrysophyta brown algae Phylum Phaeophyta and oomycetes Phylum Oomycota a Diatoms make up a large percent of aquatic primary producers phytoplankton and fix 1 of atmospheric CO2 They are among the most important photosynthetic organisms on Earth however they store their reserves as oil not starch Diatoms are unicellular or colonial and secrete a two part silicate shell that overlaps almost like a petri dish with a cover During reproduction the two sides separate and each generate the complementary side to create a new organism Because of the strength of their silicate walls diatoms are used in production of filters and in polishing agent They are also used in forensic science as a diatom test to establish locations of incidents such as drowning as the kinds and numbers of diatoms tend to be fingerprints of particular aquatic environs Veterinarians often use diatomaceous earth skeletal remains of these organisms as an oral treatment for intestinal parasites Obtain a prepared slide of diatoms and observe the great variety of shapes Draw representatives including centric pennate and colonial diatoms Mixed Diatoms b Oomycetes also known as water molds were once considered fungi because of their filamentous structures These water molds although many are terrestrial are parasites of fish and plants Some species are saprobes that feed off dead decaying matter Well

Biological ClassificationMultiply in salivary gland and transform Metacyclic trypomastigotes Leave the midgut and transform Epimastigotes Transform in gut of tsetse fly and multiply Procyclic trypomastigotes Toetse fly takes a blood meal injecting trypomastigotes Tsetse fly stages Tsetse fly takes a blood meal injesting trypomastigotes CHayden McNeil LLC African sleeping sickness Trypanosoma life cycle Human stages Transform in bloodstream Bloodstream trypomastigotes 3 Multiply by binary fission in body fluids Diagnostic stage in blood T brucei cycle between two hosts vertebrates e g humans and the tsetse fly Infected flies transmit the parasite to humans when they bite their victims In the bloodstream the parasite undergoes structural changes and is carried to other tissues These organisms divide by binary fission and are transmitted to tsetse flies when the flies feed on infected vertebrates Trypanosomes are distinguished by a singular mitochondrion the kinetoplast located near the base of the flagella and by their elongated shape a distinctive flagellum and an undulating membrane The nucleus is also distinct and is located in a more central region of the organism Examine the prepared slide Draw the organism and label cellular structures where appropriat Note the pale circles surrounding the worm like organisms are red blood cells rypanosoma sp Q Do these trypanosomes infect blood cells Explain

Biological Classificationabsorbing nutrients from their environs Because of the ability to convert from an autotrophic to heterotrophic life style these organisms are also called mixotrophs This change in nutritional mode exemplifies why the traditional classification of protists as animal like plant like or fungus like may be unreliable Euglena are bi flagellated note the two basal bodies in the diagram below with one flagellum being longer and hence more visible than the other The surface of Euglena is covered by a pellicle which consists of the plasma membrane along with ridges and grooves 33 Photoreceptor Lament Eyespor stigma Nucleolus Euglena Cytology 34 Flagellum Nucleus Polysaccharide storage Mitochondrion Chloroplast Pyrenoid Pellicle Examine both prepared slides and living cultures of Euglena if available in the laboratory Living culture media will require a drop of detergent to slow the organism for viewing These slides must be then washed after viewing with soapy water as the Protoslo may be very viscous The chemical functions by setting up a carbohydrate matrix in which organisms become imprisoned Euglena sp Q What is the mode of movement for these organisms Q How do they obtain nutrients energy d Trypanosoma Trypansomes are parasitic heterotrophs and produce diseases such as African sleeping sickness carried by the tsetse fly and Chagas disease carried by the assassin bug in South America The life cycle of Trypanosoma brucei the species that causes African sleeping sickness is shown in the following diagram

Biological Classification3 Exercise 3 7 Gram staining If a student made the following mistakes during the gram stain procedure how would it affect the results Be sure to include what colors the gram positive and gram negative will be and whether the mistake will give you a false positive or a false negative result a Decolorized with water instead of ethanol b Used Safranin as the primary stain and crystal violet as the secondary

Biological ClassificationWhich sentence describes a substitution error that could occur during DNA replication OA Two cytosine bases are added where a single cytosine was supposed to be in the growing strand OB A cytosine is added where an adenine is supposed to be in the growing strand OC A cytosine is left off the growing strand where a cytosine was supposed to be added OD A cytosine is added to the template strand when it was supposed to be added to the growing strand

Biological ClassificationPart 1 Identify the structures in the images using the Mold Structures drawings provided Choose the correct structure from the drop down menus provided A

Biological ClassificationCladograms include in the phylogenetic tree shared primitive characters and shared derived characters The derived characters can also be called while the primitive characters can also be called 1 symplesiomorphy ingroup O2 synapomorphy symplesiomorphy 3 synapomorphy outgroup 4 character states symplesiomorphy 5 outgroup synapomorphy

Biological ClassificationI 3 9 P n 0 1 m i J k h a f b c d Pages 507 568 Vocabulary On that have to do with the Political Parties and Voting Match vocabulary words found in the left and right h proper definition or description Political Party a 8 has been done Political Party 8 Patronage One Party System Two Party System Coalition Government Third Party Ideological Party Liberal Conservative Moderate Republican Party Democratic Party Independent Ticket Election Voting Disenfranchise 1 Not just a single issue but a set of ideas 2 Believes both liberal and conservative ideas 3 Favors granted to reward party loyalty 4 Party more associated with conservative thinking 5 A voter who does not support a particular party 6 The use of ideas information or rumors to influence 7 Making a choice among alternatives in an election 8 Organized group with broad common interests 9 Two major political parties compete 10 To take away the right to vote discourage from voting 11 Government actively promotes health education justi 12 Party more associated with liberal thinking 13 Traditional family values and limited government 14 A parties candidates for President and Vice Presiden 15 Any political party other than the major parties 16 Elections held halfway through president s term 17 Citizens directly propose a law or amendment 18 The person responsible for planning a campaign 19 Usually in Authoritarian Governments 20 Voting early in person during a specified period 21 Orderly process for making group decisions 22 Parties that combine forces to obtain a majority Midterm Election Initiative Campaign Manager Propaganda Early Voting

Biological Classification8 If a female guinea pig with the genotype B brr Dd TTCC is mated to a male guinea pig of the genotype bbrr Ddit Cc how many genetically different baby guinea pigs are expected a 243 b 12 c 2 5 d 32 e none of the above

Biological ClassificationThe blue green areas in the cheeses shown below are vari species of the genus Coprinus Rhizopus

Biological ClassificationMatch the correct term to the description division of power between the national and state governments division of powers between three separate branches of government legislative executive and judicial states that national law is always superior to state laws national law is the supreme law of the land concept that the will of the people should govern society this is embodied in the Preamble of the Constitution with the words We the people system in place to prevent one branch of government from becoming more powerful than another ex President vetoes law of Congress Choose Choose separation of powers federalism Supremacy Clause popular sovereignty checks and balances Choose Choose

Biological Classificationfeel resentful of the stepparent O Yes O No O Question 10 1 pts Most blended families report being happy

Biological ClassificationO Yes O No Question 4 1 pts Stepfamilies formed after a parent dies are easier Yes

Biological ClassificationOngoing clinical trials are using CRISPR Cas9 to genetically modify the blood cells of people with sickle cell anemia The aim is to help relieve the intense pain and health complications associated with this blood condition This is an example of O Somatic gene editing IVF Germline gene editing Heritable genome editing

Biological ClassificationThe Comstock Act encompassed a series of laws that still have cultural effects today and which expressly banned No answers are correct Information about testosterone pills for men Circulation of information on different forms of birth control and reproductive health Information about health impacts of hormone treatment therapy newly available on the market for consumers

Biological ClassificationThe Belmont Report refers to a publication of the non profit Alzheimer s Association a caretaker advocacy group committed to raising funds for research into prions amyloid beta plaques No answers are correct a set of biothethical principles in human subjects research in the US a 2011 statement issued by a group of scientists establishing the practice of retroactively correcting biotech histories to credit female discoverers and collaborators whose work men had appropriated e g Rosalind Franklin

Biological ClassificationWhat is the main function of leucoplasts aka amyloplasts plant defense aiding in seed dispersal photosynthesis

Biological Classificationestion 9 sease causing microorganisms are c eukaryotes quiz 2 times pathogens

Biological ClassificationEndospores are a dormant form of a bacterium that allows it to survive tough environmental conditions True False

Biological ClassificationAn important basis for classifying organisms together is similarity Which of the following is common to prokaryotic cells nucleus nucleolus ribosomes mitochondria

Biological Classificationn Question 19 Lichens can be classified according to th lichens as foliose crustose and fruticos Pictures

Biological ClassificationQuestion 10 How do the following protozoans move The table shows three ty Ty 03 04 02 1000x

Biological ClassificationSelect Select Question 13 structures to the naked eye is Select O Yeast O Mold the mass or network of these is called a What is the only unicellular fungus O Histoplasma An example of a fungus that shows these es called O 0 25 pt

Biological ClassificationPhoto credit Protist information server What is the mode of nutrition of this ciliated protozoan Ingests organic molecules and transforms them into ATP Photosynthesis by using chlorophyll a Heterotrophs that absorbs externally digested nutrients O Photosynthesis by using phycoerythrin

Biological ClassificationAlternatively the slides may be on display Identify and draw the three distinct shapes of the organism using the high power objective lens Describe the appearance and grouping of the organism Is the bacteria shown Gram positive or Gram negative How do you know 2 Obtain the slides labeled bacteria flagella bacterial capsule and bacterial endospore Alternatively the slides may be on display Draw the organism and describe its appearance Make sure to label the flagella capsule and endospore where appropriate

Biological ClassificationIdentify a scalar quantity O Displacement O Velocity O Distance O Acceleration

Biological ClassificationA cladogram is diagram that shows the relationship among organisms according to a common ancestor and specific characteristics The farther away an organism is from the point of origin th less closely related to that common ancestor it is Study the cladogram below Which statement is true regarding the organisms on the cladogram Salmon Salamander Lizard Lungs Hamster The calamander has lungs but not claws or nails Claws or nails These organisms do not have a common ancestor O The chimpanzee is more closely related to the salamander than the lizard O The salmon is more closely related to the hamster than the lizard Chimpanzee Opposable thumbs Fur mammary glands

Biological ClassificationWhat do all of the organisms classified into the two Domains Bacteria and Archaea have in common O They are all multi celled organisms O They are all made up of only single celled organisms that lack membrane bound organelles O They are all made up of multi celled organisms with membrane bound organelles O They are all organisms within the same kingdom

Biological ClassificationThe separation of the Archaea into a separate domain indicates that organisms should never be classified according to how they appear O microscopes have greatly improved so that we can better view them O early biologists rushed to classify them without closely examining them O these organisms are very different from bacteria and from eukaryotes

Biological ClassificationThe five kingdom system of classification reflects the idea that all organisms can be separated into two main groups prokaryotes and eukaryotes The new six kingdom system recognizes three broader groups called domains that include six kingdoms How does the domain Eukarya differ from the other two domains All organisms in the domain have eukaryotic cells O All organisms in the domain are multicellular All organisms in the domain are heterotrophic All organisms in the domain have prokaryotic cells

Biological ClassificationThe method used to classify living organisms into groups is callec O binomial nomenclature Otaxonomy O evolution

Biological ClassificationHIS B Question 9 Points 2 Which among the following is NOT a physical change O Evaporation Cutting a tree down My Activities Tell me what you want to do Ripening te fruits or vegetables Weathering

Biological ClassificationBovine Spongiform Encephalopathy Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease Kuru Gerstmann Straussler Scheinker Disease Scrapie Chronic Wasting Disease Question 15 Choose True Choose Choose Choose Choose Choose Prion diseases in humans are all infectious

Biological ClassificationO Crop maintenance O Crop harvesting O Insects O Seeds Bacteria Question 10 Which of the following are viroids OPSTV O TPMVd O ASBVd O PLMVd

Biological ClassificationORNA O Capsid O Envelope O Lipids O Self replication O Non self replication Question 12 Plant virusoids code for proteins O True

Biological ClassificationWhich of the following is known for having fallse feet or pseudopod Amoeba proteus Clostridium sporogenes Paramecium caudatum