Biological Classification Questions and Answers

Biological ClassificationListen Double fertilization involves Othe fusion of 2 eggs with 1 sperm to produce the embryo sac the fusion of 1 sperm with the egg and 1 sperm with the synergids to produce the seed the fusion of 2 sperms with the polar nuclei to produce the endosperm the fusion of 1 sperm with the egg to produce the zygote and 1 sperm with the polar nuclei to form the endosperm

Biological Classification4Listen Bryophytes non vascular plants OA are are more similar to ancestral green algae than are vascular plants OB are evolutionarily more advanced than seed plants Og C are more similar to ancestral red algae than are vascular plants 5 can be included in the grade monilophyte because they do not have complex vascular system

Biological ClassificationWhich group of fungi include species that are often referred to as molds Ascomycota Oyeasts Zygomycota Chytrids Basidiomycot

Biological ClassificationThe ancestor of fungi is thought to be Oa type of cyanobacterium O an aquatic single celled flagellated protist some type of single celled animal a terrestrial vascular pla Oa

Biological ClassificationBryophytes non vascular plants OA are evolutionarily more advanced than seed plants OB can be included in the grade monilophyte because they do not have a complex vascular system Oc are more similar to ancestral green algae than are vascular plants OD are more similar to ancestral red algae than are vascular plants

Biological ClassificationOA multiple clades of eukaryotes with some lineages more closely related to plants animals or fungi than they are to other protists OB two clades of eukaryotes One that is related to animals and fungi and another that is related to plants Oc two clades of eukaryotes algae and protozoans O DI a single clade of eukaryotes that are distantly related to animals Question 9 1 point

Biological Classificationinclude OA multiple clades of eukaryotes with some lineages more closely related to plants animals or fungi than they are to other protists O B two clades of eukaryotes One that is related to animals and fungi and another that is related to plants OC two clades of eukaryotes algae and protozoans O D a single clade of eukaryotes that are distantly related to animals

Biological Classificationnoflagellates are best described as OA parasitic protozoans that must spend part of their life cycles in vertebrate hosts OB marine and freshwater algae that can produce harmful red tides O O protozoans that use cilia to move and feed D large multicellular algae that resemble plants but do not have true leaves stems or roots

Biological ClassificationWhat part of the flower makes the egg cells O A carpel O B ovary O C stamen O D ovule

Biological ClassificationGreen algae differ from land plants in that many green algae OA have alternation of generations OB have cell walls containing cellulose OC have plastids OD are unicellular

Biological ClassificationWhich of the following cellular structures is characteristic of amoebas O A cilia O B microvilli o C flagella O D pseudopodia

Biological ClassificationSelect ALL of the following that indicate a pigmented spot on a patient s skin may be melanoma The border has indentations instead of being one smooth line The diameter is 3 mm The area s appearance has changed over time The two sides of the pigmented area are different from each other The spot is black

Biological ClassificationAn increase of temperature causes humans to increase sweat production and plants to increase the rate of A transpiration C gravitropism B food movement through phloem D photosynthesis

Biological Classificationare in conflict with Koch s postulates as they are obligate intracellular organisms A Viruses C Bacteria B Cells D Protista

Biological Classificationscientists like Van Leeuewenhoek until was invented were able to see what he called animalcules A STM microscopy C the electron microscope B the light microscope D SEM microscopy

Biological ClassificationThe uniquely shaped virus type that was used in the Hershey and Chase experiments to infect bacteria are called A enveloped C helicals B polyhedrals D bacteriophages

Biological ClassificationThere are official taxonomic categories of biodiversity A seven C five B eight D six

Biological Classificationbiodiversity refers to the abundance of similar organisms in the biosphere that can successfully interbreed A Marine pH C Species B Ecosystem D Genetic

Biological ClassificationWhich structures are highlighted Opseudostratified columnar epithelium microvilli cilia O goblet cells Copyright 2023 Pearson

Biological ClassificationWatson and Crick s knowledge of replication A was non existent B was extensive as referenced in their paper about DNA structure C was referenced in their paper explaining the structure of DNA

Biological ClassificationWhat is the flagella arrangement of the large central rod O monotrichous O lophotrichous Operitrichous O amphitrichious the image

Biological ClassificationA What would the possible outcomes of the Punnett Square to the right look like Se B Se Se C Se Se

Biological Classification4 Which cell contains the correct amount of genetic material B I XX 11 X III C X

Biological Classification3 30 Heterosporous Seed producting Homosporous Flower producing Onon vascular

Biological Classificationof A very rare form reproduction can be characterized by A haploid gametes joining to form diploid zygotes B an alternation of generations C part of an organism pinching off and becoming its own organism D a daughter cell pinching off and becoming its own mother cell

Biological ClassificationA Examples of local direct signaling in plant cells occurs through and in animal cells are involved channel proteins B gap junctions C plasmo desmata

Biological ClassificationFor a protein to be denatured the bonds have to be disrupted A peptide B non polar covalent C hydrogen D metallic

Biological ClassificationIn plants gametes are produced by which of the following processes Mitosis Karyogamy Meiosis Epistasis

Biological ClassificationD E O a A Ob B O c C d D A e E B Antibiotic A Erythromycin B Tetracycline C Ampicillin D Gentamycin E Penicillin Effect on Growth Plate 1 Gram Five antibiotic discs were placed on nutrient agar inoculated with bacteria The diagram above shows what the plate looked like after the bacteria was allowed to grow The table labels the antibiotics and lists the effects of each antibiotic on each of a Gram and a Gram bacterium a sign in the table indicates level of sensitivity and a represents no sensitivity to the antibiotic If the agar was inoculated with Gram bacterium which disc letter on the plate represents Gentamycin Plate 2 Gram

Biological ClassificationMatch the following organisms to their correct Phyla 4 Phylum Kinetoplastea 3 Phylum Myxomycota 5 Phylum Apicocomplexa 2 Phylum Phaeophyta 1 Phylum Euglenophyta 1 Laminaria 2 Euglena 3 Physarum 4 Trichonympha 5 Plasmodium

Biological ClassificationSafranin Nigrosin Crystal violet lodine Question 7 Organisms of the Kingdom Protista are mostly microscopic and multicellular True

Biological ClassificationA eukaryotic cell is whereas cells contain free floating organelles and no nucleus A compartmentalized B open in its structure S without DNA

Biological ClassificationIgM in humans and mice the antibody constant C heavy chain gene segments are in which order 5 V

Biological ClassificationWhat is the form of this colony O a circular O b filamentous O c rhizoid O d irregular O e punctiform

Biological Classification17 In prion diseases fibril and aggregate formation is caused by B sheet formation within a prion protein molecule B sheet formation between different prion protein molecules a helix formation within a prion protein molecule a helix formation between different prion protein molecules

Biological ClassificationWhich kingdom has been replaced with two domains Protista Monera O Plantae Fungi Animalia

Biological Classificationidentity a nealthcare related article experience example real story that illustrates positively or negativer of relevance and 9 fallacies of insufficient evidence that are explained in the fallacies Introduction to Lo Due Date Week 6 Wednesday at 1 00 pm Assignment Instructions Follow these steps to complete this assignment Step 1 Download and carefully read study the Introduction to Logical Fallacies Document Gain a the 20 common fallacies 11 Fallacies of Relevance and 9 Fallacies of Insufficient Evidence Step 2 Look for and identify a healthcare related article experience example real story that illustrates p fallacies that are explained in the Introduction to Logical Fallacies Document In 1 2 pages indicate th and describe the consequences implications of its utilization Step 3 Save and submit your analysis reflection paper along with any article links attachment s referen name on it Reminder Be prepared to recognize any of these 20 fallacies on the Midterm Exam next week

Biological Classification1 Why is the size more accurate in a negative stain than in a direct stain It is because no heat is used and Stain doesn t enter the Cell the negative Stain is more Precise than a direct Stain 2 Why were you instructed to discard the toothpick in disinfectant To prevent bacterial Contamination CRITICAL THINKING 1 What microscopic technique gives a field similar in appearance to that seen in the negative stain Dark Field technique gives a Field Similar in appearence 2 Carbolfuchsin can be used as a direct stain and as a negative stain As a direct stain the pH is Basic 3 Unlike nigrosin acidic Congo red does not contain suspended particles but it can give the appearance of a negative stain What is the basis for this stain They are negativey charged

Biological ClassificationTotal PURPOSE The Purrose of Gram Staining is for identifying and Clasifying Gram stain enables gram Positive or gram negative bacteria for example to Clasify bacteria as either EXPECTED RESULTS Bacterium Color Gram Staining red 1 What color will a gram negative cell stain 2 What color will a grand positive cell stain Rurple 3 Which organism used in this exercise is a coccus Sta Phylococus epidermis magnification Morphology and arrangement RESULTS Sketch a few bacteria viewed with the oil immersion objective lens gram negative Staphylococcus epidermidis DE 1000 x Cocci red red Bacillus subtilis Ce gram Positive Escherichia coli 1000x bacili Purple 2 Did your results agree with the information in your text QUESTIONS 1 Why do gram positive cells more than 24 hours old stain gram negative 2 Can iodine be added before the primary stain in a Gram stain 3 List the steps of the Gram ataining procedure in order omit washings and fill in the color of gram positive cells and gram negative cells after each step Step 1 2 3 4 Chemical Gram Positive Cells Appearance Gram Negative Cells 4 Which step can you omit without affecting determination of the Gram reaction CRITICAL THINKING 1 Suppose you performed a Gram stain on a sample from a pure culture of bacteria and observed a field of red and purple cocci Adjacent cells were not always the same color What would you conclude 2 Suppose you are viewing a Gram stained field of red rods and purple cocci through the microscope What do you conclude

Biological ClassificationLABORATORY REPORT Gram Staining PURPOSE The Purpose of Gram Staining is for identifying and clasifying bacteria for example Grom stain enables to bacteria as either gram Positive or gram negalive EXPECTED RESULTS red 1 What color will a gram negative cell stain red 2 What color will a grand Positive cell stain Purple 3 Which organism used in this exercise is a coccus Staphylococus epilkimis RESULTS Sketch a few bacteria viewed with the oil immersion objective lens gram negative Bacterium Total magnification Color Morphology and arrangement Short Gram reaction Staphylococcus epidermidis 1000 x Cocci red Negative Bacillus subtilis gram Positive Escherichia coli 1000x bacili Purple Positive 2 Did your results agree with the infor yes my results agree with the information QUESTIONS 1 Why do gram positive cells more than 24 hours old stain gram negative It is because Wall begins to degenerate af 24 hours 2 Can iodine be added before the primary stain in a Gram stain No It should not be added in because it s a Fixativeagent Crystal 3 List the steps of the Gram staining procedure in order omit washings and fill in the color of gram positive cells and gram negative cells after each step Step 1 2 3 4 Chemical Primary tain Cryskil videt Mordant Grams lodine Decolourizer Ethyl Alcohol Secondary Stain Gram Positive Cells Purple Purple Purple Purple the Appearance Gram Negative Cells Purple Purple Colorless 4 Which step can you omit without affecting determination of the Gram reaction Any step can be omitted All the steps play an important role too Prevent contamination CRITICAL THINKING 1 Suppose you performed a Gram stain on a sample from a pure culture of bacteria and observed a field of red and purple cocci Adjacent cells were not always the same color What would you conclude 2 Suppose you are viewing a Gram stained field of red rods and purple cocci through the microscope What do you conclude

Biological ClassificationQuestion 14 of 25 Which comparison of bacteria and viruses supports the claim that bacteria are living organisms while viruses are not OA Both bacteria and viruses transfer DNA to other organisms B Only bacteria are able to reproduce without a host cell C Only viruses can have either DNA or RNA OD Both bacteria and viruses contain genetic material SUBMIT

Biological ClassificationWhich sentence uses the underlined word incorrectly A Her response to the criticism was mature she flew into a rage B We can finish the project in a minimal amount of time leaving the rest of the day free C I ve learned to inspect my papers carefully for spelling errors before turning them in D The student acted incredibly mature she worked hard regardless of the stress she felt Academic Vocabulary X muamine to study to scrutinize

Biological ClassificationWhich sentence below uses an incorrect homophone A When I work out my waist gets smaller B We try to recycle to produce less waste C It is such a waist to put in all that work and not finish the project D Don t waste your time being unproductive

Biological ClassificationThis portion of the bacterial flagellum allows for the diffusion of protons down their concentration gradient O the hook O the rotor the filament the basal body the stator

Biological ClassificationMatch the description to the fungus You may use these terms more than once 2 points members of this phylum can produce spores through two kinds of sporangia one of which is known as a conidium this phylum contains organisms that most closely resemble the common ancestor of fungi a member of this phylum includes the mold Rhizopus stolonifer reproduces only sexually Choose Choose Choose Choose