Biotechnology & its Applications Questions and Answers

Biotechnology & its ApplicationsWhich of the following would not be true of cDNA produced using human brain tissue as the starting material?
A.It could be amplified by the polymerase chain reaction.
B.It was produced from mRNA using reverse transcriptase.
C.It could be used as a probe to detect genes expressed in the brain.
D.It could be used to create a complete genomic library.
E.It lacks the introns of the human nuclear genes.

Biotechnology & its ApplicationsGenomic imprinting is generally due to the addition of methyl (-CH3) groups to C nucleotides (as well as chemical changes to histone proteins) in order to silence a given gene. If the process of
transmission of these features to the next generation, which affects all the progeny of the transmitting parent, depends on the sex of the parent who transmits the gene, which of the following must be true?
A. Methylation of C is permanent in a gene.
B.Genes required for early development stages must not be imprinted.
C.Methylation of this kind must occur more in males than in females.
D.The imprints are transmitted only to gamete-producing cells.
E. Methylation must be reversible i ovarian and testicular cells.

Biotechnology & its ApplicationsThe Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) maintains a database system including software to run it called by the acronym CODIS, for "Combined DNA Index System." (A) What is the main type of
DNA data stored in this system and (B) how might this data be used to prove the guilt or innocence of a rape suspect?

Biotechnology & its ApplicationsWhich of the following is true about NoSQL databases?
Eventually the database will be consistent, but it's not guaranteed at any specific moment in time
NoSQL works faster on big data because it uses data partitioning and distributed data storage
All of these statements are true
Users can access the database while other users are changing it, but they might have different views of the data

Biotechnology & its ApplicationsWhich of the following statements is true when comparing moist heat methods of
microbial control to dry heat control?
Both moist heat and dry heat methods can achieve complete sterilization.
Only moist heat (autoclaving) can sterilize objects, dry heat is limited to
Dry heat is more efficient than moist heat, requiring less time to sterilize objects.
Boiling is a more successful method of sterilizing instruments than using a dry
heat oven.

Biotechnology & its Applications4. What best explains how PCR can be used to detect an infection?
Specific temperatures are used to amplify DNA from an infectious agent if it was present in the patient.
Specific restriction enzymes are used to cut the DNA from an infectious agent if it was present in the patient. That fragment can then be seen on a gel.
Specific primers are used that would result in the amplification of DNA from an infectious agent if it was present in the patient. That amplification can be seen with the presence of a specific size fragment when the PCR product is ran on a gel.

Biotechnology & its ApplicationsGeneralized transduction differs from specialized transduction in that
generalized transduction can only transfer certain genes
generalized transduction can take placebetween different species while specialized transduction cannot
generalized transduction transfers random DNA fragments while specialized does not
generalized transduction take place in gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, specialized can only occur in gram-negative bacteria

Biotechnology & its ApplicationsWhich of the following is NOT true of immunoprecipitation?
includes a denaturing step
uses antibody-coated beads
separates particles using an electric field
good for isolating specific proteins from a solution

Biotechnology & its ApplicationsWhich of the following microscopes use UV light?
O Darkfield microscope
O Brightfield microscope
O Compound light microscope
O Fluorescence microscope
Scanning electron microscope

Biotechnology & its ApplicationsIn the disc diffusion susceptibility test, as the antimicrobic diffuses through the media and the concentration gradient is created, where is the highest level of the antimicrobic?
A. The highest level of antimicrobic is found closest to the disc.
B. The highest levels of antimicrobic is found at the point on the plate furthest from the disc.

Biotechnology & its ApplicationsRobbie and Saurab are pre-med and pre-pharmacy students, respectively. They complain to their biology professor that they should not have to study plants because plants have little relevance to their chosen professions. Which of the following statements are correct with regard to what physicians and pharmacists need to know about plants?
A) Crop plants often produce more seeds than their wild relatives.
B) Land plants produce poisons and medicines.
C) Land plants often provide food for pollinators.
D) Crop plants can often interbreed with their wild relatives.

Biotechnology & its ApplicationsWhich of the following is/are safety issues and ethics of using DNA technology?
a. Genetically modified crops must be safe for consumption
b. Determining who has access to someone's genetic information
c. Genetically modified crops must be released into the environment
d. a and b
e. a, b and c

Biotechnology & its ApplicationsRestriction enzymes create when they cut DNA.
a. Sticky ends
b. Blunt ends
c. Methylated ends
d. a and b
e. a, b and c

Biotechnology & its ApplicationsThe use of an antibiotic-resistance gene on a plasmid used in genetic engineering makes
a. replica plating possible.
b.selection of the desired clone possible.
c. the recombinant cell dangerous.
d. the recombinant cell unable to survive.
e. All of the answers are correct.

Biotechnology & its ApplicationsPCR can be used to isolate a portion of a particular gene because
a. the DNA primer is specific.
b. DNA can be electrophoresed.
c. all cells have DNA.
d. all cells have RNA.

Biotechnology & its ApplicationsThe process of understanding gene function via computer-assisted analysis is
a. bioinformatics.
b. proteomics.
c. reverse genetics.
d. forensic microbiology.
e. metagenomics.

Biotechnology & its ApplicationsYou want to determine whether a person has a certain mutant gene. The process involves using a primer and a heat-stable DNA polymerase. This process is
a. translation.
b. restriction mapping.
c. transformation.
d. PCR.
e. site-directed mutagenesis.

Biotechnology & its ApplicationsThe rise of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) can be considered to be an example of artificial selection because
humans purposefully raise MRSA in large fermenters in an attempt to make the bacteria ever-more resistant.
humans synthesize methicillin and create environments in which bacteria
frequently come into contact with methicillin.
Humans are becoming resistant to bacteria by taking methicillin.
S. aureus is cultivated by humans to replenish the soil with nutrients.