Cell: The Unit of Life Questions and Answers

Cell: The Unit of Lifenuclear envelope endoplasmic reticulum 1999 CARLAND PUBLISHING Golgi apparatus endosome early endosome transport vesicles To collect amino acids for use in protein synthesis To release energy from ATP O To send messages about cell requirements to the nucleus To move proteins out of the cell CYTOSOL EXTRACELLULAR SPACE 1 Part of the membrane of the Golgi complex pinches off and moves away Which of the following is a function of this process

Cell: The Unit of LifeMatch this term to where you would most likely find it located The term is MHC II Macrophages hepatitis red blood cells nerve cell Previous

Cell: The Unit of LifeSARS CoV 2 the virus responsible for the current novel coronavirus pandemic consists of an RNA genome inside a protein capsid and surrounded by a lipid envelope It achieves the creation of more viruses by infecting cells and hijacking their machinery to make more viruses Do you think SARS CoV 2 performs aerobic respiration Or other metabolic processes

Cell: The Unit of LifeThe Calvin cycle of plants requires what inputs in order to produce sugars Choose all that apply Copyright 2022 ATP Water Glucose Oxygen O NADPH Carbon dioxide

Cell: The Unit of LifeMitochondria produce ATP via O oxidative phosphorylation O photophosphorylation O substrate level phosphorylation O fermentation

Cell: The Unit of LifePlease choose the terms that best complete the following sentence Metabolic pathways are ordered series of chemical reactions that build up Select molecules Select Select anabolism catabolism or break down

Cell: The Unit of LifeWhich type of macromolecule is the ATP Synthase a nucleic acid that serves as a coenzyme a protein that serves as an enzyme a lipid that serves to build the cell membrane a carbohydrate that serves as an energy source

Cell: The Unit of LifeA Cell A B B C D CELL ORGANELLES TABLE Organelles Identified Cell Membrane Cytoplasm Nucleus Vacuole Cell Membrane Which of the following is the best conclusion based on this data Nucleus Cell Wall Colla D Mitochondria Cells A and C are plants Cells B and C are plants Cells C and D are plants Chloroplast Mitochondria Cell Membrane Cytoplasm Vacuole Mitochondria Cell Membrane Nucleus

Cell: The Unit of Lifee bacterium Escherichia coli or E coli is a single celled ganism that lives in the gut of healthy humans and animals Its dy shape can be modeled as a 2 um long cylinder with a um diameter and it has a mass of 1 x 10 12 g Its romosome consists of a single double stranded chain of DNA 00 times longer than its body length The bacterium moves at a Onstant speed of 20 m s though not always in the same rection Answer the following questions about E coli using Sl nits unless specifically requested otherwise and correct ignificant figures Figure 1 gure 1 of 1 T Part A What is its length O 2 106 m O2 10 m O 2x103 m 2 x 10 m Submit Part B Request Answer What is its diameter 1 x 10 m 1x 10 m 1 x 10 6 m 1x 10 3 m

Cell: The Unit of Life12 Label Animal Cell G H 2 WWW 3 B C D E LL L 13 Differentiate between plant and animal cells 1 Plant Cell N 0 P

Cell: The Unit of Life14 Specifically where does autotrophic nutrition occur 15 What is this diagram of 16 In this diagram label the lipid bilayer cell receptor protein 3 17 How does this structure keep the cell in homeostasis X M Y 0 5 4 IE SE

Cell: The Unit of LifeCells use a variety of mechanisms to move molecules within into and out of the cell How do these mechanisms help the specialized cells in body tissues to function

Cell: The Unit of LifeIn cell communication after the reception of a signal the cell transducts the signal which is like the signal

Cell: The Unit of LifeA In cell communication after the reception of a signal the cell the signal which is like the signal trans ducts B trans locates transforms

Cell: The Unit of LifeWhat is a consequence of this size discrepancy between the X and Y chromosomes A The x chromosome has more genes than the y chromosome B They chromosome has more genes than the y chromosome C The x chromosome has fewer genes than the y chromosome D Both chromosomes have the same number of genes

Cell: The Unit of Lifebiochemist performed the following hydrolysis reaction H OHHHHH H C 0 C 0 H IIIII HHHHH OHHHHH H C 0 C C C C C C H IIIII HHHHH OHHHHH 110 H C C C C C H IIIU HHHHH Triglyceride Molecule 3H20 H OHHHHH H C OH HO C C C C C C H JUJUI HHHHH H C OH H C OH H Glycerol OHHHHH HO C C C C C C H TUTU HHHHH OHHHHH C H M HHHHH Fatty Acids HO 8 To which class of biomolecules does the structure belong

Cell: The Unit of LifeSort the following events in the order that happens during the formation of vesicles from the ER destined for the Golgi apparatus Sar1 GDP converts to Sar1 GTP Sar1 GTP hydrolysis Sar1 binds to Sec 23 Sar1 membrane association IV V I IV III II IV III

Cell: The Unit of LifeAll protein transport between organelles compartments are unidirectional Tor F Ras GTP binds directly to and activates the upstream kinase in the MAP kinase module True False

Cell: The Unit of Life7 For classic START transfer signals cleavage of the signal during after Sec61 transport is catalyzed by an enzyme called

Cell: The Unit of Life8 Which of the following is not a correct statement regarding rules for Sec61 transport A START transfer sequences can be placed in either of two hydrophobic grooves within Sec61 B The ribosome detaches from Sec61 when it can t push the protein through the translocator C Internal START signals orient so that positive charges are on the cytoplasmic side of Sec61 D START and STOP transfer signals reside within the gene that encodes transported proteins

Cell: The Unit of LifeCompared to the cytosol which of the following statement is generally true about the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum in a eukaryotic cell It has a higher pH It has a much higher calcium ion concentration It has a higher density of ribosomes All of the above

Cell: The Unit of LifeAll secretory vesicles forming from the trans Golgi network TGN leave the TGN in a steady stream and are fused with the plasma membrane as soon as they get there As a result the membrane proteins and the lipids in these vesicles provide new components for the cell s plasma membrane while the soluble proteins inside the vesicles are secreted to the extracellular space True or False

Cell: The Unit of LifeThe activated P13kinase phosphorylates which downstream factor Ras protein to activate GTP hydrolysis Nuclear membrane proteins Receptor tyrosine kinases Lipid molecules in the cell

Cell: The Unit of Life6 During co translational import of proteins into the ER the cytoplasmic receptor that recognizes an ER signal sequence as it emerges from a ribosome is called

Cell: The Unit of LifeWhat type of cells are produced during meiosis A asexual cells B diploid cells C division cells D haploid cells

Cell: The Unit of LifeWhat type of beak would not be suited for eating these corn kernels Use your data to explain your answer

Cell: The Unit of Life29 The development of competence in S pneumoniae Transformation is a wonderful example of a phenomenon known as quorum sensing Explain how these two unique bacterial abilities occur and how they get perfectly cooperative

Cell: The Unit of LifeWhich of the events below does NOT happen during the G1 phase of the cell cycle A synthesizing of new proteins and organelles B cell division C cell grows

Cell: The Unit of Lifebacterial cell walls do antibiotics target to kill the cell A salt in the cytoplasm B the mitochondria C peptidoglycan D cellulose in the cell wall

Cell: The Unit of LifeWhich of the following statements does not describe a function of the extracellular matrix O a It is a source of immobilised growth factors O b The composition of the extracellular matrix varies between tissues in the body creating specific niches for both matu differentiated cells and adult stem cells O c It helps to give structural integrity to tissues O d It acts as a glycoprotein scaffold to which cells attach via integrins Oe It acts as a barrier to gases and small molecules in aqueous solution

Cell: The Unit of LifeIn skeletal muscle cells tropomyosin is associated with Oa Desmin filaments O b Myosin filaments Oc Thin filaments d Intermediate filaments Oe Thick filaments

Cell: The Unit of LifeThe DNA of a cell is not programmed 17 to coordinate the activities needed to keep a large cell alive How does cell division help the cell avoid DNA overload A When a cell divides there is much less DNA created than in the large cell increasing the overload B Each daughter cell has its own copy of DNA and can coordinate all the activities of a smaller cell C Cell division does not help cells to avoid DNA

Cell: The Unit of LifeWhich of the following statements is correct O a White adipose tissue exclusively generates heat by thermogenesis O b Brown adipose tissue is structurally similar to white adipose tissue O c Thermogenesis is energy efficient O d Brown adipose tissue triacylglycerols are stored in a unilocular manner O e Brown adipose tissue contains more numerous mitochondria than white adipose tissu

Cell: The Unit of LifeThe term gating refers to what A The transition state in an antiporter B The release of one type of ion followed by the binding of another type in a p C The opening and closing of the pore in a channel D The coordinated movement of water molecules through a water channel E The ability of a co transporter to work in reverse

Cell: The Unit of LifeWhat junctional structure is critical in establishing a polarized epithelial tissue A desmosomes B adherens junctions C tight junctions D gap junctions DVL

Cell: The Unit of LifeWhich organelle is the primary site for ribosome assembly A Lysosome B Nucleus C Golgi apparatus D smooth ER E rough ER

Cell: The Unit of Life8 In the fluid mosaic model of the plasma membrane what does mosaic refer to A the membrane has two different sides B the membrane is a lipid bilayer made from two different monolayers C the lipid bilayer has different proteins embedded in it D the lipids on each side of the membrane are different El peripheral proteins are mainly on the external side of the membrane

Cell: The Unit of LifeWhat type of molecules can pass freely through the plasma membrane a small proteins b simple sugars c ions d steroids e simple salts

Cell: The Unit of Life23 What combination of molecules form complexes in the ECM to help resist compressive forces a Nucleic acids and proteins b Polysacharrides and proteins c Polysacharrides and carbohydrates

Cell: The Unit of Life3 Which microtubules are lengthening during anaphase A aster B kinetechore C interpolar D contractile ring E ciliary

Cell: The Unit of LifeUpregulation of p53 in the presence of DNA damage inhibits cell cycle progression by A adding inhibitory phosphates on cdks B degrading cyclins C activating gene for a cdk inhibitory protein D adding ubiquitin groups to cdk E all of the above I

Cell: The Unit of Life6 What would an increase in extracellular calcium do to specific types of cell adhes a Increase adhesion mediated by cadherins b Decrease adhesion mediated by cadherins c Increase adhesion mediated by integrins d Decrease adhesion mediated by integrins

Cell: The Unit of LifeAt which phase are centrioles beginning to move apart in dividing animal cells A telophase B anaphase C prometaphase D metaphase E prophase

Cell: The Unit of Life1 The protein complex that forms on each sister chromatid and acts as an attachment site for microtubules of the mitotic spindle is called A anaphase B kinetochore C aster D spindle sponge E centromere

Cell: The Unit of LifeO Cells are differentiated because they have different they produce different functions that are turned or As a result Their different proteins cause them to have structures and

Cell: The Unit of LifeA is the maximum amount of money that can be charged on a crec card O credit limit O balance O available credit finance charge

Cell: The Unit of LifeA credit card issued through a credit union would be ar example of a card O bank O travel and entertainment store