Ecology - Ecosystems Questions and Answers

Ecology - EcosystemsImagine you are interested in studying evolution by natural selection (ENS) on a trait in a wild
Which population BEST fulfills the three essential elements of ENS?
A population of sunflowers with orange or yellow petals. Petal color is a genetically controlled trait.
Sunflowers with yellow petals attract more pollinators than sunflowers with orange petals.
A population of rabbits with only brown fur. Fur color is a heritable trait. Some individuals in the population are able to find more food than others.
A population of grasshoppers that exhibits two types of wing color. Wing color is controlled by a single locus with two alleles. Individuals with different colored wings are equally likely to avoid predators and mate.
A population of oak trees that varies in the number of branches per tree. Number of branches is determined by the amount of sunlight a tree has access to. Trees with more branches are more likely to survive the winter.

Ecology - EcosystemsExplain in detail the difference between a composite volcano and a shield volcano (type of magma, shape and size, age range, explosiveness, eruption products).

Ecology - EcosystemsThe chain of volcanoes that forms at an ocean-ocean convergent plate boundary is referred to as a(n) volcanic ___ arc.

Ecology - EcosystemsIn thrust faulting,
horizontal, tensional stresses drive the deformation
grabens develop on the footwall block
the hanging wall block slips downward along the thrust fault
the crust is shortened and thickened

Ecology - EcosystemsThe Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets are examples of continental glaciers.
None of the above.

Ecology - EcosystemsGemstones are commonly found in pegmatites, which are igneous rocks that are
exceptionally mafic
O exceptionally coarse grained
exceptionally fine grained
extrusive, forming from lava
exceptionally vesicular in texture

Ecology - EcosystemsSummary on Acid Fast Staining MUST
o Bacteria the staining procedure is used to
o Steps in the procedure and reagents
o Purpose/role of each reagent
o Purpose of steam

Ecology - EcosystemsWhat is the author trying to represent by including the following details in
the book - The Life of Abraham Lincoln from His Birth to His Inauguration as
His solemn manner, his long silence, were as full of melancholy eloquence as
any words he could have uttered. What did he think of? Of the mighty
changes which had lifted him from the lowest to the highest estate on earth?
Of the weary road which had brought him to this lofty summit? Of his poor
mother lying beneath the tangled underbrush in a distant forest? Of that
other grave in the quiet Concord cemetery? Whatever the particular
character of his thoughts, it is evident that they were retrospective and

Ecology - EcosystemsWhich of these could be a producer in an ecosystem? Choose the most complete correct answer.
O fungus
O Animals AND Fungi could be producers
O Fungi AND protists could be producers
O Animals AND protists could be producers
O animal
O Protists

Ecology - EcosystemsThe amount of biomass (weight) of organisms decreases as you "go up" trophic levels from
producers to primary consumers, secondary consumers and tertiary consumers. Which of the
following explains this?
O Most of the nutrients in the ecosystem are lost into the soil.
O There aren't enough decomposers in the ecosystem to recycle all the energy.
O Energy is lost as heat at each step in the food chain.
O Primary consumers can't eat enough to capture all the energy from producers.

Ecology - EcosystemsWhich of the following statements about ecosystems is FALSE?
O Decomposers are heterotrophs
O Nutrients can be recycled by decomposers for use by producers
O Producers are autotrophs
O Energy flows through the ecosystem in acyclic manner

Ecology - EcosystemsWhich of the following would be a dispersal event?
O Radiation exposure increases mutation rate, leading to more genetic variation in a population
O All of the answers could be considered examples of a dispersal event
O The level of water in a lake recedes, creating two lakes where there used to be one
O Both of these answers could be examples of a dispersal event: In a storm, some insects get blown to a new mountain range, where they lay eggs AND the level of water in a lake recedes, creating two lakes where there used to be one
O In a storm, some insects get blown to a new mountain range, where they lay eggs

Ecology - EcosystemsWhich of the following could be producers in ecosystems?
O Protists
O Bacteria
O Plants
O Animals
O Plants, Protists, AND Bacteria
O Plants AND Protists