Ecology - Environmental Issues Questions and Answers

Ecology - Environmental IssuesRevival of trade in western Europe, decline of feudalism, revival of interest in learning, and cultural interaction with the Middle East are associated with the-
growth of the Maya Empire and Aztec Empire
effects of the barter economic system
impact of the Crusades and Black Plague
rise of Charlemagne and the Holy Roman Empire

Ecology - Environmental IssuesWhich of the following began this chain of events?
A population decline caused by the Black Death
The opening of trade routes during and after the Crusades
The discovery of new foods in the New World
Areligious conflict caused by the Protestant Reformation

Ecology - Environmental IssuesIn 2014, city officials in Flint, Michigan switched their drinking water supply from Detroit's system to the Flint River to save money. Poor treatment and testing of the
water resulted in a crisis. The health of many residents was affected, including the outbreak of Legionnaires' disease (a severe form of pneumonia). City officials
ignored the problem for 18 months, but began testing the water supply once it caught the media's attention. The testing found high levels of copper and lead in the
water supply. This monitoring was important for identifying and treating the problem. Over the last two years the levels of copper and lead have continued to
decrease. Which statement best describes why it is important to public health to continue monitoring even though levels have dropped over the last 2 years?
Old pipes could begin to leach chemicals back into the water supply allowing officials to fix concerns before they become a problem again.
Public service announcements could be made to discourage people from throwing trash, that seep chemicals into the water supply, out of car windows.
If the levels rise again, city officials will know to order additional medicine for local doctors and hospitals in order to treat the people effected by poor water quality.
If levels continue to decrease the city could shut down more treatment plants that are not needed and instead use the money to build factories near the water supply.

Ecology - Environmental IssuesForest landscape restoration (FLR) can help countries reverse the effects of deforestation and degradation and regain the ecological, social, climatic and economic benefits of forests. Why should policies be put in place in order to help decrease our negative impact on the environment?

Ecology - Environmental IssuesThe overall reaction for the oxidation of glucose is:
C6H12O6 + 602 ---> 6CO2 + 6H2O
During the oxidation of glucose, what enzymatic steps yield CO2 and where is the 02 consumed?

Ecology - Environmental IssuesWhen does homologous recombination occur?
Meiosis II
Cytokinesis II
Cytokinesis I
Meiosis I

Ecology - Environmental IssuesThe heat generated by the impact of the Chicxulub meteor reached 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit.

Ecology - Environmental IssuesIndividual groups in the diverse late Roman world asserted their
Artistic style from conventions
Subject matter appropriate to the group
Realistic portrayals of group members
Mural paintings created in fresco

Ecology - Environmental IssuesIn a study on fish oil supplementation and heart disease, a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled design was used. However, the study subjects who were receiving the fish oil treatment had bad, fishy smelling breath, while control subjects did not. What aspect of study design failed in this study?
a. Single blinding
b. Randomization
C. Selection of study participants
d. Double blinding

Ecology - Environmental IssuesPiedmont glaciers
occur when glaciers emerge from a steep mountain valley onto broad lowlands
completely cover underlying terrain, but much smaller than ice sheets.
produce floating ice shelves when valley or continental glaciers encounter the sea
cover vast areas of more than 50,000 km².
consist of ice confined to mountain valleys.

Ecology - Environmental IssuesGlacial ice contains records of past atmospheric conditions.

Ecology - Environmental IssuesWhich of the following are non-renewable energy resources (may check one or more)?

Ecology - Environmental Issues3. Bioremediation is...
A. the use of bacteria to degrade organic matter in sewage
O B. the process by which bacteria are used as a remedy for diseases (example: production of insulin to treat diabetes)
O C. the use of bacteria to detoxify pollutants such as oil or radioactive waste
O D. all of the above
O E. none of the above

Ecology - Environmental IssuesAn agent that temporarily prevents multiplication of a microorganism without necessarily killing it is called a
bactericidal agent
sanitizing agent
sterilizing agent
bacteriostatic agent

Ecology - Environmental IssuesAn antimicrobial agent that acts only on actively growing cells engaged in cell wall synthesis is
none of these

Ecology - Environmental IssuesEnvironmentalism became a matter of global concern by early 21st century. Which of the following ways represents the various steps world leaders have taken to address and reverse the adverse impact of climate change?
A. millions of people adopting greener lifestyles
B. encouragement for businesses to become "green"
C. international agreements on a number of issues (Paris Climate Agreement 2015)
D. A and C only
E. All of the above

Ecology - Environmental IssuesWhich of the following is not a future consequence of bioenergy use?
Increased ethanol production
Fewer greenhouse gas emissions
Increasing prices for biofuel crops
Less deforestation and land use

Ecology - Environmental IssuesWhich of the following is a long-term environmental concern of a previous nuclear power accident?
Highly radioactive water was leaked into the Pacific Ocean.
Radioactive materials were released into the atmosphere.
Water in Yucca Mountain is exposed to nuclear waste.
Chernobyl burned for 10 days, spreading radioactivity.

Ecology - Environmental IssuesA sample of ocean water is tested for its bacterial content in a plate count assay. The sample is diluted in the following series: 1:10, 1:10, 1:10, 1:10, 1:5. From the final dilution, 150 uL were plated. After incubation, the plate has 78 colonies, what is the original concentration in the sample?

Ecology - Environmental IssuesWhat was the outcome of the Fourth Crusade of 1204?
A. The Knights successfully took Mecca from Muslim forces.
B. The Knights captured the city of Constantinople.
C. The Knights were utterly destroyed by the Muslim armies.
D. The Turks took Edessa back from the Knights.

Ecology - Environmental IssuesSummary on the Endospore Staining Procedure
• Summary on Endospore Staining MUST include:
o Bacteria the staining procedure is used to stain
• Steps in the procedure and reagents used
o Purpose/role of each reagent
o Purpose of steam

Ecology - Environmental IssuesWhich military advantage helped the Ottomans conquer cities?
A. catapults
B. longbows
C. slingshots
D. cannons

Ecology - Environmental IssuesWhich caliphate oversaw the expansion of Islam into Spain, North Africa and the Byzantine Empire?
A. Umayyad
B. Abbasid
C. Seljuk
D. Ottoman

Ecology - Environmental IssuesA computer monitor has a width of 15.61 inches and a height of 11.71 inches. What is the area of the monitor display in square meters?
area =
How many significant figures should there be in the answer?

Ecology - Environmental Issuesfollowing
punctuates the
A. We can conclude,
therefore that there
was never any conflict
at all.
B. We can conclude
therefore that there
was never any conflict
at all.
C. We can conclude,
therefore, that there
was never any conflict
at all.
D. We can conclude
therefore, that there
was never any conflict
at all.

Ecology - Environmental IssuesWhich of the
following best
defines the type
of drama called
a tragedy?
A. a specific attitude
or way of thinking
about a topic
B. a drama which
portrays the defeat of
the main character
C. a drama which has
a humorous and light
hearted slant
D. the verbal part of a

Ecology - Environmental IssuesWhich answer best describes the following text?
A shipwrecked man afloat on the ocean, surrounded by water, dies of dehydration.
A. verbal irony
B. situational irony
C. sarcasm
D. dramatic irony
![Based on the stage directions
in the following excerpt from
The Proposal
22 LOMOV: [Excited.] You
see, honoured Natalya... the
fact is, I've made up my mind
to ask you to hear me out.... Of
course you'll be surprised and
perhaps even angry, but a...
[Aside.] It's awfully cold!
A. Lomov is angry that he has to propose to
B. Lomov is excited because he is cold.
C. Natalya is excited for Lomov to propose
to her.
D. Lomov is excited to ask Natalya to
marry him.](
Ecology - Environmental IssuesBased on the stage directions
in the following excerpt from
The Proposal
22 LOMOV: [Excited.] You
see, honoured Natalya... the
fact is, I've made up my mind
to ask you to hear me out.... Of
course you'll be surprised and
perhaps even angry, but a...
[Aside.] It's awfully cold!
A. Lomov is angry that he has to propose to
B. Lomov is excited because he is cold.
C. Natalya is excited for Lomov to propose
to her.
D. Lomov is excited to ask Natalya to
marry him.

Ecology - Environmental IssuesIdentify the
Participle in the
Walking, she
reached the end
of the
A. reached
B. walking
C. marathon

Ecology - Environmental IssuesWhich of the following could alter the expression of genes in
an organism?
O The deactivation of a particular chromosome in the
O A change in the sequence of nitrogen bases in the DNA.
O The loss of cytoplasm from inside of the cell.
O Large numbers of cells being produced at one time.

Ecology - Environmental IssuesThe prewriting
stage of writing
an expository
essay includes
A. read and revise your
essay, making sure
your points support
your thesis statement.
B. check for any errors
in spelling,
punctuation, and
grammar and correct
C. write a thesis
statement, decide how
to structure/organize
your essay, and make
an outline.
D. publish your essay
by submitting it to
your teacher.

Ecology - Environmental IssuesWhich of the following is true
about this expository essay
A. It uses a formal style.
B. It uses a compare and contrast
C. It uses short, simple sentences.
D. It has an informal, playful voice.

Ecology - Environmental IssuesWhat is the structure and style of this excerpt from a sample personal essay?
A. The structure is by event; the style is informal.
B. The structure is by insight; the style is informal.
C. The structure is by event; the style is formal.
D. The structure is by insight; the style is formal.

Ecology - Environmental IssuesAccording to Zoroastrianism, what does a person first encounter after death?
A. House of Lies
B. House of Song
C. Bridge of Judgment (Chinvat)
D. the Magi

Ecology - Environmental IssuesEpidemiology is the study of disease in the

Ecology - Environmental IssuesWhich of the following excerpts from William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar most clearly develop a theme of honor and loyalty?
A. ANTONY: These many, then, shall die; their names are prick'd.
B. OCTAVIUS: Your brother too must die; consent you, Lepidus?
C. CASSIUS: You wrong me every way; you wrong me, Brutus.
D. BRUTUS: Now as you are a Roman, tell me true. MESSALA: Then like a Roman bear the truth I tell.

Ecology - Environmental IssuesWhich king established the capital of Israel at Jerusalem?
A. David
B. Solomon
C. Saul
D. John

Ecology - Environmental IssuesAccording to the Jewish tradition, what was the name of the kingdom Abraham was from before it was known as Israel?
A. Canaan
B. Egypt
C. Babylonia

Ecology - Environmental IssuesIn a text, the tragic hero is most often also
A. a person that no one likes.
B. a person who never changes.
C. a person who never leaves home.
D. a person of high standing.

Ecology - Environmental IssuesWhich passage from Stephen Crane's "A Great Mistake" contributes to the setting of the story?
A. The vendor arose and ... began to polish oranges with a red pocket handkerchief.
B. People, hurrying, had to use care to avoid bumping him down.
C. Then tumultuous desires began to shake him.

Ecology - Environmental IssuesThe Dark Age of Greece was marked by each ofthe following EXCEPT which one?
A. small, isolated communities
B. a boost in trade
C. the absence of written language
D. lack of organized government

Ecology - Environmental IssuesWhich answer isthe bestexample ofimagery fromCrane's "AGreat Mistake"?
A. The Italian turnedhis paper; suddenpanic smote the babe.
B. Elevated trainsthundered to thestation and thestairway poured peopleupon the sidewallks.
C. And it was writtenthat the Italian shouldat this moment openhis eyes.

Ecology - Environmental IssuesFrancisco Pizzaro conquered the Incas in what is now Peru for the
A. Spanish
C. Mayan
B. Olmecs
D. Inuit

Ecology - Environmental IssuesWhat is the definition of a"polis?"
A. A Greek city-state that encompasses surrounding farmland.
B. An elevated, fortified area.
C. An open-air marketplace.

Ecology - Environmental IssuesWhich answer shares a word part with the word below?monumental
A. monument.
B. certain
C. moment

Ecology - Environmental IssuesWhat made the Mongolian Empiredifferent from most?
A. They allowed the people to retain their customers and way of life.
B. They gave their people lots of money and food to make them happier.
C. They forced the people to do their bidding and practice their religion.

Ecology - Environmental IssuesWhich of the following was the earliest known empire in Africa?
A. Mongolia
B. England
C. Egypt
D. Mesopotamia

Ecology - Environmental IssuesWhich statement accurately describes the concept of"nobility of virtue"?
A. Character or behavioris more important than the status of one's birth.
B. One's birth should limit paths available to them.
C. Only those of noble birth had the free time to pursue virtue.
D. Only those who were most just righteous should be awarded positions of nobility.

Ecology - Environmental IssuesThe Byzantine Empire added schools, aqueducts and hospitals under the rule of which emperor?
A. Constantine I
B. Justinian I
C. Justin II
D. Theodosius I