Ecology - General Questions and Answers

Ecology - GeneralRead this quotation by Alexis de Tocqueville who toured the United States in 1840 I accost an American sailor and I inquire why the ships of his country are built so as to last but for a short time he answers without hesitation that the art of navigation is every day making such rapid progress that the finest vessel would become almost useless if it lasted beyond a certain number of years The theory outlined in this quotation is the same one companies apply to a marketing strategy called disposable goods buy now pay later Oshort order renewal planned obsolescence Complete Later Complete R th Que 9 1 5

Ecology - GeneralWhich among the following led to President Truman s success O He raised the minimum wage He continued to support labor unions O He opposed civil rights O He had a good relationship with Congress Complete Later Complete

Ecology - GeneralQuestion 7 What was responsible for almost 1 3rd of real economic growth in the US during the late 1990s Points 2 O The emergence of the Internet O The high tech industry O The evolution of the Space Age O Developments in the field of science and inventions Rese Reset this as Questi 1 5 Re 9

Ecology - GeneralQuestion 5 Points 1 Which of the following was the source of social tension in France in the 1990s O Russians entered into France O Arabs migrated from North Africa into France O Formationo of coalition government O Demand of oil and natural gases

Ecology - GeneralQuestion 1 Points 1 Russia established the nations O Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty O NATO to coordinate defense and economic policies for the new Commonwealth of Independent States European Union Reset Reset E this ass Questi 1 5 Re 9

Ecology - GeneralWhich of the following was not part of the Geneva Accords National elections were set for 1956 O It divided Vietnam along the 17th parallel O It created a demilitarized zone between North and South Vietnam The country of Vietnam was recognized as a unified country

Ecology - GeneralWho served as a cook on board a French vessel O Ho Chi Minh O Truman O Vo Nguyen Giap Williams

Ecology - Generalexpansive tendencies Soviet pressure against the free institutions of the Western world is something that can be contained by the adroit and vigilant application of counterforce at a series of constantly shifting geographical and political points corresponding to the shifts and maneuvers of Soviet policy but which cannot be charmed or talked out of existence Based on your own knowledge this portion of a memo written by George Kennan outlined what was to become O the policy of containment the Marshall Plan O the Truman Doctrine O the Warsaw Pact Complete Later Complete Reset Question 1 5 9

Ecology - GeneralFEDERAL FORS CCOO Vishana PANTA O Steel Curtain O Iron Curtain O Berlin Wall Previous O Thin Red Line 32842 MULIARIA ww w GAMLE

Ecology - GeneralLook at this diagram Based on your own knowledge which of these best fills in the final rectangle Korean War NSC 68 O Policy of containment O Marshall Plan O Truman Doctrine O Triple defense spending Complete Later Complete ti Qu 5 9

Ecology - GeneralQuestion 7 Points 2 Choose the correct answer was created by President Dwight D Eisenhower for the containment of communist advances The most dangerous moment of the Cold War was the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization SEATO Cuban Missile Crisis O NATO Cuban Revolution led by Castro O SEATO Vietnam War O Atomic Energy Community Vietnam War Complete Later Complete Res Rese this a 1 5 Questie Re

Ecology - GeneralWhat current international organization has its roots in the Yalta Conference O The League of Nations The Red Cross O The United Nations O The Nuremberg military tribunal Re th Que 1 5

Ecology - GeneralWhat was June 6 1944 D Day Day of German surrender O Day Hitler shot himself O Day Allies won Battle of the Bulge

Ecology - GeneralQuestion 1 Points 1 Which of the following is are the effects of World War II on Americans The government has increased the spending money on defense O Many jobs are created for the people O Spending money on entertainment doubled in four years O All of the choices

Ecology - GeneralChoose the correct answer In 1944 the US drove Japan out of the Marshall Islands New Guinea and the Marianas Africa Suez Canal and Solomon Islands Marshall Islands New Guinea and the Island of Sicily OAfrica Suez Canal and the Marianas and the

Ecology - GeneralWhich of the following statements are TRUE to the Atlantic Charter A Both nations would respect the right of all people to choose their own form of government B They wanted nations not to cooperate on economic matters to ensure a decent standard of living for everyone C The U S and Great Britain believed that nations must abolish the use of force and establish a system of general security D They believed people everywhere should have the right to security and freedom from want and fear OA C and D A B and C OB C and D Reset Reset butt this assess Reset Questions 5 9 5 10

Ecology - GeneralChoose the correct answer World War II created a new world dominated by O Germany and the Soviet Union O Italy and the United States O the Soviet Union and the United States Germany and the United States Complete Later Complete

Ecology - General2 Scientists are looking for signs that Mars could have been habitable in the past Think of the things that a planet needs to be habitable With these things in mind what signs of habitability would you look for on Mars

Ecology - GeneralWhat is the correct series of numbers to complete the equation CO2 H O light C6H12O6 O2 H O 6 6 12 6 2 4 2 2 none of the other answers are correct 6 12 6 4 6666

Ecology - GeneralFlour beetles may be black or bronze and this difference in body color is due to a single gene A flour beetle with a black body is crossed with one that has a bronze body Half the F progeny have black bodies and the other half have bronze bodies In the text box provided write out a cross that could be done using these F progeny to determine which trait is dominant and which is recessive Indicate the phenotypes of the F beetles you would use for your cross Clearly indicate the outcome expected if black is dominant and if bronze is dominant These expected outcomes must be different if your cross is able to determine which trait is dominant There is no need to include a Punnett Square or proposed genotypes Organize your answer like this If black is dominant F phenotype x F phenotype offspring phenotypic classes and proportions If bronze is dominant offspring phenotypic classes and proportions

Ecology - GeneralAter splicing all four exons blue boxes illustrated in the gene below are present in the mature mRNA Transcription starts at the arrow labeled TSS transcription start site and stops at the line labeled TT transcription terminator Consider a single base deletion in the regions labeled A E In which of these regions would a single base deletion mutation NOT lead to a frameshift Select all that apply Assume that splicing is not affected by any of the mutations Promoter J A OB OC C TSS ATG Start codon A B C TAA Stop codon DE TT

Ecology - GeneralQuestion 30 What were some of the driving forces behind the strong U S economy in the 1990 s O Job growth in heavy industry O A higher trade deficit O Continued high inflation O Growth in the technology industries Que 1 5 9 13 17 21

Ecology - General40 5 3 6 Richard Nixon 5 O Hubert Humphrey O Lyndon Johnson George Wallace 7 8 25 10 9 12 12 6 10 26 131 26 NH 4 VT 3 43 29 612 11 7 10 12 1 12 8 14 Based on your own knowledge which candidate won the states represented in orange MA 14 RI 4 CT 8 NJ 17 DE 3 MD 10 DC 3 Humphrey Nixon Wallace

Ecology - GeneralQuestion 25 Points 2 What was one of the reasons President Johnson decided to deploy troops to Vietnam O The American people demanded President Johnson take action after eight soldiers were killed in Vietnam O Many Americans strongly opposed communism and demanded President Johnson to stop it Hundreds of American soldiers had died in Vietnam and their families demanded President Johnson take action Escalating American involvement in Vietnam was part of Johnson s campaign goals Complete Later Complete Questi 1 5 9 13 17 21 25

Ecology - GeneralQuestion 20 Points 1 How many miles did the first Sputnik traveled around the Earth per hour O 18 000 miles per hour 15 000 miles per hour O 12 000 miles per hour O 16 000 miles per hour

Ecology - GeneralQuestion 16 Points 1 The policy of restricting the spread of Communism is known as O Marshall plan O Containment O Truman doctrine O Cominform

Ecology - GeneralWhat is blitzkrieg O A national German holiday in which the German s called a cease fire during World War II A blitzkrieg is a German tank A blitzkrieg is a special German rifle O The German form of warfare that takes place with great speed and force 1 5 9 13 17 21

Ecology - GeneralThe bold adjective describes which noun At the castle Freddie Benson felt royal when he sat in the king s throne

Ecology - GeneralHow might a scientist test this hypothesis Burning fossil fuels and releasing greenhouse gases is making the Earth warmer and causing changes in the weather a b C Analyze the chemical composition of the greenhouse gases emitted from fossil fuels Conduct experiments to see how much greenhouse gas is being released from volcanoes Survey people s opinions about fossil fuels and climate change d Research historical climate data to identify if there is any relationship between burning fossil fuels and ne temperature

Ecology - GeneralPoints 2 Which group did the Soviet Union Hungary Poland and Romania belong to starting in 1955 The North Atlantic Treaty Organization O The United Nations The Warsaw Pact O The Moscow Union Questions 17 21 1 14 18 22

Ecology - GeneralThousands of Cubans de in concentration camps Weyler appointed to command Which of the following BEST completes the diagram O The Spanish American War Second W American property in Cuba was destroyed O First War for Independence Cuba

Ecology - GeneralChoose the correct answer Serbia s independence was recognized by O the Congress of Berlin the Congress of Vienna O the Treaty of Versailles O NATO in 1878

Ecology - GeneralPoints 2 Question 18 Which of the following are the effects of urbanization in the late 19th century I Increased congestion II People were forced to live in tenements III Increased incidence of disease IV People were allowed to live in big apartments II and III OI and II O I II and IV OI II and III Complete Later Complete 2 N 25

Ecology - GeneralQuestion 13 Points 1 Many factors helped to give rise to a new political organization in the late 19th century in which of the following cities O Philadelphia O Baltimore O New York O All of these choices Questions 1 5 9 13 17 6 10 14 18 21 22

Ecology - GeneralQuestion 7 Points 1 How did philanthropists such as John D Rockefeller benefit higher education in the United States O They convinced important politicians to provide public funds to colleges O They gave funds to colleges in order to be remembered among people O They inspired many young students to enter colleges O They provided funds to establish public universities Questions 1 5 9 13 17 21 2 6 10 14 18 22 15 23

Ecology - GeneralThe views of the Radical Republicans could best be compared to that of slave owners O abolitionists O moderate Democrats O President Johnson

Ecology - Generale Posttest Question 2 Points 2 Critics of native Southern whites who joined the Republican Party called them O carpetbaggers O scalawags whippersnappers O white camellias Questions 1 5 9 13 17 21 No 6 14 10 11 18 3 22 7 15 19 23

Ecology - Generaluestion 10 Points 1 What was considered the best invention of the 1920s O Radio O Record player O Movies O Camera

Ecology - Generalestion 7 Points 2 he economic boom of the 1920s was primarily caused by the O new economic policies of the League of Nations O development of new consumer goods industries O advent of advertising on radio O elimination of barriers to international trade

Ecology - Generaluestion 6 Points 1 he 1920s also saw rise to legendary sports stars such as New York Yankee O Walter Johnson O Babe Ruth O Jack Dempsey O Ty Cobb

Ecology - GeneralJestion 5 he first Points 1 which was a movie with sound The Jazz Singer appeared in 1927 O speakeasy O soundie talkie O motion picture Rese Reset this a a Questi 19 1 Re

Ecology - GeneralWhich writer wrote the following quote Literature often reflects the times in which it is created O Countee Cullen Zora Hurston O Sinclair Lewis O Louis Armstrong

Ecology - GeneralQuestion 3 Points 1 What attracted Asian Immigrants to the United States between 1851 and 1882 L Homestead Act II Gold Rush III Railroad construction Oll only O Ill and I only Olonly OII and III only

Ecology - GeneralQuestion 3 Points 1 The Tammany Hall leader from the West Side of Manhattan in late nineteenth century and early twentieth centuries was O Thomas Nast O Tammy Hall Boss Tweed George Washington Plunkitt Complete Later Complete

Ecology - GeneralMy Activities Tell me what you Which of these choices is not one of the changes Rutherford B Hayes made in regards to the Civil Service An executive order prohibited federal officeholders from taking part in party politics An executive order protected officeholders from receiving party contributions O An investigation led to the firing of two top officials at the New York Customs House O He fired every federal officeholder and had them re apply for jobs

Ecology - GeneralChoose the correct answer In order to gain Stalwart support for Garfield during the 1880 Republican Convention a Conkling supporter was nominated as vice president in order to balance the ticket O Chester A Arthur O Winfield Scott Hancock O John Sherman O James Polk Complete Later Complete

Ecology - GeneralWhy were tariffs so important to the United States in the 19th century O They were easy to collect O They were the national government s main source of revenue O They were easy to collect and the national government s main source of revenue They were seen as a way to control the economy

Ecology - GeneralQuestion 2 Points 2 Poll taxes and literacy tests were devices used to extend suffrage to women and 18 year old citizens raise money for political campaigns prevent immigrants from becoming citizens deny African Americans the right to vote

Ecology - GeneralQuestion 9 Points 2 The 14th Amendment provides that no state shall deprive any person of life liberty or property without due process of law nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws A direct result of this amendment was that O the process of amending the Constitution became slower and more complex the guarantees in the Bill of Rights were applied to state actions O the power of the Federal Government was sharply reduced O every citizen gained an absolute right to freedom of speech and assembly

Ecology - GeneralQuestion 4 Points 2 The actions of the Ku Klux Klan were all attempts to limit the effectiveness of the Supreme Court s decision in Brown v Board of Education civil rights legislation passed in all states after the Civil War the 14th and 15th amendments immigration laws such as the Gentleman s Agreement and the Chinese Exclusion Act