Evolution Questions and Answers

EvolutionWhere do feathers first appear In birds In therapod bird hipped dinosaurs like Velocirapto In the earliest Synapsids In the earliest Diapsids

EvolutionWhich of the following expanded on to land first Vertebrates Invertebrates Fungi Plants

EvolutionWhich of the following concepts is consistent with the idea that the Earth is altered rapidly by huge world changing events like asteroids massive glacial events or t O Uniformitarianism O Catastrophism O Peculiarism

EvolutionIt would appear that after holding back the publication of his ideas on Natural Selection competition namely the threat of being scooped and the need to co publish with Alfred Russell Wallace drove Darwin to publis O True O False

EvolutionWhich scientist died homeless and peniless after his proposed mechanism of evolution was discredited It suggested animals change from one generation to the next because of the efforts O Nicholas Steno Georges Buffon O Charles Darwin Lamarck

Evolution9 The allele for a widow s peak hairline is dominant over the allele for a straight hairline In a pop 500 individuals 25 show the recessive phenotype Calculate A The frequency of recessive alleles in the population q B The frequency of dominant alleles in the population p C The percentage of individuals in the population that are heterozygous D The values show a population that is at Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium What does this mean 10 The allele for a hitchhiker s thumb is recessive compared to straight thumbs which are dominant In a population of 1000 individuals 680 show the dominant phenotype Calculate A The frequency of recessive alleles in the population q B The frequency of dominant alleles in the population p C The percentage of individuals in the population that are TT D The percentage of individuals in the population that are Tt The percentage of individuals in the population that are tt

EvolutionQ6 4 What is the effective size of a population The size of a population with the same heterozygosity as the actual population but which does not lose heterozygosity over time The size of an idealized randomly mating population losing homozygosity at the same rate as the actual population The size of an idealized randomly mating population losing heterozygosity at the same rate as the actual population The size of a randomly mating population with the same sex ratio as the actual population Q6 5 Which of the following is most likely to increase the effective size of a population Increasing the census population size and making the sex ratio less balanced Increasing the census population size and making mating more random i e less local Decreasing the census population size and making the sex ratio less balanced OMaking the sex ratio more balanced and making mating less random i e more local Q6 6 If gametes from a gene pool combine randomly to make only a small number of zygotes the allele frequencies among the zygotes may be quite different than they are in the gene pool Why The effects of natural selection are more pronounced in small populations Changes in allele frequencies over many generations are inevitable with sexual reproduction O Alleles combine more randomly with a small number of zygotes O The effects of sampling error are more pronounced with smaller samples

Evolution3 Label the following in the clock provided 3600 million years ago A Use the scale 1 hour 400 million years ago and label the four positions with the appropriate number of years stacting with 12 o clock 4800 million years ago Example the three o clock position B Using the geological time scale label Precambrian time and the three cras on your clock C Label the following events on your clock in the appropriate positions cambrian explosion first amphibians first dinosaurs first single cell organisms first fishes first land plants first photosynthesizing single cell organisms first birds earliest hominids and formation of Earth 9 4400 YA 12 4800 MYA 3600 3 270A 32 00

EvolutionNon human fossil primates have been discovered in all but which of the following continents O South America Australia Africa Europe

EvolutionWhen allele frequencies in a population change as a result of chance effects rather than selection it is said that they have been affected by gene flow genetic drift O migration O founder effect

EvolutionFounder effect occurs when O a small number of individuals become reproductively isolated from their larger original population O a negative mutation is allowed to multiply through excessive reproduction several distinct gene pools blend together forming a larger more complex gene pool members of previously isolated populations come into contact and begin mating with one another a large genetically diverse population comes into contact with a smaller more uniform population

EvolutionWhich of the following is NOT an example of natural selection Rabbits that sprint quickly are more likely to escape predation Insect populations exposed to pesticides become resistant to the chemicals On a tree leaves that grow in the shade are larger than those that row in the sun O Plant species that produce fragrances to attract pollinators produce more offspring

Evolutionatc almost no meat ate some plants but only for medicinal purposes ate a lot of mcat hunted you

EvolutionO have consistently grown taller over the last two centuries Ovary in height primarily because of the degree of various stressors on cach population vary in height because of genetic differences between groups remained short for several centuries then became much taller over the last 50 years

EvolutionThe human dental formula is the same as that of all other primate species O provides an indication of our relationship to the prosimiar is the same as that of all other primate species O is the same as that of the apes and Old World monkeys

EvolutionArchaic Homo sapiens shows a mixture of Homo erectus and Homo sapiens traits occurs only in Europe and Asia is often found with Oldowan stone tools O is dated to the late Pliocene

EvolutionThis map shows two different migration routes for one species of birds the central European blackcap winter A SPAIN B D BRITAIN winter What is the MOST LIKELY explanation for the observed differences in migration patterns and what would be a long term result GERMANY summer Blackcaps that had a gene which cause them to move North instead of South survived and were able to return to breed in the summer This could eventually lead to a new species of blackcaps The change in migration pattern is a sign that the blackcap species is evolving and spreading Soon there may be groups of blackcaps that overwinter in other countries as well Increasing air traffic in Europe disrupted the migration patterns of some blackcaps Over time more blackcaps may fall victim to this and the species may go extinct The 10 of blackcaps that fly North have a mutation and are not fit for survival This is a natural process and part of evolution

EvolutionThe opposite of muscle atrophy is muscle OA hypertrophy OB rotation OC supination D avulsion

EvolutionWhich of the following is NOT one of the revolutionary findings of the Ancient DNA revolution related to ancient humans and current populations People who live in one place today are almost always descended from people that first lived in those places due to domestication allowing for people to settle in one location and no longer migrating and intermixing Europe resulted from a collision of three different groups of people over the last 9 000 years the majority of which came from the East of Europe that is called the Russian Steppe Pastoralist population that invented the wheel Other ancient hominids existed including Denisovans and Homo naledi Ancient DNA have revealed the deep history of inequality in social power among populations between the sexes and among individuals in a population based on the how that inequality determined success or failure of reproduction Neanderthal genes were likely advantageous to early humans These genes were beneficial to early humans after breeding with Neanderthals likely by helping them fight off infections Early humans with those genes probably lived longer and reproduced more successfully than individuals without those genes

Evolutionbrightly colored with black red blue and reflective spots Female guppies prefer to mate with very colorful males but very colorful males are also most easily seen and eaten by predators The table below shows information about four individual guppies Which individual would an evolutionary biologist consider the MOST fit JRST 39 952 Body length Offspring surviving to adulthood Age at death Number of spots Individual B O Individual A Individual D Individual C Individual A 2 1 cm 201 1 year 30 Individual B 3 7 cm 143 2 years 23 Individual C 2 5 cm 247 1 5 years 24 Individual D 1 9 cm 150 2 5 years 16

EvolutionWhich type of margin has 2 inch on left and right side in MS Word 2013 O Narrow O Moderate O Wide Mirrored

Evolution2 Humans spread out of Africa and across the rest of Earth starting about 60 000 years ago As they did so species that are commensals and parasites on humans spread with them What geographic patterns might you expect to see in the genetic variation of those species

Evolution1 What is not a true statement to describe primates a Charles Darwin was the first to put humans in the order Primates along with species such as apes monkeys and lemurs b The primate clade originated at the end of the Cretaceous period c Within the primate clade the closest living relatives of humans are chimpanzees and other apes d Independent lines of evidence from morphology and DNA confirm that humans

EvolutionA biologist is studying structures that serve the same function in different species but not because the species sham a common ancestor Based on this description this scientist is studying structures Oa analogous Ob transitional Oc vestigal Od directional

Evolution40 Notturay Selection in phenotypes are favered over the intermed phenotype is Selection A stablizing B disruptive G aclaptive Di genetic drift H VOLT

EvolutionMatch each vocabulary term to its definition organisms with a phenotype at one extreme are selected for so the overall phenotype of the population changes organisms with phenotypes at both extremes are selected for so that two distinct phenotypes become common characteristics passed from par ent to offspring characteristics developed through use the average phenotype is se lected for so that the phenotypes at either extreme become less common how often an allele occurs in a population all of the genes of all of the or ganisms in a population science that focuses on evolution a b population genetics C disruptive selection d stabilizing selection f gene pool e inherited traits g allele frequency directional selection h acquired traits

Evolutiongeographic barrier If after a long period of time the two species are no longer separated what evidence is needed to determine if speciation has occurred Ammospermophilus harrisi Ammospermophilus leucurus Hybrid offspring of the two populations begin to appear The two populations are not interbreeding freely One species will increase into a population size twice as large as the other species

EvolutionExplain how fossils can be used to support claims of comman ancestry and as evidence of evolution

Evolution1 Identify the above forelimb structures as to whether they are homologous analogous or vestigial structures Why I 2 Number the fingers and or toes of each of the animals above How many are in each animal 3 What are the similarities and differences in each part of the forelimb Upper arm lower arm wrist hands toes fingers Ex All four animals have only 1 bone in the upper arm

EvolutionQuestion 4 Which of these is one of the main ways that new species forms O Mutations occur in the alleles of members of the species O Competition occurs between members of the species O A group is separated from the rest of the species O Cross breeding occurs within the species

EvolutionPOSSIBLE POINTS 7 5 Pick two organisms from the cladogram below and make a claim about the evolutionary relationship between these organisms Support your claim using evidence from the lesson and scientific reasoning about evolutionary relationships Sharks Ray finned fish Rodents Amphibians Primates rabbits Crocod s Birds Hair Vertebrae Amniotic egg Four limbs Bony skeleton Eggs with shells

EvolutionBased on his research Darwin concluded A B Variations in individuals could be passed to offspring D Overproduction of offspring does not lead to over population on earth Individuals suited to the environment C tend to survive to reproduce and leave more offspring Over time favorable traits accumulate in the population The unit of evolution is a population All L

Evolutionfrom common ancestors This idea is known as evolution Which of the following statements best categorized evolution 0 00 0 27 A C B all species have descended over time Speed 1x An unproven observation about a small number of organisms A scientific fact that has not been modified since Darwin s time 100 Paused

Evolution13 European flycatchers feed caterpillars to their hatchlings Graph 1 shows the average dates of hatching and fledging leaving the nest and the biomass of the caterpillars between early May when flycatcher young hatch and June when fledging of young occurs Frequency Biomass of Caterpillars Date of Hatching Date of Fledging GA June 2 Peak Mass May 15 Hatching Hatchling Food Needs Pupae May 28 Graph 1 Comparison of European flycatcher hatching and fledging dates and caterpillar biomass Based on the data scientists claim that the reproductive behavior of European flycatchers is influenced by the availability of energy sources Which of the following statements best justifies this claim a Young European flycatchers hatch from eggs when caterpillar biomass is available for the young birds to consume and convert into energy for growth b European flycatcher hatchlings begin to need energy to leave the nest only after the caterpillars have turned into pupae c d The energy requirements for hatching European flycatchers and caterpillars are proportional to each other Female European flycatchers require energy to lay eggs so they lay their eggs when the caterpillar biomass is maximal

EvolutionIn MacArthur s Warbler study all 5 species have very similar beaks and forage in the same species of trees So what primarily allows them to reduce competition A Partition where they eat within the tree B Most birds were nocturnal C Eat at different times D Eat differ foods

EvolutionT E Martin s study on nesting songbirds suggests OA Competition Predation B Predation Competition OC Predation Coexistence OD Coexistence Predation rather than structures avian communities

Evolution1 Use the list below to complete the following statements extinct adapt adaptations fittest criticism fossil Darwin giant sloth evolution glyptodont mutation natural selection saber tooth tiger survival variation a The term describes living things that are best suited to their environment b Species that survive are the ones that make or meet changes c Florida has a rich record d Two examples of land animal fossils found in Florida are the e Some animals unable to adapt to the changing environment became f Living things g This biologist h The and the over time to meet their changing environment studied evolution in the 1800s was a giant armadillo like animal with a spiked tail that once lived in Florida i The Origin of Species is a book written in 1859 about j Nature selects the fittest for because they have useful traits k Changes may occur in animals due to changes in the sequence of base pairs in their DNA and this is known a 1 Oldfield mice show in the color of their fur m The survival of the light colored oldfield mice on Florida s Gulf Coast is an example of the process called

Evolutionescription Hadean Archaean and Proterozoic Triassic Jurassic and Cretaceous Tertiary and Quaternary Cambrian Ordovician Silurian Term A Paleozoic B Cenozoic C Precambrian D Mesozoic

EvolutionLefer to Figure 3 and answer the following Question finch that picks small insects out from cracks in the bark of trees would most likely have a beak that is 1 sharp and thin 2 sharp and thick 3 rounded and thin 4 rounded and thick

EvolutionPeriodical cicadas are insects that have long dormant periods followed by short mating seasons Some species follow a 17 year cycle while others follow a 13 year cycle How do these cycles represent reproductive isolation A They prevent gene flow between two similar species that share a habitat B They decrease the chances that an individual will find a suitable mate in its lifetime OC They reduce the amount of time cicadas have to produce offspring OD They limit the genetic variation among offspring so the species does not change

EvolutionSelect the correct answer What improves an organism s ability to survive and reproduce in a given environment O A transformation B evolution O c adaptation O D behavior

Evolution12 In the image to the right you can see a scenario illustrated between hawks and mice living in the same environment Based on what you see describe how natural selection is taking place and how the frequencies within the mice and hawk populations will change over time Explain why using as much vocab and detail as possible Month 1 Month 2 Month 3

Evolution7 Determine which of the six areas of evolutionary evidence each of the following items Analyzing the Theory of Continental Drift and the distribution of different species on each continent Genomics has allowed us to compare the DNA of different species which can reveal how closely related different species are A Fossil Record B Comparative Anatomy C Comparative Biochemistry D Molecular Biology Over thousands of years structures that no longer serve a purpose decrease in size as new species evolve example human appendix Imprints and petrified remains of plants demonstrate that simple mosses and ferns evolved into more complex flowering plants When species have the same protein their amino acid sequences can be compared for differences which reveals how closely related they are All vertebrates go through an early developmental stage where they develop gill pouches In fish these become the gills but in humans these become the connection between the ears and throat hoy on the right E Comparative Embryology F Biogeography

EvolutionThe graph shows a population of eastern chipmunks A B C D Number of Animals 10 8 60 xt 2 A Population of Eastern Chipmunks 2 i ii ili How would the running speed of the predator affect the diversity of the chipmunk population and the shape of the graph after several generations The graph would remain unchanged because the speed of the predator would not affect the number or types of chipmunks in the popula The graph would skew to the left because chipmunks that can run less than 8 5 miles per hour would make up the majority of the popul The graph would skew to the right because chipmunks that can run over 8 5 miles per hour would make up the majority of the populati The graph would dip in the middle because there would be an increase in chipmunks at both running speed extremes in the populatic Running speed of predator iv 4 6 8 10 12 Running Speed of Chipmunks in miles per hour

EvolutionThe chart below lists in no particular order three events related to the development of life on Earth W X The diversity of multicellular Simple single celled organisms increases organisms appear A According to most scientists which sequence best represents the order in which these events occurred Y W X B C X Y W Y W X Y Multicellular organisms begin to evolve

EvolutionFruit flies can have red eyes or white eyes If a heterozygous red eyed fly and a homozygous white eyed fly produced 50 red eyed offspring and 50 white eyed offspring which of the following is true of the trait A Having red eyes and having white eyes are both recessive traits Having red eyes is a recessive trait while having white eyes is dominant Having red eyes and having white eyes are both dominant traits Having red eyes is a dominant trait while having white eyes is recessive B C D

Evolution10 Gloria is comparing anatomical features of several organisms She makes a diagram to show some similar characteristics that she observes Human Cat Whale loo Which best describes what Gloria s observations are evidence for F All of the organisms share a common ancestor Bat G All of the organisms share a common lifestyle H All of the organisms share the same DNA I All of the organisms share the same habitat

Evolution14 What happens when a species is more successful than another 15 How do genetic variations occur 16 Give an example of some mutagens 17 How does sexual reproduction lead to variation 18 Explain the phrase survival of the fittest 19 Why is variation important