Human Health and Diseases Questions and Answers

Human Health and DiseasesIn a direct ELISA...
Select all that apply.
a blue or yellow product is formed if the patient's sample contains an specific antibody against the microbe adsorbed to the well
a microbe is adsorbed to a well
an antibody is adsorbed to a well of an ELISA plate
a second specific antibody labeled with an enzyme is added after the patient's sample
a patient's sample is added to determine if contains a specific microbe

Human Health and DiseasesWhich type of antibody is the most commonly involved in an agglutination test?

Human Health and DiseasesWhich of the following medications is allowed up to 5 refills in 6 months?
Methylphenidate (Schedule II)
Amoxicillin (Non-controlled)
Diazepam (Schedule IV)
Acetaminophen (Non-legend)

Human Health and DiseasesIn ________, cancer cells, tissue transplants and _________ pathogens are targeted by _________ cells. In _______, pathogens are targeted by recognition of foreign _______ which are detected by _______ that are secreted from _______ cells.
cell-mediated immunity
antibody-mediated immunity
cytotoxic T cells

Human Health and DiseasesFrom the following list of persons, who is NOT
authorized to prescribe medications?
Registered nurse

Human Health and DiseasesDuring negative selection
apoptosis happens when binding strong self-antigen too strongly
a T-cell is killed if self-antigen is bound loosely
apoptosis happens if self-MHC is recognized
a T-cell is killed if self-MHC is not recognized
a T-cell is killed if self-MHC is recognized

Human Health and DiseasesIdentify two illnesses that represent infection by one specific type of pathogen; identify the type of
microorganism (do not name a specific pathogen) that causes each.
Example: Ebola (Bacteria)
a. Identify one illness that can represent infection by more than one type of pathogen.

Human Health and Diseasesyou need a flu shot every year/season because (HA- haemoagglutinin; NA-neuroaminidase):
flu virus gets rid of its HA and NA and replace them with completely new ones every year
the virus can change its HA and NA every year, so a new shot is needed to teach your immune system how to recognize the changed HA and NA
your immune system weakens after a year-so you have to get another shot to get the system strong enough to attack the virus
antigen shift occurs every year

Human Health and DiseasesCytopathic effects (CPE) are visible changes in cells due to:
expression of the cell's genes (ie- expression of the cell's genes is turned on)
viral infection
bacterial infection

Human Health and DiseasesWhat is the correct term for the part of the blood spatter to which the arrow is poi

Human Health and DiseasesThese are the cells of the specific immune response that are responsible for activating B cells:
B. Neutrophils
C. Plasma cells
D. Th cells
E. Th2 cells

Human Health and DiseasesThis property of antibodies is responsible for preventing tetanus in people who have been vaccinated by the tetanus vaccine:
A. Agglutination
B. Complement activation
C. Neutralization
D. Opsonization
E. Oxidation

Human Health and Diseases4. Which of the following cells are antigen presenting cells? Select the best answer.
a. B cells and macrophages
b. dendritic cells and macrophages
c. neutrophils and macrophages
d. B cells, macrophages and dendritic cells
e. all of the above

Human Health and Diseases3. Humoral immunity differs from cellular immunity in that humoral immunity...
a. is part of the adaptive immunity
b. adjusts to handle a particular microbe
c. is the main defense against freely-circulating pathogens (outside the cell)
d. is the main defense against intracellular pathogens and cancer cells
e. is mediated by T cells

Human Health and Diseases9. Which of the following types of white blood cells produce the antibodies that are present in blood?
a. B cells
b. T helper cells
d. Monocytes
e. Plasma cells

Human Health and Diseases7. Natural killers ...
a. destroy cells that do not express MHCI
b. kill large parasites coated by antibodies
c. do not need to be stimulated by antigens
d. do not need that the antigen be presented by APC
e. all of the above

Human Health and Diseases3. Neutrophils are...
a. phagocytic cells
b. a type of white blood cell
c. a type of granulocyte
d. the first type of cells to proliferate and migrate to the infection site
e. all of the above

Human Health and Diseases10. Which of the following statements is incorrect?
a. Cytokines induce hypothalamus releases prostaglandins
b. Endotoxins from Gram-positive bacteria cause phagocytes to release cytokines
c. Prostaglandins reset the body's thermostat to a higher temperature
d. Body increases its temperature by shivering, increasing metabolism rate, and constricting blood vessels which causes fever
e. All the statements are correct

Human Health and Diseases4. Monocytes are...
a. the precursors of macrophages and dendritic cells
b. phagocytic cells.
c. the first type of cell to migrate to the infection site
d. a type of antigen presenting cell (APC)
e. All of the above

Human Health and Diseases7. The second stage of inflammation is...
a. Vasodilation and increased permeability of blood vessels
b. Move of fluids from blood to tissues
c. Phagocyte migration and phagocytosis
d. Phagocytes die and form pus
e. Dead or damaged cells are removed and replaced by new cells = tissue repair

Human Health and Diseases8. The four phases of phagocytosis take place in the following order:
a. Adherence, ingestion, digestion, and opsonization
b. Chemotaxis, adherence, ingestion, and opsonization
c. Adherence, chemotaxis, ingestion, and digestion
d. Chemotaxis, adherence, ingestion, and digestion
e. Chemotaxis, adherence, digestion, ingestion

Human Health and Diseases1. Innate immunity includes all of the following
a. phagocytosis.
b. inflammation.
c. production of antibody.
d. production of interferon.
e. activation of complement.

Human Health and Diseases5. A chill is a sign that...
a. body temperature is falling.
b. body temperature is rising.
c. body temperature is not changing.
d. the metabolic rate is decreasing.
e. blood vessels are dilating.

Human Health and Diseases6. The complement system is...
a. part of the 2nd line of defense
b. part of the innate immune system
c. a defensive system that "complements" the function of the cells of the immune system
d. activated by antigen-antibody reactions
e. all of above

Human Health and DiseasesLive Attenuated Vaccines (LAVs)...
are the most effective type of vaccines
have the potential to harm individuals with weak immune system
are derived from pathogens that have been weakened in the lab
All options are correct
induce an excellent humoral as well as cellular immunity

Human Health and DiseasesWhat is/are the advantage/s of a conjugated polysaccharide vaccine over a pure polysaccharide vaccine?
All options are correct.
Induce a immune respond even in infants
Consistent level of protection from repeated doses
Longer-lasting protection

Human Health and DiseasesSubunit vaccines...
All options are correct
have the potential to harm individuals with weak immune system
can be produced by Recombinant DNA Technology
induce stronger immune response than LAVS
use any fragment from a microorganism

Human Health and DiseasesBriefly explain how herd immunity works. What role does vaccination play in this? Who especially benefits from herd immunity?

Human Health and DiseasesWhat is one advantage of an attenuated vaccine over an inactivated vaccine? What is one disadvantage?

Human Health and DiseasesWhat is the Ro (R naught) of SARS-CoV-2? How does is compare to the Ro for Influenza? Measles? How does Ro impact the spread of a disease?

Human Health and DiseasesWhat is the criteria used to say that a person no longer has HIV disease, but has progressed to having AIDS?
when circulating HIV RNA can be detected
when circulating, culturable HIV virions are detected
when they first get infected with HIV
their helper T-cell count has fallen below 200 cells/microliter

Human Health and DiseasesThere are several complications associated with AIDS._____ is caused by a yeast. Spores are easily inhaled and can lead to a non-productive cough.
Pneumocystis pneumonia
Systemic mycoses
Kaposi's sarcoma
B Lymphocyte tumors

Human Health and DiseasesWhich of the following immunological processes would require increased energy investment in an
Increase in antigen specific, neutralizing serum Immunoglobulin G levels
Decreased Cytotoxic T-lymphocyte response to a tumor
Increased antigen specific, Immunoglobulin G levels in response to self-antigens
All of the above

Human Health and DiseasesJoe, a 55-year-old type 2 diabetic, complained of a tingling sensation that extended from his spine around to the middle of his rib cage. Small blisters developed as an irritated vesicular red rash along a spinal nerve dermatome. Joe's lab work was positive for the varicella- zoster virus. Joe's current symptoms owe to a reactivation of a viral disease he contracted as a child. What primary disease led to his current disease?
Choose one:
A St. Anthony's fire
B. shingles
C. measles
D. chickenpox

Human Health and DiseasesThe immune system has __ "hard-wired" memory for encounters with invaders from the (ancient) past; whereas the ___ immunesystem has an "updatable" memory which allows us to better respond to invaders that we've previously encountered in our lifetime.
adaptive; innate
antibody; innate
innate; adaptive

Human Health and DiseasesInfants engage in __ by actively seeking emotional information from a trusted person in an uncertain situation.
emotional self-regulation
social referencing

Human Health and DiseasesThe information-processing perspective_
A examines separate aspects of thinking
B fails to consider biological influences on cognitive development
C applies only to children in cultures having formal schooling
D focuses on overall cognitive change

Human Health and DiseasesMalcolm X once stated "Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today." Discuss the significance of the quotation. Use specifics from the module and personal experiences to support your ideas. In two peer responses, provide an additional example. Do not repeat ideas!

Human Health and DiseasesSkin-associated lymphatic tissue (SALT), which is located just underneath the epidermal layer of the skin, is associated with which of the following organ systems?
(A) Digestive
(B) Endocrine
(C) Immune
(D) Secretory
(E) Nervous

Human Health and DiseasesWhich of the following is a red flag for low health literacy?
A. Unable to name medications, explain purpose, or providing dosing
B. Asks questions regarding tests results
C. Compliance with medications
D.Attends all scheduled health appointments

Human Health and DiseasesSickle cell disease (SCD) is an autosomal recessive condition that can be caused by mutations in the gene for
cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator

Human Health and DiseasesWhich of the following is a FALSE statement regarding Balantidium coli?
A) it moves using pseudopods
B) it may be acquired by the fecal-oral route
C) it is a protozoan
D) it may cause watery diarrhea in humans
E) it often is found in swine or other livestock

Human Health and DiseasesInfection with this pathogen can affect the central nervous system, resulting in
cognitive deficits, personality changes, swollen lymph nodes, and seizures and could
be fatal if untreated.
A) Giardia lamblia
B) Trypanosoma brucei
Trichomonas vaginalis
D) Plasmodium vivax

Human Health and DiseasesA group is planning a cross-country hike on the Pacific Crest Trail, from the Mexican border, through California, Oregon, and Washington, to the Canadian border. Which of the following should not be a concern for the group while on this trip?
Select one:
a. Powassan Virus
b. Valley Fever
c. Rabies
d. West Nile Encephalitis

Human Health and DiseasesWhich of the following statements regarding fecal transplant is correct?
Select one:
a. This treatment is designed to jump-start the intestinal microbiota after an infection with Clostridium difficile resuts in acute diarrhea.
b. Donors and recipients must be carefully matched to prevent an immune reaction in the recipient.
c. Fecal matter must be carefully disinfected and screened for viruses, cysts, and endospores before transfer to a recipient patient.
d. The goal is to completely eradicate Clostridium difficile from a patient's gut microbiota and replace it with a healthy community.

Human Health and DiseasesOf the following choices, which could be used in the treatment of a patient in order to determine the patient's cancer subtype?
Select one:
a. Transformation
b. PCR
c. Microarray analysis
d. Oryza sativa
e. Western Blot analysis

Human Health and DiseasesWhich of the following is NOT a benefit of normal Flora?
Normal flora are dangerous for our health
Normal flora synthesize and excrete vitamins
Normal flora antagonize other bacteria
Normal flora stimulates the immune system to produce cross reactive antibodies
Normal gflora prevent colonization by pathogens

Human Health and DiseasesExplain why Schistosomiasis is harmful to humans. In your response, include aspects of transmission, control, and management

Human Health and DiseasesThe clinical case described in the previous question is an example of...
healthcare-associated transmission
direct contact transmission
airborne transmission
vehicle transmission
transmission by fomites

Human Health and DiseasesGram-negative vibrio were observed in a stool sample from a man with bloody diarrhea, fever, and abdominal cramping. The man stated that he started feeling sick a couple of days after eating undercooked chicken. What is the full name of the bacteria causing this illness?
Salmonella enterica
Campylobacter jejuni
Escherichia coli
Clostridium perfringens